Rosnita Binti A Talib PDF
Rosnita Binti A Talib PDF
Rosnita Binti A Talib PDF
BSc (Food Sc & Tech), MSc. (Packaging Engineering) UPM
PhD (Materials Engineering) Sheffield, UK.
Department of Process and Food Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Email: [email protected]
Course Outcomes
Students are able to :
1. To describe the functions, basic packaging design elements and
2. To analyse various types of packaging materials for use on
appropriate food
3. To differentiate standard test methods for packaging quality
4. Describe various types of packaging equipment in food industry
Quiz 1:
Packaging functions range from those that are technical in nature to those
marketing oriented.
Technical Marketing
managers need a basic
packaging packaging
understanding of both
professionals professionals
marketing & technical needs,
need science & need artistic &
mixed with good business
engineering motivational
skills. understanding.
The Packaging Cycle
- A material life cycle: Tracing a
flow materials from raw resources –
finished packaging
Raw materials
These include raw inputs into the packaging materials stream
such as metal ores, wood fiber, oil, and energy.
Elements of the Packaging
Primary & Secondary converters
Primary converters - are the converters that will take raw materials and
convert them into a recognizable single material such as plastic resin
pellets, sheets of paper, or rolls of metal sheet.
Solid waste
End of life
Liquid waste
Airborne waste
seeding harvesting milling fermenting
Flexible Packaging TAPPI
Association of
Association (FPA)
Canada (PAC)
The environment will remain a major issue for the packaging industry. The driving
forces are threefold - the consumer, commercial interests, and government
legislation. On the commercial side, supply chain factors will play a key role as
companies in the retail chain respond to the environmental challenge. Recycling,
down-gauging and "simplicity" will remain on the agenda. Commercial reality will
ensure that it will be comparatively rare for a company to package a product
deliberately with more packaging than is necessary thus increasing cost and,
thereby, making the product less competitive. A clear understanding on safety,
environmental aspects related to packaging will produce more responsible
packaging producers and users. It is also important to understand that sustainability
in packaging is a balancing act between environment and consumption. Halal
packaging is also becoming more important as well as it’s certification and standard
due to marketability of products to over 50 million Halal consumers in Europe and
over 1.6 billion worldwide. Thus, this topic will also be discussed in this course.
Packaging for food are used widely in packing variety products including fresh
produces such as fruits, vegetables, as well as processed food and pharmaceutical
5. Robertson, G.L. (2006). Food Packaging - Principles and Practice (2nd Edition).
Boca Raton: CRC Press.
Lecture Topics:
1. Perspective on packaging
2. Environmental and sustainability aspects in packaging
3. Packaging functions
4. Elements of successful packaging
5. Paper and paperboard packaging
6. Glass packaging
7. Metal packaging
8. Plastic packaging
9. Halal packaging, certification and standard
10. Quality control in packaging
Laboratory topics:
TIME : 14:00-15:00 P.M. (1 HOUR)
NAME : _________________________________________
SIGNATURE : _________________________________________
1. What are the basic functions of packaging?
i. Contain iii. Protect
ii. Inform iv. Convenient
7. A responsible package designer must understands these two important environmental issues. What are
(A) Labelling requirements
(B) Sustainability and 4Rs concept
(C) Available machineries
(D) Customs and social habits
8. Amongst the elements of 4Rs, which one shall be the first choice of any packaging producer to be
responsible to the environment?
(A) Recycle
(B) Recover
(C) Reuse
(D) Reduce
(A) i and ii
(B) i and iv
(C) ii and iv
(D) ii and iii
10. Irresponsible package designer and user will cause these problems to environment.
i. Acid rain iii. ecotoxicity
ii. Toxicity iv. Clean river
(A) i, ii and iii
(B) ii, iii and iv
(C) i, ii and iv
(D) i, ii, iii and iv
15. Packaging industry is a major consumer of materials thus resulted a significant production of waste
materials. What are the possible wastes?
(A) Solid, liquid, airborne wastes.
(B) Solid, chemical, waterborne wastes.
(C) Solid, fluid, waterborne wastes.
(D) Solid, semi-solid, airborne wastes.
(A) i and ii
(B) i and iii
(C) i and iv
(D) ii and iii
19. Arrange different levels of packaging according to the correct ascending order.
i. Breakfast cereal in Aluminium bag iii. Decorated paperboard carton
ii. Corrugated brown carton iv. Unit load
(A) i, ii and iv
(B) i, ii, and iii
(C) i, iii and iv
(D) iv only
21. Which one is not the correct packaging type based on physical form.
(A) Flexible
(B) Semi flexible
(C) Rigid
(D) Hard
25. Choose the problems associated with transport function in packaging.
i. Vibration iii. Mechanical shock
ii. Abrasion iv. Deformation
(A) i, ii and iv
(B) i, ii, and iii
(C) i, ii, iii and iv
(D) iv only
27. Packaging design objectives encompass two components which are ________________________.
i. structural and material iii. shape
ii. graphic design iv. colour
28. Which of the following packaging material-structures provide an appropriate believable pesona.
i. glass-rigid iii. metal-semi-rigid
ii. paperboard-rigid iv. plastic-flexible
29. White space in pharmaceutical packages reflects _______________.
i. purity iii. hygiene
ii. sterility iv. cleanliness
14 Elements for Successful
•Connects form, structure, materials, color, imagery, typography & ancillary
design elements with product information to make a product suitable for
Successful marketing.
•Example: consider all 5 senses, not merely the visual impact e.g. the pop
package of a cork, perfumed ink, special texture
Design •Distinctive
•Ability to run on existing equipment at required speed & efficiencies.
•Strength requirements for warehousing etc.
Primary package
Is the inner undecorated Al bag.
Main function – to contain & preserve the product, &
to a lesser extent, protect it.
Secondary package
Is a paperboard carton, provides physical
protection, informs the consumer &
motivates the purchase decision.
Shipping container
12 cartons are packed into a corrugated shipping
container to protect the product & to facilitate
manual handling & warehousing. The information
printed on the corrugated shipper primarily to
identifies the product for distribution purposes.
Unit load Corrugated shippers are assembled into a single unit of unit
load, to facilitate mass handling during distribution.
Quiz 2: Shrink wrap!!!!
Is it Primary ??
Secondary ??
Tertiary package??
Is it Primary ??
Secondary ??
Tertiary package??
Packaging types-intended
In addition, packages are often defined by their intended destination or end-
Consumer packaging Industrial packaging
- The package that will ultimately reach -A package for delivering goods from
the consumer as a unit of sale from a manufacturer to manufacturer. It is
merchandising outlet. usually, but not always, contains
- Small units in large number goods or materials for further
- Attractive decorations
-Larger & heavier units,
- Directed towards retails and -No attempt appealing to the eyes
households - E.g. Fibre drums, gunny bag.
