Management Research Review: Article Information
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Management Research Review: Article Information
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The factors affecting
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e-commerce adoption by
Jordanian SMEs
726 Anas A. Al-Bakri and Marios I. Katsioloudes
Department of Management and Marketing,
Received 24 December 2013
Revised 23 March 2014
College of Business and Economics, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
2 August 2014
Accepted 3 August 2014
Purpose – This paper aims to explore internal and external organizational factors affecting electronic
commerce or e-commerce systems adoption by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Jordan.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors developed a model containing factors that might
support e-commerce adoption. The model was tested using confirmatory factor analysis and then used
to explore the relationships between factors. The authors used qualitative and quantitative approaches,
including interviews, to explore awareness and adoption of e-commerce systems by Jordanian SMEs.
SMEs in Jordan were identified from the Annual Handbook Index of 2012, compiled by the Jordanian
Chamber of Commerce, and 500 in the industrial and services sectors were randomly selected as the
study sample.
Findings – The effect of the adoption of e-commerce systems by SMEs is affected by both internal and
external organizational factors, particularly readiness, strategy, managers’ perceptions and external
pressure by trading partners. Readiness and external pressure are most important for achieving
maximum benefit from e-commerce adoption.
Research limitations/implications – The relative importance of factors affecting e-commerce
adoption may vary depending on local business conditions. SME managers in Jordan who wish to
benefit from e-commerce introduction must therefore invest in activities to improve SME readiness,
especially information technology infrastructure.
Originality/value – This study is the first to explore both internal and external organizational factors
important for e-commerce adoption by Jordanian SMEs. It tells SME managers which factors are likely
to affect e-commerce adoption.
Keywords Small- and medium-sized enterprises, Electronic commerce, Organizational factors
Paper type Research paper
Electronic commerce (EC) or e-commerce systems use the latest tools for automating and
streamlining the flow of transactions between companies and individuals, for example
letters, inquiries, payments and delivery notes. EC systems transfer information
between computer systems and enable users to integrate their functions, activities and
procedures with unprecedented accuracy and speed. EC systems can be divided into two
levels (Sahawneh, 2005). The simplest level covers the promotion and advertising of
products and services, and electronic distribution of goods. The advanced level includes
Management Research Review payment and distribution at local and global levels.
Vol. 38 No. 7, 2015
pp. 726-749
The Economist Intelligence Unit (2010) reported that Jordan was ranked 54th out of
© Emerald Group Publishing Limited
68 worldwide in its information technology (IT) and information systems (IS) readiness
DOI 10.1108/MRR-12-2013-0291 rankings. This indicates that Jordanian enterprises may meet many of the conditions
required to conduct EC systems initiatives, although improvement and research are Factors
needed to create an environment more conducive to EC. This research will contribute to affecting
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We aimed to explore the perceptions of SME managers in Jordan about the adoption of
EC systems, by asking:
(1) What is the current state of adoption and accomplishment of EC systems in
selected SMEs in Jordan?
(2) What are the factors that encourage or limit the adoption of EC systems in SMEs
in Jordan?
MRR EC systems in Jordan
38,7 Studies such as Sahawneh (2005) and Titi (2005) show that information and
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SMEs in Jordan
Several studies Kartiwi and MacGregor (2007) suggest that SMEs share strong owner
influence, central power, lack of specialist staff, small management team,
multifunctional management, unwillingness to take risks, low employee turnover, lack
of some necessary expertise and avoidance of sophisticated software or IT applications.
