Ecological Economics: Mohammad Alauddin, Bharat R. Sharma
Ecological Economics: Mohammad Alauddin, Bharat R. Sharma
Ecological Economics: Mohammad Alauddin, Bharat R. Sharma
Ecological Economics
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: While the bulk of research on crop water productivity (WP) focuses on static cross-section analysis, this research
Received 20 June 2009 provides a spatio-temporal perspective. It estimates rice crop WP for 21 Bangladesh districts for 37 years;
Received in revised form 2 March 2013 explores WP variations among districts; and investigates causality involving WP, intensication and technological
Accepted 26 May 2013
variables; and groundwater irrigation and depth. It breaks new grounds by probing these signicant but
Available online xxxx
unexplored issues.
JEL classication:
Technological diffusion was the key factor explaining inter-district WP differences. The impact of agricultural
O1 intensication on rabi (dry season) and kharif (wet season) crop WPs was positive and negative respectively.
Q0 Dummy variables typifying policy transition negatively impacted on WPs for both kharif and overall crops.
Q2 While rabi and kharif rice WPs grew with time, overall crop WP recorded the strongest growth. Rabi and overall
WPs were lower in salinity- and drought-prone districts covering 33% of Bangladesh's net cropped area (NCA).
Keywords: In 90% of Bangladesh's NCA districts, technological diffusion caused WP. Causality existed between groundwater
Water productivity
irrigation and depth in 60% NCA. Despite signicant potential to increase WP, increasing dependence on ground-
Agricultural intensication
water appears unsustainable. Widespread diffusion of HYVs in the kharif season, and development of salinity and
Technological diffusion
Policy transition
drought-tolerant rice varieties could go a long way in sustaining rice WP.
Spatio-temporal perspective 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Granger causality
Groundwater dependency
1. Introduction and Background on groundwater irrigation. In no other part of the world does people's
livelihood depend so much on groundwater as it does in South Asia.
Literature on agricultural development has long neglected the As Shah (2007) reports, 5560 and 6065% of the respective popula-
measurement and explanation of productivity of a fundamental and, tions in India and Pakistan depend on groundwater for their livelihoods.
in many cases limiting, input water. This stands in sharp contrast Given the high and increasing dependency on groundwater irrigation
to the voluminous research on land and labor productivity in agricul- stated in Section 1.1, this gure for Bangladesh is likely to be at least
ture. It has long been recognized that with a growing population in as high as that of Pakistan. In contrast, the corresponding gure for
Bangladesh and a dwindling supply of arable land per capita, there is China is in the 2025% range.
very little prospect for expanding food production by bringing in more First, the world pays more attention now than in the past to letting
land under cultivation. The only way forward is to augment the produc- the market forces and the private sector operate. Many countries in
tivity per hectare of cultivated land. In their inuential work, Hayami the Third World (including Bangladesh) adopted structural reform
and Ruttan (1985) espoused internal land-augmentation as opposed programs, which were essentially institutional reforms that embodied
to external land-augmentation as a way of overcoming severe con- a set of policies propelled by the IMF and the World Bank. These policies
straints on the supply of arable land per capita. The former refers to a had the explicit aim of opening up the Third World countries to world
situation where qualitative improvement in land input takes place, market competition so as to: (1) promote their exports, and (2) restrain
for instance, through irrigation while the latter refers to a situation domestic expenditure in order to create a better climate for investment
where cultivation is based on the extensive margin. and enhance economic growth (Messkoub, 1992, p. 198). In many
In the densely populated and land-scarce countries of South Asia, countries, structural adjustment policies permeate every aspect of the
internal land augmentation has taken the form of increasing reliance economy (Rahman, 1992).
Second, the depletion and degradation of land and water resources
Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 7 3365 6664; fax: +61 7 3365 7299.