- E.g. Consumable goods – food,
Packaging types-commodity
Food packaging
Pharmaceutical packaging
Medical device packaging
Electronic packaging
Cosmetic packaging
Chemical packaging
Hazardous materials packaging
Packaging types- different
physical form
-This involves various transport modes, handling techniques & storage conditions.
-In addition to the general physical rigors of distribution, there are number of carrier
rules that will influence the package design.
- A good packaging contributes to the safe, economical & efficient storage of a product.
-For example, laws & customs dictate certain messages, without much leeway in their
-However, to promote the contained product effectively, a package must appeal to the
potential customer at all levels. The package itself communicates by many channels
such as:
Selected material Predominant typography
Shape & size Recognizable symbols or icons
Illustrations Colour
1. health consciousness (nutrient and
additive contents)
2. family size/singles (different portions)
3. economy (various sizes, quality levels)
Past 4. mobility (convenience items)
5. novelty (152 new food and drug items
were introduced in the U.S. in June
Package are 1982)
designed to contain, 6. labeling requirements (contents and
preserve & transport. directions)
7. available equipment (products for the
freezer or microwave)
8. time and convenience to purchase and
Current Trends of Packaging use (various available sizes, complete
meals in a package)
9. consumerism (consumer complaints
Package design are planned have the highest influence on
to reflect the many changing pharmaceutical and health-related
social & economic trends in products)
the world Factors ? 10.customs and social habits (beverage
11.environmental concerns (reduced,
PACKAGE DESIGN - objectives
Structural & materials component
encompasses the features & characteristics that fulfill
the package’s technical & physical requirements/
configurations: containment, protection/preservation,
convenience & the Q s that facilitate transport &
distribution as well as provide the physical surface on
which the packaging design exists.
A package
Graphic component
encompasses the features & characteristics that
attract & inform the consumer & motivate a
purchase decision. E.g. surgace decorations,
although form/ material /shape are equally
Packaging material - structure
Physical shape & choice of material are very important factors in producing a
believable persona.
•Blister Aluminium packs
Basic design elements
the actual package outline or outline of an illustration or body of text. Length:width
proportions of 2:3 & 3:5 are the most pleasing. Length:width proportions of 2:3 & 3:5
are boring.
How large or small the object or design is. Size can be physical or perceptual.
Can attract attention & affects the moods or persona of the package. Colour can also
add expense to the package.
Perceived or real smoothness or roughness. It involves the sense of touch. Consider
the difference between a plastic bag & paper bag. Texture can be created using
graphic patterns or textured substrate.
Basic design elements
The lightness or darkness. Darker colours appear heavier than lighter ones.
Can be straight or curved, heavy or light, rough or smooth, continuous or broken.
Certain line orientations can create different feelings:
Horizontal: calm Vertical: dignity
Diagonal: vitality Curved: grace
Converging: distance Shadows: volume
Can attract attention & affects the moods or persona of the package. Colour can also
add expense to the package.
Balance & Unity
In addition, the following considerations contribute to a package’s balance &
All elements must tie together in a sense of harmony & belonging. Every
element has to fit so that if one part is removed, it will be missed.
White space can be a “negative” design element. If there is too much
white space inside the design, it “falls” apart. Use it around the outer
edges. However, white is a common element in pharmaceutical packaging
where it is associated with cleanliness & sterility.
Thank you
What are the emerging trends & current
issues in Malaysia & Worldwide?
Phthalates, which are widely used as plasticizers, are one prominent example
for endocrine-disrupting chemicals that may lead to male infertility, genital
malformations and cancer.
2. Halal Issues
3. Halal Issues-continued.
2. Cardia Bioplastics, an Australian
developer and manufacturer of
sustainable plastics and packaging has
received Halal certification for a new
range of resins. (Food Magazine, 2 July,
What is HALAL ?
Halal originates from an Arabic phrase that means allowed or permitted by Islamic Law.
The opposite of Halal is Haram / non-Halal that means forbidden and prohibited.
Any food or drink which lies within the grey area and does not fall clearly under the
Halal or non-Halal category is classified as Syubhah’, alternatively called questionable or
dubious. In this category, until the status becomes clear, Muslims should avoid
consuming Syubhah food or drinks.
The general principle concerning food according to Islamic teachings is that everything
is Halal except impurity (or mixed with impurity), harmful and intoxicant. Therefore, it is
compulsory for Muslims to eat good and healthy food and to avoid all that is forbidden
by Allah.
Halal Certification is a process by which a Government-controlled Agency or a credible
Islamic organization certifies (Board) that a company's products can be lawfully consumed
by Muslims. Those who meet the criteria for certification are issued with Halal Certificates
and they may use the Halal symbol on their products and for advertising.
Halal food certification refers to the examination of food processes in its preparation,
laughtering, cleaning, processing, handling, disinfecting, storing, transportation and
management practices. The application of halal should apply to all stages of processing
"from farm to table".
Food labeling laws around the world require that claims made on the product label be
certified as true. A "Halal Certified" stamp on a label is often seen by Muslim customers as
a sign of a trustworthy or genuine product. Such a stamp may even be required for the
export of food to certain Muslim countries.
The Government has, since 2003, streamlined the implementation of the Halal
JAKIM is responsible for issuing the certificates for halal products for exports and
imports, while the state governments issue halal certificates for local consumption.
While the state governments issue halal certificates for local consumption.
In Malaysia
A new Halal label was also introduced by JAKIM in 2003 for the purpose of coordinating
the use of a uniformed label at federal as well as state level. Earlier the fifteen different
labels used by the states and JAKIM had caused confusion among applicants and
The new label when issued by the state will bear a state code in the label, while the label
issued by JAKIM will not have any code number.
The new label has been registered under the Trade Mark Act 1976 and the Trade Mark
Regulations 1997. ThisAct that would enable JAKIM (Malaysian Islamic Development
Department) to carry out enforcement on Halal certificate and logo.
Enhance marketability of products to over 50 million Halal
consumers in Europe & over 1.6 billion worldwide.
If planning to export products, Halal certificate will help the
company to meet the importing countries requirements.
If your product is used as an ingredient by your customer, then it
will help your customer to obtain Halal certification & thus
maintain your customers & may also increase sales.
