Integrity PDF
Integrity PDF
Integrity PDF
Integrity Assessment
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
1. Concept of Integrity
“Integrity” is an abstract concept and can level of “integrity” is defined as “the degree
be defined differently by different people. to which a public official carries out his/
“Integrity” of public organizations in the her duties transparently and fairly without
Integrity Assessment is defined from the committing an act of corruption.”
perspective of public service users. The
The "act of corruption" means any act falling under any of the following items:
① The act of any public official’s abusing his/her position or authority or violating Acts and
subordinate statutes in connection with his/her duties to seek gains for himself/herself or any
third party;
② The act of inflicting damage on the property of any public institution in violation of Acts and
subordinate statutes, in the process of executing the budget of the relevant public institution,
acquiring, managing, or disposing of the property of the relevant public institution, or entering
into and executing a contract to which the relevant public institution is a party; and
③ The act of coercing, urging, proposing and inducing any act referred to in items ① and ②.
2. Components of Integrity Assessment
The Comprehensive Integrity Index is For Policy Customer Evaluation, policy custo-
calculated by reflecting the scores of mers including experts, duty-related parties,
External Integrity, Internal Integrity, Policy local residents, and school parents evaluate
Customer Evaluation, Occurrences of the integrity level of the overall operation
Corruption, and acts undermining the and policy decision-making process of the
credibility of the assessments. It is a target organization.
composite indicator of the level of integrity
and occurrences of corruption in the And for Occurrences of Corruption, scores
public sector that are evaluated from the are given in relation to corruption cases that
perspective of citizens, employees of public occurred at the target organization.
organizations, and policy customers.
Meanwhile, acts which can undermine the
As of 2015, the Integrity Assessment is reliability and fairness of the assessment
divided into the assessments of External including manipulation of the survey
Integrity, Internal Integrity, Policy Customer sample and the list of respondents lead to
Evaluation, and Occurrences of Corruption. deduction of scores from the total score.
The assessment of External Integrity, which A separate assessment model is applied for
is carried out on the people who used organizations with unique characteristics in
public service for citizens and organizations, terms of its operation and functions such as
diagnoses the level of integrity based on public universities, local councils, and public
the experience and perception from the medical institutions.
perspective of public service users.
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
Comprehensive Integrity
Acts Lowering
External Internal Policy Customer Occurrences of
Integrity Integrity Evaluation Corruption
Corrupt Public
Survey of public Official Disciplinary Deduction
Survey of public Survey of experts Index Case Index
organization through surveys
service users & stakeholders
employees Corruption Case and inspections
Like the definition of the level of “integrity” Corruption that were detected by an external
mentioned earlier, the definition of External investigation.
Integrity is defined from the perspective of
service users. Administrative service users The Corruption Index means the level
evaluate External Integrity, which refers to of corruption such as receipt of money,
the degree to which public officials carry out entertainment or convenience, and provision
their duties transparently and responsibly of advantages or benefits experienced or
without committing acts of corruption, perceived by citizens and public officials. The
such as the acceptance of gratuities or Corruption Risk Index is the level of possibility
entertainment, in the course of providing or risk of corruption perceived by citizens and
administrative services to citizens or other public officials in terms of openness of work
public organizations. procedures, acceptability of standard work
procedures, and accountability.
External Integrity is divided into the
Corruption Index and the Corruption Starting from 2014, the score for Occurrences
Risk Index. The External Integrity Index is of Corruption that were detected by an
calculated by adding the scores of Corruption external investigation is deducted from the
Index and Corruption Risk Index, and score of External Integrity to increase the
deducting the score for Occurrences of validity of the assessment results.
Figure 2-2 Breakdown of External Integrity
― Deduction of points
Corrupt Public Official Disciplinary Index (employees
Occurrences of government agencies)
of corruption Corruption Case Index (political appointees of Statistics
government agencies and executives/staff of
public service-related organizations)
Internal Integrity is defined as the level of perception toward culture and behaviors
integrity of public organizations evaluated related to corruption.
by their employees as internal customers. It
is composed of the Integrity Culture Index The Work Integrity Index means how trans-
and the Work Integrity Index. The Internal parently and fairly public officials deal
Integrity Index is calculated by adding the with internal affairs such as personnel
scores of the Integrity Culture Index and management, budget execution and
the Work Integrity Index, and deducting the superiors' order without pursuing personal
score for Occurrences of Corruption that gains of themselves or third parties.
were detected by an internal audit.
In other words, Internal Integrity measures
The Integrity Culture Index shows the level employees' experience and perception
of prevalence of corrupt practices and about corruption involving major internal
tolerance for corruption, and effectiveness works such as the offer of gratuities or
of anti-corruption measures. It examines the entertainment in relation to personnel
existence or effectiveness of internal anti- management, improper execution of
corruption mechanisms and systems such as budget, or unfair orders given by superiors.
whistle-blowing programs, and employees’
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
Starting from 2014, the score for Occur- of Internal Integrity to increase the validity
rences of Corruption that were detected by of the assessment results.
an internal audit is deducted from the score
Culture Index Prevalence of corrupt practices & effectiveness of
(0.433) anti-corruption systems (9 items)
― Deduction of points
Corrupt Public Official Disciplinary Index (employees
Occurrences of government agencies)
Corruption Case Index (political appointees of Statistics
of corruption
government agencies and executives/staff of
public service-related organizations)
Policy Customer Evaluation is defined as and waste of budget as well as the level
"assessment of integrity level of policies and of transparency of policy decision-making
overall operation at the organizational level process and work procedures.
from the perspective of policy customers
such as experts, duty-related parties, local The Control of Corruption Index indicates
residents and school parents." It consists establishment and operation of effective
of the Perception of Corruption Index, anti-corruption mechanism and measures
the Control of Corruption Index and the such as strict punishment and corruption
Experience of Corruption Index. prevention efforts.
The Perception of Corruption Index is the The Experience of Corruption Index shows
level of perception about the receipt of direct/indirect experience of offering
money, entertainment and convenience, money, entertainment or convenience.
Figure 2-4 Breakdown of Policy Customer Evaluation
Control of
Policy Customer Perception of strict punishment, efforts to prevent
Corruption corruption, etc.
