Change Blindness: Daniel J. Simons and Daniel T. Levin
Change Blindness: Daniel J. Simons and Daniel T. Levin
Change Blindness: Daniel J. Simons and Daniel T. Levin
- Neuronal assemblies
63 Spams, 0.. Tononi, G and Edelman. G.M. (1991) Modeling perceptual between processing streams with differential sensitivity for colour and
grouping and figure-ground segregation by means of active reentrant luminance contrast Vision Res. 37, 1129-l 140
connections Pm. Natl. Acad. SC;.U. 5. A. 88. 129-133 67 Leonards, U. and Singer, W. Two segmentation mechanisms with
64 Tononi, G., Sporns, 0. and Edelman, G.M. (1992) Reentry and the differential sensitivity for colour and luminance contrast Vmon Res. (I”
problem of integrating multiple cortical areas-simulation of dynamic press)
integration in the visual system Cereb. Cortex 2, 310-335 68 Kiper, D.C., Gegenfurtner, K.R. and Movshon, J.A. (1996) Cortical
65 Leonards. U., Smger, W. and Fable, M. (1996) The Influence of oscillatory responses do not affect visual segment&on Vision Res. 36,
temporal phase differences on texture segmentation Vision Res. 36, 539-544
2689-2697 69 Frewald, W.A.. Kreiter, A.K. and Singer, W. (1997) in Gattingen
66 Leonards. U. and Singer, W. (1997) Selective temporal interactions NeumbkhgyReport 1997(Elmer. N. and W%sle, H., eds), p 550, Thieme
Change blindness
Daniel J. Simons and Daniel T. Levin
Although at any instant we experience a rich, detailed visual would, we de nti use such
visual details to form a stable representation across views. Over the past five ye-
researchers have focused increasingly on ‘change blindness’ (the inability to de$ect
changesto an object or scene) as a means to examine the nature of our representations,
Experiments using a diverse range of methods and displays have produced strikingiy
similar results: unless a change to a visual scene produces a localizable change or
transient at a specific position on the retina, generally, people will not detect it. We
review theory and research motivating work on change blindness and discuss recent
evidence that people are blind to changes occurring in photographs, in motion
pictures and even in real-world interactions. These findings suggest that relatively
little visual information is preserved from one view to the next, and question a
fundamental assumption that has underlain perception research for centuries: namely,
that we need to store a detailed visual representation in the mind/brain from one view
to the next.
s incc
cise, veridical
antiquity, scholars
have assumed
of our visual
the need for pre-
world’. Modern
our visual
and their
are the primary
for how
of this review.
WC rcprcscnt
Copyright 8 1997, Elssvier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 1364.6613/97/$17.00 PII: 51364.6613(97)01080-Z
Trends in Cognitave Sciences - Vol. 1. No. 7. October 1997
Simons and Levin - Change blindness
During the 197Os, evidence for visual masking and for the in- latencies”. The visual form was not sufficiently represented m
tegration of visual information at a single retinal location’,b, allow detection of rhe change.
together with the general acceptance of the construct of iconic In a sense, studies of visual integration and studies of change
memory (a short-term sensory memory rhat retains a detailed detection address the same issues using complementary method-
picture-like representation of a scene)‘, inspired a model ologies. Studies of visual integration focus on the ability co com-
for achieving a continuous experience”. This model suggested bine two distinct images, essentially adding their contents. Studies
that visual images from consecutive views are combined in a of change detection focus on the ability to subtracr one image
visual buffer, much as two overhead transparencies can be from another, thereby finding rhe difference. Both approaches
superimposed. allow an exploration of the specificity of scene representations.
