Comparison Ole and New Rdso Drawings
Comparison Ole and New Rdso Drawings
Comparison Ole and New Rdso Drawings
RDSO took up design of standard composite Road Over Bridges (ROBs) drawing for the first time in 2010
due to growing importance of ROBs in achieving the aim of complete elimination of level crossings.
Drawings were issued for 3, 4, 5 and 6 track-crossings (with span lengths 18m/ 24m/ 30m and 36m). The
drawings were for standard 3-lane configuration issued by MORTH with raised kerbs/railings on both
sides. This arrangement had a deck width of 12.9m. Being first design of this nature done by RDSO, lots of
issues were raised by zonal railways regarding these drawings and it was felt there is need to revisit the
design. This paper describes changes made while issuing the new set of drawings for the same spans
and rationale behind them. The paper also describes care to be exercised while using the new drawings.
Fig 1: Six road width configurations of new ROB drawings
Fig 2: Elevation of the new drawing showing slab the HSFG bolts.
overhang 6. IRC specifies camber to be provided for spans above
3. IRC guidelines stipulate that cross-slope in road shall 30m. Providing camber in plate girders is very difficult
be 1 in 40. There are many problems in providing this cross and IRS codes do not provided for camber in girders
slope in steel girders which are fabricated in workshop as upto 36 m, so the old drawings were all without
against concrete girders which are cast-in-place (at least camber. But since Robs are designed as per IRC
diaphragms and slabs are cast in-situ). Therefore, while codes, this issue kept cropping up and it was felt that
preparing the old drawings, it was kept as 1 in 100. In field, we shall try to comply with the IRC codes.
construction of RDSO girders became easy with this 7. Problems of distortion of the web plate during welding
decision, but feedback was received that this is true only were reported by a railway workshop. This aspect
for the railway portion and difficulties were envisaged in was required to be incorporated in the new drawings.
matching this with the approaches having 1 in 40 slope. In addition, there were many minor issues which required
Therefore, this issue had to be revisited. attention, such as the drainage arrangement, expansion
4. Bearing arrangement did not have seismic restraints arrangement in slab etc.
required in seismic zones IV/V. Since RDSO drawings
are used all over India, it was felt that this may be 3.0 Broad features of New Drawings:
provided in the new drawings. In view of above feedback, the new features incorporated
5. Old drawings were with rivets. Problems with riveting in the revised drawings issued by RDSO include:
in field was recognized by RDSO and a A. Multiple Deck width configurations: Based on
supplementary drawing was issued to the old guidelines of MORTH, IRC:5 and actual requirement of
drawings to substitute the rivets with the High zonal railways, 6 deck slab configurations given in table 1
Strength Friction Grip (HSFG) Bolts. But the below were considered for new designs. The girders/ slab
connection design required a complete relook with were checked for all six configurations simultaneously.
Table 1
B. Multiple Girder Arrangements: Optimization was done D. Camber: As per the IRC guidelines, camber is
in design such that a single steel girder design suits required to be provided for spans 30m and 36m.
the different deck width configurations. The number Camber has been given achieved by lifting the central
of girders for a span has been altered depending on piece of girder with respect to outer pieces.
the deck width configuration as shown in figure 1. The E. Stiffeners: To reduce the web distortion, welding in the
last column of the Table 1 gives the number of girders web was sought to be reduced. Therefore, the web
for one span. The new drawings issued, therefore, has been thicker so as to eliminate the need for
give details of 4-girder leaf arrangement, 5-girder leaf providing intermediate stiffeners in the new drawings.
arrangement and 6- girder leaf arrangement. A Only at cross girder locations, intermediate stiffeners
uniform girder spacing of 2500 mm c/c was followed have been provided for connection purposes.
for all configurations to keep the bracing and F. Improved Bearing Arrangement and Seismic
diaphragms etc same in all cases. Restrainer: The bearings have been designed
C. 1 in 40 Cross slope in deck: In the new drawings, keeping middle two girders fixed and allowing all
recommended cross slope of 1 in 40 has been other components to expand/contract under
provided in the slab. This requires deck level at inner temperature effects. There are four types of bearings
girders to be higher by about 125 mm than the outer (Viz. Fixed, Longitudinal guide, transverse guide and
edges for a 10 m road width. For achieving this level free) in all spans. For seismic zones IV and V, two
difference, girders are required to be raised/lowered additional types of bearings (viz PIN and METALLIC
by 62.5mm with respect to the nearby girder(s). This GUIDE) are provided to cater to excess seismic
level difference has been achieved in the new forces over seismic zone III forces. These also serve
drawings by changing the depth of pedestal at the as seismic restrainers.