"Assessment of integrity
level of policies and
overall operation at the
organizational level by
experts, duty-related Experience and perception of offering of money,
parties, local residents & of Corruption
gifts and entertainment, etc.
school parents” Index
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
Scoring the position of public officials disciplined
Public Official
for corruption and amount of money involved
Disciplinary (employees of government agencies)
Occurrences of
Scoring the amount of money, prevalence of
" Corrupt acts committed Corruption corrupt acts and negative impact (political
by public officials " Case Index appointees of government agencies and executives/
staff of public service-related organizations)
“Acts lowering assessment reliability” refers On-site inspections are conducted to detect
to improper acts conducted by a public any acts to manage the survey sample such as
organization subject to the Integrity Assessment prior contacts with prospective respondents
for the purpose of affecting the assessment or violation of the criteria for conducting the
results. Such acts can be detected through Integrity Assessment autonomously.
surveys and inspections, and will result in having
scores deducted from Comprehensive Integrity. Also, an examination of the list of respondents
can reveal any random changes in contact
Survey questionnaires include a question information of respondents or listing of
aimed at identifying the public organizations unqualified persons as respondents.
which requested respondents to give favorable
answers in the Integrity Survey.
Figure 2-6 Integrity Assessment model (2015)
Prevalence of corrupt practices & effectiveness
Culture Index
Internal of anti-corruption systems (9 items)
Compre (0.433)
-hensive Integrity
Integrity (0.250) Transparency & fairness in personnel
Work Integrity
management, budget execution and order by
Index (0.567)
superiors (24 items)
Perception of favor for former public officials,
Perception of
waste of budget, transparency/fairness in
decision-making and overall work process, etc.
(9 items)
Customer Control of
Perception of strict punishment, efforts to
Evaluation Corruption
prevent corruption, etc. (3 items)
(0.149) (0.294)
Experience and perception of offering of
of Corruption
money, gifts and entertainment, etc. (1 item)
― Deduction of points
Occurrences Corrupt Public Official Disciplinary Index (employees of government agencies)
of Corruption Case Index (political appointees of government agencies and
Corruption executives/staff of public service-related organizations)
― Deduction of points
Acts Lowering Manipulation/inaccuracy of the list of respondents, request for favorable
Assessment responses, improper acts detected through on-site inspection and
Reliability disclosure, etc.
- Verification
of list of respondents, survey & on-site inspection
* “External Integrity” and “Internal Integrity” in the Integrity Assessment Model indicate the results of each survey.
*In the case of the organizations that are not subject to Policy Customer Evaluation, the weighted values of “External
Integrity” and “Internal Integrity” are 0.735 and 0.265, respectively.
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
The Corruption Risk Index assesses trans- “external corruption” from the weighted
parency and accountability of public sum of the Corruption Index and the
service. The index evaluates the openness Corruption Risk Index. Corruption which
and availability of standard procedures for involves external parties such as an act of
handling duties, efforts to complete duties, receiving money, gifts, or entertainment
and abuse of power. from external duty-related parties, or
leaking office secrets is classified as “external
The External Integrity score is calculated corruption” and translated into the External
by deducting the score for occurrences of Integrity score.
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
4. Internal Integrity Assessment
Corruption inside the public sector can corruption control system, and their general
be individual wrongdoing, but on many relevance to corruption. The Work Integrity
occasions it is structural corruption caused Index gauges the level of corruption in
by organizational and cultural factors. corruption-prone internal works in a public
Since structural corruption occurring over organization. The Integrity Culture Index
the course of handling internal matters is consists of items on organizational culture
attributed to organizational, institutional and corruption control system to make a
and cultural factors, it is hard to detect and multi-dimensional diagnosis on corruption-
members of the organization tend not to causing factors and environment within
recognize it as an act of corruption. an organization. The Work Integrity Index
is produced by measuring corruption
To deal with such internal, structural experience and perceptions related to
corruption caused by weaknesses in personnel management, budget execution
institutions and culture, continuous efforts and superiors' order that may involve
are needed to diagnose and remedy corruption in the performance of duties.
problems in institutions and culture. The
assessment of Internal Integrity embraces The Internal Integrity score is calculated
institutional and cultural aspects so as to by deducting the score for occurrences of
approach structural problems. “internal corruption” from the weighted
sum of the Integrity Culture Index and
Factors of Internal Integrity: the Work Integrity Index. Corruption
Integrity Culture Index & Work Integrity Index which occurs internally such as an act of
offering money, gifts, or entertainment
in regard to personnel management
Internal Integrity is composed of two within an organization or an employee’s
factors: Integrity Culture Index and Work embezzlement of public funds is classified
Integrity Index. The Integrity Culture as “internal corruption” and translated into
Index measures cultural characteristics the Internal Integrity score.
within an organization and the status of
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
Areas Items of measurement Scoring methodology
Frequency of illegal or
Aggregate organization
improper spending of business
promotion expenses (0.148)
Amount of illegal or improper
Aggregate organization
spending of business
promotion expenses (0.129)
Rate of illegal or improper
Aggregate organization
spending of business
promotion expenses (0.067)
Frequency of illegal or
Aggregate organization
improper spending of
operating/travel costs (0.130)
Amount of illegal or improper
Experience Aggregate organization
Execution spending of operating/travel
(0.606) scoring
of Budget costs (0.114)
(0.347) Rate of illegal or improper
Aggregate organization
spending of operating /travel
costs (0.066)
Work Frequency of illegal or
Aggregate organization
Integrity improper spending of project
Index costs (0.151)
(0.567) Amount of illegal or improper
Aggregate organization
spending of project costs
Rate of illegal or improper
Aggregate organization
spending of project costs
Perception Illegal or improper execution Individual respondent
(0.394) of budget (1.000) scoring
Frequency of improper orders Aggregate organization
Experience given by superiors (0.718) scoring
(0.600) Experience of improper orders Aggregate organization
Fairness given by superiors (0.282) scoring
in orders
Sparing oneself and avoiding Individual respondent
given by
responsibilities (0.235) scoring
(0.240) Perception Improper orders given by Individual respondent
(0.400) superiors (0.413) scoring
Disadvantage in disobeying Individual respondent
orders (0.352) scoring
* Weights in parentheses used in 2015
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
�Table 2-3� Weighted components of Policy Customer Evaluation
Individual respondent
Improper influence peddling (0.138)
Individual respondent
Seeking improper personal gain (0.105)
Individual respondent
Favor for a small number of people (0.112)
of Impact of personal connection and relationship on Individual respondent
Corruption performance of duty (0.118) scoring
Individual respondent
Disclosure of policies and information (0.102)
Individual respondent
Abuse of power (0.102)
of Direct/indirect experience of offering money, Aggregate organization
Corruption valuables, entertainment or convenience (1.000) scoring
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
6. Occurrences of Corruption
major corruption cases, however, the score The Score for the Corruption Case Index is
will be deducted if an official is prosecuted for calculated under the following procedures:
corruption and disciplinary action is pending 1) collecting information about the cases
between the assessment period and the of corruption reported by the media and
announcement of the assessment results. disclosed through other channels such as
audits by the Board of Audit and Inspection
Meanwhile, corruption cases detected by an or supervisory organizations, and establishing
internal audit are not reflected in deducting a database, 2) deciding which cases can be
points in order not to discourage public reflected in the index by considering the
organizations' voluntary efforts to detect and opinions of the organization concerned, and
punish corruption. The Corrupt Public Official 3) producing the final score based on the
Disciplinary Index score is calculated by analysis of the experts panel.
