B-Interval Monte Carlo Methods For Structural Reliability
B-Interval Monte Carlo Methods For Structural Reliability
B-Interval Monte Carlo Methods For Structural Reliability
Structural Safety
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper considers structural reliability assessment when statistical parameters of distribution func-
Received 31 August 2009 tions can not be determined precisely due to epistemic uncertainty. Uncertainties in parameter estimates
Received in revised form 4 January 2010 are modeled by interval bounds constructed from confidence intervals. Reliability analysis needs to con-
Accepted 6 January 2010
sider families of distributions whose parameters are within the intervals. Consequently, the probability of
Available online 2 February 2010
failure will vary in an interval itself. To estimate the interval failure probability, an interval Monte Carlo
method has been developed which combines simulation process with the interval analysis. In this
method, epistemic uncertainty and aleatory uncertainty are propagated separately through finite ele-
Bayesian approach
Epistemic uncertainty
ment-based reliability analysis. Interval finite element method is utilized to model the ranges of struc-
Interval analysis tural responses accurately. Examples are presented to compare the interval estimates of limit state
Interval finite element probability obtained from the proposed method and the Bayesian approach.
Monte Carlo simulation Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Parameter uncertainty
1. Introduction the scope of this work, the statistical uncertainty will be consid-
ered here. In particular, we are interested in reliability assessment
A major step in structural reliability analysis is the modeling when the parameters of distribution functions can not be deter-
and quantification of various sources of uncertainty. It is common mined precisely due to small sample size.
in engineering practice to distinguish between aleatory uncer- The Bayesian approach is routinely used to consider the uncer-
tainty and epistemic uncertainty [1,2]. Aleatory uncertainty is tainties associated with estimation of parameters of a probability
due to the inherent random nature of physical quantities (e.g., vari- distribution. The unknown parameters are assumed to be (Bayes-
abilities in yield strength of steel). Aleatory uncertainties are gen- ian) random variables [3]. The epistemic uncertainty and aleatory
erally modeled by random variables. In contrast to aleatory uncertainty are combined through the total probability theorem.
uncertainty, epistemic uncertainty is knowledge-based, and arises With the Bayesian approach, subjective judgments are required
from imperfect modeling, simplification and limited availability of to estimate the Bayesian random variables. The estimate of the
database. Possible sources of epistemic uncertainty include model Bayesian random variables can be improved when additional data
uncertainty and statistical uncertainty. Model uncertainty is re- become available. Before receiving more data, however, the Bayes-
lated to the discrepancy between real structural behavior and its ian approach remains a subjective representation of uncertainty.
simplified representation in mathematical models such as finite In this paper, incomplete knowledge of the distribution param-
element (FE) models. Statistical uncertainty is another important eters is modeled by the interval bounds constructed from confi-
source of epistemic uncertainty. The probability distribution to de- dence intervals. Based on the observational data, a confidence
scribe a random phenomenon is generally not precisely known. interval is established over which the parameter is located at a
The statistical parameters (e.g., mean and standard deviation) are specified level of confidence [3]. The epistemic uncertainties in
usually estimated by statistical inference from sampled observa- estimating the parameters are reflected in the widths of the inter-
tional data and a point estimator is used to approximate the ‘true’ vals. With the interval approach, reliability assessment needs to
parameter. Thus the distribution is itself subject to some uncer- consider families of distributions whose parameters are within
tainty. Statistical uncertainty may be significant if only a limited the intervals. One practical way to describe the ensemble of distri-
sample of data is available. While the model uncertainty is beyond butions is to specify its lower and upper bounds. The mathematical
frameworks using this methodology include Dempster-Shafer evi-
* Corresponding authors. Tel.: +61 2 93513923; fax: +61 2 93513343 (H. Zhang).
dence theory [4], random set theory [5] and probability boxes [6].
