The Essential Guide To Travel Planning
The Essential Guide To Travel Planning
The Essential Guide To Travel Planning
March 2008
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Sample staff travel survey 61
Constructing the business case for a travel plan 67
Contacts and further information 72
References 74
Acknowledgements 75
Foreword As we travel to work and go about our daily
business, we experience something of the
twin economic and environmental
challenges confronting our transport system
in the UK. We need a transport system that
can support the movement of people and
goods in a growing economy, whilst ensuring
impacts on both the local and global
environment are within acceptable bounds.
Travel plans, whether to the workplace,
schools or for leisure, provide a means of
addressing both of these challenges.
Congestion threatens economic growth in key
places such as urban areas and inter-urban
corridors. Travel plans are effective at exactly
these critical congestion spots, particularly
during the peak times when the transport
network is under most pressure. So, despite
their local focus, they have the potential to
make a strategically important contribution to
achieving better use of the transport system.
In addition, companies and their employees
can gain a wide range of benefits and savings
from a travel plan.
Debate about how to tackle climate change
has risen to unprecedented prominence during
the past year, reflecting predictions of the likely
effects. The Department for Transport has a
range of initiatives, including the promotion of
travel planning, which are aimed at reducing
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Jim Fitzpatrick
Parliamentary Under
Secretary of State for
01 Introduction
Good travel plans have typically succeeded in cutting the number of people
driving to work by 15%.3 This modest sounding percentage translates into a lot
of car miles and congestion avoided. For a firm with 2000 staff mainly
travelling to work by car this amounts to about one million miles fewer per
year. An equivalent cut to the UK’s total commuter mileage would be 13
billion fewer car miles.4 The difference to congestion is proportionately much
more because the difference between a jammed road and a free-flowing one
can be just a small amount of traffic that tips it over capacity.Travel plans
reduce traffic most during the key periods – the rush hour peaks.
Because travel plans are so effective for small outlays, national planning
guidance now says that all planning applications with significant transport
implications should be covered by a travel plan.5 Businesses looking to expand
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Transport is the fastest or relocate will often find that a travel plan is required by the local planning
growing source of
And travel plans bring benefits beyond traffic reduction. Staff travel stress can
greenhouse gas be reduced and punctuality improved. Staff recruitment and retention can be
emissions, and enhanced. In the face of epidemic levels of cardiac disease and obesity the
commuter and business World Health Organisation has officially prescribed each of us moderate
exercise for half an hour five times a week, which can fit perfectly with
travel constitute walking or cycling to work. Staff who are physically active for 20 minutes a day
nearly 40% of miles take less than half the annual sick leave of staff who are only active for 10
minutes a day.6
driven by car.
But people are very attached to their cars!
Cars are more than a means of transport.They are also valuable possessions,
symbols of our status, and for many represent the embodiment of personal
freedom. But none of us are motorists all of the time and we all experience the
environmental degradation that can be caused by traffic. Moreover, driving
itself can be a stressful experience.When drivers are surveyed, about half say
they wish to drive less and of these, over a third say they already make some
effort to curtail their car use.7 This explains why travel plans can achieve so
Travel plans primarily work with this group of the willing. Even so, they take
care to respect emotions generated by car ownership: cars are still allowed! The
point is to cut their unnecessary use where alternatives are easily available.
Some travel plans offer employees the option of cashing in their car-based
perks in favour of a salary hike or free annual season tickets, and have received
good take up.
02 Benefits of a travel plan
Benefits of a 02
< Experience shows that the benefits accruing from a travel plan
can be extensive. Which benefits are most important to your
company will depend on local circumstances and will partly
determine the emphasis of your travel plan. Your organisation, its
staff, its customers and your wider local community all stand to
travel plan
For your company a travel plan can:
> solve problems caused by demand for parking
> help meet shareholder demand for corporate social responsibility
improvements, including meeting environmental targets such as the
ISO14001 standard or global warming emissions targets
> enable a planning application for a new site or for new accommodation on
the current site – local authorities are increasingly stipulating
implementation of a travel plan as a legal condition of giving planning
> save money on the cost of providing and maintaining parking spaces
> release land under car parks for more productive use
> enable higher occupancy of existing buildings
> cut mileage claims and other business travel costs
> reduce staff downtime spent travelling on business
> reduce the costs of running a fleet
> solve problems caused by traffic congestion on and around your site
> enable more customers to access your site
> provide a better experience for customers travelling to your site
> improve your image with both customers and neighbours
> ease delays to deliveries and movements of goods off site
> improve staff health and reduce absenteeism
> assist with recruitment and retention by making staff journeys to work
easier and cheaper
> improve staff punctuality by reducing congestion delays and supporting
more reliable means of transport.
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
every day. attracts investment.
case study
03 Laying the foundations for travel plan success
if, for example, they see that the director thinks it is acceptable to drive a few
hundred metres between different company sites.
good practice
✓ Smart targets – the travel plan contains targets that are specific,
measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound.
✓ Baseline data – a staff travel survey and a site audit have been
undertaken at the start to establish baseline trip mode data and
car parking.
In Jeremy’s experience, a
travel plan with this profile
stands a good chance of
delivering what it sets out
to achieve.
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
03 Laying the foundations for travel plan success
Allocation of money
Your travel plan coordinator will require a budget to cover items such as travel
surveys, publicity materials and activities, installation of cycling facilities, or
subsidised travel passes.
In some circumstances a travel plan can pay for itself. For example, it may
facilitate the introduction of car parking charges alongside the introduction of
new travel options, or substantially reduce business travel in private cars, and so
cut expensive mileage claims.Where parking charges are introduced, then ring-
fencing the revenue, to support sustainable travel options for staff, can help to
gain acceptance for the scheme (see page 45). A business case for a travel plan
that is designed to pay for itself through achieved savings can be found on
page 70.
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Local alliances
Draw to the full upon support available from your local authority. Many now
employ an officer with responsibility for travel plans, who can offer practical
help as well as advice and information. Some may even be able to undertake
your staff travel survey. As one of these officers put it, ‘Any obstacle that gets in
the way of someone being sustainable – we will try to sort it out – whether it
is cycle parking, street lighting, poor bus routes that don’t meet shift patterns or
an access route from a business park to a station.’Your authority may be able to
offer a small grant to assist with travel plan measures and may already be
operating a car sharing database that you can make use of. Some authorities
have negotiated standard discounts on public transport that they can offer to
your employees as part of your travel plan. In some areas the authority may be
able to offer your staff a ‘personalised travel planning’ service to provide
personalised information and advice specific to each individual’s journey to
work. Even where there is no dedicated officer for travel planning, officers with
responsibility for promotion of cycling and walking and public transport
departments should be an early port of call in your efforts to improve your
staff ’s travel options to your site.
The local authority can also put you in touch with other local firms that have
introduced travel plans so that you can work together to tackle transport issues
which affect you all (see page 59).
