11 Ecosystems

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The document discusses science topics and worksheets covered in General Science disks for Years 7-8 and 9-10. It also outlines the site license conditions for using the contents of the disks.

The Years 7-8 disks cover topics like energy, forces, matter, mixtures, elements, cells, life systems, astronomy, Earth, and ecosystems. The Years 9-10 disks cover waves, motion, electricity, atoms, reactions, DNA, evolution, health, the universe, and Earth science.

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Years 7-8

Disk filename = “11.Ecosystems”

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Topics Available
Year 7-8 General Science Year 9-10 General Science
Disk Filename Topic Name Disk Filename Topic Name
01.Energy Energy 12.Waves Wave Energy (inc. Light)
02.Forces Forces 13.Motion Forces & Motion
03.Matter Solids, Liquids & Gases 14.Electricity Electricity
04.Mixtures Separating Mixtures 15.Atoms Atoms & Elements
05.Elements Elements & Compounds 16.Reactions Compounds & Reactions
06.Cells Living Cells 17.DNA Cell Division & DNA
07.Life Living Things 18.Evolution Evolution of Life
08.LifeSystems Plant & Animal Systems 19.Health Health & Reproduction
09.Astronomy Astronomy 20.Universe The Universe
10.Earth The Earth 21.EarthScience Earth Science
11.Ecosystems Ecosystems 22.Resources Resources & Technology

Year 11-12 Science Courses

Biology Chemistry Earth & Envir. Physics
Preliminary Core
Local Ecosystem
Preliminary Core
Chemical Earth
Science Preliminary Core
World Communicates
Preliminary Core
Patterns in Nature Metals Planet Earth... Electrical Energy...
Life on Earth Water Local Environment Moving About
Evolution Aust. Biota Energy Water Issues Cosmic Engine
HSC Core HSC Core Dynamic Earth HSC Core
Maintain. a Balance Production of Materials HSC Core Space
Blueprint of Life Acidic Environment Tectonic Impacts Motors & Generators
Search for Better Health Chem.Monit.&Mngment Environs thru Time Ideas to Implementation
Options Options Caring for the Country Options
Communication Shipwrecks, Corrosion... Option Quanta to Quarks
Genetics:Code Broken? Industrial Chemistry Introduced Species Astrophysics

All Topics Available as PHOTOCOPY MASTERS and/or KCiC

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“Mind-Map” Outline of Topic

This topic is a study of Ecology, which is a branch of Biology.
Ecology is a study of living things and their environment, with emphasis on
how living things fit into the environment, and how they all interact with each other.

Cellular Respiration

Environment Producers

Food Chains
Ecosystems &
Food Webs


Effects of Population Size
Fire, Flood &


Predator &

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Make your own “Mind-Map” TITLE PAGE.

Cut out the boxes. Sort them into an appropriate lay-out on a page of your
workbook, then glue them down. Add connecting arrows and colour in.

Producers Seasonal
Ecosystems &

Adaptations Food Chains

to & &
Environment Cellular Respiration
Food Webs
Predator &

Changes Effects of Prey

in Fire, Flood &

Population Size Drought Competition

Make your own “Mind-Map” TITLE PAGE.

Cut out the boxes. Sort them into an appropriate lay-out on a page of your
workbook, then glue them down. Add connecting arrows and colour in.

Producers Seasonal
Ecosystems &

Adaptations Food Chains

to & &
Environment Cellular Respiration
Food Webs
Predator &

Changes Effects of Prey

in Fire, Flood &

Population Size Drought Competition

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Ecology is the study of living things and their environment.
Ecology studies the way living things depend on each other.
Ecology looks at the environment itself, and how living things fit into it.

What is an Ecosystem?
An ecosystem can be as large or as small as you like. The whole Biosphere of the
Earth is one ecosystem, or you might study just one little rockpool as an ecosystem.

One valley can be an ecosystem, or an entire

continent... it just depends on how large, or

A coral reef ecosystem

small an area you want to study.