due to agricultural intensication seem amply clear. This is a global
E-mail addresses: (M. Alauddin), as well as a South Asian phenomenon (Alauddin and Hossain, 2001;
(B.R. Sharma). PrescottAllen, 2001; Shah, 2009). The adverse impact of intensive
0921-8009/$ see front matter 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Alauddin, B.R. Sharma / Ecological Economics 93 (2013) 210218 211
agriculture on soil quality in parts of Bangladesh is well documented Information contained in various issues of Yearbook of Agricultural
(see, for example, Ali et al., 1997). In south-eastern Nigeria, farm-level Statistics of Bangladesh (BBS, 2008), suggests that the (greater) districts
data suggested that about nine percent of the soil in irrigated land of Bogra (#8, 9), Dinajpur (#13), Jessore (#2023), Kushtia (#1719),
has been degraded to the extent that it is no longer suitable for arable Pabna (#14 and #16), Rajshahi (#1113 and #15), and Rangpur (#47
agriculture (Urama, 2005, p.199). and #10) located in the northern and western zones, and the (greater)
Therefore, the focus of technological innovations must shift from just districts of Jamalpur (#33 and #36), Mymensingh (#34 and #38), and
land-augmentation to environment-saving by considering environment Tangail (#37) in the central region are characterized by groundwater
as factor of production (Alauddin, 2004; Alauddin and Quiggin, 2008). dependency of more than 85% of the gross irrigated area. The combined
This paper focuses on the water-saving perspective of agricultural net cropped area (NCA) of these greater districts accounts for half of
development, implying a higher crop yield/m3 of water use (Barker Bangladesh's total NCA. This phenomenon has drastically shifted the
and Levine, 2012, p.2). groundsurface water relativities in irrigation from almost nil to nearly
The bulk of the research on crop water productivity (WP) available all, in some cases. Three standout (greater) districts are Bogra, Tangail
thus far has focused almost exclusively on static cross-sectional analy- and Dinajpur with about 15% of Bangladesh's net cropped area, where
ses. They have measured WP at different locations at a point of time groundwater irrigation is respectively 54, 34 and 24 times as important
precluding the possibility of examining any time trends. Ahmad et al. as surface water irrigation.
(2004) estimated rice and wheat WPs in the Rechna-Doab basin in Increasing dependence on groundwater extraction has led to signi-
the Pakistan Punjab. They employed remote sensing and Surface cant lowering of groundwater tables. The maximum groundwater depth
Energy-based Algorithm (SEBAL) modeling for evapotranspiration is signicantly positively correlated with the incidence of groundwater
(ET) estimation. Cai and Sharma (2010) measured water productivity irrigation, as measured by the percentage of groundwater-irrigated
in the Indo-Gangetic basin using a range of methods including remote area in gross area irrigated for almost all districts. This is especially so
sensing, census and weather data. Mahajan et al. (2009) measured for the (greater) districts of Dhaka, Mymensingh, Tangail, Bogra, Pabna
water productivity and yield of rice according to time of transplanting and Rajshahi, and Jessore and Kushtia.
in the Indian Punjab. On the whole, measurement of water productivity Changes in the ve yearly average maximum groundwater depths
as has been done by Ahmad et al. (2004) and Mahajan et al. (2009) is between the early 1970s and the early 2000s in selected regions of
possible for a micro-level study. It is rather too laborious, cumbersome, Bangladesh (CEGIS, see Section 3.1) suggest that Dhaka, which includes
and data-intensive to investigate crop water productivity for a larger mostly the city area, has suffered the greatest increase in the maximum
geographical entity such as a country or regions within a country, groundwater depth (by 42 m). This seems consistent with the nding
let alone over time. that groundwater table in Bangladesh's capital city, Dhaka, has declined
Vaidyanathan and Sivasubramaniyan (2004) measured changes in by an average of 1 m/year over the last three decades (Zahid and
water demand for crop production for 13 Indian states between Ahmed, 2006, p.40). However, this phenomenon may not be entirely
196668 and 199193 employing consumptive water-use (CWU). related to agricultural activities but due to a dramatic increase in
CWU for a particular crop refers to the amount of water that a crop Dhaka city's population from just under 1.68 million in 1974 (BBS,
transpires during its course of growth and the amount of water 1984, p.44) to 14.54 million in 2011 (
that evaporates from the bare surface on which the crop grows php/bangladesh-dhaka.php).
(Amarasinghe et al., 2007; Vaidyanathan and Sivasubramaniyan, 2004). Greater risk of drought combined with increasing extraction of
CWU, as estimated by Vaidyanathan and Sivasubramaniyan groundwater resources can exacerbate the impact of drought on crop
(2004), used mean annual rainfall and ET; but this masked signicant yield. Information limitations preclude the possibility of an in-depth
interregional and seasonal variations of rainfall within a state, and analysis of the effect of drought on crop productivity. Karim and Iqbal
growth periods of crops. Amarasinghe et al. (2007) improved the (1997) provide an estimate of loss of crop yield of transplanted aman
Vaidyanathan and Sivasubramaniyan (2004) assessment of CWU in (kharif) rice due to drought in all three stages of the crop production
two important ways. First, they used average monthly rainfall and process (panicle initiation, heading to milk, and milk to maturity) that
district-level ET. Second, they used crop coefcients (dened as the approximately correspond to the 7th, 89th and 1012th ten-day
ratio of potential to actual ET, Pidwirny, 2006) corresponding to the growth periods respectively in the present study. Karim and Iqbal
four different periods of crop growth (initial, development, middle (1997, p.75) further report that the impact of the loss is particularly
and late), and the crop calendar for different crops for four different severe during the milk-to-maturity stage.
regions to estimate CWU for India. There are also signicant spatial variations to the effect of drought.
