San Beda Reviewer
San Beda Reviewer
San Beda Reviewer
LOAN (Articles 1933 – 1961)
All transactions involving the A contract wherein one of the parties
purchase or loan of goods, services, delivers to another, either something
or money in the present with a not consumable so that the latter may
promise to pay or deliver in the future use the same for a certain time and
return it or money or other
Contracts of security consumable thing, upon the condition
Types: that the same amount of the same
1. Secured transactions or contracts of kind and quality shall be paid. (Art
real security - supported by a 1933)
collateral or an encumbrance of
property Characteristics:
2. Unsecured transactions or contracts 1. Real Contract – delivery of the thing
of personal security - supported only loaned is necessary for the perfection
by a promise or personal commitment of the contract
of another such as a guarantor or NOTE: An accepted promise to make
surety a future loan is a consensual contract,
and therefore binding upon the
Security parties but it is only after delivery,
Something given, deposited, or will the real contract of loan arise.
serving as a means to ensure (Art 1934)
fulfilment or enforcement of an
obligation or of protecting some 2. Unilateral Contract - once the
interest in property subject matter has been delivered, it
Types of Security creates obligations on the part of only
a. personal – when an individual one of the parties (i.e. borrower).
becomes surety or guarantor
b. real or property – when a Kinds:
mortgage, pledge, antichresis, 1. Commodatum – when the bailor
charge or lien or other device (lender) delivers to the bailee
used to have property held, out (borrower) a non-consumable thing so
of which the person to be made that the latter may use it for a certain
secure can be compensated for time and return the identical thing.
loss Kinds of commodatum:
a. Ordinary Commodatum – use by
Bailment the borrower of the thing is for a
The delivery of property of one certain period of time
person to another in trust for a b. Precarium - one whereby the
specific purpose, with a contract, bailor may demand the thing
express or implied, that the trust loaned at will and it exists in the
shall be faithfully executed and the following cases:
property returned or duly accounted i. neither the duration nor
for when the special purpose is purpose of the contract is
accomplished or kept until the bailor stipulated
claims it. ii. the use of the thing is merely
tolerated by the owner
1. bailor - the giver; one who delivers
2. bailee- the recipient; one who 2. Simple loan or mutuum – where the
receives the custody or possession of lender delivers to the borrower
the thing thus delivered money or other consumable thing
upon the condition that the latter
2. As to its Origin
a. Conventional - agreed upon by
the parties.
Deposit by Travellers in hotels and inns:
b. Legal - one imposed by virtue of
The keepers of hotels or inns shall be
a provision of a law.
responsible as depositaries for the
c. Judicial - one which is required
deposit of effects made by travellers
by a court to guarantee the
eventual right of one of the
a. Notice was given to them or to
parties in a case.
their employees of the effects
3. As to Consideration
brought by the guest; and
a. Gratuitous - the guarantor does
b. The guests take the precautions
not receive any price or
which said hotel-keepers or their
remuneration for acting as such.
substitutes advised relative to
b. Onerous - the guarantor receives debt or fulfill the contract, but for
valuable consideration. the surety to see to it that the
4. As to the Person guaranteed principal debtor pays or performs
a. Single - one constituted solely to (Paramount Insurance Corp vs CA,
guarantee or secure performance 310 SCRA 377)
by the debtor of the principal
obligation. Nature of Surety’s undertaking:
b. Double or sub-guaranty - one 1. Liability is contractual and accessory
constituted to secure the but direct
fulfilment by the guarantor of a NOTE: He directly, primarily and
prior guaranty. equally binds himself with the
5. As to Scope and Extent principal as original promisor,
a. Definite - the guaranty is limited although he possesses no direct or
to the principal obligation only, personal interest over the latter’s
or to a specific portion thereof. obligation, nor does he receive any
b. Indefinite or simple - one which benefits therefrom. (PNB vs CA, 198
not only includes the principal SCRA 767)
obligation but also all its 2. Liability limited by the terms of the
accessories including judicial contract.
costs NOTE: It cannot be extended by
implication beyond the terms of the
SURETYSHIP contract (PNB vs CA, 198 SCRA 767)
3. Liability arises only if principal
A contract whereby a person (surety) debtor is held liable.
