12-22-17 Edition
12-22-17 Edition
12-22-17 Edition
House passes
a temporary
spending bill
Congress punts disputes on immigration,
health care and the budget to next year
By Andrew Taylor providing many
votes. President
WASHINGTON — The Donald Trump is
Republican-led Congress narrowly expected to sign
passed a temporary spending bill the measure.
Thursday to avert a government The stopgap
shutdown, doing the bare mini- legislation
mum in a sprint toward the holi- would keep the
As the only employee and founder of Blue Oak Brewing Company in San Carlos, Alex Porter spends most of his days and punting disputes on Donald Trump gfrom o v ern men t
immigration, health care and the
Sundays making a new batch of beer in a small warehouse space at 821 Cherry Lane. down at midnight Friday. It has
budget to next year.
traversed a tortured path, encoun-
0 off
0% ff
Offer good thru 12/23/2017.
for the
Sale! Cool
thru 12/24/17
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THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Friday • Dec. 22, 2017 5
Poll: Health care is the
issue that won’t go away
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS down,” said Rebekah Bustamante of San
Antonio, a retired medical imaging techni-
WASHINGTON — As President Donald cian. “Now in health care, you’re a num-
Trump completes his first year in office, ber.”
Americans are increasingly concerned Bustamante said she voted for Trump, but
about health care, and their faith that gov- “he’s learning on the job, and he’s got a
ernment can fix it has fallen. long way to go.”
A new poll by the Associated Press-NORC Trump initially promised his own plan
Center for Public Affairs Research finds that that would deliver “insurance for every-
48 percent named health care as a top prob- body” and “great” health care, “much less
lem for the government to focus on in the expensive and much better.” But the White
next year, up 17 points in the last two House never released a health care proposal
years. from the president.
The poll allows Americans to name up to GOP legislation to repeal and replace for-
five priorities and found a wide range of top mer President Barack Obama’s health care
concerns, including taxes, immigration and law failed in Congress, although the tax
REUTERS the environment. But aside from health bill scraps the Obama requirement that most
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell speaks at a news conference about the passage of care, no single issue was named by more people get health insurance. Bloodied on
the Tax Cuts and Jobs Acts. than 31 percent. both sides, Republicans and Democrats
And 7 in 10 of those who named health seem to have battled to an uneasy draw on
McConnell skeptical about care as a top problem said they had little to
no confidence that government can
improve matters. The public was less pes-
simistic in last year’s edition of the poll,
health care.
Meanwhile, conflicting policy signals
from Washington, including an abrupt
White House decision to cancel insurer sub-
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6 Friday • Dec. 22, 2017 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL
Pescadero after-school Local briefs for a refund is Feb. 18, 2018, but the dis-
trict attorney is urging eligible parties not
Trump” rally at Martin Luther King Jr.
Civic Center Park in Berkeley on March 4
employee remains in Area Air Quality Management District for to wait for the deadline. in which Trump supporters clashed with
custody for child molestation Friday, Dec. 22, through Christmas Eve. For filing instructions and other infor- counter-protesters.
Representatives from the district say that mation, visit the Federal Trade There were multiple instances of vio-
A 19-year-old Pescadero man remains in
dry, stagnant weather has created a high- Commission’s website at ftc.gov/enforce- lence between the two groups and Chapman
custody after a motion to reduce charges
pressure system over the Bay Area and is ment/cases-proceedings/refunds/western- was identified as one of the people causing
related to his alleged
forecasted to trap smoke near the ground union-settlement-faqs. violence, Berkeley police Officer Darrin
actions with two female
and wood smoke is expected to build up in Rafferty wrote in a probable cause state-
students was denied by a Right-wing Daly City
the region. ment.
judge Thursday, accord-
ing to the San Mateo Wood smoke is the major source of air activist remanded into A man later identified as Chapman who
was wearing a black baseball helmet, gog-
County District pollution in the Bay Area in the wintertime
and is especially harmful to children, the
custody after judge raises bail gles and a backpack with metal buckles
Attorney’s Office.
elderly and people with respiratory condi- Right-wing activist Kyle Chapman, who sprayed what appeared to be pepper spray
Having pleaded not
tions, the district said. faces a felony charge of possession of a into a crowd of protesters that Chapman’s
guilty to charges includ-
These alerts ban the burning of wood, leaded cane for allegedly brandishing a group had been arguing with, according to
Omar ing child molestation
manufactured logs or any other solid fuel. leaded stick at a rally in Berkeley in March, Rafferty.
and unlawful sexual
Maciasmorales intercourse Dec. 11, This means wood burning both indoors and was remanded into custody Thursday after a A short time later “Chapman was
outdoors is illegal during this multi-day judge said he violated an order not to pos- involved in multiple altercations with
Omar Maciasmorales was also awaiting
alert. sess any weapons. many people” and “was swinging what
word on whether a motion to reduce his
The only exception is for homes without Chapman, a 41-year-old Daly City man, appeared to be a wooden stick at many peo-
$300,000 bail would be granted Thursday,
permanently installed heating where wood- had been free on $135,000 bail since short- ple,” Rafferty wrote.
according to prosecutors.
stoves or fireplaces are the only source of ly after charges were filed against him in However, Rafferty wrote that it was
That motion was denied by Judge Jeffrey
heat. Open-hearth fireplaces are no longer August but Alameda County Superior Court unclear if Chapman hit anyone because the
Finigan, who also found sufficient evi-
an exemption. Air levels will range from Judge Yvonne Northridge increased it to camera didn’t stay focused on him during
dence to proceed with a Superior Court
moderate to unhealthy for sensitive groups $400,000 Dec. 21. the altercation.
arraignment Jan. 5, according to prosecu-
from today until Tuesday. Prosecutor Chris Cavagnaro said Rafferty said that after he reviewed videos
For more information on specific zones Chapman’s possession of a Kubotan self- of the clash at the rally, “it is clear that
Maciasmorales was taken into custody
of the Bay Area, explanations of the Air defense key chain is “a clear, willing and Chapman was in possession of a piece of
after a dispute between two female students
Quality Index and general air quality knowing violation” of another judge’s wood that had been fashioned and carried as
at Pescadero High School earlier this
knowledge please visit sparetheair.org. order that he not possess any weapons as a a weapon.”
month uncovered allegations he had a one-
condition of his bail and asked that his bail Defense lawyer John Noonan said at
to two-year sexual relationship with one
student and kissed another in the last year. DA urges scam victims to apply be increased to $500,000. Chapman’s hearing Thursday, which was
Chapman, who also goes by the name guarded by eight Alameda County sheriff’s
His alleged actions date back to Aug. 1, for refund with Western Union “Based Stick Man,” said in a video that he deputies, that Chapman carried the self-
2016, with a 16-year-old student a 12-year-
Western Union has agreed to refund more posted on his Facebook account earlier defense key chain because “he had to do
old student while he was a part-time after-
than a half-billion dollars to victims of Thursday that he had a Kubotan key chain, something to defend himself” after he was
school care employee at Pescadero Middle
scams who were fraudulently duped into which is about 5 inches long and is made of attacked several times.
and High School, according to prosecutors.
sending money using a variety of scams a hard high-impact plastic and lined with Northridge said, “It’s unfortunate his car
On Dec. 1, police were called to the high
over a 13-year period, according to the grooves, because he’s been attacked by was broken into” but said she was con-
school after a disagreement between the
Santa Clara County District Attorney’s antifa activists. cerned because Chapman has made threat-
two students unfolded. The 16-year-old told
Office. Chapman alleged that the prosecution’s ening comments on his Facebook page,
authorities she and Maciasmorales were in
A total of $586 million is available for request to increase his bail to $500,000 “is although she didn’t disclose the specific
a sexual relationship lasting between one
people who wired money using Western purely politically-motivated” because he words Chapman used. Northridge said pos-
and two years and the 12-year-old said he
Union to scam artists between Jan. 1, said that amount is usually only set for mur- sessing the key chain “is what he’s not
kissed her and touched her butt in the
2004, and Jan. 19, 2017. der suspects. supposed to be doing.”
school gym Nov. 29, according to prosecu-
There are a variety of different scams He said his previous bail of $135,000 Prosecutors say that Chapman has two
involved, including fake tax collectors, was “already astronomical” for what he prior convictions, one for grand theft in
Multi-day Spare the Air alert issued fake law enforcement officers, and fake described as “a billy club charge.” San Diego County in 2001 and one for rob-
grandchildren in jail who claimed to be in The Alameda County District Attorney’s bery in Texas in 1993. Chapman is sched-
The ninth, 10th and 11th Spare the Air need of bail money. Office filed the felony charge against uled to return to court on Jan. 3 for a pretri-
alerts of the season were issued by the Bay The deadline to apply to Western Union Chapman for his actions at the “March 4 al hearing.
Open enrollment ends Jan 31, 2018
Barrett Insurance is proud to celebrate our 30th Anniversary
8 Friday • Dec. 22, 2017 WORLD THE DAILY JOURNAL
ur hearts go out to victims of provide a fuller explanation of why the
the second quarter of 2018. for anyone you can, until you no longer
Monday’s horrifying Amtrak bridge at DuPont wasn’t realigned as part of can.” — John Wesley.
It’s beyond disappointing that PTC was-
derailment in DuPont and to their the upgrade to 79 mph service. They should Peace on Earth and good will toward
n’t working before service began on this
families. reassess the state’s entire rail system for mankind is one of the most common
segment. Multiple parties share blame on
Perhaps one way to pay tribute to them is this front. tricky segments that add risk and compli- refrains during the holiday season. The
by promptly addressing the factors in this Safety regulators have called for PTC cate efforts to increase speeds and frequen- phrase comes from Luke 2:14 — a biblical
accident that could improve the safety of systems for decades, but Congress and the cy of passenger trains, and then explain verse that reminds us that humanity should
rail travel. U.S. railroad industry have been slow to how they will be mitigated. always strive for a more peaceful existence
Although the NTSB investigation is just implement this lifesaving technology. Monday’s deadly accident also highlight- on Earth through selfless acts of love for
getting underway, some important ques- Congress finally mandated PTC in 2008, ed the city of Lakewood’s earlier warnings one another. One of our nation’s first and
tions must be answered by the public and after 25 people died in a California train about safety on this new route at rail cross- most renowned Christmas carols, “I Heard
private operators of passenger trains in ings and the city’s difficulty getting the the Bells on Christmas Day,” also reflects
accident that same year. PTC was required
Washington state and beyond. state and Sound Transit to address its con- the sentiments
by the end of 2015. But after the rail indus- in this verse.
Amtrak Cascades Train 501 was going 80 try struggled to finish the work on time, cerns.
mph into a 30 mph curve when it derailed This should give pause to cities in While many
Congress relented and extended the dead- know the
Monday morning, strongly suggesting line to December 2018. Greater Seattle being pressured by rail
Christmas carol,
operating errors. This makes it eerily simi- Yes, PTC systems are expensive and advocates to expedite permitting of trains few know the
lar to a 2015 Amtrak derailment in complicated, but the public pays a far through their communities. courageous story
Philadelphia that killed 8 and injured 200, greater price when proven, effective safety As the investigation and grieving con- behind its
when a train entered a curve at more than systems are delayed. tinues, policymakers need to show the pub- lyrics. The son-
twice the speed limit. Gov. Jay Inslee should demand that PTC lic that they’re doing everything possible net originates
Safety equipment that could have inter- systems be activated as soon as humanly to improve the safety of passenger rail from a poem
vened in both incidents — an automatic possible on all passenger trains in service. Further delays are simply unac- written by
braking system — was installed on Washington state. He has little authority ceptable. world-renowned
Cascades Train 501 but not yet operational. over BNSF and Amtrak but can apply pres- They must assure the public that safety is American poet
Sound Transit, which owns the track seg- sure and ensure that state and regional rail paramount both in the design and opera- Henry Jonathan Madison
ment and upgraded it with federal money operators expedite their contributions. tion of passenger-train service — includ- Longfellow in
passed through the state Department of Then there is a design question: Does it ing current Amtrak and Sound Transit 1863. Longfellow wrote the poem at a
Transportation, said the automatic braking make sense to launch fast rail service on a trains, light rail in the Puget Sound region time when tragedy plagued both his family
system, known as positive train control segment of track with an S-curve that and 200-mph passenger trains proposed and the nation. In April 1861, the
(PTC), was scheduled to be operational in requires trains to slow from 79 mph to 30 between Oregon and Canada. Confederate army ignited the first battle of
the Civil War. In that same month,
Longfellow’s wife burned to death in the
midst of a Civil War battle. Just days later,
Letters to the editor Longfellow’s son suffered severe battle
wounds that nearly claimed his life.