04 Gathering information
Gathering information 04 < If you find out more about the travel habits of those coming to
your site and scrutinise transport possibilities in your local area,
you will soon start to see which travel plan measures are likely to
be most effective. Several exercises can help with this process.
Many local authorities have standardised audit, survey and
monitoring procedures, making it easier to compare results
among organisations. Requirements are likely to be most specific
where a travel plan is part of a planning agreement. Check with
your authority before you start.
Site audit
A site audit assesses the ease with which the site can be accessed by different
forms of transport, and the space and facilities provided for this. It will also help
you identify opportunities to improve links to the site for non-car journeys.
throw up some specific possibilities that you may wish to test in the staff
survey, which in practice means convening the group before finalising the
survey if your timetable permits.To inform the discussion it is useful to have
already completed a physical audit of your site.You should take the opportunity
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
to draw out:
> opinions and experience of obstacles to travelling to the site by sustainable
> views about which potential travel plan measures would make most
A sample survey can be found on page 61. Paper-based surveys are still essential
to reach staff who are not on line, but email and intranet now provide the best
means to contact many staff, and there are even software packages that set up
the survey so that answers are automatically entered into a database as
respondents type them in. A good rate of return makes the survey more
valuable, and an incentive such as a prize draw is likely to be worthwhile. If
possible the survey should be undertaken in spring or autumn to avoid
distortions that can be created by summer holidays or extreme winter weather.
Tuesdays and Thursdays tend to be the most typical travel days.
High reimbursement rates for business mileage can lead to a corporate culture
of driving everywhere. It is a challenge to change this kind of culture once it is
established, but for organisations that have developed this pattern of inefficient
expenditure it can provide a basis for a business case for a travel plan (see page
Do the company 67).
04 gathering information
If you receive large numbers of visitors – as hospitals or tourist attractions do –
then you need a travel plan specially tuned to them, based on data gathered via
a visitor survey.There will be overlap with your staff travel plan because staff
may be able to benefit from measures introduced to help visitors.
For sites where suppliers constitute a significant proportion of the vehicle
movements, you will need to assess what deliveries take place and where they
come from. Also check timings of deliveries.Those in peak-time can create
significant additional congestion. Sites with several firms may be able to reduce
vehicle movements and achieve economies of scale by developing common
policies for purchasing or recycling.
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
04 Gathering information
Staff can be questioned at their desks or, alternatively, at site or office entrances.
Some firms email staff to ask how they came to work that day.This can be a
quick and easy way of collecting information and can also be repeated on an
Many companies prefer to contract out surveys and the monitoring of the
travel plan.Where a travel plan is secured as part of a planning agreement,
independent monitoring is a common requirement.
If your car parking and security systems work on a card basis, then you may be
able to automatically monitor the car-people ratio on a daily basis.This can
provide a travel plan manager with a very good measure of overall progress.
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Setting targets 05 < Experience from existing travel plans shows that, for a well
designed plan, a 15% reduction in car driver trips to site over
about three years is a typical result.9 There is a wide variation in
achievement, which partly reflects variations in local
circumstances, although it is fair to say that the top performers
are those with a high-level corporate commitment to travel
planning and its benefits.
The overall target should be expressed in terms of reducing car driver trips to
site, which can usefully be expressed as the number of commuter cars arriving
per 100 employees.This measurement allows you to judge your progress over
time, even if staff numbers on site go up or down, and enables direct
comparison with the performance of other organisations, whatever their size.
You may also find it helpful to set sub-targets to show the increases you aim to
achieve in other ways of travelling to your site, such as walking or public
transport, and a target for reducing the proportion of business travel made by
case study
2010 50%
The biggest contribution to meeting the targets so far has come from
laying on free buses to Cambridge and several rail stations. These
now carry 18% of staff to work. Car sharing is the next biggest
contributor at 17%. Wellcome Trust has also invested in a new cycle
path and has seen a steady rise in cycling to work as a result of
promoting new facilities to staff.
05 Setting targets
’We need to keep on It might be useful to consider what other organisations with a similar profile to
yours have achieved, so that you can benchmark your company against others
communicating and that have faced directly comparable challenges. Production facilities working
promoting what we 24-hour shifts or hospitals at the hub of myriad transport movements clearly
have different constraints from an office-based firm with an entrenched 9–5
have got. If some style of work, even if they are in comparable geographical situations. If your
initiative is not working, travel plan covers several locations, then it may be appropriate to set a different
it must be re-tuned, or target for each site.
something different
needs to be tried
Dawn Wise, Wellcome Trust
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Marketing your 06
< Communication about your travel plan starts the moment you
send out your staff travel survey or set up initial discussion
groups. Travel plans are intended to bring about change, calling
for skilful communication to ensure that this prospect is received
in a positive spirit and that no one feels under threat.
travel plan
Finding the right language
Language to market the plan should take account of the strong feelings some
people have for their cars and the freedoms they associate with them.
Communications require a constant sub-text that the travel plan is not out to
ban cars but is about encouraging people to use them more wisely and offering
better alternative travel choices. A number of travel plans have successfully
highlighted that just leaving the car at home once a week adds up to a
considerable reduction in overall traffic.The focus of communications with staff
should be on the benefits to them – the ‘What’s in it for me?’ factor – although
it is important to recognise that people also respond to an appeal to their better
But this should not mean avoiding the contentious issue of parking restriction
or parking fees altogether – indeed, without some form of parking limitation, a
travel plan will face an uphill struggle.The key is to put this in the context of
an explanation of the parking, congestion and wider environmental problems
and to lead with high-profile positive measures that widen travel choices and
offer benefits to staff. And bear in mind that research generally shows 50% of us
would prefer to use our cars less, so with many of your staff you will be going
with the flow.11
Plenty of strong facts and figures are readily available to support your case. For
> More than eight out of 10 cars used for commuting or for business have just
one person in them12
> One-quarter of all car journeys are less than 2 miles and over half are less
than 5 miles13
> Half an hour of daily exercise, such as a walk or cycle ride to work, can
halve your risk of heart disease.14
Special promotions will be needed for individual initiatives – for example, to
launch the car share scheme or a new bus service. Commitment to a long term
communication effort is necessary to bring about the cultural change and
behaviour shift that your travel plan aims for. New campaigns will be needed
every so often to refresh and revitalise your plan.
06 Marketing your travel plan
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
07 Car sharing
Car sharing 07 < Even for isolated sites, or sites drawing employees from a rural
hinterland, there are generally clusters of staff living in the same
towns and villages, so many journeys to work are concentrated
along the same corridors. Postcode maps can reveal this pattern
and show that car sharing is a viable option. In areas of
dispersed settlement where public transport may be poor and
journeys tend to be extended, car sharing is likely to be the way
to achieve the biggest reduction in car mileage.