applying weights to the position of the corrupt
official and the amount of money involved Types of corruption cases collected range
in corruption, and then by considering the from receiving money and entertainment,
number of staff of the organization. embezzlement of public funds, to abuse of
power, and cases which were concluded
The Corruption Case Index applies to public as corruption over the course of audit,
service-related organizations because it is investigation, and litigation are also collected.
difficult to get the statistics on corruption
cases and internal punishment within those As for the Corruption Case Index, cases
organizations. Unlike government agencies, detected during the internal audit mechanism
public service-related organizations have are excluded for calculating scores in order
different guidelines and criteria for disciplinary not to undermine the organization's voluntary
action against corrupt employees, and this is efforts to prevent and punish corruption.
why the Corruption Case Index is used instead
of the Corrupt Public Official Disciplinary The Corruption Case Index for each organi-
Index. In addition, political appointees at zation is calculated based on the assessment
government agencies are not subject to by experts panel on each index item such as
disciplinary action or internal punishment amount of money related with corruption,
within the agency. Therefore, the Corrupt position of corrupt officials, level of prevalence
Public Official Disciplinary Index cannot be of corrupt practices, number of parties
applied to those political appointees, so the involved in the case, and negative impact of
Corruption Case Index is utilized for them. the case.
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
Amount of money involved and type of corruption (0.295)
7. Act Lowering Assessment Reliability
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
Calculation of
Integrity Scores
1. Scoring Methodology
2. Scoring for Two Types of Survey Questions
3. Standardization of Scores for Experience of Corruption
4. Deduction of Scores
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
1. Scoring Methodology
The score for each component of the added up to get the index score. The score
Comprehensive Integrity Index is scaled for each index score is then multiplied by
from 0 to 10 points with 10 indicating the its weight and the products are added up,
highest level of integrity. Likewise, when it producing the External Integrity, Internal
comes to the Corruption Index, which is one Integrity and Policy Customer Evaluation
of the components of the Comprehensive scores.
Integrity Index, the score closer to 10 means
a higher level of integrity, or a lower level of Then, the scores for External Integrity,
corruption. Internal Integrity, and Policy Customer
Evaluation are weighted and added together.
The methodology used to produce Integrity Finally, the scores for the occurrences of
scores is as follows: corruption within and outside the organi-
zation and acts lowering assessment
First, the score for each survey item is multi- reliability are deducted from the sum to get
plied by its weight and the products are the score for Comprehensive Integrity.
Calculation of integrity scores
1. Calculation on a scale of 0 to 10
Scores for Comprehensive Integrity and all the component indices are calculated on a scale of 0
to 10.
5. Scores for “aggregate organization scoring” are calculated by using UCP to which gamma-
distribution is applied.
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
To produce the Integrity scores, the scores disagree”). All survey items of External
for each survey item need to be calculated Integrity except for those related to
first. Different score calculation methods are experience of corruption, and all items of
used for individual respondent scoring and Internal Integrity except for those related
aggregate organization scoring. The score to experience of corruption in personnel
for each survey item is calculated as follows: management, budget execution and
superiors' order fall under this category.
(1) Individual respondent scoring
● Calculation of the scores for individual
● Survey questions for individual respondent respondents
Let us suppose we are calculating the score
Survey questions of “individual respondent for survey question A. First, the scores for
scoring,” for which scores are calculated individual respondents are produced by
for individual respondents, present answer converting the scores for each answer from
choices on a 7-point scale (“strongly a 7-point scale to a 10-point scale. For a
agree,” “agree,” “slightly agree,” “neutral,” positive question, if the answer is “strongly
“slightly disagree,” “disagree,” and “strongly disagree” (1 point on a 7-point scale) then
�Table 4-1� Formula to convert 7-point scale into 10-point and scores assigned to each scale
(7-point score - 1)
10-point score = × 10
the score is 0, and 10 for “strongly agree” (7 scores are assigned to each scale according
points). In the case of a negative question, to whether the survey question is positive
the score is calculated the other way or negative.
As for Internal Integrity and Policy Customer
The formula to turn 7-point scores into Evaluation, scores of individual respondents
10-point ones and points assigned to each are averaged to calculate scores for each
scale are given in Table 4-1. Two different question.
If you take a look at a survey questionnaire for the Integrity Assessment, you will notice that there
are 2 kinds of survey questions. The first type of question asks you to answer by choosing one out
of 7 choices (7-point scale): “strongly agree,” “agree,” “slightly agree,” “neutral,” “slightly disagree,”
“disagree,” and “strongly disagree,” for example. The other one is about the respondent’s
experience/frequency/amount of corruption or gratuities. The scoring method for the former is
referred to as “individual respondent scoring,“ while the scoring method for the latter is called
”aggregate organization scoring.“
Score calculation: A 7-point scale is converted into a 10-point scale, and the score is assigned to
each respondent. Individual scores of each respondent are added together to produce the total
score for each survey item.
