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17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Welcome to the Mautic Developer Documentation. This documentation will go over how to build a Mautic Plugin that extends the features of
Mautic, how to build custom themes, and and how to integrate applications outside of Mautic using its REST API.

Submitting Code to Mautic

Development is open and available to any member of the Mautic community. All xes and improvements are done through pull requests to
the code on GitHub. This code is open source and publicly available.

Read more about the PR process on the Mautic Governance page.

The code should try to follow Symfonys Coding Standards

Mautic is built on Symfony, the popular PHP framework (Mautic 1.0.x uses Symfony 2.5; Mautic 2.0.x uses Symfony 2.8). This document
will go over the basics but most of their documentation applies to Mautic as well which can be used to obtain more advanced Symfony

There are some structural differences between Mautic and standard Symfony. Below is a list of where you will nd some of standard
Symfony locations in Mautic:

Symfony Mautic

src/ app/bundles (Mautic core) or plugins/ (Mautic plugins)

web/ /

AcmeBundle/Resources/cong AcmeBundle/Cong

AcmeBundle/Resources/views AcmeBundle/Views

AcmeBundle/Resources/public AcmeBundle/Assets

AcmeBundle/Resources/translations/domain.en_US.ini AcmeBundle/Translations/en_US/domain.ini

Most of Symfonys standard locations, such as the Resources/views and Resources/translations directories, should still function with
Mautic. However, it may be required to handle service registration, etc with native Symfony processes if not using the Mautic methods
dened in this document.

Development Environment

It is assumed that the system already has composer and git installed and congured. 2/222
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To setup the developer environment, simply fork and clone the source from GitHub. Then Run composer install on the source.

Open your browser and complete the installation through the Mautic installer.


There are three environments in Mautic: prod, dev, and test.

prod is used when accessing the site through index.php.

dev is used when accessing the site through index_dev.php. Using Mautic in the dev environment will activate Symfonys proler toolbar,
has more strict error handling, will display information about exceptions, and will not cache as much (see below). Note that steps should be
taken to ensure index_dev.php is not accessible to the public as it could potentially reveal sensitive information. It is restricted to localhost
by default. However, there are two ways to allow access to index_dev.php from a non-localhost. The rst option is to set a header from the
web-server with the IP addresses assigned to MAUTIC_DEV_HOSTS . The second and easier option is to add an array to your installations
app/config/local.php le as 'dev_hosts' = ['', ''], then clear the cache.

test is used mainly for PHP Unit Tests.


Symfony makes heavy use of a lesystem cache. Frequently clearing this cache will be required when developing for Mautic. By default, the
cache is located in app/cache/ENV where ENV is the environment currently accessed (i.e. dev or prod). To rebuild the cache, the ENV can
just be deleted or run the Symfony command php app/console cache:clear --env=ENV If a specic environment is not passed to the
command via --env=ENV , the dev environment will be used by default.

In the dev environment, translations, views, and assets are not cached. However, changes to these les will require the cache to be cleared
for them to take effect in the prod environment. Changes to Mautic cong les, Symfony cong les, etc will require the cache to be cleared
regardless of environment.

The typical rule of thumb is, if Mautic is not acting as you expect after making changes, try clearing your cache.

If you get class could not be found or cannot redeclare class errors when using the cache:clear command, manually delete the
app/cache/ENV folder then run the command and/or browse to the site to rebuild.

Plugins are bundles that can extend the functionality of Mautic. They can be very simple or very complex and have access to leverage
pretty much all that Symfony offers. Just as as reminder, the basics are covered in this document. If more advanced processes are
required, the Symfony book and cookbook will be valuable resources.

Mautic plugins are located in the plugins/ directory and must be namespaced with MauticPlugin.

The following is a list of deprecations and migrations required to support latest versions of Mautic.____ 3/222
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1.2.0 deprecated the Mautic Addon with its successor, the Plugin. Mautic addons will continue to work but should be migrated to a plugin
before Mautic 2.0 when support will be dropped.

The migration path is as follows:

1. Move the plugin from addons/ to plugins/

2. Replace the namespace MauticAddon with MauticPlugin
3. Replace the MauticFactory getModel() notation of addon. to plugin.
4. Replace the permission notation of addon: to plugin:
5. Change the plugins bundle class to extend PluginBundleBase instead of AddonBundleBase
6. In the plugins bundle class, use the functions onPluginInstall() and onPluginUpdate() instead of the deprecated onInstall()
and onUpdate()
7. Migrate Entity use of annotations for ORM to the static PHP function loadMetadata()
8. Migrate Entity use of annotations for the serializer (used with the REST API) to the static PHP function loadApiMetadata()


The big ticket item with 2.0.0 is the deprecation of MauticFactory which will be phased out during the 2.x release cycles and to be removed
in 3.0. Where possible, please use direct dependency injection of services rather than relying on MauticFactory.

1. MauticFactory deprecated - use dependency injection of required services. Many MauticFactory helper functions have been
replaced with services.
2. Models need to be registered as services using a specic nomenclature. See Models for more information.
3. The static callback function for campaign actions and decisions has been deprecated. Please see Extending Campaigns for more
information on the new event based method. (Form submit actions, point triggers, and the like will follow suit with a similar migration
throughout the lifecycle of 2.0 but for now still uses the static callback method).
4. Minimum PHP version has been increased to 5.6.19 and thus newer PHP code goodies are available for developers (traits, etc)
5. Themes have been completely revamped although the old format is still supported for now. Please see Themes for the new format.
6. Some routes for /leads/* were removed in favor of /contacts/*. I.e. /api/leads is now /api/contacts, /s/leads is now /s/contacts, and so
forth. The route names were also updated. For example, mautic_lead_action is now mautic_contact_action and so forth.

Plugin Directory Structure

// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/HelloWorldBundle.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle;

use Mautic\PluginBundle\Bundle\PluginBundleBase;

class HelloWorldBundle extends PluginBundleBase

// Nothing more required

The directory structure of an plugin will vary based on the features implemented.

At a minimum, the following structure is required:

- - - Cong/
- - - - - cong.php
- - - HelloWorldBundle.php

Read more about the cong le.

The HelloWorldBundle.php le registers the bundle with Symfony. See the code block for the minimum required code. 4/222
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A typical MVC plugin may look something like:

- - - Assets/
- - - - - - images/
- - - - - - - - - earth.png
- - - - - - - - - mars.png
- - - - - - helloworld.js
- - - - - - helloworld.css
- - - Cong/
- - - - - - cong.php
- - - Controller/
- - - - - - DefaultController.php
- - - Model/
- - - - - - ContactModel.php
- - - - - - WorldModel.php
- - - Translations//
- - - - - - en_US/
- - - - - - - - - ashes.ini
- - - - - - - - - messages.ini
- - - Views/
- - - - - - Contact/
- - - - - - - - - form.html.php
- - - - - - World/
- - - - - - - - - index.html.php
- - - - - - - - - list.html.php
- - - HelloWorldBundle.php
- - - HelloWorldEvents.php

Each of the other directories and les are explained elsewhere in the document.


// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/HelloWorldBundle.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Mautic\PluginBundle\Bundle\PluginBundleBase;
use Mautic\PluginBundle\Entity\Plugin;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Factory\MauticFactory;

class HelloWorldBundle extends PluginBundleBase


* Called by PluginController::reloadAction when adding a new plugin that's not already installed
* @param Plugin $plugin
* @param MauticFactory $factory
* @param null $metadata

static public function onPluginInstall(Plugin $plugin, MauticFactory $factory, $metadata = null)

{ 5/222
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if ($metadata !== null) {
self::installPluginSchema($metadata, $factory);

// Do other install stuff


* Called by PluginController::reloadAction when the plugin version does not match what's installed
* @param Plugin $plugin
* @param MauticFactory $factory
* @param null $metadata
* @param Schema $installedSchema
* @throws \Exception
static public function onPluginUpdate(Plugin $plugin, MauticFactory $factory, $metadata = null, Schema $installedSchema = null)
$db = $factory->getDatabase();
$platform = $db->getDatabasePlatform()->getName();
$queries = array();
$fromVersion = $plugin->getVersion();

// Simple example
switch ($fromVersion) {
case '1.0':
switch ($platform) {
case 'mysql':
$queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . MAUTIC_TABLE_PREFIX . 'worlds CHANGE CHANGE description description LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL';

case 'postgresql':
$queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . MAUTIC_TABLE_PREFIX . 'worlds ALTER description ALTER TYPE TEXT';


if (!empty($queries)) {

try {
foreach ($queries as $q) {

} catch (\Exception $e) {

throw $e;

Currently, plugins are installed by uploading the plugin to the plugins folder and the cache manually deleted ( app/cache/prod ). Then, the
admin must click the Install/Upgrade Plugins button in the Plugin manager. When that happens, new plugins found will have the static
method onPluginInstall() called from the plugins bundle le. If the plugin has already been installed, and the version has changed, then
onPluginUpdate() is called.

By default, onPluginInstall() will execute installPluginSchema() . This function will generate and execute schema based on found Entity
classes. 6/222
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updatePluginSchema() is available for use with onPluginUpdate() , however it is not called by default. The reason is that it uses Doctrine to
generate schema differences and executes the queries. This is not recommended due to the risk of Doctrine making incorrect assumptions
that will lead to data loss. If updatePluginSchema() is relied upon, it is very important to test thoroughly to ensure the desired outcome. It is
recommended to write a migration path for both MySQL and PostgreSQL with native queries instead.


Executed when a plugin is rst installed. By default, the plugins database schema will be generated and installed based on the Entity class
loadMetadata function.

Argument Type Description

$plugin Mautic\PluginBundle\Entity\Plugin The plugin entity with information gleaned from the plugins cong le.

$factory Mautic\CoreBundle\Factory\MauticFactory Mautics factory class to provide access to Mautics services.

$metadata array\ null


Argument Type Description

$metadata array\ null

$factory Mautic\CoreBundle\Factory\MauticFactory Mautics factory class to provide access to Mautics services.


Argument Type Description

$plugin Mautic\PluginBundle\Entity\Plugin The plugin entity with information gleaned from the plugins cong le.

$factory Mautic\CoreBundle\Factory\MauticFactory Mautics factory class to provide access to Mautics services.

$metadata array\ null

$installedSchema \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema Schema of currently installed tables


Argument Type Description

$metadata array\ null

$installedSchema \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema Schema of currently installed tables

$factory Mautic\CoreBundle\Factory\MauticFactory Mautics factory class to provide access to Mautics services.

Plugin Cong File

Mautic leverages a simple array cong le that will register routes, menu items, services and custom conguration parameters.


// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Config/config.php

return array( 7/222
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'name' => 'Hello World',
'description' => 'This is an example config file for a simple Hellow World plugin.',
'author' => 'Marty Mautibot',
'version' => '1.0.0',

The general cong options will dene what should be listed in the Plugin manager.

The version should be PHP-standardized as the Plugin manager will use version_compare() to determine if the onUpdate callback should
be executed.


If copying, do not copy <?php //continued as it is simply used to force sytax highlighting.

