Grade 8 My Creative Book Rubric

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The Excelsior School Some punctuation, grammar, or spelling mistakes made reading diffi-

Swoyambhu, Kathmandu cult to understand or follow. Sentence structure/paragraph organiza-

Rubric for : My creative writing book for grade 8 tion makes product lack fluency or organization.
Student’s product was not realistic due to lack of detail and descrip- 1
Title Page Management: Mark allocated (2)
tion. Their ability to gather and use relevant information in the re-
The students are supposed to design their title page with clear mentioning
search process requires more development.
of the title, submitted by and submitted to. Besides, it should be artistic and
No organizational pattern. Leaves reader lost. Leads and conclusions
attractive. The overall arrangement of the book should be attractive as there
are missing or need much work.
should be evenly managed pages. Well attached paper and well decorated
Too many mistakes in punctuation, grammar, or spelling to read flu-
outlining. (The teacher should consider all these factors and judge according
ently. To truly understand the product much work needs to be done in
to aesthetic value)
sentence and paragraph structure.
Acknowledgment page: Mark allocated (1)
The students are supposed to provide the credits to all those who helped them
while preparing their booklet. The teacher can judge the language aspects 2. At least two paragraphs talking about future plan -1 (4)
there with correct spelling and grammar and neatness. If the page is there the
teacher can reduce up to 0.5 mark from overall evaluation system. The students are supposed to write at least two paragraphs about their future
plan. The main objective of the this writing is to see if the students could write
Table of content page: Mark allocated (1) using future tense. The writing should have at least 120 words.
The students are supposed to prepare a table of content page marking the page
numbers in the book. If they have prepared the table of content and the pages -has used the proper structures for talking about plans. 3
mentioned there and the content in the book match the teacher can provide -has written the fully developed length.
the full mark. However, the 0.5 can be reduced. -has got clear topic sentences for each of the paragraph.
-has given enough supporting details.
Travelogue -1: Mark Allocated (3) -has written a relevant concluding sentence
Students are supposed to write a travelogue about 150 words. -has used wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures
-Through the research process, students were able to impressively 3 -has used fairly good structure and rare used of odd structures. 2
utilize information to describe their sightseeing and adventures in a -has written almost 100 words
realistic, detailed and believable way. -has used fairly good range of vocabulary
-Organizational strategy in writing is a great fit for this piece. -either ending or topic sentence is not clear
Transitions are smooth connecting ideas. The leads are strong and -arranged he ideas properly with necessary details in supporting part
conclusions are satisfying. -has presented the answer fairly nicely or clearly.
-No punctuation, grammar, or spelling mistakes present. Sentence -has not used the future tense properly 1
structure/paragraph organization makes product fluent and enjoyable. -has written very briefly
Students were able to utilize some information to describe their 2 -has missed out proper details
sightseeing and adventures. Parts of the product may not be believable -has got plenty of spelling and grammar errors
due to lack of detail or description. -has not got effective topic and concluding sentences
Transitions are present but reader must make some connections. The -has got very untidy presentation
lead and conclusion are functional and sometimes original
3. Diary entry-1 : Mark allocated (3) -the writing has a clear beginning, middle and end. 3-4
-the writing makes excellent sense. It has many details that help the
The students are supposed to write a story about a photo they have taken any readers imagine what he/she is describing
time in the past. The main objective of this writing is to ignite the students -plot flows logically
to write memoir and use past tense. The writing is expected to be at least 100 -the work is neat and clean and easy to read
-all the sentences begin with capital letters and end with ending
marks in correct places.
-The entry what is happening in the character’s life and how he or she is 3 -has used wide range of vocabulary
feeling. No information is given that the character isn’t aware of. -does not have much spelling and grammar errors
-Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well-constructed and of
varied structure. And the entry is written in first person. -it is not always easy to tell what is the beginning or middle or end of 2-3
-Writer makes less than five errors in grammar, punctuation, or my story
spelling. -the story mostly makes sense and given fairly good details to let the
-The writing meets the specified length. reader imagine what actually happened
-the handwriting is clean enough to be read but can be improved
-The entry tells what is happening in the character’s life and how 2 -has not got much spelling and grammar errors
he or she is feeling. Some information is given that the character -using punctuation marks properly with slips noted at time
isn’t aware of. -the story has very unclear beginning or ending 1-2
-All the sentences show that the writer was true to the felling but -the middle of the story does not give much details of the events and
some lapses can be seen. and plot does not flow logically.