Longfellow attempts to express his inde-
scribable pain in the carol, saying, “In
California school funding know they have a chance for success to a civil rights movement. The expression despair I bowed my head.” Darkness, it
keep their mindset growing of their end- of outrage and intolerance directed toward seemed for Longfellow, would have no end.
Editor, less career and academic opportunities. this simple act of kneeling does not fit By 1863, there was still no indication of
Although California has the sixth Allowing students to fall behind stan- within our American tradition. the war coming to an end. Union General
largest economy in the world, it is utterly dards for consecutive years will only Today, we do not pay an American’s and later President Ulysses S. Grant would
surprising to hear that the state is not price of “eternal vigilance” for our liberty not successfully force Southern General
diminish the opportunities each individ-
taking a greater action to launch an aca- Robert E. Lee’s surrender to end the war
ual deserves. The lives of students and and freedom. We use our flag as a blanket until April 9, 1865. The lyrics in the
demic uprising. educators must no longer be ignored. In and wish to slumber, unaware, enjoying poem, however, tell of a different future.
With California school students having the coming years, I can only hope to wit- our Sunday’s entertainment without both- The lyrics describe a peaceful realm
a higher share of English learners and ness noticeable reform to strengthen the ering to inquire as to what compels these beyond the Civil War that claimed the
low-income families, the need to fund dis- opportunities students and teachers players to act. When it comes to matters lives of more than 350,000. Longfellow’s
tricts accordingly per pupil is something receive in our state. of critical importance to the continuation words envision a nation no longer bur-
that needs to be adapted soon. Hundreds of our American way of life, we turn away. dened with the plague of racism or a
of school districts in California are cur- A virtual civil war has raged in our demand for slavery. Longfellow makes
rently not meeting educational standards, Cody Mead several cries for peace on Earth and good-
courts during the last few decades over an
which can give signal to California resi- Redwood City will toward mankind.
agenda being pursued by a mere majority In spite of the bitterness and violence
dents to realize the lack of federal sup- on the U.S. Supreme Court which seeks to that claimed Longfellow’s family and his
port. The lives of students and educators strip the public of those fundamental
must no longer be ignored.
To kneel, or not to kneel? nation, he strived to see a world with a
rights and privileges which make us future of peace. He strived to see a nation
Along with the rise of population in the Editor, Americans. Justices in opposition have of people that did their best to uplift one
Bay Area need, the demand for new This question plagues professional attacked this reprehensible agenda as, another in spite of their vast differences,
schools, teachers, counselors, supplies football, yet it is not much of an “inexplicable,” “fantastic,” “unquestion- rather than soiling the Earth with the
and much more will soon create a growing American question. Despite what some ably wrong” and “evil.” Yet none of this blood of hatred and bone of prejudice. Two
concern in the community. State funding would have us believe, it appears the act years later, Longfellow was fortunate
penetrates our public consciousness. enough to witness the end of that historic
among educational programs must meet of kneeling was never intended as an Instead, we focus on kneeling at football
insult to our military or even as a hostile war. Eventually, he managed to find peace
the support every student needs to encour- games. This is a strange kind of patriot- once again.
age further growth within communities anti-war statement. Those players who are ism. Longfellow’s story reminds us that, if we
and the country. The problems that kneeling are demonstrating a civil rights cannot see a vision of peace and good will
California faces amongst its own budget complaint. toward mankind in our future, we certainly
toward education is now being seen From the writing of the Declaration of Lewis Cantwell cannot achieve it. We must all strive to see
reflected in low math and reading scores. Independence, this nation has been at its Concord a world much more peaceful than the one in
Before heading into class, a student must very best when it has been engulfed with which we can physically see. With that
vision, we can implement the means of
good will toward others to accomplish it.
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most This holiday season, I would encourage
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for those you to think of those you know who may
who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. be suffering. It might be a family member,
By combining local news and sports coverage, analysis a friend or a homeless person seeking to
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: and insight with the latest business, lifestyle, state,
Michael Davis Charles Gould national and world news, we seek to provide our readers find shelter. I encourage each of you to
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Greg Miller Paul Moisio with the highest quality information resource in San seek out your fellow citizen to assist them
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Joe Rudino Joy Uganiza Mateo County. Our pages belong to you, our readers, and however possible. The more we can lift up
Todd Waibel we choose to reflect the diverse character of this others who are struggling, the closer we
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer INTERNS, CORRESPONDENTS, CONTRACTORS: dynamic and ever-changing community.
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Nicola Zeuzem, Production Manager
Charlie Chapman Jim Clifford We glean the same message from world-
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events Elizabeth Cortes Curtis Driscoll SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM renowned poet John Donne, who said that
Talia Fine Robert Hutchinson “no man is an island.” This symbolizes
Samantha Weigel, Senior Reporter Priscilla Jin Tom Jung Follow us on Twitter and Facebook:
REPORTERS: Connor Lin Laurel Lujan facebook.com/smdailyjournal the belief that the whole of humanity is
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Letters to the Editor be accepted. those of the individual writer and do not necessarily represent
Should be no longer than 250 words. • Please include a city of residence and phone number where the views of the Daily Journal staff.
We should recognize the concept of good
we can reach you. Correction Policy will toward mankind most during the holi-
Perspective Columns • Emailed documents are preferred: [email protected] The Daily Journal corrects its errors. If you question the day season. No matter how dark and deso-
Should be no longer than 600 words. • Letter writers are limited to two submissions a month. accuracy of any article in the Daily Journal, please contact late our world may appear, we should strive
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344-5200, ext. 107
we can achieve a lasting peace.
10 Friday • Dec. 22, 2017 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL
Business briefs
Facebook changing how it
identifies ‘fake news’ stories
NEW YORK — Facebook says it is chang-
music, the videos will get taken down.
Universal, a unit of French media conglom-
Economy grew at solid 3.2
ing how it identifies “fake news” stories on
its platform to a more effective system.
The social-media network had put “disput-
ed” labels on stories that fact-checkers
erate Vivendi SA, has rights to music from
artists including Jay-Z, Rihanna, Bruce
Springsteen and Justin Bieber.
The companies did not say when users
percent rate in third quarter
By Martin Crutsinger tive achievement of his first year in office.
found false. Instead, now it will bring up would be able to share music in videos on Economists believe the proposal will
“related articles” next to the false stories platforms owned by Facebook. They hinted boost growth temporarily in 2018 and pos-
that give context from fact-checkers on the that more music features could be coming. sibly 2019. But then they forecast that the
WASHINGTON — The U. S. economy
stories’ problems. grew at a solid 3.2 percent annual rate from positive effects will fade, with slower
Facebook said Wednesday that in its tests, Tesla tax breaks topped July through September, slightly slower growth going forward due to higher interest
fewer hoax articles were shared when they $150M in Nevada in FY2017 than previously estimated but still enough rates stemming from the bigger govern-
had fact-checkers’ articles spooled up next CARSON CITY, Nev. — Tesla Motors Inc. to give the country the best back-to-back ment deficits.
to them than when they were labeled with enjoyed more than $150 million worth of quarterly growth rates in three years. But at the moment, economists are opti-
“disputed” flags. Nevada tax breaks last fiscal year as part of The figure was revised down from last mistic about growth prospects. The Federal
The new approach also may help speed up the deal that brought its giant battery facto- month’s estimate of 3. 3 percent, the Reserve’s Atlanta regional bank is forecast-
the fact-checking system, which sometimes ry to an industrial park east of Sparks. Commerce Department reported Thursday. ing GDP growth could hit 3.3 percent this
worked too slowly. An annual report produced by the The change reflected a bit less spending by quarter. If GDP does top 3 percent, it would
Governor’s Office of Economic consumers, which was offset somewhat by mark the first time that has occurred since
Facebook signs deal with Development shows most of the money was increased spending by state and local gov- three quarters in late 2004 and early 2005.
music label Universal Music in the form of tax abatements, nearly $115 ernments. Trump has predicted the tax cuts will be
million. Still, the 3.2 percent growth followed a “rocket fuel” for the economy and many
NEW YORK — Facebook and record label The Nevada Appeal reports Tesla also 3.1 percent gain in the second quarter, the economists are looking for a growth spurt
Universal Music Group have signed a multi- qualified for nearly $37 million in transfer- first consecutive quarters that growth has next year.
year deal that will let Facebook users share able tax credits, which were purchased by topped 3 percent since 2014. “The economy is rock solid for now and
videos that have the label’s music in them. Nevada resorts to offset part of their gam- President Donald Trump has pointed to with fiscal stimulus kicking in next month,
Right now, if Facebook’s regular users bling license fees. these gains as evidence his economic pro- the economy’s afterburners could put this
upload videos that contain Universal’s gram is producing results. Many econo- economy’s rocketing growth rate into even
mists believe GDP growth this quarter could higher orbit,” Chris Rupkey, chief finan-
hit 3 percent or better. cial analyst at MUFG Union Bank in New
Congress this week passed a major tax York, said in reaction to the new GDP
overhaul, giving Trump the biggest legisla- report.
country as children and in the country ille- year. Congress will return in January fac- “The vast majority of Republicans want
gally an opportunity to become citizens. ing enormous challenges on immigration, to see a DACA solution. They just want to
The wrap-up measure allows the federal budget, health care and nation- see a DACA solution that’s balanced,” said
Republicans controlling Washington to al security along with legislation to House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., refer-
Continued from page 1 savor their win on this week’s $1.5 tril- increase the government’s authority to ring to the program’s name, Deferred
lion tax package — even as they kick a borrow money. Action for Childhood Arrivals
Democrats who demanded but were denied a full lineup of leftover work into the new Each of those items is sure to test the Also left unfinished were bipartisan
vote on giving immigrants brought to the unity that Republicans are enjoying now. efforts to smash budget limits that are
“Now it gets down to some very difficult imposing a freeze on the Pentagon and
decisions on how we move forward in the domestic agencies, a long-term extension
first and second quarter of next year,” said of the popular Children’s Health Insurance
Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., a leader of a Program for 9 million low-income kids
powerful faction of hard-right and Senate legislation aimed at stabilizing
Republicans. “There is a lot to do next health insurance markets.
month. I’m not worried today. I’ll wait “At some point we’ve got to make the
until January to be worried, OK?” hard decisions, ” said Republican Sen.
Democrats had initially pressed for John Thune of South Dakota.
adding their priorities to the measure, but Instead, lawmakers struggled to achieve
once rebuffed on immigration they worked the must-do: a $2. 1 billion fix for an
to keep the bill mostly free of add-ons, expiring program that pays for veterans to
figuring that they’ll hold greater leverage seek care outside the Department of
next month. Veterans Affairs system; a temporary fix to
Among the items left behind was $81 ensure states facing shortfalls from the
billion worth of disaster aid, which passed Children’s Health Insurance Program
the House on a bipartisan 251-169 tally won’t have to purge children from the pro-
but stalled in the Senate. The measure gram; and a short-term extension for an
expiring overseas wiretapping program
Returning to Millbrae! would have brought this year’s tally for
aimed at tracking terrorists.
aid to hurricane victims in Texas, Florida,
Trump weighed in on Twitter on
Senior Showcase Puerto Rico and other parts of the
Caribbean, as well as fire-ravaged
California, to more than $130 billion. But
Thursday morning to offer a boost — and a
slap at Democrats.
Health Fair both Republicans and Democrats in the “House Democrats want a SHUTDOWN
Senate want changes, and it was among the for the holidays in order to distract from
items Democrats sought to hold onto for the very popular, just passed, Tax Cuts.
Saturday FREE ADMISSION leverage next year.
House Republicans, don’t let this happen.
Pass the C. R. TODAY and keep our
Senior Resources and Services “Democrats want to make sure that we Government OPEN!” Trump tweeted.