Matching up journeys
For all but very small companies, an online car sharing database will prove
helpful.This allows people to enter their journeys so that the database can
automatically search out colleagues whose journeys match. Many local
authorities now operate a car sharing database and will welcome you making
use of it. Generally, companies choose to have a dedicated segment of the
database that only their own staff can access, although, if employees wish, they
can search the entire database for journey matches with people outside the
company. Many of these databases link into the national Liftshare network,
giving the chance to match up those whose journeys start outside the
immediate area or to find matches for occasional longer journeys. It’s also
possible to create a ‘closed group’ within such databases for joint access by
several companies in the same town or business park. Databases can be set up
so that individuals can enter matching criteria such as male or female matches
only and preferences for smoking or non-smoking.
In general, car sharing databases allow the travel plan coordinator to monitor
how many people are registered to share and how many have found a
successful match. In addition, it is possible to map out the location of sharers.
Increasingly, software is also being used to register people travelling by other
sustainable means in order to create a green commuting database.This then
becomes a tool for the coordinator to identify suitable groups to receive special
Cost sharing
It is up to the car sharers themselves how to split the cost. Staff should be
advised to come to an arrangement before a journey begins.There should, in
general, be some sort of cost sharing even where salary levels differ or where
one party feels inclined to offer the lift as a favour.The reason is that both
parties should approach the lift share as equals. Situations where the driver
refuses to accept payment can make passengers uncomfortable and prevent
them feeling able to ask for occasional slight changes to the schedule or route.
The driver may also feel that the arrangement is somehow optional and can be
changed at whim. Cost sharing is liable to be a more sustainable arrangement.
Costs can be shared by:
> employees taking turns to drive their own cars
> payment to the driver for a share of the cost of the petrol
> payment to the driver of a mileage rate calculated to cover petrol,
depreciation and wear and tear. However, in this case, it is important that
the rate does not create a profit, because a driver carrying passengers for
profit may require a special licence and different insurance, as well as
encountering potential tax issues.
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Legal and General kicked off its travel plan with a wide-ranging set of
initiatives, covering not just car sharing but also cycling, walking and
dedicated shuttle buses. However, after six months managers
realised they needed to take more radical steps if they were to solve
their problems.
The scheme makes The scheme makes parking so much easier that people now
parking so much easier complain when it is suspended during holidays. Every car displays a
sticker which shows which day it is not allowed to park. The rule is
that people now enforced by a security firm that patrols the car parks and can issue
complain when it is fines (£20 rising to £40 if not promptly paid). Persistent offenders
may be clamped. Legal and General chose its security company with
suspended during care and pays for it on a fixed fee basis, so that there is no financial
holidays. incentive to catch people out.
Car sharers can park any day and have their own car park, avoiding
congestion. Matches are made through, an
online database set up by the council as part of the Liftshare
network, within which Legal and General staff have their own closed
group. The firm offers a guaranteed lift home to cover emergencies,
but according to Gren it is hardly used.
07 Car sharing
Car sharing databases must store and use information in accordance with the
Data Protection Act. Quite apart from the legal implications, potential users
will be more likely to register if they can be confident that their personal
information will not be passed on.
A guaranteed ride The school run is a common task that gets in the way of car sharing. At least
one employer has brought together staff who have children at the same or
home is the tried- nearby schools. Parents then meet near one of the schools, then share the rest
and-tested way of of the journey. Alternatively, if space in the car is sufficient, they can choose to
take turns to do the school run in conjunction with the work run.
overcoming concerns
that a car sharer may A guaranteed ride home by taxi is the tried-and-tested way of overcoming
concerns that a car sharer may be stuck at work, for example if an urgent task
be stuck at work. requires staying late or if the driver is obliged to leave early.This system needs
to be backed up with a reliable contact number that is always available, whether
it be the travel plan coordinator or a taxi firm with a call-off contract. It needs
a suitable system of management regulation, but experience shows that take-up
is low.The cost will be more if your firm draws on a wide rural catchment area
where sharers have few back-up public transport options, but even in these
circumstances the outlay has not proved excessive.
Some firms have introduced flexitime to facilitate car sharing between staff
previously contracted to different hours. Conversely, companies with fixed shift
patterns offer more opportunity for car sharing than companies on a wide-
ranging flexitime system. Some firms have succeeded in arranging for people
from the same postcode areas to share shifts. Just as important is a company
culture where supervisors recognise the importance of staff leaving on time to
honour car sharing arrangements.
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Safety concerns are most likely to arise if you are joining up with other firms
or if you are a very big employer, so that staff are not known to each other. At
the other end of the spectrum, it may be an issue in very small firms that need
to link up to public car sharing schemes in order to find journey matches.
Some inter-company schemes have succeeded in allaying fears by a route of
inquiry where personnel departments liaise with each other in confidence to
allow potential sharers to find out a little about the person that has popped up
on their database. Arranging ‘postcode coffee clubs’ can give a chance for
people to check out potential matches, as can a launch event. Car sharing
databases can be set up so that potential users can contact each other but do
not see each other’s email addresses.
The issue of ‘my car is my personal space’ is lessened if car sharing is promoted
within the company as socially normal and responsible. Its attraction will be
further enhanced by incentives (see below). A somewhat different issue is that
of personality mismatches, for example where one person’s style of driving
doesn’t feel good to another, or where sharers dislike each other’s choice of
music.You need to recognise that this can happen, and set up the scheme so
that it is easy for people to change sharers with no questions asked.
Cash-out and prize schemes should extend beyond car sharing to include those
who travel by other sustainable modes of transport.There are instances where
promotion of car sharing in isolation has been at the expense of more
sustainable choices like public transport.
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Arrangements for sharing larger vehicles are still in their infancy in the UK,
but commercial firms are now offering packages that will arrange the vehicle
and guide you through the legalities.These are sometimes confusingly called
‘van pools’, following the terminology from the USA, where such
arrangements are long-established and receive attractive tax rebates plus state
and municipal subsidies.These schemes also get called commute pools and
company minibus schemes. One potential attraction is to negotiate with local
authorities to allow commute pool vehicles to access bus lanes through
congested areas, a privilege presently allowed to community transport
minibuses in some areas.
UK tax, licensing and insurance rules were not designed with commute pools
in mind and can militate against them.They may be changed to make
commute pooling more financially attractive, so check for an update if you
decide to pursue the idea. Present barriers include the treatment of a vehicle
provided by the firm for a commute pool as a ‘benefit in kind’ and therefore
taxable (which is not the case if a company lays on a bus service requiring
much higher expenditure). In the USA it is common for the driver to travel
free in exchange for the extra responsibility of driving, but in the UK this
could call into question whether the driver is receiving ‘profit or reward’ and
might require a special licence.
