Error Code of Network Communication Library
Error Code of Network Communication Library
Error Code of Network Communication Library
NET_DVR_PASSWORD_ERROR 1 User name or password error.
NET_DVR_NOENOUGHPRI 2 Not authorized to do this operation.
NET_DVR_NOINIT 3 SDK is not initialized.
NET_DVR_CHANNEL_ERROR 4 Channel number error. There is no
corresponding channel number on the
NET_DVR_OVER_MAXLINK 5 The number of clients connected to the
device has exceeded the max limit.
NET_DVR_VERSIONNOMATCH 6 Version mismatch. SDK version is not
matching with the device.
NET_DVR_NETWORK_FAIL_CONNECT 7 Failed to connect to the device. The device is
off-line, or connection timeout caused by
NET_DVR_NETWORK_SEND_ERROR 8 Failed to send data to the device.
NET_DVR_NETWORK_RECV_ERROR 9 Failed to receive data from the device.
NET_DVR_NETWORK_RECV_TIMEOUT 10 Timeout when receiving the data from the
NET_DVR_NETWORK_ERRORDATA 11 The data sent to the device is illegal, or the
data received from the device error. E.g. The
input data is not supported by the device for
remote configuration.
NET_DVR_ORDER_ERROR 12 API calling order error.
NET_DVR_OPERNOPERMIT 13 Not authorized for this operation.
NET_DVR_COMMANDTIMEOUT 14 Executing command on the device is
NET_DVR_ERRORSERIALPORT 15 Serial port number error. The assigned serial
port does not exist on the device.
NET_DVR_ERRORALARMPORT 16 Alarm port number error.
NET_DVR_PARAMETER_ERROR 17 Parameter error. Input or output parameter
in the SDK API is NULL.
NET_DVR_CHAN_EXCEPTION 18 Device channel is in exception status.
NET_DVR_NODISK 19 No hard disk on the device, and the
operation of recording and hard disk
configuration will fail.
NET_DVR_ERRORDISKNUM 20 Hard disk number error. The assigned hard
disk number does not exist during hard disk
NET_DVR_DISK_FULL 21 Device hark disk is full.
NET_DVR_DISK_ERROR 22 Device hard disk error.
NET_DVR_NOSUPPORT 23 Device does not support this function.
NET_DVR_BUSY 24 Device is busy.
NET_DVR_MODIFY_FAIL 25 Failed to modify device parameters.
NET_DVR_PASSWORD_FORMAT_ERR 26 The inputting password format is not
OR correct.
NET_DVR_DISK_FORMATING 27 Hard disk is formatting, and the operation
cannot be done.
NET_DVR_DVRNORESOURCE 28 Not enough resource on the device.
NET_DVR_DVROPRATEFAILED 29 Device operation failed.
NET_DVR_OPENHOSTSOUND_FAIL 30 Failed to collect local audio data or to open
audio output during voice talk /
NET_DVR_DVRVOICEOPENED 31 Voice talk channel on the device has been
NET_DVR_TIMEINPUTERROR 32 Time input is not correct.
NET_DVR_NOSPECFILE 33 There is no selected file for playback.
NET_DVR_CREATEFILE_ERROR 34 Failed to create a file, during local recording,
saving picture, getting configuration file or
downloading record file.
NET_DVR_FILEOPENFAIL 35 Failed to open a file, when importing
configuration file, upgrading device or
uploading inquest file.
NET_DVR_OPERNOTFINISH 36 The last operation has not been completed.
NET_DVR_GETPLAYTIMEFAIL 37 Failed to get the current played time.
NET_DVR_PLAYFAIL 38 Failed to start playback.
NET_DVR_FILEFORMAT_ERROR 39 The file format is not correct.
NET_DVR_DIR_ERROR 40 File directory error.
NET_DVR_ALLOC_RESOURCE_ERROR 41 Resource allocation error.
NET_DVR_AUDIO_MODE_ERROR 42 Sound adapter mode error. Currently
opened sound playing mode does not match
with the set mode.
NET_DVR_NOENOUGH_BUF 43 Buffer is not enough.
NET_DVR_MAX_NUM 46 The number of login or preview connections
has exceeded the SDK limitation.
NET_DVR_USERNOTEXIST 47 User doest not exist. The user ID has been
logged out or unavailable.
NET_DVR_WRITEFLASHERROR 48 Writing FLASH error. Failed to write FLASH
during device upgrade.
NET_DVR_UPGRADEFAIL 49 Failed to upgrade device. It is caused by
network problem or the language mismatch
between the device and the upgrade file.
NET_DVR_CARDHAVEINIT 50 The decode card has already been initialed.
NET_DVR_PLAYERFAILED 51 Failed to call API of player SDK.