Halal certified products can be advertised as Halal & can also
display the registered trademark Halal logo on their packaging,
hence making the products readily acceptable by Halal
HALAL Certification
• Does not contain any parts or products of animals that are non-Halal to Muslims or
products of animals which are not slaughtered according to Shari’ah law,
• Does not contain any ingredients that are Najs according to Shari’ah law,
• Is safe and not harmful,
• Is not prepared, processed or manufactured using equipment that is contaminated
with things that are Najs (filth or unclean) according to Shari’ah law,
• The food or its ingredients do not contain any human parts or its derivatives that
are not permitted by Shari’ah law,
• And during its preparation, processing, packaging, storage or transportation, the
food is physically separated from any other food that does not meet the
requirements stated in any above items, or any other things that have been
decreed as Najs (filth or unclean) by Shari’ah law.
What is HALAL FOOD ?
Malaysia has defined Halal food through its MS1500:2009: Halal Food –
Production, Preparation, Handling & Storage – General Guideline (Second
Revision) as food permitted under Shari’ah and fulfills the following conditions:
• Does not contain any parts or products of animals that are non-Halal to Muslims or
products of animals which are not slaughtered according to Shari’ah law,
• Does not contain any ingredients that are Najs according to Shari’ah law,
• Is safe and not harmful,
• Is not prepared, processed or manufactured using equipment that is contaminated
with things that are Najs (filth or unclean) according to Shari’ah law,
• The food or its ingredients do not contain any human parts or its derivatives that
are not permitted by Shari’ah law,
• And during its preparation, processing, packaging, storage or transportation, the
food is physically separated from any other food that does not meet the
requirements stated in any above items, or any other things that have been
decreed as Najs (filth or unclean) by Shari’ah law.
According to MS 1500:2009
3.7 Packaging, labelling and advertising
3.7.1 Halal food shall be suitably packed. Packaging materials shall be halal in nature and
shall fulfill the following requirements:
a) the packaging materials shall not be made from any raw materials that are decreed as
najs by Shariah law;
b) it is not prepared, processed or manufactured using equipment that is contaminated
with things that are najs as decreed by Shariah law;
c) during its preparation, processing, storage or transportation, it shall be physically
separated from any other food that does not meet the requirements stated in item a) or
b) or any other things that have been decreed as najs by Shariah law;
d) the packaging material does not have any toxic effect on the ha/al food; and
e) packaging design, sign, symbol, logo, name and picture shall not be misleading and/or
contravening the principles of Shariah law.
According to MS 1500:2009
3.7 Packaging, labelling and advertising
3.7.2 Packing process shall be carried out in a clean and hygienic manner and in sound
sanitary conditions.
3.7.3 Labelling material used in direct contact with the product shall be non-hazardous and
3.7.4 Halal food and halal artificial flavour shall not be named or synonymously named after
non halal products such as ham, bak kut teh, bacon, beer, rum and others that might create
3.7.5 Each container shall be marked legibly and indelibly or a label shall be attached to the
container, with the following information:
a) name of the product;
b) nett content expressed in metric system (SI units);
c) name and address of the manufacturer, importer and/or distributor and trademark;
d) list of ingredients;
e) code number identifying date and/or batch number of manufacture and expiry date; and
f) country of origin.
According to MS 1500:2009
3.7.6 For primary meat products, the label or mark shall also include the following
a) date of slaughter; and
b) date of processing.
3.7.7 Advertising shall not contravene with the principles of Shariah law and shall not
display indecent elements which are against Shariah law.
Thank you
Sources & Preparation of Fiber
Raw material - wood fibers derived from logs, wood chips etc.
(fiber sources) - recovered wastepaper
- non wood fibers e.g. straw, hemp, cotton, flax, bast (e.g. linen,
cotton) & other materials are used to some extent domestically.
1. Fiber source
2. Fiber length
3. How the fiber was extracted & prepared for papermaking
4. The machine on which the paper was made
5. Treatments given on the finished paper
Shorter Longer
fiber length Tensile strength fiber length
Burst strength
Lower Higher
values Tear strength values
Fold endurance
Good (evenness of fiber distribution)
formation formation (poorer)
- Will have properties inherited from the original fiber source, but with provision that
every repulping process degrades & reduces fiber length.
-Recycled kraft will still have good strength although not as much as virgin kraft.
•Hemicelluloses are short, branched chains of glucose and other sugar molecules. They
fill in space in the plant wall. Hemicelluloses are more soluble in water and are thus often
removed during the pulping process.
•Lignin is a three dimensional phenolic polymer network or natural adhesive that holds
the cellulose fibres together and makes them rigid. It is chemically not stable as cellulose
& discolors readily, and also not water soluble and so can’t be easily removed by simple
water washing. Chemical pulping and bleaching processes selectively remove the lignin
without significantly degrading the cellulose fibres.
Softwood Hardwood
Cellulose content 42% +/- 2% 45% +/- 2%
Lignin content 28% +/- 3% 20% +/- 4%
Extractives content 3% +/- 2% 5% +/- 3%
Fibre length 2-6 mm 0.6-1.5 mm
Coarseness 15-35 mg/100 mm
Wood Types
Characteristics of softwood and hardwood fibres
Trees can be divided into two general classes - softwoods and hardwoods. Softwood trees are conifers -
e.g., southern pine, Douglas fir, spruce. Hardwood trees lose their leaves every year. Examples include
birch, aspen, red gum.
Softwood fibres with their length and coarseness are generally used to provide strength to a sheet of
paper. Hardwood fibres, being finer and more conformable, give a sheet of paper its smooth printing
surface and opacity. Hardwood fibres are also easier to bleach to high brightness because they have
less lignin.
Paper generally consists of a blend of hardwood and softwood pulps to meet the strength and printing
surface demands of the customer.
Pulping methods
- a process of making pulp.
-In the pulping , water gets b/w lamellae & cause the fibers to swell and then break outer skin, so
that the individual fibrils (small fiber strands) can extend out and interlock with the hairy surface of
other fibers. Individual fibrils will increase as much as 20% in diameter when thoroughly wet, but
only about 3% in length.
-Whiter pulps can be prepared by bleaching the natural pulps with chlorine-containing
compounds or hydrogen peroxide. However, this process reduces the mechanical strength of
the final paper.
Internal Sizing, Additives & Wet-End
- There are a variety of sizing agents & additives can be added to the pulp in preparation
for pulp making:
a) Sizing agents: additives to help control water & ink penetration. Hard-sized
papers (high sizing paper) are very water resistant & slack-sized papers are vice
b) Starches, gums: to improve burst & tensile strength, stiffness & pick resistance.
- Furnish = mixture of fiber, water ( approx. 98%) & additives that fed to the papermaking
Paper Making Machine
-first section.
-Pulp may be delivered to the paper machine in a slurry form (a mixture of 0.5% fiber and 99.5%
water) directly from the pulping process. Alternatively, pulp may be supplied in dried sheets which
are then broken down in water to produce a similar slurry, before being fed to the refiners in the
wet end where the fibers are subjected to high pressure pulses between bars on rotating refiner
discs. This action causes the fibrils of the fibers to partially detach and bloom outward. After
refining the pulp is mixed with some of the following: sizing, fillers, colors, retention aid and waste
paper called broke to a stock, and passed on the headbox. Washing is done in pressurized
screens and hydrocyclones and also deaeration is done.
