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9 WP Irp PDF Ang
9 WP Irp PDF Ang
Zoran Stavreski, MA
The interest rate policy is one of the most significant economic policy instruments.
Current evidence from developed countries, as well as from countries in transition, shows
that the optimal interest rate policy is an essential precondition for achieving dynamic
economic growth.
Extremely low level of domestic saving in the banking system versus high and rigid
demand for funds, high risk premiums due to the lack of financial discipline and inefficient
juridical system, and high operational costs, determined interest rates in the Republic of
Macedonia in the last two years to be formed on high nominal and real level.
The long - run solution of the unfavorable situation in the field of interest rate
policy necessarily means improvement of fundamental economic performances which
determinate interest rate policy, and it is, first of all, the relation between supply and
demand of resources, i.e. in the national identities the relation between saving and
However, in the short run, some measures can be undertaken which would have a
positive influence on interest rate policy, and in the same time they would not disturb the
main market principles, meaning banks independence in designing and implementing the
interest rate policy. These measures are: 1. To revise the existing tax policy which has a
negative influence on saving; 2. To increase the interest rate which the National Bank of
the Republic of Macedonia pays to the banks on the compulsory reserves; 3. Designing and
implementation of internal policies, procedures and standards by banks for credit approval,
sound credit portfolio management and more efficient claims collection; 4. Strengthening
of the supervision regulation concerning provisions for bad placements of the banks; 5. To
improve the efficiency of the juridical system and instruments for protection and insurance
of the claims (collateral); 6. To revise the existing law regulation concerning the Deposit
Insurance Fund; 7. Acceleration of the activities for foundation of the credit register;
8.Adoption of the practice of "prime rate" formation; 9. Change of the operative procedures
under the Law for foreign exchange operation; and 10. Stimulation of foreign capital
inflow in the form of direct investments, by which the total supply of funds in the Republic
of Macedonia will be increased.
Zoran Stavreski, MA*
The interest rate policy is one of the most significant instruments of the economic
policy. The experiences from the developed economies, as well from the transition
economies, show that the optimal interest policy is the essential precondition for
dynamization of the economic development. The efficiency of the interest rate mechanism
in realization of this goal needs fulfillment of certain preconditions: price stabilization and
elimination of the price disparities, coordination of the exchange rate, inflation and interest
rate movements, etc.
Having in mind that the above mentioned problems exist in the Republic of
Macedonia, there should be critical estimation of the effect of the interest policy on the
economic trends in the past period. That is why, this information analyses the interest
policy in the period December 1996-December 1997.
The information is divided into five parts: the first part is related to the basic
functions of the interest and of the factors that determine the interest rate level; the second
part is analysis of the movements of the banks’ financial potential from the structural and
dynamic standpoint; the third part deals with the factors that determine the supply and
demand of credit assets by the economic agents; the fourth-central part deals with the
(un)optimality of the interest policy in the analyzed period; and the fifth part gives certain
directions for the creation of the future interest policy in the Republic of Macedonia in
order to achieve bigger efficiency and rationality.
The author is Director of the Research Department in the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia.
Interest rate is the price for using the credit (financial) assets in certain period and it
is formed on the financial market. Generally speaking, the benefits from the financial
resources are higher in the present moment in relation to the future, and there is a need a
certain price to be paid for their usage in the appropriate period. Namely, the agents with
surplus (the depositors) give their own financial resources to the agents with deficit (the
debtors), with agreement for certain compensation (interest) in the period of utilization of
the resources (repayment deadline). Accordingly, the role of the interest can be viewed
from two aspects: a) for the depositor, it is award for postponing the present consumption
in favor of the future consumption. Hence, the savings are defined as part of the current
income that is sacrificed for a certain price (interest) in order to realize increase of the
property in the future period, and b) for the investor the interest is the part of the expected
profit that he must pay to the depositor as a compensation for using his accumulation.
The interest rate acts as a specific price of a specific good on the financial market
and as such it is included in the total system of valuation in the national economy. Because
of the fact that all the variables in a market economy are expressed in nominal and real
terms, there should be a distinction between a nominal and real interest rate. Nominal
interest rate is agreed between the creditor and the debtor and it is identical to the real
interest rate only in case if there aren’t changes in the general level of the prices. Real
interest rate is the nominal interest rate corrected by the changes in the inflation rate. In
practice, the real interest rate is the one with real influence on the investment demand,
while the nominal interest rate mainly affects the structure of the financial investments. In
accordance with this, the nominal interest rate has two functions: a) to provide protection
of the financial property real value; and b) to provide certain revenue in terms of real
interest rate. The first component is the premium of the anticipated loss of the property
value as a result of the expected price increment, and hence it is not the income component.