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
● Calculation of the scores for each work by averaging individual respondents’ scores
(applicable to External Integrity only)
Survey item A’s score for each work is and divide the sum by 50 (the number of
produced after the calculation of scores respondents) to get the score for “work
for each respondent. Scores for each work a” of survey item A. If there are 100
are generated by averaging the scores respondents for “work b,” add up the score
of individual respondents for each work of 100 individual respondents and divide
concerned. If there are 50 respondents for the total by 100. Then, the score for “work b”
“work a,” for example, you can add up the of survey item A is generated.
scores for all 50 individual respondents
● Calculation of the scores for each survey item by averaging the scores for each work
(applicable to External Integrity only)
If scores for work a, work b, work c in survey aging scores for each work, that is, by adding
item A have been produced, then the score up scores for work a, work b, and work c,
for survey item A can be calculated. The and then dividing the aggregate number by
score for survey item A is generated by aver- 3 (the number of work).
[Table 4-2� Survey questions for aggregate organization scoring
• Frequency/amount/rate of offering
gratuities, entertainment or convenience
• Indirect experience of offering
in relation to personnel management;
Internal gratuities, entertainment or
• Questions related to experience in
Integrity convenience in relation to
budget execution
personnel management
• Questions related to experience in
fairness in orders given by superiors
• Direct/Indirect experience of offering gratuities, entertainment or convenience in
Experience of Corruption
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
Total amount (or frequency) of organization A’s corruption experience = the sum of scores
for the amount (or frequency) of each respondent’s corruption experience
④ Amount of business promotion/operating/travel expenses illegally or unduly executed
500,000 won or less = 50 510,000-1 million won = 75.5 1.01-3 million won = 200.5
3.01-5 million won = 400.5 5.01-10 million won = 750.5 10.01 million won or more = 1001
10 million won or less = 1000 10.01-50 million won = 3000.5 50.01-100 million won = 7500.5
100.01-500 million won = 30000.5 500.01-1 billion won = 75000.5 1.00001 billion won or more = 100001
After calculating the total frequency and the total amount of corruption experience for an
organization, we can get the average frequency and amount for an organization. The average
frequency/amount is produced by dividing the total frequency/amount by the total number of
In this case, "respondents" do not mean those who answered that they have experienced
corruption but all the respondents who answered the questions, regardless of their experience
of corruption. For example, if organizations A’s total frequency of gratuities offered is 10 and
the total number of respondents is 100, then organization A’s average frequency of gratuities
offered is 0.1. That means one respondent offered gratuities 0.1 time on average.
Organization A’s total frequency (or amount)
Organization A’s average frequency of corruption experience
(or amount) of corruption experience =
Total number of respondents
The rate of corruption experience for an organization can be calculated by counting the
number of respondents who answered that they had offered money, gifts, entertainment or
convenience to a public official of the organization concerned, and then dividing the number
by the total number of respondents for the organization.
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
Aggregate organization scores for survey questions on direct experience of corruption are
calculated by applying the following formulas to the average frequency/amount and the rate
of corruption experience:
Formula to get the scores for direct experience of corruption in External Integrity
* UCP₃= value equivalent to 95% of cumulative gamma distribution of average rate of offers for all organizations
Formula to get the scores for direct experience of corruption in Internal Integrity
Formula to get the scores for direct experience of corruption in Internal Integrity
We can get the rate of indirect experience of corruption for an organization by dividing the
number of the respondents who answered that they had indirectly experienced corruption
by the number of total respondents for the External Integrity Survey of the organization
Aggregate organization scores for survey questions on indirect experience of corruption are
calculated by applying the following formula to the rate of indirect experience of corruption:
Formula to get the score for the rate of indirect experience of corruption for an organization
* UCP₁ = Value corresponding to 95% of accumulated gamma distribution of rate of indirect experience of
corruption for all organizations
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
Questions on UCP
● Why is the score for frequency and amount 0 when one person offered bribes?
Since the value for UCP is determined by taking into account a distribution of corruption
experience of all public organizations, the UCP value gets smaller when there is no occurrence
of corruption in other organizations. When the corruption ceiling is low, a few incidences of
corruption makes the score 0.
3. Standardization of Scores for Experience of Corruption
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
Standardized score of Organization X =Mean of the population (μ) + Z (= )
X : Raw score of experience for Organization X
μ : Mean of the population
σ : Standard deviation of the population
In short, standardization decreases the stan- the integrity level of an organization, while
dard deviation to “1” for the components increasing the proportion of "perception
of "experience of corruption" that have a of corruption" with a relatively small score
high score deviation. This process helps to deviation in the results of the Integrity
prevent the components of "experience Assessment.
of corruption" from unduly influencing
Organization A B C D E Mean
Raw score 0.00 5.00 7.00 8.00 10.00 6.00 3.81
Standardized score 4.42 5.74 6.26 6.53 7.05 6.00 1.00
→ The raw score of “0” for Organization A is calculated as a standardized score of “4.42.”
While the mean value remains the same, the deviation among organizations is reduced.
4. Deduction of Scores
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
An organization in which a corruption case Case Index is converted to a score according
occurred is given a score for each of the to the deduction formula, and the score
three components on a semantic differential is then deducted from Comprehensive
scale of 11—from 0 (little corruption) to 10 Integrity.
(very serious corruption). The Corruption
X*к (Score converted to 10-point scale for “position” of Org. K) = 10 x ( 1 - )
* UCP = 9
5% of cumulative gamma probability distribution calculated based on distribution of scores
for the position in the organization
* Xк₁ Xк₂ Xк₃ : Frequency of disclosure & punishment for high-rank, mid-rank, and low-rank positions
* Nк : The total number of staff in Org K
Y*к (Score converted to 10-point scale for “corruption proceeds” of Org. K) = 10 x ( 1 - )
* UCP = 95% of cumulative gamma probability distribution calculated based on distribution of scores
for the amount of corruption proceeds in the organization
* Yк₁ Yк₂ Yк₃ Yк₄ Yк₅ : Frequency of disclosure & punishment for the amount of corruption proceeds
* Nк : The total number of staff in Org K
* The score for the amount of corruption proceeds will be “0” if the total amount for an organization exceeds
* X*к Y*к : UCP-converted score for position and amount of corruption proceeds (Out of 10)
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
Deducted score for public officials 10 - ( Corrupt Public Official Disciplinary Index)
= 0.70 x
disciplined for corruption 10
* Scores deducted from External and Internal Integrity are calculated by multiplying the ratio of external
and internal cases and the score deducted from Comprehensive Integrity.