Every ecosystem is made up of 2 parts.

Non-Living Environment
Living Community
Amount of Water The “community” is all the living things
within the ecosystem being studied. All
Amount of Light (e.g. for plants) the plants, animals and microbes are
part of the community.
Amount of O2 and CO2 gases
They all depend on each other, and
Temperature Range interact with each other in many
important ways.
Soil Quality Space & Shelter
They share living
Food spaces, and give each
All these things (and many more) can Living things eat
other shelter.
have a huge effect on which plants one another.
Examples: Example:
and animals can live in any particular
• kangaroos eat grass. birds nest in trees.
• spiders eat insects.
For example, no plants can live in a
totally dark cave, or the deep ocean, Parasites &
because there is no light for Survival
photosynthesis. Living things help Some living things are
each other carry out parasites and feed from
Very few plants and animals can vital processes. others without killing
them. Some microbes
survive in a desert, or on an ice-cap cause infectious
because of the extreme temperatures bees pollinate diseases.
and/or lack of water. flowering plants.

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If you study any living thing in its natural environment, you will always find that
the plant or animal is well-suited to survive and live in that place.

It has special features which seem to help it “fit-in” to the place it lives.
These special features are called “adaptations”.
We say it is adapted to its environment.

Some Examples of Adaptations

Huge Legs & Feet Kangaroo
allow for hopping, which is Koala
a very efficient way
to move around.

Powerful Tail
acts as “3rd foot” when
standing, and is a counter-
balance when hopping.

Large Ears
not only help hearing, but
act as radiators for cooling
down on a hot day.

Dense Fur
Large Beak Good Eyesight keeps it warm
helps it spot Claws
helps it catch and on cold nights
insects, give good grip
kill its prey. and sheds water
lizards, etc. for climbing.
in the rain.

Colour Pattern is Slow Moving, slow thinking,

good camouflage, Feathers sleeps 20 hours a day.
so its prey do not keep it warm, This helps the koala survive on
notice it waiting and are light- gum leaves which are a very
in ambush. weight for flight. poor-qquality food.

Gum Tree are tough and water- Platypus
proof to resist drying
out in dry weather. Webbed Feet for swimming

They droop
traps air next to its skin. This helps
downwards so the
keep it warm, even in cold water.
heat of midday is

are dropped in
drought times,
so the tree needs
Flat Tail “Duck-B
less water.
Roots for steering
(Don’t camp under is very sensitive to detect worms,
go deep to find water. in water
gums in a drought!) yabbies, etc in the mud or gravel.

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Worksheet 1
Adaptations (2 pages) Student Name.............................................
For each adaptation listed, suggest Sharp Claws
how this might help survival.

You need to know the plant or animal’s Tail that can grip
way of life and normal habitat. This may
require some research and/or class
discussion. Large eyes

Freshwater Crocodile Excellent sense of smell

Nocturnal (Active at night)

Webbed feet

Wedge-Tail Eagle
Flattened, powerful tail Good eyesight

Long jaws with many sharp teeth

Powerful talons

Eyes and nostrils on top of head

Sharp, curved beak

Sturt’s Desert Pea Broad, soaring wings

Wide, shallow root system

Leaves are tough and waterproof

Seeds can survive in soil for decades

Can also reproduce from fast-g

growing “runners” from stem

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Worksheet 1
Adaptations (cont) Echidna

Green Tree Frog

Green colour

pads on toes

Large mouth and sticky tongue Powerful, sharp claws

Large, powerful hind legs Sharp spines cover body

Long snout and sticky tongue

Can you think of other

adaptations that these
animals have?
Goanna (rainforest species)

Powerful claws
Stripes & spots colour pattern

Female’s pouch opens backwards

Excellent sense of smell by “tasting the air”
(with flickering, forked tongue)
Large, flat grinding teeth

Sleepy, docile nature

Long, sharp claws
(hint: it’s closest relative is the Koala)

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Producers and Consumers

All living things need food.
Food has chemical potential energy stored within it. When this energy
is released, it powers all the life-functions... growth, movement, etc.