Literature review
Urwin (2000) suggested that the Internet and EC systems can help SMEs get the right
flow of information. Engsbo et al. (2001) developed a framework of EC system adoption
in SMEs that focuses on the relative power of the participants in a network and the
product involved in the exchange. The Internet is becoming more common in
communications and transactions between enterprises and TPs. Many transactions
now tend to be Web-based, including inventory queries, invoices, order placement and
market research (Sahawneh, 2002, 2005). According to Kim et al. (2006), the adoption of
EC systems is expected to result in a reduction in transaction costs. They are used by
enterprise managers to enhance productivity and to increase the enterprise’s
performance by creating a knowledge-based economy and improving educational
and national body to promote EC systems and encourages enterprises to engage in this e-commerce
area as well as providing technical support. However, there are many potential barriers
that could limit the adoption of EC systems in Jordan, such as privacy and security adoption
issues, skills and expertise, readiness of customers and suppliers, legal and regulatory
environment, infrastructure, business strategies, cost and awareness and knowledge 729
(Sahawneh, 2005; Titi, 2005).
The level of IS and IT sophistication and organizational readiness has often been
identified as a predictor of successful Internet electronic data interchange (I-EDI) system
adoption (Al-Bakri, 2007). Top management support, pressure from competitors,
knowledge and particularly chance factors are the primary reasons that most large
enterprises in Jordan use I-EDI systems (Venkatesh et al., 2003).
The adoption of electronic tools in business became a governmental target to make it
possible for SMEs to continue to achieve success (Al-Bakri et al., 2010). Most Jordanian
SMEs have little or no competitive pressure to use EC systems, as most suppliers,
customers and other competitors do not promote their use.
IT and IS
Figure 2.
Technology Impact Factors influencing
IT and IS adoption in
Source: Iacovou et al. (1995) SMEs
Development of study hypotheses
The literature suggested that the two main internal organizational factors influencing
adoption of EC systems were:
(1) The SME’s e-commerce strategy: This was measured by the enterprise’s ICT
infrastructure, use and trust of EC systems and size.
External Organisational
Extent of ECSystems
Study approaches
To gain a deeper understanding of EC system adoption in the Jordanian context, we
used both qualitative and quantitative approaches, including interviews, to explore the
awareness and adoption of EC systems in SMEs in Jordan. Interviews are the preferred
methodological tool in qualitative research, used chiefly to gain insights from the
respondents. During the interviews, participants were encouraged to describe their
perspectives and explain their perceptions about issues of interest. The recorded
information from ten interviews was coded and classified for qualitative analysis. The
findings were used to refine and further develop the constructs, to identify the factors
and questionnaire items that were most relevant to SMEs in Jordan. Hence, in this study,
quantitative methods were used to complement and validate the constructs developed
and redefined through qualitative methods.
Variables Factors
Enterprise No. of
(E) Size Sector Description employees
the questionnaire with pilot study respondents and about ten weeks for responses in the
stratified random sample. This questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data
about the factors affecting EC systems adoption. The questionnaires were addressed to
the SME owner/manager as the decision-maker. The respondents were asked to indicate
734 their perceptions of the factors on a five-point Likert scale. Survey questions were
developed using a deductive approach from the literature and subject matter experts.
The revised questions were combined into Guttman scales. The Guttman scale arranges
responses, so succeeding responses include all the previous responses in an item
(Guttman, 1994).
The questionnaire used 16 items to measure the SMEs’ EC strategy (Q1 to Q16) and
12 to measure the perceptions of SME managers (Q17 to Q28). Five items (Q29 to Q33)
were used to measure the readiness of local and global TPs, and nine (Q34 to Q42) the
external pressure from local and global TPs. In addition, five items were used to
measure frequency of e-transactions (Q43 to Q47) and six the extent of use of EC systems
with TPs (Q48 to Q53).
The questions in the first part were designed to test whether the effects of the EC
systems depended on enterprise size, types of activity (industry), EC system use
duration and enterprise sector. The enterprise size, enterprise activity and sector are
considered control variables of the SMEs’ strategic factor. In the second part of the
questionnaire, which measures the factors that influence EC system adoption in SMEs,
the five-point Likert scales were designed to measure the importance of the factors.
Definitions of the five scales used to represent factors that influence EC system adoption
are as follows:
• None: Means that factors and items do not affect the extent of EC system adoption
in your enterprise.
• ⬍25 per cent: Means that factors and items affect the extent of EC system
adoption in your enterprise, but less than 25 per cent of importance factor.