The second component is the real award for the depositor for postponing his current
consumption in favor to the future consumption, and that is income component. The
incorporation of these two components in formation of the nominal interest rate can be
expressed as follows:
r = real interest rate
i = expected inflation rate
According to this, the factors influencing the formation of the interest rate can be
divided in two groups: a) factors influencing the real interest rate (saving, investment), and
b) factors influencing the expected inflation rate (monetary policy, expected currency
devaluation, psychological factors, and so on). In the market economies, the key
determinants in formation of the real long-term interest rates are the fundamental economic
categories, and first of all the ratio of the saving and investment expressed through the
supply and demand of assets on the financial market, as well as the general rate of return of
the real investments (marginal capital productivity). The calculation of the nominal interest
rate, in accordance to the equation (1), does not include the risk parameter, i.e. it includes
“zero” risk. Of course, the actual formation of the interest rates also includes the influence
from the Central bank discount rate policy, as well as the type and the intensity of the
interest risk. The risk premium is not under the monetary policy control, but it is
determined by other factors: credit risk (which depends on the degree of financial
discipline, inefficiency of the court system in solving the disputes in the financial area, and
so on), political risk in the country, the foreign exchange risk (protection from
devaluation), and so on. Accordingly, the complete formula for calculation of the nominal
interest rate, including the risk component, would be:
Nominal interest rate = (1+r ) (1+i) (1+cr) (1+dr) (1+pr) (1+ir) (2)
r = real interest rate
i = expected inflation rate
cr= credit risk
dr = foreign exchange risk
pr =political risk
ir = interest risk, and so on..
The interest rate is an instrument for achieving equilibrium of the supply and
demand for savings in the national economy. Simultaneously, the interest rate has a central
part in the process of mobilizing the financial resources, the absorption of the formed
savings by the real investors, as well the optimal allocation of the resources. The supply of
financial resources is determined by the size of the national savings and by the imported
savings. The demand for financial resources is determined by the size of capital
investments and the real interest rate, as well as by the general level of economic activity in
the country. Hence, the interest elasticity (sensitivity to the changes in the interest rate) of
these two categories is different. Thus, the size of the savings, is first of all determined by
the level of the income in the national economy and the propensity to save, and to a lesser
degree by the level of the real interest rates. The ratio between the savings and the level of
the interest rates is in direct proportion (increasing curve of savings supply). On the other
hand, investments are the element of the total demand with highest interest elasticity,
where inverse correlation exists between the level of the real interest rate and the size of
investments (decreasing curve of savings demand).
The interest rate is at the same time revenue and expenditure component in the
balance of each banking institution. On one hand, the banks mobilize the free assets from
the economic agents with surplus of assets with existence of certain structure of the
interest rates, and for the banks this is a expenditure for formation of the financial
potential. On the other hand, banks allow credits from the available collected assets with
different structure of interest rates, usually higher on average than the interest rates used for
formation of their deposit potential. The realized difference between the lending and
borrowing interest rates (interest margin) is revenue for the bank that should provide
coverage of the financial transaction expenses, proper quality and standard of services, and
so on. The basic principles for formulation of the commercial banks’ interest policy are as
follows: a) to make the term and the currency structure of the assets and liabilities
compatible; b) maintaining a moderate and stable level of the interest margins; and c)
building in of appropriate instruments for limiting the interest risk.
The basic economic criteria for allocation of the banks’ resources is to finance those
investment projects which marginal profitability is higher than the real interest rate. In case
of low real interest rates there is low economic agents’ propensity to save, and high
propensity to invest. In this case, because of the low threshold of the capital marginal
efficiency, a great number of investment projects can obtain real profit higher than the level
ofd the credits’ real interest rate. This will result in a large number of economic agents who
will decide to invest, instead of to save. Preference for the current consumption (investing)
rather than to future consumption (savings) leads to disturbances in the equilibrium
relations of these two economic categories. In the countries with developed financial
market, the disproportion between the savings and the investments determines automatical
activation of the market mechanisms for coordination, where the interest rate has the key
role in the process of obtaining equilibrium between the supply and demand for savings.
Otherwise, in case of high real interest rates, the level of the marginal profitability that
should be realized by some project is increasing, that leads to greater selectivity in
choosing the investment project to be financed. This will result in decrease of the
investments, i.e. reduction of the investment demand and increase of the savings.
The interest rate influence on the economic movements is realized through three
a/ through the “substitution effect” - low interest rates lead to higher propensity to
invest, and lower propensity to save. While in case of high interest rates the economic
agents prefer the future consumption rather than the current consumption;
b/ through the so called “wealth effect” - low interest rates lead to increase in the
price of the economic agents’ financial wealth on the market. That’s why, they feel richer
and decide to spend more. Otherwise, high interest rates lead to decrease in the property
value, that result in postponing the consumption by the economic agents;
c/ through the payment and collection of the interest - low interest rates result in
lower interest for the economic agents that save, meaning lower possibility to spend. In the
opposite case, higher interest rates result in higher revenues, and hence higher possibility to
spend. Debtors pay high interests that result in reduction of their spending.
