The Problem Domain: Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology
The Problem Domain: Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology
The Problem Domain: Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology
This chapter includes the introduction, the background of the study, the
objectives, and the statement of the problem, the scope and limitation, and the
significance of the study.
efficient scheduling module. On the other hand, customers can keep track of their
service request status by using their account online.
Kainan sa Balanghay was first established in the year 2002 at Seaside Dampa,
Pasay as a seafood restaurant. It is owned and managed by Merle Rayos. Kainan sa
Balanghay sells delicious and remarkable dishes for their customers, which are mostly
Filipino and tourists. The organization aims to be number one seafood restaurant in
seaside Macapagal within the next two years. The restaurant will attain this through
their Asian-Filipino fusion cuisine, excellent staff services, and to cater to the needs of
their customers. Kainan sa Balanghay caters for a social and corporate events such as
weddings, birthdays, etc. The organization offers five (5) function rooms and provides
catering services, quality food and tasteful ambiance at a reasonable price. At the time
it started, the company has ten (10) staff members only and as the time passed by the
restaurant has expanded the business and increased the number of staffs to fifteen
As for phone call reservation, same process applies but it consumes more time
because of too many inquiries and questions asked. Sometimes, these types of
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 3
manual operations have caused them problems such as misheard information, sudden
disconnection of phone calls, and unanswered phone calls due to high volume of
inquiries. The problem with its existing system makes the work slow and difficult for the
staff to provide and entertain the customers’ needs. The organizations’ situation
motivated the proponents to conduct a study and developed a system that enhanced
the process within the organization which provides a convenient, efficient and
organized better system.
General Objective
The general objective of the study is to develop an Online Restaurant
Management System for Kainan sa Balanghay that will help the restaurant to provide
an excellent ordering, reservation services and payments. So it will be easier for the
owner and staff of the restaurant to accommodate the customer’s needs.
Specific Objectives
1. Assess the feasibility of developing a new system.
d. Help the employees in organizing the records at ease using the system and
allows the employees to check the customer’s ongoing reservation or orders
through the system with proficiency.
e. Store the customer’s payment record on the system’s database that will
allow the administrator to track the organization’s sales progress with ease.
This section specifies the problems encountered by the Restaurant using the
existing process and answer why the problem exists.
The Kainan sa Balanghay was operating manually for any transaction such as
reservation for events and receiving orders of food. It also manually assists the
customers and retrieving customer information. These are the following problems that
are solved by the system upon implementation.
4. Difficulty in validating and updating for the request of reservation that leads
to cancellation/change of the schedule.
The developed system covers the reservation, order and payment parts. There
is a login system for the administrator and customers to see the services offered by the
organization. The customer could also check the availability of the function halls and if
the organization can accommodate a request depending on the available services.
The system also focuses on the reservation process which is almost the same with
processing the order and this will help the organization by minimizing the requests for
changes. The payment process is also a part of the system however; the payment
method available is over the counter or through online using customer’s Paypal
account only. On the other hand, the administrator could add and update information
of the equipment, menu, function halls, events, and customer information on the
system. Furthermore, the administrator could also supplement payment information on
the system for the over the counter payments. Moreover, the administrator could
generate reports such as, customer’s orders and reservations, quantity of equipment
and menu, sales constituent, and available event or packages.
According to the organization’s policy, the customer has to atleast provide 40%
of the total charges as down payment, 3 days after placing reservation. The customer
can reschedule or cancel the event 3 days after the payment. If the customer requests
to cancel or reschedule the reservations more than three days after the payment, the
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 6
down payment will be forfeited. If the payment is not made in full, the payment for the
existing balance can be done over the counter right after the event. The payments that
will be made over the counter will be validated by the staff then be stored to the
database manually.
In addition, the system could handle requests for cancellation and modification
which is currently a factor in the organization's performance. The requests will be
stored in the database, and will show up in the management system. Once the
requests have been answered, the availability of the services that are offered on the
website will automatically update. The system is managed by the employees since the
owner gave authority to process all transactions. The customer can check his or her
profile that contains all his or her personal information and previous transaction with
the organization.
To the Organization
The developed system helps the organization to broaden and expand its
customers and gradually boosting its profits, which significantly bring innovation to
traditional ways of business enterprises of distributing its product and services
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 7
To the Customers
The developed system helps the customer in placing their order and
reservations, making inquiries, viewing available services and to check a background
record of the organization services
To the Employees
The developed system help the employees to minimize the paper works and
lessen the problems encountered such as loss of orders and other information,
incorrect writing of orders and ensures a faster way of getting information.
To the Proponents
The study widens the knowledge of the proponents as well as to improve the
developer’s skills and techniques in designing, developing, and implementing Online
Restaurant Management System.
The study will serve as guidance to the future developers in building an output,
help them on gathering of reference as well as give the researchers an idea on how to
make the study more reliable and make the output system unique.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 8
This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the through search
done by the researchers, conceptual framework of the developed system, description
of conceptual model of the study, definition of terms.
