Glossary Project Cycle Management Terms

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Glossary: Terms from Project Cycle Management

Nr. Term Definition (+source) Example Source of Romanian

example equivalent

1 ACTION An action item is any The action of http://whatis.te Sarcina(de

task or activity, creating a indeplinit )
assignable to a draft of the efinition/action-
resource that needs request for item
to take place within proposal
the context of a
(RFP) for XYZ
project. BrightHub's
Project Management inc.

2 ASSIGNMENT A process that The group http://www.math Distribuirea

CONTOURING determines how work chief is sarcinilor
for an assignment is responsabile matlab/ref/conto
to be distributed. For with the ur-
some assignments assignment properties.html?
much of the work contouring. requestedDomai
must be done before n=www.mathwor
a few final projects
can be completed; in
other situations work
might need to be
distributed so that the
majority of the work is
completed at the end
of the project.
BrightHub's Project
Management Channel

3 BASELINE PLAN A snapshot taken of Since a project http://www.rationa Schema a

the original plan and baseline planului
at chosen checkpoints includes many managementblog/ original
for the project. In data from a project-
project it is management-
difficult to terms-baseline/
Project, you can save manage it as a
up to 11 baseline whole and
plans for one project usually it is
file. broken into
BrightHub's Project several parts.
Management Channel
4 CLOSING During the Closing Project Closure http://www.metho Etapa de
PHASE phase, project involves handing incheiere a
managers often over the closure- proiectului
depend on their deliverables to phase.php
your customer,
project management
passing the
software to provide documentation
detailed summary to the business,
reports of everything cancelling
from missed timelines supplier
to the amount of contracts,
money spent during releasing staff
the project and how and equipment,
that information and informing
matches up with the stakeholders of
the closure of
original project plan.
the project.
BrightHub's Project
Management Channel

5 CRITICAL Critical Chain Method The critical http://pmstudycir

CHAIN is a set of practices chain can be
that emphasizes the defined as “the /critical-chain-
resources needed in longest path in method-ccm-in-
order to be complete the network project-
a project. diagram management
BrightHub's Project considering
Management Channel activity interdependenc
e and resource
6 CRITICAL PATH A series of tasks that We decided to http://www.busine
define the finish date look at potential
of the project. If the definition/critical-
obstacles so we path.html
critical path tasks do
not finish when analyzed the
scheduled, the project critical path to
finish date is best make
solutions for
Project Management
Channel potential problems.

7 DEADLINE Task deadlines are I had to meet the Termen limita

target dates you set in deadline, or my http://www.busine
the project schedule
work would not definition/deadline
that do not actually
be accepted and .html#ixzz3z5WgL
affect the project
schedule. I would be back
BrightHub's Project in the
Management Channel

8 EFFORT- A term used to The Effort https://support.of

DRIVEN describe the theory Driven field
SCHEDULING that adding more indicates us/article/Effort-
resources equals whether the Driven-task-
shortening a task's scheduling for field-2155647a-
duration. the task is effort a232-48a6-
BrightHub's Project driven a832-
Management Channel scheduling. ed64fa87dc71
9 EXECUTION Phase three in In the Project http://www.meth
PHASE PMBOK's phases of Execution
Phase you will
project management ct-execution-
build the
is the Execution physical project
phase (although, this deliverables and
phase may also be present them to
referred to as the your customer
Implementation for signoff.
phase). During the
Execution phase, your
best-laid plan from
Phase 2 - Planning is
put to work. The
Execution phase can
take as long as or
longer than the
Planning phase. This
is the time when you'll
spend the bulk of your
money and keep your
resources busy
"executing" the
project plan.
BrightHub's Project
Management Channel

10 FIXED A task type where the On the oncoing http://164.100.1

DURATION duration is fixed. project the firm 33.129:81/econt
BrightHub's Project has already ent/Uploads/PR
Management Channel established a OJECT_MANA fixed duration GEMENT.pdf
for my task.

11 FIXED UNITS A task type where the On Fixed Units http://www.epmc

units are fixed. task, units will be
BrightHub's Project fixed and if you oject/fixedunits.p
Management Channel change the work, hp
duration will be
12 FIXED WORK A task type where the Use Fixed Work http://www.mpug
work is fixed. tasks in .com/articles/tas
BrightHub's Project situations such k-types-dont-
Management Channel as when the get-frustrated/ effort required is
the first thing
you estimate.

