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Software Manual BlackBox 1.3

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Software Manual and Training guide

For version 1.3

Please note that this documentation is preliminary and subject to change without notice. The latest
version of this document can be obtained via Governors (e-mail [email protected]) or via a
BlackBox Value Added Reseller.

© IP Bank B.V. 2004-2011. BlackBox is a registered trademark of IP Bank B.V. Subject to change
without notice. All rights reserved.

Terms and conditions for using this document

The copyright of this software manual and training guide (the document) belongs to IP Bank B.V.
who has empowered Governors B.V. to provide this document to the market.

This document and/or any part of the document may only be used for training in the BlackBox
software tool and methodology. It may not be used for methodology-only training or training with
respect to any other tool or methodology.

This document and/or any part of the document must always be accompanied by these terms and
conditions. Without them, any possession and/or use of this material is illegal.

This document may not be published on a public download location; Value Added Resellers
(VARs) may provide this document in print and/or in PDF format only. Only VARs may distribute this
document and only to their leads and customers, none of whom may be a competitor of Governors
and/or IP Bank.

This document may only be provided by official VARs of the BlackBox software tool. Check the list of
VARs on the www.governors.nl website before using this document. If this document has not been
provided to you by an official VAR, please report this to us immediately by e-mail on
[email protected].

This document may be edited and customized by VARs, provided that:

· They leave terms & conditions, copyright notices and logos intact.
· They inform Governors B.V. and send Governors B.V. a copy of the changes.
· They take sole responsibility for the changed content of the document and the impact the
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· They in principle allow Governors B.V. to use their content in the training guide (with

1 Contents

1 CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
2 FIGURES OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................................... 4
3 INSTALLATION GUIDE ...................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 INSTALLATION................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 ACTIVATION ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4 BLACKBOX METHOD ........................................................................................................................................ 8
4.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
4.2 TOP-SET INCIDENT INVESTIGATION METHOD ............................................................................................................................. 8
4.3 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS METHOD .................................................................................................................................................. 9
4.3.1 Immediate Causes ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
4.3.2 Missing Barriers .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
4.3.3 Underlying Causes ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
4.4 SMART RECOMMENDATIONS .....................................................................................................................................................10
5 STARTING ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
5.1 START INVESTIGATION ...................................................................................................................................................................11
5.1.1 New .......................................................................................................................................................................................11
5.1.2 Open .....................................................................................................................................................................................12
5.1.3 Save .......................................................................................................................................................................................12
5.1.4 Help .......................................................................................................................................................................................12
5.2 OPTIONS .........................................................................................................................................................................................12
5.2.1 Language ............................................................................................................................................................................12
5.2.2 BRF’s .....................................................................................................................................................................................13
6 REPORT TITLING ............................................................................................................................................. 14
6.1 REPORT TITLE..................................................................................................................................................................................14
6.2 DATE OF REPORT ...........................................................................................................................................................................14
6.3 AUTHOR(S) .....................................................................................................................................................................................14
7 INVESTIGATION BASIC INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 15
7.1 DATE OF INCIDENT.........................................................................................................................................................................15
7.2 TIME OF INCIDENT .........................................................................................................................................................................15
7.3 LOCATION OF INCIDENT ................................................................................................................................................................15
7.4 WHAT HAPPENED? – SHORT DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................................................15
7.5 CONSEQUENCES OF INCIDENT......................................................................................................................................................15
7.6 POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES OF INCIDENT..................................................................................................................................15
7.7 INJURY CATEGORIES.......................................................................................................................................................................15
7.8 INCIDENT DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................................................................................16

7.9 WHAT WAS DIFFERENT OR HAD CHANGED? ...............................................................................................................................16
7.10 PEOPLE INVOLVED..........................................................................................................................................................................16
7.11 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS LEADING TO THE INCIDENT ....................................................................................................................16
7.12 SIMILAR EVENTS .............................................................................................................................................................................16
8 INVESTIGATION DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................................... 17
8.1 IMMEDIATE CAUSES........................................................................................................................................................................17
8.2 MISSING BARRIER ..........................................................................................................................................................................18
8.3 UNDERLYING CAUSE ......................................................................................................................................................................18
8.4 GENERIC CAUSES ...........................................................................................................................................................................18
9 ENTER REMEDIAL ACTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 19
9.1 SMART ACTIONS..........................................................................................................................................................................19
10 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................... 21
10.1 REPORT OPTIONS ..........................................................................................................................................................................21
11 WORD REPORT ............................................................................................................................................ 22
11.1 CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................................................................................22