08 Bus and rail
Bus and rail 08 < The refrain ‘I would use public transport if it were better’ pops up
whenever drivers are surveyed, but what does ‘better’ actually
mean? In practice, for an individual on a specific journey it means
removing one or more obstacles that make that trip difficult or
impossible. Quite minor changes can make a significant
difference for some travellers. Even problems that look
insurmountable to the individual can be amenable to change at
the corporate level.
In the end, ‘better public transport’ boils down to being better than the car for
the journey in question. So removing obstacles to public transport ought to
run in tandem with actions to ensure that your company does not encourage
driving to work with cheap company cars, unlimited free parking or by
requiring employees to drive to site just in case they have to use their car for
work purposes. In fact, a number of employers have been able to make a merit
of explicitly cross-subsidising staff bus services from parking levies (see page
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Discounted ticket deals can operate at every level from annual season tickets to
daily single fares. Reductions on a buy-as-you-go basis require a system
whereby bus drivers or other staff recognise a company ID card as proof of
right to a discount.
Season tickets bring with them the big advantage that staff can use them for
weekend or evening trips at no extra cost, and in many localities allow for
much wider travel than just the journey to work.The other big bonus of a
season ticket is that it changes its owner’s outlook – for those with one in their
pocket, bus or train is a financially attractive option compared to the car. But
the cost of an annual ticket can be enough to put people off – or simply too
08 bus and rail
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Improving services
Data from your site audit and staff survey will highlight the service
improvements likely to make most difference.This is a good basis for dialogue
with public transport operators, who will want to do their best to make their
schedules fit your staff journeys and shift patterns, particularly if you represent a
large number of potential passengers. As well as rescheduling, such negotiations
have led to relocating bus stops, extending bus routes, routing buses onto site,
and laying on new connections.
You will need to involve your local authority in the discussion if it subsidises
the services under consideration or if improvements to reliability or journey-
times require bus priority measures on congested roads and junctions. It is also
the local authority that can help tackle issues such as dirty waiting areas, if
these arise as concerns in your staff survey.
Where a totally new bus service is required, the options range from a fully
commercial solution through to a fully subsidised company bus.The
commercial option depends on persuading an operator that your workforce
offers enough trade if you market the new service to them.Variants on
company-run services include free staff-only company buses, staff-only buses
where staff pay a proportion of the cost, and company-run buses open to
paying members of the public (which may sometimes receive a local authority
subsidy). Companies working together, in the same town or business park, have
achieved impressive levels of service.
Company intranet sites are good places to put travel information, as long as the
site is in regular use by staff as part of their work routine. Even so, printed
information is necessary for staff who are not office-based and to give to
visitors. Leaflets and posters are also required to raise awareness of public
transport services through special promotional stands or as an ongoing feature
in communal areas. Many people fail to make sense of the pageful of numbers
08 Bus and rail
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Exemptions from tax or National Insurance contributions are given for:
> works buses provided by the employer which have more than nine seats
> public bus services subsidised by the employer, including free or discounted
fares for staff, but only where the employer has a contract with the bus
> passing on discounts for bulk-purchased tickets to employees
> interest-free loans (up to £5000 per year) to buy season tickets.
Employer subsidies to fares on trains, trams, ferries, tubes, or metro are taxable,
as are bus fare subsidies where the bus operator does not have a contract with
the employer or where the discount applies to bus routes that are not part of
staff commuter trips.
09 Walking
Good health
Promoting walking to work meshes with heightened concern about obesity
and awareness of the need to build physical activity into everyday life.The
Government’s Chief Medical Officer advises 30 minutes of moderate physical
activity five times a week, and specifically highlights the value of walking
instead of driving as part of an everyday routine.The advice states that this level
of physical activity cuts the risk of a whole range of serious illnesses by up to
half – not just heart disease, but also strokes, diabetes and even cancer.
Marketing walking
For those who have got out of the habit of walking, even half a mile can feel
like a real effort to begin with, but once they are doing it regularly it becomes
easier and quicker. Marketing walking can foster this virtuous circle by
highlighting benefits to health and well-being. It’s cheap to buy bulk orders of
pedometers, which some people find an encouragement to aim for
recommended levels of daily activity, or to measure how far they have covered
in a day.
Make sure visitors are included in your strategy to encourage walking. Produce
maps of walking routes to (and around) the site and publish them on the web.
These can also assist staff, and should be included in induction packs for new
Tackling obstacles
As one travel planner put it, ‘There’s no point in telling people to walk in dark
unlit subways.’ Safety, convenience and pleasantness of walking routes are all
The easiest starting point is to ensure your own site and its immediate environs
encourage people to walk.Your site audit should check for the following sorts
of problem:
> Are pedestrians required to walk around outside the site perimeter in order
to enter at the same entrance as vehicles? Install pedestrian short cuts and
pedestrian gates.These can be card, code or key activated if security requires
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Do pedestrians have to > Do pedestrians have to cross acres of tarmac car park with cars speeding
across it in all directions so that people on foot feel out of place and
cross acres of tarmac vulnerable? Design direct pedestrian routes across your car park that are
with cars speeding in all clearly marked, well segregated from traffic and nicely landscaped with
pedestrian-priority crossings. If necessary install traffic calming on site.
> Do some pedestrian routes across the site feel unsafe? Install good lighting,
cut back vegetation or re-align paths to ensure good visibility. If intruders
are a problem, institute security patrols. If need be, these might be extended
slightly beyond the site if footpath links require it.
> Are pedestrian routes well signed? The easiest and fastest pedestrian route
may be less obvious than the long way round by road.
Outside your site, you will need to work in conjunction with the local
highway authority. Sometimes comparatively small changes can make a big
difference. As a priority, check that main roads and junctions near your site
have conveniently placed crossings for pedestrians – not subways! If pedestrian
access to your site necessitates walking alongside a main road, it will feel more
pleasant if the pavement is wider or, preferably, if it is stepped back from the
road behind a verge or planters. Faster traffic is intimidating for pedestrians and
makes road noise more unpleasant, so check whether local road layouts
encourage traffic to slow down and obey speed limits.
case study
Guided walks
The travel for work coordinator at Cambourne Business Park,
near Cambridge, has taken advantage of their situation in
attractive countryside to establish a popular programme of
‘healthy lunchtime walks’, with support from the local medical
practice and the district council. The walks aim to promote the
benefits of walking and to encourage people to walk to work. Each
walk lasts about 40 minutes. The coordinator leads the walks herself,
but also plans to produce walking maps and put them onto the
website so that staff can follow the routes on other days.