According to the study written by Chavan and 3 others (2015), a better way of
accommodating customers is through online orders and delivery. Orders can be made
by using an application wherein customers can pre-order their food. The orders are
being directed to their database and are also paid beforehand. Payments are made
electronically using an automated system using a credit card or debit card. The main
reason the system was proposed is due to the fast growing technology and increasing
number of people who use the internet. The process on how placing an order online is
being discussed in the study set from the point of view of the customer choosing the
menu, viewing the delivery details up to the payment options. The system in this article
shows on how their system can be utilized by the use of the technology. This article
mainly focuses on how the food ordering system can be improved for better customer
According to Rus & Negrusa (2014), Romanian hotel has existing website for
promoting their available product and services with offers to avail great rooms only.
With the advancement of technology in Europe, the Romanian hotel is being left
behind in terms of the convenience that technology could provide. With the problem
said, the researchers had been motivated to create an online booking and hotel
reservation system for the Romanian hotel that could help the organization to improve
the services in terms of speed and convenience. The system is providing less
workload for the customer in booking and reservations which results to increased
customer satisfaction.
The above study is related to the proposed system which improves the
organization’s services in terms of speed in process, customer’s convenience, and
information accuracy. With the proposed system’s help, the organization’s work load
will lessen and the staff will have more time available for other handiwork. The
proposed system is also similar in the above study in terms of the advertisement; the
proposed system helps the organization promote the available products and services
offered by the organization which stimulates an increase in marketing.
Similar to the study above, the proponents focused the system development on
providing a faster reservation services that allow the organization to be at ease with
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 10
the reservation process. The proposed system will help the organization to have an
organized data and lessens the probability of misinformation or loss of data. And with
the help of the proposed system’s website, the customer can easily track their
reservation status and previous transaction.
Similar to the study above, the proponents decided to propose a system that
could provide convenience to the organization in terms of inventory management and
tracking of records. The proposed system is very similar to study above in terms of
generating reports regarding the number of equipment in use, equipment available,
available schedules, reserved schedules, available menu, ongoing orders, and all
transactions made within the organization in a short amount of time. The proposed
system provides timeliness and helps lessen the workload of staffs which causes
efficiency in work productivity.
helps the restaurant to analyze the current service that the management provides and
identify the essential modification needed for a more efficient and convenient way of
supplementing customer’s satisfaction. The researchers concluded that the proposed
ordering system is time efficient and very accurate in terms of providing feedback and
taking orders.
Similar to the research stated above, the proponents proposed a system that
will generate a paperless and proficient way of taking customer’s order through an
online website which lessens the organization’s workload. The proposed system could
also enhance the organization’s services by allowing the customers to browse all the
available menu and services of the organization through online website. In addition,
the proposed system provides a time efficient manner of taking orders which results to
customer’s satisfaction.
The article stated above motivate the proponents to develop a system that will
ensure the organizations’ records well organized and elude data redundancy. The
proposed system will inspect and confirm the data’s credibility during data entry before
entering the database. The system also allows the organization to check all
transactions and other customer related information to help prevent internal errors.
The customer could also check his/her account information and monitors all ongoing
and previous transactions made with the organization.
web-based reservation system that provides a convenient, efficient, and hassle free
way of making transactions. The developed system helps the customers to make
reservation with proficiency and accurately through an online website. In addition, the
developed system helps the employees in processing transactions, archiving
reservation data, and generating necessary report which lessens the work load and
time consumption of an employee during these undertakings.
Similar to the preceding study, the proponents aim to a develop system that
would lessen the organization’s workload and promote a time efficient way in archiving
customer’s reservations. In addition, the proposed system would lessen paper works
and generate trouble-free reports. On the other hand, the proposed system would help
the customers make their reservation with ease through the website which stimulates
customer satisfaction.
According to Esteves (2015), the NetSuite supports the potential for expansion
of businesses in the Philippines with the help of modern technology. The NetSuite also
believes the ability of the small retailers to prevail and be a substantial business by
utilizing the benefits of the NetSuite cloud technology which provides efficiency and
convenience to businesses. Moreover, the NetSuite surmise that most problems
encountered by businesses are the huge amount of time consumption and error-prone
or possible misinformation caused by manual methods. With the said problems, the
NetSuite would like to support businesses in the Philippines by selling NetSuite
Solutions that allows businesses to gain real-time monitoring of sales and inventory
access across multiple locations allowing retail partners to meet the stock demands. In
addition, NetSuite Solutions help businesses by leveraging its end-to-end workflow-
driven efficiency, including financials, supply chain, customer relationship
management, and warehousing operations, allowing companies to provide effective
and proficient customer satisfaction. Lastly, NetSuite Solutions helps business
employees that are working in trucks, sales, food services, and pharmaceuticals to
distribute orders in minutes which make employees more productive and promote
efficiency in a short time.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 14
With the aforementioned article above, the proponents proposed a system that
could be utilized by the organization with ease and would support the organization in
everyday operations. The proposed system aims to aid the organization by minimizing
time consumption in different transactions and lessen misinformation by using the
system’s data entry modules which stores the data on the system’s database with
effortless archiving. Moreover, the proposed system allows the organization to monitor
the inventory with precision and overseer all transactions made within the organization.
