Safe Disposal of Hazardous Wastes Vol I
Safe Disposal of Hazardous Wastes Vol I
Safe Disposal of Hazardous Wastes Vol I
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Public Disclosure Authorized
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A joint study sponsored by the )Vorld Bank,the World Health Organization (WHO),
and the United Nations EnvironmnentProgramme (UNEP).
No. 50. Turtiainen and Von Pischke, Invest nent and Finance in Agricultural Service Cooperatives
No. 5 1. Shuval and others, Wastewater Irrigation in Developing Countries: Health Effects and
Technical Solutions
No. 52. Armstrong-Wright, Urban Transit Systems: Guidelinesfor Examining Options (also in
Spanish, 52S)
No. 53. Bamberger and Hewitt, Monitoring and Evaluating Urban Development Programs:
A Handbookfor Program Managers and Researchers (also in French, 53F)
No. 54. Bamberger and Hewitt, A Manager's Guide to "Monitoring and Evaluating Urban
Development Programs: A Handbool/for Program Managers and Researchers" (also in
French, 53F; Spanish, 53S; and Chinese, 53C)
No. 55. Technica, Ltd., Techniques for Asseseing Industrial Hazards: A Manual
No. 56. Silverman, Kettering, and Schmidt. Action-Planning Workshopsfor Development
Management: Guidelines
No. 57. Obeng and Wright, The Co-composting of Domestic Solid and Human Wastes
No. 58. Levitsky and Prasad, Credit Guarantee Schemes for Small and Medium Enterprises
No. 59. Sheldrick, World Nitrogen Survey
No. 60. Okun and Ernst, Community Piped Water Supply Systems in Developing Countries:
A Planning Manual
No. 61. Gorse and Steeds, Desertification in the Sahelian and Sudanian Zones of West Africa
No. 62. Goodland and Webb, The Management of Cultural Properfy in World Bank-Assisted
Projects:Archaeological, Historical, Religious, and Natural Unique Sites
No. 63. Mould, Financial Information for Management of a Development Finance Institution:
Some Guidelines
No. 64. Hillel, The Efficient Use of Water in Irrigation: Principles and Practicesfor Improving Irrigation
in Arid and Semiarid Regions
No. 65. Hegstad and Newport, Management Contracts: Main Features and Design Issues
No. 66F. Godin, Preparation of Land Developrwent Projects in Urban Areas (in French)
No. 67. Leach and Gowen, Household Energy Handbook: An Interim Guide and Reference Manual
(also in French, 67F)
No. 68. Armstrong-Wright and Thiriez, Bu., Services: Reducing Costs, Raising Standards
No. 69. Prevost, Corrosion Protection of Pipeiines Conveying Water and Wastewater: Guidelines
No. 70. Falloux and Mukendi, Desertification Control and Renewable Resource Management in the
Sahelian and Sudanian Zones of West Africa (also in French, 70F)
No. 71. Mahmood, Reservoir Sedimentation: Impact, Extent, and Mitigation
No. 72. Jeffcoate and Saravanapavan, The Reduction and Control of Unaccounted-for Water:
Working Guidelines
No. 73. Palange and Zavala, Water Pollution Control: Guidelinesfor Project Planning and Financing
No. 74. Hoban, Evaluating Traffic Capacity and Improvements to Road Geometry
No. 75. Noetstaller, Small-Scale Mining: A Review of the Issues
No. 76. Noetstaller, Industrial Minerals: A TechnicalReview
A Joint Study
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d'lena, 75116 Paris, France.
Roger Batstone is an industrial risk management specialist in the World Bank's Environment
Department. James E. Smith, Jr., a technical adviser to the World Health Organization, is a senior
environmental engineer at the Center for Enviro-nmentalResearch Information, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. David Wilson, a consultant Io the World Bank and the United Nations
Environment Programme, is the director of Environmental Resources, Ltd.
The main emphasis of this manual is on the management aspects and on the
technologiesthat may be appropriate for implementinga region-widehazardous
waste management program. Case studies from developingcountries have been
incorporatedinto the main text for the purpose of practical illustration.
Sufficient informationfor at least a pre-feasibilityassessmentof various
options for a hazardous waste management program is provided.
Preface xv
CHAPTER 1. Introduction 1
2.1 Introduction 11
2.2 Working Definitions 11
2.2.1 Inclusions and Exclusions from the Definition 12
2.3 Identification and Classification of Hazardous Wastes 13
2.4 Proposed Classification Scheme -- Notation of Health/Ecological
Concerns 19
2.5 Potential Pathways of Release to the Environment 24
2.5.1 GroundwaterMovement and Contamination 24
2.5.2 Surface Water Contamination 24
2.5.3 Other Pathways of Release 26
2.6 Factors Affecting the Environmental Behavior of Chemicals 26
2.6.1 Physical and Chemical Factors 27
2.6.2 Degradation of Chemicals 28
2.7 Effects of Hazardous Wastes on Health and the Environment 31
2.7.1 Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment 32
2.8 Degree of Hazard Concept 41
2.9 Environmental Effects of Hazardous Waste Disposal 42
2.9.1 Effects on the Terrestrial Environment 43
2.9.2 Effects on the Aquatic Environment 43
2.10 Summary 43
2.11 References 2.1 - 2.10 44
3.1 Introduction 60
this manual, and is greatly appreciated. Also, it should be noted that the
manual, once its draft was prepared, was distributed to well over 35 experts
worldwide for in-depth review, and their comments were carefully considered
when finalizing the manual. The help of these reviewers is also gratefully
Project Coordinators
Hazardous wastes may take the form of solids, liquids or sludges. Most
definitionsexclude domestic solid wastes and aqueous effluents;however,
a major source of hazardous wastes is from the pretreatmentof effluents
in order to meet water pollution controls, an example being heavy metal
sludges from electroplating,sludges from treating tannery wastes, etc.
o legislationand regulations;
All four aspects are vital to the proper working of a national control
system. No matter how perfect a system may appear on paper, it is
worthless if it is not enforced. Similarly,control cannot be enforced if
adequate facilities are not available or if enforcementofficers are not
adequately trained. Thus developmentof legislationand provision of
adequate facilitiesmust proceed in parallel. A few general points may be
made regarding the introductionof a control system:
- 4 -
o The UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) and the Council for Mutual
Economic Assistance (CMEA) have focused in particular on low-waste and
non-waste technologies. (ECE 1979-1987)
On the basis of very limited data, it was assumed that waste production in
the USSR could be estimated at 10,000 tons per billion US$ GDP, that in
other countries with mature industry at 5,000 tons, in newly
industrializedcountries 2,000 tons and in developingcountries 1,000
rangeof hazardous
(i) General control over pollution and waste disposal is often poor
Controls over water and air pollution are often poor, and when such
controls are implemented,the treatment sludges and dusts are often
hazardous wastes.
(v) Socio-politicalreasons
The World Bank, WHO and UNEP have each identifiedthe need for guidance on
the assessment and planning aspects of hazardous waste management,with
specific reference to developingcountries. Among the topics discussed in
this manual are the following:
(i) The first is the most senior technical level within governmentand
industry in developingcountries. The aim is to provide sufficient
information to enable them to undertake a study of the needs and
requirementsof their own country, region or community,and to select a
short list of potential options for more detailed examination.
(iii) It is envisaged that the manual will form the basis for national
and internationaltraining courses aimed both at senior and middle
management levels within governmentand industry in developingcountries.
2.1 Introduction
For these reasons, the definitionof waste adopted in this manual makes
little reference to recycling and does not suggest that any relaxationof
controls be consideredfor recyclablewastes.
A waste is thus defined as a moveable object which has no direct use and
is discardedpermanently.
All wastes must receive proper treatment and disposal so as to protect the
environimentand enhance the quality of life. Hazardous wastes are a
special category of wastes which, due to their toxicity, persistence,
mobility, flammability,etc., require more stringent regulatoryand
technical controlswhen compared to wastes such as municipal refuse.
Later in this chapter, the range of possiblehealth and environmental
problems that can arise because of the impropermanagement of hazardous
wastes are discussed.
The UNEP Working Group also gave considerationto the quantity of waste:
Industrial/Waste Agriculture Mineral Energy Metal Manufacture Chemical Metal
Forestry Extraction Generation Manufacture of Non-metal A Related Goods
and Food Mineral Industries Engineering
Production Products and Vehicle
A B C D E F G-
I InorganicWastes
Acids and Alkalis x x x x x
CyanideWastes x
Heavy Metal Sludges x x x x
and Solutions
AsbestosWastes x x
Solid Residuesn.o.s. x x x
IT Oily Wastes
III OrganicWastes
Spent HnaogenatedSolvents x x
Non-halogenated x x x
PCB Wastes x x
Paint and Resin Wastes x x
Biocide Wastes x x x x
Organic ChemicalResidues x x x
IV PutrescibleOrganic Wastes x x
V High Volume/Low
Hazard Wastes x x x
VI MiscellaneousWastes
InfectiousWastes x
LaboratoryWastes x
ExplosivesWastes x x
A ProposedWaste ClassificationScheme
I InorganicWastes
Acids and Alkalis x x
Cyanide Wastes
Heavy Metal Sludges
and Solutions x
Asbestos Wastes
Solid Residues n.o.s.
II Oily Wastes x
III OrganicWastes
x x
Solvent Wastes x x
PCB Wastes
Paints and Resin Wastes x x
Biocide Wastes x x
Residues n.o.s.
IV PutrescibleOrganic
wastes x
V High Volume/LowHazard
VI MiscellaneousWastes
InfectiousWastes x
LaboratoryWastes x
Toxicity Criteria
Arsenic 5.0
Barium 100.0
Cadmium 1.0
Chromium (total) 5.0
Lead 5.0
Mercury 0.2
Selenium 1.0
Silver 5.0
Endrin 0.02
Lindane 0.4
Methoxychlor 10.0
Toxaphene 0.5
2,4-D 10.0
2,4,5-TP Silvex 1.0
- 18 -
(a) being a liquid, except for aqueous solutions containingless than 24Z
alcohol, that has a flash point less than 60 degrees C;
(d) an oxidizer.
(d) generates toxic gases, vapors or fumes when mixed with water;
The choice of the most appropriatesystem depends upon the use to which
the classificationsystem will ultimately be put. For the purpose of this
manual, three objectivesare consideredof particular importance:
Acids and alkalis are among the major componentsof the total amount of
hazardous waste generated. They occur in many sectors of industry,
although in termsiof quantity, acid wastes come mainly from the surface
preparation and finishingof metals.
The major hazard with acids and alkalis is their corrosive action,
complicated--insome cases--by the presence of toxic constituents.
Cyanide wastes are generated primarily in the metal finishing industry and
in the heat treatment of certain steels.
TAB]E 2-3
C Energy
D Metal Manufacture
o ferrous metallurgy;
o non-ferrousmetallurgy;
o foundry and metal working operations.
o petrochemicals;
o production of primary chemicals and chemical feedstocks;
o production of inks, varnish, paints and glues;
o fabricationof photographicproducts;
o perfume industryand fabricationof soap and detergent
o finished rubber and plastic materials;
o productionof powders and explosives;
o productionof biocides.
- 21 -
o mechanical engineering;
o manufacture of office machinery and data processingof
o electronicand electricalengineering;
o manufacture of motor vehicle and parts;
o manufacture of other transport equipment;
o instrumentengineering;
o other metal good manufacturingindustriesn.o.s.
Heavy metal sludges and solutionsof most concern are those containingthe
toxic metals, arsenic, cadmium, hexavalentchromium, lead, mercury,
nickel, zinc, and copper. These wastes are generated from a wide range of
manufacturingprocesses, includingchlorine production,pigment
production,wood preserving,battery production,textiles, metal plating
and tanning.
Other solid residues are generated from a variety of sources of which the
most significant is the smelting and refiningof metals. Dusts and
sludges generated from these processes typicallycontain toxic metals
including nickel, arsenic, zinc, mercury, cadmium and lead.
Oily wastes are generated primarily Erom the processing,use and storage
of mineral oils. Examples include waste lubricationand hydraulic fluids,
bottom sludges from oil storage tanks, waste cutting oils and interceptor
waste. In some cases, these materiaLsmay be contaminatedwith toxic
metals (e.g. sludges from leaded pet.ol storage tanks, etc.).
The toxicity of these materials varies greatly, and in many cases the
major hazard posed is flammability.
- 23 -
PCB wastes are generated from the manufacture of PCBs and from the
decommissioningof equipment in which PCBs are used, principallyas
dielectricfluids in transformersand capacitors,and also as hydraulic
fluids and heat transfer fluids. The major concernswith PCBs is
associatedwith their high persistenceand bioaccumulationpotential.
High volume/low hazard wastes include those wastes which, based on their
intrinsic properties,present relativelylow hazards, but may pose
problems because of their high volumes. Examples include: drillingsmuds
from petroleum and gas extraction,and fly ash from fossil fuel-fired
power plants, mine tailings, or metaliferousslags.
