Assign 1
Assign 1
Assign 1
Figure Q1
Figure Q2
4. A bridge rectifier with a 1.2 kΩ load is driven by a 48 Vac transformer. Draw the schematic
for the circuit and calculate the dc load voltage and current values. Determine the PIV of
each diode in the circuit.
Figure Q5
6. For the circuit in Figure Q6, determine:
(a) The total circuit current.
(b) the value of IL for RL = 2 kΩ
(c) the value of IL for RL = 3 kΩ
(d) the minimum allowable value of RL
(13.33mA, 3mA, 2mA)
Figure Q6
7. The potentiometer in Figure Q7 is set so that the anode voltage of D1 is -8 V. Assuming that
Vs = 24 Vpp, determine the peak load voltages for the circuit, and draw the output
Figure Q7
8. The circuit shown in Figure Q8 has a 15 Vpk input signal. Determine the values of V C1 and
VC2 for the circuit. Assume that the diodes are ideal components.
Figure Q8
9. The circuit in Figure Q9 has a 14 Vpp input signal. Draw the output waveform and determine
its peak voltage values.
Figure Q9
10. The circuit shown in Figure Q10 has a 24 Vpk input signal. Determine the values of VC1 , VC2
and VC3 for the circuit. Assume that the diodes are ideal components.
Figure Q10
11. The circuit shown in Figure Q11 is a zener clipper. Using your knowledge of diode
operation, determine the shape of the circuit output waveform and its peak values.
Figure Q11
12. For the dual-zener clipper shown in Figure Q12, determine the shape of the circuit output
waveform and its peak values.
Figure Q12
13. For the circuit shown in Figure Q13, sketch the diode voltage VD(t) and the output voltage
(a) Assuming an ideal diode model. Find the average value for V o(t).
(b) Assuming a simplified equivalent circuit for a silicon diode.
Figure Q13
14. For the circuit shown in Figure Q14:
(a) Determine the minimum value of RL to ensure that the Zener diode is in the “on”
(b) Determine the value of RL that will establish maximum power conditions for the
Zener diode. (304.6Ω, 1.98k Ω)
Figure Q14
15. Plot the output voltage, V0(t) and the diode voltage, Vd(t) for each of the circuits in Figure
Q15 if the input voltage is Vi.
Figure Q15
16. In the voltage regulator circuit in Figure Q16, let Vi = 6.3V, R = 12Ω , and Vz = 4.8V. The
zener diode current is to be limited to the range 5 ≤ Iz ≤ 100 mA.
(a) Determine the range of possible load currents and load resistances.
(b) Determine the power rating required for the Zener diode and the load resistor, RL.