According to the Manila Times (2014), the online retail is steadily growing that
helps develop a huge amount of online buyers which led to more opening online retail
sites that results an increase in the global markets. Online retail shops allow
customers to purchase through online and be delivered anywhere in the Philippines
that induce the online retailers to build and maintain the solid yet costly infrastructure
that supports web-based systems. However, online retailers doesn’t need to focus on
maintaining and operating data infrastructure, instead, online retailers strategizes on
sustaining customers satisfaction in experiencing online shopping. In addition, online
retailers maintain hundreds of thousands of customer records with the use of web-
based software, such as, financials and inventory management system that keeps all
information in track and secured.
Similar with the article above, the proponents decided to propose a web-based
management system that would allow customers to order and reserve with ease,
through an online browser. The proposed system would help the organization in
attracting more customers which allows clients to view available menu and
reservations through online that promotes customer satisfaction. In addition, the
proposed system would help the organization in lessening paper works by allowing the
organization to archive customer information, order details, reservation details, and
previous transactions on the system database which is made with the system.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 15
In the same way, the proposed system aims to provide convenience in terms of
inquiry, placing orders, reservation and provide company’s credibility information.
Same as the study above, the proposed system will have a single user, which is the
administrator, for the staffs since the owner gave full authority in all transactions to the
employee. The proposed system’s administrator could generate reports, transaction
history, and update all information on the system which provides convenience in terms
of efficiency and accuracy.
According to the study of Jehangeer and Usman (2014), the developed online
event management system has the basic functionality required for an event including a
login system for customers and user. The online system will allow the user to select
events from the available lists with different types such as birthday parties, wedding,
meetings and more. After selecting, the user is allowed to select preferred available
date, time, location, and equipment for the event. The user will be given a receipt
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 16
number for the booking. The receipt number should be given to the company’s office
for further transactions and negotiations.
Similar to the above study, the proponents proposed a system that offers event
planning for different types of events such as birthday parties, wedding, meetings and
more. The customers can easily reserve, schedule and book available event on the
system through online. Same as the study above, the system will allow the customer to
select a preferred available date, time, place, and choose allowed menu for the event.
An order number or receipt will be provided to the customer which will be used for
further negotiations.
Event Management
Similar to the above study, the chosen organization is still using a manual
system which is less convenient and inefficient. Thus, the proponents decided to
propose system that will help the organization to minimize time consumption, work
load, disorganize files, and accelerate the process of placing an order or reservation.
The proposed system helps the organization in organizing an event in regards to the
event type, schedule, location, equipment and menus available for the particular event.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 17
According to Withers (2015), the Miami University’s study room is still using an
offline reservation system which is inadequate since the rooms are used so heavily
that they account for 3,600 checkouts per month. With this, the researcher decided to
develop an online room reservation system for the Miami University study room. The
developed system includes booking module, email reminders of the reservation, and
ability of the user to cancel the reservation. These functions could be used by the
students through online which is time efficient and lessens the librarian’s workload. In
addition, the staffs could work in differing set of hours while supporting the room load
periods. With the developed system’s help, the library’s room reservation could be
processed not only in the library information desks but also anywhere since the
reservation system is a web-based reservation and scheduling system.
Shop Online: A proposed E-Commerce Site and Inventory System for Bahandi
Pasalubong Center
Based on the study of Mas, Cañanes and Zacarias (2013), the company’s
existing system is still manual which results to difficulty such as: labor-intensive
inventory management, lengthy order taking, prolonged merchandise accounting, and
loss of records due to too much volume of documents. The researchers developed a
system that could update the company’s profile, services, promotions, quantity of
products and price list. And the administrator system is separated from the online
shopping system. The online shopping system provides advertisement and lessens the
volume of customers going to the local shop since the customers could place an order
online. While the administrator system, lessens time consumption in inventory
management, order taking and records management.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 19
Similar to the study above, the proponents decided to propose a system that
solves the time constraints of the customers taking orders. With online tools such as
this, customers could inquire at ease, order products and services without going to the
restaurant since customers could perform these actions through online. With the
proper order management and customer information, especially on their inquiry, the
system can prove to work and be a success. Also, customer satisfaction will be evident
if a company can provide fast, effective and reliable transaction process aside from
quality of food. The online system could also be an effective way of advertising the
organization’s food, product and services.
According to the study of Castro and Custudio (2016), the Online Information
and Reservation was developed to manage customers’ reservation efficiently and
effectively. The study implemented a system that could process a reservation request
through online. The system proves to be time efficient and convenient to the
increasing number of customers. The system was designed to function in a way that
helps the organization and its customers in terms of satisfaction, time efficiency,
convenience like; customers could reserve and transact through online, maintenance
features for the user account, update prices, payments, and report generation.