09 Walking
mode share for journeys to work (per cent)
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
’I gave my company car
back last November and as
an alternative I run-train-run
to work. The time
difference is negligible. This
journey’s more reliable than
coming by car and it’s far
Cliff Hilton
10 Cycling
Cycling 10 < As late as 1950, Britons collectively cycled more miles than they
drove. Then a whole generation lost the habit for their everyday
journeys, and the activity came to be seen as a recreational
pursuit for the Spandex-clad ‘keen’ cyclist. In parts of the UK this
is now changing, with increasing numbers of commuters
hopping on a bike. This is partly the result of investment in cycle-
friendly routes and paths. It is also due to a realisation by
commuters that they can actually get to work by bike more
quickly and reliably in areas where cars are stuck in jams, with
the added benefit of lower stress and the opportunity for healthy
exercise that is otherwise hard to come by in modern life.
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Rewarding cyclists
GlaxoSmithKline’s travel plan includes a campaign to make
employees who choose to cycle to work feel particularly valued:
’We have created an environment where cyclists feel that they
are special,’ says GSK’s Peter Handcock. Car parking has been
replaced by high quality cycle facilities, and more spaces will be
converted if cycling continues to grow. GSK’s facilities include
everything you’d expect, but with a few special extras:
> Cycle parking in a prime location, sheltered, secure and light
> Lockers (hundreds of them)
> Drying room with vented hanging and heating
> Showers with shampoo, towels and hair dryers provided
> Irons, ironing boards and shoe racks.
Each car parking space at its HQ site in Brentford, Middlesex, costs
GSK £2000 a year, so the company realised it was good value to
reward cyclists financially. Cyclists are registered on a ‘bike miles’
scheme and collect a sticker from security staff each day they arrive
by bike. These are worth £1 per day and are collected in a book
which can be redeemed for vouchers to pay for equipment or new
bikes from reputable dealers. After filling the first £260 book,
equivalent to a year’s cycling, cyclists progress to a gold and then
platinum book which comes with a special card bringing added
The company pays the labour charge for a bike mechanic who visits
the site once a week offering service and repair, so staff only pay the
cost of any parts. Peter points out that cyclists are actually worth
even more to the company: ’Without cyclist commuters we could not
use this building to capacity, and each unfilled desk in the building is
valued at £10,000.’ GSK estimates its cyclists cost it £400 each per
’Without cyclist GSK has 130 staff who cycle to work each day (5% of staff trips to
work) and over 300 registered cyclists. Some 40% are women, proof
commuters we could of cycling’s broad appeal when appropriate facilities are made
not use this building to available. The average mileage is remarkably high – 7 miles each way
capacity.’ – of which most is through a suburban environment. Near the office
itself, GSK contributed £200,000 to construction of a cycle path as
Peter Handcock, GlaxoSmithKline part of the planning agreement.
10 Cycling
Cycling information
The safest, easiest and most pleasant cycle routes to your site are probably
different from the main road routes motorists use. Draw on the knowledge of
existing cyclists on your staff and local cycling organisations to produce a route
map, centred on your site, both in hard copy and publicly available on your
Bike maintenance
Most car owners do not undertake much work on their vehicles and rely on a
comprehensive service and support system. Some people are prevented from
cycling because they do not see the same support system for cycling. In fact,
some cycle shops now make special efforts to offer a good value bike servicing
facility. Labour rates are vastly lower than car dealerships. Some firms arrange
for a regular visit to site by a bike mechanic and pay for labour, if not
replacement parts as well.
advice can be provided at the same time, as can trial use of potentially costly
ancillary kit, including clothing, panniers, lights and helmets. Some companies
have linked this service with a challenge to cycle 50% of the time.
A different sort of training is required to help new cyclists gain the sort of
knowledge that existing cyclists will have about the most safe and comfortable
route to work, which will often include back-roads and be more complex than
the routes followed by car drivers. Drivers that attempt to cycle their main road
car route to work may decide never to cycle to work again.This is one area
where it can be useful to establish a BUG – a bicycle users’ group – so that
you can offer new cyclists a ‘buddy’ to show them the best back-road route and
cycle lanes that may not be familiar to them. If your firm is very big, there is
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
now software to match people for bike journeys in the same way as car share
databases match up car journeys.Your BUG will also give cyclists a voice in the
company, all the more effective if some of your senior managers cycle and join
’I live 12 miles from the group. A further demonstration that cycling is a priority is to allow the
work and I tend to group to meet in work time.
cycle from late spring
until early autumn. I’d Incentives and promotional events
Incentive schemes for cycling to work include ‘cash-out’ payments for each day
rather cycle in the cycled, entry to prize schemes, or accumulation of daily tokens that can be
fresh air than on an redeemed in local cycling shops. Such schemes are usually run in conjunction
exercise bike in a with incentives for all other sustainable modes of commuting. A variant is to
offer sustainable commuters shorter hours – e.g. 10 minutes per day.
gym!’ Jilly Nissler
The most common promotional event is a cycle-to-work day, including a free
breakfast laid on for cyclists.These have proved an enjoyable way to raise the
profile of cycling and generate camaraderie.
Pool bikes
Pool bikes can prove handy if, for example, you have several fairly close sites, or
if staff lunchtime trips to the shops are slightly further than convenient walking
11 Car parking
Car parking 11 < Management of car parking is a vital part of a travel plan. If you
provide plentiful free car parking, there will be a built-in incentive
to drive to work, and indeed each driver will be receiving a
transport subsidy from the company running to hundreds or even
thousands of pounds per year. Where firms have taken action to
manage parking as part of their travel plan, there has been a
greater reduction in car driving.17
In practice, parking stress and congestion are already acute issues for many sites
and often help provide initial impetus for a travel plan. Nevertheless,
constraining parking or introducing charges for parking will probably be the
most contentious aspect of your travel plan, and it is worth learning from
companies that have successfully shifted away from a culture of taking car
parking for granted. Leadership from senior managers is a prerequisite for
successful implementation of measures to tighten up your parking policies.
Restricted parking
Zero parking is generally only an option for central locations where public
transport is very good. Many city centre work locations have never had
dedicated parking provision and staff who drive into the centre have to find
their place in municipal car parks or on-street. If you do have only a very few
parking bays, these should as a priority be available to staff or visitors with
mobility difficulties rather than to senior staff.
Even firms with considerable parking provision have found that they still
cannot cater for all the staff who wish to drive.Taking on further parking is, in
many cases, precluded by lack of available land, planning rules or the expense
of buying or renting more parking. In any event there are often problems of
local congestion which would only be worsened by offering more parking.
Whilst rising congestion does provide a disincentive to drive, it is not a
sustainable parking management strategy. It can cause overspill parking which
may raise hackles amongst nearby residents and can even lead to illegal or
dangerous parking. Staff waste time driving around the car park or surrounding
streets searching for a parking space, adding further to congestion.There is also
potential for conflict between staff, and there have even been attacks on
security staff responsible for preventing illegal parking. Perhaps the worst
problem is that it is not a fair system for those who really need to drive to
work. People with flexible schedules may arrive as early as 7am to nab the
parking places, while those with demands such as caring for or delivering
children to school have no chance of finding a space.