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H. Zhang), [email protected] (R.L. Mul- The computation procedures are typically a combination of inter-
len), rafi[email protected] (R.L. Muhanna). val analysis and the Cartesian product method [7]. Lower and
0167-4730/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
184 H. Zhang et al. / Structural Safety 32 (2010) 183–190
upper bounds on the limit state probability are computed. Pen- the framework of the Bayesian approach, one can compute the fre-
metsa and Grandhi [8] considered random variables and interval quency distribution of pf , based on which a Bayesian confidence
variables simultaneously in structural reliability analysis. Function interval on pf can be estimated. Interval estimate of failure proba-
approximation was used to reduce the number of simulations. In bility can provide useful information to decision-makers about
[6,9], probability boxes and Dempster-Shafer structures were used the variability in reliability or risk [14]. When applying the Bayesian
to bound imprecisely specified probability distributions. The meth- approach, subjective judgment is needed to estimate fh ðhÞ. The esti-
od was applied to environmental risk assessment. Tonon et al. [10] mate of fh ðhÞ can be improved by using the Bayesian updating rule
considered the reliability analysis for an aircraft wing at the early when more data become available. Before receiving additional data,
stage of design process where the observational data is not however, the Bayesian approach remains a subjective representa-
point-valued but set-valued. Random set theory was employed to tion of epistemic uncertainty.
represent the envelope of all probability distributions compatible
with the available information. In [11], random sets were con-
2.1. Interval approach
structed from limited observational data by applying inequalities
of Tchebycheff to the sample mean. The method was utilized to
This paper adopts the confidence interval approach to represent
bound the statistics of the displacement response of a cantilever
the unknown parameters h. Let H denote the confidence intervals,
sheet pile wall. In [12], interval analysis was combined with
and h is a generic (arbitrary) element h 2 H. Under this assumption
first-order reliability method (FORM). The unknown means and
one needs to consider families of distributions whose parameters
standard deviations of random variables were modeled as interval
are in the intervals. Conceivably, the probability of failure pf will
numbers. Interval analysis was applied to the closed-form solu-
not be unique and vary in an interval. We are interested in estimat-
tions of FORM, and the bounds on structural system reliability in-
ing a lower bound and an upper bound of pf .
dex were evaluated.
A visualization of all possible distributions with h 2 H can be
Despite the research progress, the computing effort, especially
obtained by means of upper and lower distribution functions. Let
when Cartesian product method is used, is a barrier to the practical
FðxÞ denote the cumulative distribution function (CDF) for the ran-
application of non-traditional uncertainty models. The issue of
dom variable X. For every x, an interval ½FðxÞ; FðxÞ generally can be
computational cost becomes more serious when the reliability
readily found to bound the possible values of FðxÞ, i.e.,
analysis is FE-based, i.e., the structural responses are obtained
FðxÞ 6 FðxÞ 6 FðxÞ, for h 2 H. Such a pair of two CDFs FðxÞ and
through FE analyses.
FðxÞ construct a so-called probability box or probability bounds [6].
This paper proposes an interval Monte Carlo method to propa-
Fig. 1 shows the probability box for a normal distribution with
gate interval parameters through FE-based reliability assessment.
an interval mean of [2.0, 3.0] and a standard deviation of 0.5. In this
The FE portion of the analysis is carried out by the authors’ recently
simple example, it is easy to verify that FðxÞ is the CDF of the nor-
developed interval finite element method (FEM). An interval esti-
mal variable with a mean of 3 and FðxÞ is the one with a mean of 2.
mate on the failure probability is computed. Two plane structures
Probability box represents a general framework to represent
are analyzed to illustrate the proposed method. The interval failure
imprecisely specified distributions. It can represent not only distri-
probabilities obtained from the proposed method and the Bayesian
butions with unknown parameters, but also distributions with un-
approach are compared through the examples.
known type or even unknown dependencies [6].