Through the online information system, guests are allowed to search for the available
rooms and prices. However, guests should register online if the guests wishes to place
a reservation. The administrator has full authority on the system that allows the admin
to update, edit, add, and delete information on the system.
Similar to the above study, the proposed system aims to minimize the manual
recording of transaction to help the company grow and expanding the organization by
attracting new customers with the use of the internet. The proponents system will
contain all the organization’s information including the quantity and availability of
function rooms, menu, facilities, services and prices. And by means of online system,
the customer could easily place their preferred reservation schedules conveniently,
efficiently and effectively that leads to the company’s growth. The proposed system
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 20
focuses on the customers who will be able to utilize the system to perform the
transaction for reservation and the administrator who could add, edit, update, retrieve
information and generate report effortless in daily operations.
According to Lababit and Sorono(2016), the study deals with the development
of a system for the University of Cebu Lapu-lapu and Mandaue. Despite the UCLM
slow process during enrollment, the University is able to attract a growing stream of
enrollees. However, the ability to provide top of the line service to the students
hampered the inability to service the student needs during enrolment. Thus, the
researchers took a study regarding the University’s problem and decided to develop an
online enrollment system which could be accessed through the website that the
researchers designed. The system is a paper-less process, time efficient, and hassle
free not only for the students but also for the school as it is, which both parties
benefits. The system helps the University in processing student enrollments and class
scheduling with ease.
According to Alcedo and Cajala (2015), the study aims to perceive the effects
of the present computerization and to identify the achievement of the computerization
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 21
With the mentioned study above, the proponents surmise that there will be no
anticipated deep complications during the implementation of the proposed system,
hence, the proposed system would of a great assistance to the organization. Similar to
the study above, the proposed system would impose a great reduction to the staff’s
time consumption, lessens confrontation, minimizes fraud, and swift disclosure of
request or deliveries. Moreover, the proposed system would be of a considerable
benefit to the organization in terms of customer profile registration, quick processing of
orders and reservation, soothe assessment of cancellations, and ease the generation
of necessary reports.
management which consumes too much time and effort. With the said problems, the
researcher developed an inventory and sales system that would lessen the staff’s
workload and time consumption. The developed system could store all payment
information on the system’s database with ease and instantaneously; the system could
record all transactions made on the warehouse with efficiency and punctuality.
The conceptual model of the research study serves as guide for the developers
in implementing the system. The developers analyzed and defined all the requirements
to be used in doing the research which is composed of four (4) components such as
the input, process, output, and evaluation.
The input needs knowledge regarding the process on the organization such as
record management, creating of schedules for services. Billing and inventory
knowledge requirement also includes the awareness in web development, web
designing and database management.
The Hardware requirements are processor, LCD Monitor, Dual Core Intel, RAM
– DDR 3, Keyboard, 250 GB HDD, LAN/WAN.
The Software requirements include, Windows 7, PHP Word Press, Php 7.0,
bootstrap, WAMP, MYSQL, PhpMyAdmin.
The Conceptual model of the study shows that the concept of the system
requires knowledge in hardware and software. With these, the proponents could
proceed with the methods required before developing the system through designing
and programming concept. Thus, the proponents would be able to develop the Online
Restaurant Management System for Kainan sa Balanghay and if ever there are parts
that is needed for revaluation they could perform testing and start again from inputting
the needed information for the betterment of the system.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 25
Definition of terms
Cash on delivery (COD) – The only made for the payment of the company. It is when
the products are delivered in the customer’s address and by the payment is given.
Customer – someone who choose reservation and buy goods for a company or other
Inventory - Complete list of the products that are in the storage. The merchandise or
stock that a store or company has on hand.
Services – work done for the customers of a store, restaurant, catering rooms, foods,
events , hotel or similar establishment, often with regards to whether it pleases them
or not
Official Receipt (OR) – written or printed acknowledgement that things such as sums
of money have been given to the person who raises the acknowledgement
Reservation Form – a form which the customers use to reserve that is in written form.
All the information about the customer that is needed for the reservation is taken down
on that form
Website – a location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more pages on
the World Wide Web.
This chapter deals with the methods of research used whether historical
descriptive and experimental and a case study. The data gathering tools and analytic
tools will be further explain in this chapter as well as the methods used in developing
the system. The chapter will contain all the procedures that are needed in order to
develop the system. The procedure discussed here will further educate the
organization on how the developed system will work and will be implemented
The project planning procedure is the stage that serves as the proponent’s
road map in planning the project. The proponents started with choosing a project
manager who will be assigned to lead the team, monitor and control the project work.
Then, the rest of the members decided on what specific roles each will take such as
system analyst, programmer and others to perform. It was necessary for the team to
conduct study and brain storm after assigning the given position to distribute the
individual task. After assigning and choosing a role, the project manager prepared a
letter for interview (See APPENDIX A). The proponents decided to conduct an ocular
visit and interview to determine the concept of the existing system of the organization.