The size of domestic savings is the key factor that influence the dynamism of the
economic activity in the national economy. There is no official data in the Republic of
Macedonia for the amount of savings according to the System of National Accounts.
Anyway, according to certain indicators, it is estimated that the size of domestic savings in
the Republic of Macedonia is on a exceptionally low level and does not exceed 7.0%-8.0%
of the GDP. According to the international standards, that is exceptionally low level of
savings, compared to the levels in the transition countries (ex.: in China, Hungary, Russia,
Uzbekistan, Lithuania and Estonia the level of savings is 42.9% (!), 22.4%, 22.3%, 16.1%,
15.2% and 14.9%. of the GDP), and even more compared to the situation in the developed
countries ( Japan has a level of savings of 31.3% of the GDP, Austria-24.9%, Belgium-
21.0%, France-18.8%, Germany-20.4%, Brazil-16.9%, USA-15.2% of the GDP, and so
The supply of the financial resources, i.e. the financial potential of the commercial
banks in the Republic of Macedonia consists of the following categories: denar and foreign
exchange deposits, credits from non-financial institutions, resources collected through
issuing securities, banks’ capital, and borrowing from abroad.
According to the data from the 31.12.1997, the total financial potential of the banks
in the Republic of Macedonia is denar 37,502 million. Of that amount, denar 12,953
million (or 34.6%) are denar deposits, denar 6,060 (or 16.2%) are foreign exchange
deposits, denar 8,529 million are borrowings from abroad and denar 9,960 million (or
26.6%) is the banks’ capital.
Financial potential of the commercial banks
(in million denars)
absolute change in structure structure
31.12.96 31.12.97 change % 1996 1997
I. Denar potential 19797 22913 3116 15.7 67.6 61.1
1. Deposits 10235 12295 2060 20.1 34.9 32.8
1.1. Demand Deposits 4854 6280 1426 29.4 16.6 16.7
1.2. Sight Deposits 782 857 75 9.6 2.7 2.3
1.3. Time Deposits up to 3 months 1588 1731 143 9.0 5.4 4.6
1.4. Time Deposits over three months 730 908 178 24.4 2.5 2.4
1.5.Time deposits over one year 2158 2346 188 8.7 7.4 6.3
1.6. Restricted deposits 123 173 50 40.7 0.4 0.5
2. Credits from non-financial institut. 867 658 -209 -24.1 3.0 1.8
2.1. Short-term 467 284 -183 -39.2 1.6 0.8
2.2. Long-term 400 374 -26 -6.5 1.4 1.0
II. Foreign Exchange potential 9505 14589 5084 53.5 32.4 38.9
2.2. Borrowings from abroad 5659 8529 2870 50.7 19.3 22.7
2.2.1 Short-term 4527 6823 2296 50.7 15.4 18.2
2.2.2. Long-term 1132 1706 574 50.7 3.9 4.5
The situation is even worse if only the long-term financial potential of the banks is
analyzed, which actually is the only one that has the attribute of financial saving. Namely,
the growth of the long-term financial potential (denar and foreign exchange deposits over
one year, long-term credits of non-financial institutions and long-term foreign borrowings)
in 1997 was denar 827 million, or only 0.5% of the realized GDP. This means that the
savings rate with the banking system in the Republic of Macedonia is at an extremely low
level, which prevents the opening of a new investment cycle and accomplishing a more
dynamic economic growth on that basis.
From a structural point of view, during 1997, movements of the financial potential
of the commercial banks were unfavorable. Namely, there was a decreased participation of
the most important saving categories (denar and foreign exchange deposits over one year,
long-term credits of non-financial institutions and long-term foreign borrowings) by 0.7
percentage points (from 13.1% at the end of 1996, to 12.4% at the end of 1997).
Simultaneously, there was a decreased participation of capital, which is also a long-term
resource of funds, by 2.4 percentage points (from 29.7 in 1996, to 26.6% in 1997). On the
other hand, participation of short-term denar and foreign exchange deposits increased,
which at the end of 1997 participated in the total financial potential of the banks with
61.0%, which is 3.7 percentage points more compared with the end of 1996.
Structure of the financial potential of commercial banks
Sight deposits
Demand deposits Short-term time
Long-term time
Credits from
nonfinacial inst.