<?php // continued

'routes' => array(

'main' => array(
'plugin_helloworld_world' => array(
'path' => '/hello/{world}',
'controller' => 'HelloWorldBundle:Default:world',
'defaults' => array(
'world' => 'earth'
'requirements' => array(
'world' => 'earth|mars'
'plugin_helloworld_list' => array(
'path' => '/hello/{page}',
'controller' => 'HelloWorldBundle:Default:index'
'plugin_helloworld_admin' => array(
'path' => '/hello/admin',
'controller' => 'HelloWorldBundle:Default:admin'
'public' => array(
'plugin_helloworld_goodbye' => array(
'path' => '/hello/goodbye',
'controller' => 'HelloWorldBundle:Default:goodbye'
'plugin_helloworld_contact' => array(
'path' => '/hello/contact',
'controller' => 'HelloWorldBundle:Default:contact'
'api' => array(
'plugin_helloworld_api' => array(
'path' => '/hello',
'controller' => 'HelloWorldBundle:Api:howdy',
'method' => 'GET'

Routes dene the URL paths that will be used to execute the plugins controller actions. See Routing for specics on how routes work.


There are three rewalls to dene the routes behind.

Firewall Description

main Secure area of Mautic (/s/ will be auto prepended to the path). The user will be required to login to access this path. 8/222
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Firewall Description

public Public access without needing authentication. The URL will be appended directly to Mautics base URL.

api Secure API area of Mautic (/api/ will be auto prepended to the path). OAuth authorization will be required to access the path.

Each rewall accepts an array of dened routes. Each key, the routes name, must be unique across all bundles and rewalls. Paths must
be unique across the same rewall. Order does matter as the rst matching route will be used.


Array Key Required Type Description

Denes the path for the URL. Placeholders can be dened using curly brackets. Parameters
path REQUIRED string
are passed into the controller function as arguments.

Denes the controller and function to call when the path is accessed. This should be in
controller REQUIRED string Symfonys controller notation of BundleName:ControllerClass:controllerMethod. See
Controllers for more information.

method OPTIONAL string Restricts the route to a specic method, i.e. GET, POST, etc

Denes default values for path placeholders. If a default is dened, it is not required in the
defaults OPTIONAL array URL. In the code example, /hello will be the same as /hello/earth and the controllers $world
argument will default to earth as well.

Denes regex matches placeholders must match in order for the route to be recognized. For
requirements OPTIONAL array example, for plugin_helloworld_world in the code example, world is restricted to earth or mars.
Anything else will not be recognized by the route.

Sets the request format for the Request response, i.e. Content-Type header. The api rewall
format OPTIONAL string
will automatically set this to json.

condition OPTIONAL string Very exible expression to set when the route should match. Refer to Symfony docs.

Note that there are some internally used placeholders that Mautic will set defaults and requirements for (if not overridden by the route)

{page} will default to 1 with a requirement of \d+

{objectId} will default to 0

{id} will have a requirement of \d+ if under the api rewall

Each routes name must be unique across all bundles and rewalls and paths must be unique with the same rewall.

Order does matter. The rst route the path matches will be used.

Debugging Routes There are a few CLI commands that make help with debugging routes.

php app/console router:debug

php app/console router:debug article_show

php app/console router:match /blog/my-latest-post 9/222
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<?php // continued

'menu' => array(

'main' => array(
'priority' => 4,
'items' => array(
'plugin.helloworld.index' => array(
'id' => 'plugin_helloworld_index',
'iconClass' => 'fa-globe',
'access' => 'plugin:helloworld:worlds:view',
'parent' => 'mautic.core.channels',
'children' => array(
'plugin.helloworld.manage_worlds' => array(
'route' => 'plugin_helloworld_list'
'' => array(
'bundle' => 'plugin:helloWorld'
'admin' => array(
'plugin.helloworld.admin' => array(
'route' => 'plugin_helloworld_admin',
'iconClass' => 'fa-gears',
'access' => 'admin',
'checks' => array(
'parameters' => array(
'helloworld_api_enabled' => true
'priority' => 60

Menu denes the menu items to display in the different menus.


Mautic 2.0 has four customizable menus.

Menu Name Location

main Main menu on the left

admin Admin menu accessible through the cogwheel in upper right hand side of Mautic

prole Prole menu accessible through clicking the username in upper right hand side of Mautic

extra Displays to the right of the Mautic logo in the upper left hand. Only shows if there are menu items injected.


To control the placement of the menu item set, set an array with 'priority and 'items keys. Priority can be negative to position the items
lower than others or positive to position them higher. If the menu items are returned without setting priority, like the admin menu in the code
example, priority is treated as 9999.

To control the priority of individual menu items, set priority its denition array.

PARENT 10/222
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To place a menu item in another bundles parent menu item, for example Channels or Components, dene the parent key with the key of
the menu item this item should display under. For example, to show an item under the Channels parent menu item, use 'parent' => 'mau
tic.core.channels', .


The menu items name should be the language string key that will be displayed as the items link.

Item denitions:

Array Key Required Type Description

The route name as dened in routes. Do not set a route to treat the item as a parent to
route OPTIONAL string
activate a submenu.

routeParameters OPTIONAL array Route placeholder values to use when generating the URL

Sets the id of the <a /> attribute. This will default to what is set as route. This is used in
id OPTIONAL string conjuction with returnUrl returned in a controllers response so that the correct menu item
is highlighted when ajax is used to navigate the interface.

iconClass OPTIONAL string Font Awesome class to set the icon for the menu item.

Set the permission required for this item to display to the user currently logged in. Can also
access OPTIONAL string
set 'admin to restrict to Administrators only.

Restricts display of the link based on either congured parameters or the GET request. It
checks OPTIONAL array will accept a 'parameters and/or 'request array of key => value pairs that must be true to
display the menu item.

bundle OPTIONAL string Required only for category integration.

parent OPTIONAL string Display this item under another parent menu item.

priority OPTIONAL int Set the priority for ordering this menu item with its siblings.


<?php // continued

'services' => array(

'events' => array(
'plugin.helloworld.leadbundle.subscriber' => array(
'class' => 'MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener\LeadSubscriber'
'forms' => array(
'plugin.helloworld.form' => array(
'class' => 'MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Form\Type\HelloWorldType',
'alias' => 'helloworld'
'helpers' => array(
'mautic.helper.helloworld' => array(
'class' => 'MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Helper\HelloWorldHelper',
'alias' => 'helloworld'
'other' => array(
'plugin.helloworld.mars.validator' => array(
'class' => 'MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Form\Validator\Constraints\MarsValidator',
'arguments' => 'mautic.factory',
'tag' => 'validator.constraint_validator',
'alias' => 'helloworld_mars'
) 11/222
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Services are PHP objects stored in the service container and are used all throughout Mautic. They can be as simple or as complex as
required. Read more about Symfonys service container here.


Mautic allows easy conguration for four types of services:

Type Description

Denes event subscriber classes used to listen to events dispatched throughout Mautic and auto-tagged with
events 'kernel.event_subscriber. The dened class must extend \Mautic\CoreBundle\EventListener\CommonSubscriber. Read more
about subscribers here.

forms Denes custom form types and auto-tagged with 'form.type.

Denes custom template helpers available through the $view variable in views. These services are auto-tagged with

models Denes model services

other All other custom services.


Each key within the service types array is the name of the service and must be unique. Use the following to dene the service:

Array Key Required Type Description

class REQUIRED string Namespace to the service class (not that it does not start with a backslash)

String of a single argument to pass to the construct or an array of arguments to pass.

string Arguments enclosed with %% will be treated as a parameter. To pass a specic string,
arguments OPTIONAL or enclose the argument with double quotations . Anything else that is not a boolean or a
array namespaced class (string with \ in it) will be treated as the name of another registered
service. Often, this will simply be mautic.factory.

Sets the alias used by the service. For example, the key for the template helpers, $view,
alias OPTIONAL string
array or the string to retrieve a specic form type.

Tags the service used by bundles to get a list of specic services (for example form types
tag OPTIONAL string
and event subscribers).

tags OPTIONAL array Array of of tags

tagArguments OPTIONAL array Array of attributes for the tag. See Symfony docs for more information.

scope OPTIONAL string Denes the service scope. Deprecated.

Preferred method for using a factory class. Factory class for managing creating the
factory OPTIONAL string

factoryService OPTIONAL string Factory class for managing creating the service. Deprecated; use factory instead.

Method name in the factory service called to create the service. Deprecated; use factory
factoryMethod OPTIONAL string

Array of methods to be called after a service is created passing in the array of arguments
methodCalls OPTIONAL array provided. Should be in the format of 'methodName => array('service_name,
%parameter%) 12/222
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Array Key Required Type Description

decoratedService OPTIONAL array Decorated service

public OPTIONAL bool Public/private service

lazy OPTIONAL bool Lazy load service

synthetic OPTIONAL bool Synthetic service

synthetic OPTIONAL bool Synthetic service

le OPTIONAL string Include le prior to loading service

congurator OPTIONAL array Use a congurator to load service


<?php // continued

'categories' => array(

'plugin:helloWorld' => ''

Denes category types available or the Category manager. See Extending Categories.


<?php // continued

'parameters' => array(

'helloworld_api_enabled' => false

The parameters array dene and set default values for custom conguration parameters specic to the plugin.

To obtain the values of these parameters, use the mautic.helper.core_parameters service.

Any parameter to be written to the systems local cong le should be dened here.

Mautic uses INI les for translations.

- - - Translations/
- - - - - - en_US/
- - - - - - - - - messages.ini

All plugins should include strings for the United States English locale (en_US) as it is the default for the system. 13/222
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The directory structure for translations should be Translations/locale/domain.ini .


Language strings can be organized into domains. Each domain should be its own le in the plugins language locale folder(s). The plugin
can use any domain it wants but Mautic makes consistent use of three domains:

Domain Description

messages Default domain for the translator service when no domain is specied

ashes Domain for ash messages

validators Domain for form validation messages


Sample INI les

; plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Translations/en_US/messages.ini

plugin.helloworld.contact_us="Contact Us"
plugin.helloworld.goodbye="Goodbye and have a good day!"
plugin.helloworld.greeting="Hello %name%!"
plugin.helloworld.index="Hello World"
plugin.helloworld.manage_worlds="Manage Worlds"
plugin.helloworld.number_of_planets="{0}0 planets|{1}1 planet|]1,Inf[%planets% planets""World"
plugin.helloworld.worlds="%world% Description"

; plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Translations/en_US/flashes.ini

plugin.helloworld.notice.thank_you="Thank you %name% for your interest! We will be in contact soon."

plugin.helloworld.notice.planet_demoted="%planet% has been demoted to a dwarf planet."
plugin.helloworld.error.planet_demotion_failed="%planet% could not be demoted because the scientists say so."