Although this model seems plausible, it cannot account for
continuity under natural viewing conditions. Somehow, visual References
integration in the real world must accommodate changes m our a Di Lollo, V. (1980) Temporal integration in visual memory 1. Exp.
eye, head and body positions. In order for the visually integra- Psycho/. Ge”. 109, 75-97
b Kahneman. D. (1968) Method, findings, and theory in studier of
tive buffer model to work, stimuli presented on two different
visual masking Psycho/. Bull. 70, 404425
fixations or at two different retinal locations musr be inregrated
E Neisser, U. (1967) Cognitive psychology, Appleton-Century-Crofts
visually. That is, our visual system must determine that an ob-
d McConkie, G.W. and Rayner, K. (1976) identifying the span of the
ject is the same even when it srimulates different areas of rhe
effective stimulus in reading: Literature review and theories of
retina on consecutive fixarions. In one test of this hypothesis, reading, in Theoretical Models and Processes of Reading (2nd edn)
subjects fixated a point in the center of a display and a 12-dot (Singer, H. and Ruddell. R.B.. eds). pp. 137-162, International
pattern was presented briefly to parafoveal vision. Shortly there- Reading Association
after, subjects moved their eyes to the parafoveal location and a e Jonides. J., Irwin, D.E. and Yantis, 5. (1982) Integrating visual
second 12-dot partern was presented. When the two patterns information from successive fixations Science, 215, ‘192-194
were combined, one dot was missing, and subjects were asked to f Bridgeman. 8. and Mayer, M. (1983) Failure to integrate visual
information from successive fixations Bull. Psychwomic Sot. 21.
determine the location of the missing dot. Although initial
studies supported the notion of a visually integrative buffef, later
9 Irwin, D.E.. Brown, J.S. and Sun, J-5. (1988) Visual masking and
studies controlling for methodological and display artifacts have
visual integration across saccadic eye movements :. Exp. Psycho/.
failed co replicate the inirial findir@ (for recent reviews, see Refs
Gen. 117. 27E-287
I and m). Therefore, rhis research fails to support the hypothesis h Irwin, D.E., Yantis, 5. and Jonides, J. (1983) Evidenu! against visual
that we form an accurafe representation by storing and inte- integration across saccadic eye movements Percept. Psychophysiol.
grating precise visual information from one fixation co the next. 34,49-57
Additional evidence for rhe absence of integrated visual rep- i Jonides, J., Irwin, D.E. and Yantis, 5. (1983) Failure to integrate
resentarion across eye movemems comes from rhe study of information from successive fixations Science 222, 188
preview effects in reading. One particularly dramatic example j Rayner, K. and Pollatsek, A. (1983) Is visual informat.ion integrated
across raccades? Percept. Psychophysiol. 34, 39-48
comes from a task in which observers read lines of text chat al-
k Sun, J-5. and Irwin, D.E. (1987) Retinal masking during pursuit eye
ternated case with each letter (e.g. AlTtRnAtEd Case)“. During
movements: Implications for spatiotopic visual persistence J. Exp.
some saccades, every letter in the sentence changed case, so that
Psycho/. Hum. Percept. Perform. 13, 140-145
the visual form of every word was different. Surprisingly, when I Irwin, D.E. (1991) Information integration across saccadic eye
rhe changes occurred during an eye movement, subjects almost movements Cognit. Psycho/. 23,421X456
never noticed. Thar is, subjects not only failed m integrate the m Pollatsek, A. and Rayner, K. (1992) What is integrated across
visual form of the letters from one instant to the next, they fixations? in Eye Movements and Visual Cognition: Scene Perception
could not even tell rhat the visul form was changing. and Reading (Rayner, K.. ed.). pp. 166-191, Springer-Verlag
Apparenrly, the information integrated across fixations during n McConkie, G.W. and Zola, D. (1979) Is visuial mformation
integrated across successive fixations in reading? Percept.
reading is not contingent on the precise visual form of the word.