binds himself solidarily with the NOTES:
principal debtor The creditor may sue separately
A relation which exists where one or together the principal debtor
person (principal) has undertaken an and the surety. Where there are
obligation and another person several sureties, the obligee may
(surety) is also under a direct and proceed against any one of them.
primary obligation or other duty to In the absence of collusion, the
the obligee, who is entitled to but surety is bound by a judgment
one performance, and as between the against the principal even though
two who are bound, the second rather he was not a party to the
than the first should perform (Agro proceedings. The nature of its
Conglomerates, Inc. vs. CA, 348 SCRA undertaking makes it privy to all
450) proceedings against its principal
NOTES: (Finman General Assurance Corp.
The reference in Article 2047 to vs. Salik, 188 SCRA 740)
solidary obligations does not mean
that suretyship is withdrawn from the 4. Surety is not entitled to the benefit
applicable provisions governing of exhaustion
guaranty. A surety is almost the same NOTE: He assumes a solidary liability
as a solidary debtor, except that he for the fulfilment of the principal
himself is a principal debtor. obligation (Towers Assurance Corp vs.
In suretyship, there is but one Ororama Supermart, 80 SCRA 262) as
contract, and the surety is bound by an original promissory and debtor
the same agreement which binds the from the beginning.
principal. A surety is usually bound 5. Undertaking is to creditor and not to
with the principal by the same debtor.
instrument, executed at the same NOTE: The surety makes no covenant
time and upon the same or agreement with the principal that
consideration (Palmares vs CA, 288 it will fulfil the obligation guaranteed
SCRA 422) for the benefit of the principal. Such
It is not for the obligee to see to it a promise is not implied by law
that the principal debtor pays the either; and this is true even where
exonerate the guarantor or the him, and point out to the creditor
eventual liability he has contracted, available property to the debtor
and the contract of guaranty within Philippine territory, sufficient
continues. to cover the amount of the debt (Art
However, the creditor may demand 2060)
another guarantor with the proper Demand can be made only after
qualifications. But he may waive it if judgment on the debt
he chooses and hold the guarantor to Demand must be actual; joining
his bargain. the guarantor in the suit against
the principal debtor is not the
Benefit of Excussion (Art 2058) demand intended by law
The right by which the guarantor 9. Where the pledge or mortgage has
cannot be compelled to pay the been given by him as special security
creditor unless the latter has
exhausted all the properties of the Benefit of Division (Art 2065)
principal debtor, and has resorted to Should there be several guarantors of
all of the legal remedies against such only one debtor and for the same
debtor. debt, the obligation to answer for the
same is divided among all.
NOTE: Liability: Joint
Not applicable to a contract of
suretyship (Arts 2047, par. 2; 2059[2]) NOTES:
Cannot even begin to take place The creditor can claim from the
before judgment has been obtained guarantors only the shares they are
against the debtor (Baylon vs CA, 312 respectively bound to pay except
SCRA 502) when solidarity is stipulated or if any
of the circumstances enumerated in
When Guarantor is not entitled to the Article 2059 should take place.
benefit of excussion: (PAIRS) The right of contribution of
1. If it may be presumed that an guarantors who pays requires that the
execution on the property of the payment must have been made (a) in
principal debtor would not result in virtue of a judicial demand, or (b)
the satisfaction of the obligation because the principal debtor is
Not necessary that the debtor be insolvent (Art 2073).
judicially declared insolvent or If any of the guarantors should be
bankrupt insolvent, his share shall be borne by
2. When he has absconded, or cannot be the others including the paying
sued within the Philippines unless he guarantor in the same joint
has left a manager or representative proportion following the rule in
3. In case of insolvency of the debtor solidary obligations.
Must be actual The above rule shall not be applicable
4. If the guarantor has expressly unless the payment has been made in
renounced it virtue of a judicial demand or unless
5. If he has bound himself solidarily with the principal debtor is insolvent.
the debtor The right to contribution or
reimbursement from his co-
Other grounds: (BIPS) guarantors is acquired ipso jure by
6. If he is a judicial bondsman or sub- virtue of said payment without the
surety need of obtaining from the creditor
7. If he fails to interpose it as a defense any prior cession of rights to such
before judgment is rendered against guarantor.
him The co-guarantors may set up against
8. If the guarantor does not set up the the one who paid, the same defenses
benefit against the creditor upon the which have pertained to the principal
latter’s demand for payment from debtor against the creditor and which
are not purely personal to the debtor. debtor does not pay immediately,
(Art 2074) he incurs in delay) to the debtor,
even though it did not earn
Procedure when creditor sues: (Art. interest for the creditor.