General guidelines for the translation keys:

1. Segment the key using a period

2. Use underscores to separate words
3. Must be unique
4. Be short yet descriptive
5. Use all lowercase letters and numbers (no punctuation in the key other than period or underscore)

Guidelines for translation strings:

1. Wrap placeholders with %%

2. Use a single key for duplicate translation strings.
3. Use for double quotes
4. HTML is allowed


Refer to the translator service to learn how to use translations in the code.


If your bundle implements custom javascript where translations are required, you can get them by the Mautic.translate(key, params)

Create a javascript.ini in the same directory as the messages.ini as described above. Any translation strings added to that le will be
available when translating in javascript. 14/222
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For example, if your javascript.ini le contained the following translation strings:

mautic.core.dynamicContent="Dynamic Content""Dynamic Content %number%"

You can request those translation strings in your javascript by passing the key to the Mautic.translate() function.

// outputs "Dynamic Content"

String interpolation for messages with variables works with js translations just as youd expect.

Mautic.translate("", {number: 4});

// outputs "Dynamic Content 4"

Mautic uses a Model-View-Controller structure to manage user interaction on the frontend (views) with the underlying code processes
(controllers and models). (Entity and Repository classes are also used to manage interaction with the database).

In Symfony, and thus Mautic, the controller is the center of the MVC structure. The route requested by the user determines the controller
method to call. The controller will then communicate with the model to get or manipulate data then display it to the user through the view.


// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Controller;

use Mautic\CoreBundle\Controller\FormController;

class DefaultController extends FormController

* Display the world view
* @param string $world
* @return JsonResponse|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function worldAction($world = 'earth')
/** @var \MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Model\WorldModel $model */
$model = $this->getModel('');

// Retrieve details about the world

$worldDetails = $model->getWorldDetails($world);

return $this->delegateView(
'viewParameters' => array(
'world' => $world,
'details' => $worldDetails
'contentTemplate' => 'HelloWorldBundle:World:details.html.php',
'passthroughVars' => array(
'activeLink' => 'plugin_helloworld_world', 15/222
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'route' => $this->generateUrl('plugin_helloworld_world', array('world' => $world)),
'mauticContent' => 'helloWorldDetails'

* Contact form
* @return JsonResponse|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function contactAction()
// Create the form object
$form = $this->get('form.factory')->create('helloworld_contact');

// Handle form submission if POST

if ($this->request->getMethod() == 'POST') {
$flashes = array();

// isFormCancelled() checks if the cancel button was clicked

if ($cancelled = $this->isFormCancelled($form)) {

// isFormValid() will bind the request to the form object and validate the data
if ($valid = $this->isFormValid($form)) {

/** @var \MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Model\ContactModel $model */

$model = $this->getModel('');

// Send the email


// Set success flash message

$flashes[] = array(
'type' => 'notice',
'msg' => 'plugin.helloworld.notice.thank_you',
'msgVars' => array(
'%name%' => $form['name']->getData()

if ($cancelled || $valid) {
// Redirect to /hello/world

return $this->postActionRedirect(
'returnUrl' => $this->generateUrl('plugin_helloworld_world'),
'contentTemplate' => 'HelloWorldBundle:Default:world',
'flashes' => $flashes
} // Otherwise show the form again with validation error messages

// Display the form

return $this->delegateView(
'viewParameters' => array(
'form' => $form->createView()
'contentTemplate' => 'HelloWorldBundle:Contact:form.html.php',
'passthroughVars' => array(
'activeLink' => 'plugin_helloworld_contact',
'route' => $this->generateUrl('plugin_helloworld_contact')
); 16/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation


The controller method called is determined by the route dened in the cong. Take this example,

plugin_helloworld_admin' => array(

'path' => '/hello/admin',
'controller' => 'HelloWorldBundle:Default:admin'

The controller is noted as HelloWorldBundle:Default:admin . Broken down, that will translate to:

HelloWorldBundle \MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Controller

Default DefaultController

admin adminAction()

Controller notation is in the format of BundleName:ControllerName:controllerMethod . To use a controller within a subfolder of

Controller, use BundleName:Subdirectory\ControllerName:controllerMethod .

Thus when a browser calls up /hello/admin , \MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Controller\DefaultController\adminAction() will be


What about route placeholders? Symfony is super smart and will pass those into the controllers method as arguments (the methods
arguments must be the same as the routes placeholders to be matched up).

'plugin_helloworld_world' => array(

'path' => '/hello/{world}',
'controller' => 'HelloWorldBundle:Default:world',
'defaults' => array(
'world' => 'earth'
'requirements' => array(
'world' => 'earth|mars'

The matching method for that route will look be public function worldAction($world = 'earth') .

Notice that because the route denes a default for name , the controller method must also set the same default. If the route looked like this

'plugin_helloworld_world' => array(

'path' => '/hello/{world}',
'controller' => 'HelloWorldBundle:Default:world',
'requirements' => array(
'world' => 'earth|mars'

Then the method would need to be public function worldAction($world) .

17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Mautic has several controllers that provide some helper functions.


Controllers extending this will make MauticFactory available via $this->factory and Request via $this->request .

It also provides the following helper methods:


Mautic is ajax driven and thus must support both http requests and ajax requests for content. delegateView is wrapper method that
determines if the request is for ajax content or the full DOM then generates and returns the appropriate response.

The $args argument is an array with the required elements for generating the view, ajax or http. It will accept the following parameters:

Key Required Type Description

Denes the view template to load. This should be in view notation of

contentTemplate REQUIRED string
BundleName:ViewName:template.html.php. Refer to views for more information.

Array of variables with values made available to the template. Each key will be a variable
viewParameters OPTIONAL array
available to the template.

Array of variables returned as part of the ajax response used by Mautic and/or the plugins
passthroughVars OPTIONAL array
onLoad JS callback.

Due to the use of ajax, there are some elements of the passthroughVars array that Mautic will use internally to manipulate the user
interface. For responses that include main content, i.e. routes a user would click to, should set at least activeLink and route .

Key Required Type Description

activeLink OPTIONAL string The ID of the menu item that should be activated dynamically to match the ajax response

route OPTIONAL string The route that should be pushed to the browsers address bar to match the ajax response

Used to generate the Javascript method to call after the ajax content has been injected into the
DOM. The same function will also be called on a page refresh/full page load if set via
$view['slots'] in the template. For example, if this is set as helloWorldDetails , Mautic will
mauticContent OPTIONAL string
check for the existence of and executes Mautic.helloWorldDetailsOnLoad() . Refer to
Processing Ajax Content for more information regarding this and Asset Helper for injecting
assets into the head for ajax generated content.

A Mautic namespaced JS function that will be executed before the response is injected into the
callback OPTIONAL string DOM. If set, Mautic will pass the response to the function and not process the content. It will
be up to the callback function to handle the rest of the process.

redirect OPTIONAL string The URL to force a page redirect rather than inject ajax content.

jQuery selector to inject the content into. By default, the apps main content selector will be
target OPTIONAL string

Determines if Mautic should replace the target selector with the ajax content or set as its inner
replaceContent OPTIONAL string
HTML. Return true as a string to replace the selector.


Delegates the appropriate response for redirects.

If an ajax request, a json response with {redirect: $url} will be returned allowing the executing JS code to force the redirect.

If an http request, then a redirect response is returned (i.e redirect header). 18/222
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Similar to delegateView(), this method will delegate the appropriate response based on the request. This method can be used after
performing some action, such as saving a form. It accepts the same elements in the $args array as delegateView() but also accepts the

Key Required Type Description

The URL to redirect to. It will default to /s/dashboard if not set. This will also auto-populate
returnUrl OPTIONAL string
passthroughVars[route] if not set.

Array of ash messages to display after redirecting. See Flash Messages for more
ashes OPTIONAL array

By default, the request is forwarded to a controller method rather than directly loading a view
template. This means that contentTemplate should be in controller notation
forwardController OPTIONAL bool (BundleName:ControllerName:controllerMethod) rather than view notation
(BundleName:ViewName:template.html.php). Set this to false to directly load a view
template rather than forwarding to another controller.


This controller extends CommonController and provides helper methods for managing forms. See Forms for more information.


This controller also extends CommonController and is a companion to some of the built-in Javascript helpers. See Javascript methods for
more information.


// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Model/ContactModel.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Model;

use Mautic\CoreBundle\Model\CommonModel;

class ContactModel extends CommonModel


* Send contact email
* @param array $data
public function sendContactEmail($data)
// Get mailer helper - pass the mautic.helper.mailer service as a dependency
$mailer = $this->mailer;


array($data['email'] => $data['name'])



$mailer->send(); 19/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Models are used to retrieve and process data between controllers and views. Models arent required for plugins but, if used, Mautic
provides means to easily obtain the model objects and some commonly used methods.


Models should be registered as model services. The names of these services should match the following nomenclature: mautic.UNIQUE_
BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER.model.MODEL_IDENTIFIER . UNIQUE_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER can be whatever is desired but must be unique across all Mautic
bundles and plugins. MODEL_IDENTIFIER just has to be unique for the given bundle. For example, the model example code could be
registered as . This allows the helper functions to retrieve model objects to nd the correct model

Custom models can extend one of two Mautic base models to leverage some helper functions:


This is the basic model that mainly provides access to services frequently used with models.

Property Service

$this->factory Mautics factory service - deprecated as of 2.0; use direct dependency injection where possible

$this->em Entity manager service

$this->security Mautics security service

$this->dispatcher Event dispatcher service

$this->translator Translator service


The FormModel extends AbstractCommonModel and provides a set of helper methods for interacting with entities and repositories. To read
more about these methods, refer to the Database section.



/** @var \Mautic\LeadBundle\Model\LeadModel $leadModel */

$leadModel = $this->getModel('lead'); // shortcut for lead.lead

/** @var \Mautic\LeadBundle\Model\ListModel $leadListModel */

$leadListModel = $this->getModel('lead.list');

/** @var \MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Model\ContactModel $contactModel */

$contactModel = $this->getModel('');

If using a model in another service or model, inject the model service as a dependency. If in a controller, use the getModel() helper



// Check if the request is Ajax

if (!$app->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) { 20/222
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// Set tmpl for parent template
$view['slots']->set('tmpl', 'Details');

// Extend index.html.php as the parent


<!-- Desired content/markup -->

// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Views/World/index.html.php

// Extend the base content


// Get tmpl from sub-template

$tmpl = $view['slots']->get('tmpl', 'Details');

// Tell Mautic to call JS onLoad method

$view['slots']->set('mauticContent', 'helloWorld'.$tmpl);

// Set the page and header title

$header = ($tmpl == 'World')
? $view['translator']->trans(
array('%world%' => ucfirst($world))
) : $view['translator']->trans('plugin.helloworld.manage_worlds');
$view['slots']->set('headerTitle', $header);

<div class="helloworld-content">
<?php $view['slots']->output('_content'); ?>

Views take data given it from the controller and displays the content to the user. Templates can be called from the controller or from within
other templates.

It was discussed in the Controllers delegateView() method how to render a view from a controller. Remember that delegateView uses
contentTemplate to determine what view to render.

Similar to controller notation, views are noted as HelloWorldBundle:Contact:form.html.php which will point to the le
/path/to/mautic/plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Views/Contact/form.html.php .