The organization approved and cooperated for the proponent’s project and let the
proponents know about the company’s history, flow of the existing system and other
details that necessary for the project. After gathering all information produced, the title
of project has been established as Online Restaurant Management System for Kainan
sa Balanghay then after the approval, the proponents proceed with the next phase of
the project which is gathering more information from the different content of the
documents. The proponents also conducted surveys to the organization regarding on
the proposed system.
identifying the risks, and understanding each steps required. The proponents created a
plan using Gantt chart (See APPENDIX E) to have a more detailed plot visual
representation for every schedule process which helped the proponents to reach the
time allotted in developing the system.
The Feasibility Analysis is the best way to determine if the developed system
can be technically, operationally and economically feasible for the company. This will
also tell if the proponents should continue to pursue the system. Interviews can
determine the feasibility of the proposed system. The respondent was interviewed on
what methods the company uses in the manual process and also the knowledge of the
employees in terms of the resources.
In economic feasibility, the details cost of the existing system including the
amount of supplies or materials used on the operation as well as the other expenses
like electricity consumption of the said organization which will be needed for the cost
and benefit analysis using different formulas. The developed system’s cost information
will be gathered and calculated using the said formula to find out if the proponents
system is feasible.
The proponents used the following formula to compute the payback ratio, break
even ratio and breakeven point of the proponents system:
Projected Benefit
Payback ratio helped the proponents determine the actual risk involved on a
project whether the investments made by the organization are profitable or could lead
to a possible loss. In addition, the formula helped determine the time period needed
before the investment made could be recovered.
Break Even Point formula helped the proponents deduce and calculate the
operating cost and ascertain the pricing decisions. In terms of operation, the
production cost by the project is a fix value of investment, anything beyond the fix
value is a possible profit. In terms of pricing decision, the Break Even Point formula
tells exactly how much profit is derived from your current pricing strategy.
The system analysis and design procedure is to further check the functionality
of the system and shows how the system should work. By doing this procedure, the
proponents can improve in planning and developing the system. The current process
was further determined by the proponents through conducting interviews with the staff
and manager before proceeding with the survey. The proponents proceeded with
elicitation then analyzed the gathered information by validating all the specifications
needed before validating and undergo in developing the developed system that will be
helpful in future.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 30
Figure 3.1 shows the data gathering technique, analysis, and design used
The Context Diagram shows the main flow of the system which demonstrates
how the information and the people involved in the process will work as a unit. The
diagram also shows the event that should be considered in developing the system like
request for order, reports, payment validation, etc. The proponents used the diagram
to get the whole picture on how the system works. This gave the proponents a whole
view of the scope of the developed system and its boundaries.
The Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is used to understand the flow of each process
and distinguish the data within each process. It is the graphical representation of the
processes that will be in the system such as reservations, payments, etc. This tool
helped the proponents identify the boundaries of the system and understand the
system’s components in a detailed representation. The diagram is used by the
proponents to be a guide on how the system should work step by step. And also, this
helped the proponents to understand and determine the process and data flow within
the system.
The Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) shows the relationship within the
system in a graphical representation. The diagram shows on how the people and the
processes are related. It also shows the terms and words that will be used in the
system. The diagram helped the proponents create an accurate system as per the
needs and requirements of the organization. The diagram is used by the proponents to
have an idea on how the entities such as employees, customers, etc., co-relates with
the processes such as reservation, payments, inquiries, etc., within the system.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 31
The Database Schema served as the logical point of all the data stored in the
system. This defines the terms being used in the system and its database. This table
showed the constraint of everything that is used in the database and helped the
proponents identify how the data is organized and the relations among them are
associated. Proponents used this to have a visual representation on how the database
is constructed and is being used. This simply defines the objects within the database.
The Flow Chart showed how the system will work step by step from start up to
the end. It showed the possible scenarios that happened on the system. Questions
that could be answered with a yes or no, is included in the flow chart. The chart is used
by the proponents to distinguish the process within each features of the developed
system and identify every action and changes made within the system.
In today’s modern world, most people use the system development life cycle
waterfall model that lends itself more to a structured environment which is used to
describe a process for planning, creating, testing, and deploying a system. The
systems development lifecycle concept applies on hardware and software
configurations, as a system can be composed of hardware only, software only, or a
combination of both.
Figure 3.2 shows the System Development Life Cycle Waterfall Model
The Designing phase is a step where the software and hardware requirements
are being discussed. This phase was discussed as well with the organization so both
ends have a bigger picture on how the developed system affected the organization
and its systematical architecture. This phase helped the proponents start the
production stage and clearly defined all of the architectural flow of the developed
system which is reviewed by the organization.
Testing phase aimed to check and find possible defects on the developed
system. This phase focused on testing each activity and feature that are on the
system. The proponents analyzed every interface of the system that ensured the
system functions as planned.
Deployment phase is made after all the tests are done and the bugs have been
fixed. The system is then installed on the organization’s station for operational use
which is utilized by the organization’s staffs.