January 20 from all of San Mateo County
— over 25 exhibitors!
have equal bargaining, and we’re not
going to allow things like disaster relief
Among Republicans, opposition to the
temporary measure came mostly from the
9am to 1pm Goody Bags for first
go forward without discussing some of the
other issues we care about,” said powerful
party’s defense hawks, who had hoped to
enact record increases for the military this
Interim Community Center 200 attendees Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D- year and force the Senate to debate a full-
(Between City Hall and Library) Free Services include N.Y. year, $658 billion defense spending meas-
621 Magnolia Ave r3FGSFTINFOUT Immigration is among the most difficult ure. But that idea was a nonstarter with
r%PPS1SJ[FTBOE(JWFBXBZT issues confronting lawmakers in January, Senate Democrats, who will only agree to
MILLBRAE r#MPPE1SFTTVSF$IFDL thrust upon them in September after Trump Pentagon increases if domestic programs
rescinded a Barack Obama order giving get a comparable hike.
these so-called Dreamers protection The short-term spending bill does con-
against deportation, though he gave tain about $5 billion to upgrade missile
Congress a March deadline to come up defenses to respond to the threat from
with a legislative solution. North Korea and to repair two destroyers
Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula
“They embody the best in our nation: damaged in accidents this year in the
patriotism, hard work, perseverance, ” Pacific.
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of The legislation also has a provision to
California told the chamber’s Rules turn off automatic cuts to many “mandato-
Committee on Thursday. “We should not ry” spending programs, including
leave them to celebrate the holidays in Medicare, that would otherwise be trig-
fear.” gered by the tax cut bill. Democrats had
Sponsorships Available: Call 650-344-5200 Trump and Republicans are pushing for
additional border security and other immi-
sought to highlight the looming spend-
ing cuts in arguing against the tax meas-
www.sm-dj.com/101c gration steps in exchange. ure.
It should be a good
year for boys’ hoops
By Nathan Mollat the Open Division consolation
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF final. Sequoia has made it two
wins in a row over the Padres, hav-
Like the San Mateo County ing beaten them last Saturday, 57-
girls’ basketball season, the boys’ 52. Their only losses on the sea-
campaign should provide just as son came against Bellarmine (49-
much action as the start of league 36) and Oakland Tech (82-78).
play is about two weeks away. The other squad that appears
The Peninsula Athletic League’s ready to rebound in 2018 is Mills
South Division currently has (5-1), with a game against Urban-
seven of 10 teams holding win- SF tonight. The Vikings managed
ning records, led by an undefeated just a 4-8 mark in South Division DAILY JOURNAL FILE PHOTOS
Hillsdale (7-0) squad. The addition play a year ago. It’s no surprise Sequoia and Half
of sophomore point guard Junior Woodside (6-2) is proving last Moon Bay are off to strong starts.
Cotton and strong post play from year’s third-place finish was no Sequoia center Ziggy Lauese, right,
Zack Dwyer gives the Knights a fluke. The Wildcats might have is in his fourth season of varsity ball,
good outside-inside combination. been the surprise of the 2017 PAL while HMB point guard Sam
Menlo-Atherton (3-4) and season, finishing with a 7-5 Treanor, above, is in his third season.
Sequoia (6-2), which finished 1-2 record. Woodside still has four
last season, both should figure more non-league games before the last season, all finishing with 5-7
into race. The Bears have played a start of PAL play and will face a marks. The Bearcats may be the
solid non-league schedule and will big test against St. Francis in most likely team to take a step for-
be plenty battle tested to defend Mountain View at 3 this after- ward. They finished runner-up to
their South Division title. The noon. host Los Gatos in the Wildcat
Cherokees are picking up where San Mateo (6-2), Capuchino (4- Shootout and won the Balboa-SF
they left off last season, when 3), Carlmont (4-3), all finished a tournament title.
they went 25-6 and beat Serra in game under .500 in league play
See HOOPS, Page 18
14 Friday • Dec. 22, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL
M-A took control in the second quarter, outscoring SHP
16-7. McLanahan closed the first half by burying one of her If I choose
three 3-pointers. It was the guard’s ability to cut to the
hoop on the give-and-go that defined her night though, cremation,
scoring on the play three times throughout.
“With a lot of the players, we focus on not just having what are my
one thing that you do well,” Coleman said. “So, we want
Rick Riffel
options for
them to look to drive, we want them to look to shoot. If
they take away your shot, you’re driving. If they take away Managing Funeral Director
the drive, look to shoot. We’re constantly working in prac-
tice … on expanding their game. And our thing is to take Cremation offers many options for final
what the defense is giving you.”
SHP didn’t go away though. Trailing 43-29 at the start of disposition such as burial in a cemetery plot,
the fourth quarter, the Gators benefitted from three consecu- preservation in a columbarium niche, or
tive M-A turnovers to go on a 10-2 run. After SHP closed the
score to 45-39 with 2:30 remaining, though, the Bears got scattering at sea or in a place of meaning.
the ball into the post for Hoyem who bullied her way to the We are happy to explain all the choices
cylinder with an underhand post-up. that accompany cremation. We hope you
Off to a 3-4 start this season, the Bears are optimistic,
citing some powerhouse non-league opponents. M-A’s last will allow us to assist.
three losses have come to Heritage, Clovis West and St.
Francis. Those three teams have combined for two losses
this season.
“We want to get them good experience against good
teams,” Coleman said. “Because our ultimate goal is we
want to still be playing (during the playoffs) in March.”
And, of course, there’s the goal of scoring a four-peat in
©2012 MKJ Marketing
pleased to do more work in December of the best classes in the country can uncommon for an assistant coach to GP W L OT Pts GF GA
instead of January. put a coach in the good mood. change jobs and leave recently New Jersey 34 20 9 5 45 109 102
Washington 35 22 12 1 45 112 101
Washington’s Chris Petersen, Still, Meyer spotted potential recruited players behind. The job mar- Columbus 36 21 13 2 44 103 98
N.Y. Rangers 35 19 12 4 42 115 101
Maryland’s DJ Durkin, Purdue’s Jeff problems. ket is even more active over the next N.Y. Islanders35 18 13 4 40 125 125
Continued from page 13 Pittsburgh 36 18 15 3 39 104 114
Brohm and Oklahoma State’s Mike “What I’ve had happen to me is I’ve two months. Carolina 34 15 12 7 37 95 107
Gundy all joined Clemson coach talked to several players and my Penn State coach James Franklin Philadelphia 34 15 12 7 37 96 97
As the three-day early signing peri- Dabo Swinney in endorsing the new answer to them, because we’re WESTERN CONFERENCE
od opened for the first time on said he tells recruits that picking a Central Division
signing period. straightforward with them, is that I school based on an assistant is short- GP W L OT Pts GF GA
Wednesday, about 1,850 players “I don’t think you’ll see as much don’t know if I have a scholarship Nashville 34 21 9 4 46 113 95
signed national letters of intent, sighted. Winnipeg 36 20 10 6 46 119 100
change as before,” Brohm told right now because I don’t know who’s St. Louis 37 22 13 2 46 110 93
according to ESPN recruiting analyst “There’s going to be turnover with Dallas 36 19 14 3 41 106 103
reporters, referring to recruits flip- leaving for the NFL draft,” Meyer Minnesota 34 18 13 3 39 100 99
Tom Luginbill. That number repre- coaches,” Franklin said.
flopping commitments. “Now, said. “And a couple times, more than Chicago 34 17 12 5 39 102 90
sents approximately 66 percent of How that plays out over the next Colorado 34 16 15 3 35 106 111
everyone can be very selective to fill a couple, I got a comment back say-
the total number of players that sign needs in February.” ing, ‘Coach, this school is telling me month will be among the many Pacific Division
in the Bowl Subdivision in an aver- Indiana coach Tom Allen agreed: if I don’t sign on the 20th, I’m out. things Steinbrecher will be monitor- Los Angeles 36 22 10 4 48 109 83
age class. About 97 percent of the ing. What was no surprise to him was Vegas 33 22 9 2 46 116 100
“Now that it’s over, it’s great because They’re taking my scholarship offer.’ Sharks 33 18 11 4 40 93 84
players who signed Wednesday had now you have these guys already And that’s not what the intent of the that the early signing period immedi- Calgary 35 18 14 3 39 99 103
Anaheim 36 15 13 8 38 97 108
already verbally committed to those locked in and you don’t have spend rule was.” ately became the primary signing Vancouver 36 15 16 5 35 97 118
schools, according to Luginbill. period. Edmonton 35 16 17 2 34 104 112
the Christmas season focusing on Another issue almost certain to Arizona 36 7 24 5 19 80 125
The early returns seemed to be more these 23 guys. Now you can focus on arise with the early signing period is “Wherever we put the pin in and Thursday’s Games
positive than negative. Alabama’s the last few that you have available, assistant coaches changing jobs. said, ‘OK, this is the early signing Pittsburgh 3, Columbus 2, SO
New Jersey 4, N.Y. Rangers 3, SO
Nick Saban drew a lot of attention and you’ll know what’s out there, and Assistants are the first point of con- date,”’ he said, “that’s where the pre- Anaheim 5, N.Y. Islanders 4, OT
days before the signing date when he you’ll be able to focus on them.” tact for recruits and those relation- ponderance of signings would occur. Boston 2, Winnipeg 1, SO
Tampa Bay 4, Ottawa 3, SO
said that he had “not talked to one Even a skeptic like Ohio State’s ships often are a major factor in a It just would naturally do that. It con- Carolina 4, Nashville 1
Dallas 4, Chicago 0
coach who was happy with it.” But Urban Meyer seemed to warm up to recruit’s choice. Even after the firms what I think we thought would Edmonton 3, St. Louis 2
plenty of coaches said they were the new signing period. Signing one February signing date, it is not occur.” Los Angeles 2, Colorado 1, OT
San Jose 5, Vancouver 4, OT
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Continued from page 13
supposed to be the cream of the crop in the
county this season after going winning the
league title with a 13-1 mark last season..
The Knights currently have three players
— Joe Foley (19 ppg), Riley Woodson
Aragon (3-4) got off to an up-and-down (12.3) and Thomas Brown (11.7) — who
start last year, but managed to tie Woodside average in double figures scoring.
for third place with a 7-5 mark. Burlingame Menlo should get a stern test shortly after
(0-6) appears on its way to another tough Christmas as the Knights travel to Orange
season after posting just a 3-9 record in County for the OC Holiday Tournament.
Eastside College Prep is almost Central
The PAL North is off to a slow start, with
Coast Section-eligible already, having
only two teams — Half Moon Bay (5-2) and
amassed a 9-0 mark so far. King’s Academy
Jefferson (5-3) — enjoying a winning
(5-1) is always strong under former South
record thus far through non-league play. The
City coach Drew Petiti, Woodside Priory (4-
Cougars went through a coaching change in DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS FILE PAM MCKENNEY/MENLO SCHOOL ATHLETICS 2), Pinewood (6-3) and Harker (5-3) round
the offseason, with alum John Parsons tak- Serra’s Parker McDonald, shown beating St. Menlo School’s Joe Foley, who will be out the teams with winning records.
ing the reins. 6-9 senior center Ethan Ignatius with this buzzer beater, was named playing at Lehigh University, transferred to
Menzies has really stepped up his game this Sacred Heart Prep (2-5) and Crystal
All-WCAL second team as a sophomore last Menlo from Virginia last season and helped Springs (2-5) have been slow out of the gate
season, averaging 21 points and 12 season. lead the Knights to a CCS title.
rebounds through four games played. Senior this year.
point guard Sam Treanor is also off to a hot if its to finish in the upper half of the West offset by a couple of key injuries. Jack
start, averaging 18 points, 4 rebounds and 3 Catholic Athletic League standings. Wilson, a 7-1 Oregon State commit, is PSAL
assists. Bellarmine, Valley Christian and Sacred reportedly out for the season, as is Cade
Heart Cathedral are a combined 18-0 in non- Rees, a 6-6 junior forward. Alma Heights (7-2), after a 12-0 march
Jefferson has back-to-back strong sea- through the Private School Athletic
sons and appear on its way to another solid league play, while Riordan has lost only Serra does have nine returning players,
once so far. League favorite St. Francis is 4- however, including junior Parker League’s North Division a year ago, appear
year in 2018. The Grizzlies have finished to be the team to beat in 2018.