Foreign exchange
Denar potential of banks consists of: demand deposits, sight deposits, short-term
and long-term denar time deposits, credits from non-banking entities and banks capital. In
total denar deposits at the end of 1997, the short-term deposit categories participated with
79.0%, which is 2 percentage points more compared with the situation from the end of
1996. Adequately, the participation of long-term denar categories in the total foreign
exchange potential of the banks in the Republic of Macedonia decreased from 23.0% to
21.0%. This suggests that during 1997, short-term denar deposits had a larger growth in
comparison with the long-term deposits, which deteriorated the already unfavorable
condition of saving with the banking system in the Republic of Macedonia.
The most important deposit category from the aspect of domestic saving are time
deposits over one year. The amount of these financial assets clearly reflects the confidence
of the economic entities in the national currency, as well as the total credibility of the
economic and monetary policy. In the period 31.12.1996 - 31.12.1997 long-term denar time
deposits grew by denar 162 million1, or 6.3% (on nominal basis), i.e. by denar 45 million,
or 1.8 (on real basis), which is slower growth in comparison with other denar deposits.
In 1997, the highest growth within denar categories, was realized by demand
deposits, denar time deposits over three months (up to one year) and restricted deposits.
Thus, in 1997 the demand deposits which participate in the total denar deposits 2 with
48.5% (43.7% at the end of 1996) accomplished a growth rate of denar 1,426 million, or
29.4% (on nominal basis), i.e. denar 1,156 million, or 23.8% (on real basis). The
realization of most dynamic growth with this category, which has the role of a transaction
rather than saving instrument, is unfavorable from the aspect of the quality of the financial
supply in the national economy. Sight deposits have the same quality and significance in
respect of saving. In the period December 1996 - December 1997 they nominally increased
by denar 75 million, or 9.6%, whereas the real growth of the denar sight deposits in the
same period was only denar 38 million, or 4.9%.
The funds that the banks accept in the form of short-term time deposits are of a
higher quality from the aspect of saving, although these funds are not categorized as “pure”
saving. In the period 31.12.1996 - 31.12.1997, denar time deposits up to three months
realized a nominal growth rate of denar 143 million (9.0%), whereas the denar time
Including the so called long-term credits (deposits) of non-financial institutions.
Including the credits of non-financial institutions
deposits over three months up to one year in the same period increased by denar 178
million (24.4%). In the observed period, both deposit categories realized a real growth:
denar time deposits up to three months by denar 68 million, or 4.3%, whereas denar time
deposits over three months up to one year by denar 139 million, or 19.0%. The intensive
growth of this deposit category is, on one hand, a result of the attractive interest rates which
ensure a lot higher interest income in relation to the sight deposits and the time deposits up
to three months, and on the other, result of the fact that this category still enables the
depositors to have a sufficiently high level of liquidity of their funds. At the same time, the
high oscillations of the amount of short-term time deposits and frequent changes in the
structure (from one into another group of short-term time deposits), point to the domination
of speculative motifs of the holders of these financial instruments, over the saving motive.
Capital is a financial category which bears the total risk of the banks' operations. In
the period 31.12.1996 - 31.12.1997, the total capital of banks in the Republic of Macedonia
nominally increased by denar 1,265 million, or 14.5%. Real growth of the commercial
banks' capital in 1997 is denar 836 million, i.e. 9.6%. However, it should be emphasized
that in 1997, the capital growth of the banks in the Republic of Macedonia is not a result of
their intention to strengthen their own capital basis, but it is due to the legal regulations
which "put pressure" on the commercial banks in respect of increasing the capital, in order
to achieve the legally prescribed census for operation with abroad. Nevertheless, having in
mind the fact that achieving the obligatory capital census is connected with the denar
counter value of the German mark according to the current foreign exchange rate, and that
in 1997 the denar value in respect to the mark decreased by 16.1%, which goes beyond the
nominal and real growth rate of the capital in the same period, it appears that, from the
aspect of legal censuses, the capital of the banks in the Republic of Macedonia in 1997
actually decreased.
4000 31.12.96
3000 31.12.97
Demand Sight Time Time Time Restricted
depo sits depo sits depo sits depo sits depo sits depo sits
up to 3 o ver 3 o ver 12
mo nths mo nths mo nths
The foreign exchange financial potential of the banks in the Republic of Macedonia
consists of short-term and long-term deposit funds and external borrowings. Out of the
total foreign exchange deposit potential as of 31.12.1997, 86.8% are short-term foreign
exchange deposits and short-term external borrowings, which is on the same level as of the
end of 1996. Long-term sources of foreign exchange funds cover 13.2% of the total foreign
exchange potential, with the dominance of the external borrowings (89.3% of the long-term
foreign exchange potential in 1996 and 1997). Long-term foreign exchange time deposits,
which together with the long-term denar time deposits represent the categories of highest
quality from the aspect of saving, at the end of 1997 amounted only to denar 226 million.
That confirms the conclusion that a minimum amount of savings deposits is concentrated
in Macedonian banks, i.e. the saving is at a marginal level.