-The stock then enters the headbox, a unit that disperses the stock and loads it onto a moving
wire mesh conveyor with a jet from an opening called the slice. The streaming in the jet makes
some fibres align. This alignment can partly be taken away by adjusting the speed difference
between the jet and the wire. The wire revolves around the Fourdrinier table, from breast roll
under the headbox over the couch to the forward drive roll, foils under the wire are creating low
pressure pulses that will vibrate and partly deflocculate the fibres while water is removed.
-Later on Suction boxes below the wire gently remove water from the pulp with a slight vacuum
and near the end of the wire section the couch will remove water with higher vacuum.
(1) Wet-end
-The second section, which removes the most water via a system of nips formed by rolls
pressing against each other aided by press felts. This is the most efficient method of dewatering
the sheet as only mechanical pressing is required. Press felts historically were made from
cotton. However, today they are nearly 100% synthetic. They are made up of a polyester woven
fabric with thick batt applied in a specific design to maximise water absorption.
-Presses can be single or double felted. A single felted press has a felt on one side and a
smooth roll on the other. A double felted press has both sides of the sheet in contact with a
press felt. Single felted nips are useful when mated against a smooth top roll, which adds a two-
sidedness—making the top side appear smoother than the bottom. Double felted nips increase
roughness, as generally, press felts.
-Conventional roll presses are configured with one of the press rolls is in a fixed position, with a
mating roll being loaded against this fixed roll. The felts run through the nips of the press rolls
and continues around a felt run, normally consisting of several felt rolls. During the dwell time in
the nip, the moisture from the sheet is transferred to the press felt. When the press felt exits the
nip and continues around, a vacuum box known as an Uhle Box applies vacuum (normally -60
kPa) to the press felt to remove the moisture so that when the felt returns to the nip on the next
cycle, it does not add moisture to the sheet.
(2) Wet Press section
-Pickup roll presses are vacuum assisted rolls loaded against plain press rolls (usually a roll in
a centre position). These are generally found in machines built in the 1970s–1980s. Pickup
roll presses normally have a vacuum box that has two vacuum zones (low vacuum and high
vacuum). These rolls have a large number of drilled holes in the cover to allow the vacuum to
pass from the stationary vacuum box through the rotating roll covering.
-The low vacuum zone picks up the sheet and transfers, while the high vacuum zone attempts
to remove moisture. Unfortunately, centrifugal force usually flings out vacuumed water—
making this less effective for dewatering. Pickup presses also have standard felt runs with
Uhle boxes. However, pickup press design is quite different, as air movement is important for
the pickup and dewatering facets of its role.
-Crown Controlled Rolls (also known as CC Rolls) are usually the mating roll in a press
arrangement. They have hydraulic cylinders in the press rolls that ensure that the roll does not
bow. The cylinders connect to a shoe or multiple shoes to keep the crown on the roll flat, to
counteract the natural "bend" in the roll shape due to applying load to the edges.
(2) Wet Press section
-Extended Nip Presses (or ENP) are a relatively modern alternative to conventional roll
presses. The top roll is usually a standard roll, while the bottom roll is actually a large CC
roll with an extended shoe curved to the shape of the top roll, surrounded by a rotating
rubber belt rather than a standard roll cover. The goal of the ENP is to extend the dwell
time of the sheet between the two rolls thereby maximising the dewatering. Compared to a
standard roll press that achieves up to 35% solids after pressing, an ENP brings this up to
45% and higher—delivering significant steam savings or speed increases.
(3) Dryer section
The dryer section of the paper machine, as its name suggests, dries the pulp by way of a
series of steam-heated rollers that stretch the web somewhat, removing the moisture until
only 4-8% of moisture remains. Additional sizing agents, including resins, glue, or starch, can
be added to the web to alter its characteristics. Sizing improves the paper's water resistance,
decreases its ability to fuzz, reduces abrasiveness, and improves its printing properties and
surface bond strength. Some paper machines also make use of a 'coater' to apply a coating
of fillers such as calcium carbonate or china clay.
(4) Calender (machine finished) section
A calender consists of a number of rolls, where pressure and heat is applied to the passing
paper. Calenders are used to make the paper surface extra smooth and glossy. It also gives
it a more uniform thickness. The pressure applied to the web by the rollers determines the
finish of the paper.
After calendering, the web has a moisture content of about 4-8% (depending on the furnish).
It is wound onto a roll called a tambour, and stored for final cutting and shipping. The roll
hardness should be checked, obtained and adjusted accordingly to insure that the roll
hardness is within the acceptable range for the product.
Cylinder Machines
Rotates a screen drum in a vat of furnish. As the paper pours through the screen,
fiber accumulates on the outside of the screen. This thin layer of matted fiber is
transferred onto a moving felt belt that passes sequentially over further rotating
cylinders, each of which deposits another fiber layer.
Cylinder machines dewater furnish at the cylinder & paste a thin layer of fiber against
the felt. The fiber of subsequent layers is weak.
Brightness- measure of the total reflectance of white light.
Between 0 & 90% RH, the dimensions can change 0.8% in the MD &
1.6% in CD. Such a difference can play havoc with printing & die-cutting
If paper gain moisture & expands while the surfacing laminate or coating
remains the same, the paper will curl towards the surfacing material.
Paper Characterisation
When it dries, it will shrink & curl away from the surfacing material.
Paper Types
Newsprint & related grades
Newsprint composed of up to 95% economical mechanical or groundwood pulp.
Newsprint has relatively low brightness, typically 55 to 65, & has low physical strength.
Newspaper inks are primarily oil & carbon, & high oil absorbency is a desirable
characteristic in newsprint.
Book papers
Mostly based on mechanical pulp, but are sized & clay coated to varying degrees to
improve surface appearance & printing qualities.
Commercial papers
Are used for higher-quality journals & books & for general office purposes. Brightness
usually ranges from 73 to 85. Papers used for photocopying are designed to withstand
the heat of photocopying process with a minimum paper curl & distortion. They also
must have controlled electrostatic surface resistance to provide uniform image
Paper Types
Greaseproof papers
Are made from a chemical pulps that have been highly refined to break up fiber bundles.
The fine fibers pack densely, providing for a structure that does not readily absorb fluids.
Glassine papers are supercalendered, semitransparent greaseproof paper. Greaseproof
papers used for snack foods, cookies, butter etc.
Tissue papers
“tissue” is generic term for any light paper. In packaging tissue is used for protective
wrapping & as a laminating component.
