Ohms Law Lab Report
Ohms Law Lab Report
Ohms Law Lab Report
Gopalganj, Bangladesh
Faculty of Science
Department of Physics
B. Sc. (Hons) in Physics
Lab Report
Experiment No:
Experiment Name: To verify Ohms law in a simple circuit and hence to calculate the value of unknown
Submission Date:
Experiment No: Date:
Experiment Name: To verify Ohms law in a simple circuit and hence to calculate the value of unknown
The fundamental relationship among voltage, current, and resistance was discovered by Georg
Simon Ohm, which is known as Ohms law. Ohms law states that,
If temperature and other physical conditions of a conductor remain unchanged then current
flowing through the conductor is directly proportional to the voltage difference between two
terminals of the conductors.
R is called resistance. So that,
= (1)
Let = , = and = then equation (1) can be written as = , which is the equation
of straight line passing through the origin.
Therefore, if we apply different voltages across a resistor and measure resulting voltage and
current using voltmeter and ammeter respectively, and put them in a graph the result will be a
straight line. This verifies the ohms law. Again slope of this straight line is calculated as /.
This slope is equal to1/. Where, R is the value of resistance of the resistor. Therefore,
calculating the slope from the graph we can calculate the value of unknown resistance using
above relation.
Working Diagram
Fig. 1: Circuit diagram to verify Ohms law.
1) Bread board
2) Resistor
3) Variable DC Power Supply
4) Ammeter
5) Voltmeter
6) Connecting wires
1) Connect all components on the bread board according to the circuit of Fig. 1 on the bread
2) Turn on the dc power supply.
3) Set the dc power supply voltage to zero volt.
4) Measure the voltage and current using voltmeter and ammeter respectively.
5) Increase the voltage of power supply by 1 volt and repeat the above step for few times.
Ohms law is verified and the calculated value of unknown resistance is..
The V-I graph is not exactly straight line. It is deviated slightly from the ideal graph. Moreover,
the calculated error is relatively high. This is mostly due to the problem is apparatus. Also may
be due to the lose connections. Although voltage and current was measured using digital multi-
meter, reading was fluctuating and it was difficult to take exact reading. The total experiment is
done with great accuracy and under the instruction of the teacher.