13 FREE SLACK The amount of time a Use the Free https://support.of

task can fall behind, Slack field to
be delayed, or slip, determine us/article/Free-
and not affect other whether a task Slack-task-field-
tasks in the project has any time 87145b2b-8d50-
schedule. available for a 45a1-b89b-
BrightHub's Project delay 89aa73015d17
Management Channel

14 GANTT CHART A Gantt chart displays Gantt charts are http://www.gantt. Diagarame
project schedule most commonly com/ Gantt
information across a used for
timeline, listing tracking project
summary tasks as schedules.
well as milestones.
BrightHub's Project
Management Channel
15 INITIATION The first phase of In the initiation http://www.meth
PHASE project management phase you can
is the Initiation phase. start a new ct-initiation-
It's during this initial project by phase.php
time that the project defining its
goal is established. objectives,
During Phase 1, if a scope, purpose
project manager has and
been assigned, this deliverables to
be produced.
person works with the
involved parties,
otherwise known as
the project
stakeholders to fully
determine how to
measure the success
of the project once all
work is complete.
BrightHub's Project
Management Channel

16 INTERIM PLAN A task's start and Interim plans are http://www.bright

finish values that can task-specific and
be saved and used to can be created ect-
compare project at different planning/11696-
stages of a
progress at various the-difference-
stages. between-a-
BrightHub's Project baseline-plan-
Management Channel and-an-interim- plan/

17 LAG TIME The amount of delay Through many of http://www.thefr

in the relationship his speeches,
between the including m/time+lag
predecessor and the testimonies
before the
BrightHub's Project Greenspan
Management Channel underscored the need to take into
account the
substantial time
lag between
monetary policy
action and the
point at which its
effects show in
the economy.
18 LEAD TIME The amount of time The lead time http://www.busine
that must pass for one was far too high
task before its definition/lead-
for our business time.html#ixzz3z6
successor task can
to be a success 8yubqn
BrightHub's Project so we searched
Management Channel for inefficiencies
to improve upon.

19 LEVELING The process of In project https://en.wikipe Distribuirea

resolving resources management, sarcinilor in
conflicts and over resource ource_leveling functie de
allocations by leveling is a resurse/
delaying tasks, technique in Delegarea
which start and
splitting tasks, and sarcinilor
finish dates are
making changes to
adjusted based
assignments in a on resource
project. constraints with
BrightHub's Project the goal of
Management Channel balancing demand for
resources with
the available

20 MASTER A project file that At the time Proiect

PROJECT includes subprojects being we have index.php/progr principal
(inserted projects) five projects in ams/advanced-
and that is used to our master certifications/ma
manage multiple project. ster-project-
smaller projects from manager
one larger projects.
BrightHub's Project
Management Channel
21 MONITORING In Phase 4 - It is important Monitorizarea
(CONTROLLING Monitoring, you're to be atentive index.php/progr proiectului
) PHASE watching work in your ams/advanced-
progress and keeping monitoring certifications/ma
one eye on the phase at all the ster-project-
original project goal to important tasks manager
ensure your project of the project.
sticks within the
original project scope.
BrightHub's Project
Management Channel

22 PLANNING Often the most time- We had to No source . Planificarea

PHASE consuming of the expand the proiectului
phases of project time for the
management, the planing phase
Planning phase is due to thr
where you lay your multitude of
project groundwork. In ideas.
Phase 2 - Planning,
you create a specific
list of things that need
to happen in order for
your goal or goals to
be met.
BrightHub's Project
Management Channel

23 The project cycle is a The project No source. Stabilirea

PROJECT process that details cycle for our unei schite a
CYCLE the project activities latest action desfasurarii
and when those was very exact. sarcinilor
activities should take
place throughout the
duration of a project.
BrightHub's Project
Management Channel
24 PMBOK A Guide to the Project All i know i No source. Manual/ghid
Management Body of learnd from the pentru
Knowledge. Is a PMbok. managemen-
collection of processes tul proiectelor
and knowledge areas
accepted as best
practice for the project
Project Management

25 RISK A potential event or Risk Risk Managemen-

MANAGEMENT circumstance that management Management tul riscurilor
may have a negative is a two-step Definition |
influence on the process - Investopedia
project. Risk determining http://www.inve
Management tries to what risks
consider all possible exist in an rms/r/riskmana
risks to the investment gement.asp#ixz
completion of a and then z3z7HrxNtU
project, assign
handling those
probability and
risks in a way
potential effect,
propose a response,
best-suited to
and assign an 'owner' your
to the risk, who is investment
responsible for objectives.
spotting the risk if it
arises, and Risk
implementing the management
response. occurs
BrightHub's Project everywhere in
Management Channel the financial world

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