2 Figures Overview

Figure 1 Open BlackBox File ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Figure 2 Activation Window ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3 Activation Window 2.................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 4 End User License Agreement .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 5 TOP-SET elements....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 6 Root Cause diagram .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 7 Start screen ..................................................................................................................................................................................11
Figure 8 Start Investigation .....................................................................................................................................................................11
Figure 9 Recent Investigation ................................................................................................................................................................12
Figure 10 BlackBox icon ...........................................................................................................................................................................12
Figure 11 Options Window .....................................................................................................................................................................12
Figure 12 Report Titling ............................................................................................................................................................................14
Figure 13 Analysis diagram .....................................................................................................................................................................17
Figure 14 Add Images ...............................................................................................................................................................................18
Figure 15 Underlying Causes..................................................................................................................................................................18
Figure 16 Action Details ...........................................................................................................................................................................19
Figure 17 Action overview .......................................................................................................................................................................20
Figure 18 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................................................21
Figure 19 Report Options ........................................................................................................................................................................21

3 Installation Guide

3.1 System requirements

To be able to run BlackBox on your computer, please make sure the following requirements are met:

 Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000 Service Pack 3; Windows 98; Windows 98 Second
Edition; Windows ME; Windows Server 2003; Windows XP Service Pack 2; Windows Vista; Windows 7
 Required Software: Microsoft .NET framework version 2.0
 Disk Space Requirements: 30 MB (x86)

Important: Make sure you have the latest service pack and critical updates for the version of Windows that
you are running.

3.2 Installation

After purchasing a BlackBox license or after a trial request you will receive a download link or a memory stick
with the software. Double-click on the download link or the application on your memory stick to start the
download. When the download is complete is the application will be opened in the designated folder. Then
double click BlackBox program icon in the folder you installed it to begin. When provided with a zip. file first
unzip the file to the location you want.
After double clicking the BlackBox icon you will be prompted with Figure 1 below. Click on Run to start
the software.

Figure 1 Open BlackBox File

3.3 Activation

When you start the software for the first time, you will be prompted with the activation screen in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Activation Window

You can either run the software in trial mode or fill in an activation key or trial key. When you choose to run
the software in trial mode it will run for 30 days from the moment you start it the first time. After 30 days you
will need to enter an activation key to be able to run the software again.
When you have received a trial key you can fill it in the field next to ‘Activation or Trial Key’. This filed will
turn green when the code is accepted (Figure 3) .The key always consists of 8 x 2 digits, e.g. 1A2B3C4D
5E6F7G8H. It is also possible that you received an activation.dat file. In this case you don’t have to open the
file you just need to put it in the folder next to your BlackBox application (.exe file). To receive such a trial key
you can contact [email protected].
When you want to permanently activate your software you need to send us your host id (after purchasing
a license). It is displayed in the field next to ‘Current Host ID’. You can either copy and paste this code into an
email or use the ‘copy to clipboard’ button next to the host ID field. The Host ID always consists of 8 x 4 digits,
e.g. 1A2B3C4D 5E6F7G8H 9I1J2K3L 4M5N6O7P8Q. You can email this Host ID to [email protected]
or [email protected]. When you are known as a valid BlackBox-user you will receive an activation code
that can be filled in the ‘Activation or Trial Key’ field. This field will turn green when the Key is correct (Figure 3)
and you can click the ‘OK’ button.

Figure 3 Activation Window 2

After clicking OK you will be prompted with the End-User License Agreement. This will only appear the first
time you use BlackBox. You need to accept the terms in the License Agreement to be able to run the software.

Figure 4 End User License Agreement

4 BlackBox Method

4.1 Introduction

BlackBox is a software tool that guides you through all phases of incident analysis. The tool is used for
reporting smaller, low risks incidents or near misses and to analyze the underlying causes. The program
consists of a fixed workflow which leads you through all these steps to make complete incident report. It is
designed in a way that makes sure all fields are filled in to get standardized reports that contain the same
sections. Great care is put into making the tool easy to use.