Paper Types
Label papers
Similar to book papers. Most papers used for label printing are clay coated on one or both
sides. Coated paper can be made in matte, dull, gloss & high-gloss finishes. Cast-coated
paper is made by drying a clay coating in contact with a heated highly polished chromed
drum. The process results in very smooth, extremely glossy surface.
Pouch papers
Are supercalendered virgin kraft papers that have been treated with a plasticiser to make
them more pliable. They are high density, very strong & smooth surface finish. Pouch
papers treated to have alkali resistance are used for soap wrappers.
Food Board
Highly sized solid bleached sulphate (SBS) paperboards are often called food board.
Used for wet foods, frozen food cartons etc where good performance under wet
condition is important.
Thank you
Plastics Processes
& Applications
Selecting Material & Process
- Plastics are synthetic materials
• Common capability of of being flow molded or shaped by application &
removal of heat & pressure.
- Thermoplastic materials are fully polymerized products that when
subjected to sufficient heat, will soften. Pressure makes them flow &
assume new forms, so when they are cooled will form to a useful
- Scrap or defective shapes can be remelted & reprocessed.
- The easy formability & economic recovery of recycled material make
thermoplastics the material of choice for many packaging applications.
Selecting Material & Process
- Polymers that have not fully completed their polymerization reaction, but
do so when activated, usually by heat, thus resulting cross-linked in
the product.
- It will not be soften again by heat & cannot be reprocessed or reshaped.
- Phenol, urea & melamine formaldehyde – used for specialty closures.
-In all thermoplastic shaping methods, the plastic must first be heated to a point
where the material has a plasticity or fluidity appropriate to the intended molding
Profile extrusion
A plasticating extruder.
Most plastics are colored by
adding color concentrates
along with polymer resin at
the feed hopper. Auxiliary
hoppers are used to meter
in colorants, antistatic
agents & other additives.
Sheet extrusion is an application of profile extrusion, but it uses a die with a slot orifice (the
die is also called “coat-hanger” or “T-shape” dies).
The dies have narrow opening between the die lips through which the plastic melt is
extruded in a thin film.
The film is immediately cooled & solidified on chill rolls. The dies can be a metre or more
Depending on thickness, the end product may be called “film” or “sheet”. This films are
called “cast film”.
Thicker sheet is used for thermoforming or is die-cut & folded into carton-type constructions
similar to paperboard cartons. Thinner extruded films are used alone or laminated with other
materials in a variety of flexible packaging applications.
Sheet & Film Extrusion
Cross-section of a
blown-film die.
- Plastic film can also be manufactured by extruding the polymer through a circular die into a
closed circular bubble & expanding the bubble with air.
-The material is extruded upward, & by pulling the inflated bubble upward & continuously
extruding more plastic, a continuous seamless tube of thin film is created.
-Air flow along the outside of the bubble provides cooling & an air cushion.
-After the film has cooled, it is flattened in a collapsing frame & wound into rolls. The bubble
can be wound up as a seamless tube, or it can be cut to length & sealed at one end to make
seamless plastic bags. Alternatively, it can be slit & rolled into one or several flat film rolls.
-The blown film process is use to make nearly all PE & other films.
Blown-film extrusion -
A blown-film line that produces a tubular film that is slit into two flat sheets.
-Both cast & blown film extrusion dies can be designed to be fed from more than one
extruder, thus producing a sheet composed of two or more different materials.
-Co-extrusion systems feeding as many as 7 different layers through 1 die block have been
-High polymer viscosity limits the mixing of the extruded layers, so they exist as separate
layers in the finished product.
-Advantage of co-extrusion, the performance of two dissimilar materials can be achieved.
-For example, heat-sealable PE is extruded onto materials that have poor heat-sealing
characteristics, or a high-barrier polymer might be extruded between protective layers of a
less costly low-barrier material.
Injection molding
-Injection molding uses a powerful extruder with the capability to inject a precise amount of
resin into a fully enclosed mold.
-Very high hydraulic pressures drive hot, relatively viscous molten material through the
chilled passages of a part mold & fill the cavity before the plastic solidifies.
-The process requires substantial molds that will not flex or move under extreme
temperature & pressure. An 8-cavity mold for margarine tubs may weight upward of a ton.
This required mold mass & the tooling’s complexity makes injection molding the highest in
tooling cost of the plastic forming methods.
Injection molding - continued
- The extruder section of an injection molding machine will ejecting a precise amount,
or “shot”, of polymer melt into the mold.
-Ram-screw-type machines (reciprocating screw) use a melt-conveyance screw
designed to provide reciprocal as well as rotaty motion, combining the function of
screw & piston.
-Disadvantage of this system is that a great deal of power is required to move the
entire screw & its attendant load of plastic resin.
-Screw-plunger or 2-stage machines have a separate chamber & pistonfor injecting
the molten polymer, allowing for faster injection of the plastic into the mold.
-The mold cavity is exactly in the form of desired part. When the part has cooled, the
mold opens & the part is ejected.
Extrusion blow molding
Thermoplastic bottles are made by one of two processes:
Extrusion blow molding (EBM)- detergent, oil & other
household chemical bottles. Types of polymers including PE,
Injection blow molding (IBM)
EBM processes:
-A hollow plastic tube, or parison, is extruded.
-While in a soft & formable state, the parison is captured between the mating halves of a
bottle mold.
-Air is blown into the hollow parison, stretching the deformable parison to conform to the
mold walls. The newly formed bottle is held in the mold until it cools sufficiently to retain its
Extrusion blow molding
IBM processes:
-IBM combines injection molding & blow molding.
-Instead of extruding a parison, as in EBM, a parison or “preform” is injection molded.
-The injection molding of a preform allows more exact control over material distribution
than available when extruding a parison.
-After the preform injection cycle, the preform, still retained on the core pin, is transferred
to the blow-molding station.
-The final blow molding operation is similar to extrusion blow molding.
-Economics generally confines IBM to higher volume production, since two molds are
required to make a container: the injection mold(s) to produce the preform & the
companion blow mold(s) to blow the container.
Rotational molding
-A variation of IBM, injection-stretch blow molding (ISBM), uses a rod to stretch the preform
during blowing.
-In a typical operation, at the point that the core rod touches the bottom of the preform, a
small amount of air is introduced to start the blowing process.
-When the core rod reaches the bottom of the mold, the full volume of inflating air is
-This mechanical stretching orients the polymer molecules & improves stiffness & barrier
Thermoforming methods
The material is pulled to the
mold shape when a vacuum is
applied between the mold &
sheet interfaces.
Microwave-compatible plastic
tray can be thermoformed PP,
PS or crystallised PET (CPET).