-Use of first person can be seen. -it is difficult to read the story as the handwriting is very poor
All sentences are complete and well-constructed. Paragraphing is -has problem in using punctuation marks
generally done well. -has many spelling and grammar errors.
Less than 10 grammar or punctuation errors can be spotted.
Length is maintained.
5. Descriptive essay -1: Mark allocated 4
-Very short and tells what is happening in a haphazard ways 1
-Does not use the first person throughly. The students are supposed to write at least 200 words long descriptive essay
-More than 10 grammar or spelling errors noticed describing a person.
-The description is not true to the character.
The introduction is inviting, follows the proper structure of an essay 3-4
and states the main point.
The body paragraphs at least two --and give details as it is mentioned
4. Narrative essay (describing memorable event)-1 : Mark allocated 4 in the introduction.
There are well focused topic sentences in the body paragraphs.
The students should be writing about a real life event with all necessary details. A good range of vocabulary is used to have vivid description.
The essay should have at least 200 words. Uses proper transition words for connecting ideas.
No grammar and spelling errors are made.
Proper punctuation marks are used.
The introduction clearly states the main point but misses the ideas 2-3 The introduction clearly states the main point but misses the ideas 2-3
for the body paragraphs thus makes it less inviting to the readers for the body paragraphs thus makes it less inviting to the readers
The details are complete but they miss logical order at some places. The details are complete but they miss logical order at some places.
The conclusion paragraph does not have effective sum up
The conclusion paragraph does not have effective sum up Fairly good range of vocabulary is used.
Fairly good range of vocabulary is used. Write makes some grammar errors (6/7) in whole essay but main-
Write makes some grammar errors (6/7) in whole essay but tains clarity in text
maintains clarity in text fairly uses the transition words
Using punctuation marks properly but misses at a couple of places.
fairly uses the transition words
There is no clear introduction, the essay begins abruptly. 1-2
Using punctuation marks properly but misses at a couple of places.
The ideas are not put in logical order
There is no clear introduction, the essay begins abruptly. 1-2 The introduction and conclusion don’t match with each other
The ideas are not put in logical order Writer makes more than a dozen mistakes in grammar and spelling
The introduction and conclusion don’t match with each other Lack good range of vocabulary
often misses use of punctuation marks
Writer makes more than a dozen mistakes in grammar and spelling Lacks uses of transition words.
Lack good range of vocabulary
7. Write a short speech: Mark allocated (4)
often misses use of punctuation marks The students are supposed to write speech on one of the given topics. Length
Lacks uses of transition words. should be about 200 words.
- Appropriately focused topic with a clearly communicated 3-4
understanding of the purpose for the speech
6. Compare and Contrast essay -1: Mark allocated 4 - Clear and convincing command of facts and information with
insightful explanations that help to illustrate the speaker’s ideas and
The students are supposed to write at least 200 words long Compare and arguments
Contrast essay on one of the given topics.
-Clearly and logically organized speech with an engaging
introduction, a logically sequenced body with appropriate
The introduction is inviting, follows the proper structure of an essay 3-4 transitions, and a clear and convincing conclusion. Manipulates
and states the main point. sentence length and word order to enhance the total effect of the
The body paragraphs at least two --and give details as it is mentioned essay
in the introduction. - Uses sophisticated and varied language that is suited to the topic and
There are well focused topic sentences in the body paragraphs. audience; word choice is concise, original, and effectively conveys
A good range of vocabulary is used to have vivid description. the appropriate tone given the purpose of the speech
Uses proper transition words for connecting ideas. - All three appeals are fluidly and naturally scattered throughout
the speech with a balance that effectively aids in your persuasion
No grammar and spelling errors are made.
without making it feel forced or contrite
Proper punctuation marks are used.
- Focused topic with partially demonstrated understanding of the 2-3 Has a good description of the of the characters 2-3
purpose for the speech Has little information about the setting or description of one of the
- Clear use of facts and information with partially developed setting or character is not well developed.
explanations in support of the speaker’s ideas or arguments It is missing a beginning, middle, or end and makes sense of the story
but it misses logical sequencing at a couple of places.
- Clear attempt at organization with a beginning, middle, and end and The story has moral but it does not match perfectly with the story.
an attempt to use transitions There are less than 10 spelling or grammar errors.
- Uses appropriate language and word choice, but with less fable has no description of characters and setting. Cannot give sense 1-2
sophistication, expressiveness and/or originality of good time and place.
- All three appeals are clearly used throughout the speech to fable does not have the problem and solution
effectively persuade your audience Has many grammar and spelling errors.