View notation is in the format of BundleName:ViewName:template.html.php . To use a view that has been nested in Views, use
BundleName:ViewName\Subfolder:template.html.php .


Remember the array passed via viewParameters in the Controllers delegateView() method? Here is where the elements of that array will
be made available as variables.

For example, $world will be available and assigned the value of mars from the following example:

'viewParameters' => array(

'world' => 'mars'
), 21/222
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By default there are a couple variables available and should not be overridden by the controller

Variable Description

Contains all the helper objects available to templates along with providing methods for extending and/or rendering other

$app Gives access to request and session to views via $app->getRequest() and $app->getSession()



// Extends the full document with menu, page header, etc



// Extends the "slim" document which includes just the head and body with main content; does not include menu, page header, etc.

Because of the use of Ajax, views must also be able to return main content vs the entire document. This is done by extending Mautics base
templates. Notice the notation is the same as what is used in controllers.

To determine if the request is Ajax or not, use $app->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest() . Another option is to make the determination in the
controller and pass it in the viewParameters array.

Of course, this can also be used to extend custom templates as demonstrated in this code example.

The controller should call the sub-template.

It may help to note that extended templates are rendered inside out. So if HelloWorldBundle:World:details.html.php extends
HelloWorldBundle:World:index.html.php which extends MauticCoreBundle:Default:content.html.php , the content of details.html.php
will be rendered rst and injected into index.html.php as it is rendered. HelloWorldBundle:World:template1.html.php will be rendered

To include the content from the sub-template in the parent template, use $view['slots']->output('_content'); . See the Slots Helper for
more information.


To render the content of another template from within a template, simply use echo $view->render('BundleName:ViewName:template.html.
php', array('parameter' => 'value'));


There are a number of template helper objects and helper view templates that are built into Mautic.



// Set a slot with content; will overwrite if slot already exists

$view['slots']->set('name', 'the content');

// Append content to slot rather than overwrite 22/222
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$view['slots']->append('name', ' and more content');
'append' => 'me'

// Get the slot content

$content = $view['slots']->get('name', 'default value');

// Output the content; note that echo is not required


// Check if a slot exists

if ($view['slots']->has('name')) {
// Do something

As seen with extending views, the slots helper is used to pass content up through parent templates. Remember that extended templates
are rendered inside out. So, content can be set in a sub template and accessed from the parent template but content set in a parent
template, will not be available to the sub-template.



// Generate relative URL to image

echo '<img src="' . $view['assets']->getUrl('plugins/HelloWorldBundle/assets/images/earth.png') . '" />';

// Dynamically insert script into head

echo $view['assets']->includeScript('plugins/HelloWorldBundle/assets/helloworld.js');

// Dynamically insert stylesheet into head

echo $view['assets']->includeStylesheet('plugins/HelloWorldBundle/assets/helloworld.css');

The asset helper, accessed via $view['assets'] , is used to load assets into the DOM including images, script and stylesheets.

$view['assets'] should always be used to ensure that assets work with Mautic installed in the web root, installed in a
subdirectory, ran under the dev environment (index_dev.php), and/or ran under the prod environment.

The asset helper also provides a way to insert scripts and stylesheets into the head for ajax loaded content using $view['assets']->inclu
deScript() and $view['assets']->includeStylesheet() .


<a href="<?php echo $view['router']->generate('plugin_helloworld_world', array('world' => 'mars')); ?>" data-toggle="ajax" />Mars</a>

The router helper, $view['router'] , works as explained in the Router.


<h1><?php echo $view['translator']->trans('plugin.helloworld.worlds', array('%world%', 'Mars'); ?></h1>

The translation helper, $view['translator'] , works as explained in the Translator section.

17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation


// Can be string or \DateTime object; if string, it's assumed local time unless noted otherwise via third argument to helper methods
$datetime = '2015-04-12 20:56:00';

// Formats per full date system config setting

$fullDateTime = $view['date']->toFull($datetime);

// Formats per short date system config setting

$shortDateTime = $view['date']->toShort($datetime);

// Formats per date only system config setting

$date = $view['date']->toDate($datetime);

// Formats per time only system config setting

$time = $view['date']->toTime($datetime);

// Formats as date only config setting + time only config setting

$datetime = $view['date']->toFullConcat($datetime);

// Formats date as Yesterday, 8:02 pm (Today or Tomorrow); otherwise 'x days ago'
$text = $view['date']->toText($datetime);

// Format a string that is not already in local time

$fullDateTime = $view['date']->toFull($datetime, 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'UTC');

The date helper can be used to format dates based on system and/or user settings.

The rst argument to the various methods can either be a date/time string or a \DateTime object. If a string, it is expected to be formatted as
Y-m-d H:i:s and already in the users and/or systems local time. If it is not, pass the format as the second argument and the timezone
(string) as the third.


<?php echo $view['form']->form($form); ?>

The form helper, $view['form'] , works as explained in the Form section.




Mautic provides built in ways to ajaxify links, modals, and forms.


<a href="<?php echo $view['router']->generate('plugin_helloworld_world', array('world' => 'mars')); ?>" data-toggle="ajax" />Mars</a>

To ajaxify a link, set the attribute data-target="ajax"


<a href="<?php echo $view['router']->generate('plugin_helloworld_world', array('world' => 'mars')); ?>"

data-header="<?php echo $view['translator']->trans('plugin.helloworld.worlds', array('%world%', 'Mars')); ?>">Mars</a> 24/222
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Mautic uses Bootstrap modals but Bootstrap lacks an easy way to dynamically retrieve content more than once. Thus, Mautic provides the
attribute data-toggle="ajaxmodal" to help with this.

data-target should be the selector of the model to inject the content into. Mautic has a modal, #MauticSharedModal on standby to be used
for this very purpose.

data-header will set the modals header.


When using Symfonys form services, the form will be auto-ajaxied.


Mautic.helloWorldDetailsOnLoad = function(container, response) {

// Manipulate content

Mautic.helloWorldDetailsOnUnload = function(container, response) {

// Manipulate content

Mautic provides a way to execute a javascript function after it injects ajax content into the DOM. This can be useful to activate various JS
driven features such as typeaheads, charts, bind events, etc.

To take advantage of this, utilize the mauticContent element in the passthroughVars array from the controllers delegateView(). The value of
this variable will determine what function should be called after the content has been injected.

For example, the method Mautic.helloWorldDetailsOnLoad() will be called for the following:

'passthroughVars' => array(

'activeLink' => 'plugin_helloworld_world',
'route' => $this->generateUrl('plugin_helloworld_world', array('world' => $world)),
'mauticContent' => 'helloWorldDetails'

When the user browses away from the page, Mautic.helloWorldDetailsOnUnload() will be called to give opportunity to destroy objects if

Both the OnLoad and OnUnload methods are passed two arguments.

Argument Description

container The selector that was used as the target of the ajax content.

response The object from the ajax response, i.e. set in the passthroughVars from the Controller

mauticContent should also be set via $view['slots'] in the views main page.

$view['slots']->set('mauticContent', 'helloBundleDetails');

Doing so will ensure Mautic.helloWorldDetailsOnLoad() is also called when there is a page refresh.

Services 25/222
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These are the services used commonly throughout Mautic.


\Mautic\Factory\MauticFactory is deprecated as of 2.0 and will be phased out through 2.x release cycles and completely removed in 3.0.
Direct dependency injection into the services should be used instead where possible.

For controllers, extend either \Mautic\CoreBundle\Controller\CommonController or \Mautic\CoreBundle\Controller\FormController and it

will be available via $this->factory by default. Otherwise, obtain the factory from the service container via $factory = $this->container-

For models, it will be available via $this->factory by default.

For custom services, pass mautic.factory as an argument and MauticFactory will be passed into the __construct of the service.


$user = $this->get('mautic.helper.user')->getUser();

$firstName = $user->getFirstname();
$lastName = $user->getLastname();
$email = $user->getEmail();
$profile = $user->getProfile();

$role = $user->getRole()->getName();

if ($role->isAdmin()) {
// do something

Service name: mautic.helper.user

Class: Mautic\CoreBundle\Helper\UserHelper

getUser() will return the entity, \Mautic\UserBundle\Entity\User that can then be used to get information about the currently logged in



$security = $this->get('');

// Check if user is granted a single permission

if ($security->isGranted('plugin:helloWorld:worlds:view')) {
// do something

// Check if user is granted multiple permissions (must be granted to all to be true)

if ($security->isGranted(
) {
//do something

// Check if user is granted to at least one permission

if ($security->isGranted(
'MATCH_ONE' 26/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
) {
//do something

// Get an array of user permissions

$permissions = $security->isGranted(

if ($permissions['plugin:helloWorld:worlds:view']) {
// do something

// Check to see if a user is anonymous (not logged in)

if ($security->isAnonymous()) {
// do something

Service name:

Class: Mautic\CoreBundle\Security\Permissions\CorePermissions

Using the service to check permissions is explained more in Using Permissions.



$translator = $this->get('translator');

// Simple string
echo $translator->trans('plugin.helloworld.goodbye');

// Simple string with placeholders

echo $translator->trans('plugin.helloworld.greeting', array('%name%' => $name));

// String from a domain other than messages (will use planets.ini)

echo $translator->trans('plugin.helloworld.worlds', array('%world%' => $world), 'planets');

// Plural translations
$planetCount = 3;
echo $translator->transChoice('plugin.helloworld.number_of_planets', $planetCount, array('%planets%' => $planetCount));

// Check to see if a translation key exists

if ($translator->hasId('plugin.helloworld.goodbye')) {
echo $translator->trans('plugin.helloworld.goodbye');
} else {
// other logic

// Use the first key if it exists, otherwise use the second (helpful to prevent managing duplicate keys with the same string)
echo $translator->transConditional('plugin.helloworld.planets.' . $planet, 'plugin.helloworld.dwarf_planets. ' . $planet);

Service name: translator

Class: Mautic\CoreBundle\Translation\Translator

Use the translator service to include translated strings in the code. Depending on where the translation is necessary will determine how to
obtain the service.

To use the template service in view templates, simply use the template helper, $view['translator'] . 27/222
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The translator service has the following functions to help with translating strings:

Simple translation
trans($id, array $parameters = array(), $domain = null, $locale = null)

transChoice($id, $number, array $parameters = array(), $domain = null, $locale = null)

Check to see if a key exists

hasId($id, $domain = null, $locale = null)

Use the $preferred key if it exists, if not, use $alternative

transConditional($preferred, $alternative, $parameters = array(), $domain = null, $locale = null)



$router = $this->get('router');

// Relative URL
$url = $router->generateUrl('plugin_helloworld_admin');

// URL with placeholders

$url = $router->generateUrl('plugin_helloworld_world', array('%world%', 'mars'));

// Absolute URL
$absoluteUrl = $router->generateUrl('plugin_helloworld_admin', array(), true);

// Deprecated - use path or url instead
$url = $view['router']->generate('plugin_helloworld_admin'); // result is /hello/admin

// Generate a path in a view template

$path = $view['router']->path('plugin_helloworld_admin'); // result is /hello/admin
$url = $view['router']->url('plugin_helloworld_admin'); // result is

Service name: router

Class: Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router

For views, use the $view['router'] helper. The difference with the template helper is that url() or path() is used instead of generate
Url() of the router service.