From a structural point of view, in 1997, all categories of foreign exchange deposits
(except for the restricted deposits) accomplished a positive growth, with highest dynamics
in sight deposits. Preferring the most liquid deposit category is a result of the disturbed
confidence of the economic entities in the stability of the national currency after the
devaluation of the denar, which reactivated the suppressed inflationary expectations. In
such circumstances, the protection of property is largely oriented towards its conversion
into foreign convertible currencies, such as German Mark and US Dollar. On the other
hand, economic subjects could not decide upon "tying" the foreign exchange funds with the
banking system for a longer period of time, i.e. they preferred the highest possible level of
foreign exchange deposits liquidity.
Thus, in the period December 1996 - December 1997, foreign exchange sight
deposits accomplished a nominal growth of denar 2,175, or 84.5%, i.e. real growth of denar
denar 1,363 million, or 53.0%. Simultaneously, foreign exchange time deposits over one
year accomplished a nominal growth of denar 83 million, or 58.5%, i.e. real growth of
denar 45 million, i.e. 31.4%. Regardless of the intensive relative growth, the increase of the
short-term foreign exchange time deposits did not give any contribution to a more
significant strengthening of the deposit potential of banks, due to their low absolute
amount. It is the same situation with the long-term foreign exchange time deposits, which
in 1997 grew by denar 91 million, or 67.4% (on nominal basis) i.e. by denar 52 million, or
38.8% (on real basis). In 1997, external borrowings accomplished a high growth rate. They
increased by denar 2,870 million, or 50.7% (on nominal basis), i.e. denar 1,412 million, or
24.9% (on real basis). The only foreign exchange category which decreased in 1997, were
the restricted deposits (earmarked deposits for letters of credit, guarantees etc.), which
faced a nominal decrease of denar 135 million, or 13.6%, i.e. real decrease of denar 282
million, or 28.3%.
Domestic saving is a key determining factor for the economic activity. In the
Republic of Macedonia there is no official data for the national saving according to the
SNA system. Still there are some indicators that the saving rate is very low, assessed not to
exceed 7%-8% of GDP. According to the international standards this is very low saving
rate, either compared to the transition countries, or to developed countries. Situation is
even more serious if one takes into account that out of total saving, only a minor part
“passes” trough a financial system, i.e. is held in a form of financial instruments in banks.
Main part of the total saving is in a form of cash, either in denars or in foreign currency,
implying that it is held in least productive form both from an individual and from a
economic point of view. Thus, Macedonian banking system practically disposes with
negligible amount of long-term funds, that is not enough for supporting credit and
investment activity of the economy. In situation where there are no alternative ways of
investment financing (mobilizing resources trough the capital market, or by foreign direct
investments), this determines low rate of growth of Macedonian economy.
The low level of domestic saving, present in all period of transition, is first of all a
consequence of the low income level, that inhibits the capacity for saving. Simultaneously,
despite all the efforts for banking system rehabilitation, the inherited problem of “frozen
foreign currency saving”3 still has a negative impact on the confidence in the banking
system. Besides these two factors, the recovery of inflationary expectations after the July
1997 devaluation of the denar was a third factor that had an adverse influence on the
household propensity to save.
Empirical experience shows that the basic condition for increasing saving rate is the
increase of net disposable income of economic agents, implying more dynamic growth of
the economy. This implies more intensive structural reforms, foreign capital inflow in a
form of direct investments, increase of productivity, etc. Obviously, this process has a
long-term character, meaning that improvement in household’s standard and creation of
necessary preconditions for saving can be expected after the finalization of the transition
process, i.e. on medium and long-run. The second factor that has an adverse effect on the
saving in the Republic of Macedonia - lack of confidence in the banking system and in the
stability of the currency - is inherited from the past (the unresolved problem of the frozen
foreign currency deposits) which became more severe with the biggest saving house (TAT)
bankruptcy and July 1997 devaluation of Denar. The recovery of the confidence in the
banking system is by no means as long process as is the process of generating this problem.
Among other factors, it includes efforts for improving the soundness of a banking system,
permanent orientation towards price stability, proper functioning of the deposit insurance
fund, application of supervisory standards, elimination of all problematic banks and saving
houses, etc.
At the moment of dissolution from Former Yugoslavia, all foreign assets remained in the National bank of
SFR Yugoslavia, as a Central bank of former country SFRY. Liabilities of banks to household for foreign
exchange deposits remained in Macedonian banks, and were undertaken as a debt by Macedonian
Government. Trough a comprehensive Government program, in the past six years the amount of public debt
for these liabilities has been almost halved, from USD 1.2 billion to less than USD 0.7 billion.
So, the recovery of the domestic saving as one of most important factors for
achieving more dynamic growth can be expected only on medium or long term. On short
term, the structural imbalance between domestic saving and investment will continue,
determining high trade deficit and high real interest rates.
