Awni - No 50
Awni - No 50
Awni - No 50
In this Issus:
- To: Doctors without boarders P. 1 - What have we done in the P.3
- A message from Reza Shahabi P. 3 - Reza Shehabi must be released, P.4
- Kian Tire Factory workers ... P. 5 - New rounds of rallies and P.6
- Strike and assembly of workers in P. 6- The arrest of Mahmoud Salehi P.7
(*) -About us: The Committee in Solidarity with the Iranian Labor Movement - Abroad" consis
of solidarity groups and individuals outside of Iran that support Iranian Workers' struggle for:
(1) Democratic rights and economic justice ;(2) Exposing anti- labor policies of the Islamic
Republic of Iran ;(3) Building bridges between the Iranian and international workers'
It is quite clear, that the Islamic Regimes authorities are wasting time,
in order to prolong the exacerbation of his bodys complicated
condition, as they did to Shahrokh Zamani, and Mohammad
Jarahi, Afshin Osanlo, who were murdered in, or out of prison.
Of course, it is necessary to mention that Reza Shahabi is not the only
political prisoner who has such a serious condition. There are about 20 Shahrokh Zamani
political prisoners in the same Gohardasht prison, who are on a hunger
strike. There are also many political prisoners in Iran, who are in need
of treatment and therapy, a problem that authorities with disruptive
intentions will put more pressure on political prisoners. Mohammad
Nazari is another political prisoner, who is on his 76th day of a hunger
strike, and his physical condition is very serious. Saeed Shirzad, a
child advocate, is still on a hunger strike and he is in a critical
condition. Mohammad Jarahi
What has been our understanding of our work, we ask of ourselves as now we move past the halfway
mark closer to our centennial issue. Are our readers happy? Are we satisfied so far with our results?
Is there still room for improvement? Our goal at the beginning was to find a platform where we could
become the voice of the working-class movement and the grassroots activists of Iran and have their
voice reach the ears of our sisters around the world.
Never before such an undertaking was organized from volunteers all around the world as south as
Australia to North America, from Europe to southwest Asia.
As the workers movement in Iran has grown steadily in the last few years, the Iranian Government
has more and more used a policy of anti-labour, incarcerating more and more labour activists and
whilst this continues our task to shout becomes more vital more now than ever.
To do so, we need help from our readers. We can't do it alone. We need help from our community, as
we appreciate all our supporters, right now we need our fluently bilingual with Farsi being one of the
languages to help carry the voices of our brothers.
You are the ones we need to give us a hand to connect better to our readers.
So let us all together build now a better organization in order to continue and serve better, Let a few
younger helping hand come forwards and make it a year.
Support to hard working people of Iran and in particular the political prisoners who are fighting for
their live under dictatorial Islamic Republic.
During all months I was subject to long interrogations , severe physical, mental and psychological
confrontations, and several times threatened with execution. Over the years, I have been through
many surgecal operations and I've often been forced to go on hungar strike in order to to be
heard.out side of prsion.
For what? Why should a worker suffers so much just for defending basic rights .They thought that
with these repressive actions and supressions, they could intimidate the Syndicate of Workers of the
Tehran Bus Company and the suburbs and other independent labor organizations. But this never
happened and will not be happening. As long as workers are oppressed and cruelly exploited, they
undermine the workers' right and, at the same time, protect the financiers, the embezzlers and the
looters of the public property; they will form a protest and strike. My situation is still unclear, and
despite the promises made by the authorities to end this situation, I am still being held in
imprisonment without medical attention. My respectful inmates, my beloved family, my great wife,
my co-workers of the Syndicate (Wahed), as well as the labor advocates and human rights defenders
in Iran and in the international level, are the only guarantor of my release and other inmate political
Reza Shahabi
Rajaee Shahr-Karaj Prison
Dear workers:
As you are informed, Reza Shahabi is still in prison. He was sentenced to 968 days, based on sham
charges, plotted by judicial and security officials. Reza Shehabi began hunger strike after his unjust
arrest and he only ended it, when the judiciary officials undertook his case again; and labor/social
activists and organizations, inside and outside of the country asked him to give the new development
a chance. Shahabi was supposed to be treated in hospital and released, once he ended his hunger
strike. According to his activist wife, robabe Rezaee, on Tuesday Oct.10th, there was a decision to
transfer Reza to hospital. But, officials wanted to take him in shackles. Reza protested against such
inhumane treatment and subsequently he was not taken to hospital.
Each prisoner has the right to be medically treated, without shackles. Unfortunately, the judicial and
security officials have not followed the pertaining rules and therefore Rezas health is in jeopardy.
According to the latest news by the Syndicate of Tehran Bus Company of workers and the
Committee in Defense of Reza Shahabi (statement #101), Reza Shahabis health is deterioting: On
Wednesday, Oct. 18th, his family met Reza and reported that he has new health problems such as
skin disease and pimples all over his body in addition to his previous difficulty of strong pain on his
neck and shoulder, heartburn and nose bleeding.
Dear workers:
Reza Shahabi as militant worker, representative of Tehran Bus Company of workers and member of
its board of management who is sentenced to prison only because of his efforts to defend the basic
democratic demands by workers and his participation in protests against conditions of poverty,
unemployment, corruption and addiction. He has been active in campaigns to demand the right to
Alternative Workers News-Iran No. 49 - P. 5
freedom of speech, thought and organization and struggle against capitalist exploitations. To support
Reza on his struggle is to defend his legitimate demands of humanity. We are still mournin labor
activists, Sharokh Zamanis and Muhamad Jarrahis death. But it seems that the owners of wealth and
power have decided to kill the labor activists and their representative!!!
Dear comrades:
The chairman of the Kian Tire Factory said that about 100 Kian Tire Factory workers are on the
verge of retirement, saying that because of the fact that we could not pay 4% of the employer's share
for their retirement, using the hard and harmful occupational law, they disrupted their retirement
career and this should be added to the above problems.
"Workers are worried, and this should be addressed," he said, referring to the past rally of tire factory
workers and former gatherings.
He added: that, there are about 21 thousand people employed in Pars 2, of which about 6,000 are
related to phases 22 and 24. And more than 19 contracting companies are working in Pars 2. The
Kangans governor added: that last week, the workers in the above mentioned phases gathered in
protest for their delayed wage payments as well.
Last News :
Mahmoud Salehi needs constant medical treatment and his health is in grave danger; any incident and
adverse consequences will endanger his life; and the Islamic Republic will be responsible directly.
The solidarity committee with the Iranian workers movement abroad, strongly condemn the arrest
of Mahmoud Salehi and calls for his immediate and unconditional release. Supporting labor activists,
helping them to maintain their health and trying to save them from jail, is the task of the activists of
the workers' movement, the supporters of this movement and all freedom fighters. With struggle and
public protest nationwide will try to save the life of Mahmoud Salehi and Reza Shahabi from the grip
of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Mahmoud Salehi, Reza Shahabi and other workers activist must be released now!