The design has been done with an aim at reducing b) Deck slab: The deck slab design has been checked
depth of construction so as to reduce the cost of for 6 different road configurations, with varying
approaches. From Table 2, it is seen that depth could position of traffic loads and different overhangs. Due
be reduced by 141mm to 306mm except in 24m span to the same, even though thickness of the slab is the
where no reduction could be done. Due to reduced same in both designs, steel reinforcement
depth and increased web thickness for eliminating requirement has gone up. The main changes in slab
intermediate stiffeners, the weight of spans as per reinforcement are given in table 3.
new drawings is higher by 6% to 11%.
Table 3
5.0 Innovations done during design deck width).
There were several challenges faced while designing the B. Planning the drawing:
new structures which called for innovation. For this, lots of Each ROB drawing is suitable for 6 deck
designers in zonal railways/private consultants were configurations which had three girder configurations.
contacted and a final call was taken at RDSO. Important Simplest choice was to issue 6 sets of drawings (60
issues tackled thus included: nos !!) for each span and thus 240 drawings (!!!) for
A. Design the 4 span lengths. Lots of details in the drawings
Innovation: The design was done keeping all six roads were identical and managing so many drawings
configurations in mind with optimum number of without inconsistencies between different drawings
girders. was deemed to be a logistical nightmare. The
The forces and load combinations were same as in old planning of works at site also becomes more
design except that the wind loads, seismic loads and cumbersome with so many drawings.
temperature stresses have been considered as per I nnovation: It was decided to issue only one set of
IRC 6-2010. The no of girders was chosen to have drawings for all possible configurations. The new
minimum cantilever of slab to have the composite drawings issued thus are quite compact and convey
action as also to keep cantilever overhang to the bare the design philosophy properly.
minimum and such that steel girder depth is less than Of course, this is a compromise and the field
or at most equal to the sections in old drawings. engineers will have to study the drawings a bit more
Having already fixed the c/c spacing of girders at carefully during execution. To ease the
2500 mm, designing multiple road width fabrication/erection work, the drawings incorporate
configurations was a major challenge. For example, general plan view showing different components in
in the 13.4m deck width for 3-lane traffic with one side smaller scale. This view has been shown in drawing
footpath could not be designed in 5 girder nos /R, /2R and /7R.
configuration due to live load coming at the very edge C. Providing Camber:
of slab in cantilever. Ultimately the no of girders for Camber in steel girder can be provided if web plate
this deck width configuration was increased to 6 with can be cut to a parabolic profile with ordinate at center
one girder coming quite near the edge of the slab (It equal to the amount of camber. However the quantum
may be seen that there are only five girders for 12.9m of work for a typical ROB is quite small and it was felt
that this method is not feasible in the facilities instead of a parabolic profile, we get a trapezoidal
available in most of the workshops where fabrication profile, which was considered acceptable due to the
of steel work for ROB is generally done. Therefore, very small value of live load camber.
this method was not preferred. This obviously is not an ideal situation. Even the
Innovation: As an alternative, an imperfect but support point of girder is in slight slant but considering
practical method was chosen to provide camber. In that the camber is of the order of 50 mm in 9.7 m long
this method, the central piece of the girder is kept piece for 30 m span and 50 mm in 9.16 m long piece in
higher than the supports by an amount equal to the 36 m span (~0.005 rad.), it was considered that this
camber in the center. The outer girder pieces towards much slant is acceptable in the interest of easy
support are kept in slant. Thus in this arrangement, fabrication of the proposed arrangement.
50 MM 50 MM
Fig 5: Dimensions for bending top and bottom flange splice plates.
c) Web plate is required to be trapezoidal with length of plate at top being more than the bottom length by 9 mm/ 12 mm
for 30m/36 m spans.
9172 MM 18580
9290 9290
9160 MM 18580
d) The holes for web slice are required to accommodate the above slant. To facilitate the fabrication, the web splice cover
plates have been given holes in square. The web of the girders on the slant side, however, at an angle and for this, the
drawings give the coordinates with reference to the edge of the web plate.