Psychophysiol. 25. 221-224
More recently, studies of reading have inspired a series of
o Henderson, J.M. (1997) Transsaccadic memory and integration
studies of integration of pictorial information across eye move-
during real-world object perception Psycho/. Sci. 8, 51-55
ments. These studies have focused on rhe benefits of a
p Pollatsek, A., Rayner, K. and Collins, W.E. (1984) Integrating
parafoveal preview on processing during a subsequent fix- pictorial information across eye movements J. Exp. Psycho/. Gen.
ation”,“+q. One recent study showed fhaf when complementary 113,426-442
sets of conmurs from an object were shown before and after q Pollatsek, A., Rayner, K. and Henderson. J.M. (19901 Role of spatial
an eye movement, in general, observers were unable to detect location in integration of pictorial information scross saccades
the change and the contour change had no effect on naming 1. Exp. Psycho/. Hum. Percept. Perform. 16, 199-21CI
during blinks or during a blank interval between two pic- Saccade-contingent changes
tures. Still others made changes to scenes while observers Imagine viewing a set of photographs for an upcoming
viewed a motion picture cut or a real-world occlusion event. recognition test. As you study the photogzaphs, you shift
What is striking about this diversity of approaches is the your attention among the objects in the image and you scan
similarity of the results. In all of these experiments, ob- the image with your eyes. Periodically, while your eyes are
servers fail to notice dramatic changes to displays. We will moving rapidly from one object to the next, something in
now turn to evidence for and mechanisms underlying change the scene is changed. The experimenters mention that the
blindness across saccades. scenes may change at times and that you :jhould let them
transients effectively mask the ability to localize an i.ndivid- b Shepard, R.N. (1967) Recognition memory for words,
sentences. and pictures J. Verb. Learn. Verb. Behav. 6, 156-163
ual transient or change, then any display that creates global
c Standing, L., Conezio, 1. and Haber, R.N. (1970) Perception and
transients should make change detection difficult. In order memory for pictures: Single-trial learning of 2500 visual stimuli
to examine this possibility, several laboratories indepen- Psychonomic SC;. 19. 73-74
dently developed a technique designed to mimic eye move- d Standing, L. (1973) Learning 10,000 pictures. 9. J. Exp. fsychol.
ments without changing the fixation locations3 (see Fig. 1). 25. 207-222
B Pedzek, K. et al. (1988) Picture memory: Recognizing added
Experiments using the flicker paradigm found that al-
and deleted details J. Exp. Psycho/. Learn. Mem. Cognit. 14.
most none of the changes were detected during the first cycle 468-476
of alternation, and many changes were not detected even :
viewed scenes that included both consistent and inconsist- likely to notice changes to the schema-inconsistent objects
ent objects in preparation for an upcoming recognition than the schema-consistent ones (also see Ref. IS). Unex-
task’“. During the testing phase, observers were asked to petted objects are more likely to garner attentional resources,
discriminate previously viewed images from similar images and attended objects are more likely to be retained from one
in which an object had been changed. Observers were more view to the next. More recently, superior recognition of
n mT’
(a) one of the objects was moved to a previously empty
location, (b) one object was replaced by an object that was
not in the original array, or (c) two objects in the original
for earlier
switched places.
or not any change
work using
a similar
had occurred
asked to determine
(see Refs 19 and 20
As in the flicker
n n n
paradigm, observers missed changes when an object was
clearly focused
a different
in the
on the objects
or when
in each display.
two objects
4. 3
primary goal of the task was change detection, so they knew
that they should encode the objects. In recent pilot studies
using the same paradigm coupled with eye tracking
(D.J. Simons and M. Spivey-Knowlton, unpublished), we
found that, typically, observers look at all of the objects in
the display. Thus, change blindness does not appear to re-
sult from a failure to focus attention on the target object Workspace
during the trial.
Although these two studies using different methods
converge on the conclusion that even attended objects may
not be encoded sufficiently to allow change detection, both
involved displays in which the observer’s attention shifts Fig. 2 Change blindness in a block copying task. This figure is a replication of the sort
from object to object during encoding. Perhaps our visual of display used by Ballard et al.“. In this task, observers use a mouse to select and move
colored blocks from the ‘stockpile’ to reproduce the ‘model’ in th,e ‘workspace’. Participants
system can only tolerate one central object at a time.
often produce a revealing sequence of eye-movements during this task: (1) after examining
Successful change detection may only occur when the target the model, they saccade to the stockpile to select an appropriately colored block, (2) after
object is the central object immediately before and after the selecting a block, sometimes they saccade back to the model, presumably to double check
change. To examine this possibility, we used motion pic- the location or color of the block, and (3) they saccade to the workspace and place the
selected block. During the second saccade. sometimes the experimenters changed the color
tures to change an object that remained central throughout
of one of the model blocks. Even though the model was a center of interest in the scene,
scene” (see Box
a simple
In these
as rising
a single
from a chair
and 1
observers noticed the change only rarely”.