(F) MiscellaneousWastes
Open water bodies near to disposal sites can receive hazardous wastes
directly from surface runoff. In addition, the groundwater flow of
- 25 -
a | AtmoDsphere Ihlto
/ / \ \ ~~~~~~~~~~~Expiration
/ z \\t~~~~~~~~~~~~Eimincffion)
DlrectContact Autc and
op |
r Man
Slte _Biota ~ orRunoff Sedime lsin \ (ofFood)
Tco oe i \0 Ing(siy/
f Parftiulate Sdre-% /
0 or
Ruycnof rrtin -/
| ~~~~Leoching or-_/ xrtion
DirectSurfaceRundff ON wt r Ingestlon(ofWater)
- 26 -
o Leaching;
o Adsorption/Desorption;
o Volatilization;and
o Bioaccumulation,etc.
Compatibilityof SelectedHazardousWastes
Oxidising E Explosive
1Mineral Acids1
F Rre
2 Caustics H 2] GF FlammableGas
3 Aromatic H 3 GT Toxdc
Hydrocarbons F
4_ Halogenated H - - H HeatGenercion
Halogencrted H H ________
4Organics GF GF S of Toxins
5 Metals HF F 5
6 ToxicMetals S S 6
Sat Aliphatic H
Hydrocarbons F
Ph)enols H
8 and Cresols F 8
9 StrongOxidising H H H H
Agents F F
10 StrongReducing HF H GF HF
__Agents GT GT H F 170
Waterand Mixtures H GF
containingWater H E GT 11
Leakages from landfills and dumping sites often contain large amounts of
nitrates. This has often resull:edin high levels of nitrates in adjacent
drinking water wells. Levels oilnitrates in drinkingwater exceeding 45
mg/l run a risk of methemoglobinemiain infants. This condition,which
interfereswith the oxygen transportationin the bloodstream,can be
fatal. There are several reporl:sin the literature about severe
methemoglobinemiain infants caused by contaminateddrinking water.
Hazard Identification
Each waste material should be assessed for organisms that are pathogenic
to man and animals. Such an assessmentcan usually be made and verified
from informationregarding the source of the waste. The chemical
composition of each waste material must also be determined in order to
evaluate potential systemic toxicity togetherwith other effects, such as
mutagenic, cytogenetic,and carcinogeniceffects, as well as effects on
reproductionand foetal/neonatalgrowth and development. In most cases,
such informationcan be found in the literature, such as the World Health
Organization'shealth criteria documents,national safety data sheets
available from ILO or other sources of toxicologicalliterature. When the
required information is lacking it may then be necessary to perform
As can be seen from Table 2-2, all the contaminantsstudied in the TCLP
test are of concern in drinkingwater because of their adverse health
effects. The MCLs set are approximately100 times the drinkingwater
guidelines for those contaminants. Arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and lead,
for example, are of concern because of their possible carcinogenicity,
while barium effects the muscles and can cause gastroenteritisor muscle
paralysis. Endrin is a potent teratogen and reproductivetoxin. Chronic
exposure to it can effect the nervous system, heart, lungs, liver and
1 Trichloroethylene 33
2 Lead and compounds 30
3 Toluene 28
4 Benzene 26
5 Polychlorinatedbipheny]Ls(PCBs) 22
6 Chloroform 20
7 Tetrachloroethylene 16
8 Phenol 15
9 Arsenic and compounds 15
10 Cadmium and compounds 15
11 Chromium and compounds 15
12 1,1,
1-Trichloroethane 14
13 Zinc and compounds 14
14 Ethylbenzene 13
15 Xylene 13
16 Methylene chloride 12
17 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 11
18 Mercury 10
19 Copper and compounds 9
20 Cyanides (solublesalts) 8
21 Vinyl chloride 8
22 1,2-Dichloroethane 8
23 Chlorobenzene 8
24 1,1-Dichloroethane 8
25 Carbon tetrachloride 8
HA Summry Table
AIdicarb 10 10 10 40 1.26 40 10 NA E
Cadmium 43 43 6 20 0.5 18 5 NA D
Tetrachloride 4,000 160 71 2S0 0.7 26 -- 27 B2
HA SummaryTable
ethane 740 740 740 2,e00 -- -- -- 38 B2
ethylene 2,000 1,000 1,000 3,S00 10 360 7 NA C
methane 13,300 1,500 -- -- 5O 1,750 -- 480 B2
propane -- 90 -- -- -- -- -- 111 B2
Dioxin) 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 3.x10-6 1x10-6 3.6x10- __ 2.2x10- B2
hydrin 140 140 70 70 2 70 -- 364 B2
dibromide 8 8 -- -- -- -- -- 0.05 82
TABLE 2-5 (continued)
HA Sumary Table
Glycol 19,100 5,500 5,500 19,250 1,000 35,000 7,000 NA D
benzene SO SO SO 175 0.8 28 -- 2 B2
Legionelia -- -- -- -- -- -- -- NA --
Methyl ethyl
ketone 75,000 7,500 2,500 8,600 24.7 880 170 NA D
a= Value given is for 4-kg infant; One-day and Ten-day HAs for all other populations is 111,000 ug/L.
b= Value given is for 4-kg infant; One-day and Ten-day HAs for all other populations is 11,000 ug/L.
TABLE 2-S (continued)
HA SummaryTable
Pontach I oro-
phenol 1,000 300 300 1,050 30 1,060 220 NA D
*thylene 2,000 2,000 1,400 5,000 14.3 500 10 66 B2
chloroethane 140,000 36,000 35,000 125,000 35 1,000 200 NA D
Trich loro-
*thylene -- -- -- -- 7.35 260 -- 280 B2
Hazardous waste can affect human and animal health through different
mechanisms and routes of exposure. The most obvious route is direct
contact with the hazardous agent during handling of the waste, or waste
adsorbed to oil matter or via empty containers,jars or bags left at
disposal sites, dropped during transportationor reused without proper
cleaning. This could also be a source of disease as well as chemical
contamination. Children are an especiallyvulnerable group as they are
likely to play around waste bins etc., and may put fingers or contaminated
articles in their mouths. Inhalationof dust from waste storage and
dumping sites may also constitutea hazard. This is, for example, the
case for asbestos-containing material. Inhalationof vaporized chemical
waste is also a potential exposure pathway,but is only likely to be of
significanceto the on-site workforce.
Finally, release of waste materials into the sea and via freshwater
sources leaching from disposal sites and treatment plants as well as
atmospheric deposition,may lead to the uptake of chemicals by aquatic
organisms. Those compoundswith high partition coefficientstend to
bioaccumulatein aquatic food chains. This is of particular significance
for compounds which are persistentin the environmentas these show marked
accumulationin fish. Consumptionof contaminatedseafood can be a
significantsource of human exposure,particularlyfor fishing
communities. Figure 2-2 summarizesthe different exposure pathways of
hazardous wastes back to human populations.
There are strong economic arguments for doing this: It enables resources
to be allocated so that the most dangerouswastes can be tightly
controlled. In a number of European countries,this type of approachhas
been adopted in national regulationsusing concentrationsof constituents
to indicatewhether or not a waste should be subjected to a high degree of
monitoring and control. Other "degreesof hazard' schemes have considered
the mobility of wastes as a criterion for establishingthe degree of
o Category 3 includes primary large volume, low hazard wastes and some
putresciblewastes, for which the cut-off between a 'hazardous'and
'non-hazardous'waste is least clear-cut.
2.10 Summary
Waste Streams Industry/Process Groups
Spent sulphuric acid Galvanizing D
Spent ferrous pickle liquor Steel pickling D
Acid strip solution Metal finishing D
Spent nitrating acid Organic synthesis F
Spent chromic acid Anodising D
Spent brightener for stainless steel Metal finishing D
Acid tars Coking C
Spent reagents Pesticide manufacture F
Alkaline cleaning agents Metal degreasing D
Spent ammoniacal etchants Electronics G
Spent caustic baths Metal finishing D
Waste ammonia Photocopying shops, F/L
chemical synthesis
Caustic sludge Oil re-refining F
Spent caustic Oil refining C
Ammonia still lime sludge Coking operations/gas C
Waste Streams Industry/Process Groups
Waste Streams Industry/Process Group
Waste Streams Industry/Process GrouP
Waste Streams Industry/Process Group
Waste Streams Industry/Process Group
Waste Streams Industry/Process Groups
Waste Streams Industry/Process Groups
Waste Streams Industry/Process Group
Waste Streams Industry/Process Group
Chemical Classes Waste Types Industry/Process Groups
Herbicides sludge
o Phenolics Sweepings
o Phenoxyacids Spill clean ups
o Substitutedureas Washings
o Triazines
o Benzoic acids
o Dinitroanilines Empty containers Agriculture users A
o Anilides Unused products Animal husbandry users A
o Others Spills Horticultureusers A
Fungicides Industrialusers
o wood preservation H
o Dithiocarbamates o paint industry F
o Phthalimides o paper and board J
o textiles (not wool) H
o electric cable G
o tobacco A
o adhesives F
o building industry E
Public sector users L
Home and garden users L
Drum reconditions G
Service companies L
- 56 -
Waste Streams (1) Industry/Process Groups
(1) Wastes typically contain mixtures of aliphatic solvents, resins and may
also include heavy metals.
- 57 -
Waste Streams Industry/Process GrouDs
Waste Streams Industry/Process Groups
Waste Streams IndustrylProcess Groups
3.1 Introduction
A coherent and well thought out plan is essential before one begins to
construct facilitiesfor hazardous waste management. A hurried decision
can result in an inappropriateor overly expensive facility or in serious
The steps involved in deriving a plan for hazardous waste management are
shown schematicallyin Figure 3-1. This step-by-stepapproach includes
both strictlypolitical decisions based on good technical analysis as well
as steps involvingboth political and technical aspects. (See Figure 3-1.)
- 61 -
| Definethescope
of the plan
Definethe objectlvs
andconstralnts 1|
_1 3 Forrnultekey
I questions
r Reviewexisting
situatlon I
j Lr i r-------_L________2r_____
L-- A
I 6AIdentify 6BIdentityand I
.L and analyse I assesspotential
options I I sites_I
'-------- , -
8 AnalyseIntegrated pians
9 Decislons | Political
F 11reogula-r I
r ~~~~~~-~~~~ ~~~- ' ' r n ~~~~~~~~Technical
revlew, .Ir - ------- _
updating I 10implemeritatlon I|
- 62 -
o Step 7. Once a short list of options has been drawn up, various
combinationsof those options should be looked at in order to generate
a number of alternative integratedwaste managementplans. These plans
are then evaluated in light of the specified objectivesand
o Steps 9 and 10. The selectionof a plan is not the end of the process
but rather the beginning. The plan must be implementedand it will
require regular review and updating.
If a proper system and plan already exist for dealing with ordinary
wastes, then it makes sense to develop a complementaryplan for hazardous
wastes. If, however, such a system does not exist, then it is necessary
to develop plans for both non-hazardousand hazardous wastes in parallel.
This will include systems for determiningsources, quantitiesand
classificationsof hazardous wastes, and means for trackingwastes during
transportation,treatment and disposal etc. as well as an assessmentof
current practices.
direct recycling Waste Recovery,
generator Re-use
U .
u z ~~~~~storage
| Collectiorn/| m M |Transpadsps
0 0 o
... . ... ... ........... . ..
- 65 -
o secondary transport;
o treatment or recycling;and
o final disposal.
3.3.4 GeographicalLimits
One cannot be dogmatic about the time horizon for waste management
planning. It will depend very much on local circumstancesand needs.
There may be an immediateneed to separate a short-termaction program,
- 66 -
In longer term planning for new treatment and disposal facilities the
appropriate timescale is determinedby the anticipatedlifetime of those
The time scale is also related to the types and quantitiesof waste being
generated, and to the planner's ability to forecast the future. If it is
difficult to see further than one or two years ahead, then a key factor in
developing and assessing a plan must be its flexibilityto handle future
changes as they occur. In that case, when the quantity of hazardous
waste that will need to be in handled in the future is uncertain, it may
be appropriate to consider a phased implementationplan.
o by an independentcompany;
o directly by Government;or
o monitoring environmentalquality;
o Health Effects
O EnvironmentalImpact
o Technical Reliability
o Political Acceptability
o Resource Recovery
o Economic Viability
o Resource Conservation
3.4.2 Constraints
o Financial Constraints
O Manpower Constraints
Most hazardous wastes are generated near urban areas, where there is
often a shortageof land. Shanty towns and other unofficialhousing
developmentsoften grow up in close proximity to industrialplants, on
land which could otherwise be available for on-site treatment and
disposal facilities. In preparing a plan for hazardous waste
management, liaison with other plannerswho are providing facilities
for housing, industryand services, is essential. Parks, wildlife
areas, and public water supplies,etc. should be identifiedas
constraints in identifyingsuitable land for all facilities.
o Local EnvironmentalConstraints
o Time Constraints
Having defined the scope of the plan, the objectivesto be met and the
principal constraints,it is possible to formulate a series of key
questions that need to be addressed by the plan.
o How are the wastes stored, collected and transportedat present? What
are the principal problems and difficulties?
o How are the wastes recycled, treated or disposed of? What are the
principal problems and difficulties?