4.2 TOP-SET incident investigation method

BlackBox is based on the TOP-SET® incident investigation and analysis methodology. This method threats the
incident as a system that the organization has lost control over. Something needs to be different or changed
from the situation before to get the system out of balance. The dynamics of a system can be expressed in
different components. TOP-SET has identified six elements to investigate what has caused the incident:
Technology, Organization, People, Similar Events, and Environment that are displayed against Time (the
acronym of the word TOP-SET). The cause of the incident can be found in at least one of the five elements but
most likely in an interaction of more than one element. The Time element can be a check on the causality of
the facts found in the other five elements. In BlackBox the Time element is used in the ‘Sequence of Events’
step in which Events and their time before incident can be identified. The elements Technology, People,
Organization and Environment are used in the Incident Analysis. At least one of these elements should be
worked out in order to find the underlying causes. The element ‘People’ is in red in Figure because this
element always plays a role in every incident.

Figure 5 TOP-SET elements

4.3 Root Cause Analysis method

The Root Cause Analysis method that is used in the TOP-SET method is simplified for the use in BlackBox. This
gives more guidance and makes it easier to make quick but accurate analyses. In the Root Cause Analysis
method in BlackBox you are guided through three items per chosen element: Immediate Causes, Missing
Barriers and Underlying Causes.

4.3.1 Immediate Causes

Immediate Causes are the causes without which the incident could not have happened. They are the direct
triggers that happened just before the incident took place. Most of time these are events or human acts that
directly leads into a barrier failure. Examples:
 Dropped tool
 Windy day
 Floating yarn

4.3.2 Missing Barriers

The Immediate Cause happened because a Barrier or Defence had been bypassed, defeated or was missing.
For each Immediate Cause a Missing Barrier should be identified that explains how the Immediate Cause could
have happened. Examples:

 Safety valve
 Task Risk Analysis
 Exclusion zone

4.3.3 Underlying Causes

These are the failures that have
contributed to the incident and
explain the Immediate Causes.
The consequences of the
Underlying Causes are the
Immediate Causes. You will
automatically reach this level of
causality by asking ‘Why did this
happen?’ for the Immediate
Causes and Missing Barriers. In
BlackBox there are three levels of
Underlying Causes. By asking
why you will dig deeper into the
failures in the organization that
not only caused the particular
incident but also possible other
incidents. Examples:

 Insufficient Procedures
 Too high workload
 Poor supervision Figure 6 Root Cause diagram

4.4 SMART recommendations

In the TOP-SET method the recommendations that are made should follow the SMART principle in order to
make sure that these recommendations are useful and feasible. When following the five SMART principles you
make your recommendation as good as possible:

S Specific
Be exact in what you recommend, avoid fuzzy or vague descriptions. Don’t leave anything up to imagination;
be clear on what is expected.

M Measurable
Make sure it is clear to understand when the recommendation is successfully implemented. There should be
no doubt about the moment the recommendation has been achieved. Also assign a person who will be
responsible for the recommendation.

A Achievable
Be sure that a recommendation can be accomplished in a doable manner. Think about resources will be

R Realistic
Think about whether the recommendation can be executed physically but also if it will be cost effective.
Consider if the costs balances out the efforts that are necessary.

T Timely
Indicate an outside date before when the recommendation should be finished. Don’t be without liability.

5 Starting

5.1 Start Investigation

When starting the application the start screen in figure 1 will be visible.

Figure 7 Start screen

5.1.1 New
To start a new investigation you can click the button in the red box called ‘Start new Investigation’ (Figure 5).
An empty BlackBox file (extension .bbi) will start in the first section: Report Titling.

Figure 8 Start Investigation

5.1.2 Open
To open a saved investigation click the button ‘Load Investigation’ (Figure 5) to open an earlier saved BlackBox
file from your computer. These are all the files that end with .bbi and can be recognized with the BlackBox icon
(Figure 7) before the file name. You can also choose a file under ‘Recent Investigations’ (Figure 8) to open a
file you recently worked in. Just click on the investigation titles to open them.

Figure 10 Figure 9 Recent

BlackBox icon Investigation

5.1.3 Save
You can save you file in every step of the program. When you click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of each
page you will get a new window to choose the location and title of your BlackBox file. When this is already
done a click on the ‘Save’ button will automatically update your file. At every page of the BlackBox tool there is
a Save button. This means that you can save your investigation at any moment and in any step making sure all
the saved file is always up to date.