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Marketing car park charges to your staff will take a delicate touch but can draw
upon the considerable costs of providing parking spaces, which average about
£400 per year but rise to £2000 or more per year in London. As the figures
below show, companies that charge for parking have actually chosen to recoup
less from each employee than this level of annual cost, so in fact they are only
reducing the degree of subsidy to drivers.
Taking five examples of organisations that levy a parking fee, the average daily
parking charge is 40p.This may sound quite small, but these examples show
that £90,000 is the average annual sum raised by organisations with 2000
employees.This would, for example, be sufficient funds to run a good shuttle
bus service.
It is important for acceptance of the parking system that monies raised are seen
to be ring-fenced for other travel plan measures. It may help to sugar the pill if
the parking charge is introduced in conjunction with an offer of assistance with
travel costs. Another option is to implement a travel allowance equivalent to the
parking charge for all staff so that they can choose to spend it on parking or on
other ways of travelling to work.This will tend to reduce the initial behavioural
change effected by the parking charge, but in the longer run its psychological
effect will be to make driving to work less attractive. It may also assist
acceptance of charging if the system is tiered to be related to earnings.
11 car parking
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
staff whose hours extend beyond public transport services.
case study
At the top end there are firms that offer daily bonuses of £2 or more to every
individual who does not drive to work.The payment in these schemes
approximately reflects the cost of providing a car parking space. Car sharers are
generally awarded half the bonus. Bonuses like this are taxable.
There are many sites where the dominance of car-based commuting means it
would be possible to achieve a cost-neutral package of fairly generous cash-out
payments to non-car travellers with only a moderate car parking charge.
11 Car parking
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Business travel 12 < Business travel should be an integral part of a travel plan.
Arrangements for business travel can fundamentally affect how
people choose to travel to work. Furthermore, you may find that
current policies are encouraging expenditure to support
unnecessary car use, money that could be saved for other
purposes, including sustainable travel measures.
Pool cars
There are several advantages to running a pool car system over paying
individuals to use their own cars. A pool system can:
> save money
> remove an incentive for individuals to travel by car to profit from mileage
> overcome a common obstacle to non-car commuting – that staff feel
obliged to bring a car to work on the off-chance that it will be needed for
a business trip
> provide an opportunity to rent or buy low-emissions vehicles, an area where
fleet operators have been quite innovative.
journeys, your staff could travel to other cities by train and pick up a car club
vehicle there, if they should need one to accomplish their work. Many car
clubs successfully provide a service to both businesses and individuals. In
general there is little conflict, since individual use peaks at evenings and
12 Business travel
Taxis are perceived as expensive, and many accounts departments set a high
threshold to reimburse staff for using them.Whilst taxi use can be abused, it
actually requires very high levels of usage to attain the levels of expenditure
involved in company purchase of cars or contract hire. Company policy should
recognise the potential for taxis to facilitate use of public transport by covering
awkward gaps in occasional journeys.
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
12 Business travel
For staff claiming mileage reimbursement for use of a personal car, consider a
higher rate for those who carry a passenger (e.g. 5p/mile extra) and consider
also 5p/mile for the passenger.This is justified because both parties have to
make the effort to link up and may have to make some adjustments to their
schedules to facilitate the car share. It will still result in a significant saving over
paying the full mileage if the passenger were also to drive. Up to 5p/mile no
tax is due on an additional payment to a driver to carry a passenger, but as yet
tax law does not exempt payments to the passenger themselves.
Shuttle buses
Multiple sites close together entailing large staff movements may merit a shuttle
bus. If this situation has led to high levels of taxi transfers, then a bus may be a
substantial saving.
Cycling on business
Pool bikes are another way to facilitate staff movements between different sites.
They can save large amounts of time if local roads are congested. For town and
city locations, many destinations may be within cycling distance. Some high
quality folding bikes in the pool can facilitate longer business trips by bridging
the link to train or bus. Pool bikes can also help cut lunchtime traffic by
providing the option of cycling to the shops.This may be attractive even to
staff who drive to work if the route into town is congested.
If staff are able to use their own bikes for some business trips, encourage them
by offering a mileage rate. Rates up to 20p per mile are tax-exempt.
Flying for business may sometimes be unavoidable, but your travel plan should
recognise the increased environmental impact of aviation compared to other
forms of transport and introduce policies to avoid unnecessary flights. For
example, phone or video conferencing and alternative means of transport such
as trains should be explored first.Where flying is essential, the carbon emissions
can be ‘offset’, and travel by public transport to and from the airport should be
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Local recruitment
Your company should develop a local recruitment strategy for jobs where the
skills required are likely to be available locally. Local recruitment has enabled
some employers to achieve higher levels of commuting by public transport,
walking and cycling. Such policies have a strategically important role to play in
improving the sustainability of our national travel patterns, which show a
significant trend towards longer journeys to work.
Conversely, some companies have found that their travel plan measures have
made them an attractive employer in the local area.
Relocation packages
You will necessarily need to trawl a larger catchment in order to obtain more
specialist or more experienced staff. In these circumstances your company may
be able to design your relocation package to tip the balance towards a new
recruit moving into a location that enables them to travel sustainably. Even
small companies have managed to offer some impressive incentives in this
regard. Such policies can offer a high rate of return environmentally for the
expenditure incurred because they will be a factor in decisions that determine
travel patterns for years to come – both for work purposes and for life outside
More companies are now seeking to help their employees achieve a better life-
work balance.These initiatives may be linked to a travel plan, but often they are
driven by an endeavour to attract good staff and to improve productivity.
Organisations that have successfully increased their levels of homeworking,
support staff with facilities, equipment and practical assistance.You should also
recognise that an individual’s home circumstances may mean that they do not
have an option of working at home.
Working at home does not mean isolation from office-based staff. It can, for
example, be very efficient for remotely situated staff to access telephone
conferences from home, or to participate in an office-based meeting via a
13 Reducing the need to travel
Culture of ‘mobile
working’ cuts carbon
Over recent years IBM has moved to a culture
of flexible working, including homeworking and
‘mobile working’ from other office locations.
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
13 Reducing the need to travel
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Broader strategies 14 < A number of broad strategies can be used to encourage more
sustainable travel across the board.
Some firms have introduced incentive schemes to achieve large reductions in
car use.Whatever incentives you decide to offer staff, they should be
appropriately applied across the whole spectrum of sustainable travel.When you
offer ‘cash-out’ payments, the founding principle should be reduction of
vehicles to site. So the reward should be offered to travellers arriving on foot,
from the station, by bus or cycling, and should be proportionately allocated to
car sharers in accordance with the number of parking spaces saved. So, for
example, if your cash-out is £1/day based on the release of a single car parking
space, then solo drivers get nothing, two in a car receive 50p each, four in a car
get 75p each from sharing £3 from the three freed spaces, and those walking in
through the gate get the full £1.
