Thermo Sol PDF
Thermo Sol PDF
Thermo Sol PDF
Thermodynamic Properties
1. If an object has a weight of 10 lbf on the moon, what would the same object
weigh on Jupiter?
ft ft lbm-ft
gJupiter = 75 2
gMoon = 5.4 2
gc = 32
sec sec lbf-sec 2
JJK mg W gc 10×32
W= ⇒m = moon
= = 59.26 lbm
gc gmoon 5.4
2. An object that weighs 50 lbf on earth is moved to Saturn where its new weight is
105 lbf. What is the acceleration due to gravity on Saturn?
ft lbm-ft
gEarth = 32 2
gc = 32
sec lbf-sec 2
V m 1 1
ν= , ρ= , ν = or ρ =
m V ρ ν
(b) Rankine
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5. Define pressure.
6. If PA=PB, in which direction will the piston move? Explain, using equations.
AB > AA ⇒ P = ⇒ F ↑⇒ FB > FA
Piston will move to the left.
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8. Given: PATM = 15 psia, P2 =6 psiv, and P3 = 7 psig
Find PA and PB.
9. Given the conversion factor 1 inch H2O = 0.0361 psid and that the manometer
below employs water, find the difference in pressure between compartments A
and B.
6 ft
6 ft 12 in 0.0361psid
∆P = = 2.6 psid
1ft 1in
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11. Define, using equations, the total kinetic energy, total potential energy, and
PE =
mv 2
KE =
h = u + Pν
12. Given the following information about a system, calculate specific enthalpy (in
ft 3 Btu
P=100 psia ν =1.6 u = 600 Note: 778 ft-lbf=1 Btu
lbm lbm
h = u + Pν
Btu lbf ft 3 144 in 2 Btu Btu
h = 600 + (100 2 )(1.6 )( 2
)( ) = 629.6
lbm in lbm ft 778 ft − lbf lbm
13. Given the following information about a system, calculate specific internal energy
(in Btu/lbm).
ft 3 Btu
P=200psia ν =2.8 h=1000 Note:778 ft-lbf=1Btu
lbm lbm
h = u + Pν ⇒ u = h − Pν
Btu lbf ft 3 144 in 2 Btu Btu
u = 1000 − (200 2 )(2.8 )( 2
)( ) = 896.3
lbm in lbm ft 778 ft − lbf lbm
14. A 5 lbm system was taken from 50° F to 150° F. How much energy in the form of
heat was added to the system to produce this temperature increase?
c p =1.6
Q = mc p (Thot − Tcold )
Q = 5lbm × 1.6 × (150 − 50)F = 800Btu
lbm F
15. A 10 lbm metal ball has a temperature of 200° F when it is placed in a 50 lbm
bath of water at room temperature (72° F). Heat transfer occurs between the two
substances until equilibrium is reached. Find this equilibrium temperature.
Btu Btu
c pWater =1.0 c pMetal = 4.3
lbm-F lbm-F
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QOutBall = QInWater
mball cball (Tballinitial − Teq ) = mwater cwater (Teq − Twaterinitial )
(mcT )ball + (mcT )water
Teq =
(mc )ball + (mc )water
10 lbm 4.3 Btu 200 F 50 lbm 1.0 Btu 72 F
lbm − F lbm − F
Teq =
50 lbm 1.0Btu 10 lbm 4.3 Btu
lbm − F lbm − F
Teq = 131.2F
16. During a phase change, the specific entropy of a 20 lbm system increases from
Btu Btu
0.31 to 1.61 while the temperature of the substance is a constant
lbm − R lbm − R
Find the heat transfer into this system.
Hint: Must convert temperature to Rankine.
Isolated system – A system that is not influenced in any way by its surroundings
(mass and energy do not cross the system boundary).
Closed System – A system which has no transfer of mass with its surroundings,
but that may have a transfer of energy.
Open System – A system that may have a transfer of both mass and energy with
its surroundings
19. Can a system be in steady state yet have the fluid passing through it undergoing
a phase change? Reconcile your answer with the definition of steady state.