Given the higher incidence of drought in the northern district of
Rajshahi and western districts of Jessore and Kushtia, these are more
1.1. Overview of Changes in Bangladesh Agriculture adversely affected than the central district of Dhaka and the eastern
districts of Comilla or Sylhet. Furthermore, the duration of the drought
High yielding variety (HYV) rice has spearheaded the green revolu- is much longer (13 days each) for Jessore and Rajshahi compared
tion of the late 1960s in Bangladesh (Alauddin and Tisdell, 1991). Rice to eight and four days respectively for Comilla and Sylhet. Drought-
production consumes much more fresh water than any other crop of stress-affected yield is only 43 and 38% respectively of the no-
comparable value and duration (Allen et al., 1998; BARC, 2001). Almost drought-stress yield. The eight (greater) districts (Barisal, Faridpur,
all rabi (NovemberMarch) rice areas are currently allocated to HYVs Kushtia, Jessore, Khulna, Pabna, Patuakhali and Rajshahi), located in
while kharif (AprilOctober) rice also has a signicant component the Ganges basin (with about 38% Bangladesh's NCA) are characterized
of HYVs for most districts. Bangladesh agriculture is characterized by by high climatic variability. Some of these districts are susceptible to
the pre-eminent position of rice in its cropping pattern. Nearly 80% severe droughts while others are susceptible to salinity. This area is
of the gross cropped area is allocated to rice (BBS, 2012). likely to experience even greater climatic variability in coming decades.
Over time, Bangladesh has become increasingly dependent on By 2050, the dry season (NovemberMay) water decit will rise to
groundwater irrigation for agricultural crop production. From next to 24.6% from 9.4% in 2025. On the other hand, the wet season (June
nothing at the beginning of the green revolution in the late 1960s and October) water surplus will increase to 29.7% from 8.85% over the
early 1970s, groundwater is now the pre-eminent source of irrigation same period (WARPO, 2002, p.13).
(BBS, 2012). However, there are signicant inter-district variations. Bangladesh's public policy stance pertaining to agriculture, especially
Fig. 1 illustrates the locations of the 64 (smaller) districts with their in relation to pricing of key agricultural inputs such as irrigation, chem-
respective numbers. ical fertilizers and pesticides has changed signicantly since the 1980s
212 M. Alauddin, B.R. Sharma / Ecological Economics 93 (2013) 210218
Fig. 1. Map of Bangladesh showing the 21 districts with their 64 constituent units.
Source: Adapted from;
and has resulted in the withdrawal of subsidies on them. Bangladesh wells, and low lift pumps) and chemical fertilizers reecting their
has been pursuing a policy of initial transition to and subsequently a true price. Furthermore, the policy makers also had to consider the
complete deregulation of the agricultural input market. These were highly porous border with India and a signicantly lower fertilizer
done primarily on the basis of World Bank and IMF prescriptions price in Bangladesh than in India that would always encourage illicit
under the structural adjustment program (Jahan et al., 1999; Shand border trade (Hossain et al., 1997). This policy rationalization occurred
and Alauddin, 1997). in two discernible phases. The decade of the 1980s represents the initial
This policy change led to an increase in the price of all agricultural phase of policy transition from a regulated policy regime to one based
inputs including agricultural machinery (shallow and deep tube on a greater reliance on market forces. The period since the 1990s
M. Alauddin, B.R. Sharma / Ecological Economics 93 (2013) 210218 213
typies the phase during which the economy has experienced the such as district location (e.g., in the salinity- or drought-prone
deepest penetration of market forces and highest degree of openness areas), indicators of technological diffusion and agricultural intensi-
in the external sector (Hossain and Alauddin, 2005). cation, and time trend or phases within the time series that typify ex-
Against this background, the present study departs from the existing tent of agricultural input pricing policy liberalization; and
literature by using panel data to provide a spatio-temporal perspective explores causality involving WP, agricultural intensication and
(Cameron and Trivedi, 2010) and explore issues that have not been technological diffusion. It also explores causality between ground-
addressed before in WP analysis. This paper focuses on rice only, water irrigation and its depth.
given its importance in Bangladesh agriculture. However, the methodo-
Note that availability of data on all the necessary variables precluded
logical framework can be easily extended to other crops as well.
the possibility of extending the time series beyond 2004 and carrying
More specically, the paper:
out analysis for 64 (smaller) districts instead of 21 (greater) districts.
estimates rice crop WP for 21 (greater) districts of Bangladesh The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 outlines the methodolog-
covering a period of 37 years from 1968 to 2004; ical framework, Section 3 analyzes the data, Section 4 presents the empir-
explores WP variations among districts according to several factors ical results and Section 5 follows it up with a discussion and conclusions.