- 70 -
3.6.1 Introduction
The WHO report contains extensive tables of the necessary load factors for
these calculations. Unfortunately,the extent of informationavailable
for hazardous wastes is comparativelylimited.
o date;
* large quantities;
* medium quantities;or
Experience from many parts of the world suggests that personal interviews
are much more reliablethan postal questionnaires,although the latter may
be useful as a supplementarysource of information. The use of well
trained personnel is essential for interviews,so that the interviewerhas
a good idea of what types of waste to expect and is able to ask the right
(iv) ComprehensiveSurvey
No matter how detailed the survey method, the results are only valid under
the socio-politicaland economic conditionsprevailingat the time of the
survey. Any changes in governmentregulations,or in the political or
economic conditionswhich directly or indirectlyaffect the cost or
acceptabilityof current waste disposal practiceswill affect the
hazardous waste inventory.
o its location;
o age;
o operating capacity;
o current throughout;
o manpower requirements;
o ownership.
For each existing disposal site, including on site storage and disposal at
industrial sites and those receiving industrialor hazardous wastes along
with other wastes, informationis requiredon:
o its location;
o ownership;
- 77 -
Some products recycled from hazardous wastes may not be direct substitutes
for existing products. In such cases, establishingthe acceptabilityof
- 78 -
the product, the size of the market and the possible sale price may prove
to be more problematical.
There is no single answer for the question of who pays for the design and
financing of a national hazardous waste management system. Usually either
the polluter pays or society pays.
Advantage Disadvantage
No set goals
This section presents (1) the frameworkwithin which financial issues are
identifiedand analyzed; and (2) the essential elementswhich should be
considered in allocatingcosts.
Data on costs can be adjusted to a common base by the use of annual costs
indices. These indices represent the changes in price levels from year to
year, based on the levels establishedfor a specific year which is used as
a referencepoint. The annual index reflects the changes due to inflation
and other factors which influenceprice levels.
Local sources of capital funds include tax revenues loans, and bond issues
of various types. Municipal governmentsgenerally have little or no
surplus tax revenues, and hence are considereda poor source of funding.
Usually the local governmentmust resort to borrowing in order to furnish
its share of the cost. However, in developingcountries, loan funding,
independentof government sources,may often be unavailable. The project
must then be cut back in scope or else extended over time to facilitate
financing from such annually allotted budget sources as are available.
The purpose of the financial plan is to show in detail how the project is
to be financed. It will determinewhether or not the project is
affordablewith available resources. Who will pay? How much will each
participant or beneficiary pay? When are payments to be made? These and
related questions are not easily answered.
The financial plan should include both a burden and risk analysis. The
former identifiesand attempts to predict the future financialburden on
each of the affected institutionsand on the host locales. The risk
analysis shows the extent to which projected costs could vary in the event
of unanticipatedfuture changes in the proportion of external to local
capital funding, and to changes in the costs for services, etc. As a
planning tool, it is essential to have a fall-backposition for financing
if earlier assumptionsdo not materialize.
(F) Privatization
Local sources of operating income may take the form of either user charges
or taxation, but user charges are the predominantmethod utilized. User
- 87 -
* collection system;
* treatment facilities;
* accountingand collection;
* customer services;
* depreciation.
O Plant replacements.
o depreciationexpenses; and
o the rate base (often based on the total original cost value of
facilitiesused or under construction)for providing services, and on
which the financial rate of return is calculated.
o waste characteristics;
_ 89 -
Once costs have been assigned to the cost-causativefactors then the total
service costs must be distributed according to the customers'classes.
This can usually be done in three steps.
o The final step is the establishmentof costs per unit of service for
each component, and the distributionof total costs per unit of service
for customer classes. Responsibilityfor cost of service is assigned
on the basis of projectedwaste quantity and quality, system capacity,
and units of service assigned to each class.
total revenue collected should cover the total cost of the services
provided, and that the distributionshould be equitable and enable the
utility to operate on a self-supportingbasis.
3.7.3 InstitutionalConsiderations
The national agency should concern itself with major policy and planning
issues and with establishingthe criteria to be applied by lower
- 91 -
At the local level, the staffs are the direct providers of many services
to the public. Hence, local personnelmust have the skills to establish
and maintain the level of service desired by the national and state
3.8.1 Introduction
o disposal at sea.
3.8.3 PracticableOptions
Treatment Immobilization
Physical Chemical
Chemical fixation
Recovery Incineration Bilogical Encapsulation Landfill
Waste Type Code Property (items in C ) refer to treatment residues)
S F R P Od r pc s I I b i d
Waste Type Code Property (items in ( ) refer to treatment residues)
S F R P Od r pc a I I b i d
Sodium phosphateor
polyphosphates 031 x x x x (x) (x)
Sodium silicate 031 x x x x (x) (x)
Sodium sulphide 045 x x x x (x) (x)
Sodium peroxide 051 x x x x (x) (x)
Alkaline cleanors 031 x x x x (x) (x) I
Alkali metals OSS x x x x x (x) (x)
Animal residues 081 x x x x x x
Antimony compounds 045 x x x (x) (x)
Arsenic compounds 045 x x x (x) (x)
Asbestos wastes 181 x x x
materials 121 x x x x
Barium salts 046 x x x x (x)
Bleaching powdersand
solutions 051 x x x x x x
Boron (compounds of) 045 x x x x
Cadmium (compounds of) 045 x x x (x) (x)
Cannery wastes 082 x x x x
Cattle dips and
residues 049 x x x x x (x) (x)
Carbonization liquors
(wood or coal) 169 x x x
Chloroform 074 x x x x
Carbon tetrachloride 074 x x x x
TABLE 3-4 (continued)
Waste Type Code Property (items in ( ) refer to treatment residues)
S F R P Od r C s I I b i d
Ethylenedichloride 074 x x x x
Perchlorethylene 074 x x x x
Trichloroethane 074 x x x x
Trichloroethylene 074 x x x x
Chromium compounds 046 x x x x (x)
Copper compounds 046 x x x x (x)
Plating residues 013 x x x (x) (x)
Heat treatment
residues 014 x x x (x) (x)
Metal complexes 01S x x x (x) (x)
Organo-cyanides 159 x x x x x (x)
Detergents 156 x x x x (x) °
Disinfectants 169 x x (x) (x)
Drugs (see
Dyestuffs 061/9 x x x
Explosives 063 x x x x
Fats, grease 104 x x x x x x
Fish residues 081 x x x x x
Fluoridesand compounds
containingfluorine 042 x x x x x
Fruit residues 082 x x x x (x)
Grease trap residues
domestic 083 x x x x
commercial 084 x x x x
Lubricatingoil 101 x x x
Light oils 101 x x x
TABLE 3-4 (continued)
Waste Type Code Property (items in ( ) refer to treatment residues)
S F R P Od r pc s I I b 1 d
Methacrylates 153 x x x x x x
Motor fuel additives
and residues 071 x x x x
Nickel compounds 045 x x x x (x)
Nitrates 061 x x x x (x) (x)
Cutting oils 101 x x x x
Cutting mulsions 103 x x x (x) (x)
Hydrocarbon 101 x x x x
Lubricating 101 x x x x
Organo-Nitrates 159 x x x x x
Oxidizing agents
Chlorates 061 x x x x (x) (x)
Chromates 051 x x x (x) (x)
Nitrates 061 x x x x (x) (x)
Permanganates 061 x x x x (x) (x)
Peroxides 051 x x x x (x) (x)
Paint thinners (low
flashpoint) 072 x x x
Pesticides 161/9 x x (x) (x) x
TABLE8-4 (continued)
WasteTy" Code Proporty (items in ( ) refer to treatment residues)
S F R P Od r pc I I b 7 d
Waste Type Code Property (items in ( ) refer to treatment residues)
S F R P Od r pc a I I b i d
Recommendationsare those for general situations. Practicalchoiceswill be influencedby appropriatepro-treatmentand/or
availabilityof suitablefacilities. Disposalto sewers watercoursesand landfillis subject to acceptancecriteria of
Isa suItoble Na SPECiAL
Incinerator _ TREATMENT
iSLIQDAND availablea (6) (4)
Iswaste No
landfill pro-
over- cedures
cobustIle pract ? come this?
_quantityod eg: Immedlate
the waste burlcjl? the waste
giverCseto a
dnifcnt No yes slgntflcant
Source:theUnted en 197 Waste Maxnageent
oKiNgddomeso Par
t o.s
a1 l O No-q
bovelandill ispo alrue rpresenta l idalie sigtuain.I i eogxedtidate
I utabiitcano
o l bedeemie
l l
remoel,sincesct l~~~~~~~n
osdrona oa conditions, tegreolodn, eAteoSSc
Lh ITiEsadrtsbegdtont
t ,e + t + |~~~~~~~~~~~~r
t | dependenton loodlng
| neu { | ~discharge
I or,rEctL9) | CAS2 | | LS3 |
Kingdom of
theoEnvironment. 1977. Waste ManagementPaperNo. .lquor
13. sp yes i TRhistshoul i inErto 6 T isEs
Source: United
London: Her Majesiys stationaryoffice. |mD
toxlcitlescondratesof blodegradatlon of
'Note:Theaobove landill dlspoal routesrepresentanideallzed sltuatlon. ItIsrecognlzed that sltesuitabllity cannot be determlned remotely, slncesuch conslderatlons as local condltlons, degree oflocading,the relative
Scotland)and other relevantbodles.
wasteswill Influence siteselectlon. Inproctice, the mutual sultablllt ot sitesand wastes mustbeassess d by local consultatlonbetween theWaste DlsposalAuthoritles,the Regional Authorlites(RlverPurlflccatlonBEoardIn prolong the life of limiteIcd ladill
Notes:1 , Pecyery Istaken to Include the recoveryof potential heat values. 2. No optlon Is given for thls Incinerationstep,subJectto itstechnlcal feasibillty. A l other inclneratlon recommendatIons are preferred
t dISPOa. 4.InaddIfon to (3) aboveth1s
capacity, and to mlnlmize landtilllslte hydroullc loodIn thecoaseof llqulds. 3.In thiscontext, specilultreatmentwilllencormpasschemical trectrnent (which mav Include neutralizatlon), chemlcal solldlfcatlon ormineshCa for solidwastes than for liquld wastes,
could Include submissionto Mlnlstryof Agriculture, Flsheries and Food forconsideratlon or sea41sposal. 5. Inaddliton to (3) and (4) ab yve,special treatment Inthis context should Inclucle Inciner tlon. 6.ThlsIs lesslikely
my be suitable for some solid materialssubject to the constraintsimposed by design consideratlons. except where a wastes aggessiveor
although suitable tacilitles do existwtthin the private waste disposalsector. In addition, municipal refuseincinerators 0
at4O C are subjected toa naked flame(applied remotely- i.e.,a
othervise hazardouspropertlesexcludethlsfromaspectsotfsafety. 7.Asimplevwdelyappilcabletest procedure Isrecommendedwhereby 5 ml of o liquid woste in a shallowdish maintained
may produce residueswhichshould beconsidered
toperis preferabletoa match orcigarette lighter). Al iliquldswhich ignite and sustaincombustlon aredeemedtobecapableof buming unsupported. 8.Neutralizatlon,recoveryand incinerationoperations
aswastesfordisposal. 9. Class1,11and ill sitesreferto stes providingaslgnficant element of contalnment (I), sitesallowng slowleachate migration (II)) and sitesollowing rapid leachate migratlon
- 107 -
^ | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(3)
semi-solids Diluteaqueoussolutionsand
and sludges.non-aqueousliquidsand slurries
Packaging Redundantor somerelativetyconcentrated slurries
waste damaged stock,and and aqueousliquids
unwantedproducts I 1 (4)
(4.5) Doeswastepresenta significanthealth, Doeswaste presenta significant
iswastecontaminated yes Doeswastepresenta handlingor environmentalhazard? health,handling or environmental
withraw materials significanthealth, (9) j yes (7) hazardor seriousamenity
orproducts? handlingare"'viron - Does waste bum nuisance?
mental hazard,any Iyes unsupported? (6)
4m serious arnenity (10) rno I
j or sesunty ~~~~yes iscemical or biological Could
virtueotthis be ve)come
ready (e g b
yeG | isa suit |n, able no (4) I
no (4 yes
no is waste no ~Could
special incinerator
combusibe? r tlandfillpro- available? Doeswastegiveriseto Consultwateror sewerage Consult
yes lR thicedures
overcome no any eriusamenity authoity redischarge or WDAfor
(8)(e.g., this ~~~~~nuisance
no issuitableo Immediateburial Could spec TRADE
incinerator and cover)? landfillpro- no
| | available?
| B | |~~cedures ye t
I | | yes ovIrsrercome
thtsl |WilMwasteproducea no
(eg., Imine- signgifiantquantityat
r----, ~~~~~diate
burlai leachate?