There are two main ways for a living thing to get food:

Producers Consumers
Make Food Eat Food
from simple chemicals, that some other organism
and a source of energy. has already made.

Plants are Producers Animals are Consumers

It is the plants that are the major producer Animals are unable to make food. They
organisms in most ecosystems. must eat some high-energy food that
(Some microbes make food too.) has been made by a producer, or they
must eat other animals that ate plants.
Plants make their food by the process of
Photosynthesis Once they get their food, they extract its
energy to move, to grow, to reproduce
The energy of light is and so on.
absorbed by chlorophyll,
the green pigment
in the chloroplasts
ligh The process of extracting the
t en of plant cells
y energy from food is
chlorophyll GLUCOSE + OXYGEN Cellular Respiration
from from high- released
soil air energy to air Glucose + Oxygen Carbon + Water + Energy
sugar Dioxide
high- from the These are waste MAIN
Water & CO2 energy air products PRODUCT
are low-e
energy sugar
chemicals from

What photosynthesis really does is Don’t forget that plants carry out cellular
absorb energy from the Sun, and store respiration as well... not just animals.
energy in the food chemicals.
You already know that CO2 and O2 are
constantly re-cycled between photosynthesis
Luckily for us animals, the plants make
and cellular repiration.
more food than they need. They store
the excess food in their fruits, leaves, The energy however, is NOT recycled.
roots and stems. We eat the plants or we
eat other animals that ate plants. It comes from the Sun, and is stored in food by the
plants. Eventually either the plant, or an animal that
ate it, uses the energy for some life function.
The Producers (plants)
make all the food on Earth. Energy cannot be destroyed, but once a living thing
uses food, the energy becomes low-grade heat
They also make all the which is useless and cannot be re-used.
oxygen for us to breathe.
So the plants absorb more sunlight!
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Food Chains
Since all the food on Earth is made by the plants (“producers”),
and all animals (“consumers”) either eat plants, or each other,
the result is a “chain of feeding”... a Food Chain.

Food chains are the most basic relationships within an ecosystem.

Food chains are often described by a diagram like this:

Grass Kangaroo Dingo

is eaten by is eaten by

Every food chain must

begin with a plant
The arrow shows the direction that food energy flows.
The pattern of a food chain is always:

Producer Consumer 1 Consumer 2

It can also be described as:

Plant Herbivore Carnivore

(plant eater) (flesh eater)

Ocean Food Chains

Another Example On land the food chains usually begin with a
familiar plant such as grass, or the leaves of a
This food chain shows Kookaburra tree or shrub.
a number of
In the oceans, most
important points: food chains begin with
plankton. (the word
It doesn’t matter which Lizard means “drifter”)
way the food chain
diagram is drawn, as Plankton includes Microscopic diatom,
a unicellular producer
long as the arrows microscopic sea life
which drifts in the water.
point in the direction Spider
of energy flow. The base of the food chains are single-celled
“Phytoplankton” which have chlorophyll and
There can be any make food by photosynthesis. There may be
number of living things millions of them in each cup of seawater.
in the chain, although it
Feeding on them are the “Zooplankton”. Most
is rare to have more zooplankton are the tiny larval stages of jellyfish,
than about 6 steps. crabs, barnacles, and so on. These in turn are eaten
Flower by shrimp-like krill, and these by fish, then bigger
(plant) fish, then dolphins, etc. Many whales feed directly
on the krill, eating a tonne or more every day.