14 Broader strategies
New staff should > Introductory free weekly season ticket for public transport
receive comprehensive > Discounts and/or interest-free loan for an annual season ticket
information about the > Free or discounted company bike
options for buses, > Cash to forgo the entitlement to a car park permit.
trains, walking, cycling
or car sharing. Visitors
If you are a retail business site drawing thousands of customers, then you will
need to survey and assess their travel needs and design part of your travel plan
specifically to address visitor travel. But sites without a public interface can still
generate significant numbers of car trips by visitors.To reduce visitor car trips,
ensure that:
> directions to the site by public transport, walking and cycling – including
maps, timetables and travel advice – are available on a public website with a
back-up phone number to cater for any questions. If the easiest and quickest
way to reach your site is by public transport or park and ride, then say so
> all staff are equipped with a standard email to send to visitors including the
weblink – most visitors will be coming as a result of an invitation from a
member of staff
> if you charge staff for parking, charge visitors too and let them know this in
Cash incentives are subject to tax. Payments to give up parking rights are also
taxable, but tax can be minimised by operating a points system whereby points
accrued by not parking can be used to buy tax-exempt travel. In general, any
package of points or vouchers which includes incentives needs careful design to
ensure that it includes only tax-exempt measures, otherwise the whole package
will attract tax.Tax-liable incentives should be offered separately.
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Area networks of 15
< Now that travel plans are becoming widespread, you may have
opportunities to link up with other companies in your area to
jointly develop travel initiatives of benefit to all these organisations
and their staff.
Car sharing schemes stand more chance of matching drivers if they draw on a
greater pool of people. Shuttle bus services that are not viable for one company
travel plans
on its own can become good value when firms pool their resources and their
demand. Smaller companies that may not have much money to invest in travel
plan measures can nevertheless be valuable contributors of users who help
make services viable or who will enable more people to share their car
Companies sharing the same business park are often close enough to produce
shared travel information and travel plan marketing materials. Some business
parks employ a travel plan coordinator to work on a shared travel plan covering
all the firms on site, including joint promotional activities.
case study
Lesley outlines the approach that they have adopted: ’We feel it is
very important to foster good habits from the beginning. So last year,
before IP Access moved into the park, we provided that company
with all of the information we have about bus services, cycle routes
and car sharing. We also made sure that the firm was registered with
Camshare, the car sharing scheme, in advance of their move.’
15 Area networks of travel plans
Mel Mehmet, employed by the county and the district councils to get
the network up and running, explains how the companies have
achieved more car sharing by working together. ’You need a critical
mass for a car share database to find people with similar journeys,’
he says. Surrey Carshare now has 750 people registered and a 50%
match rate, with about 250 sharers on an average day. People travel
together who would otherwise never have met.
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Sample staff travel
The survey shown here will provide a sound basis to collect the information that you
need from staff in order to design a travel plan. However, please take care to adapt
the questions to suit your own circumstances. For example, although this survey asks
about the possibility of working from home, it does not raise the question of working
from offices closer to home, which might be a practical option for organisations that
own or rent a number of premises. Your local authority may ask that all organisations
in the area use the same standard survey as a starting point, so it is worth checking
on this first.
This survey excludes personal information questions on gender, age and job title.
Though these are not strictly necessary, you might prefer to include them. One
advantage of such information is that it can be used to check whether responses are
representative of the whole workforce and to help target your marketing by identifying
groups showing interest in particular measures. The job title question does raise
anonymity issues.
Cover letter
A short cover letter will be needed, either attached to the questionnaire or incorporated at the
top of it, to introduce the survey and the travel plan. This should be signed by someone senior.
You will also need to highlight any incentives for filling in the survey, and provide a contact for
For example:
Xcorp is committed to developing a Travel Plan by the end of this year, to improve and promote
sustainable travel choices to our site. As part of this, we are inviting all staff to complete a travel
survey. We would be grateful if you would take a few minutes to complete the survey, so that
your suggestions for ways to improve travel choices to our site can be investigated, and so we
can make plans for travel improvements.
Please return the survey by (date). All completed surveys received by this date will be
entered into a free prize draw, with the chance to win £XXX.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact (name of travel plan contact + phone &
Sample staff travel survey
7. Is your work
If part time, please specify how many days per week you work
8. Do you have any mobility difficulty which affects your transport choice?
Yes No
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
9. How did you travel to work in the last 7 days? If your journey used more than one mode
of transport, please show just the main part of the journey.
Car, as passenger
10. How do you travel to work if your normal form of transport is not available?
Bus Bicycle
Motorbike Train
11. If you drive to work on your own, would you be willing to try more environmentally-friendly
options such as walking, cycling, public transport or car sharing some of the time?
Yes No
12. Are there any particular barriers which make it difficult for you to use these more
environmentally-friendly options? If so, what are they?
Sample staff travel survey
13. If you are travelling directly between your home and work, how easy or difficult do you
think it is to travel by the following means?
Very easy Quite easy Quite difficult Very difficult Not possible
Car share
14. Which of the following changes would most encourage you to walk or cycle to work?
Please tick no more than three.
Creation of new site entrance to make your route more convenient – if so, please specify
15. Which of the following changes would most encourage you to use public transport to or
from work? Please tick no more than three.
Existing public transport services re-timed to better fit your work hours – if so, please specify
bus or train service
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
16. Which of the following changes would most encourage you to car share to and from
work? Please tick no more than three.
A car share database to help you find a partner with similar work patterns
17. Do you sometimes spend a normal work day working from home instead of in the office?
Yes No
18. Would you be interested in exploring the option of working from home or of working
from home more often?
Yes No
20. How many trips have you made for business purposes during the last month?
21. What were the last three destinations that you travelled to for business purposes?
Sample staff travel survey
Car, as passenger
23. If you drove or flew to any of your destinations, would any of the following options have
been feasible?
Car share
24. Is there anything that would make it easier for you to use these options for business
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
In addition to the income and expenditure lines identified below, the business case can be
amplified with qualitative and semi-quantitative information about other types of benefits your
travel plan could bring (see page 8). For example, your human resources department can
estimate how much staff turnover and sickness costs your company. This will give useful
financial context to benefits such as greater staff retention, a more attractive recruitment
package or reduction in staff sick days through better staff health. Positive impacts on staff
morale and motivation through reduced travel stress and flexible working are harder to translate
into increased productivity, but may still be important information for some companies. It is also
relevant to describe the potential benefits to the corporate image and community relations that
could stem from the environmental achievements of a travel plan, although the valuation
applied to these will vary widely from firm to firm.
The checklist below is followed by a real example of a business case for a travel plan that aims
to be self-financing through savings to business travel.
> Staff time saved (this may require separate presentation to management as a ‘below-the-
line’ saving, because it is invisible on the company accounts but is a real gain through
productivity improvements).