2. Methodological Issues
Measurement of water productivity entails signicant methodological issues. This is because, it involves the use of both scientic and statis-
tical information on a range of variables including water requirements for crops, precipitation and evapotranspiration, irrigation, crop calendar,
crop output and related data. For a particular crop or a group of crops, WP is dened as a ratio of crop output to CWU.
Estimation of CWU is undertaken by employing Eq. (1) (Amarasinghe et al., 2007, p.7).
> l dij
< IRAlk kcki ETpj for irrigated crops
kseasons jmonths igrowth periods nj
CWU l d 1
> l ij
: RFAlk min kcki ETpj ; Effrf j for rain fed crops
kseasons jmonth igrowth periods nj
IRAlk and RFAlk respectively represent irrigated and rain-fed areas of the lth crop in the kth season;
i is the number of growth periods during a cropping season, generally four (initial, development, middle and late) but could be more (e.g., number
of 10-day segments of the total growth period of the relevant crop);
dij is the number of days of the jth month in the ith crop growth period;
nj is the number of days of the jth month;
kc is the crop coefcient of the crop in the ith growth period of the kth season;
Effrfj is the effective rainfall for the period of the month in which the crop is grown.
Eq. (1) embodies two multipliers:
(a) For irrigated crops, it is simply the expression involving the second and the third summation signs and entails the use of crop ET (=kclkl ETPj)
on the assumption that irrigation meets the full water requirements of the crops. In reality, however, this may not always be the case. This is be-
cause in many water-scarce areas (or where farmers do not have full control over irrigation), irrigation may not meet the full water requirement.
In the absence of any dependable information, the authors had no alternative but to assume away any decit in irrigation water.
(b) For rain-fed crops, it is the minimum of (crop ET, Effrfj).
This study calls the multiplier (a) the irrigated multiplier (IM) and the multiplier (b) the rain-fed multiplier (RM). Based on Amarasinghe
(2005, p.9), Eq. (2) estimates effective rainfall.
where Effrf and AMR respectively represent millimeters of effective rainfall and average monthly rainfall.
There might be many variables that inuence the dimensions involving agricultural intensication and technological diffusion. It is not possible to
include all of them as explanatory variables in the same model. Factor analysis provides an analytical framework to derive an orderly simplication of
a relatively large number of variables to a small number of representative constructs that reect the underlying phenomena. Thus, factor analysis
brings together variables that belong to a similar group (Field, 2005; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2007).
For panel data, ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates are likely to be inappropriate due to the presence of heteroscedasticity and rst-order
autocorrelation. In view of the likely occurrence of these problems, the present study employs generalized least squares (GLS) estimates
corrected for heteroscedasticity and rst-order autocorrelation (Wooldridge, 2002).
214 M. Alauddin, B.R. Sharma / Ecological Economics 93 (2013) 210218
While regression analysis can explore the dependence of WP on a number of variables, the existence of signicant relationship does not
necessarily imply that one causes the other or the direction of causality. However, in regressions using time series data, the scenario might
be different (Gujarati, 2003). Given that, in the present study the estimated WPs, agricultural intensication and technological diffusion
have time dimension, it is useful to explore any causal relationship involving these variables employing Granger causality tests (Granger, 1969).
Furthermore, in view of the phenomenal increase in groundwater usage and its likely impact on groundwater table, it is worth exploring any causal
relation between the two variables. This is undertaken in Section 4.3.
3. Data Rice crops did not have any separate production and yield data of
the rain-fed and irrigated ecosystems on a time series basis. The only
The data used in this study warrant some discussion as they came data available to the authors were from Flood Plan Coordination
from various scattered sources and required further processing for Organization (FPCO, 1991). These have been used to derive separate
the derivation of water productivity measures. The remainder of this crop production estimates. While this was not entirely satisfactory,
section is devoted to it. the authors had little choice but to use them while acknowledging
their limitations.
Table 1
Descriptive statistics of water productivity (WP), Bangladesh districts, 19682004.
Source: Based on data from Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC, 2001); various issues of Yearbook of Agricultural Statistics of Bangladesh; Water Resource Planning
Organization (WARPO) and Centre for Environmental and Geographical Information System (CEGIS).