The Development tools have the basic functions that are needed for the system
to work. With the users being involved, the proponents knew the changes needed, that
provided better experience for the organization, using the user’s suggestions and
feedback. The tools that are used in developing the system are the Bootstrap, PHP
7.0, MySQL, and WAMP. Bootstrap is used by adding the bootstrap core CSS in the
tag coding that allows the website on a mobile inter face which is an open-
source front-end web framework for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other
interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions; The PHP 7.0 is used
by embedding in conjunction with MySQL database and by embedding into HTML
which is utilized primarily for the web development and as the general-purpose
programming language in web development. These are the two major programming
language used in the system development which ensured the system full response
and interactive design. MySQL is an RDBMS for data archiving where the necessary
information such as menu details, reservation details, event details, etc. are stored by
connecting MySQL to the system with link tags and query execution. While the
PHPMyAdmin is an administration tool that is used in managing MySQL with a web
browser. WAMP is an interpreter for scripts written in PHP and Perl programming
languages system which is used in testing the system on various ways which validates
and evaluated the system. The WAMP is utilized by installing the WAMP and saving
the developed system to the indicated public website directory of the local WAMP
server. The process is fully developed and validated by the help of the users which
provided helpful information and suggestions that improved the functionality of the
developed system.
Alpha testing is where the proponents simulate or run the system in an actual
operational testing by potential customers or at the developers’ site. Alpha testing is
often employed for off-the-shelf software as a form of internal acceptance testing,
before the software goes to beta testing. By doing this test, the proponents narrowed
down the proper activity of the developed system. The critical points of the system are
fixed by adding and removing some functions. The bugs are taken care of with the
help of the user’s feedback that tested the system.
Black / White box Testing is used to simply check on what the system can do
for the users. This determined the system’s capability and the available features of the
system. This process included people who are both aware & unaware on how the
system should be developed. White box testing is conducted by the programmers for
the codes’ functionality and checked all the coverage of the system. The tests are
based on coverage of the codes, conditions and paths. Black box testing is conducted
by simulating the system which is examined and used by the person who is not
knowledgeable in any programming language. This test gave emphasis on the topic
and checked the functionality of the system as a whole.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 35
This chapter tackles the description of the existing and developed system, the
result of the feasibility analysis procedure, context diagram of the existing and
developed system, data flow diagram of the existing and developed system and the
entity relationship diagram, database schema.
This section presents the result of the technical, operational and economic
feasibility study. The developed system is discussed here if it is operationally,
technologically, and economically feasible for the chosen organization, so that the
proponents know what kind of development will be suitable for the company, to know
how willing is the organization in supporting the developed system and if the system
will help the organization serve or lessen the supplies, materials and other expenses
that the organization spent in the existing system.
Technical Feasibility
The company was using a manual system on all transactions and process
which are recorded on a piece of paper. The developed system is technically feasible
since the company is willing to make an investment and purchased new ICT resources
such as computer set which is used for the developed system. On the meantime, the
organization has existing ICT resources that were used on the developed system; the
existing ICT resources are telephone line and credit card machine. With the
proponents system, the organization was able to deliver fast and good services.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 36
Table 4.1
Available ICT Resource of the Existing System
Hardware Specification
Telephone PLDT
Table 4.1 shows the existing ICT resource of the Kainan sa Balanghay
Table 4.2
Required ICT Resources & Specifications of the Developed System
Computer Set
System Unit
Monitor LED 15.6"
Mouse USB
Keyboard USB
Hard Disk Drive 500 GB
Random Access Memory 2GB DDR3
Processor Intel Pentium G3260
Printer Epson Stylus
ANTI VIRUS Kaspersky
WEB BROWSERS Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
Table 4.2 shows the required ICT resources for the developed system
Operational Feasibility
Figures below shows the result of the survey conducted by the proponents to
the staff of the organization:
Yes No
Figure 4.1 show that all of the staffs have used a computer before
Yes No
Figure 4.2 shows that majority of the staffs could turn on and off a computer.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 38
Yes No
Figure 4.3 show that all staff of the organization knows how to operate a mouse
Yes No
Figure 4.4 shows that all staff assumed that the proposed system can help the
organization in accommodating more customers.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 39
Yes No
Figure 4.5 shows all the staff of the organization could perform basic computer
Yes No
Figure 4.6 shows that 73% staff of the organization knows how to print different
types of document.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 40
Yes No
Figure 4.7 show that 60% of the staff could create new folders.
8 7
7 6
3 2
1 0
Never A few times Once a week Every day
Figure 4.8 shows the number of staff that uses a computer every day, once a
week, and a few times.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 41
9. Describe the best way how you feel about using computers.
12 10
6 4
2 1
0 0
Cofidently with Need occasional Find it difficult and
little or no support support need lots of
Figure 4.9 shows that most staff is confident in operating a computer with none
or occasional support.