$request = $this->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest();

// $_GET
$get = $request->query->all();

// $_POST
$post = $request->request->all();

$cookies = $request->cookies->all();

$server = $request->server->all();

// Headers 28/222
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$headers = $request->headers->all();

// Attributes - custom parameters

$headers = $request->attributes->all();

// Check if a parameter exists

if ($request->request->has('hello')) {
// do something

// Retrieve value of a specific parameter setting mars as default

$world = $request->query->get('world', 'mars');

// Set custom request value

$request->attributes->set('hello', 'world');

// Get the value of a nested array

$mars = $request->request->get('world[mars]', array(), true);

Service name: request_stack

Class: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack

There are multiple ways to obtain the request service.

If the controller is extending one of Mautics controllers, it is already available via $this->request . Alternatively, Symfony will auto-inject the
request object into the controller action method if the variable is type-hinted as Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request .

For services, pass the request_stack service then use $request = $requestStack->getCurrentRequest() .

From within a view, use $app->getRequest() .



$session = $this->get('session');
$requestSession = $request->getSession(); // Shortcut to session

// Get all session parameters

$all = $session->all();

// Get specific parameter setting mars as default

$world = $session->get('', 'mars');

// Check if a parameter exists

if ($session->has('')) {
// do something

// Set a session parameter

$session->set('', 'mars');

// Remove a session parameter


// Clear the whole session


Service name: session

Class: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session

To access the session service in a view, use $app->getSession() .

17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

// From controller
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$repository = $em->getRepository('HelloWorldBundle:World');
$worlds = $repository->getEntities();

/** @var \MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Entity\World $world */

foreach ($worlds as $world) {


Doctrine includes an ORM and DBAL layers.

ORM/entity manager:

Service name: doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Class: Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager

DBAL (direct DB driver):

Service name: doctrine.dbal.connection

Class: Doctrine\DBAL\Connection

The entity manager can be used to interact with the bundles repositories and entities. See Database for more info.


$config = $this->get('mautic.helper.core_parameters');

$apiEnabled = $config->getParameter('helloworld_api_enabled', false);

Service name: mautic.helper.core_parameters

Class: Mautic\CoreBundle\Helper\CoreParametersHelper



$dispatcher = $this->get('event_dispatcher');
if ($dispatcher->hasListeners(HelloWorldEvents::ARMAGEDDON)) {
$event = $dispatcher->dispatch(HelloWorldEvents::ARMAGEDDON, new ArmageddonEvent($world));

if ($event->shouldPanic()) {
throw new \Exception("Run for the hills!");

Service name: event_dispatcher

Class: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher
Implements Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface (When type hinting, use this class since different
environments may use different classes for the dispatcher)

Dispatch custom events using the event_dispatcher service.


$pathsHelper = $this->get('mautic.helper.paths'); 30/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
$relativeImagesDir = $pathsHelper->getSystemPath('images'); // media/images
$absoluteImageDir = $pathsHelper->getSystemPath('images', true); // /home/user/public_html/media/images

Service name: mautic.helper.paths

Class: Mautic\CoreBundle\Helper\PathsHelper

This helper should be used when retrieving system paths for Mautic (images, themes, cache, etc)

There is also a tmp or temporary option to store temporary les. It should be used by developers for such use case instead of the general
cache location.


$ipHelper = $this->get('mautic.helper.ip_lookup');

$requestIp = $ipHelper->getIpAddressFromRequest(); //

/** @var \Mautic\CoreBundle\Entity\IpAddress $ipAddressEntity */

$ipAddressEntity = $ipHelper->getIpAddress();

/** @var array $details */

$details = $ipAddressEntity->getIpDetails();

echo $details['city'];

Service name: mautic.helper.ip_lookup

Class: Mautic\CoreBundle\Helper\IpLookupHelper

This helper can be used to retrieve the real IP for the request.


$configHelper = $this->get('mautic.helper.bundle');

$menu = $configHelper->getBundleConfig('HelloWorldBundle', 'menu', true);

Service name: mautic.helper.bundle

Class: Mautic\CoreBundle\Helper\BundleHelper

This can be used to get the conguration array of a bundle/plugins Cong/cong.php le.



$cookieHelper = $this->get('mautic.helper.cookie');
$cookieHelper->setCookie('name', 'value', 3600);


Service name: mautic.helper.cookie

Class: Mautic\CoreBundle\Helper\CookieHelper

The cookie helper can be used to set cookies based on system settings.


$mailer = $this->get('mautic.helper.mailer')->getMailer();

// To address; can use setTo(), addCc(), setCc(), addBcc(), or setBcc() as well 31/222
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$mailer->addTo($toAddress, $toName);

// Set a custom from; will use system settings by default

$this->user->getFirstName().' '.$this->user->getLastName()

// Set subject

// Set content

// Optional lead tracking (array)


// Send the mail, pass true to dispatch through event listeners (for replacing tokens, etc)
if ($mailer->send(true)) {

// Optional to create a stat to allow a web view, tracking, etc

} else {
$errors = $mailer->getErrors();
$failedRecipients = $errors['failures'];

// Using queue() for tokenization support

use Mautic\EmailBundle\Swiftmailer\Exception\BatchQueueMaxException;

$mailer = $this->get('mautic.helper.mailer')->getMailer();
$failed = array();

foreach ($emailList as $email) {
try {
if (!$mailer->addTo($email['email'], $email['name'])) {
// Clear the errors so it doesn't stop the next send

$failed[] = $email;

} catch (BatchQueueMaxException $e) {
// Queue full so flush (send) then try again
if (!$mailer->flushQueue()) {
$errors = $mailer->getErrors();
$failed = array_merge($failed, $errors['failures']);

if (!$mailer->addTo($email['email'], $email['email'], $email['name'])) {

// ...

// Flush pending
if (!$mailer->flushQueue()) {
// ...
} 32/222
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The mail helper can be used to send email, running the content through the event listeners to search/replace tokens, manipulate the
content, etc.

Some transports, such as Mandrill, support tokenized emails for multiple recipients. The mail helper makes it easy to leverage this feature
by using its queue() and flushQueue() functions in place of send() . If sending a batch of emails, it is recommended to use the queue()
function. Although these classes will still work with using just send() for one off emails, if sending a batch of the same email to multiple
contacts, enable tokenization/batch mode with enableQueue() .

If using an Email entity ( \Mautic\EmailBundle\Entity\Email ), just pass the Email entity to $mailer->setEmail($email) and the subject,
body, assets, etc will be extracted and automatically set.


Attachments can be attached to emails by using the attachFile() function. You can also attach Mautic assets ( \Mautic\AssetBundle\En
tity\Asset ) via attachAsset() .

Refer to the class for more details on available functions.



$channel = 'email';
$channelId = 1;

if ($modelFactory->hasModel($channel)) {
$model = $modelFactory->getModel($channel);

if ($entity = $model->getEntity($channelId)) {
echo $entity->getName();

Mautic/CoreBundle/Factory/ModelFactory can be used in services that a model dependency is unknown at the time the service is created.
This is great for scenarios where the channel and channel ID are stored in a database and the executing code needs to obtain information
on the channel entity (name, etc).

It has two methods: hasModel($modelNameKey) and getModel($modelNameKey) . hasModel simple checks to see if a model exists. It uses the
same format as using the controller helper method getModel() . For example, to obtain the Mautic\EmailBundle\Model\EmailModel class,
you could use something like the code example.


// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Entity/World.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

use Mautic\CategoryBundle\Entity\Category;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Doctrine\Mapping\ClassMetadataBuilder;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Entity\CommonEntity;

* Class World
class World extends CommonEntity
/** 33/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
* @var int
private $id;

* @var string
private $name;

* @var string
private $description;

* @var Category
private $category;

* @var int
private $visitCount;

* @var int
private $population = 0;

* @var bool
private $isInhabited = false;

* @param ORM\ClassMetadata $metadata
public static function loadMetadata (ORM\ClassMetadata $metadata)
$builder = new ClassMetadataBuilder($metadata);


// Helper functions
$builder->addNamedField('visitorCount', 'int', 'visitor_count');
$builder->addField('population', 'int');

// Native means to build a field

$builder->createField('isInhabited', 'bool')

* @return mixed
public function getId()
return $this->id;

* @return mixed
public function getName()
return $this->name; 34/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

* @param mixed $name
* @return World
public function setName($name)
$this->name = $name;

return $this;

* @return mixed
public function getDescription()
return $this->description;

* @param mixed $description
* @return World
public function setDescription($description)
$this->description = $description;

return $this;

* @return Category
public function getCategory()
return $this->category;

* @param mixed $category
* @return World
public function setCategory(Category $category)
$this->category = $category;

return $this;

* @return mixed
public function getVisitCount()
return $this->visitCount;

* @param mixed $visitCount
* @return World
public function setVisitCount($visitCount)
$this->visitCount = $visitCount; 35/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

return $this;

* Increase the visit count by one
public function upVisitCount()

* Get planet population
public function getPopulation()
return $this->population;

* @param int $population
* @return World
public function setPopulation($population)
$this->population = $population;

return $this;

* @return boolean
public function isIsInhabited()
return $this->isInhabited;

* @param boolean $isInhabited
* @return World
public function setIsInhabited($isInhabited)
$this->isInhabited = $isInhabited;

return $this;

// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Entity/WorldRepository.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Entity;

use Mautic\CoreBundle\Entity\CommonRepository;

* WorldRepository
class WorldRepository extends CommonRepository

public function getEntities($args = array())

{ 36/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
$q = $this
->leftJoin('a.category', 'c');

$args['qb'] = $q;

return parent::getEntities($args);

Mautic uses Doctrine, a database object relational mapper (ORM) and database abstraction layer (DBAL) library.

Most of Mautic use entity and repository classes to dene the schema and interact with the database.


Refer to Symfonys and Doctrines documentation on the specics of how to interact with the Database.


Mautic uses Doctrines PHP Driver to dene schema. The plugin doesnt necessarily have to use entities but should at least dene Entity
classes to create its schema.


When an plugin is installed or updated, the bundles onInstall or onUpgrade functions are called. These functions can be used to manipulate
the database schema. See Install/Upgrade.


Mautic allows custom table prexes. If using ORM, there is no need to include the prex as Mautic will automatically handle it. However, if
there is a need to use Doctrines DBAL layer directly, the contstant MAUTIC_TABLE_PREFIX can be used in conjuction with the table name.


When using ORM, Mautic will automatically convert DateTime properties to UTC and to the system/users prole timezone on retrieval.
However, if using DBAL, DateTime strings must be converted to UTC before persisting and to the local timezone on retrieval. See
Date/Time Helper to assist with conversions.

For arrays, ORM will auto serialize and unserialize. DBAL will need to manually handle this.