Cartesian product method is routinely used for computing with
2. Reliability analysis under parameter uncertainty probability boxes [6,7]. In this method, a probability box is discret-
ized into a list of pairs fðA1 ; m1 Þ; . . . ; ðAi ; mi Þ; . . .g, in which Ai are
The basic reliability problem is defined by the multiple intervals and mi are their associated probability masses. Ai can be
integration termed as focal elements and mi can be viewed as the probability
Z Z that Ai is the range of x [17]. Thus a probability box is analogous
pf ¼ PðGðXÞ 6 0Þ ¼ fX ðxÞdx: ð1Þ to a discrete probability distribution except that the probability
mass is assigned to an interval rather than to a precise point. Dif-
Here pf represents the probability of failure of the structure. ferent discretization methods have been proposed, such as the
X ¼ ðX 1 ; . . . ; X n ÞT is the n-dimensional vector of the basic random Outer Discretization Method and the Averaging Discretization
variables representing uncertain quantities such as applied loads, Method [16]. The two discretization methods are graphically dem-
material strength and stiffness. fX ðxÞ is the joint probability density
function for X. GðXÞ is the limit state function and GðXÞ 6 0 defines
the failure state.
Let h denote the (unknown) statistical parameters of the distri-
bution function fX ðxÞ. In the Bayesian approach h are modeled to be
random variables, thus fX ðxÞ becomes a conditional distribution
function fXjh ðxjhÞ. Clearly the presence of h implies that the proba-
bility pf is random itself. The expectation of the conditional failure
onstrated in Fig. 2a and b. In practice, unbounded distributions are The basic Monte Carlo simulation formula can be extended to
truncated to a finite range. Clearly, the accuracy of the approxima- the case when fX ðxÞ is a probability box with h 2 H. When h varies
tion depends on how fine the discretization is [7]. in intervals, the randomly simulated basic variables x ^ j vary in
Consider the limit state function GðXÞ in Eq. (1). Suppose that intervals accordingly. The limit state function Gðx ^ j Þ becomes a
the basic variables X ¼ ðX 1 ; . . . ; X n ÞT are represented by n probabil- function of h as well, i.e., Gðx^j ; hÞ. If the minimum and the maxi-
ity boxes. If the basic variables are statistically independent, the mum values of Gðx ^ j ; hÞ can be determined
random relation pertaining to ðX 1 ; . . . ; X n Þ can be defined by a prob-
^j ; hÞÞ 6 Gðx
MinðGðx ^j ; hÞ 6 MaxðGðx
^j ; hÞÞ; for h 2 H ð6Þ
ability box fðR1 ; q1 Þ; . . . ; ðRl ; ql Þg on the Cartesian product of the fo-
cal elements of X 1 X n [17,18]. The lower and upper bound then
on the probability of GðXÞ 6 0 can be evaluated as [4]
^ j ; hÞÞ 6 0 6 I½Gðx
I½MaxðGðx ^j ; hÞ 6 0 6 I½MinðGðx
^ j ; hÞÞ 6 0: ð7Þ
f ¼
p qi ð3Þ
Applying Eq. (7) in (5) gives
Ri :0PinfðGðRi ÞÞ
pf ¼ qi ð4Þ 1 XN
1 XN
^ j ; hÞÞ 6 0 6
I½MaxðGðx ^ j ; hÞ 6 0
Ri :0PsupðGðRi ÞÞ N j¼1 N j¼1
in which inf( ) and sup( ) denote infimum and supremum of the 1X N
function, respectively. p f and pf represent an upper and lower 6 ^ j ; hÞÞ 6 0:
I½MinðGðx ð8Þ
N j¼1
bound for pf respectively.
The above computation procedure requires that the image of Thus, Eq. (8) provides an interval estimate for pf
every focal element Ri through the limit state function Gð Þ be cal-
culated. If each probability box X i has k focal elements, the total 1X N
pf ^j ; hÞÞ 6 0;
number of focal elements from the Cartesian products N j¼1
X 1 X n is k . For realistic engineering problems with large ð9Þ
number of n and/or k, the computing effort of performing k struc- 1X N
p ^ j ; hÞÞ 6 0;
I½MinðGðx for h 2 H:
tural analyses is prohibitive. Williamson [7] introduced a conden- N j¼1
sation strategy of constructing coarser discretization for
probability boxes to reduce the calculation number to ðn 1Þk .
