Malta Plato Atlantis
Malta Plato Atlantis
Malta Plato Atlantis
About 2400 years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato in his discourses
Critias and Timaeus wrote about the advanced civilisation of
Atlantikos which predated that of Egypt by about 1000 years. "She
founded your city a thousand years before ours, receiving from the
Earth and Hephaestus the seed of your race, and afterwards she
founded ours, of which the constitution is recorded in our sacred
registers to be eight thousand years old" [Timaeus]. Often assumed to
be a Greek myth or legend, the Altantis story originated from Egypt,
being recounted to the Greek statesman Solon, well known for his
poetry and verse. Solon had travelled widely and in 590 BC visited
Egypt where he conversed with the wise men of Sais. There, Solon
was told the Altlantis story which was documented on the temple
walls. The Egyptian source of the destruction of Atlantis can also be
found in the Ermitage Papyrus in Leningrad in which there are
lamentations about a terrible catastrophe, when heaven and earth
turned upside down and afterwards darkness covered the earth.
Besides recounting in detail his sources, Plato further specifically
Originally published: C. Savona-Ventura & A. Mifsud: On the track of Atlantis. The
Sunday Times [of Malta], 18th August 2002, p.36-37. Based on the work: A. Mifsud,
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory
states that the story was based on fact and not fiction. "And what
other, Critias, can we find that will be better than this, which is
natural and suitable to the festival of the goddess, and has the very
great advantage of being a fact and not a fiction?" [Timaeus].
Plato Solon
That is not to say that Plato's narrative is not without problems. The
first detail that contrasts with contemporary archaeology is the relative
dating of the origins of the Egyptian civilisation. Plato places this to
about 8000 years before Solon's time, but this figure is surely
mistaken since the historical chronology for ancient Egypt suggests
that the Egyptian megalithic civilisation (Old Kingdom Dynasties)
dates to only about 2600 BC or 2000 years before Solon. On the
traditional archaeological evidence available, the Atlantidean
civilisation would have originated at circa 5600 BP. The dating of the
catastrophic destruction is probably easier to arrive at. According to
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory
The possible locality for Atlantis has also been hotly debated by
various workers. The problem lies with interpreting Plato's
description. "and there was an island situated in front of the straits
which are by you called the Pillars of Heracles; the island was larger2
than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands,
and from these you might pass to the whole of the opposite continent
which surrounded the true ocean; for this sea which is within the
Straits of Heracles is only a harbour, having a narrow entrance, but
that other is a real sea, and the surrounding land may be most truly
called a boundless continent" [Timaeus]. Today many assume that the
"Larger" in size or more likely political influence.
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory
Pillars of
Evidence has been cited above for the presence of a large Central
Mediterranean island situated between Sicily and North Africa. This
landmass was broken up and submerged by a series of massive
volcanic eruptions and tectonic movements probably in the late
centuries of the third millennium BC, leaving only small fragments in
the form of the Maltese Archipelago and the Pelagian Islands. A
strong case can be further made to culturally associate these islands
with Plato's Atlantikos. During the period encompassing 3700 - 2500
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory
Plato also recorded that the Atlantoi maintained a fleet of triremes for
commerce with other lands. The Maltese Temple people are also
known to have maintained cultural and trade links with other
surrounding regions including the lands in Tyrrhenia, the Aegean, and
possibly the North African coast - conforming to Plato's statement in
Timaeus that "Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and
wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and several
others, and over parts of the continent, and, furthermore, the men of
Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya within the columns of
Heracles as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia." These
links required the construction of marine craft. Forty different graffiti
depicting various types of ships have been identified on the adjacent
uprights in the third temple of the Tarxien group of temples. The
presence of these sea craft depictions confirm that during the period
the maritime traffic to and from the islands was very much a going
concern, while shipbuilding was already at an advanced stage of
development. The Tarxien graffiti depict a number of sea craft
building technology elements showing characteristics generally
attributed to Cycladic, Cretan, Assyrian, and Egyptian ships.
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory
solstice sunrise, only a narrow beam of light filters through the main
doorway. This beam lights up the outer edge of one of two upright
stones flanking an inner doorway. Another temple that shows a
relationship to the rising sun is the main temple at Hagar Qim whose
minor axis is aligned with sunset at the summer solstice.
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory
beings that are both different and superior to living men in that they
directly or indirectly exercise a benign or harmful influence.
Atlantidean mythology, hellenised by Plato, dealt with the origins of
the people and culture; while the gods wrath was kept in abeyance
through sacrificial rituals performed in temples. The destruction of
Atlantikos was attributed to the wrath of the supreme being. It is the
function of ritual practices or ceremonies to encourage a benign
influence, and prevent or neutralise harmful influences. The Maltese
Megalithic Temples are a definite implication that this culture
practised rites pertaining to mythological concepts. Two types of cults
have been identified in the Maltese Megalithic Culture - the first
represented by the above ground temples/sanctuaries dealt with
Fertility; while the second represented by the underground sanctuaries
and tombs dealt with Death. Both the Atlantoi and the Maltese
Megalithic Culture people practice a bull-related cult with bull
sacrifice. Many of the features of the Megalithic culture of Malta have
close parallels to the culture attributed by Plato to the Atlantoi of
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory
The Atlantis debate has primarily seesawed between the believers and
the sceptics. A review of Plato's texts confirm that the author was very
careful to record his sources and trace the catastrophic story. Other
texts from Egypt [Ermitage Papyrus of Leningrand] and Mesopotamia
[Curse of Akkad] written in the late centuries of the third millennium
BC confirm the occurrence of a catastrophic event affecting the
Mediterranean world. Archaeological evidence has further supported
this widespread event with the social collapse of several Old World
circum-Mediterranean Kingdoms including the Maltese Megalithic
Temple Culture that occurred about 2200 BC. The evidence points
towards the catastrophe occurring as a result of a massive volcanic
eruption that resulted in a drop in global temperature bring with it a
"Little Ice Age" resulting in a desertification process in the
Mediterranean region. All the evidence seems to support the fact that
some historical reality lies behind Plato's story. Furthermore based on
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Prehistory