2062) Guarantor’s right to legal interest
The creditor must sue the principal is granted by law by virtue of the
alone; the guarantor cannot be sued payment he has made.
with his principal, much less alone 3. Expenses incurred by the
except in Art. 2059. guarantor after having notified
the debtor that payment has
1. Notice to guarantor of the action been demanded of him by the
The guarantor must be NOTIFIED creditor; only those expenses
so that he may appear, if he so that the guarantor has to satisfy
desires, and set up defenses he in accordance with law as a
may want to offer. consequence of the guaranty
If the guarantor appears, he is (Art. 2055) not those which
still given the benefit of depend upon his will or own acts
exhaustion even if judgment or his fault for these are his
should be rendered against him exclusive personal responsibility
and principal debtor. His and it is not just that they be
voluntary appearance does not shouldered by the debtor.
constitute a renunciation of his 4. Damages if they are due in
right to excussion (see Art. accordance
2059(1)). with law. General rules on
Guarantor cannot set up the damages apply.
defenses if he does not appear
and it may no longer be possible EXCEPTIONS:
for him to question the validity of 1. Where the guaranty is constituted
the judgment rendered against without the knowledge or against
the debtor. the will of the principal debtor,
2. A guarantor is entitled to be heard the guarantor can recover only
before and execution can be issued insofar as the payment had been
against him where he is not a party in beneficial to the debtor (Art.
the case involving his principal 2050).
(procedural due process). 2. Payment by a third person who
does not intend to be reimbursed
Guarantor’s Right of Indemnity or by the debtor is deemed to be a
Reimbursement (Art 2066) donation, which, however,
GENERAL RULE: Guaranty is a contract requires the debtor’s consent.
of indemnity. The guarantor who makes But the payment is in any case
payment is entitled to be reimbursed by valid as to the creditor who has
the principal debtor. accepted it (Art. 1238).
3. Waiver of the right to demand
NOTE: The indemnity consists of: (DIED) reimbursement.
1. Total amount of the debt – no
right to demand reimbursement Guarantor’s right to Subrogation
until he has actually paid the (ART.2067)
debt, unless by the terms of the Subrogation transfers to the person
contract, he is given the right subrogated, the credit with all the
before making payment. He rights thereto appertaining either
cannot collect more than what he against the debtor or against third
has paid. persons, be they guarantors or
2. Legal interest thereon from the possessors of mortgages, subject to
time the payment was made stipulation in conventional
known (notice of payment in subrogation.
effect a demand so that if the
and preferences of the former (Art Development Bank vs. Lim, 324
2080); SCRA 346)
4. For the same causes as all other 3. Pledgor, mortgagor, antichretic
obligations (Art 1231); debtor must have free disposal of
5. When the principal obligation is their property, or be legally
extinguished; authorized for such purpose.
6. Extension granted to the debtor by
the creditor without the consent of NOTES:
the guarantor (Art 2079) Third persons can pledge or mortgage
their own property to secure the
BOND principal obligation.
An undertaking that is sufficiently It is not necessarily void simply
secured, and not cash or currency because the accommodation pledgor
or mortgagor did not benefit from the
Bondsman (Art 2082) same. So long as valid consent was
A surety offered in virtue of a given, the fact that the loan was
provision of law or a judicial order. given solely for the benefit of the
He must have the qualifications principal debtor would not invalidate
required of a guarantor and in special the mortgage (GSIS vs CA, 170 SCRA
laws like the Rules of Court. 533)
The accommodation pledgor or
NOTES: mortgagor, without expressly
Judicial bonds constitute merely a assuming personal liability for such
special class of contracts of guaranty debt, is not liable for the payment of
by the fact that they are given “in any deficiency, should the property
virtue… of a judicial order.” not be sufficient to cover the debt
If the person required to give a legal (Bank of America vs. American Realty
or judicial bond should not be able to Corporation, 321 SCRA 659).