The demand for funds is the second fundamental factor affecting commercial banks
interest rate policy. In the whole period after monetary independence, including 1997,
credit demand is constantly kept at the high level. It is determined by two factors:
a/ the demand for funds for new investments. Total amount of new investments
started in 1997 is Denar 1,985 million, meaning that they are 7 times lower than current
enterprise losses in the 1997. So, investments in fixed assets represent only 24.2% of new
financial potential of commercial banks in 1997, or 36.0% (excluding the rise of demand
deposits and capital); and it was not the leading factor determining the high demand for
funds, and consequently, high lending rates in the analyzed period.
The prevalence of public sector investments has a double negative effect: first, it
leads to “crowding out” of the private sector from shallow credit market; and second, in a
situation where supply of funds is scarce, it leads to formation of high interest rates. Thus,
creating a framework for more intensive development of the private sector (including
lowering of lending rates) requires public sector investments in the Republic of Macedonia
to be reduced on optimal level, according to the current potential of the Macedonian
b/ the demand for funds for covering enterprise losses. Current enterprise losses in
the first half of 1997 amounted Denar 9.7 billion, which on annual level will represent
around 12% of GDP. So, total increase of banks’ potential in 1997 covers only 42.3% of
enterprise losses, or 28.4% (if demand deposit and capital are excluded). On the basis of
this, it is obvious that new investments are not the key factor determining the high demand
for banks funds. On the contrary, extremely high demand for funds for covering enterprise
losses completely exhausted banks saving potential, contributing to formation of high
interest rates.
Besides the demand and the supply of funds as key fundamental factors, banks
interest rate policy is affected by other factors:
According to the "National Strategy for Development of the Republic of Macedonia", public investments
should not exceed 25% of total investments.
1/ Poor quality of banks placements and lack of financial discipline. Out of total
denar placements at the end of 1997 (Denar 44.5 billion), Denar 5.9 billion are due but
unpaid claims on the basis of principal, and Denar 24.8 billion are due but unpaid claims
on the basis of interest, resulting in total share of due but unpaid claims in Denar
placements of 69%. This is unsustainable level of due but unpaid claims, that it is in direct
causal link with the interest rates.
Having in mind the relatively low level of investment demand, it is obvious that
new credits were mainly approved for repayment of old credits and for working assets, i.e.
unproductively from the point of view of generation of inflows that will ensure timely
payment of the obligations. Simultaneously, having regular obligations to the depositors,
banks were trying to “transfer” the interest rate burden on sound clients, creating thus a
strong problem of moral hazard. This policy has put many enterprises in liquidity and
solvency problems. In general, the unreasonable interest rate policy had a
counterproductive impact on the efforts of enterprises for restructuring as a key component
in the reforms process.
3/ High operational costs of Macedonian banks. This refers first of all to tax
liabilities - banks (depositors) are obliged to pay personal income tax on interest income on
time deposits (tax rate is 23%), as well as tax on net interest income (13%). In addition,
they have to pay high premiums to the Deposit Insurance Fund. A compulsory reserve
obligation (paid in average rate of 5.8%) remunerated with low rate of 3.4% on annual
basis, also creates a significant cost in a form of lost interest. If we assume these funds to
be invested in non-risky instruments (such as Central Bank Bills), they would get an
interest of 8.4% on annual level. This means that the opportunity cost for banks in a form
of lost interest on compulsory reserves is relatively high, or around 5% of the deposited
In addition, two other cost factors are important: excess of employees (mainly in
old banks), and the opportunity cost of keeping high amount of non-interest bearing assets
by some banks.
4/ Monetary policy. It affects interest rates through its influence on the formation of
expected rate of inflation, rather than influencing real interest rate. In a situation when
monetary policy is oriented to maintenance of the exchange rate stability, the central bank
is unable to achieve its inflation and growth targets trough interest rate targeting. On the
contrary, the level of interest rates necessary for maintaining the stability of the exchange
rate, generates high interest rates in order to attract foreign capital necessary for deficit
financing. As besides high interest rates there is no such inflow of capital shown in banks
balance sheets, it seems that adjustment is done trough the high amount of errors and
omissions in the balance of payments.
Basic monetary policy instruments in the last few years are open market type
operations in a form of auctions of deposits (credits) and central bank bills. Interest rate
achieved on auction of credits is the most representative among the rates that are under
central bank influence. In accordance with the monetary strategy, the supply of funds on
the auction was determined by the need for maintaining the stability of the exchange rate,
while interest rate was a goal of secondary importance. Due to a high trade deficit, the
necessity of maintaining the exchange rate stability in the past two years led to formation of
high interest rates on credit auctions, approaching 14%-15% on annual level at the end of
1997. Unfortunately, because of a very thin financial market (M2/GDP ratio in 1997 was
14.1%), only few transactions determine the interest rate achieved on these auctions. Thus,
unfavorable balance of payment movements in the last two years, trough the monetary
mechanism, have adverse influence on the central bank interest rates, and indirectly on
commercial banks interest rates.
