Ielts - Test 1
Ielts - Test 1
Ielts - Test 1
Reading passage 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on questions 1-13 which are based on reading passage 1.
The real atmosphere, however, is like a very long room with a very low ceiling. The distance from
equator to pole is 10,000 km., while the "ceiling height" to the beginning of the stratosphere is only
about 10 km. The air, therefore, splits up into a number of smaller loops or convection cells. Between
the equator and each pole there are three such cells and within these the circulation is mainly north-
Large-scale air-conditioning
The result of this circulation is a flow of heat energy towards the poles and a leveling out of the
climate so that both equatorial and polar regions are habitable. The atmosphere generally retains its
state of equilibrium as every north-going air current is counter-balanced by a south-going one. In the
same way depressions at lower levels in the troposphere are counter-balanced by areas of high
pressure in the upper levels, and vice versa. The atmospheric transference of heat is closely
associated with the movement of moisture between sea and continent and between different latitudes.
Moist air can transport much greater quantities of energy than dry air.
Because the belts of convection cells run east to west, both climate and weather vary according to
latitude. Climatic zones are particularly distinguishable at sea where there are no land masses to
disturb the pattern.
It was not until the development of the balloon at end of the 18th century, however, that it
became possible to study meteorological conditions at high altitudes. The balloon is still a
significant research device although today it carries a radar reflector or a set of instruments and a
radio transmitter, rather than the scientists themselves. Nowadays high-flying aircraft and
satellites are also important aids to meteorology. Through them we have discovered the west to
east jet stream. This blows at speeds of up to 500 km/h at altitudes of 9,000-10,000 m along the
border between the Arctic and temperate zone convection belts.
Weather fronts
The circulation within the different convection cells is greater than the exchange of air between them
and therefore the temperature in two cells that are close to each other can differ greatly.
Consequently, the borders between the different convection cells are areas in which warm and cold
air masses oppose each other, advancing and withdrawing. In the northern hemisphere, the dividing
line between the Arctic and temperate convection zones is the polar front, and it is this which
determines the weather in northern Europe and North America. This front is unstable, weaving
sometimes northward, sometimes southward, of an average latitude of 60'N. Depressions become
trapped within the deep concavities of this front and these subsequently move eastward along it with
areas of rain and snowfall. In this way, global air circulation determines not only the long-term
climate but also the immediate weather.
Troposphere: the part of the atmosphere closest to the surface of the earth
Stratosphere: the atmospheric zone above the troposphere
Questions 1-3
Complete the diagram using information from the text. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
or ONE NUMBER in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.
Questions 4-7
Complete the paragraph below using words and phrases from the box. There are more words and
phrases than you will need Write your answers in boxes 4- 7 on your answer sheet.
Global air circulation spreads heat from the ____ (4) ____ towards the ____ (5) ____. Within this
system of heat transfer, climate is affected not only by ____ (6) ____ but also by the amount of
moisture in the air. The most accurate geographical zone in which to study climate is ____ (7) ____
where there are no local wind systems.
Questions 12-13
Choose the appropriate letter A-C and write it in boxes 12 and 13 on your answer sheet.