S0021889897001787 PDF
S0021889897001787 PDF
S0021889897001787 PDF
alnstitute of Chemistry, UNESP, Araraquara, SP, Brazil, bNational Synchrotron Light Laboratory, CNPq, Campinas,
SP, Brazil and Clnstitute of Physics, USP, Sro Paulo, SP, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]
(Received 23 July 1996; accepted 29 January 1997)
The scattering intensity function l(q) is given by observed if the system is kept at temperatures higher than
the critical temperature for a short period of time (less
I(q)=~oP(q)S(q) (2) than 1 h).
where S(q) is the structure function, P(q) is the form
factor of the elementary units and 99 is the number of
scattering units per unit volume. 4. SAXS measurements
Freltoft, Kjems & Sinha (1986) and Teixeira (1988) The SAXS study was performed using the D24 SAXS
established the structure function for a fractal composed workstation at the synchrotron X-ray source DCI at
of elementary particles of size a having a cut-off for the LURE, France. The workstation is equipped with a bent
correlation represented by a function C(r) oc exp(-r/~). silicon crystal monochromator which yields a mono-
The dependence of S(q) on D, ~ and a is given by chromatic (~. = 1.49 A) and horizontally focused beam. A
set of slits defines the beam vertically. A position-
S(q) = C ( I + {[1/(qa) ] sensitive X-ray detector and a multichannel analyser were
x { [ O F ( O - 1)]/[1 + (1/q2es2)] (D-l)~2} used to determine the SAXS intensity I(q) as a function
of the modulus of the scattering vector q. Because of the
x sin[(D- 1)tan-l(q~)]}) (3) small size of the incident-beam cross section at the
where F is the gamma function and C is a constant. Note detection plane, no mathematical desmearing of the
that this expression becomes S(q) ~_ qD when ~-l << q experimental function was needed. The scattered in-
<< a -1. At small q, S(q) exhibits Guinier-type behaviour tensity was determined as the difference between the
(Chaput, Boilot, Danger, Devreux & De Geyer, 1990). experimental curve recorded with the sample and the
parasitic scattering curve obtained with the solvent
The form factor was approximated by a Gaussian
(water). An ionization chamber, placed downstream from
function assuming spherical-shaped elementary particles:
the sample, was used to monitor the intensity decay of
P(q) "" exp[-(1/5)qZa2]. (4) the transmitted beam and to determine the sample
attenuation. The natural decay intensity of the incident
Equation (3) holds for q < 1/a. For q >> 1/a the SAXS beam was monitored also by recording the electronic
intensity exhibits the classical Porod asymptotic beha- current in the synchrotron source.
viour. In situ SAXS measurements were carded out during
one cycle of heating and cooling (rate 1Kmin --1)
between 303 and 358 K. Each spectrum was recorded
3. Sample preparation during 150 s, which corresponds to a temperature rise of
The colloidal suspensions were prepared by adding an 1.5 K. The sample was put into a cell between two thin
aqueous solution of ZrOCI2 (0.2 mol 1-1, room tempera- films of Kapton, separated by 0.8 mm, placed in a Metier
ture) to a hot (353 K) aqueous solution of sulfuric acid FP82 'hot stage' to control the thermal cycle.
(0.2 mol l-l), drop by drop under magnetic stirring. The
volume of the ZrOC12 solution was adjusted to yield
suspensions containing the following Z r 4 + : H S O 4 - molar 5. Results and discussion
ratios: 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 3:1 and 4:1. Aliquots of 15 ml of The thermoreversibility of this system was evidenced by
the suspensions were put inside acetylcellulose mem- turbidimetric measurements carded out at different rates
brane tubing with molecular weight cut-off smaller than of heating and cooling, as shown in Fig. 1, in which
14 000, and then submitted to static dialysis against gelation during heating is characterized by an abrupt
200 ml of doubly distilled water during 24 h. Dialysis increase in the turbidity at the sol-gel transition
was carried out in order to decrease the ionic strength of temperature. During cooling, the decrease in turbidity
the suspensions by extracting the excess of ions; revealed the liquefaction, the temperature of which (gel-
consequently, peptization of the precipitate was favoured. sol transition) is always lower than the gelation
Peptization occurs only for samples prepared with molar temperature, resulting in a hysteresis loop. This beha-
ratios of 3:1 and 2:1, leading to the formation of viour is associated with differences in the mobilities of
transparent and stable suspensions, which gelify as the the small and large particles. The small particles in the
pH increases from 1.6 to 3.0. Elemental analysis of these sol have high mobility, favouring aggregate growth. On
samples showed that the nominal molar ratio was the other hand, in the large aggregates in the gel, the
preserved after dialysis. We have also noted that the interaction forces between the clusters make liquefaction
isocoric gelation may be obtained by increasing the (disaggregation) more difficult. It is noteworthy that fast
temperature of the sol prepared with a molar ratio of 3:1. rates of cooling prevent the system from returning to the
Moreover, the liquefaction of the system is observed as sol state (Fig. 1b). The in situ SAXS measurements were
the temperature decreases to values smaller than the carried out at 1 K min -~. In order to obtain complete
critical temperature. This thermoreversible behaviour is reversibility, a much slower cooling rate is necessary.