-The core part of the die simply pushes the softened plastic into the matching cavity half.
-Matched dies can be used only for shallow draws. Material distribution is poor.
-Vacuum forming into a cavity mold or over a plug mold is the simplest form of vacuum
-Vacuum holes are required in the cavity’s lowest point.
-Cavity molds allow for easier part removal, since the hot plastic shrinks away from the
cavity when it cools, whereas the cooled plastic will tend to tighten around a plug mold.
Rotational molding
Configuration of a typical
rotational molding machine.
As with the thermosets, the core forces the molten plastic to conform to the mold
Thank you
Cans & Containers
Metal packaging form
Metal packaging form provides sanitary food can. Thermal processing of food
packed into hand-soldered cylindrical metal cans started in the early 1980s & developed
into a major industry.
1. Being relatively inexpensive.
2. Capable of being thermally processed.
3. Rigid.
4. Easy to process on high-speed lines.
5. Readily recyclable.
6. Offer total gas & light barriers.
• Originally, all steels containers were
fabricated from flat sheets that were
cut to size, bent to shape &
mechanically clinched or soldered to
hold the final shape.
-These food cans were of three-piece can
construction –a formed sidewall & a top
and bottom end.
• Now , ways of drawing metal (shaping Three-piece (left) & two-piece (right) can
metal by pushing it through a die) construction.
were developed.
-Shallow drawn containers with friction
or slip covers were used for pastes,
greases & other semisolid products. -
Later, two-piece shallow drawn cans with Two-piece can construction have a body &
double-seamed (folded) bends were bottom in a single piece with a separate
used for sardines. attached end.
Two-piece vs. Three-piece cans
-Two-piece cans reduced material usage,
improved appearance & elimination of a possible
leakage location.
-Three-piece cans can easily be changed in length
& diameter.
-Two-piece cans require more elaborate tooling
that is dedicated to one can form.
Common types of metal
Low carbon steel-are the most common form of steel, containing approx. 0.05 to
0.15% of carbon.
Tin (Sn), a chemical element belonging to the carbon family, Group 14 (IVa) of the
periodic table.). Tin is widely used for plating steel cans used as food containers, in
metals used for bearings, and in solder.
Lead (Pb).
Aluminium (Al).
Common metal container shapes
-Adhesive bonding, or cementing, uses a thermoplastic (or other) adhesive extruded onto a
hot can blank. The blank is shaped into a cylinder on a body former, the hot thermoplastic
adhesive is applied, & the seam is “bumped” & quickly chilled to set the bond.
-To solder a can, engaging hooks are bent into the can blank similar to that for a mechanical
seam. Molten lead lead-or tin-based solder is flowed into the seam. Lead extraction by food
products is always a potential problem. Soldered food cans no longer permitted in North
America, but, some soldering is still done for non-food applications.
Three-piece steel cans
-All three-piece can bodies are pressure-tested & have the ends flanged to receive the
can top & bottom ends.
-The can maker plies one can end & sends the other end to the user for double seaming
after the can is filled.
-Sanitary food cans that may be thermally processed in a retort have beads pattern
embossed into the can sidewalls; the pattern improve resistance to collapse because of
external pressure. This prevent paneling during pressure differentials encountered during
retorting & enables the can to withstand an internal vacuum.
Three-piece steel cans
-Can ends intended for thermal processing are stamped with a series of circular expansion
panels. This allows the ends to move so that the contents inside the can are able to expand &
contract without bulging or otherwise distorting the can.
-The chich panel is designed to give the proper clearance to the double-seaming chuck used
to seal the can end to the body.
-A vital can-end component is the compound applied around the perimeter curl. It acts as a
sealant when the ends is mated & double-seamed to the can body.
Two-piece drawn cans
There are 3 methods of making steel or aluminium
two-piece cans:
Draw and redraw (D&D)
Draw and iron (D&I)
Draw process
-A shallow-profile can – is the one whose height is less than its diameter – can
be drawn directly from a circular metal blank.
-The metal blank is stamped or drawn through a die & re-formed into a new
-The thickness of the finished can sidewall & bottom remain essentially as in the
original blank. The process is sometimes referred to as “shallow draw”.
Two-piece drawn cans
Draw-and-redraw process
-A single-draw operation is limited in how far the metal can be reshaped.
-cans having a height equal to or greater than the can’s diameter will usually
require a second draw, is called the “draw-and-redraw” process .
-The first draw produces a shallow cup. The second reduces the diameter as the
can is deepened.
-Cans having a height significantly greater than the can diameter would require
a third draw.
-If the container is to be thermally processed, sidewall beads are rolled into the
walls in a separate step. Body flanges for engaging the can end are rolled on in a
manner similar to that used in three-piece can manufacturing.
Two-piece drawn cans
2. They have the best dead-fold characteristic (ability to flattened or rolled up). This
feature is particularly important for some pharmaceutical applications, where air
suck-back into the partly empty tube could contaminate the contents or expose the
product to oxygen.
3. They can be decorated in a manner that takes advantage of their metallic character.
4. They have a wide range of internal lining options because of the metal’s ability to
withstand high curing temperatures.
5. By using heavier slugs, strong cylinders can be made by impact extrusion. These
cylinders hold special greases & has a major application for aerosol products.
Thank you
Glass Types & General Properties
Glass – refers to an inorganic substance fused at high temperatures & cooled quickly so
that it solidifies in a vitreous or noncrystalline condition. That is, the molecular structure
of the solid glass is practically the same as liquid glass, but the cooled glass is so viscous
that the mass has become rigid.
Glass has no distinct melting or solidifying temperatures. There is gradual softening with
heat & gradual solidifying with cooling.
Most commercial glass or soda-
lime-silica or simply soda-lime
glass containers are made from
abundant raw materials:
Glass is the only packaging material rated “GRAS” or “generally regarded as safe” by
the U.S. FDA.
Advantages of glass as packaging
2. Premium Image
-Recycling glass reduces consumption of raw materials, extends the life of plant
equipment, such as furnaces, and saves energy.
-Energy costs drop about 2-3% for every 10% recycled glass used in the glass making
process. Recycling one glass bottle saves enough energy to power a 60-watt bulb for four
hours, a computer for 30 minutes or a television for 20 minutes.
-Every 10% increase in recycled glass =
• 10% decrease in sulfur dioxide (SO2)
• 6% decrease in nitrogen oxide (NOx)
• 17% reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2)
• 2.5% reduction in electricity and natural gas
• 6 oC reduction in furnace temperature
• 9.5% reduction in raw materials
Advantages of glass as packaging
5. Rigidity
1. Brittle/Breakability
2. Energy intensive
Glass manufacturing is energy intensive & high energy costs will affect the
cost of glass.