BURiAL| and cover)? ye
Identify hazards
from solublespecies
The waste producer (if necessarybyfinding outfrom the supplier) should be the primary sourceof information on the propertiesof a porticularwaste. I .Thequantities ofboth current and
future arsings of specific wastes and the handling capacity and looding of potentia. disposalsites are factorsto be considered when deciding on a disposalroute. Thedisposalof a
particularwasteasa one-offarising may requirea totally different solutionasopposed too similarmrterial arisingon a regularbasisin quantitieswhich may be ordersofmagnituoe greater
orsmaller. Theoverall propertiesofowaste should betoken intoaccount, aswell asthe propertiesofthe active ingredient(s). 2 Recoveryincludesreuseasa fuel,and sellingclean empty
containersas scrap. 3.Someaqueouswastes containing relativelyhigh concentrations oforganicand/or inorganic chemicals maynotbe reodilyamenable totreatmentordischorge as
liquid effluent. 4 Thegeneration o otffensiveodoursis likelyto be the main amenity nuisonce. 5.Securedisposalisof importonce fotarl bronoed products and forol materials attractive to
childrenorwhich could be subjectto misuse.6. Inthis context special treatment could includechemical ond/orbiological treatment. Ortheuseofphysical methodssuch assettlementof
aqueous suspensions.sometimesby lagooning withinthe factorycurtilage. 7.A simple widely-applicabletest proceoure isrecommended whereby5 ml of aliquid waste in ashallowdish
are sublect to a naked flame (apptied remotely;-iea taper ispreferabletoa match orcigarette lighter) and the temperatureslowly raisedto4O C. with frequent application ofthe naked
flame. All liquidswhich ignite and sustaincombustion are deemedto be capoble of burning unsupported. 8. ncinerationftcilities existwdhin theprivatewastedisposal sector. Municipal
incinerators may be suitablefor smallarisingsofsome solicmateials (particularly pockaging wastes,rejectproductsand returned goods) attertaking into account handling, satetyano
plant design considerations. 9. Liquids that burn unsupported should be incinerated where technically feasible 10. Chemical properties of consequence might include pH value,
reactivity ofwasteswith acidstop roducetoxicgases, liabilityto spontaneouscombustion,or oxidizing potential towardsorganic moterials.Undesirablebiological acJivitymight resulttrom
the presenceofcertain microbiological pesticideactive ingredientsin significantquantity. 11 Special treatment inthis oontext could includechemical treatment,fixation forinorganic (or
mainly inorganic) wastes, or physical methods such as puncturing or crushing of empty containers. The hydrogeological statusof a landfill sitewill take account of itsability to contain
leachate or otherwiseallow of dilution and attenuation by natural processesin the underlying strata.
Source: United Kingdom Department of the Environment. 1980.Pesticide Waste Management Paper No 21. London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office.
- 108 -
o to minimize environmentalimpacts;and
o to minimize costs.
Siting Factors
Physical Constraints
o Surface soils
o Subsurfacegeology and aquifers
o Topography
o Surface water and streams, flooding
o Seismic stability
o Land stability
o Wind direction
Ecological Constraints
Human Values
o Landscape
o Recreationvalue
o Historical/archaeological/cultural
o Population density
o Employment opportunities
Land Use
o Agriculturalvalue
o Extractive industry/mining
o Water supply (surfaceand subsurface)
o Developmentpotential
o Transportationcorridor or utility use
o Land use designation (residential/industrial,
o Proximity to users
o Transport access
o Availability to utilities and services
o Adjacent land use; zoning
o Site modifications
The factors are presented here as points for considerationrather than the
basis for absolute exclusion criteria. Not all the factors listed are
equally applicable to each type of hazardouswaste treatment and disposal
During each phase of site selection,the size of the study area is reduced
by identifyingissues,-developingcriteria appropriate to the scale of
investigationand applying the criteria in a structuredformat. This
phased approach offers the advantage of reducing the total amount of data
to be handled and restrictsdetailed evaluationto relativelyfew sites.
The number of phases and their complexitycan be varied to suit the nature
of the facilities,the study area and the preferencesof the waste
controllingauthority. Typically however, a project siting exercise might
be carried out in four phases:
Providing that the criteria for each phase of the site selectionprocess
are chosen appropriately,the phased approach should result in an
environmentallyand economicallysound selection of sites.
Following any necessary review and feedback, the planner will have
produced a short-listof technologiesfor hazardous waste managementwhich
are potentially attractivein terms of local needs and circumstances. If
the quantities of waste are relativelysmall, or the waste sources are
relatively concentrated,then perhaps the planner has enough information
at this point on which to base the choice of an appropriateplan.
However, in some cases, it may be necessary to take into account the
geographicaldistributionof waste generators,and also a number of
possible locations for each of the alternativetreatment or disposal
facilities. A relativelyconcise short-listof alternativetechnologies
may thus give rise to a much longer list of feasible alternativeplans,
taking into account the various combinationsof alternativesfor
collectionand transport and for the location of facilities.
o how able is the overall system to cope with a failure in any one part?
o the most useful type of model is not a "black box" to produce the
optimum solution,but rather an "interactive",user-friendlymodel
which can be used by the waste manager himself to construct and
evaluate alternativeplans; and
o adequate regulations;
o effective enforcement;
o professionalmanagement of facilities;and
Wilson D.C. 1985. Long-term planning for solid waste management. Waste
Management & Research, 3: 203-216.
Peskin, Henry M., and Eugene P. Seskin (eds). 1985. Cost Benefit Analysis
and Water Pollution Policy. Washington,D.C.: The Urban Institute.
The first page comprises general informationon the firm, its products or
services and the number of employees. For computerizationthe firm is given a
unique serial number and assigned to an MLH group (the minimum list heading
which is a subdivisionof the UK standard industrialclassification)and a
local authority area, which allows the informationfrom the survey to be sub-
divided on a geologicalbasis.
Name of firm
Products / Services
No. of employees
- 119 _
If you have ticked category 'III' above, please specify the waste type produced
by ticking one or more of the categorieslisted below:
Please describe any industrialwastes not falling within the above waste types.
- 120 -
Please respond to the following questions for each waste category (and sub-
category for industrialwaste) ticked in question one (1). Should further
space be needed, please photocopy relevantpages.
Waste category
o solid
o semilsolid
o liquid
(b) Do you have any informationon the chemical compositionof the waste
If yes, please attach details on a separate sheet.
o flammable
o toxic
o corrosive
o odorous
o non-hazardous
4. Please state the numbers of units of each of the following types used for
temporarywaste storage:
o dustbin/sack
o bulk bin
o skip
o tank
o drum
o other (specify)
o dustbin/
o bulk bin
o skip
o tank
o drum
o other
o dustbin/
o bulk bin
o skip
o tank
o drum
o other
7. What is the weekly waste total calculated from 4-6 above (m3 )?
o Local
o Contractor
o Self (specify:
e.g. burn, bury
or transport
o Other (specify)
Facilities DevelopmentProcess
Phase 2 was completed in January, 1983. It resulted in the search for sites
being narrowed to the Golden Horseshoe region of Southern Ontario where
approximately70Z of Ontario's specialwaste is generated and where the risks
- 123 -
FacilitiesDevelopment Process
PHASE: 1 2 A3 B A 4 B 5
- 124 -
o engineered landfill,
and that only one installationof each major component should be constructed.
Finally in Phase 4A, a preferred site was identifiedand the conceptual design
of the facility developed. A perspective drawing of the proposed facility is
shown in Figure 3B-2.
General Principles
r t h ~~~to
HighwA 20 ;;,7!w
Sites Preferred
Candidate Sites
Geographic Areas
Region L
iOn-the-Land Pb
Stepnvestigation HeaL S
o Efficiency and effectivenessof the process: The costs and time involved
in conductinga detailed analysis and evaluationof every conceivablesite
across the entire province were consideredprohibitive. The search and
selection process must focus available resources systematicallyon
critical concerns and reach definite conclusionsas quickly as possible.
Based on these principles, three site selection goals were adopted by OWMC, in
the following order of importance.
o Minimize environmentalimpacts.
Although this ranking was assigned to reflect the general prioritiesof OWMC
and the public, it was also recognizedthat there would be instanceswhere
these goals overlap in significance. For example, there may be instanceswhere
relativelyminor risk-relatedconcerns are overriddenby major environmental
impacts. Similarly,a major cost considerationmight override a minor health
risk or environmentalimpact consideration.
I. Goal
(4) To site facility componentsin settings that minimize the hazards to the
site as a result of such conditionsas flooding, potential susceptibility
to seismic disturbance,and slope failures, and to utilize engineering
measures where required to ensure maximum environmentalsafety.
(7) To site facility componentsto minimize hazards to the site from other
uses which might contributeto the likelihoodor severity of a release of
(1) To site facility componentsto minimize the number of people who might be
exposed, as well as the durationof their exposure, to contaminantsin the
event of a release.
- 129 -
(2) To site facility componentsto that the physical settings along the access
routes to the site(s) naturally restrict the movement of contaminantsand
protect human health, terrestrialand aquatic ecosystems.
(1) To site facility componentsto minimize the number of people who might be
exposed and the duration of that exposure to contaminantsalong access
routes to the site(s) -inthe event of a release.
II. Goals
o To minimize environmentalimpacts.
(B) Resources
(1) To minimize the amount of land required to safely construct and operate
the facility component(s).
(2) To minimize the potential for the establishmentof the facility components
in locations characterizedby similar industrialuses.
(3) To minimize the amount of private property required and the disruptionto
land ownership patterns.
(D) Social
(E) Economics
(6) To minimize adverse effects upon the provision and use of public and
private community services and facilities.
III. Goal
(A) To minimize capital and operating costs to the greatest extent possible
without sacrificingenvironmentalquality.
No one site can satisfy all the site selectionobjectives. With any given site
or area under consideration,some objectiveswill be largely satisfied. Other
objectiveswill not be satisfiedor will only be partially satisfied. Thus, in
the process of identifyingand comparing potential sites, considerationwas
given to differences in the levels of satisfactionof various objectives. For
example, trade-offsmay have to be made between a facility location in an area
of potential environmentalsignificanceversus a locationon good agricultural
land. The considerationof such "trade-offs"was crucial to decisions
concerning the acceptabilityof the risks, impacts and costs associatedwith
the preferred site(s).
Siting Factors
The size of any buffer zone will depend on the characteristicsof the site and
its surroundingarea. OWMC's general approachwas to consider sites that
provided adequate space beyond the operating area of the treatment facilities.
This extra space was necessary to monitor for any accidentalreleases of
contaminantsand to provide a zone where appropriatecontainmentaction would
be possible if there were an accidentalrelease. This area of space around the
operating area is called the technical buffer zone.
The second issue that affected site size was how the three major waste
treatment and disposal componentscould be grouped for siting purposes. The
three facilities can be arranged in five variations:
1. separate incinerator
separate physical/chemicalplant
separate landfill
Partially Integrated
4. incinerator
and with separate
landfill physical/chemicalplant
Fully Integrated
5. incineratorand
physical/chemicalplant all at one location
and landfill
In the first stage, smaller areas, called site areas, were identifiedwith the
larger candidate areas. To identify these site areas, data were first
collectedwithin the candidate areas on a long list of factors. Certain
factors were then identifiedas "exclusionary"(i.e., factors which should rule
out certain areas from further considerationat this time). The exclusionary
factors are shown in Table 3B-2. These exclusionaryfactors were then mapped
and certain areas excluded, and site areas free of those factors were
identified. This technique,called constraintmapping, resulted in the
identificationof a large number of potentially suitable site areas (i.e., 152)
for examination in greater detail.
The second stage reduced the site areas in number and size to potential sites.
It involved the collection of detailed data on each site area and the
applicationof certain 'screening"factors.
During the screening process, site areas were either dropped from further
considerationor reduced in size. The screening factors addressed the
following questions:
(i) Are there areas which are too small or unsuitably shaped to accommodatethe
size of facility required? (Site Size and ConfigurationScreen).
(ii) Are there areas which are crossed by major services? (SuitabilityScreen
- Linear Facilities).
(iii) Are there areas which are less suitablebecause they contain a very
sensitive environmentalarea? (SignificantEnvironmentalUnits [SEUs] as
identifiedby provincial and/or municipal agencies).
(iv) Are there areas which are unsuitablebecause they would result in severe
environmentalor social impacts? (SuitabilityScreen - Severe Impacts).
(v) Are there areas which have a number of constraints and no relative
advantagesover the site areas which could be retained? (SuitabilityScreen -
Relative Suitability).
Physical Resources
Land Use
o Indian Reserves
o Residentialbuilt-on
o Residential,designatedand serviced
o Commercial,designated and built-on
o Commercial, designatedand vacant
o Existing rural residential
o Airports
o Existing specialtycrops
o High grade agriculturalcapability (typicallyClass 1 to 3)
The third stage in the review of candidate areas was an initial comparative
evaluationof the 16 potential sites, using the factors identified in Table
3B-3. The factors encompass a range of physical, social, resource, biological,
land use, transportationand cost considerationsfor each potential site, the
area around each site and the access roads to the sites.