21 Greater districts (smaller districts in Fig. 1) Rice WP (kg/m3 of CWU) Difference in rabi rice Coefcient of variation (%)
WP (%) over
Barisal (#24, 2830) 0.287 0.471 0.306 64.1 53.9 19.3 13.6 18.4
Bogra (#89) 0.387 0.481 0.412 24.3 16.7 25.1 24.5 26.8
Chittagong Hill Tracts (#6162, 64) 0.423 0.421 0.422 0.5 0.2 23.5 11.3 19.7
Chittagong (#60, 63) 0.470 0.451 0.459 4.0 1.7 22.9 11.1 16.0
Comilla (#5456) 0.358 0.522 0.407 45.8 28.3 22.5 22.5 22.5
Dhaka (#3944) 0.293 0.472 0.367 61.1 28.6 23.9 17.2 25.1
Dinajpur (#13) 0.347 0.509 0.367 46.7 38.7 18.3 12.8 22.0
Faridpur (#4549) 0.216 0.516 0.280 138.9 84.3 24.2 17.2 34.6
Jamalpur (#33, 36) 0.320 0.480 0.371 50.0 29.4 20.8 16.3 21.1
Jessore (#2023) 0.347 0.459 0.358 32.3 28.2 36.9 14.1 35.0
Khulna (#2527) 0.343 0.355 0.344 3.5 3.2 28.1 20.1 25.9
Kishoreganj (#35) 0.348 0.447 0.400 28.4 11.8 25.1 20.0 22.4
Kushtia (#1719) 0.314 0.424 0.325 35.0 30.5 33.7 22.3 36.1
Mymensingh (#34, 38) 0.331 0.438 0.362 32.3 21.0 21.6 24.4 24.2
Noakhali (#5759) 0.328 0.481 0.357 46.6 34.7 22.8 16.0 21.7
Pabna (#14, 16) 0.275 0.493 0.335 79.3 47.2 33.7 17.8 35.5
Patuakhali (#3132) 0.290 0.382 0.297 31.7 28.6 23.0 27.5 19.7
Rajshahi (#1113, 15) 0.336 0.437 0.358 30.1 22.1 31.3 24.9 31.4
Rangpur (#47, 10) 0.362 0.472 0.381 30.4 23.9 24.6 17.8 26.1
Sylhet (#5053) 0.339 0.344 0.342 1.5 0.6 20.5 21.3 19.7
Tangail (#37) 0.293 0.570 0.378 94.5 50.8 24.7 14.1 27.3
Note: These are estimated using Eq. (1) above and averaged by the number of years for each district. Figures in columns 56 are derived as (column 3 / column 2) 100 100 and
as (column 4 / column 2) 100 100 respectively. Columns 79 = (std. dev of water productivity for a district / corresponding gure in columns 24) 100.
M. Alauddin, B.R. Sharma / Ecological Economics 93 (2013) 210218 215
4. Results Table 2
Two factors reecting agricultural intensication and technological diffusion in
Bangladesh agriculture.
4.1. Descriptive Statistics: An Interpretive Overview
Description Factor
Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics of water productivity loading
measures by rice crops and districts for the 19682004 period. These Factor 1: Agricultural intensication [intensication]
are estimated using Eq. (1) above. Rabi season rice and wheat area irrigated as a percentage of gross area 0.871
Thus, each gure presented in columns 24 represents a 37-year
Net agriculture intensity (net cropped area i.e., excluding multiple 0.834
average for the corresponding district except for Jamalpur (27 years), cropping as a percentage of total land area)
Patuakhali (36 years) and Tangail (36 years). Columns 5 and 6 repre- Gross agriculture intensity (gross cropped area gross cropped area 0.781
sent, respectively, the percentage differences in rabi rice water produc- i.e., including multiple cropping as a percentage of total land area)
tivity over those for kharif and overall (weighted average kharif and Cropping intensity (gross cropped area i.e., including multiple 0.764
cropping as a percentage of net cropped area)
rabi) crops. Inter-district comparison of variability in water productivity
Crop concentration ratio (gross rice area as a percentage of gross 0.764
requires the use of relative (coefcient of variation in columns 79) cropped area)
rather than absolute variability (standard deviation). Rice area irrigated as a percentage of gross area irrigated 0.763
Rabi rice WP is considerably higher than those of both kharif and Rabi rice area irrigated as a percentage of gross area irrigated 0.503
overall crops for all but four districts (Chittagong, Chittagong Hill Factor 2: Technological diffusion [diffusion]
Tracts, Khulna and Sylhet). For these districts, rabi rice WP is just Percentage of high yielding variety (HYV) in all rice area i.e., including 0.977
below or above the ones for the other rice crops. For six districts multiple cropping
Percentage of high yielding variety (HYV) area in total kharif rice area 0.937
(Dhaka, Faridpur, Jamalpur, Pabna and Tangail) rabi rice WP is higher
Percentage of high yielding variety (HYV) area in total rabi rice area 0.715
than kharif and overall rice WP by at least 50%. As can be seen from Groundwater irrigation as percentage of total irrigated area 0.621
the last three columns of Table 1, kharif and overall rice water produc-
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with
tivity for most districts is more variable than those for the rabi crop Kaiser Normalization.