10-2 in North Division play the last two 2 and St. Ignatius is 4-3, while Mitty (1-6) McDonald, who had a breakout sophomore
has been slow getting in gear. year. The Eagles are one of only three teams
The Padres struggled through a 7-7 WCAL — Kehillah Jewish (5-1) and Summit
The only other North team to finish 2017
with a winning record, Westmoor (8-4), is campaign last season, playing without WBAL Shasta-Daly City being the others — that
coach Chuck Rapp, who was slow to recov- have a winning non-league record. The
off to slow start this season with a 2-5 Much like the PAL South, the majority of
er from hip surgery. Rapp’s back this sea- Nueva School-San Mateo (3-3) and Summit
mark. the teams in West Bay Athletic League
son and he should will the Padres to a couple Prep-Redwood City (2-2) are both at .500,
approach league play with strong non-
more wins in 2018. while Mid-Peninsula (3-5), Design Tech (2-
WCAL Those wins, though, will most likely be
league showings as six of the eight teams in
7) and San Francisco Christian (0-2) have
the division have winning records.
Serra (3-2) will have its work cut out for it some work to do.
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Jackman a great ‘Showman.’
But the movie? Not so much
By Jocelyn Noveck “The Greatest Showman” is a It’s exhausting, and messy. the 19th-century businessman
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS one hour-and-45 minute And that’s too bad, because and politician — but a show-
onslaught on the senses — all Jackman really IS one of the man above all — who founded
“Don’t fight it,” goes the peppy, fizzy ballads and fran- great showmen of our time. the Barnum & Bailey circus.
opening song of “The Greatest tic energy, earnest sentiments Give the man a stage and a He did a lot more than that; the
Showman,” sung by Hugh and impossibly good inten- song, and it’s near impossible movie’s publicity notes call
Jackman. “It’s coming for tions. It’s begging for love, not to love him. The movie? him “America’s original pop-
you, running at ya.” like a puppy serenading us Not so much. culture impresario.”
Well, that’s for damn sure. with pop songs. Jackman plays P.T. Barnum, See SHOWMAN, Page 20
supposed to care too much about. ken acrobat (Zendaya), and their mixed-
It does start off with a bang — that open- race romance — scandalous back in the day
ing number set at the circus, with Jackman — will produce the sweet yet also generic
in a top hat and long red coat, wielding a “Rewrite the Stars,” performed with the
Continued from page 19 cane and recalling the stylish emcee in help of aerial acrobatics.
“Pippin. ” Then we go into flashback, Then there’s a subplot with the Swedish
OK, but they weren’t singing 21st-centu- meeting the young Barnum as a poor boy, a soprano Jenny Lind — inspired by fact but
ry pop ballads back then, and one of the tailor’s son. He meets the angelic girl of veering into the fictional. Barnum goes to
movie’s biggest problems is its almost his dreams in a fancy mansion, and Europe to persuade Lind (Rebecca
desperate determination to contemporize resolves to marry her. “A million dreams is Ferguson) to tour America; the high-stakes
everything for a young audience. It’s not all it’s gonna take,” he sings. enterprise, he reasons, will finally get him
so much the casting of Zac Efron and The song continues as the youngsters embraced by high society.
Zendaya as young lovers; it’s that they and segue into adulthood: “A million dreams
the others are given upbeat pop songs and If there’s an eleven-o’clock number, it’s
for the world we’re gonna make.” Their got to be “This Is Me,” ably sung by
self-empowering anthems that would per- early years together are short on cash,
haps sound great (if generic) on their own, Broadway belter Keala Settle, a motiva-
long on, um, dreams. Wife Charity — tional anthem that seems meant to stop the
but simply feel jarring when sung by 19th- Michelle Williams, given little to do but
century characters in period dress. It’s all show but sounds too familiar to really stir
always genuine and touching — insists she the spirits. “I’m gonna send a flood, gonna
the more frustrating given that the songs doesn’t regret leaving her wealthy past.
come from talented duo Benj Pasek and drown them out,” the bearded lady sings,
Barnum loses his first job, and comes up and suddenly Barnum’s very wealthy. and alas, it’s an apt description of what
Justin Paul, who wrote the lyrics for “La La with the idea of a museum of oddities. The But he needs something more: this movie seems to be doing: Drowning
Land” and the terrific score for Broadway’s first version is a bust. Then one of his lit- Acceptance, among the snobby elites. He us in pizazz and feel-good emotion, but not
“Dear Evan Hansen.” tle daughters tells him: “You need some- convinces a young, patrician playwright, making us think, or learn. In the end, not
The film is a debut feature from director thing alive.” Philip (Efron) to join him in the business. much is happening under that circus tent.
Michael Gracey, known for his work on Light bulb! Barnum realizes his oddities They seal the deal in an energetic number “The Greatest Showman,” a 20th Century
commercials and music videos, and that’s need to be human: General Tom Thumb, the set in a barroom, “The Other Side,” which Fox release, is rated PG by the Motion
telling, because it often feels like a collec- Bearded Lady, the Siamese twins. “They’re reminds us of those “High School Musical” Picture Association of America “for the-
tion of slickly produced music videos, laughing anyway,” he tells one of them, days and how we’ve rather missed Efron matic elements including a brawl. ”
loosely tied together with a plot we’re not “so why not get paid?” The place is a hit, singing and dancing. Soon Philip will be Running time: 105 minutes. Two stars out
falling in love with a beautiful, soft-spo- of four.
more information call 726-3110. into the weekend with music, sci- year. The company, which had raised one-half mile from the city’s joint
ence, food and fun. For more infor- millions in venture capital from Caltrain and BART station, according
Free Standup Comedy. 9 p.m. to mation call 342-7755.
10:30 p.m. Winters Tavern, 1522 notable names such as Ryan Seacrest to the report.
Francisco Blvd., Pacifica. Ages 21 and SATURDAY, JAN. 6 and Ashton Kutcher, closed its 12 loca- The station itself is slated to be an
over. For more information call 355- ABC Mouse — Bring Learning Continued from page 1
6162. Home. 10:30 a.m. 840 W. Orange tions near airports and sold its tech- epicenter of residential and commer-
Ave., South San Francisco. Visit the nology to Mercedes-Benz Research & cial development as two builders have
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 27 library for a demonstration of ABC the project and considered it an Development North America to beef up offered constructing a combined more
Creative Cafe-Coloring for Adults. Mouse. Recommended for children
ages 2 and up. For more information improvement from the existing surface the luxury car brand’s innovation lab than 700 residential units, more than
South San Francisco Main Library,
840 W. Orange Ave., South San contact [email protected]. parking lot,” according to the report. for new services. 400,000 square feet of office space,
Francisco. For more information call
Excel for Teens. 1 p.m. 840 W. Orange
The site has largely laid vacant since Now its original site is slated to about 60,000 square feet of retail space
Ave., South San Francisco. Learn to it was last used by FlightCar in 2014, become 1,200 square feet of medical and a hotel.
San Mateo Professional Alliance create datasets, graphs and charts when the startup ran a service allowing
Networking Lunch. Noon. Mimi’s with Excel. Introductory lesson. For offices on the second floor for proper- Between the former FlightCar proj-
Cafe, 2208 Bridgepointe Parkway, San more information contact residents to rent their cars to those ty owners Tram Nguyen and Hoyman ect and the transit station is the Burger
Mateo. Meet new business connec- [email protected]. coming from San Francisco Hong, who currently operate a joint King at 400 El Camino Real, where the
tions. New speakers each week. For International Airport.
more information call 430-6500. Roaming Readers. Oyster Point practice. Two residential units would fast-food restaurant has been proposed
Marina, 95 Harbor Master Road, FlightCar’s time in Millbrae was accompany the offices on the floor as for redevelopment into a 63-unit con-
Creative Cafe — Coloring for South San Francisco. Meet with other tumultuous and city officials pulled the
Adults. 12:30 p.m. 840 W. Orange readers to discuss favorite books well. dominium and office building. The
Ave., South San Francisco. Supplies while walking local trails. For more company’s conditional-use permit The ground floor is poised to serve project is still in its pre-planning
provided. For more information con- information contact because of reported issues including
tact [email protected]. [email protected]. as a lobby and parking garage with 16 phase and has not been yet vetted by
three rentals being stolen. Other spaces offered by a mechanical lift officials.
VR Oculus Demonstration. 4 p.m. TUESDAY, JAN. 9 issues included unapproved electrical system. The remaining six units, Considering the size and scope of
Grand Avenue Library, 306 Walnut Hawaiian Music Jam. 9 a.m. to 10:30
a.m. San Mateo Senior Center 2645 generator use, fire hazards and not expected to be about 1,300 square-feet, the variety of surrounding proposed
Ave., South San Francisco. Must be 13
years or older to use the Oculus Rift. Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo. maintaining the landscape. Lawsuits would be spread across the top two projects, Cruz assessed city officials’
For more information contact ssf- Registration is required. Repeats on both sides followed the revocation.
[email protected]. every week on Tuesday until March 6, floors. welcoming attitude toward building.
2018. For more information call 522- Ultimately the company elected to The developer characterizes the site “The city is maximizing as much
Overcoming Hardship: A Father 7490. move to South San Francisco, where it
and Son Beat the Odds. 6:30 p.m. to
as a suitable space to construct transit- open space for development as they
7:30 p.m. Lifetree Cafe, 1095 Cloud Textile Tuesday: Sleep Mask. 1 p.m. operated until FlightCar shuttered last oriented development, as it sits only can,” he said.
Ave., Menlo Park. Life’s challenges will to 3 p.m. 840 W. Orange Ave., South
be explored. For more information San Francisco. Make friends, learn
call 854-5897. new shortcuts and share knowledge 8=BCAD2C8>=B)5X]SPb\P]hf^aSbPbh^dRP]Qh[X]ZX]V
with the group. For more information A
1 D ? 7 [TccTabd_S^f]bXSTc^bXSTP]SSXPV^]P[[hfaXcX]Vf^aSb
THURSDAY, DEC. 28 contact [email protected]. ^]PQ[P]ZbWTTc^U_P_TaH^d\Ph^][hdbTTPRW[TccTaQ^g
DIY New Year’s Eve Decorations. F > 8 B ^]RTfXcWX]PbX]V[Tf^aS?[PhfXcWPUaXT]SP]SR^\_PaT
Grand Avenue Library, 306 Walnut Kids Craft: Sophie’s World. 4 p.m. 6 > : 4 f^aSUX]SbRa^bbX]V^dcR^\\^]f^aSb
Ave., South San Francisco. Make 840 W. Orange Ave., South San
0 6 ;
clocks, sunglasses and more to cele- Francisco. Enjoy an afternoon of 1>66;4 H>DA1>66;4
crafting. For more information con- ?>8=CB20;4 A0C8=6
brate the new year. For more infor-
mation contact tact [email protected]. "[TccTab, _^X]c $ ,
[email protected].
Friends of the South San Francisco
#[TccTab,!_^X]cb $ , 4 g_Tac
Gentle Yoga. 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Public Library Quarterly Meeting. 1h3PeXS;7^hcP]S9TUU:]daTZ $[TccTab,"_^X]cb % , ? a^
150 San Mateo Road, Half Moon Bay. 6 p.m. South San Francisco Main %[TccTab,#_^X]cb " %,6P\Ta
Taught by local certified instructors. Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South &[TccTab,%_^X]cb ! ",A^^ZXT
San Francisco. For more information
1 =
Cost $7. For more information call !,
4 C
'[TccTab, _^X]cb
726-3110. email [email protected].
([TccTab, $_^X]cb ,
Winter Culinary Camps for Kids. 9 WEDNESDAY, JAN. 10
Lego Club: Aliens. 4 p.m. 840 W
a.m. to 4 p.m. Highlands Recreation
Center, 1851 Lexington Ave., San Orange Ave., South San Francisco.
0 F >
Explore space and create your own
Mateo. Kids will learn to put together FT_dcb_TRXP[QaPX]QdbcX]Vf^aSbX]c^cWTVaXS
holiday menus, make recipes and planet. For more information contact ^U[TccTab2P]h^dUX]ScWT\.
apply new techniques in cooking, [email protected].
baking, holiday table setting. $95.
Signups required. For more informa- THURSDAY, JAN. 11 F8C7±AA²X]cWTVaXS^U[TccTab
Snap Circuits. 4 p.m. 840 W. Orange
tion call (855) 485-2433.