(ii) In comparing the differencesamong the potential sites, were there sites
that were relativelyless suitablewhich could be dropped from further
considerationat this time without seriously limitingthe diversity of siting
choices for Phase 4?
o the collection of more detailed data for each site and the developmentof
more detailed factors for site comparison;
o the evaluation of the basic acceptabilityof the sites in the light of the
more detailed data available;and
Initial ComparativeEvaluationFactors
(A) Site
o Existing residences
o Existing resources (agricultural,historical, archaeological,
o Existing community and recreationalfacilities (public,private)
o Existing commercialand industrialuses
o Future residents
o Future resources
o Future commercial and industrialuses
o Hydrogeology
o Biology
o Atmospheric dispersion
(3) Costs/Operations
o Land acquisition
o Site improvements
o Utilities, roads, airports
o Site size and configuration
o Existing residences
o Existing resources
o Existing community and recreationalfacilities
o Existing community character and lifestyle
o Future residents
o Future resources
o Existing commercialand industrialuses
o Future commercialand industrialuses
(2) Costs/Operations
o transportationsafety
o existing residents
o existing resources
o existing community and recreationalfacilities
o future residents
o future resources
o existing commercialand industrialuses
o future commercial and industrialuses
o hydrogeology
o stream crossings
o transportationsafety
o existing residents
o existing resources
o hydrogeology
o stream crossings
(3) Costs/Operations
The "risk" factors pertain to the potential effects on human health resulting
from the operation of OWMC's proposed facilities. They encompass four
potential means for exposure to toxic chemicals: transportation,air, surface
water and groundwater. Risks to human health will be minimized through the use
of the best proven technology,design, operationsand monitoring procedures.
The choice of a site can also reduce even further the very low levels of risk
The comparative evaluationof the remaining siting options began by ranking the
risk and impact factors in order of importanceTable 3B-4. This was followed
by comparing each siting option with other siting options (i.e., a paired
Some of the Phase 4A factors were consideredto be more important than others
in helping OWMC to determine the safety and suitabilityof the siting options.
A preliminary ranking of factors was published in June, 1985 and comment was
subsequentlysought from the public at site selectionworkshops in July. Using
the comments received at these workshops, OWMC refined and finalized the
ranking of its factors. The final list of factors and their ranking appears in
Appendix 2 to the OWMC Phase 4A report (OWMC 1985).
Based on this comparisonof the siting options, two sites were agreed by all of
OWMC's site selection consultants to be and the other a separate landfill and
physical/chemicaltreatment-incinerator combination. The essential differences
between the two options could be summarizedin terms of lower risks for the
integratedoption, in particulargreater natural containment and greater
certainty of geologicalconditions,versus lower impacts for the separate
- 143 -
Detailed ComparativeEvaluationFactors
(A) Risk
(B) EnvironmentalImpacts
(B) EnvironmentalImpacts
(B) EnvironmentalImpacts
(B) EnvironmentalImpacts
Since protection of human health (as distinct from non-health related impacts
on the environment)was the highest priority goal of OWMC's site selection
process, the preferred site was the integratedsiting option.
ReferencesAnnex 3B
During the late sixties,pollution in the Gulf of Naples area of Italy was
highlighted by several outbreaks of cholera which focused public attention on
the problems of pollution. The Cassa per I1 Mezzogirono (Italy'sstate- funded
Development Agency for Southern Italy) committed itself to what is arguably one
of the most ambitiouspollution cleanup campaigns ever undertaken.
The objective of the part of the study which is described here was to identify
and quantify industrialwastes requiring disposal (i.e., principallynon-
aqueous wastes). From this information,suitable disposal facilitieswere to
be developed and hazardous or potentiallyhazardousmaterials requiring
particular treatment and/or disposalmethods were to be identified.
- 148 -
Area 2800 sq km
Industrial Areas 17
The methodology that was developed to gather and interpretdata on the types
and quantities of waste being generated in the region is describedbelow.
Initial Steps
Other areas were identifiedwhere there was a tendency for one particulartype
of industry to predominate;the most notable being Solofra with its tanning
industry,Agro Nocerino with tomato production and canning,northern Naples
with shoe and leather goods and Torre del Greco with coral and cameo factories.
It soon became apparent that records giving informationabout industrialwaste
production in Campania did not exist in any useful form. It was therefore
decided to produce a complete inventory of industry in Campania to provide a
basis on which industrialwaste productioncould be evaluated.
Identificationof IndustrialPresence
3 11 01 Bicycle manufacture
3 11 02 Vehicle manufacture (cars)
3 11 03 Two or three-wheeledvehicle construction
3 11 04 Lorry construction
3 11 05 Coachworks
3 11 06 Vehicle parts manufacture
3 11 07 Railway rolling stock and locomotivemanufacture
3 11 08 Animal or hand-drawncart manufacture
3 11 09 Aerospace industry
3 11 10 Boat constructionand dockyards
This source also listed the number of factories in each sub-categoryand the
total number of employees engaged in those factories for every local council.
- 150 -
Main IndustrialClassification
Class IndustrialSector
3 01 Foodstuffs
3 02 Tobacco
3 03 Textiles
3 04 Clothing
3 05 Shoes
3 06 Leather Goods
3 07 Wood
3 08 Furniture
3 09 Metal
3 10 Mechanical
3 11 Construction
3 12 Minerals
3 13 Chemicals
3 14 Rubber
3 15 Cellulose
3 16 Paper
3 17 Publishing
3 18 CinemalMusic
3 19 Plastics
3 20 Various
It was decided to use this informationas a basis for the inventory. This
offered three distinct advantages:
(iii) It facilitatedeasy division of the whole area into 195 smaller areas
(local councils) which could be examined independentlyor grouped together.
It was found that out of the 25,000 plus industrialpremises in Campania the
majority of them were engaged in small scale crafts or trades that produced
wastes normally disposed of along with domestic garbage. Consequently,to make
the project manageable, the remainderof the study was limited to industrial
premises of 10 employees or greater, comprising some 3000 firms.
1 Castellammare NA 3 01 35
2 Vesuviano NA 3 01 15
3 Molinara BN 3 04 36
3276 Battipaglia Sa 3 10 72
Data Collection
Between July 1983 and March 1984, over 185 industrialpremiseswere visited and
questions concerning administrativeaspects of the factory and waste production
were put to factory staff. It should be noted that the most obvious parameter
by which unit waste productionwould normally be measured, quantity per unit
volume of product or raw material used, was found to be unreliable as factories
were often reluctant to disclose informationregarding production. By
contrast, data relating to the number of employees obtained from the local
chamber of commerce or from social security records were more reliable. At
the end of the survey, the quantity of wastes produced by that type of industry
per employeewere known for each industrialsub-category.
Another data bank was created containingthis information. Where more than one
premise from any industrialcategorywas visited the average waste production
was calculated. The data bank took the following form:
3 01 A Sludge 0.1125 11
3 01 A Paper & Plastic 0.113 11
3 09 01 Sludge 0.00027 11
3 09 01 Refractorybricks 0.023 11
3 09 01 Slag 0.7 11
Data Interpretation
By effectively combining one data bank with the other, the total amount of
industrialwaste produced in the area under considerationcould be estimated.
Similarly,applying selectionprocedures to the first data bank, waste
production in a particular area (group of local councils or provinces) or
industry type could be obtained.
It was decided that all wastes were to be included in the inventory even those
which, because of certain circumstances,might not require disposal
immediately. In this way, any future change could be easily accommodated. An
identificationsystem was therefore incorporatedinto the coding system to show
that certain wastes currently do not enter the disposal pathway. The last
three charactersin the code indicatewhether or not a waste requires disposal
The codes were then inserted into the waste data bank so the final data bank
took the following form:
(19) Can the waste be mixed with domestic refuse for disposal?
Yes (Y)
No (N)
Unknown (X)
Yes (Y)
No (N)
Unknown (X)
On compiling these codes from gathered data, it was evident that not enough was
known about the qualitative characteristicsof many of the wastes. When the
codes had been attributedas best as possible, a search of wastes with one or
more Xs in the code was undertaken. This identifiedwastes with part or
completelyunknown qualitative characteristics. On the basis of this a series
of visits were subsequentlyarranged to inspect and sample these wastes. From
the results of these analyses the waste data bank was modified.
When any waste production is calculatedby interactionof the main two data
banks, with or without any selectionprocedures, the waste's code is retained
alongside the quantity. So, when the calculationis complete, a selective
search through the wastes can be made using the code to identify the presence
of quantitiesand types of wastes of one or more code types.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with the World Bank as
executing agency, has undertaken a global IntegratedRecovery Project to
examine and promote the recycling of wastes and the recovery of resources. A
part of the second stage of this project is the developmentand testing of
survey and inventory methodologiesfor classifying,quantifyingand
characterizingindustrialwastes in Mexico City. The initial part of this
project, an evaluation of waste productionand disposalpractices in the
MetropolitanArea of Mexico City, was completed two years ago.
Identificationof IndustrialPresence
During the initial survey, informationgathered showed that there are over
30,000 industrialpremises in the Federal District alone. With the major
industrialpremises to the north of the city outside the Federal District, it
is estimated that the number of industrialpremises exceeds 50,000, including
a 40,000 brl/d refinery.
At the outset of the second phase of the work, it was found that very little
informationon industrialwaste existed. In fact, the situationwas exactly
as in Naples -- the only reliable referencewas the census records on
industrialpresence and employment. Data on industry resulting from the
census is stored by the Secretariade Programaciony Presupesto (SPP),
Instituto Nacional de Estadistica. Although the classificationsystem used,
ClasificacionMexicana de Actividadesy Productos (CMAP), is different from
the ISTAT system it is possible to convert from one to the other.
Waste Identification
Planned Approach
Area 1200 sq km
Industrial 18
Local Authorities 28
\< C~~UATES A* t
99'30' 99'20' A .5
PrinipalIndutri ZnsX
l z *ts>z' S.
91 TR 5 0 < +1t
a 19 00
- 160 -
but it does give a basis on which to work and develop. The most significant
improvementwill be the effective 'calibration'of the waste production data
bank by modifying the productionfigures to those which are representativeof
the Mexican situation. To complete this, an industrialwaste survey covering
the most important industrial sectorswill have to be undertaken.
4.1 Introduction
4.2.1 Definition
Source:TurnTln,C.E Hazardous
WasteContrd ThroughReducflon.
- 164 -
Concept of Source Reduction As a Component of Waste Minimization
Source:Turman,CE. ControlThroughSourceReduction.
- 167 -
(ii) TechnologyAlterations
(iii) ProceduralChanges
but require more energy to dry, possess a low gloss, can cause paper to
curl, and occasionallyrequire brief process stoppages. Petroleum
solvents can be used in dry cleaning, but they are much more flammable
than the more commonlyused but more toxic perchloroethylene.
4.2.3 Recycling
Ten Highest Volume Waste Generating Industries+
Generation and Recycling Volumes during 1981
Volume of Total Volume Volume
Waste Volume Recycled Recycled
SIC Industry Generated Recycled Onsite Offsite
M gals* M gals*Percent** M gals*Percent** M gals*Percent**
28 Chemicals and
Products 28,000 340 1.2 300 1.1 32 0.1
35 Machinery,
Electrical 4,200 26 0.6 18 0.4 7.9 0.2
37 Transportation
Equipment 2,300 900 39.0 880 38.0 22 0.9
42 Motor Freight
Transportation1,700 NR NR NR
29 Petroleum and
Coal Products 1,300 36 2.8 32 2.5 4.2 0.3
33 Primary Metal
Industries 1,000 170 17.0 18 1.8 150 15.0
17 Construction:
Special Trade
Contractors 870 0.2 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 0.1 <0.1
34 Fabricated
Metal Products 820 24 2.9 14 1.7 9.6 1.2
36 Electric and
Equipment 670 47 7.0 0.4 <0.1 46 6.9
49 Electric, Gas,
and Sanitary
POTWs) 470 3.3 0;7 0.1 <0.1 3.2 0.7
Total: 40,000 1543.2 1262.5 271.8
Generally, the streams that are recycled in the greatest volumes are
dilute waste streams containinga constituentthat can be re-used in
large-scaleapplicationsby a generator. For example, in the chemical and
allied products sector, spent acids and alkaline solutionsare recycled in
the transportationequipment industry;wastewater treatment sludges from
electroplatingand chromium plating processes are recycled; and in the
primary metals industry, spent pickle liquor is recycled. Chronium
solutions can be reused and recovered in tanneries. These streams are of
varying toxicity, and data are inconclusiveas to whether toxicity plays a
role in a stream'sbeing recycled.
In the 1981 U.S. survey, data indicate that recycling for materials
recovery and re-use appears to be more popular than fuel use or energy
recovery. There are two reasonswhy this is so. First, some wastes that
could be recycled for energy recovery can also be reclaimed and re-used
over and over. Energy recovery in contrast destroys the inputs. Only
when the waste is too "dirty" (contaminatedfrom repeated re-use) do
generators consider energy recovery a desirable option. The 1981 data may
- 172 -
4.2.4 Treatment
o compilationby the audit team of a waste stream list for the facility
with the associatedflowrates,
o generationby the audit team of waste reduction options for each waste
Waste reduction projects can create savings in the same areas. However,
the goal of reducingwaste focuses attention on waste generationcosts
which were previouslyaffected but not taken into consideration:
o disposal fees
o transportationcosts
o predisposal treatmentcosts
o permitting,reporting,and recordkeepingcosts
Disposal fees vary according to whether the wastes are solid or liquid,
the type of container in which the waste arrives (drum or in bulk), and
- 176 -
ContinuouslyExamples: Acrylonitrile,Epichlorophydrin,Petroleum Refining,
1,1,1 Trichloroethane,
Vinyl Chloride
Replace ElectroplatingChemicals
Traditional Substitute
Chemical Chemical Comments
Fire Dip (NaCN Muriatic Acid Slower acting than fire dip.