Fig 7: Templates for making holes in web splice plates and web of girder
different for different girders, regarding which care is Due to the cross slope requirements, the girder pieces
to be taken before girders are launched. For girders at of same length also could not be made identical. The
different levels, the cross frames could have been girders for 4-leaf/ 5-leaf and 6-leaf arrangement are
provided at the same cross-slope, but this would have also not identical. It is important that the girder pieces
necessitated multiple types of cross frames which be identified properly with shipping marks and then
would be difficult to identify in field. assembled else the cross bracing might not fit
Innovation: It was decided to keep the cross frames properly. To avoid confusion and mistakes in this,
horizontal. This made all cross frames identical and general layout showing different girder pieces on plan
the holes in girders could be made with the same and holes in stiffeners in cross section have been
template at different heights to suit the cross slope given in the drawing.
Fig 8: Different arrangements of holes in girders required for providing cross slope
transportation of the parts and their assembly at site. to enable him to fabricate that piece. The shipping list
Quite often, the lists had mistakes due to totaling and number on the final produced part is mentioned next
marking. to the list for each item.
Innovation: The part list/ shipping list has been This is a much better way of giving the information
merged into one in the new ROB drawings so that the required by fabricators and erectors, and minimizes
fabricator can pick up the exact number of each part drawing/ fabrication errors.
Fig 9: Part List/ Shipping List Combined in the new ROB drawings
on floor to get the exact
dimensions and verify these
with the formulae given in the
Brackets Brackets were provided Brackets have been provided Bracket arrangement slightly
to support the inclined to support the inclined changed.
stiffeners. For skew angle stiffeners. For all skew angles
>100, 2 nos brackets 3 nos brackets have been
have been provided provided at equal spacing
of 0.25h (h=height of web).
Extra Extra reinforcement Extra reinforcement (20mm This reinforcement is required
Reinforcement (12mm @ 150mm) between @ 135mm) between main to take care of the torsion
main reinforcement was reinforcement has been effect at the edges due to the
provided at top and bottom provided at top and bottom skewness of ROB.
of slab, up to 2.5m length of slab, up to 2.5m length
near the ends of the slab near the ends of the slab
and parallel to the edges and parallel to the edges
of slab. of slab.
7.0 Care to be exercised at various stages of in Para 930 of IRC: 83 -2002 can be met with during
fabrication and erection of ROB girders: installation. Chipping of excess concrete, filling up
Fabrication of Girders: gaps/depressions by epoxy may be done to rectify the
1. Before starting the fabrication of girders, the drawings pedestals. Holes in the piers/pedestals for holding
shall be studied carefully including notes. The girders down bolts can be provided before placing of girders
of same lengths are identical in section but differ in or drilled afterwards.
holes for bracings and cross frames. Assembly of Girders:
2. As the girders are placed on different heights for 8. Before assembly, all parts shall be inspected foe any
providing camber hence accordingly gusset plates for damage during transportation/storage etc. any
lateral bracings are need to bent. bent/badly corroded members shall not be used for
3. In the skew arrangement lateral bracings are assembly.
dependent on the skew angles. Therefore it is 9. In no case the bent stud shear connectors (including
important that layout of at least one bay shall be those bent as part of bend test) shall be straightened.
plotted to scale on floor to get dimensions/details of 10. The girders are not symmetric especially the outer
lateral bracings (long/Short). girder which have no holes on the outside and the end
4. Automatic submerged arc welding shall be done for pieces where the holes for diaphragm are asymmetric
fillet weld connection between web and flange. CO2 for which the assembly drawing shall be seen. The
welding shall be preferred over manual metal arc fabricator shall mark the part list no of the stiffeners on
welding the complete girders which shall be referred during
5. All the flame cut, sawn or planed edges of the plated assembly. If these part list nos are not marked/visible,
should be machined. All sheared corners shall be holes distances shall be measured as per drawing
rounded off with 2mm radius. and part list nos shall be marked before start of
Casting of Pedestals:
11. The individual pieces should be rotated in the proper
6. The pedestals are at different height to provide cross
direction before the start of assembly.
slope of 1 in 40 to deck slab. This must be kept in mind
while casting the piers. 12. The holes in the web splice and web shall be made
through same template. Since camber shall be
7. The top of pedestal shall be checked after casting of
ensured through holes only.