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Registered Owner: Marco A. de Azevedo
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ENTIRE PENINSULA under the FBN on N/A. menced to transact business under the
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/s/ Annie Quimby/ menced to transact business under the
This statement was filed with the Asses- FBN on 1977.
sor-County Clerk on 11/28/17. (Publish- /s/Dennis R. Imfeld/
CAREGIVERS ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
12/1/17, 12/8/17, 12/15/17, 12/22/17).
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 11/28/17. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
2 years experience 12/22/17, 12/29/17, 1/5/17, 1/12/18).
The following person is doing business FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
as: Evolve Training Center, 170 South STATEMENT #275957
Immediate placement Spruce Ave. Unit D, SOUTH SAN FRAN- The following person is doing business
on all assignments. CISCO, CA 94080. Registered Owner: as: Jeff Straw Branding, 948 E Grant Pl,
JJ Performance Inc., CA. The business SAN MATEO, CA 94402. Registered
is conducted by a Corporation. The reg- Owner: Jeffrey Straw, same address.
203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices
Call istrants commenced to transact business
under the FBN on August 1, 2011.
The business is conducted by an Individ-
ual. The registrants commenced to
jection to the petition and shows good
cause why the court should not grant au-
the estate, you may file with the court a
Request for Special Notice (form DE-
(650)777-9000 /s/ Mark Tabuso/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
transact business under the FBN on N/A.
/s/Jeffrey D. Straw/
James R. Flynn
Case Number: 17PRO01282
A hearing on the petition will be held in
154) of the filing of an inventory and ap-
praisal of estate assets or of any petition
sor-County Clerk on 11/21/17. (Publish- This statement was filed with the Asses- To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con- this court as follows: JAN 22, 2018 at or account as provided in Probate Code
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, sor-County Clerk on 12/12/17. (Publish- tingent creditors, and persons who may 9:00 a.m., Superior Court of California, section 1250. A Request for Special No-
12/1/17, 12/8/17, 12/15/17, 12/22/17). otherwise be interested in the will or es- County of San Mateo, 400 County Cen- tice form is available from the court clerk.
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
12/22/17, 12/29/17, 1/5/17, 1/12/18). tate, or both, of James R. Flynn. A Peti- ter, Redwood City, CA 94063. Attorney for Petitioner:
tion for Probate has been filed by William If you object to the granting of the peti- Gregory J. Rubens
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Flynn in the Superior Court of California, tion, you should appear at the hearing Aaronson, Dickerson, Cohn & Lanzone
STATEMENT #275901 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME County of San Mateo. The Petition for and state your objections or file written 1001 Laurel Street, Suite A
The following person is doing business Probate requests that William Flynn be objections with the court before the hear- SAN CARLOS, CA 94070
as: Millbrae Kebabs and Gyros, 675 STATEMENT #275986 appointed as personal representative to ing. Your appearance may be in person (650) 453-3919
Broadway, MILLBRAE, CA 94030. Reg- The following person is doing business administer the estate of the decedent. or by your attorney. FILED: 12/14/2017
istered Owner: Millbrae Kebabs and Gy- as: CURRNT, 1534 Plaza ln #209, BUR- The petition requests the decedent’s will If you are a creditor or a contingent cred- (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour-
ros, Inc., CA. The business is conducted LINGAME, CA 94010. Registered Own- and codicils, if any, be admitted to pro- itor of the decedent, you must file your nal on 12/16/17, 12/22/17, 12/23/17 )
by a Corporation. The registrants com- er: Zachary John McDonnell, same ad- bate. The will and any codicils are availa- claim with the court and mail a copy to
menced to transact business under the dress. The business is conducted by an ble for examination in the file kept by the the personal representative appointed by
FBN on 12/06/17. Individual. The registrants commenced court. the court within the later of either (1) four
to transact business under the FBN on The petition requests authority to admin- months from the date of first issuance of
/s/Ercan Vural/ ister the estate under the Independent letters to a general personal representa-
This statement was filed with the Asses- N/A.
/s/Zachary John McDonnell/ Administration of Estates Act. (This au- tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the
sor-County Clerk on 12/6/17. (Published thority will allow the personal representa- California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 12/8/17, This statement was filed with the Asses- tive to take many actions without obtain- from the date of mailing or personal de-
12/15/17, 12/22/17, 12/29/17). sor-County Clerk on 12/13/17. (Publish- ing court approval. Before taking certain livery to you of a notice under sectioin
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, very important actions, however, the per- 9052 of the California Probate Code.Oth-
12/22/17, 12/29/17, 1/5/17, 1/12/18). sonal representative will be required to er California statutes and legal authority
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME give notice to interested persons unless may affect your rights as a creditor. You
STATEMENT #275598 they have waived notice or consented to may want to consult with an attorney
The following person is doing business FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME the proposed action.) The independent knowledgable in California law.
as: Thai Tamarind Restaurant, 1316 El STATEMENT #276043 administration authority will be granted You may examine the file kept by the
Camino Real, BELMONT, CA 94002. The following person is doing business unless an interested person files an ob- court. If you are a person interested in
Registered Owners: 1)Rungnapa S. as: CasaQuiros, 1030 Siskiyou Dr, MEN-
Skinner 2)Chalaoluk S. Santino 3) Siree- LO PARK, CA 94025. Registered Owner:
thorn Srisad, same address. The busi- Robert Lauro Quiros, same address.
ness is conducted by a General Partner- The business is conducted by an Individ- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Burlingame School District of San Mateo County, Califor-
ship. The registrants commenced to ual. The registrants commenced to
transact business under the FBN on Sep. nia, acting by and through the Governing Board, will receive sealed bids for the award of a con-
transact business under the FBN on July tract for:
27, 2017. 1, 2017.
/s/Rungnapa S. Skinner/ /s/Robert Lauro Quiros/
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- Bid #15-T101: BSD Structured Cabling, eRate Public Works, Project
sor-County Clerk on 11/8/2017. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 12/19/17. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
12/8/17, 12/15/17, 12/22/17, 12/29/17). Bids will be received at the District Office, 1825 Trousdale Dr., Burlingame, CA. 94010 no later
12/22/17, 12/29/17, 1/5/17, 1/12/18).
than 1:00 P.M. on February 15, 2018 at which time and place said bids will be opened.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Scope of Work: Upgrade existing copper and fiber cabling infrastructure, with a compatible, turn-
STATEMENT #275955 key, CAT6 copper and 10G (multimode) fiber cabling solution at 2 school sites. There are ap-
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business
as: Dark horse Framing, 1711 South El as: Cognis Educational Consulting, 32 proximately 600 CAT6 drops and approximately 5,000 feet of fiber runs, within the two sites. The
Camino Real, SAN MATEO, CA 94402. system will perform at a min of 1Gb for copper transport (LAN) and a minimum of 10Gb (multi-
Registered Owner: Julie Yvonne Long, Amaryllis Ct, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,
304 Hillside Dr., Woodside, CA 94062. CA 94080. Registered Owner: Elaine mode) for fiber transport on the campus backbone. The District’s existing structured copper ca-
The business is conducted by an Individ- Lao Tanlimco, same address. The busi- bling system is Leviton.
ual. The registrants commenced to ness is conducted by an Individual. The
transact business under the FBN on . registrants commenced to transact busi-
ness under the FBN on N/A. Each bid shall be accompanied by a Bid Form, Bid Bond, Designation of Subcontractors,
/s/Julie Y Long/ NonCollusion Affidavit, completed Statement of Experience, Certification of Workers’ Compensa-
This statement was filed with the Asses- /s/Elaine Lao-Tanlimco/
sor-County Clerk on 11/17/2017. (Pub- This statement was filed with the Asses- tion, Certification Page, DIR Requirements, Fingerprinting Notice and Agreement and Certifica-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal, sor-County Clerk on 12/11/17. (Publish- tion of Drug-Free Workplace as required by the Information For Bidders. The District reserves the
12/8/17, 12/15/17, 12/22/17, 12/29/17). ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, right to reject, as non-responsive, any bid submitted without these forms completed. Bid submis-
12/22/17, 12/29/17, 1/5/17, 1/12/18).
sion must be in a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the name of the bidder, the address,
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME “Bid Number” and a description of the bid. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to see that the
STATEMENT #275774 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME bid is received in proper time. Any bid received after the scheduled closing time for receipt of
The following person is doing business STATEMENT #276066 bids will be returned to the bidder unopened.
as: 1)Financial Solutions 2)FinancialSol- The following person is doing business
NEWSPAPER INTERNS utions.io, 1901 Garden Dr. Apt. 109, as: Atherton Park Forest, 1670 El Cami-
BURLINGAME, CA 94010. Registered no Real, MENLO PARK, CA 94025. Reg- A mandatory pre-bid job-walk / on, January 16, 2018, starting promptly at 9:00 A.M. Prospective
JOURNALISM Owner: John H Fullen, same address. istered Owner: Hacienda Garden Proper- bidders are to meet at Burlingame School District, District Office, 1825 Trousdale Dr., Burlin-
The Daily Journal is looking for in- The business is conducted by an Individ-
terns to do entry level reporting, re- ties, LLC, CA. The business is conduct- game, Ca. 94010. Be on time. There will be no late entries. It is your responsibility to plan ac-
ual. The registrants commenced to ed by a Limited Liability Company. The
search, updates of our ongoing fea-
transact business under the FBN on registrants commenced to transact busi-
cordingly. We are asking that all prospective bidders email, [email protected], to
tures and interviews. Photo interns al- confirm your attendance at the job walk and to send a list of attendees.
so welcome. 11/27/2017. ness under the FBN on 12/15/2017.
/s/John H Fullen/ /s/Nicholas Gera/
We expect a commitment of four to This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- If any person submitting a proposal is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the specifica-
eight hours a week for at least four sor-County Clerk on 11/29/2017. (Pub- sor-County Clerk on 12/20/17. (Publish-
months. The internship is unpaid, but lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal, tions or other contract documents, or finds discrepancies in, or omissions from contract docu-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ments, requests may be submitted by email to Curtis Smith for an interpretation or correction
intelligent, aggressive and talented in- 12/8/17, 12/15/17, 12/22/17, 12/29/17). 12/22/17, 12/29/17, 1/5/17, 1/12/18).
terns have progressed in time into thereof as follows:
paid correspondents and full-time re-
STATEMENT #275889 Curtis Smith
College students or recent graduates The following person is doing business STATEMENT #276065
are encouraged to apply. Newspaper as: Law Office of Maria Segarra, 1001 The following person is doing business
experience is preferred but not neces- as: DHW Insurance Brokers, 400 Sea- Director of Technology
Bayhill Drive, Second Floor, SAN BRU-
sarily required. NO, CA 94066. Registered Owner: Ma- port Court #105, REDWOOD CITY, CA
ria Segarra Gaudio, 278 Monroe Dr, #1, 94063. Registered Owner: Dorsey, Ha- Burlingame School District
Please send a cover letter describing Mountain View, CA 94040. The business zeltine, Morgan & Wynne, CA. The busi-
your interest in newspapers, a resume ness is conducted by a Corporation. The
and three recent clips. Before you ap- is conducted by an Individual. The regis- [email protected].
trants commenced to transact business registrants commenced to transact busi-
ply, you should familiarize yourself ness under the FBN on 1-1-17.
with our publication. Our Web site: under the FBN on 12/1/2017.
www.smdailyjournal.com. /s/Maria Segarra Gaudio/ /s/Trish Daley/ Answers will be provided as a numbered addendum. Ex: BSD Structured Cabling
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses-
Send your information via e-mail to sor-County Clerk on 12/5/2017. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 12/20/17. (Publish- If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, an addendum to the RFP will be provided
[email protected] or by reg- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
ular mail to 1900 Alameda de las Pul- 12/8/17, 12/15/17, 12/22/17, 12/29/17). 12/22/17, 12/29/17, 1/5/17, 1/12/18). in writing to all Proposers on USAC’s EPC Portal as well as the Burlingame SD’s website
gas #112, San Mateo CA 94403 (http://www.burlingameschools.org/technology). It shall be the responsibility of the potential con-
tractors to inquire of Burlingame SD as to any addenda issued. This may be done by contacting
Curtis Smith by email at [email protected]. Burlingame SD is required to post both
this RFP and Form 470 on the USAC EPC Portal site. All Questions and responses and/or Ad-
SALES - Telemarketing and Inside Sales
Representative needed to sell newspa-
per print and web advertising and event
marketing solutions. To apply, please call
LEGAL NOTICES denda will be posted on the district’s website and the EPC portal site. In the event that there is a
discrepancy between in documentation posted in multiple locations, the controlling (master)
document will always be located at www.burlingameschools.org/technology as well All addenda
650-344-5200 and send resume to
[email protected]
Fictitious Business Name Statements, and changes shall be made in writing by the District. No oral statements by any District employee
Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate, shall constitute a change or addenda to this RFP, the Project documents, or any project require-
SALES/MARKETING Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons,
The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking
Notice of Public Sales and More.
for ambitious interns who are eager to
jump into the business arena with both Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County. Published in the San Mateo Daily Journal, December 22 and 26, 2017.
feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs
of the newspaper and media industries.