+ H202) with additives
the quantity of waste disposed of. Table 4-7 gives some disposal fee
ranges for solids and liquids in drum and bulk containers and for "lab
packs." In the U.S., the drum prices shown are for larger quantities;
disposal of small quantitiesof drums can cost up to three times as much
per drum.
Changes in raw materials cost, and operation and maintenance costs are
process-specific. Maintenance cost may seem a minor item, but it may be
quite substantial.
The remaining elements are usually secondary in their direct impact and
should be included on an as-needed basis in fine-tuningthe analysis. For
example, calculating savings in waste storage and handling requires
imputing a value for the waste inventory area and estimatingthe pre- and
post-project costs of containerizing,labelling,and moving the waste.
Changes in the administrativecosts of regulatorycompliancemay occur
only with a complete or near-completereduction in waste volume.
Drum waste
Bulk waste
(round trip)
Knowing the level within the corporationthat has approval authority for
capital projectswill help in enlisting the appropriate support. For
example, smaller projects may be approved at the plant manager level,
medium-size projects at the divisionalvice-presidentlevel, and larger
projects at the executive committee level.
The analysis should include not only how much the project will cost and
its expected performance,but also how it will be done. It is important
to discuss:
The size of the capital outlay and the level of authorityneeded for
approval determine the extent of the necessary analysis and exploration.
Decisions on larger capital outlays generally require a more thorough
examinationof project economic performancein the face of changing
business conditions, increased competition,etc.
current costs). If this is the case, then a sound waste reduction project
could be postponed until the next capital budgeting period. It is then up
to the project sponsor to ensure that the project is reconsideredat that
WR = ( W _ W2 ]/W1 ) X 100Z
P1 P2 P1
4.10 Bibliography4.1-4.8
Campbell, Monica E., and William M. Glen. 1982. Profit From Pollution
Prevention - A Guide to IndustrialWaste Reduction and Recycling.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Pollution Probe Foundation.
The current and planned solvent recycling scheme is depicted in the lock flow
diagram in Figure 4A-1. For secondary recovery, a scraped-drumevaporatoris
being investigated. The equipment list with pertinent technical and cost
information is presented in Table 4A-1. Important operating cost parameters
are presented in Table 4A-2.
Table 4A-4 shows project cash flows under the same set of assumptions,but
with no account taken of savings through avoided disposal costs. The internal
rate of return has fallen to 8.7 percent, and the payback period has increased
to nearly six years. On the basis of recovered solvent alone, there is
apparently little justificationfor recoveringthe 8 percent of solvent
remaining after distillation. However, the presence of significantavoided
Block Flow Diagram and Mass Balance for Solvent Recovery System
Stream 1 2 3 4 5
Solvent 3,455 270 27 243 3,185
Resin 30 30 30 0 0
Rller 76 76 76 0 0
Waste Disposal
without secondary recovery 94,000 lb/yr $ 0.15/lb $14,100
with secondary recovery 33,250 lb/yr $ 0.04/lb $ 1,330
19s6 1987 1988 1969 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1996
(1) (2) (3) _ (4) (s) (e) (7n La) (9) (10)
Gross savings:
Solvent recovered 8 11638 t 23075 S 23075 S 23075 S 23076 S 23075 S 23075 S 23075 3 23075 523076
Avoideddisposal 63ss 12775 12775 12776 12776 12776 12776 12775 12776 12775
Total savings S 17926 * 36850 $ 35860 5 35850 3 36850 3 36860 2 36860 * 36860 3 36860 3 36860
Feedstock/power 3 100 8 200 3 200 S 200 3 200 3 200 * 200 3 200 3 200 S 200
Feedstock/steam 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Inhibitor 926 1850 1860 1850 1850 1850 1850 1860 1sso 1850
Labor 3000 8000 6000 8000 8000 8000 6000 6000 8000 6000
Maintenance 2126 4250 4260 4260 4250 4260 4260 4260 4260 4260
Total cost S 6170 3 12340 5 12340 3 12340 3 12340 3 12340 3 12340 S 12340 S 12340 S 12340
Operating income S 11766 3 23510 S 23610 S 23610 S 23510 S 23510 3 23610 S 23610 S 23510 S 23610 C
Cost of working capital 179 369 369 369 369 369 359 369 369 369
Depreciation 9369 13102 13102 13102 13728 0 0 0 0 0
Interestexpense 2131 1710 1287 789 281 0 0 0 0 0
Taxable income S 88 3 8340 S 8783 S 9281 3 9145 S 23152 S 23152 S 23152 3 23152 * 23152
Tax liability 43 4170 4391 4630 4572 11576 11676 11576 11576 11578
Post tax income S 43 S 4170 s 4391 * 4630 S 4572 3 11576 3 11576 3 11576 S 11676 11576
Post tax cast flow * 16989 3 17272 S 17493 * 17732 S 18298 S 11676 S 11576 3 11578 S 11676 * 11676
Cumulativecash flow S 16989 S 33241 S 50734 * 88466 S 88764 3 98340 3109916 3121492 3133067 s144843
TABLE4A-3 (continued)
Equity payment 34785 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Principal repayment 6070 8491 8934 7412 7920 0 0 0 0 0
Net cash flow 3-24885 S 10781 3 106B0 f 10321 S 10379 S 11576 S 11576 S 11578 S 11578 3 11578
Real cumulativecash flow 8-24885 S-14104 3 -3645 3 6776 S 17165 * 28731 S 40308 S 51882 S 83458 3 75034
Operating income S 11755 S 23510 3 23610 2 23610 S23510 * 23510 S 23510 S 23510 3 23510 S 23510
Cost of working capital 179 359 359 359 359 359 369 369 369 359
Depreciation 9359 13102 13102 13102 13726 0 0 0 0 O
Taxable income S 2217 3 10060 * 10050 3 10060 * 9426 3 23152 S 23152 S 23162 3 23152 3 23152
Less tax liability 1109 5026 6026 6026 4713 11676 11676 11576 11676 11576
After tax income I 1109 3 6026 3 6026 2 5025 3 4713 * 11576 3 11578 3 11576 3 11578 3 11576
Source: Butler, D., C. Timm, and C. Fromm. 1986. Justificationof Waste ReductionProjects by ComprehensiveCost-Benefit
Analysis. Washington,D.C.: Jacobs EngineeringGroup, Inc.
1966 1987 1966 19e9 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1996
(1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (e) (?) (8) (9) (10)
Gross savings:
Solvent recovered I 11538 3 23076 3 23076 3 23076 * 23076 3 23076 3 23076 3 23076 3 23076 S 23076
Avoideddisposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total savings * 11538 3 23076 3 23076 S 23075 3 23076 S 23075 3 23075 S 23075 3 23075 3 23075
Fedstock/power 3 100 S 200 S 200 3 200 3 200 3 200 * 200 S 200 S 200 S 200
Fedstock/steam 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Inhibitor 926 1850 1860 1850 1sso 1sso 1850 1850 1850 1850
Labor 3000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 8000
Maintenance 2126 4260 4250 4260 4260 4250 4250 4250 4250 4250
Total cost 3 6170 * 12340 3 12340 3 12340 3 12340 3 12340 3 12340 3 12340 312340 3 12340
Operatingincome * 5368 3 10736 3 10735 S 10736 3 10736 3 10736 S 10736 3 10735 310735 310735
Cost of working capital 115 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231
Depreciation 9359 13102 13102 13102 13726 0 0 0 0 0
Interestexpense 2131 1710 1267 789 281 0 0 0 0 0
Taxable income 3 -6237 3 -4308 s -3866 3 -3387 3 -3603 3 10604 3 10504 S 10504 3 10504 3 10504
Tax liability -3119 -2164 -1932 -1693 -1761 5262 5262 5262 5262 5252
Post tax income 3 -3119 3 -2154 3 -1932 3 -1693 3 -1751 3 5252 3 5252 3 5252 3 5262 3 6262
Post tax cash flow 3 12807 S 10948 3 11170 3 11409 3 11976 3 5262 3 5252 3 5252 S 5252 S 5252
Cumulativecash flow * 12807 S 23766 3 34926 3 46334 3 68308 3 63660 3 68812 3 740e6 8 79317 3 84589
TABLE 4A-4 (continued)
196 1967 1988 1969 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1996
(1) (2) (3) (4) (s) (6) (7) (8) (9)_ (10)
Equity payment 34786 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Principal repayment 6070 8491 8934 7412 7920 0 0 0 0 0
Now cash flow 3-28047 3 4458 3 4236 3 3997 3 4055 3 5252 3 5262 3 6252 S 5262 3 5262
Real cumulativecash flow 3-28047 3-23590 8-19354 3-15367 3-11302 * -8049 S -797 * 4456 3 9707 3 14969
Operating income 3 5368 S 10736 3 10736 3 10736 S 10735 3 10736 3 10735 3 10736 3 107536 3 10735
Cost of working capital 115 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231
Depreciation 9369 13102 13102 13102 13726 0 0 0 0 0
Taxable income 3 -4106 3 -2698 3 -2698 3 -2698 3 -3222 3 10604 3 10604 3 10504 3 10604 S 10604
Lesstax liability -2063 -1299 -1299 -1299 -1611 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262
After tax income 3 -2063 3 -1299 3 -1299 3 -1299 * -1811 3 5262 3 5262 S 5252 S 5252 3 5252
Source: Butler,D., C. Timm, and C. Fromm. 1986. Justificationof Waste ReductionProjects by ComprehensiveCost-Benefit
Analysis. Washington,D.C.: Jacobs EngineeringGroup, Inc.
- 194 -
The company has tested electropolishedtubes in this service. The test data
indicate that while daily washings may still be necessary, the cleaning
frequency can be reduced to once a year. The company is now set to evaluate
the economic feasibilityof retubing. Initial analyses are based on cleaning
cost savings alone (i.e., they ignore savings in steam and pumping costs).
Since there is a spare unit, there is no loss of production. Basic parameters
are summarized in Table 4A-5.
The cash flows generatedby the proposed retubingproject are found in Figure
3. Under the stated assumptions,the project has an internal rate of return of
9.94Z and a payback period of 6.3 years. The real cumulative cash flow does
not become positive until the ninth year. These are indicationsof a marginal
project. Based on this analysis the acceptabilityof retubing the heat
exchangerwould to some degree depend on the ability of the facility to absorb
the deficit cash generationuntil the project's later years. However,
inclusion of avoided steam and pumping costs should enhance the project
economics considerably. In addition, intangiblessuch as reduced worker
exposurehave not been evaluated. On the basis of avoided cleaning costs
alone, this project comes close to being feasible. (See Table 4A-4, Table 4A-5
and Table 4A-6).
Source for Annex 4A: Butler, D., C. Timm, and C. Fromm. 1986. Justification
of Waste Reduction Projects by ComprehensiveCost-BenefitAnalysis.
Washington, D.C.: Jacobs EngineeringGroup, Inc.
- 195 -
Parameter Description
Note: These costs were not included in the analysis in order to isolate the
effect of cleanup costs. Energy cost savings can be substantialand
must be included in a comprehensiveproject analysis.