However, there is a trade off between computational cost and 3.2. Computational aspects
accuracy of results. To overcome the difficulty associated with
the Cartesian product method, an interval Monte Carlo simulation The first step in the implementation of interval Monte Carlo
procedure has been developed. simulation is the generation of intervals in accordance with the
prescribed probability boxes. The inverse transform method [3] is
often used to generate random numbers. Consider a random vari-
3. Interval Monte Carlo simulation
able X with CDF FðxÞ. If ðu1 ; u2 ; . . . ; um Þ is a set of values from the
standard uniform variate, then the set of values
3.1. Basic formula
xi ¼ F 1
X ðui Þ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m ð10Þ
In Monte Carlo simulation, the probability of failure is approxi-
mated as [1] will have the desired CDF FðxÞ. The inverse transform method can
be extended to perform random sampling from a probability box.
1 XN
Suppose that an imprecise CDF FðxÞ is bounded by FðxÞ and FðxÞ,
pf ^ j Þ 6 0
I½Gðx ð5Þ
N j¼1 as shown in Fig. 3. For each ui in Eq. (10), two random numbers
are generated
where N is the total number of simulations conducted, x ^j represents
xi ¼ F 1 ðui Þ; xi ¼ F 1 ðui Þ: ð11Þ
the jth randomly simulated vector of basic variables, and I[ ] is the
indicator function, having the value 1 if [ ] is ‘true’ and the value 0 if Such a pair of xi and xi form an interval ½xi ; xi which contains all pos-
[ ] is ‘false’. sible simulated numbers from the ensemble of distributions for a
x x
Fig. 2. Discretization of a probability box. (a) Outer Discretization Method; (b) Averaging Discretization Method [16].
186 H. Zhang et al. / Structural Safety 32 (2010) 183–190
The computational effort of the interval Monte Carlo simulation u ðlþ1Þ # u ðlÞ : ð17Þ
is contingent on the efficiency of computing the range (max. and Then u ðlþ1Þ þ u0 guarantees to contain the exact solution set of Eq.
min.) of structural responses through FE analyses when the simu- (14). The original interval fixed point iteration implicitly assumes
lated basic variables vary in intervals. This task can be performed that the coefficients of K vary independently between their bounds.
by using the interval FEM. A variety of solution techniques have This assumption is not valid for the system equations that arise in
been proposed for the interval FEM, including the combinatorial the interval FEM. Special formulation has to be developed to remove
method [19,20], perturbation method [21,22], sensitivity analysis coefficient-dependence in the algorithm. By using the EBE tech-
method [23], optimization method [24,25], and interval analysis nique, it is possible to decompose the interval stiffness matrix K
method [26–28]. In this paper, the interval FE analysis is formu- into two parts
lated as an interval analysis problem. The interval analysis and
interval FE formulation is briefly introduced below. Further details K ¼ SD ð18Þ
are provided in the authors’ previous work [29–31]. in which S is a deterministic matrix and D is an interval diagonal
Interval analysis concerns the numerical computations involv- matrix whose diagonal entries are the interval variables associated
ing interval numbers. The four elementary operations of real arith- with each element (e.g., interval modulus of elasticity). The term Z
metic, namely addition (+), subtraction (), multiplication () and in Eq. (16) can then be reintroduced as
division () can be extended to intervals. Operations
2 fþ; ; ; g over interval numbers x and y are defined by the Z ¼ Rp RðK þ QÞu0 ¼ Rp RQu0 RSDu0
general rule [32,33] ¼ Rp RQu0 RSMd: ð19Þ
x y ¼ ½minðx yÞ; maxðx yÞ for 2 fþ; ; ; g ð12Þ
It must be noted that in Eq. (19) Du0 is introduced as Md in which M
in which x and y denote generic elements x 2 x and y 2 y. Software is a deterministic matrix and d is an interval vector [26]. The com-
and hardware support for interval computation are available (e.g., ponents of d are the diagonal entries of D with the difference that
[34,35]). every interval variable occurs only once in d. This treatment elimi-
For a real-valued function f ðx1 ; . . . ; xn Þ, the interval extension of nates the coefficient-dependence in Z, which is critical for obtaining
f( ) is obtained by replacing each real variable xi by an interval var- a tight bound.