This slow type of cycle was not tried because of the range of the linear region increases toward small q values
limited time available for the experimental run. for higher temperatures, indicating an increase in size of
Fig. 2 shows the log-log plot of the scattered intensity the fractal aggregates. A third regime is observed at small
I(q) as a function of the modulus of scattering vector q, q values where the scattered intensity is approximately
measured at different temperatures during sample heating independent of q, which is characteristic of noninteract-
(Fig. 2a) and cooling (Fig. 2b). For the region of high q ing clusters. This feature is expected for fractal clusters
(q > 0.05A -t) the curves measured at different with finite correlation range which behave as independent
temperatures are approximately overlapping and two objects.
power-law regimes can be distinguished. The first one, at Fig. 4 shows the fitting for the data displayed in Fig. 2
high q, presents a slope of - 4 , in agreement with the with the theoretical function I(q) given by (2) using S(q)
Porod law. This behaviour is confirmed by the plot and P(q) defined by (3) and (4), respectively. The
presented in Fig. 3, which shows that the product I(q)q 4 parameter a was determined from the crossover between
is a constant in the high q region, either for the sol or the the fractal and Porod regions. The other parameters of the
gel, indicating that the primary particles have well theoretical function were determined by a nonlinear least-
defined surfaces. The Porod limit, which is proportional squares refinement procedure. The theoretical equation
to the surface area of the interface, is nearly invariant gives, as expected, a good agreement with the experi-
during the sol-gel transition. This suggests that aggrega- mental observations only below 1/a.
tion occurs by simple branching with local contacts The q value of the crossover of the two power regimes
between the primary particles and without the contribu- remains approximately constant during the sol-gel-sol
tion of any density-increasing or phase-separation transition and corresponds to a = 5.5 A for the size of the
mechanisms, which would produce a noticeable variation primary particles. This value is in good agreement with
in the interface area. the radius of the inner core of a molecule of
The second power-law regime at medium q produces a ZqsO4(OH)38.s(SO4)t2.6.33H20 (Squattrito, Rudolf &
linear behaviour in the double logarithmic plots (Fig. 2). Clearfield, 1987), which is formed under conditions of
The slope is equal to - 2 . 2 at room temperature and synthesis similar to those used in the present study. In
decreases as the temperature is raised. Moreover, the q this structure, the inner core of the molecule is formed by
l gel-sol transition 357
~-.-. 80- 352
( + ) gel-sol transition
.... t
# 40- 319
sol-gel transition
~o 315
300 310
Temperature (K)
Oo o o
OOo o
hydroxy and oxo groups bridging Zr atoms, whereas the the fractal dimensionality from 2.2 to 2.0 and an increase
sulfate ligands are located at the surface of the in the cluster correlation length from 31 to 46/k as the
Zr(OH)xOycore. These molecules are held together by temperature increases from 298 to 328 K. However, the
electrostatic interactions with the remaining water change in ~ seems to be small when compared to the
molecules. large relative variation in the fractal dimensionality,
Fig. 5 shows the temperature evolution of the fractal suggesting that relaxation involves only small and local
dimensionality D (Fig. 5a) and the correlation length of structural modifications.
the aggregates ~ (Fig. 5b) during the sol-gel-sol At about 333 K, the size of aggregates, ~, increases
transition. Note that, during cooling, the values of both abruptly and the fractai dimensionality decreases from
D and ~ are not the same as during heating, indicating a 2.0 to 1.75 and remains almost constant up to 343 K. The
strong hysteresis effect. This was expected from the value of D of 1.75 is close to the value expected for the
turbidimetric measurements at the same heating rate. mechanism of random-walk cluster-cluster aggregation
Both sol and gel can be characterized by a fractal (Chaumont, Craievich & Zarzycki, 1992a,b, and refer-
structure model, the dimensionality D decreasing pro- ences therein). The enhanced mobility of the clusters and
gressively from 2.2 to about 2.0 in the sol phase and the change of the electrostatic interactions as the
remaining constant and equal to 1.75 in the gel phase. temperature increases may play a role in the modification
The value of D of 2.2 at room temperature is of the aggregation mechanism above the gelation
theoretically expected for ideal branched polymers, as temperature.