concrete such that the various tolerances as specified
13. Any bending of splice plates, due to camber, should
be done as cold bending by mechanical pressing. girder. If the POT-PTFE bearing has been provided
Heating or hammering is not allowed. before launching of girder, bolts shall also be provided
14. Part list no of all stiffeners must be marked on in the bottom flange of girder to secure the same
completed girder to help site engineer in correct against toppling over.
orientation of the girder pieces during assembly of the Provisions of Bearing in skew bridge:
girder. 25. All bearing shall be sent by manufacturer duly set
15. Shipping list no must be painted on all assembled marked with center line of bearing along the girder
parts, at least 100 mm high of as hogh as the part will and across it, along with the shipping mark if the
permit. bearing and fitted with transportation clamps.
Metalising: 26. It is prohibited to open transportation clamps before
16. The girder parts except top flange and shear final assembly of the POT-PTFE bearings on the
connectors completely ready after fabrication girder without the presence of bearing manufacturer
including all welding, holes drilling and grinding edges representatives.
etc shall be metallised at site or in workshop as per 27. Bearing shall be provided before concreting of deck
convenience. slab is taken up.
17. If the metallising is done in shop, the second coat of 28. For skew ROBs, the arrangement of bearings remain
aluminum paint shall be left to be applied in field after the same as provided in the square ROBs.
erection is complete. 29. Bearing shall be protected during concreting or
18. Top flange and shear connectors shall not be providing holding down bolts operation. Any mortar or
metallised/painted as this can reduce the bond foreign material contaminating the bearing shall e
strength with concrete. completely removed.
19. Anchor bolts and nuts shall be hot dip galvanized 100 Casting of slab
micron thick as per IS 4759. 30. Casting of slab should be done in one pour from
Fixing HSFG Bolts: center to the ends. If it is not possible and construction
20. Surfaces which are at interface of the HSFG bolt joints are required to be provided, the casting shall be
connection shall be metallised as per clause 39.1 of done as per sequence indicated below with prior
IRS B1 but shall not be painted. This will ensure approval of SAG officer incharge of work. Special
enough friction on the interface as taken in design. precaution line use of wet sand blasting surface
21. For fixing HSFG bolts, procedure given in BS-111 retarders etc. shall be taken. The surface of previous
revision 2 must be followed. This is important to pour shall be thoroughly cleaned, washed & a thin
ensure proper functioning of these connections. layer of cement slurry shall be applied before
resumption of concrete work.
22. The scheme for launching shall be approved
beforehand by design office and any clearance such
as CRS sanction must be obtained. Launching can be
done by any of the various methods such as using SPAN/3 SPAN/3 SPAN/3
multiple Cranes, End launching or using Derricks. Providing Holding down bolts
23. The girders shall be placed on pedestals properly 31. The holding down bolts shall be epoxy grouted in the
finished to proper alignment, level and cross slope holes already provided in sub structure or drilled after
etc. center line of the final bearing location shall be placing the bearing in the position and after giving
paint marked in longitudinal as well as transverse sufficient time for the epoxy to set, the bearing shall
direction. While placing the girder the center line of be connected to girder with bolts.
the bearing location shall be matched with the making 32. Immediately after launching, before the block is
of the pedestals. cleared or the launching arrangement is removed, the
24. Immediately after launching, before the block is girder shall be secured against toppling over by
cleared or the launching arrangement is removed, the providing either end diaphragm with the adjoining
girder shall be secured against toppling over by girder or additional steel members(s) on either side of
providing either end diaphragm with the adjoin girder the girder. If the POT-PTFE bearing has been
or additional steel member(s) on either side of the provided before launching of girder, bolts shall also be
provided in the bottom flange of girder to secure the same place where the drawings were prepared and
same against toppling. each new iteration leads to improvements over the
8.0 Afterword: previous versions. It is quite important that all users in
The new drawings of Road over Bridges have been field/ design offices read the drawings carefully
prepared to solve most of the problems brought to the before using these and they must give their feedback
knowledge of RDSO. Some decisions have been on any problems faced while use of drawings to
made, which might turn out to be great or these might RDSO. For ROBs, the feedback can be sent by e mail
require revision later on. A very important feature of to [email protected].
standard drawings is that the feedback comes to the