* Scores deducted from External and Internal Integrity are calculated by multiplying the ratio of external
and internal cases and the score deducted from Comprehensive Integrity.
* Maximum deduction is 0.70 for public service-related organizations and 0.15 for political appointees
in administrative organizations.
(2) Restriction on the Acts Lowering As- of respondents identifies any omission or
sessment Reliability fabrication of the lists, or management of
the sample, scores are deducted from the
Any acts that may lower the reliability of Comprehensive Integrity score. The scope
the Integrity Assessment result in deducting of abnormality on the lists of respondents
scores for Comprehensive Integrity. Such that results in a score deduction includes
acts can be detected through surveys and arbitrary change of the contact information
inspections conducted by the ACRC. in the list of respondents, inclusion
of unqualified persons, omission of
Deduction based on surveys respondents, etc. Management of the
sample refers to inducement of favorable
Both External and Internal Integrity Surveys responses by contacting the prospective
contain a question about whether the respondents in advance or communicating
respondent was asked to give favorable with internal employees through education
responses about the public organization and meetings.
subject to the assessment. The number of
requests for such responses and the number Any action incurring damage to the reliability
of survey samples are considered to deduct of the Integrity Assessment will result in
scores. penalties, such as corrective action, caution,
deduction in the Integrity score, invalidation
Deduction based on inspections of the survey, and official announcement
of such action, by considering the type
In the case that an on-site inspection of of action and the possibility of restoring
public organizations or inspection of the lists assessment results.
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
(3) Scoring of "motives for corruption" Scores are deducted from the External and
and "corruption committed by Internal Integrity scores according to the
colleagues" number of respondents who chose “Because
of a request from a public official (employee)
Deduction for "motives for corruption" in charge” as an answer to the question
about motives for corruption in the External
One important factor in judging the relative and Internal Integrity Surveys, and the
seriousness of corruption, along with the number of survey samples.
frequency and scale, is the circumstances,
such as the motives for an act of corruption Deduction of the External Integrity score based
or the causes of an occurrence of corruption. on responses on “corruption com-mitted by
In other words, the circumstances or colleagues” in the Internal Integrity Survey
causes that led to corruption must be
considered in the assessment. Questions It can be difficult to assess experience of
regarding motives for giving money, gifts, corruption based only on the External
entertainment, and/or convenience have Integrity Survey if respondents are reluctant
been used for score deduction since 2012. to answer questions about their experience
with corruption because of their relationship
As an answer to the question in the survey with the public officials in charge. In order to
about causes and motives for occurrences overcome such a problem, questions were
of corruption, one can choose from choices, added to the questionnaire for the Internal
including “Because of a request from a Integrity Assessment in 2014.
public official (employee) in charge,” “To
speed up work process,” “To obtain relevant During the Internal Integrity survey,
information” and “To cover up or reduce employees of public organizations are
punishment.” Among them, “Because of a asked about whether their colleagues
request from a public official (employee) in received money, gifts, entertainment, and/
charge,” which is more serious than other or convenience in the past 12 months from
causes, results in score deduction. citizens or other organizations. Scores are
deducted from the External Integrity scores
according to the number of responses on
corruption committed by colleagues.
Formula to deduct External & Internal Integrity scores for "motives for corruption"
Formula to deduct the External Integrity score for "corruption committed by colleagues"
2.Work handling date: W rite down the handling date such as the contract date, report date,
registration date, approval date, etc.
3. Amount: W
rite down the amount of the contract, subsidy, etc. in KRW 1,000.
* Applicable only when the work involves government spending such as contract and supervision, subsidy and
management for local government organizations and private organizations, etc.
6. Service user's name: Write down the name of the respondent or employee in charge in an
organization or a business.
7. Agent: When there is an agent (patent lawyer, lawyer, labor attorney, tax accountant, or
builder) who carries out the work such as an application for a permit or approval on behalf
of someone else, write down his/her name along with the respondent’s name.
1. Type of expert
• Journalist: correspondents to the public organization concerned
• Executive assistant to a National Assembly member: Executive assistants to a member of
a permanent committee of the National Assembly
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
•R etired public official: former public officials who retired from the public organization
concerned less than two years ago (excluding those who were dismissed for corruption)
• Academia: professors, researchers, etc.
1. Type of organization
• Public organization: subordinate organizations of the public organization concerned
• Interest group: interest groups such as those closely related to the work of the public
organization concerned, associations of retired employees, etc.
•C ivil society: civil society organizations closely related to the work of the public
organization concerned
<Appendix 2> Survey Questionnaires
SQ1. Have you had the work of ▪▪ processed Corruption Risk Index
by a public official (employee) at public
organization ▫▫ between July 2014 and ● Transparency
June 2015?
Q1. Do you believe the standards or proce-
1. Yes 2. No → Stop the interview dures for work ▪▪ are disclosed in a tran-
sparent manner?
Please answer the following questions based Strongly Slightly Slightly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
on your experience of having the work of ▪▪ disagree disagree agree agree
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
● Accountability Strongly
agree agree disagree disagree
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦
Corruption Index
● Direct Experience of Corruption
● Perception of Corruption
Please answer the following questions if you have
provided money, valuables, entertainment and/or
Q5. Do you believe that public officials (em- conveniences to a public official (employee) of □□ or
ployees) involved in ▪▪ work have given his/her spouse in the past 12 months. Your response
will be used only for statistical purposes and remain
favors to particular persons? strictly confidential under the Statistics Act. Your frank
response will serve to enhance integrity in the public
Strongly Slightly Slightly Strongly
disagree sector.