iable xi and each real operation by its corresponding interval arith- The interval fixed point iteration converges if and only if
metic operation. From the fundamental property of inclusion qðjCjÞ < 1 [37], where qðjCjÞ is the spectral radius of the absolute
isotonicity [32], the range of the function f ðx1 ; . . . ; xn Þ can be rigor- value of the iterative matrix C. To achieve a small qðjCjÞ, the choice
ously bounded by its interval extension function R ¼ ðQ þ SÞ1 is made such that
ff ðx1 ; . . . ; xn Þ j x1 2 x1 ; . . . ; xn 2 xn g # f ðx1 ; . . . ; xn Þ: ð13Þ C ¼ I RðQ þ SDÞ ¼ I RðQ þ SÞ RSðD IÞ ¼ RSðD IÞ: ð20Þ
Eq. (13) indicates that f ðx1 ; . . . ; xn Þ contains the range of f ðx1 ; . . . ; xn Þ Numerical tests have shown that fast convergence (within 10 iter-
for all xi 2 xi . ations) generally can be achieved by using the above modified iter-
A natural idea to implement interval FEM is to apply the inter- ative algorithm. The developed linear elastic interval FEM has been
val extension to the deterministic FE formulation. Unfortunately, successfully applied to plane frame structures, as well as continuum
such a naïve use of interval analysis in FEM yields meaningless mechanics problems [29–31]. The structural responses can be accu-
and overly wide results [27,28]. The reason is that in interval arith- rately and efficiently computed.
metic each occurrence of an interval variable is treated as a differ-
ent, independent variable. It is critical to the formulation of the 4. Example 1: truss structure
interval FEM to identify the dependence between the interval vari-
ables and prevent the widening of results. In this paper, an ele- Fig. 4 shows a planar truss. The serviceability limit state of
ment-by-element (EBE) technique is utilized for element deflection is considered. The deflection limit at the midspan is
assembly [27,30]. The elements are detached so that there are no set to be 7.5 cm. Linear elastic analyses were performed.
H. Zhang et al. / Structural Safety 32 (2010) 183–190 187
Table 2
Bayesian confidence intervals for pf , Case 1 (truss in Fig. 4).
mean = 0.0014
COV = 0.3
Relative frequency
0.0004 0.0010 0.0016 0.0022 0.0028 0.0034
Probability of failure
Fig. 5. Relative frequency distribution for pf obtained from the Bayesian approach, Case 1 (truss in Fig. 4).
188 H. Zhang et al. / Structural Safety 32 (2010) 183–190
Table 3 Table 4
Interval estimates for pf obtained from interval Monte Carlo simulations, Case 1 (truss Interval estimates for pf obtained from the interval Monte Carlo simulations, Case 2
in Fig. 4). (truss in Fig. 4).
Variables Confidence level for the mean cross-sectional area Variables Confidence level for ki
90% 95% 99% 90% 95% 99%
A1 A6 (cm2) [10.17, 10.48] [10.14, 10.51] [10.08, 10.56] k1 ; k3 [4.4465, 4.5199] [4.4395, 4.5269] [4.4258, 4.5407]
A7 A15 (cm2) [6.35, 6.55] [6.34, 6.57] [6.30, 6.60] k2 [5.5452, 5.6186] [5.5381, 5.6256] [5.5244, 5.6393]
pf [0.062%, 0.26%] [0.048%, 0.30%] [0.031%, 0.43%] pf [0.025%, 0.67%] [0.019%, 0.72%] [0.01%, 1.18%]
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
Probability of failure
Fig. 6. Relative frequency histogram for pf obtained from the Bayesian approach, Case 2 (truss in Fig. 4).
H. Zhang et al. / Structural Safety 32 (2010) 183–190 189
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