Relevant > Proportion of business trips in private cars replaced by phone conferencing or video
targets: conferencing
> Proportion of fleet car trips replaced by phone conferencing or video conferencing
> Proportion of business trips replaced by public transport or other modes (allow for
reimbursement costs of bus, rail or taxi fares and mileage rate for use of personal bikes)
> Proportion of business trips shifted from private cars to pool cars that are cheaper to run.
Constructing the business case for a travel plan
Car parking
Potential > Reduced car park rental charges
sources of > Reduced car park maintenance
> Provision of car parking spaces costs companies about £400 on average nationwide, £2000
in outer London, rising to £6000 in central London.
> These savings may both have an additional ‘below-the-line’ component, which is the
avoided cost of ongoing rent or maintenance in cases where further car parking would be
needed without a travel plan.
Relevant > Reduction in car journeys to site, which in turn may reflect sub-targets for each travel plan
targets: measure.
Accommodation costs
Potential > Increased utilisation of existing sites and buildings
sources of
Perk cars
Potential > Savings from not offering company cars and associated packages (allow for cost of
sources of replacement packages and possibility of phasing in change over time with staff turnover).
Relevant > Proportion of staff switched from car-based perks packages, which will hold implications for
targets: establishing other benefits packages, such as season ticket allowances, and may imply
establishing pool vehicles for business use.
Ongoing income
Car parking
Potential > Car parking fees (range from 10p/day to 75p/day, taking five current examples)
sources of
Bus fares
> Supporting buses will be a net cost for your travel plan, but in constructing your business
case you should remember that many firms recoup a proportion of the cost from staff.
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
One-off savings
Car parking
Potential > Avoided land purchase and construction costs of building a new car park (£1000 – £3000
sources of per space construction cost, even for surface-level car parks)
savings: > Proceeds from selling off portion of car park or developing it for own use or for sale.
NB Possible grants are not shown here, but funding may be available for some travel plan
facilities, for example from local authorities, and may make a significant difference to your
business case.
Ongoing annual expenditure
Travel plan coordinator
Salary plus overheads £40,000
Car share database
Annual software licence £500–1,000
Publicity, information, promotional events £5,000–20,000
Guaranteed ride home
Emergency taxis for staff who car share or use public transport £100–2,000
Shuttle bus service
Funding for one shuttle bus route £50,000–100,000
Incentive schemes
£1/day for 500 staff who travel to work sustainably £130,000
One-off expenditure
Initial survey
Survey and analysis, if not done in-house £10,000
Car share database
Set up £500–3,000
Cycling facilities
10 lockers £500–1,000
Shower and changing facilities £5,000–10,000
Secure cycle parking area £5,000
1 kilometre of new tarmac topped cycle route £70,000
Walking facilities
Significant infrastructure (e.g. new crossings, traffic calming) £30,000–100,000
Constructing the business case for a travel plan
6-year projections
Costs and benefits not taking account of savings in staff travel time
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
Costs and benefits with account taken of savings in staff travel time
The capital budget allocation is mainly for telephone conferencing facilities and set-up of a car
sharing database. The revenue budget is for promotional activities, information and incentives
for sustainable travel. A small grant for on-site cycling facilities is not included. The travel plan
does not anticipate any civil engineering infrastructural work or funding of dedicated bus
services. First year figures make allowance for a period to get the travel plan coordinator post
up and running.
Contacts and further
National Business Travel Network
The National Business Travel Network (NBTN) is a business-to-business network which enables
companies to share best practice and promote the business case for travel plans and Smarter
Choices. Through regular meetings and a range of resources, NBTN members can engage
with other businesses, develop partnerships, access free information and tools and provide
advice and feedback to Government on related policy issues. A Department for Transport
initiative, NBTN promotes and demonstrates the benefits to business of sustainable travel
measures, working in partnership with and supporting existing organisations and networks.
For further information, please contact [email protected]
ACT TravelWise
ACT TravelWise is the leading network for travel planning expertise in the UK. A membership
association of large public and private sector employers, it provides support and information to
organisations on implementing effective travel plans, as well as news, contacts and services.
For more information, please contact ACT TravelWise on 020 7348 1970 or see
Transport Direct is a free to use website that provides travel information and enables
journey planning by car and public transport to any destination in Great Britain.
RoadSafe is acknowledged as a leading forum for promoting and devising solutions to road
safety problems.
Carplus offers information, advice and support to communities, local authorities and partner
associations developing car share clubs across the UK.
Telework Association
The Telework Association provides information, advice and support to enable individuals and
managers to make a success of mobile, home-based and flexible ways of working.
For more information please contact [email protected] or 0800 616008 or see
Making travel plans work: lessons from UK case studies, Department for Transport, 2002.
National Travel Survey 2005, Department for Transport, 2006
Making travel plans work: lessons from UK case studies (see reference 1), median of 21 case studies.
Travel to work in GB Personal Travel Factsheet 3, National Statistics and Department for Transport, 2003,
records that 17 million people drive an average of 9.6 miles to work, so a site with 70% of 2000 employees
driving the average mileage to work generates 7 million commuter car miles per year.
Planning Policy Guidance 13: Transport, Department of Communities and Local Government, 2001.
Active travel and healthy workplaces, Information Sheet FH06, Sustrans, 2005.
Public perceptions of travel awareness phase 3, Scottish Executive, 2005.
Making travel plans work: lessons from UK case studies (see reference 1).
Making travel plans work: lessons from UK case studies (see reference 1), median of 21 case studies.
Data collected as part of two studies commissioned by the Department for Transport, Smarter Choices:
Changing the Way We Travel and Making Travel Plans Work.
Public perceptions of travel awareness phase 3, Scottish Executive, 2005.
Car use in GB, personal travel factsheet 7, National Statistics and Department for Transport, 2003.
National travel survey: 2003 final results, National Statistics, 2003, data from Table 6.
At least five a week: evidence on the impact of physical activity and its relationship to health, Department of
Health, 2004.
Calculation assumes petrol price of 85p/litre.
Survey on the effectiveness of cycle training, Cycle Training UK, 2004.
Making travel plans work: lessons from UK case studies (see reference 1).
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning
The Essential Guide to Travel Planning was produced with funding from the Department for
This guide was written by Ian Taylor and edited by Carey Newson of Transport for Quality of
In addition to those individuals and organisations mentioned in the text, our thanks to:
Many of the photographs in this guide were taken at Thames Valley Park in Reading with
assistance from Oracle Corporation UK Ltd.
Thanks to Kathy Matthews, Karin Stark and other staff at Oracle, and to commuters at Oxford
station and between Oxford and Reading, for all their help.
Photo acknowledgements
AstraZeneca page 22
GlaxoSmithKline page 41
Orange page 29
Chris Parker ( front cover, pages 2, 5 left, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17,
18, 27, 32, 35, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 47, 50, 52, 58, 73