do so, a pledge or mortgage sufficient The accommodation pledgor or
to cover the obligation shall admitted mortgagor is not solidarily bound with
in lieu thereof (Art 2083) the principal obligor but his liability
A judicial bondsman and the sub- extents only to the property pledged
surety are NOT entitled to the benefit or mortgaged. Should there be any
of excussion because they are not deficiency, the creditor has recourse
mere guarantors, but sureties whose on the principal debtor who remains
liability is primary and solidary. (Art to be primarily bound.
2084) The law grants to the accommodation
pledgor or mortgagor the same rights
PLEDGE, MORTGAGE AND ANTICHRESIS as a guarantor and he cannot be
I. Common Elements of Pledge, prejudiced by any waiver of defense
Mortgage, and Antichresis (Articles by the principal debtor.
2085 – 2092)
B. Prohibition against Pactum
A. Essential Requisites (SOD) (Art Commissorium (Art 2088; 2137)
1. Secures the fulfillment of a principal Pactum Commissorium
obligation; Stipulation whereby the thing
2. Pledgor, mortgagor, antichretic pledged or mortgaged, or under
debtor must be the absolute owner of antichresis shall automatically
the thing pledged or mortgaged; and become the property of the creditor
The reason being that in in the event of non-payment of the
anticipation of a possible debt within the term fixed.
foreclosure sale in case of default
which is still a sale, the rule is Requisites:
that the seller must be the owner
of the thing sold (Cavite
2. To sell at public auction in case of 25. To possess the thing (Art 2098)
reasonable grounds to fear destruction or 26. To sell at public auction in case of
impairment of the thing without his fault non-payment of debt at maturity (Art
(Art 2108) 2112)
3. To bring actions pertaining to the 27. To choose which of the several things
owner (Art 2103) pledged shall be sold (Art 2119)
4. To choose which of several things
pledged shall be sold Obligations of the Pledgee
5. To bid at the public auction (Art 2113) KEY: CUDA3
6. To appropriate the thing in case of 1. Take care of the thing with the
failure of the 2nd public auction (Art 2112) diligence of a good father of a family (Art
7. To apply said fruits, interests or 2099)
earnings to the interest, if any, then to 2. Not to use thing unless authorized or
the principal of the credit (Art 2102) by the owner or its preservation requires
8. To retain excess value received in its use (Art 2104)
the public sale (Art 2115) 3. Not to deposit the thing with a 3rd
9. To retain the thing until after full person unless so stipulated (Art 2100)
payment of the debt (Art 2098) 4. Responsibility for acts of agents and
10. To be reimbursed for the expenses employees as regards the thing (Art 2100)
made for the preservation of the thing 5. To advise pledgor of danger to the
pledged (Art 2099) thing (Art 2107)
11. To object to the alienation of the 6. To advise pledgor of the result of the
thing public auction (Art 2116)
12. To possess the thing (Art 2098)
13. To sell at public auction in case of RIGHT OF PLEDGOR TO SUBSTITUTE
non-payment of debt at maturity (Art THING PLEDGED (ART.2107)
2112) Requisites:
To choose which of the several things 1. The pledgor has reasonable
pledged shall be sold (Art 2119) grounds to fear the destruction or
14. Option to demand replacement or impairment of the thin pledged
immediate payment of the debt in case of 2. There is no fault on the part of
deception as to substance or quality (Art the pledgee
2109) 3. The pledgor is offering in place of
15. To sell at public auction in case of the thing, another thing in pledge
reasonable grounds to fear destruction or which is of the same kind and
impairment of the thing without his fault quality as the former
(Art 2108) 4. The pledge does not choose to
16. To bring actions pertaining to the exercise his right to cause the
owner (Art 2103) thing pledged to be sold at public
17. To choose which of several things auction
pledged shall be sold NOTE: The pledgee’s right to have the
18. To bid at the public auction (Art 2113) thing pledged sold at public sale granted
19. To appropriate the thing in case of under the Article 2108 is superior to that
failure of the 2nd public auction (Art 2112) given to the pledgor to substitute the
20. To apply said fruits, interests or thing pledged under Article 2107.
earnings to the interest, if any, then to
the principal of the credit (Art 2102) Prohibition against double pledge
21. To retain excess value received Property which has been lawfully
in the public sale (Art 2115) pledged to one creditor cannot be
22. To retain the thing until after full pledged to another as long as the first
payment of the debt (Art 2098) one subsists.