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦
1. Yes → Answer Q. 9-1) and 9-2), 1. Yes → Answer Q. 10-1) and 10-2),
and go to Q. 10) and go to Q. 11)
2. No → Go to Q. 10) 2. No → Go to Q. 11)
Q9-1. (If you have provided any of the Q10-1. (If you have provided any of the
above benefits) Then, how many above benefits) Then, how many
times in total did you provide times in total did you provide
money, gift certificates, etc. in the honorarium, consulting fees,
past 12 months? contributions, etc. in the past 12
1. Once 2. Twice
3. Thrice 4. 4 - 5 times
1. Once 2. Twice
5. 6 - 7 times 6. 8 - 10 times
3. Thrice 4. 4 - 5 times
7. 11 - 15 times 8. Over 15 times
5. 6 - 7 times 6. 8 - 10 times
7. 11 - 15 times 8. Over 15 times
Q9-2. (If you have provided any of the
above benefits) Then, what is the
Q10-2. (If you have provided any of the
total amount of the money, gift
above benefits) Then, what is the
certifi-cates, etc. you provided in the
total amount of the honorarium,
past 12 months?
consulting fees, contributions,
1. Under KRW 50,000 etc. you provided in the past 12
2. KRW 60,000~150,000 months?
3. KRW 160,000~300,000
4. KRW 310,000~500,000 1. Under KRW 50,000
5. KRW 510,000~1 million 2. KRW 60,000~150,000
6. KRW 1.01~2 million 3. KRW 160,000~300,000
7. KRW 2.01~3 million 4. KRW 310,000~500,000
8. KRW 3.01~5 million 5. KRW 510,000~1 million
9. KRW 5.01~10 million 6. KRW 1.01~2 million
10. Over KRW 10.01 million 7. KRW 2.01~3 million
8. KRW 3.01~5 million
Q10. Have you provided excessive or im- 9. KRW 5.01~10 million
proper honorarium, consulting fees, 10. Over KRW 10.01 million
contributions, etc. to a public official
(employee) of □□ or his/her spouse?
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
Q11-1. (If you have provided any of the 1. Yes → Answer Q. 12-1) and 12-2),
above benefits) How many times in and go to Q. 13)
total did you provide meals, drinks, 2. No → Go to Q. 13)
entertainment, etc. worth over KRW
30,000 per person in the past 12 Q12-1. ( If you have provided any of the
months? above benefits) How many times
in total did you provide golf trips,
1. Once 2. Twice domestic/overseas travels, etc. in
3. Thrice 4. 4 - 5 times the past 12 months?
5. 6 - 7 times 6. 8 - 10 times
7. 11 - 15 times 8. Over 15 times 1. Once 2. Twice
3. Thrice 4. 4 - 5 times
Q11-2. ( If you have provided any of the 5. 6 - 7 times 6. 8 - 10 times
above benefits) How much in total 7. 11 - 15 times 8. Over 15 times
did you spend in providing meals,
drinks, entertainment, etc. worth Q12-2. (If you have provided any of the
over KRW 30,000 per person in the above benefits) Then, what is the
past 12 months? total amount of the golf trips,
domestic/overseas travels, etc. you
1. Under KRW 50,000 provided in the past 12 months?
2. KRW 60,000~150,000
3. KRW 160,000~300,000 1. Under KRW 50,000
4. KRW 310,000~500,000 2. KRW 60,000~150,000
5. KRW 510,000~1 million 3. KRW 160,000~300,000
6. KRW 1.01~2 million 4. KRW 310,000~500,000
7. KRW 2.01~3 million 5. KRW 510,000~1 million
6. KRW 1.01~2 million 1. Yes → Answer Q. 14-1) and go to Q. 15-1)
7. KRW 2.01~3 million 2. No → Go to Q. 15-1)
8. KRW 3.01~5 million
9. KRW 5.01~10 million Q14-1. ( If you have provided any of the
10. Over KRW 10.01 million above benefits) How many times in
total did you help the relatives of
Q13. Have you provided accommodation, a public official (employee) of □□
transportation, sponsorship for an find employment or give the public
event, improper support for work, etc. official (employee) any favors in
to a public official (employee) of □□ or financial or real estate transactions,
his/her spouse? etc. in the past 12 months?
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
1. Yes 2. No
Improper Solicitation
Questions for Data Classification
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
We at ______ are conducting a survey on the integrity level of public organizations at the request
of the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission. This is a survey on the “internal integrity” of the
organization of your employment perceived from your perspective. Your personal information and
response will remain strictly confidential in accordance with the Statistics Act. Your honest opinions
and answers will contribute to improving the integrity of your organization, which will help your
organization develop a better working environment and culture and gain more public confidence.
We would appreciate it if you could take a moment of your time to answer the following questions.
● The following question is for data classi- Q2. Do you believe that the members of
fication purposes. your organization perform their duties
in an improper manner to pursue
SQ1. F or how many years in total have you personal interest?
been working at _______ (name of Strongly
agree agree disagree disagree
organization)? ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦
Q5. D o you believe that the members Strongly
disagree disagree agree agree
of your organization use internal ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
1. KRW 500,000 or less ● Execution of Budget
2. KRW 510,000 to 1 million
3. KRW 1.01 million to 2 million Q16. How often do you believe unlawful
4. KRW 2.01 million to 3 million or unjustifiable execution of budget is
5. KRW 3.01 million to 5 million occurring at your organization?
6. KRW 5.01 million or more Very often Often Slightly Neutral Rarely Hardly Never
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
Q19. Were there any cases of unlawful or expenses in total was executed in
unjustifiable execution of budget for an unlawful or unjustifiable manner
project expenses at your organization at your organization in the past 12
in the past 12 months? months?
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ 1. Once a year
2. 2-3 times a year
Q22. H
ow often do you believe the senior 3. 1-2 times per quarter
staff of your organization gives un- 4. Once a month
justifiable work instructions? 5. Twice a month
Very often Often Slightly Neutral Rarely Hardly Never
6. More often than twice a month
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦
Q23. How often do you believe disadvan- Q25. Did your colleague accept money,
tageous treatment has been given as valuables, entertainment and/or
a result of non-compliance with the conveniences from external duty-
unjustifiable work instructions of the related parties in the past 12 months?
senior staff at your organization? Please exclude the information that
Very often Often Slightly Neutral Rarely Hardly Never
you have obtained through the results
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ of audit or media reports.
1. Yes 2. No
Q24. Have you been given unjustifiable
work instructions by the senior Q26. H ave you been asked or ordered
staff while performing your duty by your organization to give good
within the past 12 months? (Please reviews if you participate in this year's
respond based on your own personal Integrity Survey conducted by the Anti-
experience.) Corruption & Civil Rights Commission?
