0001-Definitions-IEC - 60601-62353
0001-Definitions-IEC - 60601-62353
0001-Definitions-IEC - 60601-62353
Equipment Under Test The equipment (EUT) which is the subject of testing.
Device Under Test The equipment (DUT) which is the subject of testing.
Applied Part Part of the medical equipment, which is designed to come into physical contact
with the patient, or parts that are likely to be brought into contact with the
Patient Connection Individual physical connections and / or metal parts intended for connection
with the patient, which form (part of) an Applied Part.
Patient Environment Volumetric area in which a patient can come into contact with medical
equipment or contact can occur between other persons touching medical
equipment and the patient, both intentional and unintentional. (see Appendix E)
F-Type Applied Part - Applied Part which is electrically isolated from Earth and other parts of the
medical equipment. i.e. floating. F-type Applied Parts are either type BF or type
CF Applied Parts.
Type B Applied Part Applied Part complying with specified requirements for protection against
electric shock. Type B Applied Parts are those parts, which are usually Earth
referenced. Type B are those parts not suitable for direct cardiac application.
Type BF Applied Part F-Type Applied Part complying with a higher degree of protection against
electric shock than type B Applied Parts. Type BF Applied Parts are those
parts not suitable for direct cardiac application.
Type CF Applied Part F-Type Applied Part complying with the highest degree of protection against
electric shock. Type CF Applied Parts are those parts suitable for direct
cardiac application.