-A lack of focus or confused purpose, which result in confusion on 1-2
the part of the audience 9. District profile -1 : Mark allocated 4
-Confusing or incomplete facts with little and/or confusing explana-
tions as to how the facts support the speakers ideas or arguments The students are supposed to write district profile of their own district. They
-A lack of organization makes it difficult to follow the speaker’s ideas; are supposed to write the profile minimum about 200 words.
speech may be too conversational and may ramble without a clear Has included a map and pictures of distinguished monuments 3-4
beginning, middle, or end give location exactly
-Inappropriate use of language distracts the audience because it is too Talks about transport facilities and how to reach there.
informal or too imprecise given the topic and purpose of the speech Talks about weather pattern and geographical features
Either not all appeals are obvious or they are used ineffectively Talks about population and life style of the people
Mentions crops produced
8. Writing a fable (story) -1 : Mark allocated 4 Mentions notable landmarks and monuments
Mentions festivities and fairs
The students are supposed to write a fable to fit one of the given theme. The Has less than 5 grammar and spelling errors.
story should be at least 200 words. Has used punctuation properly
Neatly presented.
-fable has good descriptions of appearance, actions, and thoughts of Has not got the map 2-3
characters Written the profile but he location or accessibility is missing
-fable contains vivid description of setting Has missed tow of the aspects mentioned
-fable contains a logical beginning, middle, and end, that increase the Has 10 or less grammar and spelling errors
value of the moral Has used punctuation fairly with some errors spotted.
-moral is stated at the end of the fable and fits well with the action of Fairly clean work.
the story Has missed more than three items mentioned in the top row here. 1-2
-there are 5 or fewer errors Has many grammar and spelling errors
-the length of the story is maintained. Presentation is not attractive
-has included dialogue or monologues Has missed the map
10. Condolence notice 1: Mark allocated (2) 13. Writing a CV 1: Mark allocated (2)
The students are supposed to write a condolence notice as per the instructions The students are supposed to write a CV according to the given information.
in the question. The notice should follow the format and the style of sad news Personal details are given. 2
sharing. Reverse chronological order has been maintained.
-the format is followed properly and a photo or sketch is kept at centre. 2 Has presented all the aspects: education, experience, skills, training
-notice mentions the dates of birth and death of the person interests and so
-the notice expresses and sadness and wishes for the departed soul. Has given the proper layout
-has clearly mentioned who sent the notice and what the relation is Clean and tidy presentation
with the person. No spelling errors found
-there is no grammar or spelling errors or in any there only two or less. -only a little personal details given 1
-the format has not been followed properly 1 -Reverse chronological order not followed
-the dates are missing -has presented only experience and education
-photo has not been kept -Layout is problematic
-there are more than five grammar or spelling errors. -untidy presentation and more than five spelling errors
-the notice expresses only sadness and does not disclose the relation 14 A letter to a friend: Mark allocated 3
and wish for the departed soul. A well structured letter to a friend is to be prepared by the students. The
length of the letter is expected to be about 150 words.
11. Haiku -2 : Mark allocated (2)
-has followed informal letter format 3
The students are supposed to write a pair of haiku poems. The pattern should -has included all the aspects: date, salutation, reason for writing,
be 5/7/5 and it should create an image. with proper development of letter
-has got proper closing remark: with love, thanks, yours, etc
The haiku follows the format and creates image properly 2 -has got neat and clean presentation
There are no spelling errors
-has misses two or three aspects of structure 2
Haiku makes sense but violets the format 1
-not well developed
Has three or more spelling errors -about 5-10 grammar or spelling errors
- One or two aspects of opening and closing is not proper
12. Free poem: Mark allocated (2) -has got readable handwriting but not attractive
The students are supposed to write a poem expressing their feelings towards -poorly done with many errors 1
study. The poem is expected to be of three stanzas of four lines. -more than three aspects of note is missing
-has got very poor handwriting with small range of vocabulary
The poem has three stanzas 2
15. Prepare a recipe -1: mark allocated (2)
Focuses on the topic
It uses strong feeling words and create a kind of rhythms -has got a picture of the dish, has given the ingredients, has put at 2
Makes strong appeal to reader least five steps to be followed, has used connective, no spelling or
Uses banal words. 1 grammar errors
Does not meet the length Has given a few of ingredients or no ingredients/ written the steps 1
Has three or more spelling errors uncleanly, has not used the connectors, has more than four spelling
Not attractive in presentation errors.

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