except for the four districts mentioned above. This may be due to
the fact that whereas the kharif rice mainly depends on the variable
nature of the rainfall, the rabi crop is irrigated with a more depend- not lead to any increase in the explanatory power. Cronbach's
able groundwater source. (measuring internal consistency) was calculated using the variables
dening Factor 1 and Factor 2. The -values were 0.876, and 0.847
4.2. Exploring District-level Water Productivity Differences respectively. These met the threshold value of 0.70 for internal consis-
tency for all variables dening each factor. Note that factors represent
A range of variables is likely to affect water productivity measures. the linear combination of the original variables and the underlying
These may represent such dimensions as technological change, dimensions that account for the original set of observed variables
or those that may have contributed to the process of agricultural (Hair et al., 2010). Table 2 reports the results of factor analysis.
intensication. There might also be other variables that are discussed The seven variables under Factor 1 epitomize the process of agricul-
in Section 4.2.2. tural intensication. Broadly speaking, three types of variables underlie
this dimension (Table 2). Variables 1, 6, and 8 relate to groundwater
4.2.1. Indicators of Agricultural Intensication and Technological Diffusion: irrigation. Variables 2, 3 and 4 relate to agriculture intensity of the
Factor Analysis Bangladesh economy, while Variable 5 represents rice intensity of the
The present factor analysis initially considered a total of 16 variables crop sector of Bangladesh.
to derive a small number of representative dimensions (factors). The four variables underlying Factor 2 underscore the process
However, for the sake of interpretation and keeping the factors to a of technology diffusion. Three variables including percentage of high-
manageable number, ve variables had to be excluded from the nal yielding variety of rice in all-rice area (Variables 810 in Table 2) and
factor analysis because their inclusion neither increased the percentage groundwater irrigation as a percentage of total irrigated area (Variable
of variance explained (i.e., total variance of all the variables included), 11 in Table 2) dene this construct.
nor did they produce a factor loading greater than 0.400. Furthermore,
their exclusion improved internal consistency of the extracted factors. 4.2.2. Exploring Water Productivity Differences Among Districts:
This is consistent with the conventional practice as researchers take Generalized Least Squares Results
the loading of an absolute value above 0.300 to be important (Field, Now, the paper explores the differences in WP levels among dis-
2005). The present study applies a more conservative threshold of a tricts, and over time. In doing so, it uses the two factors (agricultural
factor loading greater than 0.400. Note that factor loadings represent intensication and technological diffusion) that were extracted earlier
the correlation between the factor and the original variables and are as explanatory variables. The list of possible explanatory variables is
critically important in understanding the nature of a particular factor expanded by including the following:
(Hair et al., 2010). The ve excluded variables were:
Time: Time trend, 1968 = 1, and so on.
1. Mean groundwater depth;
Policy transition 1: 1 if the data relate to the 198190 (inclusive)
2. Ratio of groundwater irrigated area to surface-water irrigated
period, 0 otherwise. This represents the initial phase of policy
3. Useable recharge; transition from a regulated policy regime to one based on greater
4. Surface water as a percentage of total irrigated area; and reliance of the market forces.
5. Non-rice crop as a percentage of total cropped area. Policy transition 2: 1 if the data related to the 19912004 (inclusive)
period, 0 otherwise. This is the phase in which the economy experi-
The number of variables included and the number of factors
enced the deepest penetration of market forces and highest degree
extracted were decided on the basis of percentage of variance explained
by the extracted factors and their internal consistency. The two factors of openness to external trade.
(Table 2) explained 69.3% of the total variance (Factor 1, 48.9%, and Salinity prone area: 1 if the data corresponded to the (greater)
Factor 2, 20.4%). The explanatory power of the model was deemed districts of Barisal (#24, 2830), Khulna (#2527), and Patuakhali
satisfactory, given that extraction of a higher number of factors did (#3132), 0 otherwise.
216 M. Alauddin, B.R. Sharma / Ecological Economics 93 (2013) 210218
Table 3
Explanation of inter-district rice water productivity differences: Generalized least squares estimates after accounting for heteroscedasticity and rst-order autocorrelation.