• 25-50 per cent: Means that factors and items affect the extent of EC system
adoption in your enterprise, but only 25-50 per cent of importance factor.
• 51-70 per cent: Means that factors and items affect the extent of EC system
adoption in your enterprise, but only 51-70 per cent of importance factor.
• ⬎70 per cent: Means that factors and items affect the extent of EC system
adoption in your enterprise, and more than 70 per cent of importance factor
No. of Registered market Services Industrial
Size/sector employees enterprises (JD million) Population Sample Population Sample Total
Table III.
The sample Small 1-4 120,188 333.8 94,909 250 40,676 150 400
proportions and Medium 5-9 55,377 394.9 2,550 50 4,230 50 100
population Total 175,565 728.7 97,459 300 44,906 200 500
demographics by
enterprise size Source: Developed for this study from (DOS, 2012a, 2012b, 2012c, 2012d; MIT, 2012)
(Source: Developed for this study, based on Dillman, 2000; Kline, 2005; and Moore, Factors
2004). affecting
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The above-mentioned factors show the definitions of five scales used to represent the e-commerce
importance of each factor. adoption
The third part of the questionnaire measures the extent of adoption. Definitions of the
five scales used to represent the extent of EC system adoption are as follows: 735
• None: Means that activities are not performed online in your enterprise.
• ⬍25 per cent: Means that activities are performed online in your enterprise, but
less than 25 per cent of total activities are conducted online.
• 25-50 per cent: Means that activities are performed online in your enterprise, but
only 25-50 per cent of total activities are conducted online.
• 51-70 per cent: Means that activities are performed online in your enterprise, but
only 51-70 per cent of total activities are conducted online.
• ⬎70 per cent: Means that activities are performed online in your enterprise, and
more than 70 per cent of total activities are conducted online. (Source: Developed
for this study, based on Dillman, 2000; Kline, 2005; and Moore, 2004).
The questions in this part of the questionnaire measured the percentage of activities
conducted online.
We followed Dillman’s (2000) guidelines for survey instrument development,
hypotheses testing and data analysis, except the first method of contact. Instead of
recruiting respondents by email, we delivered the survey manually and made
face-to-face contact. The method for factor scoring used is known as “formative
variables”. This method develops factor scores by adding each respondent’s answer for
a set of questions (Kline, 2005). It is in contrast with reflective factors, where survey
questions are assumed to correlate, and a reliability index is calculated (Moore, 2004;
Kline, 2005).
The data analysis estimated the reliability using the survey questions and factors
scores. Testing the SEM was therefore important to formally test for the existence of EC
systems in the SME, which was included in the study measurement model. CFA was
used to estimate construct validity because evidence for the theoretical relationships
between factors is suggested in the literature (Kline, 2005). Kline (2005) suggested that
factors that correlated less than 0.85 with other factors in CFA showed sufficient
divergence to suggest that the factors were distinct.
CFA was used to discover factors that had not been theoretically identified (Moore,
2004). Non-response bias is difficult to estimate because the only way to validate the
results of convenience designs would be to get non-responders to respond. However, in
our stratified random sample, we estimated non-response bias through the control
variables. For example, if a specific sector in the sample is under-represented because of
non-response, responses received were used to estimate the bias of the sample. The
correlation analysis was necessary because the Pearson’ correlation coefficient and
other agreement analyses are subject to respondent-scale bias (Moore, 2004).
SEM was conducted on the model to test the hypothesized relationships among
factors and between lower and higher factors. SEM involves the application of several
statistical techniques to examine the relationship between continuous or separate
MRR predictor factors and continuous or separate principle factors. The method combines the
38,7 analytical techniques of regression and CFA to remove all the error variance in the
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factors. SEM also estimates all the relationships in the model and provides several
indices of fit and non-fit using maximum likelihood and the chi-square statistic.
Convergent and divergent validity were examined by comparing a single-factor
model (SFM) to the structural model (second-order factor) using EQS software and the
736 maximum likelihood estimation method. The first step in CFA is to relate the factors to
the latent factors. This procedure assumes that a theoretical relationship exists.