23. To be reimbursed for the expenses NOTE: Possession of a creditor of the
made for the preservation of the thing thing pledged is an essential requisite of
pledged (Art 2099) pledge.
24. To object to the alienation of the
thing Extinguishment of Pledge (CRAPS)
property mortgaged if and when the the real estates and their respective
mortgagee is given a special power of locations
express authority to do so in the deed 6. The notice of sale shall be published
itself or in a document annexed in a newspaper of general circulation
thereto. pursuant to Section 1, PD No. 1079
The authority to sell is not 7. The application of shall be raffled
extinguished by the death of the among all sheriffs
mortgagor (or mortgagee) as it is an 8. After the redemption period has
essential and inseparable part of a expired, the Clerk of Court shall
bilateral agreement (Perez vs PNB, 17 archive the records.
SCRA 833). 9. No auction sale shall be held unless
No sale can be legally made outside there are at least two (2)
the province in which the property participating bidders, otherwise the
sold is situated; and in case the place sale shall be postponed to another
within said province in which the sale date. If on the new date set forth for
is to be made is the subject of the sale there shall not be at least
stipulation, such sale shall be made in two bidders, the sale shall then
the said place in the municipal proceed. The names of the bidders
building of the municipality in which shall be reported to the Sheriff of the
the property or part thereof is Notary Public, who conducted the
situated. sale to the Clerk of Court before the
issuance of the certificate of sale.
Procedure for extrajudicial foreclosure
of both real estate mortgage under Act NOTES:
No. 3135 and chattel mortgage under The Mortgagor and Mortgagee have no
Act No. 1508 (A.M. No. 99-10-05-0, right to waive the posting and
January 15, 2000) publication requirements under Act.
1. Filing of application before the No. 3135. Notices are given to secure
Executive Judge through the Clerk of bidders and prevent a sacrifice of the
Court property. Clearly, the statutory
2. Clerk of Court will examine whether requirements of posting and
the requirement of the law have been publication are mandated, not for the
complied with, that is, whether the mortgagor’s benefit, but for the
notice of sale has been posted for not public or third persons. Failure to
less than 20 days in at least three (3) comply with the statutory
public places of the municipality or requirements as to publication of
city where the property is situated, notice of auction sale constitutes a
and if the same is worth more than jurisdictional defect which
P400.00, that such notice has been invalidates the sale.Lack of
published once a week for at least republication of notice of foreclosure
three (3) consecutive weeks in a sale made subsequently after the
newspaper of general circulation in original date renders such sale void
the city of municipality (PNB vs. Nepomuceno Productions
3. The certificate of sale must be Inc., G.R. No. 139479. December 27,
approved by the Executive Judge 2002).
4. Where the application concerns Sec 3 of Act 3135 does not require
extrajudicial foreclosure of real personal or any particular notice on
mortgages in different locations the mortgagor much less on his
covering one indebtedness, only one successors-in-interest where there is
filing fee corresponding to such debt no contractual stipulation therefor.
shall be collected Hence, unless required in the
5. The Clerk of Court shall issue mortgage contract, the lack of such
certificate of payment indicating the notice is not a ground to set aside a
amount of indebtedness, the filing foreclosure sale.
fees collected, the mortgages sought Neither does Sec 3 require posting of
to be foreclosed, the description of notice of sale on the mortgage
Refectionary Credit
Indebtedness incurred in the repair or
reconstruction of something
previously made, such repair or
reconstruction being made necessary
by the deterioration or destruction of
the thing as it formerly existed.
The pro-rata rule does not apply to
credits annotated in the Registry of
Property by virtue of a judicial