Drought prone area: 1 if the data related to (greater) districts of other two crops as indicated by the average for the entire period
Jessore (#2023), Kushtia (#1719) and Rajshahi (#1113, 15). presented in Table 1.
Rabi and overall rice WPs are signicantly lower in the salinity- and
GLS estimates are presented separately for kharif, rabi and overall drought-prone districts. This is not unexpected, given that Bangladesh
rice crops in Table 3. Technological diffusion consistently outperformed is yet to make a signicant progress in developing salinity- and
any other variables explaining water productivity differences. While its drought-tolerant varieties of rice (BRRI, 2011).
effects are signicantly positive for water productivity of all rice crops,
the coefcients for the kharif and overall crops are twice as large 4.3. Exploring Causal Relationships
as the one for the rabi crop. The process of technological diffusion is
propelled by groundwater irrigation. Granger causality tests did not nd any evidence of two-way causa-
Agricultural intensication had a signicantly positive effect on the tion. Results presented in Table 4 represent one-way causality running
rabi crop and a signicantly negative effect on the kharif crop. For the from agricultural intensication and technological diffusion to the
overall crop, the coefcient of this variable is negative and signicant respective rice crop WPs. A contrasting picture emerges with respect
only at the 10% level. to agricultural intensication and technological diffusion.
Both policy transition variables had signicant negative effects on For only three districts accounting for about 10% of Bangladesh's
the kharif and overall crops. While WPs for all crops of rice grew with NCA, agricultural intensication caused rice water productivity of
time, the one for the overall rice crop was 5 g per year. Kharif WP kharif, rabi and overall rice crops. On the contrary, technological diffu-
grew by 4 g annually while rabi WP recorded a growth of 2 g. To put sion was a casual factor in the case of rice WPs of kharif, rabi and over-
it in context, ceteris paribus at the end of the time series, WPs for kharif, all crops for most districts covering 90% of Bangladesh's NCA.
rabi and overall crops of rice would have increased by 148, 74 and 185 g At this stage, it is also important to explore any causal relationship
from their respective levels in 1968. It should, however, be noted that between mean groundwater level and area irrigated from ground-
the growth of rabi WP was from higher base values compared to the water sources as a percentage of total area irrigated. It is plausible
Table 4
Results of Granger causality tests: Rice WP vis--vis agricultural intensication and technological diffusion.
21 Greater districts Causality running to kharif rice Causality running to rabi rice Causality running to overall rice
(smaller districts in Fig. 1) WP from WP from WP from
Note: , and respectively imply that the null hypothesis of no causality can be rejected at 1, 5 and 10% levels of signicance respectively and with a one period lag.
X implies absence of any causal relationship.
M. Alauddin, B.R. Sharma / Ecological Economics 93 (2013) 210218 217
Table 5 drought prone areas require rice varieties that are yet to experience
Results of Granger causality tests between groundwater as a percentage of total area signicant scientic breakthroughs.
irrigated causes mean groundwater depth.
One implication for the increasing incidence of rice cultivation is
21 Greater districts Groundwater as a Mean groundwater Direction of that the process of agricultural production has become more water
(smaller districts in Fig. 1) % of total area depth causes causality dependent. In the dry season, rice and pulses are competing crops.
irrigated causes groundwater as
The former is at least one and half times more water-intensive than
mean groundwater a % of total area
depth irrigated pulses. Furthermore, the growing season for pulses is considerably
shorter than for rice (BARC, 2001, p.116). Why then farmers allocate
Barisal (#24, 2830) X X
Bogra (#89) Two-way more land to rabi rice than pulses? There are two likely reasons for
Chittagong Hill Tracts X X this. First, technological progress in pulses has lagged far behind
(#6162, 64) that in rice. Second and more importantly, rice is the staple food
Chittagong (#60, 63) X X and gives a high and stable yield during rabi season. Therefore, bring-
Comilla (#5456) X X
ing the agricultural input prices to their scarcity value in itself might
Dhaka (#3944) Two-way
Dinajpur (#13) X X not have resulted in the adverse effect on rabi rice water productivity.
Faridpur (#4548) Two-way However, the problem lays elsewhere. While few would disagree
Jamalpur (#33, 36) X One-way with such a policy rationalization, what was really lacking was a proper
Jessore (#2023) X X
institutional arrangement underlying the supply and distribution of dif-
Khulna (#2527) X X
Kishoreganj (#35) Two-way ferent inputs that were essential for irrigation. Uncertainty and disrup-
Kushtia (#1719) Two-way tion in the diesel and power supply for irrigation are quite common.