Commercial glass manufacturing
-Commercial glass is made in gas-fired melting or
furnaces lined with high temperature refractory
-Premixed raw materials are continuously fed into
one end of the furnace while gas-fired heating
flames are directed over the glass surface from the
firing ports located along the furnace sides.
-The raw materials fuse into glass at about 1510°C (2750°F), accompanied by the release of carbon
dioxide gas from the decomposition of carbonate ingredients.
-The released gases & convection currents serve to mix the glass. This process also produced non-
environmentally nitrogen oxides. Newer furnaces are using oxygen instead of air, eliminating possible
pollution source, while also reducing the overall energy requirement by up to one-third.
-The hot flue gases are passed through some form of heat exchanger that is used to heat incoming cold
air or oxygen.
-Cullet (as much as 80% of the batch charge) is added to enhance melting rate & significantly reduce the
energy requirements.
-The surface level of the molten glass at the furnace draw-off orifice is about 4 metres above the bottle-
manufacturing floor level. Molten glass is gravity-fed through spouts/chutes to bottle-forming
Commercial glass manufacturing
-The forehearth brings the glass temperature down to about 1300°C (2300°F).
-A furnace maybe equipped with several forehearths, each feeding a separate bottle-making machine
on the floor below.
-Coloring agent may be added at either either to the melt furnace along with other ingredients, or they
can be added at the forehearth.
-for standard furnace glasses, they are restricted to 3 colors:.
1. Flint-basic clear glass. Used for majority of packaging application.
2. Amber-brown glass, filter out critical UV region (300-400 nm). Used for UV-sensitive products e.g.
beer & some pharmaceuticals.
3. Emerald-bright green glass used mostly for wines &lime or lemon flavoured soft drinks.
-For non-standard colors:
• Blue, green & opaque glasses also available.
• Georgia green, champagne & dead-leaf green popular for wine industry.
• Blue glass makes white products look whiter.
• Opaque white glass adds prestigious appearance to toiletries & cosmetics.
-A ceramic-lined draw-off orifice at the bottom end of each forehearth allows the glass to extrude
downwards in a controlled manner.
-Just after the extrusion die, a large shear-knife cuts the glass flow into individual gob; each gob being
the exact quantity glass needed for 1 bottle.
Colored glass
Body halves of the blank mold with parison (left) & blow
mold with bottom plate and blown bottle (right).
Blow-and-blow process
Blow-and-blow process
1. The gob is dropped onto the blank mold through a funnel-shape guide. Note that the blank mold is
upside down. The gob temperature is about 985°C (1800°F).
2. The guide is replaced by a parison bottomer, & air is blown into the mold (called the “settle blow”)
to force the glass into the finish section. The bottle finish is complete.
3. The parison bottomer is replaced by a solid bottom plate, & air is forced through the bottom finish
(called the “counter-blow”) to expand the glass upward & form the parison.
4. The parison is removed from the blank mold, using the neck ring (transfer bead) as a gripping
fixture, & rotated to the right-side-up orientation for placement into the blow mold. The parison is
supported in the blow mold by the neck ring.
5. Air forces the glass to conform to the shape of the blow mold. The bottle is cooled so that it can
stand without becoming distorted & is then placed on conveyors that take it to the annealing oven.
Press-and-blow process
1. In the press-and-blow process, gob delivery& settle-blow steps are similar to blow-and-blow
2. However, in press-and-blow, the parison is pressed into shape with a metal plunger rather than by
being blown into shape.
3. The final blowing step in a separate blow mold is identical to that in the blow-and-blow process.
The blow-and-blow process is used for narrow-necked bottles.
The press-and-blow process, for making wide-mouthed jars.
6. The blown bottle is removed from the blow mold with takeout tongs & placed on a deadplate to air
cool for a few moments before transfer to a conveyor that will transport the container to the
annealing oven &/or surface coatings.
Inspection & Packing
producing product reliably produce quality parts.
within required -machine is stable & running
specifications. at a steady state, the
Q cannot be measured attributes of
“inspected in”, Q samples removed periodically
must be produced. for QA will fall w/in
boundaries of established SD.
Of established st
- Data o/side SD will occur
only when some changes
occurred that will take
production o/side established
steady state.
- Bar chart arranged by frequency of an event
- Focus on the most frequent occurances.
Pareto Charts
- Bar chart arranged by the relative importance of an number
of events that occur.
- Focus on the incidents/factors that are the most serious.
Pareto Charts
- In QC, it may represents the most common sources of
defects or the highest occurring type of defect.
SPC control charts
& Acceptance Sampling
- Advantages:
1. Eliminates or rectifies poor lots & improve
overall product’s quality.
2. Reduce inspection costs & risk.
3. In inspection of sample of greater care will be
taken so that the results will be more accurate.
4. A rejected lot is frequently a signal to the
manufacturer that the process should be
Control chart
The R- chart is
used when the
for the process
distribution is not
X-bar chart
- Suppose 20 packages are removed from a filling
line & the following weights in grams recorded.
w1 w2 w3 w4 w5
w1 w2 w3 w4 w5
Observation 1 100 97 100 103 98
Observation 2 97 103 102 99 100
Observation 3 100 99 98 101 102
Observation 4 99 100 101 101 100
- Correlations
between the range of
values in the sample
and the deviation are
- In a positive
correlation the X-bar
and range points
tend to follow each
other up and down.
In a negative
correlation the points
move in opposite
Cost control through
minimized overfill
- Overfills are costly, even with the modest output rate of small
- Various solutions are available such as static scales with built in SQC
intelligence for random sampling of net content data or inline
CheckWeighers for 100% data checks.
Product categories:
1. Liquid & solid
2. Liquid & dry
o Dry products include:
1. Discrete items e.g. candies, fasteners, pills
& nuts. Often counted for filling.
2. Free flowing powders/granules - powders
having consistent density & pour readily to
form a fairly flat cone when dumped on a
plane surface.
- the flatter angle of repose more readily
the material will flow & more consistent
density. Easy to measure by a variety of
methods, including free-fall gravity feeder.
Types of dry products
Other considerations
o Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be
accelerated and decelerated at high rates.
- They can have significant force applied to the finish
during filling or to the sidewalls during conveying.
Vacuum or pressure levels during the fill cycle are not
critical considerations.
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
Other considerations
o Semirigid containers, typically blow-molded
plastic bottles, cannot withstand the same
- This places limitations on the vacuum or
pressure level that can be used during the fill, and
also limits the means of moving the container
from station to station.
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
Other considerations
o Flexible pouches or bags cannot maintain their
dimensions in all axes, and therefore, must be
retained in a fixture while being filled.
- Since flexible containers cannot be filled to a
specified level, piston volumetric fillers are often
used to push the product into the pouch.