Q30. H ave you, your colleagues or exe-
For instance, instructions or recommendations
made via the intranet, e-mail, phone or text cutives of your organization provided
message, or during an training session or money, valuables, entertainment or
meeting, etc. conveniences to a public official of
xx, the supervising agency of your
The following questions deal with the willingness of organization, or his/her spouse in the
the head (chief executive) of your organization to past 12 months?
improve the integrity of your organization, and the
effectiveness of anti-corruption efforts.
1. Yes 2. No
Q27. When considering the overall situation,
to what extent do you believe the
head of your organization is making Improper Solicitation
efforts to improve the integrity of your
organization The last two questions are regarding improper
solicitations in the public sector. They are not reflected
Never Hardly Rarely Neutral Slightly Greatly in the Integrity Score of your own organization.
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦
Never Hardly Rarely Neutral Slightly Greatly
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦
Q32. Do you believe the members of your
organization handle their work in
Q29. Do you believe that the integrity level an improper manner according to
of your organization has improved the solicitations made by internal or
over the past year? external stakeholders?
Strongly Slightly Slightly Strongly Strongly Slightly Slightly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Neutral Disagree
disagree disagree agree agree agree agree disagree disagree
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
SQ1. C
lassification 1 (Automatically checked 1. Employee at a public organization
based on the database) 2. Member of an interest group
3. Member of a civic organization
1. Expert → Go to SQ2-1
2. Stakeholder → Go to SQ2-2 SQ3-1. ( Excluding those who chose Answer
7 of SQ2-1) Do you work in the line of
SQ2-1. E xpert (Automatically checked business or are you in charge of work
based on the database) related to public organization ○○?
Q4. Do you believe that the public officials
(Only those who chose Answer 7 of SQ2-
1) Now we will start a survey on the integrity
(employees) of OO have given favors to
] level of public organization ○○ where you particular individuals?
worked in the past. Please listen to the Don’t
Strongly Slightly Slightly Strongly know/
following questions carefully and choose the agree
disagree No
answer that best applies to you. response
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑨
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
over OO?
Strongly Slightly Slightly Strongly know/
disagree No Q12. In your opinion, to what extent is
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑨
public organization OO making efforts
to prevent corruption and improve its
Q9. Do you believe that the public officials Don’t
Very know/
(employees) of OO have used internal Never Hardly Rarely Neutral Slightly Greatly
greatly No
information for private purposes or ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑨
given it to a third party?
Strongly Slightly Slightly Strongly know/
Agree Neutral Disagree
agree agree disagree disagree No
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑨
Experience of Corruption
Q15. To what extent do you believe the
senior staff of public organization OO is
playing a leading role to improve the
integrity of the organization?
Never Hardly Rarely Neutral Slightly Greatly
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦
Improper Solicitation
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
On December 9, the ACRC announced the 21,000 policy customers (policy customer
results of the 2015 Integrity Assessment evaluation) consisting of experts from
of 617 public organizations. The integrity academia, civil society, local residents and
score of public organizations is calculated by school parents.
combining the survey results of citizens who
had direct/indirect experience of the works Policy customer evaluation was conducted
of the target organizations and the score for only for central administrative organizations,
the occurrences of corruption. metropolitan/provincial governments,
offices of education, and public service-
The Comprehensive Integrity Index is related organizations of Type I and II (with
produced out of a 10-point-scale by adding more than 1,000 staff members).
up the scores from the external integrity,
internal integrity and policy customer
surveys, and deducting points for the Overall integrity level in the public sector
occurrences of corruption and actions
lowering the reliability of the survey results. The comprehensive integrity score of all
public organizations in 2015 was 7.89 out
The survey this year was conducted for 4 of 10, a 0.11-point increase from 7.78
months from August to November and was of the previous year. The increase in the
administered to more than 245,000 people comprehensive integrity level resulted from
in total, including 167,000 public service increases in external, internal, and policy
users (external integrity assessment), 57,000 customer integrity levels, and a decrease in
staff members of public organizations the occurrences of corruption compared to
(internal integrity assessment), and last year.
Trend in public sector integrity (2002-2015)
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
* Time series interrupted in 2008 and 2012 due to modification of the model
According to the survey results, external related organizations showed the highest
integrity level of public organizations score of 8.24 points, while metropolitan/
recorded 8.02 points, a 0.07-point increase provincial governments recorded the lowest
from the previous year; the internal score for the comprehensive integrity
integrity score was 8.00 points, a 0.18-point level as 7.22 points. This can be attributed
increase; and policy customer integrity to the fact that metropolitan/provincial
level was 7.08 points, a 0.22-point increase. governments are mandated to provide
The results show that the overall integrity public services that are closely related with
level of performance and policies of public citizens’ lives and need a large amount
organizations has improved. of budget, including the supervision and
management of construction projects and
By type of target organization, the com- permissions and approvals.
prehensive integrity level of public service-
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
Unit: point
Total 7.89
Central government agencies 7.59
Metropolitan/Provincial governments 7.22
Municipal governments 7.70
City/Provincial offices of education 7.40
Public service-related organizations 8.24
Among central administrative organizations, (more than 2,300 employees); Korea East-
Statistics Korea (Type I) and Korea Agency West Power among Type II (1,000 – 2,300
for Saemangeum Development and employees); Korea Institute for Animal
Investment (Type II) had the highest level of Quality Evaluation among Type III (300
integrity. – 1,000 employees); Postal Savings &
Insurance Development Institute among
*Central administrative organizations with 2,000 or Type IV (150 – 300 employees) and Korea
more employees are classified into Type I category,
while those with less than 2,000 employees into Type
Forestry Promotion Institute among Type V
II category. (less than 150 employees).
In the local government category, Daejeon *Public service-related organizations are classified into
Types I – V (classified by the number of employees),
Metropolitan City received the highest research institutes, local public corporations and local
integrity score among provincial and industrial corporations.
metropolitan governments; Sokcho-si
of Gangwon-do, Haman-gun of Gyeong- External integrity level
sangnam-do, and Jongno-gu of Seoul
Metropolitan City for the respective cate- Over the past year, the ratio of survey
gories of cities (si), counties (gun) and respondents with direct experience of
districts (gu); and the Jeju Special Self- corruption by offering money/enter-
Governing Province Office of Education tainment/convenience to a public official
among the offices of education. or his/her spouse was 1.7%, similar to
that of last year, while the ratio of indirect
In the case of public service-related experience of corruption, that is corruption
organizations, the highest levels of integrity experienced by relatives or colleagues, was
were exhibited respectively by National 0.8%, a decrease from 1.1% of last year.