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Worksheet 2
Producers, Consumers & Student Name.............................................
Food Chains
Fill in the blank spaces This process needs k)....................... gas
from the air as well as l)......................
Plants are a)................................. of food. from food. The waste products are
They make food by b)............................... m).............................. and ........................
using c)...................... and ........................,
plus the energy of d)................................ A food chain describes the flow of
n)............................. through an
All animals are e)................................ of ecosystem. Arrows are used to show the
food. This means they must eat food direction that the o)....................... flows.
that f)..........................................................
The result is that all animals eat Food chains always begin with a
g)..................., or other h)........................ p)................... because they are the
which have eaten plants. q)............................. which make all the
All living things use the i)..........................
from food to power all life processes. To An animal that eats plants is called a
get this energy, they carry out s)............................., and if it eats other
j)....................................................... animals it is a t).................................

Worksheet 3 Student Name.............................................

Food Chains
Each box names an organism, and states what it eats.
Cut out all the boxes and re-arrange to form 4 different food chains.
Glue down and add connecting arrows to complete each diagram.

Eagle Lizard
eats Butcher Birds
eats spiders Grass eats grasshoppers

Flowers feeds on plankton Butterfly Butcher Bird
eats caterpillars
eats nectar from
Grasshopper eats oysters
eats grass Snake
eats frogs
Plankton Spider

eats butterflies
eats lizards

eats crabs Caterpillar
eats leaves of trees
Tree Leaves Crab
eats starfish

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The Decomposers
All living things produce wastes.
As well as their dung, there are dead leaves, shed fur, skin & feathers, etc.
The amount of wastes and dead bits-and-pieces produced
each day in every ecosystem is enormous.

Luckily, in every ecosystem there are lots of garbage-disposal

organisms who get rid of the waste materials.

Bacteria & Fungi Importance of Decomposers

If you have studied the “Kingdoms of The decomposers eat all the wastes and
Life” you may recall that bacteria are clean up the environment.
tiny, single-celled organisms.
Their real importance is that by
Fungi include decomposing the left-overs, they
things like re-cycle many chemicals that are
mushrooms and
needed in the ecosystem.
“toadstools”. The
familiar “caps”
shown in the Without the decomposers, the soil
photo are minerals such as nitrates and
actually just the phosphates would soon be
reproductive depleted. These “minerals” are
structures. Most needed by plants for
fungi grow in the healthy growth.
soil as a network of thin threads.
The decomposers break-down the
Most bacteria and fungi are decomposer wastes and return essential chemicals
organisms. They feed on wastes and back into the soil. This way the plants
dead materials and cause it to continue to grow and make the food for
decompose (rot) so that it is broken
all the food chains to continue.
down into simple chemicals.

Food Chain Including Decomposers

Grass Kangaroo Dingo
d le Wastes, shed fur & skin
Simple chemicals
returned to the soil Decomposers Decomposers
Worksheet 6

Are Decomposers the Same as Scavengers?

Aren’t the decomposers doing the same A scavenger eats dead remains, but it
job as scavengers? e.g. vultures, which also produces its own wastes, sheds
eat dead remains. skin, etc, etc. Scavengers do not cause
rotting, and they do not cause the re-
No, there is a big cycling of soil minerals and other
difference. simple, but important chemicals in the
Seashore Scavenger environment.

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Food Webs
Although we think in terms of food chains, this is really too simple.
Single food chains never exist by themselves in nature.
In a real ecosystem, many different food chains inter-connect
with each other to form a Food Web.

For example, here is a food chain:

Plant Insect Spider Lizard Kookaburra

but this might be only part of all the feeding relationships occurring.

The organisms shown in
shaded boxes could be
the food chain above.

Snakes Lizards Goannas


Spiders Possums Nectar-eating birds


Grasshopper Butterflies Fruit Flies Beetles

Grass Weeds Flowering Shrubs Trees

Design of a
Even the food web shown is far too Food Web Diagram
simple for a real bush environment.
Because food webs get very
In a natural ecosystem there may be complicated, it is important that the
hundreds of different species of insects diagrams we use are well-organised.
and spiders, dozens of types of lizards
and birds, and so on. We haven’t Plants are usually placed at the bottom,
included insect eating birds and in a line. As far as possible the
mammals, the bats, or the many types of herbivorous animals are placed in a line
plants that are the basis of all the food above the plants, and so on.