This position will provide valuable Fax your request to: 650-344-5290
experience for your bright future.
Email resume Email them to: [email protected]
[email protected]
THE DAILY JOURNAL Friday • Dec. 22, 2017 27
203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 294 Baby Stuff 299 Computers 304 Furniture 309 Office Equipment
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR lario que usted pueda usar para su re- FISHER-PRICE HEALTHY Care booster RECORDABLE CD-R 74, Sealed, Unop- DESK, GD. cond. $99.99 or b.o. 1950’S BURROUGHS elec. adding ma-
CHANGE OF NAME spuesta. Puede encontrar estos formu- seat - $5 (650)592-5864. ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X, (650)458-3578 chine. $30. 650-888-9314.
CASE# 17CIV05225 larios de la corte y más información en el (650) 578 9208
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Cali- 296 Appliances LAPTOP CASE or bag. Black. Like new.
COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, fornia (www.sucorte.ca.gov), en la biblio- 300 Toys DINETTE TABLE, 3 adjustable leaf.$30. Hardly used. $25. (650)697-1564.
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, teca de leyes de su condado o en la 1960'S AVOCADO Osterizer blender (650) 756-9516.Daly City.
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 corte que le quede más cerca. Si no excellent condition $20.00 (650)596-
PETITION OF puede pagar la cuota de presentación, 0513
DOLL HOUSE w/ furniture $50.00 new
joe (650)573-5269 DINING TABLE (36"x54") and 4 match- 310 Misc. For Sale
Logan Aaron Chavez pida al secretario de la corte que le dé ing chairs, sturdy oak, cost $600, sell for
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: un formulario de exención de pago de $250 .(650)-654-1930. 500-600 BIG Band-era 78's--most mint,
Petitioner: Logan Aaron Chavez filed a cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a AIR CONDITIONER 10000 BTU w/re- “GAMBINA” SCARLETT O’Hara doll. no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459
petition with this court for a decree tiempo, puede perder el caso por incum- mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG $25. 650-888-9314. DRESSER 4-DRAWER in Belmont for
changing name as follows: plimiento y la corte le podrá quitar su su- brand $199 runs like new. (650)235- $75. Good condition; good for children. BESSY SMALL Evening Hand Bag With
Present Name: Logan Aaron Chavez eldo, dinero y bienes sin más adverten- Great for Kids (650) 952-3500 Call (650)678-8585 Beige Cord $75.00 (650)678-5371
Proposed Name: Logan Aaron Stone cia.
Hay otros requisitos legales. Es reco- AIR CONDITIONER, Portable, 14,000 DREXEL HEADBOARD $50. (650)589- BIFOLD SHUTTERS 2x28”x79 $10.00
BTU, Commercial Cool model ROLLERBLADES, GOOD condition.
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons mendable que llame a un abogado inme- Size 10 $25 OBO. Please call (650)745- 0764 (650)544-5306
interested in this matter shall appear be- diatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, CPN14XC9, almost like new! All acces-
sories plus remote included. 6309 BOBBY HULL Hockey Game Great
fore this court at the hearing indicated puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a ENTERTAINMENT CENTER for $50.
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abo- 20” x 16-5/8” x 33-1/2” $245 OBO. Good shape, blonde, about 5' high. Cont. ,1960’s $50 (415)269-4784
(650)345-1835 STAR WARS Celebration 3 Darth Vader
tition for change of name should not be gado, es posible que cumpla con los $20 new w/case Dan (650)303-3568 (650)726-4102
CAPTEL PHONE Message on it’s
granted. Any person objecting to the requisitos para obtener servicios legales screen. Like new used twice $25
name changes described above must file gratuitos de un programa de servicios le- AIR POT keeps 2.5 liters (84 oz) hot or GLIDER rocker and ottoman, oak, excel-
a written objection that includes the rea- gales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar cold all day $19.95 (650)595-3933 302 Antiques lent condition. $100 (650)345-5644. (650)871-8907
sons for the objection at least two court estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio COLEMAN LXE Roadtrip Grill - CASH REGISTER Parts; Much Skin Not
days before the matter is scheduled to web de California Legal Services, HEIRLOOM 1920 hand quilted bed- IKEA DRESSER, black, 3 shelf. 23" x
Red Brand New! (still in box) $100 spread. 96" sq. Grandma's Garden pat- 15"deep x 50" high. $65. (650)598-9804. Guts $500 (415)269-4784
be heard and must appear at the hearing (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), en el Centro (650)918-9847
to show cause why the petition should de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, tern, 2 scalloped edges. $99. (650)556- DOORS FRENCH 2x28”x79” w/5 lights
9708 IKEA TABLE, black 58" x 21" x 14" high.
not be granted. If no written objection is (www.sucorte.ca.gov) o poniéndose en ELECTRIC STOVE From Sears $ 30. (650)598-9804. $12.00 (650)544-5306
timely filed, the court may grant the peti- contacto con la corte o el colegio de abo- Excellent Condition $225
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the gados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte MAHOGANY ANTIqUE Secretary desk, LIVING ROOM Table, good condition. LIONEL CHRISTMAS Holiday expan-
Please Call (650)244-9267 72” x 40” , 3 drawers, Display case, bev- sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537
petition shall be held on 1/3/18 at 9 a.m., tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los $30. (415)231-4825
Dept. PJ at 400 County Center, Red- costos exentos por imponer un grava- elled glass, $150. (650)766-3024.
GOOD MICROWAVE 1100 watt $40 Da- LIONEL WESTERN Union Pass car and
wood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Or- men sobre cualquier recuperación de ly City (415) 231-4825. LOVE CHAIR, velour, tan. $45.
der to Show Cause shall be published at $10,000 ó más de valor recibida me- REED ORGAN, antique, completely re- (808)631-1365. dining car. New OB $99 (650)368-7537
least once each week for four successive diante un acuerdo o una concesión de MFG H20LABS Model 300 exc cond stored, $200 OBO. Call if interested.
weeks prior to the date set for hearing on arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. (650)458-3254. NEW DELUXE Twin Folding Bed, Lin- LUGGAGE, RED, 21" NEW Samsonite
counter top $25 Burl (650)248-3839. Spinner,$50.00. (650)729-3000
the petition in the following newspaper of Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must
general circulation: antes de que la corte pueda desechar el REFRIGERATOR COMPACT made by TWO ANTIqUE Treadle Sewing Ma- Sell! (650) 875-8159.
San Mateo Daily Journal caso. emerson $25.00 good shape joe chine; Singer and the other is in working
condition; Call to discuss pricing. NEW TWIN Mattress set plus frame NEGRINI FENCING Epee mask size M
Filed: 11/20/2017 The name and address of the court is (El (650)573-5269 & France Lames 5 epee blade $95
/s/Susan Irene Etezadi/ nombre y dirección de la corte es): Supe- (650)458-3254 $30.00 (650) 347-2356
Judge of the Superior Court rior Court, 400 County Center, Civil Divi- ROOM HEATER Electric 1320 Watts, Ar-
OFFICE SWIVEL Chair, good condition.
Dated: 11/17/2017
(Published 12/1/17, 12/8/17, 12/15/17,
sion, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063. The
name, address, and telephone number of
vin Air Fan Forced Automatic $5.
303 Electronics $25. (415)231-4825 POWERTEL PHONE for hard of hearing.
Like new used 1 month. $20. (650)871-
12/22/17) plaintiff's attorney, or plaintiff without an 53 MISC DVDs. Mostly Movies. Like OFFICE TABLE, 24"x48" HD. folding 8907
attorney, is (El nombre, la dirección y el SEWING MACHINE-ROYAL XL 6000 New. $50. 650-204-0587. legs each end. 500# capacity. Cost
número de teléfono del abogado del de- Dressmaker Sewing Machine. $150. $130. Sell $60, (650)591-4141 PREMIUM MOVING blankets good con-
mandante, o del demandante que no (650)342-8436. dition $10.00 each (650 ) 504 -6057
ANTARES DOLLARS Bill Changer ma-
tiene abogado, es): chines never used for small bus. $95
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR Roger Reynolds, Esq. (SBN 127803) SHOWTIME ROTISSERIE used once OFFICE TYPE 34"X 60" heavy solid SAMSONITE 26" tan hard-sided suit
$90. Call (650)347-1458 no ans/eave (650)992-4544.
CHANGE OF NAME Law Offices of Roger S. Reynolds wood with formica wood grain top $25 case, lt. wt., wheels, used once/like new.
CASE# 17CIV05702 One Embarcadero Ctr., Ste.500 message. (650) 787-9753 $45. (650)328-6709
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 ceiver with Detachable Face asking
COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, FILED: 5/2/2017 SINGER SEWING Machine. Good condi- ORNATE LARGE BOOKCASE: Two SILK SAREE 6 yards new nice color.for
tion. $45 obo. San Mateo. Please call $100. (650)593-4490
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, DATE (Fecha): 5/2/2017 Pieces 5Ft across by 7ft tall Paid $2500 $35 only. Call(650)515-2605 for more in-
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 Clerk (Secretario) by, Rodina M. Catala- (650)745-6309 after 5:00 pm. asking $500 CALL(650)345-9199. formation.
KINDLE FIRE 8 in. Case and Charger
PETITION OF no incl. 64 gig $40 Jeff (650)208-5758
Angela Monique Gerhardt Deputy (Adjunto) Nima Mokhtarani SMITH CORONA typewriter and table ORNATE MAHOGANY headboard with SINK, 33”X22” Top mount with faucet,
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: (SEAL) M120 $25 (650)888-9314 MOTOROLA BRAVO MB 520 (android gold trim $60. (650)589-0764 $15.00 (650)544-5306
Petitioner: Angela Monique Gerhardt UNITAP STANDARD centerset bath- 4.1 upgrade) smart phone 35$ 8GB SD
filed a petition with this court for a decree (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- card Belmont (650)595-8855 PINE DOUBLE/qUEEN head/foot board SLR LENS Pentax 28-90mm f3.5-5.6
nal: 12/1/17, 12/8/17, 12/15/17, room chrome faucet, complete, $10, with metal frame $35/obo. (650)646- Pentax K Mount $25 (650)436-7171
changing name as follows: (650)595-3933
Present Names: 1)Angela Monique Cartt 12/22/17) ONKYO AV Receiver HT-R570 .Digital 8530
2)Angela Monique Gerhardt 3)Angela Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready, SLR LENS Sigma 28-105mm f3.8-5.6
VACUUM CLEANER Dyson (fully recon- PORTABLE MASSAGE Table (Sierra Sigma SA Mount $25 (650)436-7171
Monique Pannu dition) $50 Call Ed (415)298-0645 Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393
Proposed Name: Angela Puertas Cartt Comfort). Very good condition. $50.
(650)871-1778. SUITCASE, GREEN, hard-side, 21”x15”,
WHIRLPOOL WASHER DRYER, GE SAMSUNG FLAT TV 20" ex.co.incl. good condition, photo available, $15.
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons Refrigerator all working and in good con- VCR ,set up $70. (650)992-4544 (650)392-4841
interested in this matter shall appear be- dition all for $99.00 (650)315-3240. RETRO HUTCH Needs refinishing other-
fore this court at the hearing indicated wise good condition. Top detaches from
below to show cause, if any, why the pe-
304 Furniture bottom $25. (650)712-9962 SUITCASES (2), BLUE, hard-side,
297 Bicycles 24”x16” and 26”x18”. Photo available.
tition for change of name should not be $35 for both. (650)392-4841
granted. Any person objecting to the 2 WALNUT 3-drawer nitestands. Tops SEWING STORAGE cabinet, Custom
name changes described above must file ADULT BIKES 1 regular and 2 with bal- need work but very good cond. $20/ea made wood perfect condition $75.