Roles and Permissions

Mautic provides a means of dening custom permissions for roles through Permission objects.


Permissions are calculated based on bits assigned to an plugins level and permission. Bits are integers that increase by doubling the value.
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 512, 1024, and so forth. The bits should never be assigned numbers in between such as 3 or 5 as the permission
will not be correctly calculated in such cases.

For example, lets say HelloWorldBundle needs to manage access to users Worlds entity. A permission set for plugin:helloWorld:worlds
might look like

Permission Bit

view 1

edit 2 37/222
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Permission Bit

create 4

delete 8

full 16

plugin:helloWorld:worlds:view is a typically notation for requesting permission in Mautic. The notation tells Mautic to check for
the `view` permission for the plugin, HelloWorldBundle, within the `worlds` level. Levels allow plugins to set permissions for multiple

Mautic will take the summation of the bits for the permissions given to a role and store it in the database. For example, if a role is given view
and edit access, the stored bit is 3. If given view and create access, the stored bit is 5.

When a permission check is required, e.g. plugin:helloWorld:worlds:create , Mautic will check if bit of 4 is set in the roles generated bit
for plugin:helloWorld:worlds . If so, permission is granted.

The permission full is reserved to grant access to all previous permissions within the level and thus should always be the highest



$security = $this->get('');

// Check if user is granted a single permission

if ($security->isGranted('plugin:helloWorld:worlds:view')) {
// do something

// Check if user is granted multiple permissions (must be granted to all to be true)

if ($security->isGranted(
) {
//do something

// Check if user is granted to at least one permission

if ($security->isGranted(
) {
//do something

// Get an array of user permissions

$permissions = $security->isGranted(
'plugin:helloWorld:worlds:edit', 38/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

if ($permissions['plugin:helloWorld:worlds:view']) {
// do something

// Check if user has access to view leads

if ($security->isGranted('lead:leads:viewother')) {
// do something

To determine if a user has a specic permission, use Mautics security service which can be obtained from the service.

As suggested above, Mautic uses a special permission notation to refer to a specic permission. For core bundles, bundleName:permis
sionLevel:permission is used. For plugins, append plugin: , i.e. plugin:bundleName:permissionLevel:permission . plugin: tells Mautic to
look for the permission class in the plugins/ directory and MauticPlugin namespace.

The permission level and permissions are set by the core bundle or plugin. For example, Mautics core UserBundle has users and roles
levels with view , edit , create , delete and full permissions for each.

To check if a user has permission to edit roles, use $mauticSecurity->isGranted('user:roles:edit');


// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Security/Permissions/HelloWorldPermissions.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Security\Permissions;

use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Security\Permissions\AbstractPermissions;

* Class HelloWorldPermissions
class HelloWorldPermissions extends AbstractPermissions

* Define available permissions
* @param $params
public function __construct($params)

$this->permissions = array(

// Custom level
'worlds' => array(

// Custom permissions
'use_telescope' => 1,
'send_probe' => 2,
'visit' => 4,
// Full will almost always be included and should be significantly higher than the
// others in case new permissions need to be added later
'full' => 1024

// Add standard category permissions

} 39/222
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* Append the permission form fields to the Role form
* @param FormBuilderInterface $builder
* @param array $options
* @param array $data
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface &$builder, array $options, array $data)
// Add standard category form fields
$this->addStandardFormFields('helloWorld', 'categories', $builder, $data);

// Add custom 'worlds' level form fields


// Form element name should be bundleName:permissionLevel


// Should always be permissionlist type

'choices' => array(
'use_telescope' => 'plugin.helloworld.permissions.use_telescope',
'send_probe' => 'plugin.helloworld.permissions.send_probe',
'visit' => 'plugin.helloworld.permissions.visit',
'full' => 'mautic.core.permissions.full',
'label' => 'plugin.helloworld.permissions',

// Set existing data

'data' => (!empty($data['worlds']) ? $data['worlds'] : array()),

// Bundle name (used to build frontend form)

'bundle' => 'helloWorld',

// Permission level (used to build frontend form)

'level' => 'worlds'

* Permission set identifier; should be bundleName
* @return string
public function getName()
return 'helloWorld';

An plugin can create its own set of permissions by creating a Permission class. See the code example for a skeleton outline of what the
class will look like.

Each permission class should extend Mautic\CoreBundle\Security\Permissions\AbstractPermissions .

Then, for most permission classes, three methods are needed: __construct() , buildForm() and getName() .


The construct method should do two things. It should call parent::__construct($params) or it should set $this->params = $params; .

Then it should dene $this->permissions . $this->permissions is an array of permission levels that are each arrays with permissions
assigned to bits. For example, in the code block, a custom permission level of worlds is dened with the permissions of use_telescope , 40/222
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send_probe , visit and full . To check to see if a user has permission to the level worlds and permission send_probe , $mauticSecurity-
>isGranted('plugin:helloWorld:worlds:send_probe') would be used.

Mautic provides a few helper methods for common permission sets:

Method Description

addStandardPermissions() Set view, edit, create, delete, publish (with option to exclude), and full permissions.

Set creator level restrictions: viewown, viewother, editown, editother, create, deleteown, deleteother,
publishown (with option to exclude), publishother (with option to exclude), and full

addManagePermission Set single manage permission


The buildForm method will append the permission toggles to the Roles form (see Forms for details on form builders). Review the
comments in the code sample.

There are complimentary helper methods for the common permission sets:

Method Description

addStandardFormFields() Appends the standard permission sets to the form

addExtendedFormFields() Appends the extended, aka creator restricted, permissions to the form

addManageFormFields() Appends the single manager element to the form

getName() This method is absolutely required and should match both the bundleName and the name of the le. For example, if Hello
WorldBundle is the bundles name, then this would be helloWorld with a lename of HelloWorldPermissions.php .



protected function getSynonym($name, $level)

if ($name == 'send_satellite') {
// Set real permission name
$name = 'send_probe';

return array($name, $level);


To add a permission alias, use the getSynonym() method. Basically this method is called before each requested permission is determined
giving opportunity to change the permission level or name as needed.

For example, parent::getSynonym() will recognize editown as edit if editown isnt dened in the permission class $this->permissions
property for the requested level.



* @param array $permissions Plugin specific permissions
* @param $allPermissions All role permissions
* @param bool $isSecondRound Is round two after permissions have been updated by all permission classes
* @return bool Return true if a second round is required; default false 41/222
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public function analyzePermissions(array &$permissions, $allPermissions, $isSecondRound = false)
foreach ($permissions as $level => &$perms) {
foreach ($perms as $perm) {
$include = array();
switch ($perm) {
case 'send_probe':
$include = array('use_telescope');
case 'visit':
$include = array('use_telescope', 'send_probe');
if (!empty($include)) {
foreach ($include as $r) {
list($ignore, $r) = $this->getSynonym($level, $r);
if ($this->isSupported($level, $r) && !in_array($r, $perms)) {
$perms[] = $r;

// Return true if this method needs a second round after all the other bundles have adjusted permissions
return false;

Plugins can adjust permissions based on other selected permissions in order to prevent user error. For example, if a user has permission
to edit , then the user also needs permission to view whether that was selected in the Role form or not. The method
analyzePermissions() can be be used for this which gives opportunity to the plugin to modify permissions based on other selections before
persisting to the database.

Sometimes, it may be necessary to re-adjust based on a permission that is outside the plugins control. In this case, analyzePermissions()
can return true and it will be called again after all the permissions have been analyzed by the other bundles and plugins. In this case, the
argument $isSecondRound will be true.


If it is necessary to perform some logic other than simply comparing bits, the permission class can override the parents public function
isGranted($userPermissions, $name, $level) and do whatever is necessary for its own permission levels and individual permissions.


The same can be applied for the method isSupported() which is used to determine if a bundle or plugin includes the requested permission
and permission level. This can also be used to provide BC support.

Custom Cong Params

Mautics conguration is stored in app/cong/local.php. Plugins can leverage custom cong parameters to use within its code.

Each conguration option desired should be dened and have a default set in the plugins cong le. This prevents Symfony from throwing
errors if the parameter is used during cache compilation or if accessed directly from the container without checking if it exists rst. Dening
the parameters in the plugins cong le will ensure that it always exists.

To add cong options to the Conguration page, an event subscriber, a cong form type, and a specic view are required. 42/222
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To translate the plugins tab in the conguration form, be sure to include in the plugins
messages.ini le. Of course replace helloworld_cong with whatever is used as the formAlias when registering the form in the event
subscriber (explained below).


// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/EventListener/ConfigSubscriber.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener;

use Mautic\ConfigBundle\Event\ConfigEvent;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\EventListener\CommonSubscriber;
use Mautic\ConfigBundle\ConfigEvents;
use Mautic\ConfigBundle\Event\ConfigBuilderEvent;

* Class ConfigSubscriber
class ConfigSubscriber extends CommonSubscriber

* @return array
static public function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
ConfigEvents::CONFIG_ON_GENERATE => array('onConfigGenerate', 0),
ConfigEvents::CONFIG_PRE_SAVE => array('onConfigSave', 0)

* @param ConfigBuilderEvent $event
public function onConfigGenerate(ConfigBuilderEvent $event)
'formAlias' => 'helloworld_config',
'formTheme' => 'HelloWorldBundle:FormTheme\Config',
'parameters' => $event->getParametersFromConfig('HelloWorldBundle')

* @param ConfigEvent $event
public function onConfigSave(ConfigEvent $event)
/** @var array $values */
$values = $event->getConfig();

// Manipulate the values

if (!empty($values['helloworld_config']['custom_config_option'])) {
$values['helloworld_config']['custom_config_option'] = htmlspecialchars($values['helloworld_config']['custom_config_option']);

// Set updated values

} 43/222
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The event subscriber will listen to the ConfigEvents::CONFIG_ON_GENERATE and ConfigEvents::CONFIG_PRE_SAVE events.

The ConfigEvents::CONFIG_ON_GENERATE is dispatched when the conguration form is built giving the plugin an opportunity to inject its own
tab and cong options.

To do this, the plugin must register its conguration details through the method assigned to the ConfigEvents::CONFIG_ON_GENERATE event.
The \Mautic\CongBundle\Event\CongBuilderEvent object is passed into the method and expects the method to call addForm() .
addForm() expects an array with the following elements:

Key Description

formAlias Alias of the form type class that sets the expected form elements

formTheme View to format the conguration form elements, i.e, HelloWorldBundle:FormTheme\Config

Array of custom cong elements. $event->getParametersFromConfig('HelloWorldBundle'))) can be used to glean them

from the plugins cong le.

The ConfigEvents::CONFIG_PRE_SAVE is called before the values from the form are rendered and saved to the local.php le. This gives the
plugin an opportunity to clean up or manipulate the data before it is written.

Remember that the subscriber must be registered through the plugins cong in the services[events] section.


// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Form/Type/ConfigType.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Form\Type;

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;

* Class ConfigType
class ConfigType extends AbstractType
* @param FormBuilderInterface $builder
* @param array $options
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
'label' => 'plugin.helloworld.config.custom_config_option',
'data' => $options['data']['custom_config_option'],
'attr' => array(
'tooltip' => 'plugin.helloworld.config.custom_config_option_tooltip'

* {@inheritdoc}
public function getName()
return 'helloworld_config';
} 44/222
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The form type is used to generate the form elds in the main conguration form. Refer to Forms for more information on using form types.

Remember that the form type must be registered through the plugins cong in the services[forms] section.


// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Views/FormTheme/Config/_config_helloworld_config_widget.html.php


<div class="panel panel-primary">

<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title"><?php echo $view['translator']->trans(''); ?></h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<?php foreach ($form->children as $f): ?>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<?php echo $view['form']->row($f); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Registering a formTheme as HelloWorldBundle:FormTheme\Config in the event listener told the CongBundle to look in the
HelloWorldBundles Views/FormTheme/Cong folder for templates. Specically, it will look for a template named _config_{formAlias}_wid
get.html.php where {formAlias} is the same as formAlias set in the plugins ConfigEvents::CONFIG_ON_GENERATE event listener.

The template should be in a panel format to match the rest of the cong UI.

Manipulating Contacts (Leads)


/** @var \Mautic\LeadBundle\Model\LeadModel $leadModel */

$leadModel = $this->getModel('lead');

/** @var \Mautic\LeadBundle\Entity\Lead $currentLead */

$currentLead = $leadModel->getCurrentLead();

// To obtain the tracking ID as well, pass true

list($currentLead, $trackingId, $trackingIdIsNewlyGenerated) = $leadModel->getCurrentLead(true);

// To obtain just the tracking ID; pass true as an argument to force regeneration of the tracking ID and cookies
list($trackingId, $trackingIdIsNewlyGenerated) = $leadModel->getTrackingCookie();

// Set the currently tracked lead and generate tracking cookies

$lead = new Lead();
// ...

// Set a lead for system use purposes (i.e. events that use getCurrentLead()) but without generating tracking cookies

In Mautic 1.4, Leads were renamed to Contacts. However, much of the code still refers to contacts as leads. 45/222
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Many plugins extending Mautic will be manipulating leads in one way or another. Here is a quick summary of how to obtain the current lead
and/or manipulate the leads data.


Leads are tracked by two cookies. The rst cookie notes which ID the lead is tracked under Mautic as. The second is to track the leads
activity for the current session (defaults to 30 minutes and resets during each lead interaction).

mautic_session_id holds the value of the leads current session ID. That value is then name of the cookie that holds the leads ID.

Review the sample code on how to obtain the currently tracked lead.

As of Mautic 2.2.0, a cookie is also placed on any domain with mtc.js embedded (thats allowed by Mautics CORS settings) as mtc_id .
This will contain the ID of the currently tracked contact.


// Currently tracked lead based on cookies
$leadModel = $this->getModel('lead');
$lead = $leadModel->getCurrentLead();
$leadId = $lead->getId();

// OR generate a completely new lead with

$lead = new Lead();
$leadId = null;

// IP address of the request

$ipAdddress = $this->get('mautic.helper.ip_lookup')->getIpAddress();

// Updated/new fields
$leadFields = array(
'firstname' => 'Bob',

// Optionally check for identifier fields to determine if the lead is unique

$uniqueLeadFields = $this->getModel('lead.field')->getUniqueIdentiferFields();
$uniqueLeadFieldData = array();

// Check if unique identifier fields are included

$inList = array_intersect_key($leadFields, $availableLeadFields);
foreach ($inList as $k => $v) {
if (empty($query[$k])) {

if (array_key_exists($k, $uniqueLeadFields)) {
$uniqueLeadFieldData[$k] = $v;

// If there are unique identifier fields, check for existing leads based on lead data
if (count($inList) && count($uniqueLeadFieldData)) {
$existingLeads = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository('MauticLeadBundle:Lead')->getLeadsByUniqueFields(
$leadId // If a currently tracked lead, ignore this ID when searching for duplicates
if (!empty($existingLeads)) {
// Existing found so merge the two leads
$lead = $leadModel->mergeLeads($lead, $existingLeads[0]);

// Get the lead's currently associated IPs

$leadIpAddresses = $lead->getIpAddresses(); 46/222
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// If the IP is not already associated, do so (the addIpAddress will automatically handle ignoring
// the IP if it is set to be ignored in the Configuration)
if (!$leadIpAddresses->contains($ipAddress)) {

// Set the lead's data

$leadModel->setFieldValues($lead, $leadFields);

// Save the entity


// Set the updated lead


To create a new lead, use the \Mautic\LeadBundle\Entity\Lead entity. Review the code sample.

Extending Mautic

// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Config/config.php

return array(
// ...

'routes' => array(

// ...

'api' => array(

'plugin_helloworld_api' => array(
'path' => '/hello/worlds',
'controller' => 'HelloWorldBundle:Api:worlds',
'method' => 'GET'

// ...

// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Controller/ApiController.php

namespace Mautic\LeadBundle\Controller\Api;

use FOS\RestBundle\Util\Codes;
use Mautic\ApiBundle\Controller\CommonApiController;

class ApiController extends CommonApiController


* Get a list of worlds
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function getWorldsAction() 47/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
if (!$this->get('')->isGranted('plugin:helloWorld:worlds:view')) {
return $this->accessDenied();

$filter = $this->request->query->get('filter', null);

$limit = $this->request->query->get('limit', null);
$start = $this->request->query->get('start', null);

/** @var \MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Model\WorldsModel $model */

$model = $this->getModel('helloworld.worlds');

$worlds = $model->getWorlds($filter, $limit, $start);

$worlds = $this->view($worlds, Codes::HTTP_OK);

return $this->handleView($worlds);

To add custom API endpoints, simply dene the routes under the API rewall in the plugins cong le. This will place the route behind /api
which will only be accessible if the requester has been authorized via OAuth.

The api controller(s), should extend Mautic\ApiBundle\Controller\CommonApiController to leverage the helper methods provided and to
utilize the REST views.


Broadcasts are communications sent in bulk through a channel such as email (segment emails). Mautic 2.2.0 introduced a new event to
execute the sending of these bulk communications via the mautic:broadcasts:send command.

// plugins\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener\BroadcastSubscriber

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener;

use Mautic\CoreBundle\CoreEvents;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Event\ChannelBroadcastEvent;
use MauticPlugin\HelloWorldPlugin\Model\WorldModel;

* Class BroadcastSubscriber
class BroadcastSubscriber extends CommonSubscriber
* @var WorldModel
protected $model;

* BroadcastSubscriber constructor.
* @param WorldModel $model
public function __construct(WorldModel $model)
$this->model = $model;

* {@inheritdoc}
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
CoreEvents::CHANNEL_BROADCAST => ['onChannelBroadcast', 0]
]; 48/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

public function onDataCleanup (ChannelBroadcastEvent $event)

if (!$event->checkContext('world')) {

// Get list of published broadcasts or broadcast if there is only a single ID

$id = $event->getId();
$broadcasts = $this->model->getRepository()->getPublishedBroadcasts($id);
$output = $event->getOutput();

while (($broadcast = $broadcasts->next()) !== false) {

list($sentCount, $failedCount, $ignore) = $this->model->sendIntergalacticMessages($broadcast[0], null, 100, true, $output);
$event->setResults($this->translator->trans('plugin.helloworld').': '.$broadcast[0]->getName(), $sentCount, $failedCount);

To hook into the mautic:broadcasts:send command, create a listening for the \Mautic\CoreBundle\CoreEvents::CHANNEL_BROADCAST event.
The event listener should check for the appropriate context and ID. See example code.


// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/EventListener/CampaignSubscriber.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Events;

use Mautic\CoreBundle\EventListener\CommonSubscriber;
use Mautic\CampaignBundle\Event as Events;
use Mautic\CampaignBundle\CampaignEvents;
use Mautic\CampaignBundle\Event\CampaignExecutionEvent;

* Class CampaignSubscriber
class CampaignSubscriber extends CommonSubscriber

* @return array
static public function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
CampaignEvents::CAMPAIGN_ON_BUILD => array('onCampaignBuild', 0),
HelloWorldEvents::BLASTOFF => array('executeCampaignAction', 0),
HelloWorldEvents::VALIDATE_VISIT => array('validateCampaignDecision', 0)

* Add campaign decision and actions
* @param Events\CampaignBuilderEvent $event
public function onCampaignBuild(Events\CampaignBuilderEvent $event)
// Register custom action
'eventName' => HelloWorldEvents::BLASTOFF,
'label' => 'plugin.helloworld.campaign.send_offworld',
'description' => 'plugin.helloworld.campaign.send_offworld_descr', 49/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
// Set custom parameters to configure the decision
'formType' => 'helloworld_worlds',
// Set a custom formTheme to customize the layout of elements in formType
'formTheme' => 'HelloWorldBundle:FormTheme\SubmitAction',
// Set custom options to pass to the form type, if applicable
'formTypeOptions' => array(
'world' => 'mars'

// Register custom decision (executes when a lead "makes a decision" i.e. executes some direct action
'eventName' => HelloWorldEvents::VALIDATE_VISIT,
'label' => 'plugin.helloworld.campaign.visits_mars',
'description' => 'plugin.helloworld.campaign.visits_mars_descr',
// Same as registering an action
'formType' => false,
'formTypeOptions' => array()

* Execute campaign action
* @param CampaignExecutionEvent $event
public function executeCampaignAction (CampaignExecutionEvent $event)
// Do blastoff


* Validate campaign decision
* @param CampaignExecutionEvent $event
public function validateCampaignDecision (CampaignExecutionEvent $event)
$valid = ($event->getEventDetails()->getId() === $event->getConfig()['id']);

Plugins can add their own campaign actions, decisions, or conditions by listening to the \Mautic\CampaignBundle\CampaignEvents::CAMPAI
GN_ON_BUILD event. Read more about listeners and subscribers.


To add an action, use the $event->addAction($identifier, $parameters) method. $identifier must be something unique. The $parame
ters array can contain the following elements:

Key Required Type Description

label REQUIRED string The language string to use for the draggables label

The name of the event that should be dispatched to handle this action. The plugin
eventName REQUIRED string
will need to also create its own listener for the event.

description OPTIONAL string The language string to use for the draggables tooltip 50/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Key Required Type Description

formType OPTIONAL string The alias of a custom form type used to set cong options for the decision

formTypeOptions OPTIONAL array Array of options to include into the formTypes $options argument

formTypeCleanMasks OPTIONAL array Array of input masks to clean a values from formType

formTypeTheme OPTIONAL string Theme to customize elements for formType

Array of keys registered as decisions that this action can attached to. Defaults to
associatedDecisions OPTIONAL array
any decision.