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Worksheet 4
Food Webs Student Name.............................................
This diagram shows a food web that Answer the questions
might exist in your back-yard. 1. According to this food web:
a) what eats caterpillars?
Butcher b) what do butcher birds eat?
c) which animals are the “herbivores”?
Spiders ....................................................................
2. What is the reason (shown in the
Snails diagram) why many people like to have
blue-tongue lizards in their garden?
Insects Slugs

Weeds Garden plants 3. List all the “carnivores” shown.

Worksheet 5 Student Name.............................................

Make a Food Web
Here is information about some feeding relationships in a coastal rock pool.
Your task is to construct a food web from this information.
Producer Organisms
Phytoplankton, seaweeds.

Zooplankton eat phytoplankton. Hints
Periwinkles (snails) and sea urchins eat • Start with plants in a line at the bottom.
seaweeds. • Arrange herbivores in a line above that.
• Continue working upwards.
“Filter Feeders” • Connect with arrows to show all
(Collect plankton from the water. Therefore, they are feeding relationships described.
eating both phytoplankton and zooplankton.)
• It may be wise to do a “draft version”
Barnacles, shrimp, mussels and tube
on scrap paper first. From this you can
see better lay-outs that will keep it
neat and organised.
Crabs eat dead scraps from barnacles,
mussels and periwinkles.

Predators (hunter-killers)
Octopus eat crabs, shrimp & sea urchins
Starfish eat mussels and periwinkles.
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Changes in Population Size

Humans are used to the idea that our population keeps rising.
This is NOT normal for animals and plants in nature.
In natural ecosystems, the population of each species often goes
up and down with the seasons, or due to the impact of other species.

Seasonal Changes
In the northern hemisphere (e.g. Nth America & Europe) the seasons are very
regular and predictable. Winter is harsh, but Spring always brings new
plant growth, good food supplies and warm weather.
Population size always follows a yearly cycle.
Seasonal Population Change Annual Cycle
in a Temperate Climate Each Spring the
population jumps as
Population declines each year due to
Rapid increase each predators, disease and old age. many babies are born
Spring breeding season
at the same time.

Then the population

Population Size

decreases steadily as
some are killed by
Many die predators or die of
in various natural causes.
year Summer The death rate is



higher in Winter, so











population drops
Time (Seasons over 6 years)
The dotted line shows the “yearly average” population. It goes up and down over a
number of years because of “good” and “bad” years.

Australia’s Climate is Unpredictable

Australia has seasons, but their effect is often less important than the
unpredictable “El Nino” events which cause severe droughts.
Many Australian animals do not have a “breeding season”,
but produce babies whenever there is food and conditions are good.
Many Australian animals, such



El Nino

El Nino

El Nino

El Nino
El Nino

as Red Kangaroos, will breed

In “good”
years the continuously in years when
population there is plenty of food and water.
The population grows larger
Population Size

even with even though many die from

predators, disease, old age or predators.
When droughts occur the
population “crashes”. Breeding
stops, and many die from lack
Population “crashes”
during times of of food and water.
Many completely
stop breeding.
Once again, the graph shows
“highs and lows”, but it is more
0 10 20 30 40 50 irregular, and the “cycle” is
Time (years) over many years.

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Changes in Population Size

Humans are used to the idea that our population keeps rising.
This is NOT normal for animals and plants in nature.
In natural ecosystems, the population of each species often goes
up and down with the seasons, or due to the impact of other species.

