Taking History Exam in ENT
Taking History Exam in ENT
Taking History Exam in ENT
1 Earache 2 Ringing sensation of ear (Tinnitus) 3 Dizziness ( Vertigo) 4 Trauma to ear 5 Exposure to loud
noise 6 Ototoxic drug in past ….7 Pre/ Post/infra auricular swelling 8 Facial asymmetric 9 Deep seated
headache 10 High grade fever 11 Projectile Vomit 12 Blurring of vision 13 Abnormal body movement 14
altered sensorium 15
Rx History if present
4 Past history: H/O PTB , DM , HTN , ASTHMA, Surgery in the past, previous RT
5 Family history: H/O PTB , DM , HTN , ASTHMA, H/O Ear discharge / Hearing loss in family
6 Personal history: H/O Ear pricking habit /Not , H/O swimming /Not , Nasal blowing/Not
7 Socioeconomic condition :
1 Perinatal History: Maternal immunization (TORCH), Maternal infection, Drug intake /Not, Exposure
to radiation /Not
2 Delivery: Home /Hospital/Nursing home, Full term/Pre term, vaginal/ CS/ Forceps
3Developemental: 1st social smile (6wkk), Roll over (6mts), Sits with support (3-4 mts), Sits without
support (6mts), stand with support (1 yr), Stand without support ie; walk (1-1/2 yr)
DPT- 6, 10, 14 wkk (3 dose) 0.5 ml (IM upper & outer part of mid thigh)
TT – At first contact , 4 wkk, 6 mts , 1 yr ,1yr ,( 5 dose ) 0.5 ml (IM – upper & outer arm)
Inspection of Pinna:
Pre / Post / Infra auricular area: No Scar, Swelling, Sinus, Fistula, Sign of inflammation
On palpation:
No tenderness on pressure over tragus, cymba concha, on various movement of Pinna & over the
On Examination of EAC :
On Examination of TM RT / LT
1 Pars Tensa – is intact / perforated in PS /PI, AS/AI quadrant & is ………. % of Pars tensa, Shape ….Margin
of perforation is ……..
2 Color: Pearly grey (normal color) / White / Pinkish / Dull lusterless [ rest of the TM is …..in color]
6 On sigelization test: Mobile/ restricted / absent mobility (Pars tensa) & quadrant
I can see ………..1 mucosa color [Pinkish –normal, Reddish / edematous if inflamed]
8 Pars flaccida: is normal –Pinkish / if you say destructed then perforation is there & cholesteatoma
present say it where is it
Outer attic wall (scutum) how it is destructed due to cholesteatoma/not.
Nasal obstruction-
o Sides,duration
o onset
o Partial or complete
o Progression ? if so partial to complete ? how long has the obstruction been complete?
o Associated
with loss of sense of smell?
Difficulty in breathing? Mouth breathing? Snoring while sleeping
o Facial pain or headache
o Aggravated by attacks of URTI, relieved with use of medication
Nasal discharge
o Sides, duration
o onset
o Nature, amount
o Blood tinged?
o Aggravting and relieving factors?
h/o recurent sneezing, change in voice ( hyponasal voice), recurrent clearing of throat ( s/o PND)
no h/o of diplopia, decreased vision, excessive lacrimation
no h/o decreased hearing, rec ear ache, ear discharge
no h/o rec sore throat, odynophagia, dysphagia, rec coughing, neck swellings
no h/o chest pain, palpitation, abdominal pain ( ruling out systemic ilness)
Examination of nose and PNS
- Telecanthus – present/absent
- External osteocartilaginous framework –
Abnormal – dorsum deviated/ depressed dorsum/ saddle nose etc
No swelling, scar mark, sinus, signs of inflammation
- Nasofacial groove, alar groove, nasolabial folds – normal/ obliterated
- Examination of vestibule
- Anterior rhinoscopy
Septum – midline/ deviated: overlying mucosa – normal ( pink) or pale or
Inferior turbinate and middle turbinate and their respective meatus and overlying
mucosa - normal, pale, congested
If covered by mass, mention which part of these two turbinates are visible.
If mass present
o Side – rt/ lt/ bilateral
o Single/ multiple
o color – pale, pink, reddish etc
o Shape- globular, grapelike
o covering the nasal cavity completely or partially or just meatus
o shrink on using decongestant
o on probing
consistency – soft, firm , hard etc
sensitive to touch
bleeds on touch
could pass the probe around which part of the mass – so the
probable site of origin is ……
discharge if present – describe nature of discharge – mucoid/ mucopurulent/
purulent etc: mention amount
If there is no discharge or mass seen – mention about the roof and floor of the
nasal cavity
-Posterior rhinoscopy
o mention all the structures seen
o Posterior surface of uvula, soft palate
o Posterior end of the nasal septum
o B/L posterior end of
Superior turbinate
Middle turbinate
Paranasal sinuses
Examination of eyes
Examination of neck
Trachea is central.
Examination of oral cavity
Vermilion border
Gums and teeth – normal / any missing tooth or loosening of tooth if yes which tooth?
Examination of oropharynx
Posterior 1/3 of the tongue Posterior pharyngeal wall – normal and gag reflex present / PND present?
B/L valeculla,
B/L PE fold , AE fold, Arytenoids, FVC, Ventricles, TVC, Pyriform fossa normal /abnormal