Yes No
Figure 4.10 shows that all staff of the organization is willing to support the
developed system.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 42
Economic Feasibility
In economic feasibility the cost in supplies, materials and other expenses of the
existing and developed system are shown. The company was using manual process
on the restaurant. Table 4.2 below shows the cost of existing ITC resources. On behalf
of the cost benefit analysis, the developed system is feasible and economical
regarding its pre-assumed cost for developing the system. Most of the time,
developing a system would usually cost a one-time expense which will not recur after
the project has been completed. This would surely benefit the company in the long run
since almost half of the existing economic cost will be reduced.
Table 4.3
Cost of Existing ICT Resources
Telephone PLDT 1 set ₱1,000.00 ₱1,000.00
Credit Card
Machine Ignenico I5100 1 pc 11,000.00 11,000.00
Table 4.3 shows the breakdown representation of the cost of existing ICT Resources.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 43
Table 4.4
Cost of Supplies and Materials of the Existing System
Table 4.4 shows the breakdown representation of the cost of the existing
system used by the Kainan Sa Balanghay. The cost of the supplies and materials is
Table 4.5
Projected Increases in the Supplies and Materials of the Existing
Bond Paper (long) ₱4,560.00 Php5,016.00 ₱5,517.60 ₱6,069.36 ₱6,676.30
Bond Paper (short) 3,600.00 3,960.00 4,356.00 4,791.60 5,270.76
Folder (long) 737.50 811.25 892.38 981.61 1,079.77
Folder (short) 612.50 673.75 741.13 815.24 896.76
Calculator 1,498.75
Stapler No. 35 550.00
Staple Wire 675.00 742.50 816.75 898.43 988.27
Glue 250.00 275.00 302.50 332.75 366.03
Paper Clip 100.00 110.00 121.00 133.10 146.41
Fastener 200.00 220.00 242.00 266.20 292.82
Scissors 100.00 110.00 121.00
Hardbound Log Book 3,750.00 4,125.00 4,537.50 4,991.25 5,490.38
Correction tape 300.00 330.00 363.00 399.30 439.23
Ballpen 150.00 165.00 181.50 199.65 219.62
Tapes ( Scotch,
Double Sided,
Packaging) 240.00 264.00 290.40 319.44 351.38
Filing Cabinet 15,000.00
Calling Cards 400.00 440.00 484.00 532.40 585.64
SUPPLIES AND ₱32,723.75 ₱17,132.50 ₱18,955.75 ₱20,730.33 ₱22,924.36
Electric consumption ₱480.84 ₱480.84 ₱480.84 ₱480.84 ₱480.84
Table 4.5 show the yearly cost of the Existing System. The proponent use 10%
increase per year on the supplies and materials. The estimated increase in the
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 45
supplies and materials of the Existing System for year 1 ₱53,604.59, in year 2
₱26,013.34, in year 3 ₱27,836.59 in year 4, ₱29,611.17 in year 5 ₱31,805.20.
Table 4.6
Presumed Operational Cost of the Developed System
Table 4.6 shows the cost of the Developed System. The cost of the supplies
and materials is ₱18,807.04.
Table 4.7
Projected Increases Operational Cost of the Developed System
Bond Paper (long) ₱950.00 ₱1,045.00 ₱1,149.50 ₱1,264.45 ₱1,390.90
Bond Paper (short) 750.00 825.00 907.50 998.25 1,098.08
Folder (long) 177.00 194.70 214.17 235.59 259.15
Ballpen 50.00 55.00 60.50 66.55 73.21
Stapler No. 35 110.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Staple Wire 90.00 99.00 108.90 119.79 131.77
Paper Clip 40.00 44.00 48.40 53.24 58.56
Fastener 80.00 88.00 96.80 106.48 117.13
Scissors 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ciss Kit Tank 4
Colors 1,000.00 1,100.00 1,210.00 1,331.00 1,464.10
Calling Cards 100.00 110.00 121.00 133.10 146.41
SUPPLIES AND ₱3,367.00 ₱3,560.70 ₱3,916.77 ₱4,308.45 ₱4,739.29
consumption ₱7,040.04 ₱7,040.04 ₱7,040.04 ₱7,040.04 ₱7,040.04
Telephone Bill 8,400.00 8,400.00 8,400.00 8,400.00 8,400.00
₱15,440.04 ₱15,440.04 ₱15,440.04 ₱15,440.04 ₱15,440.04
₱18,807.04 ₱19,000.74 ₱19,356.81 ₱19,748.49 ₱20,179.33
Table 4.7 show the yearly cost of the Existing System. The proponent use 10%
increase per year on the supplies and materials. The estimated increase in the
supplies and materials of the Existing System for year 1 ₱18,807.04, in year 2
₱19,000.74, in year 3 ₱19,356.81 in year 4, ₱19,748.49 in year 5 ₱20,179.33.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 48
Table 4.8
Installation Cost
Computer Set set 1 Php12,055.00
System Unit -----
Monitor -----
Mouse -----
Keyboard -----
Hard Disk Drive -----
Random Access Memory -----
Processor -----
Printer set 1 Php3,000.00
The Table 4.8 shows the summary of the installation cost in developing the
system for Kainan Sa Balanghay is ₱15,055.00.