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Yes. Steady state occurs in a system when the fluid properties at a given point
remain constant with respect to time. A fluid undergoing a phase change will
have properties that change from point to point. However, to determine if the
system is in steady state, we must concentrate on a single point over time.
Change of Phase
20. Describe the difference between an intensive and an extensive property. Give 2
examples of each type of property.
21. A system contains 250 lbm of saturated liquid and 10 lbm of saturated vapor.
What is the quality of the system?
mvapor 10lbm
X= = = 0.038 or 3.8%
mliquid + mvapor 250lbm + 10lbm
22. Steam enters a turboexpander as a saturated vapor at 500 psia and is expanded
at constant entropy to 5 psia. Using the Mollier diagram in Appendix A (Figure A-
1), find the ∆h for this process.
From the Mollier diagram: 1205 − 895 = 310
23. Use the excerpt from the steam tables in Appendix A (Figure A-2) to find h, ν ,
and s for water:
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24. Use the steam tables and the concept of quality to find h and ν for water at a
pressure of 260 psia if entropy is known to be 0.725 .
lbm − R
s − sf 0.725 − 0.5722
sWV = sf + Xsfg ⇒ X = WV = = 16%
sfg 0.9508
hWV = hf + Xhfg = 379.9 + 0.16 × 821.6 = 511.4
ft 3
ν WV = ν f + Xν fg = 0.01870 + 0.16 × 1.75548 = 0.29958
25. Calculate specific internal energy for a 200 psia system of saturated liquid.
Hint: Review the definition of enthalpy.
h = u + Pν ⇒ u = h − Pν
Btu lbf ft 3 144in 2 Btu Btu
u = 355.5 − (200 2 )(0.01839 )( 2
)( ) = 354.82
lbm in lbm ft 778ft − lbf lbm
27. The following schematic of a simple Rankine cycle consists of steam leaving a
boiler at T=550 F and P=400 psia and passes through a turboexpander where it
does work and exhausts with an enthalpy of 932 Btu/lbm. The exhaust is then
condensed to an enthalpy of 85 Btu/lbm before being pumped back into the
T=550 F
P=400 psia
h=?? Btu/lbm
h=932 Btu/lbm
h=85T Btu/lbm
116 F
the fluid after leaving the pump and before entering the boiler.
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W turb = m system = Wturb
system ( ∆h )turb ⇒ m
( ∆h )turb
4.15 × 106
system hr lbm
⇒m = = 1.2 × 104
Btu hr
(1277.5 − 932)
system ( ∆h )condenser = 1.2 × 104 lbm (932 − 85) Btu = 1.02 × 107 Btu
Q condenser = m
hr lbm hr
1.43 × 107
Q boiler hr Btu
Q boiler = m
system ( ∆h )boiler ⇒ ∆hboiler = = = 1191.67
m lbm lbm
1.2 × 104
∆hboiler = hsteam − hwater entering boiler ⇒ hwater entering boiler = 1277.5 − 1191.67 = 85.8
28. What is the maximum possible cycle efficiency of a heat engine operating
between a heat source at 400 F and a heat sink at 32 F?
TC (32 + 460)
ηmax = 1 − = 1− = 1 − .572 = 42.8%
TH (400 + 460)
29. An inventor claims to have invented a device which absorbs 2500 Btu of heat
and produces 2000 Btu of work. If the heat sink for the device is ice water (32 F),
what would be the minimum source temperature?
30. What is the efficiency of a turbine which receives dry, saturated steam at 100
psia and exhausts a wet vapor at 1 psia, while producing 230 Btu/lbm of real
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w real 230 lbm
ηturbine = =
w ideal hstm − hexhideal
hsat.stm@100 psia = 1188 lbm
from Mollier diagram or steam table
hexhideal @1 psia = 895 lbm
from intersection of constant entropy
process line with 1 psia line on Mollier diagram.
230 Btu
ηturbine = lbm
= .785 = 78.5%
(1188 − 895) lbm
Compression Processes
31. State the ideal gas law. Explain the meaning of each symbol.
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