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
o Constant-Volume & Constant-Level Fillers
- Liquids can be metered into containers so that
they reach either a constant level or a constant
- Constant-level filling is used for most low- or
moderate-cost products such as soft drinks, beer
and ketchup, where accurate volume is not as
important as keeping a visually constant-fill level.
- Containers can have slightly inconsistent volumes
due to variations in wall thickness.
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
o Constant-Volume & Constant-Level Fillers
- Liquids can be metered into containers so that
they reach either a constant level or a constant
- Constant-level filling is used for most low- or
moderate-cost products such as soft drinks, beer
and ketchup, where accurate volume is not as
important as keeping a visually constant-fill level.
- Containers can have slightly inconsistent volumes
due to variations in wall thickness.
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
o Constant-Volume & Constant-Level Fillers
- Fill height levels will, therefore, vary if the
containers are filled to a constant volume.
- Customer satisfaction demands that all containers
be filled to the same level. Constant-level filling
achieves this regardless of the actual liquid
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
o Constant-Level Fillers
- Constant-level filling can be constructed by using
gravity, vacuum, pressure or combinations of
pressure and vacuum, & level sensing techniques.
- Constant-level liquid fillers enter the container & fill
it to the tip of the filler nozzle with a suck-back
action at the end of the cycle to prevent dropping
or by using electronic or pneumatic controls to
shut off the filling valve.
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
o Constant-Level Fillers
- Constant-level fillers also may be the vacuum
type, in which the filling head seals against the
mouth of the container and draws a vacuum.
- This provides the force to bring the liquid from
the storage tank; when the level in the container
reaches the vacuum tube, the excess is
siphoned off and an automatic valve shuts the
- For faster fills, pressure in the filler bowl maybe
combined with the vacuum in the container.
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
o Constant-Volume Fillers
- Volumetric constant fillers fill to an accurate
product volume into the container, usually with
pistons or other accurate metering systems e.g,
timed flow, diapraghm.
- Which can cause displeasing difference of level if
container dimensions are not held to a tight
- But they are fast & accurate.
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
o Constant-Volume Fillers
o Constant-Volume Fillers
- These fillers can also be designed for “Top filling”.
- This is done by inserting the filling tube into the
container's neck to the fill-height level and by either
allowing the product to drop to the bottom or
directing the liquid to the container sides so that it
will run down the sides with a minimum of
turbulence and air entrapment.
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
o Constant-Volume Fillers
o Constant-Volume Fillers
- Filling carbonated beverages requires a special
approach to eliminate foaming and ensure
retention of desired carbonation levels. Product is
supplied to the filling heads from a chilled supply
bowl that is pressurized with carbon dioxide.
- The container is brought up against the filling-head
seal, and a multiposition valving system opens to
the supply-bowl headspace.
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
o Constant-Volume Fillers
- When the pressure inside the container is at about
the same elevated pressure as the supply bowl,
the valve repositions to allow product to flow from
the supply bowl into the container.
- When the liquid level reaches the bottom of the
vent tube, a check valve stops the filling process. A
vent then opens to the atmosphere while sealing
off the pressure equalization tube.
- This allows the container pressure to come down
to atmospheric levels. The process is virtually
Carbonated beverages are filled cold and under pressure to
ensure minimum loss of carbonation. Rotary carbonated-
beverage fillers can have 100 or more filling heads.
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
o Vacuum Fillers
- "Vacuum fillers" operate by lowering the stem,
consisting of the filling tube and a vacuum line, into
the container neck and sealing the stem into place
with a seal ring.
- Air is drawn from the container so that air pressure on
the product in the supply tank forces product into the
- When the product reaches the vacuum inlet, suction
draws it into the overflow tank, preventing it from rising
above the fill-height level. Excess product drops to the
bottom of the overflow tank, and air is sucked through
the tank outlet tube through the vacuum pump.
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
o Vacuum Fillers
- Vacuum-fill systems are used for putting free-
flowing liquids into glass containers. They are
fast, flexible and relatively low in cost.
- However, they are limited to rigid containers and
the constant-level method. They are not used
with products that are affected by agitation.
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
o Gravity Fillers
- "Gravity fillers" have a filling stem with a spring-
loaded outer tube and a rubber seal that fits over
the bottle finish.
- The outer tube is raised by the bottle to open the
filling valve. This eliminates drip before and after
- Gravity filling is slower than vacuum filling, and for
this reason, it is used primarily for some foaming
products, since agitation is minimal.
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
o Gravity Fillers
o Pressure Fillers
- "Pressure filling," which is similar to gravity
filling, uses a pump to provide the force to move
the product.
- This makes an elevated supply tank
unnecessary and results in a faster product flow.
- Pressure filling is ideal for viscous products
requiring minimum agitation.
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
o Pressure Fillers
- Pressure-and-vacuum combinations are used to
dispense viscous foaming products into plastic
- The pressure gives faster product flow, and the
vacuum draws off overflow.
- The system prevents containers from bulging
under the filling seal, which would create an overfill
or overflow condition when the seal was removed.
Other Considerations
Rigid glass, metal or heavy plastic containers can be accelerated and decelerated at high rates. They can have significant force applied to the finish during filling or
o Constant-Volume Fillers
- Liquid fillers can be either in-line or rotary in action
with the in-line somewhat limited in the number of
nozzles they can spread out and fore the number of
containers that can be filled simultaneously, fillers, on
the other hand, have been built with more than 100
nozzle can attain filling speeds above 2,000 per
Piston Volumetric Fillers
Piston Volumetric Fillers
- Simple "piston fillers" consist of a cylinder fitted with a
plunger and a valve. Product is drawn from the supply
tank when the plunger is drawn back and is forced into the
container when the plunger is pushed forward.
- A valve rotates 90° with each cycle. Suction draws the
product through the valve duct and into the cylinder during
the first part of the cycle. Then the valve rotates, shutting
off the supply tank and allowing product to be forced into
the filling spout when the plunger pushes forward.
- Piston fillers usually have a control device that prevents the
valve from rotating if no container is in the filling station.
Product is pushed back into the supply tank without
Piston Volumetric Fillers
- The amount of product ejected depends on the cylinder's
diameter and the piston stroke length. The stroke is adjustable
while the machine is in operation.
- Piston fillers are available as single, manually actuated
pistons or as fully automatic rotary machines with twelve or
more pistons.
- (See Figure in the next page) Many ingenious valve
arrangements huve been designed for piston fillers.
- Continuous-motion rotary-head piston fillers are used for
high speeds of 500 to 2,000 cpm. They are ideal for viscous
or paste products, such as honey, peanut butter, creams and
jams, as well as for free-flowing liquids such as fruit juices.
Piston Volumetric Fillers