Table 4.9
Developmental Cost
Bond Paper (short) 2 reams Php150.00 Php300.00
Marker 1 pieces 40.00 40.00
Manila Paper 4 bdls 5.00 20.00
Folder 5 bdls 10.00 50.00
Developer's Allowance 5 members Php1,500.00 Php7,500.00
Electric Consumption 6 months 109.20 655.20
Internet Allowance 1 month 1,000.00 1,000.00
Printing Service 6 months 200.00 1,200.00
The Table 4.9 shows the summary of the developmental cost in developing the
system is ₱10,765.20. Proponents allowance was included to support the basics
needs of the proponents on the developing the system.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 49
Table 4.10
Cost Benefit Analysis
Table 4.10 shows the Cost Benefit Analysis. Year is assumed to be where the
system will be developed. Developmental Cost is ₱10,765.20 Total Cost of Existing ₱
= 1.20
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 50
The existing system uses manual method in all transactions made within the
organization. The owner is the one who insert information of menu list, equipment list,
terms and condition, and services offered which is archived on their corresponding
folders. Inquiry could only be made through phone or by going to the restaurant and
inquire information regarding the available menu, terms and conditions, and services
offered by the organization. Before inquiry, the customer must provide necessary
information on the organization’s log book for the organization’s record and for security
Orders could only be placed manually through phone, which requires customer
information, or over the counter, which would demand customer information when the
order is for pick-up and delivery. Similar in placing orders, making reservations is
processed manually that could be processed through phone or over the counter which
requires customer information and necessary data in finalizing the reservation.
Orders for delivery would be given to the delivery man for distribution which will
be delivered to the designated address then return to the organization and update the
order’s status including the payment information. Additionally, orders for pick-up would
need customer’s order details before the order is presented. Lastly, the owner could
demand reports which will be processed manually by searching and gathering of
necessary documents on the filing cabinet.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 53
The proposed system could archive data and process transactions with ease
through an online web-based system. The owner could create, delete, and update data
regarding the terms, available menu, stored equipment, offered services, and
suggested packages. In addition, the owner could update all the data on the system
including the customer information and check all the details concerning the displayed
menu, services, and packages. Meanwhile, customers could easily inquire or examine
available services, menu, and offered packages on the proposed system’s website.
However, customer should register and create an account on the website before the
customer could place an order and make a reservation.
When placing an order, the customer could easily order the selected menu and
provide all necessary information on the website. Then, the order details will be given
to the customer including the reference number that will be needed for the payment.
Similar in placing orders, the customer could smoothly make reservations by selecting
the available services on the website and provide the required information then once
the reservation is processed, the reservation details will be provided including a
reference number that will be used for further transactions. However, the payment
could only be made over the counter where the cart details or reference number will be
needed. Subsequently, the customer could provide either a down payment or pay in
full which will be confirmed with an issued receipt.
Orders for delivery will be provided to the delivery man for transportation which
will be distributed to the identified address. Then, the delivery would report back to the
organization and update the delivery’s outcome and the staff will update the order’s
status including the payment information on the system.
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 55
Figure 4.14 shows the Entity Relationship Diagram of the Developed System
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 58
Flow Chart
Database Schema
June 2017
Seaside, Diosdado Macapagal
Blvd, Pasay, 1300 Metro Manila
Naneth Doromal & Dixon Calamba
We the undersigned are currently enrolled in the coursed subject thesis A. One of the
requirements of the said subjects it to look for an organization and study the processes
of information system that they used. To do this, we need to conduct an interview for
us to understand the flow of transaction in your organization that will eventually guide
us in doing capstone proposal. Specifically Online Restaurant Management System
In connection with this, we are seeking your approval to conduct interviews in your
most convenient time. Rest assured that all document and data gathered will be used
only the said pursue.
We hope that request merits your approval. Thank you very much and more power.
Respectfully yours,
Abello Jr, Domingo C.
Edillor, Cris Echon
Acebes, Geneva Rose
Indelible, Alfaizah
Joves, Kyron
Subject Instructor
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 66
June 26, 2017
Dear Maam,
May we invite you to be the advisor of out thesis entitled; “ONLINE RESTAURANT
knowledge in the field will greatly help us in fulfilling this partial requirements for our
course Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. We are hoping for your
favorable response. Thank you ma’am
Noted by:
Rolan M. Macarang
Thesis Professor
Indelible, Alfaizah
Joves, Kyron
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 67
Questionnaire (Survey)
9. Which of these statements best describes the way you feel about
(Pick one)
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology 71
3. Kumar and 2 others, Robust and Secure Online Bus Ticket Reservation
System (2015),
4. Esteves, More Pinoy businesses turning to cloud technology for growth (2015)
1. Mas and 2 others, Shop Online: A proposed E-Commerce Site and Inventory
System for Bahandi Pasalubong Center (2013)
3. Lababit and Sorono, University of Cebu Lapu - Lapu and Mandaue Online
Enrollment System (2016)