Mymensingh (#34, 38) Two-way Rabi HYVs of rice are completely dependent on irrigation and timely
Noakhali (#5759) X X application of complementary inputs such as chemical fertilizers.
Pabna (#14, 16) Two-way
Given that the dry season evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation in
Patuakhali (#3132) X X
Rajshahi (#1113, 15) Two-way most districts but especially in the drier districts, adequacy and timely
Rangpur (#47, 10) X \ One-way availability of key inputs is critically important. Usually this is the case
Sylhet (#5053) Two-way in the dry season.
Tangail (#37) Two-way
However, rice cultivation under rain-fed conditions as is the case
Note: , and respectively imply that the null hypothesis of no causality can be during the kharif season provides a different scenario in that there is
rejected at 1 and 5% levels of signicance with a one period lag implying a causal considerable uncertainty with the timeliness and adequacy of rainfall.
relationship. X denotes absence of any causality.
Furthermore, high input costs relative to return may militate against
using supplementary irrigation. This could be the underlying reason
for the signicant negative signs of the two policy regime dummy
that increased abstraction of groundwater resources lead to depletion variables on the kharif rice WP.
of groundwater tables in the absence of full recharge of aquifers It is debatable whether the present water productivity growth
(Shamsudduha et al., 2011). It is also possible that depleting groundwater process is sustainable. Shah (2009) casts doubt about the sustainability
tables might lead to greater usage of groundwater in the face of dwindling of groundwater irrigation in South Asia. Similar concerns have been
surface water sources. Table 5 presents the results of causality tests. expressed in research from other parts of the world (see, for example,
Ten districts with about half of Bangladesh's NCA of the 21 districts Urama, 2005).
show a two-way causation between mean groundwater depth and per- This paper has provided a spatio-temporal perspective of rice pro-
centage of total area irrigated from groundwater sources. Two districts, ductivity analysis in contrast to the received literature almost exclusive-
Rangpur and Jamalpur with 11% of the country NCA, show one-way ly dominated by research focusing on static cross-section analysis.
causation but in opposite directions. For Jamalpur with only about 3% Issues taken up for specic investigation include: (a) estimation rice
of the country NCA, percentage of total area irrigated from groundwater water productivity for 21 districts over 37 years; (b) an explanation of
sources causes mean groundwater depth. On the other hand, for WP differences among districts; and (c) an exploration of casual rela-
Rangpur with 8% of Bangladesh's NCA, mean groundwater depth causes tionships involving WP on the one hand and agricultural intensication
percentage of total area irrigated from groundwater sources. and technological diffusion on the other; and between groundwater
irrigation and depth of groundwater table. This present study has
broken new grounds by exploring these issues which have not been
5. Discussion and Conclusions explored in the existing literature. Even though developed as a case
study of Bangladesh, the ndings are likely to be of relevance to devel-
Overall rice water productivity in Bangladesh is relatively low oping countries where similar conditions apply and data are available.
(0.3060.459 kg/m3 of CWU) both by South Asian and international Bangladesh's situation may not be unique in the world. For instance,
standards. It is also characterized by signicant variation across many LDCs are confronted with the problems of dwindling supply
districts. This stands in sharp contrast to rice WP in parts of India at of arable land per capita, and intense pressure on land. Its excessive
1.540 kg (Singh et al., 2006), 1.2501.510 kg (Mahajan et al., 2009), reliance on groundwater has parallels with parts of other South Asian
and 0.5701.180 kg (Cai and Sharma, 2010) and by global standards countries and this makes its case of additional interest.
of 0.6001.600 kg (Zwart and Bastiaanssen, 2004). This implies
very low levels of water productivity offering a signicant scope Acknowledgments
for improvement.
Spread of HYVs is a key determinant of rice water productivity. The authors would like to thank the three anonymous referees of
However, the spread of this technology in the dry season depends this journal for their useful comments on the original version of the
critically on the access to irrigation, more specically groundwater paper. The authors are obliged to Tushaar Shah, Upali Amarasinghe,
resources. Tom Ngyuen, Ross Guest and Saroja Selvanathan for their constructive
This notwithstanding, widespread diffusion of HYVs during kharif comments and suggestions; Inamul Haque, Nilufa Islam, Ehsan Haz
season is yet to occur. This is due to greater risks and uncertainty due Chowdhury and M. Sattar Mandal for providing useful data materials;
to variable weather conditions. Technological breakthroughs are yet Hong Son Nghiem for econometric estimation; and Rezaul Hasan
to take a rmer root to circumvent these uncertainties. Salinity and and Kamrul Hasan for their research assistance. This paper is partially
218 M. Alauddin, B.R. Sharma / Ecological Economics 93 (2013) 210218
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