@ Trends in Cognitive Sciences - Vol. 1. No. 7. October 1997
Simons and Levln - Change bllndnesr
can be exceptionally good’“-‘*, memory for the properties 6 O’Regan. J.K. (1992) Solving the ‘Real’ mysteries of visual perception:
The world as an outside memory Can. J. Psycho/. 46, 461-488
and features of objects in scenes is surprisingly transitory.
7 Stroud, J.M. (1955) The fine structure of psychological time, in
Findings from research on perception for action, change de-
Information Theory in Psychology: Problems and Methods (Quastler,
tection, motion picture perception and real world inter- H., ed.), pp. 174-207, Free Press
actions all suggest that the visual details of object properties 8 Blackmore, 5.1. et al. (1995) Is the richness of our visual world a”
are not retained automatically from one view to the next. illusion? Transsaccadic memory for complex scenes Perception 24,
We fail to notice changes to scenes when they do not produce
9 Rensmk, R.A., O’Rega”, J.K. and Clark, J.J. (1997) To see or not to see:
a motion on our retina that attracts attention. Although
The need for attention to perceive changes in scenes Psycho/. SC;. 8.
changes to central objects are more likely to be detected, 368-373
they are not detected automatically. Therefore, attention is 10 Tarr, M.J. and Aginsky, V. (1996) From objects to scenes: Speculations
necessary, but not sufficient, for change detection. on similarities and differences. Paper presented at the Scene
Recognition Workshop, Max-Plank-lnstitut fiir Siologische Kybernetik,
Given failures of change detection, we must question
Ttibingen, Germany.
the assumption that we have a detailed representation of our 11 D’Regan. J.K. et a/. (1997) Picture changes during blinks: Not seeing
visual world. And, given our success in interacting and be- where you look and seeing where you don’t look Invest Ophthalmol.
having in our environment, we must ask whether such de- Vis. SC;. 38, 5707
tailed representations are even necessary. Although change 12 O’Regan, J.K., Rensink, R.A. and Clark, J.J. (1996) “Mud splashes”
render picture changes invisible /west Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 37,
blindness might appear to contradict our phenomenal experi-
ence of a stable, continuous world it may actually account
13 Brewer, W.F. and Treyens, J.C. (1981) Role of schemata in memory for
for this impression. During any fixation we have a rich vis- places Cognit Psycho/. 13. 207-230
ual experience. From that visual experience, we abstract the 14 Friedman, A. (1979) Framing pictures: The role of knowledge in
meaning or gist of a scene. During the next visual fixation, automatized encoding and memory for gist J. Exp. Psycho/. Gen. 108.
we again have a rich visual experience, and if the gist is the
15 Henderson, J.M.. Hollingworth, A. and Weeks, P.A.J. (1996) The
same, our perceptual system assumes the details are the influence of scene context on object perception. Paper presented at
same. Consider, for example, a busy city street. In this kind the Scene Recognition Workshop, Max-Plank-lnstitut fijr Blologische
of scene, a variety of property changes occur during th.e nor- Kybernetik, Ttibingen, Germany
mal course of events. People are occluded by walking be- 16 Pedzek, K. et al. (1989) Memory for real-world scenes: The role of
consistency with schema expectation 1. Exp. Psycho/. Learn. Mem.