5.1.4 Help
On the left bottom side of the screen you will find a ‘Help’ button. This button will activate the help box on the
left side of the screen. This blue box contains extra information about each step of the program. It will give
you explanations, examples and information about how to add, edit or remove text in the text fields. If you
don’t want to use the help box you can click on the ‘Help’ button again to let it hide from the screen.

5.2 Options
In the Start screen you will also find an ‘Options’ button. When clicking this button a window opens (Error!
Reference source not found.) where you can change the language setting and select the option to use Basic
Risk Factors (BRF’s) or not.

Figure 11 Options Window

5.2.1 Language
The language is automatically set on ‘Default’. This means that BlackBox will run in the language that is
selected on your computer itself. If you want to change this language setting open the drop down menu.

When you changed the language and clicked ‘OK’ the software will ask you to restart to implement the
language change. If you click ‘Yes’ the software will automatically restart. Language options are: English,
German, Dutch and Danish. More languages are expected and can be ordered with Governors.

5.2.2 BRF’s
Underneath the language option you will find an option for use of BRF’s (Basic Risk Factors). This is a
categorization used to differentiate between causes in the Root Cause analysis diagram. This can be useful to
emphasize what factors played a role during the incident and to be able to compare different analyses. There
are eleven Basic Risk Factor categories:

DE - Design
HW - Hardware
MM - Maintenance Management
HK - Housekeeping
PR - Procedures
TR - Training
CO - Communication
EEC - Error Enforcing Conditions
IG - Incompatible Goals
OR - Organization
DF - Defences

6 Report Titling

6.1 Report Title

The first step is to write a report title. Write a simple title that covers what happened during the incident in
one sentence, e.g. Falling object from ladder on foot. This title will appear at the beginning of the final report.

6.2 Date of Report

Write the date when you are conducting this investigation. This is not the date the incident occurred. This date
will appear at the beginning of the final report.

6.3 Author(s)
To add an author you can click on the ‘Add’ button. A new row will appear where you can write the name, job
title and company. Write your name and anyone else’s name who works on this file with you. This will appear
at the beginning of the final report. Use the ‘Remove’ button to delete a row while selecting it. Double click on
the items to edit them after adding.

Please note that you can only click ‘Next’ when all the fields are filled in.

Move between the boxes by pressing the cursor keys or by clicking with the mouse. Pressing ENTER will let you edit
the text, press ENTER again to accept your changes. You may also cancel your edit with ESC.

Figure 12 Report Titling

7 Investigation Basic Information

7.1 Date of Incident

You can select the date of the incident with the calendar here, even if this is the same as the report date.

7.2 Time of Incident

Write down the time of the incident here, e.g. 8.45 PM, noon, after lunch.

7.3 Location of Incident

Can you fill in the location of the incident here, e.g. Base of number 1 spray drier, tank 4.2, office building C.

7.4 What happened? – Short description

Fill in a one line describing what happened during the incident. This is important as it defines the
investigation. The need here is for a simple and factual statement, e.g. Person hit by falling object.

7.5 Consequences of Incident

Write down the consequences of the incident in this text field. You can separate them by commas. Examples
are: Person slightly hurt by falling drill, Environmental damage, Broken toe.

7.6 Potential Consequences of Incident

All the consequences that did not happen but could have lead from the incident can be filled in here. In this
way you can indicate what the risk of this incident was. Examples are: Person could have been seriously hurt, a
bigger leak, potential damage to machines.

7.7 Injury Categories

Here you can choose between the different injury categories. You can choose more than one by selecting the
boxes. If there was no injury you can choose ‘No injury’. If you want to add another category you can choose
‘Other’ to fill in the injury in the text field.

Please note that you can only click ‘Next’ when all the fields are filled in.

Move between the boxes by pressing the cursor keys or by clicking with the mouse. Pressing ENTER will let you edit
the text, press ENTER again to accept your changes. You may also cancel your edit with ESC.
7.8 Incident Description
This is a free text field which gives you the opportunity to describe the incident in detail. The reader of your
report will want to know some of the detail of what happened. Enter a paragraph that describes the incident.
Be aware that this is different from Step 7, which required a single line description to help you define what you
are investigating. You can write as much text as you want here.