For adoption of EC systems by SMEs in Jordan, based on selected questions in the
survey, enterprises may be divided into high, medium and low EC system adopters.
Correlation was examined to decide the discriminate validity of the survey, the extent to
which items differentiate among the measurement scales. A multi-item approach
(triangulation) was also used to measure factors. Each factor had a minimum of two and
up to seven questions in the questionnaire. The triangulation measure used interval
scales such as the five-point Likert scale to assess the reliability of the study.
Triangulation was also used to examine the influence of internal and external
organizational factors and the extent of EC system adoption. While the ordinal scale
determines factors influencing the EC system adoption, the nominal scale measures the
relationship between EC system adoption and the SMEs’ characteristics, such as type of
business and size, and strategies. Some survey questions used each of interval, ordinal
and nominal measurement scales.
Survey findings
The original purpose of factor analysis is to examine the associations among factors,
based on the correlations between them and see if there are underlying factors. As most
of our questionnaire items were adopted from prior research and were examined by the
instrument developer, we used factor analysis to examine whether our construct was
the same as the original set of factors. The results of factor analysis represented the
construct validity of the questionnaire.
There were ten factors in the questionnaire that required examination by factor
analysis, including internal organizational factors, external organizational factors and
the extent of EC system adoption. Each was combined with several items in the
questionnaire. Table IV presents the factor loadings for the ten factors affecting EC
system adoption.
All factor loadings were larger than 0.70 and therefore acceptable. This indicates that
analysis was based on a well-explained factor structure. The items measuring the
Factor loadings (%) of
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Factors and items were consistent with these studies. For the extent of EC system
adoption, 11 items were examined. Based on Thong and Yap (1995), the items were
designed to be categorized into two factors:
(1) frequency of e-transactions; and
(2) use of EC systems with TPs.
The results indicated that all factor loadings were larger than 0.70, making them
acceptable (Lgbaria et al., 1995). All factors and items were consistent with Thong and
Yap (1995). Table IV also shows the items and factor loadings for the rotated factors of
the extent of EC system adoption.
The next stage of the data analysis was estimating the reliability of
the respondents using the questionnaire items and the factors’ scores. The small
service enterprise respondents (n ⫽ 218) were labeled SS. The small industrial
enterprise respondents (n ⫽ 107) were labeled SI. The 15 medium service enterprise
respondents were labeled MS, and the 28 medium industrial enterprise respondents
were labeled MI.
Reliability was examined by using the Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The
Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated across all 75 questions in parts two and
three in the questionnaire for (SS and SI), (MS and MI), (small and medium services
enterprises [SMS] and small and medium industrial enterprises [SMI]) and (small
services and industrial enterprises [SSI] and medium services and industrial enterprises
[MSI]). The correlations between (SS and SI), (MS and MI), (SMS and SMI) and (SSI and
MSI) for each of the scored factors and items are presented in Table A1 (Appendix 1).
Table V summarizes the results across groups for all factors.
After deletion of the 17 suspect enterprises and 6 multivariate outliers, data from 345
SMEs were analyzed. Descriptive statistics for the 345 respondents in the final sample
are in Table A2 (Appendix 2).
E1 E2 E3 E4
0.480 0.342 0.668 0.164
External Pressure
SMEs’ Perceptions of Readiness by TPs
Strategic SMEs’ Managers
Internal External
Organisational Organisational
Factor 0.90 H1 H2 0.95 Factor
Extent of EC
0.88 0.82 Figure 4.
E-transactions System Practicing EC
E5 0.345 0.420 E6 CFA five-factor
measurement model
MRR Structural equation model
38,7 Our main reason for testing an SEM was to investigate whether some factors are more
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influential on the extent of EC system adoption than others. Figure 5 shows further
development of the theoretical model originally set out in Figure 3.
The relationships between EC system adoption and the internal and external
organizational factors were freely estimated with a parameter constraint for the
740 unstandardized relationships to be equal. Figure 5 reflects the standardized coefficients.