hind barriers, cars move, revealing previously hidden ob-
cognit 15, 587-595
jects on the sidewalk, and people may shift a bag to the 17 Ballard, D.H.. Hayhoe, M.M. and Pelz, J.B. (1995) Memory
other arm or take out a handkerchief. All of these changes representations in natural tasks J. Cogn. Neurosci. 7. 66-80
are rapid and might occur during saccades or between suc- 18 Simons. D.J. (1996) In sight, out of mind: When object representations
cessive glances. A system that is too precise in tracking visual fail Psychof. SC;.7, 301-305
19 Pashler, H. (1988) Familiar!ty and visual change detection Percept
details would, in the words of William James, present a
Psychophyziol. 44, 369-378
‘blooming, buzzing confusion’. In contrast, a system that 20 Phillips, W.A. (1974) On the distinction between sensory storage and
gives a rich perceptual experience at any instant, but only short-term wsual memory Percept Ps-ychophysiol. 16,283-290
integrates the gisr (and perhaps the layout and mov’ement 21 Levin, D.T. and Simons, D.J. Failure to detect changes to attended
direction) from one view to the next would give the irnpres- objects in motion pictures Psychonomic Bull. Rev. (in press)
22 Dmytryk, E. (1984) On Film Editing: An Introduction to the Art of Film
sion of stability rather than chaos. This system -would
Construction, Focal Press
be successful at ignoring unreliable object property infor- 23 Rothbart. M. and John, O.P. (1985) Social categorization and
mation, focusing instead on the information that the per- behavioral episodes: A cognitive analysis of the effects of intergroup
ceiver needs to know. Thus, change blindness supports the contact J. Social Issues 41.81-104
phenomenal experience of continuity by not preserving too 24 Intraub, H. (1981) Rapid conceptual identification of sequentially
presented pictures 1. Exp Psycho/. Hum. Percept Perform. 7.
much information from one view to the next.
25 Nickerson. R.S. (1965) Short-term memory for complex meaningful
. , . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . I. .. .. . wsual configurations: A demonstration of capacity Can. J. Psycho/. 19.
Acknowledgements 155-160
The author thanks John Henderson and Ron Rensink for their comments 26 Potter. M.C. (1976) Short-term conceptual memory for pictures. 1. Exp.
and suggestions on a” earlier draft of this manuscript. Psycho/. Hum. Learn. Men?. 2, 509-522
27 Shepard. R.N. (1967) Recognition memory for words, sentences, and
.,....,...........................,.........,............................................ . . . . .. . . .. . pictures J. Verb. Learn. Verb. Behav. 6, 156-163
References 28 Standing, L.. Conezio, J. and Haber, R.N. (1970) Perception and
1 Lindberg, D.C. (1976) Theories of Vision from Al-Kind; to Kepler. memory for pictures: Single-trial learning of 2500 visual stimuli
University of Chicago Press Psychonomic SC;. 19. 73-74
2 Grimes, J. (1996) On the failure to detect changes in scene!; acrosS 29 Henderson, J.M. (1997) Transsaccadic memory and integration during
saccades, in Perception (Vancouver Studies in Cognitive !idence) real-world object perception Psycho/. SC;. 8. 51-55
(Vol. 2) (Akins, K, ed.), pp. 89-110, Oxford University Press 30 Moore, C.M. and Egeth, H. (1997) Perception without attention:
3 Currie, C. etal. (1995) Maintaining visual stability across saccades: Role Evidence of grouping under conditions of inattention 1. Exp. Psycho/.
of the saccade target object. Technical Report UIUC-BI-HPP-95-01. Hum. Percept Perform. 23, 339-352
Beckman Institute, University of Illinois 31 DeSchepper, 8. and Treisman, A. (1996) Visual memory for novel
4 McConkie, G.W. and Currie. C.B. (1996) Visual stability across saccades shapes: Implicit coding without attention 1. Exp. Psycho/. Learn. Mem.
while viewing complex picturesI. Exp. Psycho/. Hum. Percept Perform. Cognit. 22,27-47
22, 563-581 32 Graf. P. and Ryan, L. (1990) Transfer-appropriate processing for
5 Dennett, D.C. (1991) Consciousness Explained, Little, Brown and implicit and explicit memory J. Exp. Psychol. Learn. Mem. Cognit 16,
Company 978-992