7.9 What was different or had changed?

In every incident there has been a change; something is different from before. Enter what you have found that
has changed e.g. the weather, different tasks, new contractors etc. Finding what has changed points you in the
direction of some of the causes of the incident. If you cannot determine a change at the moment, tick the box
marked unsure.

7.10 People Involved

With this table you can enter the people that in any way were involved in the incident. Enter the names of
every person who was involved. Just click the ‘Add’ button to enter a new row in the table. You can enter the
name, birth day, job title and the way the person was involved in the incident, e.g., injured person, eye witness,
supervisor. Use the ‘Remove’ button to delete a row while selecting it. Double click on the items to edit them
after adding.

7.11 Sequence of Events Leading to the Incident

To cover the Time element of the TOP-SET method a sequence of events can be made to point out what
events happened before the incident. It might just be a short series of events over minutes or hours, but
whatever it is we need to know what the Sequence is if we are to make any sense of the incident. With the
‘Add’ button you can add new rows to the table. In this row you can enter a description of the event and the
time it happened before the incident. Make sure that the event are in order of time by using the ‘Move up’
and ‘Move down’ buttons. You can delete rows by using the ‘Remove’ button while selecting it. Double click
on the items to edit them after adding.

7.12 Similar Events

In this field you can fill in other incidents that happened in your department, organisation or even industry.
This can give you new input for your investigation. We can all learn from something similar that has happened
before. If you can think of a similar incident, enter it here. This step is not mandatory. If you cannot think of
anything you can leave it open and click on ‘Next’ to go to the next section.

Please note that you can only click ‘Next’ when all the fields are filled in.

Move between the boxes by pressing the cursor keys or by clicking with the mouse. Pressing ENTER will let you edit
the text, press ENTER again to accept your changes. You may also cancel your edit with ESC.

8 Investigation Diagram

In the investigation diagram you will analyze the four remaining elements of the TOP-SET method. You need
to choose which elements you want to analyze, but at least one has to be filled in to be able to go to the next
step. Start by double clicking on one of the top immediate causes. Depending on the item that is selected in
the diagram you will find a description of what is expected from you in the help text on the left side of the
screen. The causes in the diagram will contain a specific description of the user and a linked generic cause. The
generic causes (see Figure 13) can be used to compare the causes of different incidents with because they are
all picked from the same list. In the report you will find an analysis diagram of the specific causes and one on
the bases of the generic causes.

8.1 Immediate causes

First consider each of the 4 boxes: Organization, People, Environment and Technology and, in at least one box,
enter an Immediate Cause by double clicking in the box. Enter your description of the Immediate Cause in this
box. For methodical advice go to paragraph 4.3.1 Immediate Causes. After pressing enter you will see that the
item appears in red (Figure 13). This means that you have to link it a Generic cause on the right side of the
screen. Choose one Generic cause in this list by selecting it. Now the item turns yellow which means you can
go to the next step. You can also link your immediate cause with a Basic Risk Factor to add a category to it.
See paragraph 5.2.2 BRF’s for explanation. To add pictures to the item hoover over the filled in items with your
mouse to see the ‘Attach Images’ window (see Figure 14).

Figure 13 Analysis diagram

Figure 14 Add Images

8.2 Missing Barrier

After adding the Immediate Causes a missing barrier should be filled in for each of them (see Figure 13). In
order for the Immediate Cause to appear usually a barrier has been bypassed, is missing or has failed. You can
type in the description of the barrier in the item by double clicking the box. When the barrier failure has not
been identified yet, you can click the ‘Not yet identified’ button in order to go to the next step. The barriers
can be linked to the BRF’s, but not to the generic causes. For more information go to 4.3.2 Missing Barriers. To
add pictures to the item hoover over the filled in items with your mouse to see the ‘Attach Images’ window
(see Figure 14).

8.3 Underlying Cause

For each Immediate Cause and Missing Barrier you have identified, analyze why this has
happened in the underlying causes underneath. The key question is: WHY did the item
in the above box occur? In the underlying cause box you enter the direct reason for the
barrier to fail. After entering your description of the underlying cause the item will
appear red. Just like for the Immediate Causes an Underlying Cause should be linked
with a Generic cause from the pick list on the right side of the screen. You can also link
them with the BRF categorization. For more information about BRF’s go to paragraph
5.2.2 BRF’s. After linking to the Generic Cause the item will appear yellow and the
question ‘Why?’ will appear again. You can enter two more Underlying Causes asking
‘Why the Underlying Cause above happened?’ ( See Figure 15) For each Underlying
Cause you will have to choose a Generic Cause from the list on the right side. To go to
the next section you have to at least fill in one Underlying Cause. To add pictures to the
item hoover over the filled in items with your mouse to see the ‘Attach Images’ window
(see Figure 14).