Extremely low level of domestic saving in the banking system versus high and rigid
demand for funds, high risk premiums due to the lack of financial discipline and inefficient
juridical system, and high operational costs, determined interest rates in the Republic of
Macedonia in the last two years to be formed on high nominal and real level.
Only in the first half of 1996 interest rates followed the inflation pattern, although
with slower pace of reduction. Thus, although in the first half of 1996 lending interest rates
were reduced from 25.6% to 20.9% on annual level, they were still high and did not
correspond to the achieved level of price and exchange rate stability. The falling trend of
interest rates was completely stopped in the second half of 1996, and in 1997 there was
only a negligible reduction of banks interest rates. With inflation rate maintained on low
and stable level (including the period after the devaluation of Denar), this created very high
real interest rates, that were much higher than the marginal capital productivity.
Thus, average nominal lending interest rate in the period 1996 - 1997 reached
21.9% on annual level (22.4% in 1996, and 21.4% in 1997). Adjusted for the increase of
prices in the same period, it gives an average real lending rate of 18.3% (21.6% in 1996,
and 15.2% in 1997).
The long-lasting maintenance of high lending rates has a negative impact in two
aspects: 1/ it leads to less than optimal utilization of credit limits, that is opposite to the
efforts for intensification of investment activity and economic recovery, and 2/ enterprises
that were willing to take credits in these circumstances, were forced to invest in more risky
projects in order to earn high profits necessary for covering the cost of credits. This
reversibly deteriorates the quality of banks placements. Banks were trying to compensate
for bad loans by “removing" the cost of these loans to sound clients, creating thus a vicious
circle: high interest rates - risk (bad) loans - high interest rates, etc. Simultaneously, due to
the lack of financial discipline, the debt chain was expanded in relations among enterprises,
resulting in general lack of liquidity and creation of “bottle necks" for the production
process. Thus, it can be concluded that interest rate policy of commercial banks in the
period 1996-1997 was very inefficient and counterproductive, with adverse impact on
general level of economic activity.
Nominal borrowing rates in the period 1996 - 1997 were also high, averaging
12.1% on annual basis. In 1996, average borrowing rate reached 12.6%, while in 1997 it
was reduced to 11.6%. In real terms, average borrowing rate of 8.6% was realized in the
analyzed period. Due to the lost confidence in the banking system, these high borrowing
rates did not significantly improved domestic saving, confirming once again the
empirically based conclusion that saving is primarily determined by the general level of
development (income), and not by the level of interest rates. From other side, such an
interest rate policy on the liability side determined lending rates to be formed on high
nominal level.
Besides keeping the nominal and real interest rates at a high level, in 1996 and 1997
the interest rate policy of the commercial banks in the Republic of Macedonia was also
characterized by the existing high interest margins. The average interest margin between
the interest rates for short term loans and time deposits over three months is 9.8 percentage
points. If the lending interest rates are compared with the weighted deposit interest rate that
incorporates all the denar deposits, the interest margin reaches 14 percentage points. In any
case, the interest margins are 5-7 times higher than the average margins in the developed
countries, and 5-8 times higher than those in the most advanced countries in transition. The
existence of high interest margins emerges from the high operation costs of the banks, the
concentration of high amount of overdue claims, insufficient competition in the financial
sector, etc.
Interest rate margins in countries in transition
(in percent)
50.0 Bulgaria
20.0 Croatia
Latvia Lithuania
10.0 Czech Republic Estonia
Poland Macedonia
Hungary Slovakia
More detailed analysis of the data provides a conclusion that the average rate of
collected interest by the banks was 14.7% p.a. in 1997, that is for 7.2 percentage points
lower than the nominal lending interest rate charged by the banks for credits. This confirms
the conclusion that there is a low level of financial discipline and low level of claim
collection by the banks. At the same time, the average deposit rate derived from the banks'
interest expenses in 1997 is 7.7% p.a. Consequently, the effective interest margin in the
banking system of the Republic of Macedonia is 7.0 percentage points, which is lower by
2.8 percentage points than the margin derived from the comparison of the nominal lending
and deposit interest rates.
Further analysis of the influence of individual factors on the interest rates and
interest margins shows that within the total effective lending interest rate (14.7%p.a.) the
premium for reserves for loan risks contributes with 3.1 percentage points, while taxation
of the interest income contributes with 0.5 percentage points. Hence, the effective lending
interest rate collected by the banks in 1997 (14.7%) is derived from the effective deposit
interest rate (7.7% p.a.) increased by 0.5 percentage points for taxes, by 3.1 percentage
points for reserves for loan risks, and by 3.4 percentage points as a real income for the
bank. This calculation revises the view for the high level of the interest margins, because
after the deduction of the premiums for taxation and reserves for risks, the effective net
interest margin reduces by 50%, i.e. from 7.0 percentage points to 3.4 percentage points.