Health Insurance Service among Type I
There was a moderate decrease in the ratio Internal integrity level
of experience of offering money or valuable
items, but the level of corruption perception A close look at the survey responses
slightly deteriorated compared to the of employees of direct experience of
previous year for such corrupt practices as corruption shows that the ratio of direct
the unfair performance of duties based on experience of corruption has decreased
personal connections or relationships and compared to the previous year. The rate of
the undue exercise of influence. This seems offering money/entertainment/convenience
to have resulted from the increase of public in relation to personnel management
expectations for the fair performance of decreased from 0.4% to 0.3%, the rate of
duties by public officials. experience of illegal/undue execution of
budget from 7.7% to 4.8%, and the rate of
Meanwhile, the public perception on the experience of improper order by superiors
transparency and accountability of public from 6.8% to 6.2%.
organizations has improved from a year
earlier. Perceptions on work areas including
personnel management and budget
This year’s assessment was conducted for execution, organizational culture and
2,514 work areas in a total of 617 organi- corruption prevention systems have all
zations. The survey results show that the improved. Therefore, it can be said that
external integrity levels are relatively low for the integrity level of public organizations
work areas for which officials in charge have assessed by public officials themselves has
a high level of discretion or whose budget enhanced from last year.
and business scale is enormous.
Deduction for corruption cases
Corruption-prone areas by type of organi-
zation include investigation/inspection The ACRC has enhanced the validity of the
for central administrative organizations, Integrity Assessment by calculating the
construction management/supervision occurrences of corruption and deducting
for metropolitan/provincial governments, points from the survey results since 2012.
and permission/approval for municipal This year, the number of corruption cases
governments and public service-related reflected in the assessment result is 579
organizations. cases from 198 organizations in total, a
decrease from last year.
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
<Appendix 4> Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What is the purpose of the Integrity be evaluated by their employees from
Assessment? an internal perspective, while external
viewpoints can be provided by citizens,
The IA is carried out to accurately identify public officials and stakeholders who have
the causes and status of corruption in public directly experienced the works of the
service on the basis of assessments by both public organizations concerned. Surveys
external and internal customers of public that guarantee complete anonymity and
service (citizens, employees, stakeholders, confidentiality can attract frank answers
and experts). It is impossible to ensure from respondents.
an objective assessment if assessment
results rely on limited sources such as Surveys are widely used worldwide to
media reports or subjective perceptions of measure the levels of corruption. A
organizational image. To avoid this, the IA majority of the source data comprising the
is based on the results of surveys of citizens Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) draw on
and employees of public organizations survey results.
who have first-hand experience of public
organizations’ works as well as experts and Starting from 2011, the ACRC has incor-
stakeholders. Data sources also include porated Incidences of corruption in public
objective data including the statistics of organizations in the assessment framework
corruption cases. to improve the objectivity of assessment
Q2. Why is the Integrity Assessment
based on the result of surveys? Q3. Why is the Integrity Assessment
carried out by survey companies?
An assessment and analysis of the levels
of corruption in the public sector needs to The Integrity Assessment for public organi-
be based on facts and reality so that it can zations is based on a survey of more
be used to accurately diagnose the current than 200,000 respondents. Such a large-
status of corruption and develop effective scale survey needs to be conducted by a
anti-corruption strategy. The current status professional poll agency with professional
of integrity in public organizations can staff and facilities to ensure accuracy and
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment
efficiency. That’s why the ACRC commissions views about the relative importance of
the surveys for the Integrity Assessment various concepts. Therefore, weights for
to private pollster companies, which are the components and survey items of the
selected through open bidding process Integrity Assessment are produced by a
every year. group of academics, related experts, civic
organizations and the public organizations
Q4. Why does the Integrity Assessment subject to the assessment based on the
not cover anti-corruption "efforts" Delphi method. The weights can vary every
made by public organizations? year according to the improvement of the
assessment framework.
The degree of anti-corruption efforts made
by public organizations is different from Q6. Can we get the External Integrity
the concept of “integrity" in the Integrity score by averaging the Corruption
Assessment. In the Integrity Assessment for Index and the Corruption Risk Index?
public organizations, the levels of integrity
are measured by administrative service No. Integrity scores are produced by
users from the perspective of customers, multiplying each survey item or index by its
not from the perspective of public officials weight. The score for External Integrity can
or administrative service providers. be produced by multiplying the scores for
the Corruption Index and the Corruption
There is a separate anti-corruption tool Risk Index by their own weights, and then
called the Anti-Corruption Initiative Asse- adding up the values produced.
ssment, which has been implemented by
the ACRC since 2002 to evaluate the anti- Q7. In the case of External Integrity,
corruption efforts of public organizations. each target work has the same
weight. In this case, can we get the
Q5. How are weights for External External Integrity score by aver-
Integrity, Internal Integrity and aging the integrity scores for each
Policy Customer Evaluation cal- work?
No. The External Integrity score is different
The weight for each component of from the value produced by averaging the
Comprehensive Integrity represents the integrity scores for each work. The reason
relative importance of one component is that there are two types of survey items
against the others. People have different with one requiring answers on a 7-point
scale, and the other requiring answers number of entire respondents) in ascending
in frequency or amount of corruption order, and suppose the highest frequency
experience. is 100. If organization A’s average frequency
of gratuities offered is over 95% of entire
Depending on the type of questions, organizations’ average frequency of
different methods are used to produce the gratuities offered (this value is called UCP),
integrity score. In the case of survey items according to the formula below, organization
with 7–point scale answer choices, scores A’s score for gratuities offered will be 0.
are produced by averaging the integrity
Frequency Average
scores of each work. In the case of survey of gratuities/ frequency of
items asking frequency or amount of entertainment/ offers for an
convenience organization
corruption experience, on the other hand, offered for an = 10 × (1−
scores are not produced for ach target work organization UCP₁
but for the entire organization by applying a * UCP₁= value equivalent to 95% of cumulative
formula using the UCP value. gamma distribution of average frequency
of offers for all organizations
A Practical Guide to Integrity Assessment