8.4 Generic Causes

The Generic Causes in the right side of the screen are based on hundreds investigated
incidents and their causes. They are summarized in the Generic Causes lists. All the
described causes in the diagram items can be linked with these Generic Causes. The
Generic Causes list is different for every element (Organization, Environment, People
and Technology) and for the Immediate Causes and the Underlying Causes since these
are different types of causes. All the choices made in the Generic Causes lists will be Figure 15
displayed as a Generic Causes Diagram in the report next to the Analysis Diagram made Underlying Causes
by the user.

Move between the boxes by pressing the cursor keys or by clicking with the mouse. Pressing ENTER will let you edit
the text, press ENTER again to accept your changes. You may also cancel your edit with ESC.

9 Enter Remedial Actions

After completing the Analysis diagram you get an overview of all your Causes and Missing Barriers in the
Remedial Actions section. For each Cause and Missing Barrier you can now enter one or more actions.

9.1 SMART Actions

To add an action you can click on the button . A new window will open with five questions (See
Figure 16). These questions are put in to make sure that your action will follow the SMART principle. For more

Figure 16 Action Details

information about the SMART principle go to paragraph 4.4 SMART Recommendations. Answer all the
questions with lower case sentences. All your five answers together will be formed into an action in the field at
the bottom of the window automatically. You can edit this text to change the description of the action the way
you want. After you click ‘OK’ your action will be added to the list of actions and the icon in front of the Cause

or Missing Barrier will change (See Figure 17). Additional actions can be entered by selecting ADD button. To
remove actions select the DELETE button. When you want to edit an existing action you can click on the
button again. All the actions will be put in the report with the items they are linked to. You have to
at least add one action to be able to go to the next section.

Figure 17 Action overview

10 Conclusion

After the actions are defined you are ready to generate the report. In this last step of the tool you get several
options (See Error! Reference source not found.). The first option is to do a spellcheck on your BlackBox file.
This spellcheck will go through all the fields you filled in to check the spelling. You can change the language in

Figure 18 Conclusion Figure 19 Report Options

the drop down menu. Select the ‘Remember language’ box to save this language and use it the next times. In
the ‘Investigation’ section you can now Save or Start a new Investigation. This only applies to the BlackBox file,
not the report. The last option is to generate the report. When you generate the report it will open in
Microsoft Word after you save it. You can also edit the settings for the report by clicking on the ‘Report
Options’ link.

10.1 Report Options

When you click on the ‘Report Options’ link, a new window will open (See Figure 19). In this window you can
choose whether you want the report to appear in color or not. You can also choose if you want the images
that were linked to the causes to show in the report or not. The next option is to choose which sections will be
taken into the report. You might want to add or remove different sections of the report for different audiences
or purposes. The last option is to include a BRF graphic that shows all the BRF’s that were linked to the Causes
and Missing Barriers. This only applies when you used BRF’s in your analysis.

11 Word Report

When clicking the ‘Report’ button, ‘Save as’ window will open to save your incident investigation report. After
saving, Microsoft Word will open automatically so you can view your report. In this report all the sections that
you selected in the ‘Report Options’ (See Figure 19) will appear. All the text in the Word Report will are
editable. Don’t forget to save your file once in a while. The report is automatically opened in the TOP-SET
format. You can change the look of your report by changing styles, font types, header colors etc. and by
adding your company logo. Governors can also provide you with a Word template following your company
standards. Please contact [email protected] for this.

Governors can also provide you with example BlackBox files and report examples.

11.1 Contents
The contents overview in the Word report is automatically updated. When you change, remove or relocate
chapters, the content overview will remain up to date. You will have to update it by right clicking the table and
selecting ‘Update fields’ > ‘Update entire table’ (See Figure 20 .

Figure 20 Content overview

Please note that changing your report will not change the information in the BlackBox file. If you want to make
extensive changes it can be better to change the fields in BlackBox itself and then regenerating the Word report.


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