EIA Past Paper

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Code & Name of Course: ENVR 6403: Environmental Impact Assessment

Dale and Time: Saturday, December 15,2012; 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m, Duration: TWO HOURS

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: This paper has 2 pages and 4 questions.


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1. a) ~Rla' how the f,nvironruental 1m a es ent (EIA) process can be used to
[otect natural resou es while at the same time 2.Y porting sustainable develo ment.
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b) A new industrial ark is ro osed ad' acent to a beach used for recreati ,3,1
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swimmin and arties, as well as landine- area for shine- oats. As an environmental
management consultant you have been asked to conduct an Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) to show that im acts such as surface .Qffi this industtiaL
'park would not adversely impact the b u e . Briefly explain hOV::r an EIA c~
~nsure that proper measures are planned for, to prevent acIVeISeirnJPcts to the beach.
L\M'\~\l'A [10 marks]

c) Explain how the preferred alternative is selected in an EIA study? [5 marks]

2. a) Explain the various steps involved in adopting an EIA as aJ2lanning tooL for any
major activity. Se..q \.II ~ u,.... I f'Y' •••( v c...cV'\t~+ [8 marks]
b) Describe the importance of the following components in the successful completion
of any EIA project:
i) Terms of reference
ii) Baseline Assessment and
iii) The No-Action Alternative 7ft-
[12 marks]
(c) Giving reasons, outline the advantages of Matrix methods over ad-hoc methods.
~ \ . ( [5 marks]
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© The University of the West Indies Course Code ENVR6403 2012/12115

3. a) Define and briefly explain the role of each of the following participants in an ErA
i) Proponent,
ii) Lead Agency, (,v\o~
iii) Lead expert, Uoo...d ,,,o-t~1

iv) The local community,

. v) The decision makers (Y\;('\\'5:,1u I ~O (1 5 marks)

b) Outline the types of pubLic takeholder participatio available in an ErA process

and discuss the role and jmpQ11anceof consultation to that process. (10 marks)

4. a) Define the term Strategic Environmental Assessment (5 marks)

b) Describe the process and show how i1can be used as a planning tool in sustainable
development. (1 0 marks)
c) Differentiate between the SEA and ErA processes (5 marks)
d) Discuss the problems and challenges that are associated with ErA in developing
countries and how the SEA may overcome the problems and challenges outlined.

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