Predator & Prey Populations

Some population sizes are affected by another species.
The population of a predator is often dependent on the population of its main prey.
Meanwhile, the prey species population is affected by the predator’s population.
Predator-Prey Populations
species This graph
has been
Average Population Size

Population “smoothed-
“Highs” There are usually more
prey animals than out” to show
predators average
Predator over many
species years
The predator’s “highs”
and “lows” are always
later than the prey’s.
Time (over many years)

What Happens
When the prey species population is high, the When the prey population gets low, the
predators can catch a lot of food. predators have less food. They raise fewer
babies, and some starve to death.
The predators breed more successfully and
raise bigger families because they have more Gradually, the predator population decreases.
food. The predator population rises. This means fewer prey get eaten, so their
population begins to increase, and the whole
As the predators increase in numbers, they eat more cycle starts again.
and more prey, so the prey population goes down.

If two species eat the same food, or need the same nesting sites (e.g. hollow logs)
or any other resource in the ecosystem, they must compete for survival.
In nature this often results in a clear winner, and an extinct loser.
Competition Typical Competition Graph
When 2 species need the same food (or other
Species population stable
resource) one species is always a little better at
it than the other. before competition
Po ec
pu lin
Population Size





The “better” competitor’s population increases,




while the other declines, and it may become


New competitor

extinct in that ecosystem. species arrives

in the Extinct
Unfortunately, this is often what happens when
species are introduced to new ecosystems. Humans
have introduced many new species to Australia with Time
devastating results to some native species.

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Worksheet 6
Decomposers Student Name.............................................
Fill in the blank spaces

All living things produce a)......................

This is vital for h)................................ the
materials. As well as their dung or
soil minerals which i)...................... need
droppings, there are tonnes of dead
to be healthy. This allows the plants to
b).......................... from plants, and
continue to grow and make all the
c).......................... and .................... which
j)...................... for each ecosystem.
animals lose or shed.
Decomposers are not the same as
All this waste and dead matter is eaten
k)................................. which eat dead
by the d).................................. organisms,
remains of other creatures. These
especially the e)................................ and
produce more l)..............................., and
do not cause material to rot and be re-
As they eat this material they cause it to
f).................................. (rot). This means
it is broken down into g).........................

Worksheet 7
Student Name.............................................
Population Changes
2. This graph below shows the
1. population of a species (“S”) whose
a) Sketch on this grid (start at point A) numbers have remained the same (more
a graph showing how the population of or less) for thousands of years.
an animal might change over a period of
years, if it breeds in a regular cycle. Then a new species (“X”) moves into
this ecosystem. The new species “X”
eats exactly the same food as “S” does.
a) What do we call the relationship
Population Size

between “S” and “X”?

b) Sketch on the graph the population

changes to “S” and “X”, if the new
species is better adapted and more
Time (years)
b) What causes the graph to go up?

c) What can cause it to go down?

Population Size

Species “X”
d) Assume this is a prey animal. arrives
On the same grid sketch the graph of its
main predator. Time (many years)

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Fire, Flood & Drought

The only certain thing about the Australian environment is that it is unpredictable!
Droughts can last for years, and then devastating floods arrive.
Bushfires are common in most years and can cause widespread
damage to both human property and natural environments.

Effects on Australian Ecosystems

Fire: Destroy & Re-New Flood: Flush & Re-Charge
Humans see fire as a destroyer. To native Farmers know the value of flooding to
Australian ecosystems it is also a great deposit silt on the fields and replenish the
renewing force. topsoil. A flood may destroy this year’s
crop, but it helps guarantee future fertility.
Bushfires have
been common in In some natural ecosystems flooding is
Australia for ages. vitally important. In inland Australia, floods
The aboriginal re-fill the wetlands that vast numbers of
people plants and animals live in and rely upon for
deliberately set survival.
fires for
thousands of Floods re-charge the underground water
years before supplies which emerge elsewhere as
European “springs” and feed the creeks, even in dry
settlement. times.