is D = 2.0 for swollen branched polymers (Chaumont, The thermoreversible behaviour observed for the
Craievich & Zarzycki, 1992a,b, and references therein). colloidal suspensions of zirconium oxychloride modified
This implies that in solution at room temperature, ideal by sulfuric acid is qualitatively similar to that observed in
branching occurs with monomers interlinked by a matrix some polymers in solution with lower critical solution
formed by water, similar to the crystalline structure of temperature (LCST), in which phase separation and
Z r 1 8 O a ( O H ) 3 8 . 8 ( S O n ) 1 2 . 6 . 3 3 H 2 0 . In solution, these inter- gelation occurs above a critical temperature. This
actions relax as the temperature increases due to the behaviour is often assigned to a decrease in the
diminution of the dielectric constant of water. This leads
to swelling of the cluster, which produces a decrease in
"--= 1.20
I o o o
o o o
o o o o
-~ 0.80 ogo o oo o o o
ao ~0
~ Oo o Oo
o n o o o o o
o o o o
,~ 0.40
0.00 I I
0 2 4 6
q4 10-3(]k .4)
0.1 T(k)'
"-. 1.20 353
o 349
o 347
= 0.80 o o o %o00 o
o~ o
o ~
o o
o o 339
c~%o o o o % o oo o
0.40' 0 o o o
o,, 331
0.00' I I I I
0 2 4 6 8 306
q4 x 10 3(,~-4)
(b) 0.01 0.1
Fig. 3. Porod plots corresponding to (a) the gel phase (T = 343 K) and q(A-b
(b) the sol phase (T= 303 K). In spite of the large statistical errors in
this q range, the Porod asymptotic behaviour seems to be obeyed for Fig. 4. Experimental points and fitting of the structure function S(q) for
both sol and gel. the SAXS curves. The curves are vertically displaced for clarity.
effectiveness of the solvent, causing a decrease in the obtained atter ageing at 353 K for 3 h (Chiavacci, 1996).
volume entropy due to the density-increase mechanism Therefore, the thermoreversibility seems to be a
of the polymers (Sperling, 1992). Moreover, in the case consequence of an intermediate step involving the
of a transition from the solution to a phase-separated formation of a sulfate complex, in which the short-lived
structure, a significant variation in the surface area is nodes of the network are due to the electrostatic
expected. interaction between the clusters.
In contrast, our system shows swelling of the fractal
cluster with increasing temperature, indicating that the
effectiveness of the solvent increases. Moreover, the 6. Conclusion
Porod limit does not indicate any variation in the surface An aqueous solution of zirconium oxychloride modified
area (Fig. 3) during the sol-gel transition. Therefore, it is by sulfuric acid exhibits a thermoreversible sol-gel
difficult to explain our results from the thermodynamic transition, as evidenced by turbidimetric measurements.
concepts of LCST. This SAXS study, during a cycle of heating and cooling,
It seems more consistent to attribute the sol-gel-sol demonstrates that both the sol and the gel are formed by
transition to a change in the affinity between the solvent clusters or aggregates having a fractal structure. The size
and the clusters. In general, the enthalpy of hydration of the elementary structural unit is similar to that of the
becomes less negative as the temperature increases. As a inner core of the Zr1804(OH)38.8(SO4)12.6.33H20 mole-
consequence, the solvation tends to decrease during cule. The size of the basic building block does not vary
heating, favouring the formation of more efficient along the whole heating-cooling cycle.
electrostatic interactions between the ZrlsO4(OH)38.8 As temperature increases, the initial clusters of perfect
(504)12.6 molecules by means of sulfate bridging. branched polymers (with D = 2.2) in the sol phase
In fact, we have observed by IR spectroscopy the progressively swell (with D decreasing to 2.0).
presence of a bidentate SO4 ligand in the irreversible gel, Gelation is produced by the enhanced electrostatic
interaction between the clusters resulting in a network
with a fractal dimensionality D of 1.75, which is
consistent with the value expected for the mechanism
2.2- of cluster-cluster aggregation.
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