Physiological Aspect of Foods & Drugs As Aphrodisiacs: Guided By-Presented by

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Physiological Aspect of Foods & Drugs

as Aphrodisiacs

Guided by- Presented by-

Prof.Akhilesh Kumar Garg Dr.Vedmani Pandey
Dr.Annapurna M.D. 1st Year

P.G. Department of Kriya Sharir

State Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Lucknow,U.P.,India

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As per Ayurveda articles which are sweet, unctuous, jivana

(promoters of life) nourishing, heavy & which causes
excitement of the mind- all these are called aphrodisiacs
An Aphrodisiac is a food, drink, drug, scent or device that
promoters claim can arouse or increase sexual desire or libido.
It is named after the Greek goddess of sexual love & beauty.
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As per Chakrapani & other dignities of Ayurveda Aphrodisiacs are

of three types-
Factors which increase semen e.g. masa (Phaseolus mungo) etc.
Factors which induce ejaculation of semen namely determination of
sex ( ladYiks o`";k.kka )
Factors which increase the ejaculation of semen e.g. milk etc.
According to FDA

There is no scientific proof that any over the counter

aphrodisiacs work to treat sexual dysfunction.
But Ayurvedic fact says that these things are working since
millennia and it is true also.
Today modern science is providing the nutritional validity
of foods historically regarded as aphrodisiacs some are
described here.
This contains lycopene, β carotene & phytonutrients –
citrulline. When watermelon is consumed it gets converted
into arginine. Arginine boosts nitric oxide which relaxes blood
vessels the same basic effect that Viagra has to treat ED &
maybe even prevent it.
It contains phenylethylamine (PEA) which stimulates
the same hormone your body releases during sex. It also
sparks dopamine production in brain.
Sea vegetables
These are high in vitamins B1 & B2, which aid in
production of sex hormones. It is source of manganese,
iodine & selenium, which effects on metabolism & mood.
•Ukdzjsrks o`";k.kka A (C.Su.25/40)
These nuts are an ancient symbol of fertility extending back to
Biblical times. The sweet fragrance may also serve as a sexual
attractant. It is high in beneficial fats, fiber & Vit. E.
Rich in B vitamins, it supports testosterone production,
which can increase desire. It also contains Boron used in
estrogen production, which is important for female desire.
Coconut water
The water from coconuts contains the same level of
electrolytes as human blood. It is also a metabolism booster
that increases blood flow & thus may serve as an aphrodisiac.
Along with minerals coconut water is high in vitamin C.
Ginseng (Withania somnifera)
It works as an antioxidant by enhancing nitric oxide synthesis in
the endothelium of many organs, including corpous cavernosa;
ginsenosides also enhance acetylcholine induced & transmural nerve
stimulation activated relaxation associated with increased tissue cyclic
guanosine monophosphates, hence the aphrodisiac property.
Safed musali (Asparagus adscendens)
Saponins & alkaloids present in this are the source of
its aphrodisiac properties like oligospermia etc.
Jaatiphal (Myristica fragrans)
Its seeds have sterols, phenols, alkaloids, amino acids,
myristicin & myristic acid which acts as stimulants of sexual
activity & extends duration.
Akarkarabh (Ayclus pyrethrum)
Roots have pyrethrin which work on neural impotency
& Premature Ejaculation.
Maca (Lepidium meyenii)
Treatment with maca improved sexual desire but it is
not because of any hormonal level change.
Tribulus Terrestris
Due to this there is increase in Intra cavernous pressure (ICP)
which confirms the proerectile aphrodisiac property of Tribulus
Terrestris could possibly be the result of an increase in androgen &
subsequent release of nitric oxide from the nerve endings innervating the
corpous cavernosum.
This tricyclic alcohol increases the concentration of
several anterior pituitary hormones & serum testosterone.7
Some are using alcohol before sex but it is actually a depressant & so
as the porter in Shakespeare’s Macbeth observed “it provokes the desire
but it takes away the performance”. And drinking too much actually
decreases desire.
Ayurvedic Treatment Methdology -
'kqdz{k;s {khjlfiZ"kks#i;ksxks e/kqjfLuX/k'khrlek[;krkuka pkijs"kka nzO;k.kka AA
Lastly as per Ayurvedic treatment when there is deficiency
of semen, with a view to promote it milk, ghee & such other
substances known to be sweet, unctuous & cold should be

 A good diet,
 A regular exercise program,
 A good mental state is equally important.
 The experience itself

I recommend carefully contemplating not just a menu of aphrodisiac

ingredients but elements of indulgence, surprise & even downright
One certain contributor to a healthy & enjoyable sex life is-you
gained it- good health.
So whether you chase down any food or drug in the background
everyone has his or her own turn-on; the key is to be confident, healthy
& safe for a better sex life.

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