The ash from fire fertilizes the poor soils. The salt lake ecosystems of Central
Many plants are adapted to fire, and re- Australia (e.g. Lake Eyre) cannot survive
sprout quickly after a blaze. Many seeds without the irregular flooding.
will only grow after they are scorched by
fire. Some Australian ecosystems can Many coastal estuaries need to be “flushed
only remain healthy by regular burning. out” by flood water. Without a flood the
estuary silts-up, closes up and becomes a
stagnant swamp instead of a healthy
Drought breeding area for fish and birds.
Drought makes life very tough for farmers and
for rural communities, but most native plants When there is little food and water, the animals
and animals are well adapted for long dry simply stop reproducing. Many may die, but
periods. Many individuals may die, but the even just a few survivors can rapidly re-grow
populations always recover. the population after years of drought.

Many Australian plants As well, many can survive

produce drought-resistant on very little water
seeds which can survive for because their body
decades, and sprout when systems are adapted to
conditions improve many conserve water.
years later.
Many, like kangaroos, are
Most Australian mammals highly mobile so they can
are marsupials (pouched). move long distances to
This form of reproduction search for food and water
helps drought survival. supplies.

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Different Viewpoints
A major ecological issue that has emerged in recent years concerns Australia’s
inland waterways, especially the Murray-Darling River System.
A hundred years ago, paddlewheel The Farmers’ View is radically
steam boats used to travel thousands of different. The crops of rice and cotton
kilometres up and down the Darling they grow provide income, not just for
River carrying wool, people and their families, but for the struggling
supplies. The town of Bourke was a bush towns.
major shipping port.
Their produce is worth many millions of
Today, the upper Darling River is just a dollars to Australia’s export economy.
string of shallow pools during most To suddenly stop using water to irrigate
years. You’d be lucky to get to Bourke the crops would be an economic and
by canoe, much less cargo boat. social disaster. They want to put people
before trees, birds and fish.
The reasons for the change are
complex, but certainly a major factor is The Aboriginal Peoples’ View tends
the extraction of river water for to agree with the scientists, but for
irrigation. So much water is taken from different reasons. The Aborigines see
the river systems that there is not themselves as part of the land and have
enough left to flow to the sea. a responsibility to protect it and all its
The Scientific View is that this is an
ecological disaster. The river ecosystem The Government View is that they must
try to find a compromise that works for
is dying. Plant and animal communities everyone. For most of our history the
are severely threatened. The vast inland Aborigines were ignored and the economy
wetlands are not being “re-charged” and always got its way. Modern governments heed
may be permanently destroyed unless the Science, and must try to find ways to satisfy
“ecological flows” are re-established. all the different groups of people.

How Science Can Help

It’s not up to scientists to make decisions to settle problems which
have social, political and economic implications.
However, there’s plenty that Science can do to help.
New Crop Varieties Environmental Management
Australia’s top research body, the Our National Parks systems are
CSIRO, has already helped develop and managed scientifically to preserve
breed new varieties of disease-resistant ecosystems and provide places of
and drought-tolerant crop plants. refuge for native species.

Further research may help develop By destroying introduced pest species

crops that require less water so that and protecting remnants of wilderness
farmers can get economical yields with areas, at least some of our natural
less irrigation. heritage is preserved for future
Ecological Studies
How much water in the rivers is More and more Aboriginal people are
enough? Only by continuing to study being consulted and employed in this
the plant and animal communities can role. Their traditional methods are often
we be sure of what we’re doing and why. most effective at preserving and
repairing the natural environment.
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Topic Test
Ecosystems Student Name............................................. Score = /20