Effective interest rates and effective interest rate margins
(in percent, on annual level)
Collected Collected Collected Paid
interest interest after interest after interest
tax tax and
In any case, in the last few years the interest rate policy in the Republic of
Macedonia is inefficient and counterproductive, especially for the "healthy" part of the
economy that pays high interest on time. Such an interest policy is also irrational from the
banks' point of view, as in the existing conditions they have a relatively little room for a
"maneuver" with the interest rates. Namely, the banks in the Republic of Macedonia
manage to collect high nominal interest rates from a very small number of enterprises that
pay their debts on time. Hence, the existing interest rate policy is adequate only for
undisciplined borrowers, that are borrowing with “in advance” intention not to service
regularly their liabilities.
* * *
The main reasons for formation and maintaining of extremely high nominal and
real interest rates of commercial banks and for existing of high interest margin in the period
1996-1997 are the following: a/ low level of domestic saving; b/ high demand for financial
resources which mostly arises from the big losses in the economy; c/ the existence of high
lack of financial discipline by economic subjects; d/ inefficient work of the courts in
resolving the financial disputes and payment of the mortgages; e/ high operative costs of
the banking institutions, due to over-employment, insufficient technical equipment of the
banks, poor variety of services, tax burden, low level of compulsory reserves remuneration,
payment of high premiums to the insurance fund etc.
The long - run solution of the unfavorable situation in the field of interest rate
policy necessarily means improvement of fundamental economic performances which
determinate interest rate policy, and it is, first of all, the relation between supply and
demand of resources, i.e. in the national identities the relation between saving and
investments. The increase of saving in the Republic of Macedonia means returning the
confidence of the population in the banking system (which includes also resolving of the
problem of old foreign exchange saving) and achieving much more dynamic economic
growth, for which a longer period of time is necessary.
However, in the short run, some measures can be undertaken which would have a
positive influence on interest rate policy, and in the same time they would not disturb the
main market principles, meaning banks independence in designing and implementing the
interest rate policy. These measures are:
1. To revise the existing tax policy which has a negative influence on saving, and
regarding this it is especially necessary:
a/ to reconsider the taxes on interest revenues - from the point of view of budget
revenues, from the tax equality principle point of view, from the point of view of incentives
for saving, etc.;
b/ to reexamine and avoid double taxation in the banking, such as the payment of
turnover tax on the banks net revenues from interest (the difference between active and
passive interest), which in the same time is the basis for making a profit which is also a
subject of tax;
2. The increase of the interest rate which the National Bank of the Republic of
Macedonia pays to the banks on the compulsory reserves, in order to decline the
opportunity cost. The actual level of this interest rate of 3.4% at annual level, should be
increased to around 6.3%;
liabilities. That means through the measures of prudential regulation to de-stimulate the
approval of credits to loss-making enterprises, used for coverage (socialization) of the
losses. In order not to disturb the market relation between banks and their clients, this
should be done not by prohibition of credit extending to some firms, but through entirely
removing of this kind of placements costs on the bank itself, by 100% allocation of
reservations for this kind of placements. It would decrease unsound credit demand, which
will make a room for market mechanism to press automatically toward declining of interest
rate level.
5. To improve the efficiency of the juridical system and instruments for protection
and insurance of the claims (collateral), so that the inclusion of high risk premium in the
active interest rates would be avoided. For this objective, the possibility for foundation of
a special court for financial disputes should be considered, that would record a detail
evidence for debit and credit relations in the banking system, and would be specialized
(regarding technique equipment and staff experience) for resolving the disputes from this
6. To revise the existing law regulation concerning the total amount of funds which
the Fund for Insurance of deposits should attain in the term of four years from the
foundation (15% of the saving deposits level), in direction of decreasing the amount on
level of 5%-7% of total saving deposits. In the same time, the premiums paid in the Fund
should also be revised, in direction of reducing the maximal premium to 2.0%-2.5% (at the
moment the premiums are in the range of 1% to 5%);
8. The practice of "prime rate" formation to be entirely promoted, i.e. the subjects
classified as first class debtors to be distinguished from the other debtors. For placements
to more risky categories (subjects), commercial banks would increase their active interest
rate for 2.0-3.0 percentage points on annual level;
9. Change of the operative procedures under the Law for foreign exchange
operations, in the part concerning the coverage of the foreign exchange saving with liquid
foreign assets (held in foreign banks), which is the basic reason for existence of the net
outflow of accumulation from the Republic of Macedonia;