NET_DVR_MAX_USERNUM 52 The number of login user has reached the
maximum limit.
NET_DVR_GETLOCALIPANDMACFAIL 53 Failed to get the IP address or physical
address of local PC.
NET_DVR_NOENCODEING 54 This channel hasn't started encoding.
NET_DVR_IPMISMATCH 55 IP address not match.
NET_DVR_MACMISMATCH 56 MAC address not match.
NET_DVR_UPGRADELANGMISMATCH 57 The language of upgrading file does not
match the
NET_DVR_MAX_PLAYERPORT 58 The number of player ports has reached the
maximum limit.
NET_DVR_NOSPACEBACKUP 59 No enough space to backup file in backup
NET_DVR_NODEVICEBACKUP 60 No backup device.
NET_DVR_PICTURE_BITS_ERROR 61 The color quality setting of the picture does
not match the requirement, and it should be
limited to 24.
NET_DVR_PICTURE_DIMENSION_ERR 62 The dimension is over 128x256.
NET_DVR_PICTURE_SIZ_ERROR 63 The size of picture is over 100K.
NET_DVR_LOADPLAYERSDKFAILED 64 Failed to load the player SDK.
NET_DVR_LOADPLAYERSDKPROC_ER 65 Can not find the function in player SDK.
NET_DVR_LOADDSSDKFAILED 66 Failed to load the library file-"DsSdk".
NET_DVR_LOADDSSDKPROC_ERROR 67 Can not find the API in "DsSdk".
NET_DVR_DSSDK_ERROR 68 Failed to call the API in "DsSdk".
NET_DVR_VOICEMONOPOLIZE 69 Sound adapter has been monopolized.
NET_DVR_JOINMULTICASTFAILED 70 Failed to join to multicast group.
NET_DVR_CREATEDIR_ERROR 71 Failed to create log file directory.
NET_DVR_BINDSOCKET_ERROR 72 Failed to bind socket.
NET_DVR_SOCKETCLOSE_ERROR 73 Socket disconnected. It is caused by network
disconnection or destination unreachable.
NET_DVR_USERID_ISUSING 74 The user ID is operating when logout.
NET_DVR_PROGRAM_EXCEPTION 76 SDK program exception.
NET_DVR_WRITEFILE_FAILED 77 Failed to write file, during local recording,
saving picture or downloading record file.
NET_DVR_FORMAT_READONLY 78 Failed to format read-only HD.
NET_DVR_WITHSAMEUSERNAME 79 This user name already exists in the user
configuration structure.
NET_DVR_DEVICETYPE_ERROR 80 Device type does not match when import
NET_DVR_LANGUAGE_ERROR 81 Language does not match when import
NET_DVR_PARAVERSION_ERROR 82 Software version does not match when
import configuration.
NET_DVR_IPCHAN_NOTALIVE 83 IP channel is not on-line when previewing.
NET_DVR_RTSP_SDK_ERROR 84 Load StreamTransClient.dll failed.
NET_DVR_CONVERT_SDK_ERROR 85 Load SystemTransform.dll failed.
NET_DVR_IPC_COUNT_OVERFLOW 86 Exceeds maximum number of connected IP
NET_DVR_MAX_ADD_NUM 87 Exceeds maximum number of supported
record labels or other operations.
NET_DVR_PARAMMODE_ERROR 88 Image intensifier, parameter mode error.
This error may occur when client sets
software or hardware parameters.
NET_DVR_CODESPITTER_OFFLINE 89 Code splitter is offline.
NET_DVR_BACKUP_COPYING 90 Device is backing up.
NET_DVR_CHAN_NOTSUPPORT 91 Channel not support.
NET_DVR_CALLINEINVALID 92 The height line location is too concentrated,
or the length line is not inclined enough.
NET_DVR_CALCANCELCONFLICT 93 Cancel calibration conflict, if the rule and
overall actual size filter have been set.
NET_DVR_CALPOINTOUTRANGE 94 Calibration point exceeds the range.
NET_DVR_FILTERRECTINVALID 95 The size filter does not meet the
NET_DVR_DDNS_DEVOFFLINE 96 Device has not registered to DDNS.
NET_DVR_ALIAS_DUPLICATE 150 Alias is duplicate (for EasyDDNS)
NET_DVR_DEV_NET_OVERFLOW 800 Network traffic is over device ability limit.
NET_DVR_STATUS_RECORDFILE_WRIT 801 The video file is recording and can't be
ING_NOT_LOCK locked.
NET_DVR_STATUS_CANT_FORMAT_LI 802 The hard disk capacity is too small and can
TTLE_DISK not be formatted.
Error code of RTSPcommunication library