3. (5 marks)
Answer all questions
Match each description to an item from
in the spaces provided.
the list. To answer, write the letter (A,B,C,
etc) of the list item beside the
1. (7 marks)
True of False? T or F
a) Adaptations always help
Description matches with List Item
survival in some way. ......
b) The webbed feet of a platypus
a) A special feature of a living thing
help it grab its food. ......
which helps it survive. .............
c) A predator is always a
herbivore. ......
b) Type of decomposer
d) The energy in a food chain
living thing. .............
comes from the Sun. ......
e) Decomposers are the same
c) Producer organism for most
as scavengers. ......
ocean food chains. .............
f) A food web contains many
food chains. ......
d) Flesh-eater. .............
g) The population graph for a predator
always “lags behind” the prey. ......
e) What food provides. .............
2. (3 marks)
List Items Not all will be used.
Humans think a bushfire is always a Some may be used more than once.
disaster. Is it always a bad thing for
natural ecosystems? A. phytoplankton D. adaptation
B. fungi E. energy
Explain your answer. C. herbivore F. carnivore

4. (5 marks)
Unscramble these living things and draw
a food chain diagram from them.

spider, snake, tree, insect, frog

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Answer Section Worksheet 2

a) producers b) photosynthesis
Worksheet 1 c) CO2 & water d) sunlight
Freshwater Croc.
Webbed feet... swimming. e) consumers
Tail... power for swimming. f) another organism has made
Jaws & teeth... catching prey (fish). g) plants h) animals
Eyes (etc) on top... allows it to see and breathe i) energy j) cellular respiration
while mostly submerged. k) oxygen l) glucose
m) CO2 and water n) energy
Desert Pea
Roots... gather what little water might fall when it o) energy p) plant
rains. q) producers r) food
Leaves... resist losing water. s) herbivore t) carnivore
Seeds... can wait for the end of drought.
Runners... can quickly reproduce when
conditions are good.
Worksheet 3
Grass > grasshopper > lizard > kooka.
Claws... climbing trees. Flower > Butterfly > spider > frog > snake
Tail... helps in climbing, holding on.
Eyes... see well in dim light. Leaves > caterpillar > B.bird > eagle
Smell... finding food eg fruit.
Nocturnal... avoids predators which hunt by day.
Plankton >oyster > starfish > crab > octo
eg eagles.

W-T Eagle Worksheet 4

Eyes... spotting prey at long range. 1.
Talons... killing prey. a) butcher birds & blue-tongue lizards
Beak... tearing flesh. b) insects, spiders and caterpillars
Wings... can glide & soar with little effort while
c) insects, caterpillars, slugs & snails
searching for food.
G-T Frog They eat garden “pests” such as slugs,
Colour... camouflage. snails & caterpillars
Toes... helps in climbing, clinging. 3.
Mouth & tongue... catch & swallow insect prey. spiders, butcher birds, b-t lizards,
Legs... hopping, which is good to escape from

Goanna Worksheet 5
Colour pattern... camouflage.
Smell... can detect food at long range even when octopus
not visible.
Claws... tree climbing.
crabs shrimp
Claws... breaking open termite nests.
Spines... defence against predators. tube worms
Snout, tongue... catching ants & termites. barnacles mussels

Wombat sea urchins

Claws... burrowing, digging roots (food).
zooplankton periwinkles
Pouch backward... pouch doesn’t fill with dirt
when digging.
Teeth... eating tough plant food.
Dopey... can survive on poor quality food. phytoplankton seaweeds

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Worksheet 6 Topic Test

a) waste b) leaves 1.
c) skin, fur (etc) d) decomposer a) T b) F c) F d) T
e) fungi & bacteria f) decompose e) F f) T g) T
g) simple, small h) re-cycling
i) plants j) food 2.
k) scavengers l) wastes No.
Bushfires are needed to keep some
natural ecosystems healthy.
Worksheet 7 The ashes from fires fertilize poor soils,
1. and some seeds can only sprout after
being scorched.
A Many Aust. plants are adapted to fire and
quickly re-grow.
Population Size

a) D b) B c) A d) F e) E
lower and later
tree insect spider frog snake
Time (years)

a) graph should go up and down. (arrows must point correct way!)

b) reproduction of young
c) death, because of predators, disease
d) predators graph should be lower, and
later than first graph.

2. a) competition
Population Size

Species “X”

Time (many years)

graph for S should decline, X should rise

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