Constraining the relationships to be equal between the extent of EC system adoption and
the internal and external organizational factors tested the proposition that the first-order
factors contributed equally to the composition of the second-order factor (the extent of
EC system adoption). As the contribution of the internal and external organizational
factors was unknown, it was assumed to be equal. The fit indices and statistics for the
model are shown in Table VIII.
Chi-square 182.85
DF 344
Mardia’s normalized estimate 9.10
Free parameters 35
Fixed parameters 20
Table VI. CFI–ML 0.91
Fit indices and CFI–robust 0.890
statistics for five- SRMR 0.064
factor (CFA) RMSEA–ML 0.093
measurement model RMSEA–robust 0.090
1 0.601 0 0 0.533
2 0.692 0 0 0.515
3 0 0.803 0 0.320
4 0 0.821 0 0.299
5 0 0 0.702 0.685
6 0 0 0.681 0.785
7 0 0 0 0.511
8 0 0 0 0.664
9 0 0 0 0.425
10 0 0 0 0.567
11 0 0 0 0.784
12 0 0 0 0.440
13 0 0 0 0.513
Eigen values 1.27 1.63 1.38 –
Table VII.
CFA pattern matrix– Notes: First is SMEs’ strategic in practicing EC systems; second is SME managers’ perceptions; third
five-factor (CFA) is readiness; fourth is external pressure; fifth is e-transactions; and sixth is practicing EC; Structural
measurement model Equation Model (SEM)
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Internal External
Organisational Organisational
Factors Factors
0.90 0.95
. Figure 5.
Extent of EC Structural equation
System model (SEM) (first
Adoption and second-order
Chi-square 180.50
DF 344
Mardia’s normalized estimate 9.20
Free parameters 33
Fixed parameters 18
CFI–ML 0.920
CFI–robust 0.920
SRMR 0.069 Table VIII.
RMSEA–ML 0.087 Fit indices and
RMSEA–robust 0.084 statistics for SEM
The CFI of 0.920 and RMSEA of 0.087 imply that the model has an acceptable fit. The low
Mardia’s estimate and small differences between the maximum likelihood and robust
estimate indicate that the results were not affected by non-normal data. This implies that the
model is reliable and valid for partially explaining the relationships between factors. The
standardized structural coefficients are shown by the arrows in Figure 5.
The internal and external organizational factors were used as driving forces for the
adoption of EC systems. The standardized correlations for these factors with the EC
system adoption factor were 0.90 and 0.95, respectively. This implies that EC system
adoption explains 90 per cent of the variance in the external organizational factors
(0.952) and 81 per cent (0.902) in the internal organizational factors.
The evidence indicates that internal and external organizational factors did not
contribute equally to EC system adoption, with the external organizational factors
contributing 9 per cent more than the internal organizational factors (0.90 ⫺ 0.81 ⫽
0.09). The factors and measurement items representing external organizational factors
MRR were more important for EC system adoption in SMEs in Amman than the internal
38,7 organizational ones.
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The factors of the EC system (e-transactions and using EC with TPs) provided some
measure of the extent of EC systems in SMEs. This should improve the construct
validity of the measurement, as shown in Table VIII.
We recommend that SME managers in Jordan should identify and plan for those
changes in a business process that have the best chance of automation. Managers must
invest in activities that improve SME readiness, especially building IT infrastructure, if
they are to receive the full benefit of EC system adoption.
may have adopted e-commerce more widely than suggested here. A third limitation is that e-commerce
the findings may not be widely generalizable, as our focus was Jordan. Future studies should
use ours as a pilot and replicate it elsewhere. adoption
These limitations provide opportunities for replicating this research. Constructs for
measuring TPs’ relationships and internal business processes should be developed and 743
examined in an advanced model. This may provide a broader examination of the influence of
EC system adoption, which may increase its generality. The new factors may also account
for some of the remaining error variants, and so increase the model fit, without loss of power.
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MRR Appendix 1
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