Radio Advert Analysis - Megan Transport For London - Contactless Travel Card

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Radio Advert Analysis – Megan

Trail for Transport for London – Contactless Travel card.


Target audience Commuters in London, 18-year olds to late 40’s, as the tube is used by
tourists and business workers alike. The new system is introduced as an easy
alternative for travelers, so it appeals to people of both genders and any age,
because the tube is a public transport system.
Tone of voice? The tone is quick pace and enthusiastic, which helps to attract the listener to
engaged with the advert and it forwards the idea of the contactless card as
being a new simpler way to travel. There is both a male and female voice, to
show that the new travel card system can be used by all.
Sound effects?  Guitar
(SFX)  Scratching ice
 Peeling
 Beep
The sounds help to visualize the situations that the man is coming up with in
which a bank card can be useful, such as the scratching ice off a car. The
sound corresponding with the idea helps to create a realistic image.
Wildtrack/ambient The ambient sounds could be the low talking in the background to represent
sound? the background noise of people waiting at train stations.

Use of music? There is no music used in the advert. However, the advert starts with a
rhyming poem about the various uses of bank cards, other than paying for
items, “cutting a cake, peeling pears, even paying for your travel fairs.” ,
which creates a rhythm. This helps the listener to remember the advert.
How many tracks? The is no music or repeating sounds used in the background as the advert is
just giving information and not selling a product.

Sound levels? The sound level does not change in the advert, as the purpose of the advert
is to inform London travels that they can use their bank card to pay for their
fairs. The advert is not trying to sell a product.

Length? The length of the advert is 0:32, which is the average length of an informative
radio advert.

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