(650)952-3466. (650)483-1222 SUITCASES (2), teal, soft-side, 25”x17”
a written objection that includes the rea- loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356 and 29”x19”. Like new. Photo available.
sons for the objection at least two court 210 Lost & Found ANTIqUE DINING table for six people SOFABED, VELOUR, tan, Excellent $40 for both. (650)392-4841
days before the matter is scheduled to CHILD’S SCHWINN BICYCLE, BLUE in
be heard and must appear at the hearing LOST CAT. Black and White. Black good condition. $20. (650) 355-5189. with chairs $99. (650)580-6324 condition. $75. (808)631-1365.
TAYLOR-TOT(1947) MY First Ride $20
to show cause why the petition should patch on right eye. REWARD. (415)269-4784
not be granted. If no written objection is NEW 12" girls bike w/ training wheels ANTIqUE MOHAGANY Bookcase. Four SOLID WOOD Entertainment Center-
Call (323) 439-7713. TurnTable, Am-Fm, Eight Track, Built In
timely filed, the court may grant the peti- $75.00 (650) 347-1458 no ans/leave feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966. TRAIN-COLOR PRINT by John Hugh
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the mes Speakers, Sony 26’ Smart T.V.(68.75 in.
LOST VINTAGE White Gold Diamond X 25.5inch X28inch) $500 o.b.o Coker $50 Call (650)344-4756
petition shall be held on 01/31/18 at 9 ARMCHAIR GOOD condition $55.
Ring 12/12 Redwood City/San Carlos (650)266-3184 (925)482-5742 UNIDEN HARLEY Davidson Gas Tank
a.m., Dept. PJ at 400 County Center,
Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this
REWARD! Please Call Sharon (650)868- 298 Collectibles phone. $100 or best offer. (650)863-8485
1786 BARZILAY RECORD - fine walnut cre- TWIN BED, mattress, box spring, frame
Order to Show Cause shall be published
at least once each week for four succes- FRAMED LEBRON James painting, denza, 72” x 14.5”H. $100. (650)804- $ 50. (650)598-9804. WATER STORAGE TANK, brand new,
sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- Books 25"x21"; $99-will text photo; (650)591- 3947. Menlo Park. 275 gallons. 48" x 46" x 39" $225.
9769, San Carlos USED BEDROOM Furniture, FREE. Call (650)771-6324
ing on the petition in the following news- (650)573-7381.
paper of general circulation: 10 NEAL Asher Space SF Books. Agent BEIGE SOFA $99. Excellent Condition
(650) 315-2319
San Mateo Daily Journal
Filed: 12/18/2017
Cormac. Like new. $50. (650) 204-0587.
HUMMELS (2) 1980’s $20 ea. Call
WALL UNIT/ROOM Divider. Simple 311 Musical Instruments
BRAND NEW Japanese Cotton Futton- lines. Breaks down for transportation.
/s/Susan Irene Etezadi/ JAMES PATTERSON hardback books. (650)344-4756. $25.(650)712-9962 leave message CHROMATIC HARMONICA: Horner
Judge of the Superior Court Twin Size 72”x40”x5”-$75
2 @ $3.00 each. (650)341-1861 (650)839-1064. The 64 Chomonica, German Made $180,
Dated: 12/15/2017 LENNOX RED Rose, Unused, hand WALNUT CHEST, small (4 drawer with (650)278-5776.
(Published 12/22/17, 12/29/17, 1/5/18, NICHOLAS SPARKS hardback books. painted, porcelain, authenticity papers, upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429
1/12/18) $12.00. (650) 578 9208. CARPET RUNNER: 16ft.X26 Wide. Col-
2 @ $3.00 each. Call (650)341-1861 or: floral design. good condition WOOD - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x
$45.00. (650)266-3184 17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311 EPIPHONE LES Paul 100th
qUALITY BOOKS used and rare. World MILLER LITE Neon sign , work good Anniversary Custom Electric Guitar.
& US History and classic American nov- $59 call (650)218-6528 COAT/HAT STAND, solid wood, for your WOOD-GRAIN LAMINATE Kitchen table Mint. $600.00 650 421 5469
els. $5 each obo (650)345-5502 mountain cabin/house. $25. (650)520- 3’x4’ plus 1’ leaf, 2 chairs. Photo availa-
CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso): 7045 ble $35 (650)392-4841.
THE HALO Forerunner saga. 3 books. Jinn (Jedi Knight), mint-in package. $10 first violinist SF Symphony, Mellow
16CIV00956. Steve (650)518-6614. sound. Dated 1894. $5,500/best offer.
NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: DOLLAR Like new. Great gift! $25. (650) 204-0587 COMMODE, GOOD condition. $20 obo. WOODEN BED frame, single or 3/4 size.
Please call (650)745-6309 over 100 years Very good condition. $20. (415)751-2416
TREE STORES, INC., a business entity, USA MILITARY police helmet, with liner,
MA VIRGINIA BRIONES, and DOES 2 V.LOGVINOV, UNUSUAL Journey to the (650)322-9598
Country of Cyclic Arithmetic, 2017, Rus- Vietnam era $60 (650)591-9769 San COMPUTER SWIVEL CHAIR. Padded FENDER MUSTANG I guitar amplifier
TO 10, inclusive. 70 watts 8-guitar settings.with cover.
sian, 104p $25 (650)638-1695 Carlos. Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409 306 Housewares $80. (650)421-5469
LYDIA M. CAPILI CARPET 10 X 14 Area Rug peach (ny- FENDER MUSTANG ll guitar amplifier
lon) good cond. $99 (415)990-6134 110 watts 8-guitar settings, with cover.
NOTICE! You have been sued. The court $130.00 (650)421-5469
may decide against you without your be- COMPLETE SET OF CHINA - Windsor
ing heard unless you respond within 30 Garden, Noritake. Four place-settings, FOR SALE:
days. Read the information below. 20-pieces in original box, never used. Epiphone Les Paul Custom
You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after $250 per box (3 boxes available). Prophecy Electric Guitar. Mint.
this summons and legal papers are (650)342-5630 $625.00, 650 421 5469.
served on you to file a written response
at this court and have a copy served on CRYSTAL (LEADED glass) lamp $30.
the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not Can send picture. (650)464-7860 HUGE LUDWIG Drum Set Silver Sparkle
protect you. Your written response must & Chrome, Zelgian, Pasite & Sabian
be in proper legal form if you want the FIREPLACE CANDELABRA with 5 bat- Cymbals, 24 in. Timpany $4,300
court to hear your case. There may be a tery-operated candles $30.00, (415)990- (650)369-8013.
court form that you can use for your re- 6134
sponse. You can find these court forms PIANO, UPRIGHT, in excellent condi-
and more information at the California
Courts Online Self-Help Center 308 Tools tion. Asking $345. (650)366-4769
(www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your UPRIGHT PIANO. In tune. Fair condi-
county law library, or the courthouse AIR COMPRESSOR 125PSI Excellent tion. FREE. (650) 533-4886.
nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing condition $25. Call Ed (415)298-0645
fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver YAMAHA ACOUSTIC Guitar, model
form. If you do not file your response on ANTIqUE IRON Hand Drills. 3 available FG830 electric. $400.00 (650)421-5469
time, you may lose the case by default, at $30 each. (650)339-3672 Ron
and your wages, money, and property ZILJIAN CYMBALS with stands, 21”
may be taken without further warning AS NEW Slkillsaw 7 1/4", 3/4 HP, with 6' ride, 18” crash. Paistie 18” crash - $99
from the court. cord, $19.95, (650)595-3933. (916)826-5964
There are other legal requirements. You
may want to call an attorney right away.
If you do not know an attorney, you may
“BREAK-DOWN” PORTO-POWER En- 312 Pets & Animals
gine crane. Excellent condition but sold
want to call an attorney referral service. If “as is” $99 (650)347-7949 Jr. AIRLINE CARRIER for cats, pur. from
you cannot afford an attorney, you may Southwest Airlines, $25, 2 available. Call
be eligible for free legal services from a CORDLESS DRILL 9.6 volt, great condi- (505)228-1480 local.
nonprofit legal services program. You tion, weak battery, $10 (650)595-3933
can locate these nonprofit groups at the
California Legal Services Web site ONE KENNEL Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani-
CRAFTSMAN 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6" mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60..
(www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the Califor- dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402
nia Courts Online Self-Help Center (650)593-2066
(www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by ROCKWELL ROUTER with 6 blades-
contacting your local court or county bar PARROT CAGE, Steel, Large - approx
very good condition $20 (650)992-8321 4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best
association. NOTE: The court has a stat-
utory lien for waived fees and costs on offer. (650)245-4084
SHOPSMITH MARK V 50th Anniversary
any settlement or arbitration award of most attachments. $1,500/OBO.
$10,000 or more in a civil case. The PET CARRIER for small dog or cat in ex-
(650)504-0585 cellent condition $30. Claudia (650) 349-
court's lien must be paid before the court
will dismiss the case. ¡AVISO! Lo han 6059
demandado. Si no responde dentro de SKILL 7313 3/4 HP belt sander, 4 belts,
30 días, la corte puede decidir en su manual, perfect, $29.95. (650)595-3933 PET TAXI Animal Carrier. Brand: Delux
contra sin escuchar su versión. Lea la in- Nature Miracle - Excellent Condition for
formación a continuación. VINTAGE CRAFTSMAN Jig Saw. Circa $25. Call (650)349-6059.
Tiene 30 DÍAS DE CALENDARIO de- 1947. $60. (650)245-7517
spués de que le entreguen esta citación only 1 week $40. (650)872-2244.
y papeles legales para presentar una re- VINTAGE SHOPSMITH and BAND
spuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer SAW, good shape. $300/obo. Call
que se entregue una copia al deman- (650)342-6993
dante. Una carta o una llamada telefóni- 316 Clothes
ca no lo protegen. Su respuesta por es-
crito tiene que estar en formato legal cor- GENUINE LADIES Mink Fur Jacket,
recto si desea que procesen su caso en X-ACTO DELUXE Complete woodcarv- $50.00 Call: (650)368-0748.
la corte. Es posible que haya un formu- ing set-new $15 (650)992-8321
28 Friday • Dec. 22, 2017 THE DAILY JOURNAL
316 Clothes Garage Sales 620 Automobiles 625 Classic Cars 640 Motorcycles/Scooters 670 Auto Parts
5 BOXES male & female square dance CHEVROLET ‘86 ASTROVAN, 63K CHEVY ‘55 BEL AIR 2 door, Standard BMW ‘03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call BRIDGESTONE ALENZA 235/65R17,
clothing. Excellent Condition. As a miles, $3800 (650)481-5296 Transmission V8 Motor, non-op $22,000 (650) 995-0003 $50. Excellent condition, 80k warranty,
bunch $200 Maryann (650)574-4439. GARAGE SALES CHEVY ‘10 HHR . 68K. EXCELLENT
obo. (650)952-4036.
HONDA 305 Head, 2 blocks, X-tras.
used less than 10k. (650)593-4490
FAUX FUR Coat Woman's brown multi ESTATE SALES CONDITION. $8888. (650)274-8284. CHEVY ‘86 CORVETTE. Automatic. $500 (415)269-4784 FORD FALCON Engine 1968 V8 289
color in excellent condition 3/4 93,000 miles. Sports Package.$6,800 Long Block 2 Barrow-Includes, Intake
length $50 (650)692-8012 CHEVY HHR ‘08 - Grey, spunky car MOTORCYCLE SADDLEBAGS, and Exhaust, Manifolds, Oil Pans, Timing
Make money, make room! loaded, even seat warmers, $9,500. obo. (650) 952-4036. with mounting hardware and other parts
(408)807-6529. $35. Call (650)670-2888 Injection or Carburetor-Call Cliff
LADIES SEqUIN dress, blue, size XL, (650)504-4159
pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208 List your upcoming DODGE ‘99 MAINTENANCE Van, ,
CORVETTE ‘69 350 4-SPEED. 50K
MILES. $18.500. I’ll trade it for a Stinson
MEN'S STETSON hat, size large, new, garage sale, $2,500 OBO Good condition. Call Beach property. (650)481-5296. 645 Boats FREE: 2 unmounted tires V.G. condition
(650)481-5296 for Toyota, incl Prius 124 Myrtle Burlin-
rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40
(650) 578-9208
moving sale, FORD ‘50 4-Door Sedan, Automatic 2003 P-15 West Wight Potter sailboat, game (in driveway)
excellend condition. $4,500. Call
estate sale, GOT AN OLDER Transmission, 302V8 $1,200. (650)347-2559 MERCEDES BENZ 19 inch AMG Rim
NEW WITH tags Wool or cotton Men's (650)346-9586.
pullover sweaters (XL) $15/each yard sale, CAR, BOAT, OR RV? one only for sale $50 (650)814-9737 to
arrange pick up.