1986 1987 1088 1989 1090 1901 1902 1998 1994 1906
(1) (2) t3) (4) (6) (a) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Cross savings:
Disassembly I 838 3 2560 3 2650 3 2650 3 2650 3 2660 S 2660 3 2660 3 2650 S 2660
Hydroblasting 1200 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800
Assembly 6e3 2260 2260 2260 2250 2260 2260 2250 2260 2260
Filtration 188 760 750 760 750 760 760 760 760 750
Disposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Indirects 563 2260 2250 2250 2260 2250 2260 2260 2260 2250
Total Savings * 3150 3 12600 S 12800 3 12600 S 12600 S 12600 3 12600 3 12600 3 12600 3 12800
Operating income 3 3150 3 12600 3 12800 3 12600 3 12600 3 12800 S 12600 312600 3 12800 S 12600
Cost of working capital 32 126 126 126 128 128 128 128 128 128
Depreciation 11748 18448 18448 18448 17231 0 0 0 0 0
Interestexpense 1464 2526 1983 1356 709 99 0 0 0 0
Taxable income 3-10094 3 -8500 3 -5937 S -5330 3 -5488 3 12375 3 12474 S 12474 3 12474 3 12474
Tax liability -5047 -3250 -2968 -2868 -2733 6188 6237 6237 8237 8237
Post tax income 3 -6047 S -3260 S -2968 3 -2886 S -2733 3 8188 3 6237 S 8237 S 6237 3 8237
Post tax cash flow 3 14948 S 13198 3 13479 3 13783 3 14498 3 8188 3 8237 3 8237 S 6237 36237
Cumulativecash flow 3 14946 3 28144 3 41623 3 56408 3 89903 3 76091 3 82328 3 88566 3 94802 3101039
Equity payment 46800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Principal ropayment 3911 8224 8787 9394 10041 5278 0 0 0 0
Net cash flow 8-34566 3 4974 3 4892 3 4389 3 4467 3 911 3 8237 3 6237 3 8237 S 6237
TABLE 4A-6 (continued)
1966 1987 1988 1969 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1996
tl) (21 (3) (4) (6) (a) (7n (8) U92 (10)
cash flow 3-34565 3-29S91 S-24899 8-20510 3-16053 8-15142 3 -8905 s -2e88 3 3659 3 9806
Real cumulative
-4315 -1987 -1987 -1987 -2378 6237 6237 8237 8237 6237
Loss tax liability
S -4315 3 -1987 3 -1987 3 -1987 3 -2378 3 6237 s 6237 3 6237 3 6237 3 6237
After tax income
11748 18448 16448 16448 17231 0 0 0 0 0
Add back depreciation
8244 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Add back tax crodits
3 14461 3 14461 S 14461 3 14852 3 6237 3 6237 3 6237 3 6237 s 6237
Post tax net cash flow 3 15678
Source: Butler,D., C. Timm, and C. Fromm. 1986. Justificationof Waste Reduction Projects by ComprehensiveCost-Benefit
Analysis. Washington,D.C.: Jacobs EngineeringGroup, Inc.
- 198 -
Waste Reduction Methods - The Toms River Plant has institutedmany waste
reductionprojects but one stands out as superior. In 1983 a new process
was institutedat the plant which eliminatedthe need for mercury as a
catalyst in the manufacturingprocess. This process was developed by the
corporation'sresearch staff in Switzerland.
Waste Reduction Method - This relates only to the unhairing operation and
recovery of salt and sulphide. Ultrafiltrationis the technology selected
to recover the make-up materials in this bath. The salts and sulphides
pass through a membrane while the contaminantssuch as solids, proteins
and oils do not. The membrane has a projected useful life of about three
Annual Savings - New uses are being developed for the waste proteins and
solids generated in the tanning process. Use for these materials range
from foodstuffs to cosmetics.
Other Benefits - The installationof the new dry washing process has
eliminated the need for approximately48,000 gal/yr of water as well as
reduced the manpower requirementsfor the washing process.
The cases cited here may now be taken for granted by experiencedchemical
engineers as common yield-improvementmeasures, but each one has
contributedto significantwaste reductionwhile improvingprofitability.
Payback Period
(Years) Cases Percent
Under 1 16 55
1-2 6 21
2-3 2 7
3-4 3 10
Over 4 2 7
Total 29 100
A Perspective
Bilbao 433,000
Raleigh 300,000
- 208 -
Here are some suggestions that should help in bringing about desired changes.
(a) The way people perform or behave results from two major factors --
motivation and ability. They not only must want to do something,
they must know how, if things are to happen. Neither motivation nor
ability by itself is enough. If we wrote this idea in mathematical
form, it might look like this:
P = M X A.
(b) People are goal oriented in their behavior. They do things because
it will make them better off in some sense. The fact that you may
not understand or approve of that reason does not matter except that
if you do not understand their goals, you will probably not be
effective in influencing them. It is also worth remembering that
personal goals are often different from organizational goals.
(2) The following are some ways of influencingor changingbehavior with brief
comments on their effectiveness:
(a) Giving orders for desired behavior often causes resentment. This
procedure overlooks levels of motivation and ability and usually
deals with people as individualsand ignores social factors.
tc) Procedural changes based on social and group factors are usually more
effective than those directed at individualsonly.
(d) Involving the employee in the decision to make changes and in the
process of making changes increasesthe chance that he will be
cooperativeand will contributeeffectively to improving the process.
People like to have control over their own behavior even at work.
(e) Make full use of the employee'sknowledge and his ability to think;
treating employees like mental incompetentsleads to resentment.
Employees usually are the source of the best ideas.
(3) In planning change it is a good idea to make some assessmentof the forces
in your organizationthat are for the change and those likely to be opposed to
it. We call this "Force Field Analysis.' Examine all the forces in your
organization;try to determinewhether they are for or against the new
procedure and the amount of their support or opposition. As an example, these
forces might include -- Plant Manager, Safety Officer, Direct Supervisor,
Workers, Engineering,Purchasing. You might diagram these forces as follows in
Figure 4C-1:
- 210 -
Engineer Workers
0 <
- 211 -
You can see from this balance of forces, pro and con, that you will have some
problems in bringing about your change. While you seem to have power and
reason on your side, the forces against you might defeat you in the long run.
A careful analysis of all forces will give you guidance on how to proceed and
what tactics to use in achievingyour change.
One important factor motivating change in the manner of handling wastes is the
economic factor. In the case studies included in this paper, the motivation is
often economic. For each proposed change, an estimate of costs and savings
will need to be made so a payout can be determined.
(ii) Exclusion from local property tax (N.C. General Statute 105-275) of
property used to abate water pollution or to recycle or provide resource
recovery of solid waste.
(iii) Reduction of franchise tax (N.C. General Statute 102-122) for costs of
property used as in (ii) above.
Federal incentivesare:
(i) The need to maintain and enhance the status of the company in the eyes of
the community and its customers.
There are a variety of options for managing any hazardous waste. As an example
this chapter uses electroplatingsludge. To reduce sludge production three are
options such as recycling,solidifyingor otherwise disposing of the sludge.
The factors determiningthe hierarchy include:
(i) Liability
(ii) Regulations
(iii) Costs
In trying to assess the costs, for example,of paying someone to reuse a spent
solution or a sludge, one must balance this cost against the total disposal
cost and liability. A factor often not included in cost considerationis that
of liability insurance. This insurancecost should be factored in when the
waste is stored or disposed of in such a way that future liability could be
Chromium, nickel, and copper are all elements of limited supply. It is foolish
to take solids with high concentrationsof these metals and to mix these solids
with many other types of waste materials and then bury the mixture in a manner
that makes it difficult to ultimatelyretrieve the metals. From the long-term
point of view, it is in the best interestof electroplatersto minimize their
purchase of newly mined metals.
Greatest SolIdIfy
Wasteand Sendto SecureLandfill
Outof Plant
in Plant
Least C=
Least Greatest
- 215 -
Generator Motivation
Note: New York taxes generatorson a per ton basis according to the
mode of waste disposal employed.
- 217 -
Generator Education
New York
Assistancewith understandingregulations
Managing and Minimizing Hazardous Waste Metal Sludge Manual, December 1984
Table of Contents
Introductory Acknowledgement and Notice i
Materials Introduction ii
A. Evaporators 32
B. Ion Exchange 36
C. Electrolytic Metal Recovery 37
D. Electrodialysis Metal Recovery 38
E. Reverse Osmosis 39
F. Ultrafiltration 42
F Equipment Suppliers 60
G RCRA Information Sources 62
Supplier: Techmatic, Inc.
Source: Kohl, J., and B. Triplett. 1984. Managing and Minimizing Hazardous
Waste Metal Sludges Manual. Prepared for workshop on "Reducing Metal
Losses and Sludge Production in the Electroplating Industry," December,
Raleigh, North Carolina.
- 221 -
Supplier: Osmonics
Source: Kohl, J., and B. Triplett. 1984. Managing and Minimizing Hazardous
Waste Metal Sludges Manual. Prepared for workshop on 'Reducing Metal Losses
and Sludge Production in the Electroplating Industry," December, Raleigh, North
- 222 -
surplus solutions. Tables 4C-8 and 4C-9 show a section of such a list and a
Similar meetings have been developed and presented on Managing and Recycling
Solvents,Managing Used Oils, Managing and Recycling Solvents in the Furniture
Industry. Over 100 workshops have been developed and presented to hazardous
waste generatorsand small generatorsthroughoutNorth Carolina. For these
workshops,manuals and video tapes were developed. Industry specificprograms
and video tapes have been developed for dry cleaners, pesticide applicators,
and vehicle repair facilities.
Equipment Suppliers
wastes Sludges Sludges and Sludges, ReclaimAl Reclaimspent Sludges, Copper Sludges
Accepted soins, copper solutions, *tchants, solutions:Cu *tchants *tchants from
stripping cyanides acids, ferric etchants.,Cr circuit board
solns and chlorides solns.,Sn and industry
and cyanides aluminum Pb strippers,
materials solder condi-
Metals Cu, Cr, Sn, Cu, most base Cu, precious Same as Wastes Same as Wastes Cu, Zn Cu Cu, Sn, Ni,
Recovered Ni, precious metals, pre- metals, Accepted above Acceptedabove precious
metals clous metals cyanide metals
Required Generally Item basis, No % require-High Al con- Metal content Metal content 14 oz Cu/gal., No % require-r.,
metal 20% or higherX ment for Cu tent, indivi- not not applica- low level ment; mixture!-
Content higher of better bearing dually based applicable ble; accept parts of OK
Cu; 2-20% isolatedwaste materials; material various other metals
other metals streams a plus mixturesOK content amounts of (100 ppm)
Other Sample size; Low amounts Sample size Sample size; Prefer to deal Wastes only Prefer low Fe, Sample: 2 lbs
Special 2 oz of As, Be, Pb 2 oz sludge, 1 pint with own cus- from circuit As, Pb dry cake or
Require- 100 ml tomers but board 1 gal. liquid
mnts liquid will consider industry; sludge
outside sample size:
sources 1 qt.
S Paymentfor S decisions Paymentfor Payment based Payment 28 Payment for Payment only Payment for
metals, based on Rh, Pt, Au, on Al content cents/gal.for Cu, Zn for Cu metals and
precious profit,cost Ag, Pd Cu, etchants, otchants with precious
metals, factors precious etc. low concentra- metals
penaltyfor metals tion of Fe, As,
undesirable and Pb
TABLE 4C-9 (continued)
Northland World
CoW" Maedermid Madison Chemical Reources
Amlon Atomrgic Assay
Chemical Inc. Industries Company Company
Metals Chemicals Labs Ltd.
suppliers,transporters,recylers, incinerators,
buyers, landfills, services
Implementing Change
Economic I
Justfficatlon I
- 229 -
References Annex 4C
5.1' Introduction
The need for a hazardous waste management system begins directly upon
generationof waste and continues through all subsequent stages to final
treatment and disposal. This system is really a series of management
actions to control and contain the waste coordinationamong various
persons and groups of persons. In this simplest form, a hazardous waste
management system consists of three units:
o collection/transportation;
o final treatment/disposal.
This chapter reviews the elements of an overall management system that are
applicableto onsite and offsite managementof hazardous waste.
5.2.1 Containers
Containers offer the advantagesof being very portable, suitable for any
physical state of waste, and flexible as to means of filing. They can be
kept next to the waste generatingprocess until full, then easily moved to
a waste storage area awaiting further transfer.
Most containers are suitable for many types of waste, form liquids,
sludges to bulky solids. Containersmay be filled by any available
method, for example,pumping, shovelling,or tipping. Empty containers
which had contained raw material may be suitable for storing waste,
depending on the compatibilityof waste with the container and with any
residueswhich may be left in the container. Compatibilitywith the
container is important so that the container'sintegrity is not impaired.
For example, a plastic container should not be used to store solvent
waste. Care must be taken that residues from the container'sprevious
contentswill not react with the waste; example, a containerwhich had
contained cyanide salts should not be used for waste acid.
Disadvantagesof containersare:
(2) because they are easily moved and stacked,they accumLulateeasily and
may lead to over-storageat the waste producer's site; and
5.2.2 Tanks
Tanks are useful for accumulatingwastes that are easily handled by bulk
materials handling systems such as pipelines, shutes, or belt conveyors.
Tanks offer more rigid and integral containmentthan containersand are
easier to inspect for leaks and spills.
5.3 Collection/Transportation
5.3.1 Packaging/Labelling
o wastes oils and solvents: 200 litre steel bung drums or steel tankers;
Waste Disposal
1 Forwardedto the EPAby the WasteProducer.
2 Retainedby the Waste Producer.
3 Forwardedto the EPAby the DisposalSiteAttendant.
4 Retainedby the DisposalSiteAttendant.
5 Retainedby the WasteTronsporter.
SignaitureatWasteProducer SignatureoatDrhter
3 -Tobe completed byTransporter
- - - - - - - - - - --
|NameofTransporter- Loading Date ZEZI1Z Vehicf*leRgNo
| ~~~~~Transport
PermitNo. I i I I I Il I I irL__1I I |I t/i 1/ 1|9|
4 - Tobe completed by Disposal/Treatment
SiTE Site Ucence No.
_____________i/i__1___9_|_____9Signature of SteAttendant
Source: AustraDlan EnAronrnental Protectlon Agency. 1985. Draft Industrial Waste Strutegy. Vlctoria, Melbourre.
- 234 -
5.3.4 Transportation
.I1984.Paperpresentedat the "2nd InternationalSymposiumon Operating EuropeanCentralizedHazardous
Waste Management Facillties"In Odense,Denmark.