MALIBU 24 ft with tower. Completely re-
(650)952-3466 rummage sale, Do the humane thing. MERCEDES ‘79 450 SL with hard top.
Completely rebuilt. 20K obo. (650)851- built and re-finished. Boat and Motor.
Donate it to the MIRROR MOUNT, radar detector brack-
PARIS HILTON purse white & silver un- clearance sale, or Humane Society. 0878
20K obo. (650)851-0878.
et. Fits Escort 95001x 8500 x50/70 s55.
used, about 12" long x 9" high
$23. (650)592-2648 whatever sale you Call 1- 800-943-8412 SEA RAY 16 FT . I/B. $1,200. Needs $20. 650-204-0587
Upholstery. Call (650)898-5732.
TUXEDO SIZE 40, black, including white
have... 630 Trucks & SUV’s PEERLESS TIRE Chains, used a few
shirt, excellent cond. $50 (650)355-5189 LINCOLN ‘02 Navigator, excellent condi- 670 Auto Service times. Fits several sizes P165-225. $20
tion. Runs great! Must sell! $4,400/obo. FORD ’96 F-150 5-spd stick shift, 6-cyl- obo. (650)745-6309
WILSON LEATHER Lady Jacket. Small, Reach over 83,450 readers (650)342-4227. inder 132K miles, $3,550.00 firm good
like new. $45. (808)863-1136. from South San Francisco condition Original owner (650)340-8841 WHITE STAR Tire Chains, never used.
WILSON LEATHER, burgundy lady jack- to Palo Alto. MAZDA ‘12 CX-7 SUV Excellent con-
AA SMOG P195/75R14. $25 obo. (650)745-6309.
et, Small, like new $45 (808)863-1136 in your local newspaper. dition One owner Fully loaded Low TOYOTA ‘00 Tundra Sr5 in a great Complete Repair & Service
miles reduced $18,995 obo (650)520- shape, 150k miles, 4x4, automatic, V8 $29.75 plus certificate fee 680 Autos Wanted
318 Sports Equipment Call (650)344-5200 Cyl. $1500. Call or text: (209)265-1393
(most cars)
869 California Drive . Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
15 SF Giants Posters -- Barry Bonds, MERCURY ‘92 Lo. Mi. Some wk needed. 635 Vans Burlingame
Novas, running or not
Jeff Kent, JT Snow. 6' x 2.5' Unused. $4 B.O. (650)250-3032. Parts collection etc.
each. $35 all. (650)588-1946 San Bruno CHEVROLET ‘06 Mini VAN, new radia- So clean out that garage
TOYOTA ‘06 Corolla, 146K miles, tor, tires and brakes. Needs head gasket. (650) 340-0492 Give me a call
BOLLINGER YOGA Mat. 2 blocks & 379 Open Houses $4,700. (650)302-5523 $500. (650)481-5296 Joe 650 342-2483
strap $5 (650)888-9314
BOW FLEX Max Trainer M-3-Very Good
Condition, Like New, Assembled, Paid OPEN HOUSE
$1200 asking $800 Call Michael
(650)784-1061. LISTINGS Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
CHILDS KICK scooter by razor with hel-
met $25 obo (650)591-6842 List your Open House
in the Daily Journal.
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
EASTON ALUMINUM bat.33 inches, 30
oz, 2 3/4 barrel. $30. (650)596-0513 Reach over 83,450 ACROSS 68 Springsteen’s 30 City near Kobe 50 Piemonte city
EXERCISE BIKE PL105 barely used $65 potential home buyers & 1 Plodded “Born __” 31 Roulette bets 51 Ready to be
black compact size SanMateo (650)753- renters a day, (through) 69 Tuts 35 Actor Idris __ shipped
3095 from South San Francisco
to Palo Alto. 6 Dies down 70 Wail 36 Sandwich side 54 ERA or RBI
GOLF CLUBS {13}, Bag, & Pull Cart all--
$90.00 (650)341-8342 in your local newspaper. 10 Not quite shut 71 __ innings 38 Medieval Tatar 55 An eternity
GOLF CLUBS, used set with Cart for Call (650)344-5200 14 Where chief 56 Pass (out)
$50. (650)593-4490 something can DOWN 40 Ten up front? 58 Food on the trail
good condition, (650)341-0282.
$95.00, be set for later 1 Measure of 41 Undid 60 Wine named for
ONE DOZEN Official League Diamond 470 Rooms 15 Protected at sea power 44 Pose in yoga an Iberian city
Baseballs. Brand New. $35. Call Roger 16 Queen of 2 Tibet’s place 46 Words just before 61 __ grapes
(650)771-6324. HIP HOUSING
Non-Profit Home Sharing Program
Heaven 3 __ jockey leaving 62 Sicilian mountain
PRINCE TENNIS 2 section nylon black San Mateo County 17 “The terrible tsar 4 Polished words 49 How Rome 64 Derek and Peep
Bag with Prince Pro Graphite Racket- (650)348-6660
$55.(650)341-8342 has arrived,” 5 Nowhere near wasn’t built? 65 U.K. component
PROGRAMMABLE ELIPTICAL Exer- either way? the norm
cise Bike. Excellent Condition. Redwood
City (650)740-9980 $75.00
510 Commercial for Rent 20 Gambit 6 Ending with ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE:
TOTAL GYM XLS, excellent condition.
for lease. Caterers, bakers, food produc-
21 __ Field: NYC Tyrol
Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call tion. Available
immediately. Call stadium 7 Common-interest
22 QB Peyton group
TOUREDGE REACTION ii uniflex sys- 620 Automobiles Manning has an 8 Harmless
tem 8 irons 3-9 and pitch irons
new $75. Call May (650)349-0430 NFL passing 9 Ready for the
VINTAGE NASH Cruisers Mens/ Wom-
Don’t lose money record 539 of curtain to open
ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz on a trade-in or
6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439 consignment! them 10 Sushi tuna
WOMAN’S SKI Boots, Nordica, size 8
23 “I could __ 11 Kid
$30 (650)592-2047. Sell your vehicle in the horse!” 12 Moistureless
WOMEN’S RAICHEL ski boots, size 6 ? Daily Journal’s 25 “Sommersby” 13 Traitors
$ 50. (650)888-5808 .
Auto Classifieds. actor 18 Rebel, in a way
YAMAHA ROOF RACK, 58 inches $75.
(650)458-3255 27 Disappointed 19 Like some
Just $45 reaction to the memes
We’ll run it censored version 24 ERA or RBI
335 Rugs
‘til you sell it!
EXCELLENT HAND Made Wool Rug 3' of “Fifty Shades 26 Coaches’
X 5' $45.00 (650)368-0748. of Grey,” either headaches
Reach 83,450 drivers
335 Garden Equipment from South SF to way? 27 Big cat of film
CHAIN SAW, 16“ ,Craftsmen ,electric, Palo Alto 32 Amused initialism 28 Certain score
$55. (650)888-5808 12/22/17
Call (650)344-5200 33 Clumsy boats 29 Give the okay [email protected]
340 Camera & Photo Equip. [email protected] 34 Sweethearts
NIKON 18-140 zoom lenses (3), excel- 37 Eponymous
lent condition. $200 each. (650)592-9044
BMW ‘07 X-5, One Owner, Excel. Condi-
OMEGA B600 Condenser Enlarger, In-
struction Manual & 50mm El-Omegar En- tion Sports package 3rd row seats re- 39 Part of NAFTA
duced $19,995 obo Call (650)520-4650
larging Lens $95 (415)260-6940 42 39-Across,
345 Medical Equipment CADILLAC ‘02 Deville, 8 cylinder, per- perhaps
fect condition, like new, cashmere out-
HOMEDICS DUAL Shiatsu Massage
side white inside 4787 miles $13,000. 43 Hawaiian
Cushion. 3 Zone. $45.00. (650)207-4162 greeting
45 “The Americans”
actress Russell
47 Magic org.?
48 Query about the
Cheshire’s grin,
either way?
52 Chipmaker’s
53 A, in many orgs.
54 “__ who?!”
57 DEA agent
59 Slip away
63 Mrs. Claus’
remark about
what she did to
keep Santa
home, either
66 __ Domini
67 Calendario units By Paul Cuerdon
(c)2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
THE DAILY JOURNAL Friday • Dec. 22, 2017 29
Toilets, Sinks, Vanities,
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THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL/NATION Friday • Dec. 22, 2017 31
Porter said his background in science has weekend and fostering a small community aware of the many challenges associated
proven to be useful as he homes in on around the garage door of his warehouse with starting his own brewery than he was
recipes, noting his research on yeast’s role space on weekends has been incredibly two years ago, for Porter, refining beers
in creating a wide range of substances like rewarding. that can’t be found anywhere else has made
Continued from page 1 fragrances and lubricants has helped him “What I had to do was … I had to go for it worth his time.
understand how the organism can be used to it,” he said. “Once you get things going and “Amazon will never be able to make good
sive, industrial glycol chiller. Also the create a variety of beer flavors. once you start understanding what’s possi- craft beer,” he said. “So I tried to gun for …
brewery’s only employee, Porter said he The 42-year-old San Francisco resident ble … it’s actually really inspiring and it something that I was good at and wouldn’t
does much of the work by hand, which also said he’s been juggling his business with a can actually make it easier to make those be replaced.”
means he’s the only one serving beer when full-time job as a process engineer for San leaps.”
it is open for tasting. He said he arrives at Francisco-based food company Hampton Though he still has five years to go on his Blue Oak Brewing Company ’s taproom is
the brewery around 8 a.m. most Sundays to Creek. He said he became interested in creat- current lease, Porter is already searching for open Thursday s from 3:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.,
brew another batch of beer and maintain a ing his own business partly out of frustra- a commercial location where he’ll have Friday s from 5 p. m. to 11 p. m. and
variety stocked in his cooling room, includ- tion with the level of pay that comes with more space to serve beers and possibly set Saturday s from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m. at 821
ing IPAs, Pilsners, lagers, a sour beer, a dark jobs in science and also to work on his own up a larger brewing system. Though he is Cherry Lane. Visit blueoak brewing.com for
beer and his famous Belgian beers. Well projects. interested in having his beer served at local more information.
aware he’s very attentive to detail, Porter Prior to starting the brewery, Porter start- restaurants and pubs, he said
said he also cleans the tanks and kegs he ed T-shirt and mountain bike tour compa- his current setup doesn’t
uses by hand, but isn’t averse to the idea of nies. He said his first few forays into allow for him to expand pro-
automating some of the processes at his becoming a small business owner were duction to that level, mean-
next location. daunting, especially one in the brewing ing those looking for a cold
“It’s funny because now I have this laun- industry, which is known for high start-up one need to pay a visit to his
dry list of things I will automate for the next costs. But he also said getting the right warehouse space.
place,” he said. recipe, seeing customers come back every Though he’s much more
There will be no Recology Recycling, Compost, and Garbage collection services on Monday,
December 25, 2017 and Monday, January 1, 2018. Your Monday service will occur the Saturday
BEFORE your regular service. Regular collection service will resume the week of January 8, 2018.
There will be no change to Tuesday - Friday collection services.
Monday, DEC 25 - NO SERVICE Christmas Day, Office Closed Saturday, DEC 23 - Service for Monday Customers
Monday, JAN 1 - NO SERVICE New Year’s Day, Office Closed Saturday, DEC 30 - Service for Monday Customers
A tribute to the golden age of aviation in the 1930s, featuring a
prominent minute scale for navigational time-readings.
It doesn’t just tell time. It tells history.