- 236 -
ffi Sr~~
o the carrier must ensure that he has the necessary informationon the
material to be transported,and has formulatedan emergency plan in the
event of spillage.
Inherent hazards of the waste need to be known so one may take precautions
to prevent accidents caused by the waste. For example: wastes which are
flammable, reactive, corrosive,or incompatiblewith certain materials
require special care and handling; wastes which contain highly soluble
contaminantsshould be protected from rain; wastes which create explosive
- 238 -
Experiencehas shown that the best time to plan for final closing of waste
management facility is during the design of the facility,which should be
updated as experienceis gained during operation. The objective is to
have a clear, orderly method of closure so that after closure the facility
poses minimum risk and requiresminimum post-closuremaintenance.
- 240 -
The plan should outline what will be done, what steps will be followed,
how the facilitywill be decontaminated,and how wastes and residueswill
ultimatelybe disposed of.
5.5.2 Siting
0000~~stc Cmusin'Pan
Ptoagerk Moes sonaTanksagemeFornSoPan
394 aprpeetda Fclnt Plant
in the 2nd Itoernatona 0
on prating Europea
Symposium Centralized Haarou (Cemcl)Wat
in September,Odense, Deimenmark.(
- 242 -
o Receiving
o Inspection
o Assay
o TreatabilityTest, etc.
o Storage/Blending
o Solid/LiquidSeparation
o Incineration
o Chemical Treatment
o Residue Disposal.
The first commitmenton the plant is the reception of waste materials into
pre-processingstorage. Receipt may be in bulk via road tanker or in
packaged lots comprisingany combinationof conventional30, 45 or 200
litre containers. Solid waste may be received by vehicle in various types
of removable container;for smaller consignments,kegs and clamp-lid drums
may be used. Here the laboratoryis involved in chemical assaying to
ensure that the material conforms to the in-coming schedule and to provide
records of waste characteristics. Waste characteristicssuch as
contaminant concentrationdetermine the type and amount of processing
chemicals to treat the waste.
MaterialAssay Material Assay
r -- - - - - -- -- -- -_- -- - - - ---
i Catc hment
hment I _ti
Incoming i I
Material r i
| ~~~~~~~~Material l >Material
I ~~~~~~~~Reception Reeto
|aRecepti n l P I Process Control Storage _
i r cn
p~~~~~~ChOcemsi Process Control i ia) ;.,..
Co t I ......... I
to Tlp |It | 1 1 Chamber
L -_ - _ _ Chemical . .. ____.._.._.._.._..J
Source: Coleman, A K. 1975. Chemsry&Iduty(5 July), 534. Processing
- 244 -
The water phase from the filter system is sampled for analysisby the
laboratory. If unacceptablyhigh levels of toxic components are found to
be present, the batch is subjected to a 'polishing'chemicalprocess to
remove the contamination. Any resultant solid phases are passed back to
the filter cake disposal bins.
(ii) Incineration
The site also houses the offices of support functions such as: sales,
accounting,administrationand maintenance.
o tank farm;
the site. Plant capacity is 33,000 t/yr for incinerationand 2,500 t/yr
for chemical treatment.
(i) Introduction
o input-receiptof (waste)material;
o material storage/stockcontrol;
o schedulingof processes;
o process control;
Figure 5-8 is a form that the treatment plant uses to review wastes and
offer the waste producer a quotation of the cost of treatment. The waste
producer describeswaste characteristicsand known analyses in Part A of
the form and submits a sample of the waste. The form and sample are given
to the central treatment plant's laboratorywhich reviews the Part A
information and performs any additionalanalysesnecessary to design a
treatment scheme of the waste and records its work in Part B. The form is
then sent to the processingmanager who describes in Part C how the waste
will be treated. The form then is sent to administrationpersonnel who
calculate a treatment cost based on the informationon the form. Among
Applicationfor Analysisand Waste Producer Informationn Form Ref. No. Serial No.
Quotationfor Disposalof Waste by -
Informationprovidedby Waste
Producer (A) LaboratoryAnalysis (B) Plant
f/ / ~~/ / / /- / / / /
,= I , / DXJ 1/ t 'L-J
17/ / / / 17 Incinerator
18 Ash Skip
19 Sludge Tank Farm
1 Gate House 20 Separator
2 Weigh Bridge 21 Solids & Sludge Hoppers
3 Offices, Canteen, etc. 22 Skip Storage
4 Car Park 23 Drum Storage
5 Lorry Park 24 IncineratorSolid Feed System
6 Alkali Bund 25 SedimentationTank
7 Acid Bund 26 Soot Ash Handling System
B Polishing Plant 27 Fume Duct
9 FIlter Presses 28 Pipe Bridge
10 Reaction Vessels 29 Pipe Bridge
11 Bunded Store 30 Sewage Treatment Plant
12 Laboratory,Stores, etc. 31 Oil Storage Tank
13 Emergency Fire Pump 32 Reception Screen
14 Reservoir 33 Centrifuge
15 Control Room - Sub Station
.16 Support Fuel Tank Farm
Application for Analysis and Waste ProducerInformationn Form Ref. No. Serial No.
Quotationfor Disposalof Waste by -
Informationprovidedby Waste
Producer (A) LaboratoryAnalysis (B) Plant
Position Toxicity Rate of intake
Telephone Ext. Precautionarymeasures Comments
Drums/Pack Numbersby size, type Signed for waste producer Date given up
Position To whom (if verbal) Date Order Date
Date To competitor
Rate of arising By whom By whom Who
- 250 -
the factors affecting the treatment cost are: the quantity and cost of
chemicals to be used for treatment,the degree and complexityof the
treatment scheme, and the handling difficulty of the waste. (See Figure
Permanent records are also kept of the emissions from the central
treatment plant. Chemical treatment effluents are only released to the
receiving system after an analysis has establishedthat they conform to
regulatorycriteria. A weekly composite form is prepared from the daily
records, for both chemical treatment and incinerationeffluents. These
are shown in Figures 5-9 and 5-10.
Finally, a record is made on copies 1,2 and 3 of the Job TiLcket,of the
date of treatment for the consignment. The copies are then filed.
5.6.1 Introduction
o problem characterization;
o quantificationof consequences;
Weir Water: pH
T.D.S. Z W/w
Scrubber System Feed Water: pH
T.D.S. Z W/w
S/Solids ppm
Ash X W/w
Slurried pH
Incinerator Ash S ______ _
ppm Levels
Ni 2n ..
Pb Cd
Cu Cr
Tank No.
Residues Feed CV KJ/Kg .
Ash Z W/w
Potential OperationalMalfunctionsat an IncinerationFacility
In this method, failure cases are derived from a list based on knowledge
of actual previous accidents. An inventory of the hazardous materials is
made, and their intrinsichazards reviewed. The various possible means of
escape are then identifiedusing the check-list (flange leaks, rupture or
tanks, pipe breakages,etc.), and each termed a failure case. (World Bank
5.6.5 Fault-treeAnalysis
5.6.6 Event-treeAnalysis
These risks are viewed in relation to the safety goals listed in Chapter
5.6.2. Failure cases associatedwith unacceptablerisks are then
reviewed, and improved equipment/workprocedures/safetyequipment is put
into operation to lower the risk to acceptable levels.
5.6.8 Recommendations
o Sudan analysis is also useful for making siting decisions and for
specifyingthe extent of safety exclusion zones around the facility.
- 257 -
The health and safety of the plant employees and the public is of prime
importancein hazardous waste management. The following it:emsare
considered to be essential for the safe operation of the facility.
Individualsat most risk from exposure to hazardous waste are those who
are involved in handling the waste either during collection,
transportation,storage,treatment or disposal. To prevent exposure of
these workers to hazardous agents through inhalation,ingestion or
absorptionthrough skin contact (throughinjuries or through splashes into
the eyes) safety procedures should be instigatedas part of a general
safety programme. To be adequate, such a programme should incorporatethe
following aspects: Information,training,work organization,personal
protection, personal hygiene, medical surveillance,and environmental
(i) Information
(ii) Training
(v) RespiratoryEquipment
All SCBA's must be worn with full face pieces. Many are designed to fit
inside a particulartype of fully encapsulatedsuit. In such arrangements
there may be vision problems due to condensationon visors.
- 261 -
(vi) ProtectiveClothing
Protective clothing ranges from safety glasses, helmet, and safety shoes
to a fully encapsulatingsuit with a breathing supply. A variety of
clothing includes disposableoveralls, fire-retardantclothing,
splashsuitsand many other types of clothing utilizing a range of
materials providing specializedprotection against a variety of hazards.
(x) EnvironmentalMonitoring
5.8.1 Cost
As a practical matter, one can readily see that managing liquid hazardous
waste, which is in a 55-gallon drum, is easier than dealing with the same
waste which leaks through and contaminatessoil and subsequently
contaminatesground water and the water bearing rock (aquifer)through
which it travels. The cost of decontaminatingthe soil, ground water and
aquifer would be abatement costs. A monetary value for the damage to
human health and the environmentcaused by the contaminatedsoil or ground
water would be damage costs. Finally, the monetary transfers to injured
parties, including compensationto society for ecologicaldamage, would be
5.8.3 Liability
From the standpointof economic theory, society has allocated the optimal
degree of resources to hazardouswaste managementwhen the marginal cost
of management of hazardouswaste is equal to the marginal benefits of
damages prevented by that expenditure (Haas 1984-85). Included in the
assumptions underlying this view are that there are many sellers
- 266 -
An effluent charge (Kneese and Bower 1968, and MacKintosh 1973) would be a
tax per unit amount of hazardous waste discharged. The charge should be
set so that the marginal cost of avoidance equals the marginal benefit of
that avoidance (cost of abatement plus damage plus any compensationin
excess of actual damages, ignoring transactioncosts). This approach
allows the generator to decide how much waste to control,with what
technology, and how much to simply discharge and pay the fee. For toxic
pollutants, direct regulationmay be more appropriatethan effluent
charges or other economic incentives (Andersonet al. 1977). For less
toxic hazardous waste where avoidance technology is not well
characterized,economic incentivesmay be appropriate (Haas 1984-85).
Marketable discharge permits (Kneese and Bower 1986, and MacKintosh 1973)
are an economic incentive that avoids or minimizes these problems. Once
an acceptable level of hazardous waste discharge is determined,perhaps by
a legislativebody, the available discharge amount is allocated by open
competition among hazardous waste producers for discharge permits.
Subsidizationproportionalto waste reduction from a base level (Kneese
and Bower 1968, and MacKintosh 1973) encouragesproper practice by paying
hazardous waste generatorsand managers for improvedpractices. Setting
subsidy amounts involves the same problems of setting effluent charges.
Base levels might be set by a legislativebody. This program suffers the
drawback that hazardouswaste generatorsand managers with the worst
practices get the greatest rewards. Funding of such a system also poses
difficult problems in developingcountries.
Morehouse, W., and M. Arun Subramaniam. 1986. The Bhopal Tragedy: What
Really Happened and What it Means for American Workers and Communities
at Risk.
Paula Schapp. 1980. The case for strict liability in the infant formula
industry. Brooklyn Journal of InternationalLaw (Spring):88-110.
- 269 -
No. 77. Gunnerson, WastewaterManagement for Coastal Cities: The Ocean Disposal Option
No. 78. Heyneman and Fagerlind, University Examinations and Standardized Testing: Principles,
Experieince,and Policy Options
No. 79. Murphy and Marchant, Monitoring and Evaluation in Extension Agencies
No. 80. Cernea, Involuntary Resettlement in Development Projects: Policy Guidelines in World Bank-
Financed Projects (also in Spanish, 80S)
No. 81. Barrett, Urban Transport in West Africa
No. 82. Vogel, Cost Recovery in the Health Care Sector: Selected Country Studies in West Africa
No. 83. Ewing and Chalk, The Forest Industries Sector: An Operational Strategy for Developing
No. 84. Vergara and Brown, The New Faceof the World Petrochemical Sector: Implications for
Developing Countries
No. 85. Ernst & Whinney, Proposals for Monitoring the Performance of Electric Utilities
No. 86. Munasinghe, Integrated National Energy Planning and Management: Methodology and
Application to Sri Lanka
No. 87. Baxter, Slade, and Howell, Aid and Agricultural Extension: Evidence from the World Bank
and Other Donors
No. 88. Vuylsteke, Techniques of Privatization of State-Owned Enterprises, vol. I: Methods and
No. 89. Nankani, Techniques of Privatization of State-Owned Enterprises, vol. Il: Selected Country
Case Studies
No. 90. Candoy-Sekse, Techniques of Privatization of State-Owned Enterprises, vol. III: Inventory of
Country Experience and Reference Materials
No. 91. Reij, Mulder, and Begemann, Water Harvesting for Plant Production: A Comprehensive
Review of the Literature
No. 92. The Petroleum Finance Company, Ltd., World Petroleum Markets: A Frameworkfor
Reliable Projections
ISSN 0253-7494
ISBN 0-8213-1144-1
Cover design by Bill Fraser Volume I of III