Array of anchors (the places on an event in the builder this action can be attached
to). The format is eventType.anchorName. Event types can be source, decision,
action, or condition. anchorName includes top, bottom, inaction (yes/green),
anchorRestrictions OPTIONAL array action (no/red) or leadsource. For example, by passing an array with deci
sion.inaction , this action will not be attachable to the inaction/red anchor of a

Deprecated as of 2.0 and support to be removed in 3.0; use eventName instead.

callback DEPRECATED mixed Static callback function that will be called for the action and should contain the
logic to execute the custom action

The listener for dispatched event will have the Mautic\CampaignBundle\Event\CampaignExecutionEvent injected. To note that the action was
successfully executed, use $event->setResult($result) . $result can be a boolean or an array. Setting false will cause the action to be
retried. If an array, it will be stored in the campaign event logs metadata array (useful for displaying information in the contact time-line).

Use $event->setFailed() to note that an event failed but should not be retried. Failed events do not appear in a contacts time-line.


// Trigger configured 'helloworld.visits_mars' decisions

/** @var \Mautic\CampaignBundle\Model\CampaignModel $campaignModel */

$campaignModel = $this->getModel('campaign.event');

// Can be anything and passed into action callbacks as $eventDetails

$customPassthrough = array();

// Some optional unique identifier for this specific trigger that is used mainly for debug logging; for example, can be a concatenation of the decision
name + lead ID
$uniqueTriggerId = 'something_something';

$campaignModel->triggerEvent('helloworld.visits_mars', $customPassthroughToActions, $uniqueTriggerId);

Campaign decisions are registered exactly as a campaign action except it uses the $event->addDecision($identifier, $parameters)
method. The only difference in the $parameters arguments is that the listener for the eventName is used to validate the decision rather than
execute some action and it accepts a associatedActions array instead of associatedDecisions . For example, if the decision is congured
to only apply to a specic ID chosen by the user (dened in the formType ), the listener could compare the decisions $event->getEventDe
tails()->getId() (see example) with the events $event->getConfig()['id'] . If the decision should execute the actions associated with it,
set $event->setResult(true); . Otherwise $event->setResult(false); and nothing will be executed or logged.

For custom decisions to work, there must be a trigger executed when the lead makes the decision. Thus, where ever is appropriate in the
plugins code logic, add something similar to whats in the example code block.

The triggerEvent() method will pull all the triggered decisions ( helloworld.visits_mars in the code example) for published campaigns
the lead is in, dispatch the decisions event (if congured) for validation, then execute the associated actions if appropriate.

17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Campaign conditions are registered with addCondition() and accepts the same arguments as addDecision() . The listener also receives
an instance of Mautic\CampaignBundle\Event\CampaignExecutionEvent . To mark a condition as true or false, use $event->setResult($re
sult); .


Mautic has a CategoryBundle that can be leveraged to incorporate categories into a plugin.


As of Mautic 1.2.1, register categories through the plugins cong.php le by adding the following as a key to the returned cong array:

'categories' => array(

'plugin:helloWorld' => ''

The category keys need be prexed with plugin: as it is used in determining permissions to manage categories. The helloWorld should
match the permission class name.


It is now recommended to not show the category in the main Menu.

To add a category menu item for the plugin, simply add the following to menu cong for whichever menu the item should appear ( main or
admin ):

'' => array(

'bundle' => 'plugin:helloWorld'

The bundle value needs be prexed with plugin: as it is used in determining permissions to manage categories. The helloWorld should
be the bundle name of the plugin.


There is no need to add custom routes for categories. However, when generating a URL to the plugins category list, use

$categoryUrl = $router->generateUrl('mautic_category_index', array('bundle' => 'plugin:helloWorld'));


To add a category select list to a form, use category as the form type and pass bundle as an option:

//add category
$builder->add('category', 'category', array(
'bundle' => 'plugin:helloWorld'


To restrict access to catgories, use the following in the plugins Permission class.

In __construct() add $this->addStandardPermissions('categories'); then in buildForm() , add $this->addStandardFormFields('hello

World', 'categories', $builder, $data); .

See a code example in Roles and Permissions.

The two standard helper methods will add the permissions of view , edit , create , delete , publish , and full for categories.

17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/EventListener/LeadSubscriber.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener;

use Mautic\CoreBundle\EventListener\CommonSubscriber;
use Mautic\LeadBundle\Event\LeadTimelineEvent;
use Mautic\LeadBundle\LeadEvents;

* Class LeadSubscriber
class LeadSubscriber extends CommonSubscriber

* @return array
static public function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
LeadEvents::TIMELINE_ON_GENERATE => ['onTimelineGenerate', 0]

* Compile events for the lead timeline
* @param LeadTimelineEvent $event
public function onTimelineGenerate(LeadTimelineEvent $event)
// Add this event to the list of available events which generates the event type filters
$eventTypeKey = 'visited.worlds';
$eventTypeName = $this->translator->trans('');
$event->addEventType($eventTypeKey, $eventTypeName);

// Determine if this event has been filtered out

if (!$event->isApplicable($eventTypeKey)) {


/** @var \MauticPlugin\HelloWorldRepository\Entity\WorldRepository $repository */

$repository = $this->em->getRepository('HelloWorldBundle:World');

// $event->getQueryOptions() provide timeline filters, etc.

// This method should use DBAL to obtain the events to be injected into the timeline based on pagination
// but also should query for a total number of events and return an array of ['total' => $x, 'results' => []].
// There is a TimelineTrait to assist with this. See repository example.
$stats = $repository->getVisitedWorldStats($event->getLead()->getId(), $event->getQueryOptions());

// If isEngagementCount(), this event should only inject $stats into addToCounter() to append to data to generate
// the engagements graph. Not all events are engagements if they are just informational so it could be that this
// line should only be used when `!$event->isEngagementCount()`. Using TimelineTrait will determine the appropriate
// return value based on the data included in getQueryOptions() if used in the stats method above.
$event->addToCounter($eventTypeKey, $stats);

if (!$event->isEngagementCount()) {
// Add the events to the event array
foreach ($stats['results'] as $stat) {
if ($stat['dateSent']) {
// Event key type
'event' => $eventTypeKey,
// Event name/label - can be a string or an array as below to convert to a link 53/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
'eventLabel' => [
'label' => $stat['name'],
'href' => $this->router->generate(
['objectId' => $stat['dynamic_content_id'], 'objectAction' => 'view']
// Translated string displayed in the Event Type column
'eventType' => $eventTypeName,
// \DateTime object for the timestamp column
'timestamp' => $stat['dateSent'],
// Optional details passed through to the contentTemplate
'extra' => [
'stat' => $stat,
'type' => 'sent'
// Optional template to customize the details of the event in the timeline
'contentTemplate' => 'MauticDynamicContentBundle:SubscribedEvents\Timeline:index.html.php',
// Font Awesome class to display as the icon
'icon' => 'fa-envelope'


To inject events into a contacts timeline, create an event listener that listens to the LeadEvents::TIMELINE_ON_GENERATE event. Using this
event, the plugin can inject unique items into the timeline and also into the engagements graph on each page.

The event listener will receive a Mautic\LeadBundle\Event\LeadTimelineEvent object. The commonly used methods are dened below:

Method Description

isApplicable Determines if this event is applicable and not ltered out.

addEventType() Required - Add this event to the list of available events.

getLead() Get the Lead entity the event is dispatched for

getQueryOptions() Used to get pagination, lters, etc needed to generate an appropriate query

Used to add total number of events (across all pages) to the counters. This also generates the numbers for the
engagements graph.

addEvent() Required - Injects an event into the timeline. Accepts an array with the keys dened as below.

addEvent($event) Key Denitions Key|Required|Type|Description ||-| event|REQUIRED|string|The key for this event.
Eg. world.visited eventType|REQUIRED|string|The translated string representing this event type. Eg. Worlds visited
timestamp|REQUIRED|\DateTime|DateTime object when this event took place eventLabel|OPTIONAL|string/array|The translated string to
display in the event name. Examples include names of items, page titles, etc. This can also be an array of [label => , 'href => ] to have
the entry converted to a link. This will default to eventType if not dened. extra|OPTIONAL|array|Whatever should be passed through to the
content template to generate the details view for this event contentTemplate|OPTIONAL|string|Template that should be used to generate
the details view for this event. Eg. HelloBundle:SubscribedEvents\Timeline:index.html.php icon|OPTIONAL|Font Awesome class


//plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Entity/WorldRepository.php 54/222
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namespace Mautic\LeadBundle\Entity;

use Mautic\CoreBundle\Entity\CommonRepository;
use Mautic\LeadBundle\Entity\TimelineTrait;

* Class WorldRepository
class WorldRepository extends CommonRepository
use TimelineTrait;

* @param $leadId
* @param array $options
public function getTimelineStats($leadId, array $options = [])
$query = $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection()->createQueryBuilder();

$query->select(',, w.visited_count, w.date_visited, w.visit_details')

->from(MAUTIC_TABLE_PREFIX.'world_visits', 'w')
->where($query->expr()->eq('w.lead_id', (int) $leadId));

if (isset($options['search']) && $options['search']) {

$query->expr()->like('', $query->expr()->literal('%' . $options['search'] . '%'))

return $this->getTimelineResults($query, $options, '', 'w.date_visited', ['visit_details'], ['date_visited']);


To assist with the generation of events, the Mautic\LeadBundle\Entity\TimelineTrait has been created.

To leverage this, accept the array from $event->getQueryOptions() in the repository method. Create a DBAL QueryBuilder object ( $this-
>getEntityManager()->getConnection()->createQueryBuilder() ) and dene the basics of the array, including ltering by lead id and search
lter. Then pass the QueryBuilder object to the getTimelineResults() method along with the following arguments:

Key Required Type Description

$query REQUIRED QueryBuilder DBAL QueryBuilder object dening basics of the query.

Array generated and passed into method by $event->getQueryOptions() in

$options REQUIRED array
the event listener above

Name of the column (with table prex) that should be used when sorting by
$eventNameColumn REQUIRED string
event name

Name of the column (with table prex) that should be used when sorting by
$timestampColumn REQUIRED string

When using DBAL, arrays are not auto unserialized by Doctrine. Dene the
$serializedColumns OPTIONAL array
columns here (as returned by the query results) to auto unserialize.

When using DBAL, datetime columns are not auto converted to \DateTime
$dateTimeColumns OPTIONAL array objects by Doctrine. Dene the columns here (as returned by the query
results) to auto do so.

Callback to custom parse a result. This is optional and mainly used to handle
$resultsParserCallback OPTIONAL callback a column result when all results are already being looped over for
$serializedColumns and $dateTimeColumns. 55/222
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// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/EventListener/EmailSubscriber.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener;

use Mautic\CoreBundle\EventListener\CommonSubscriber;
use Mautic\EmailBundle\EmailEvents;
use Mautic\EmailBundle\Event\EmailBuilderEvent;
use Mautic\EmailBundle\Event\EmailSendEvent;

* Class EmailSubscriber
class EmailSubscriber extends CommonSubscriber

* @return array
static public function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
EmailEvents::EMAIL_ON_BUILD => array('onEmailBuild', 0),
EmailEvents::EMAIL_ON_SEND => array('onEmailGenerate', 0),
EmailEvents::EMAIL_ON_DISPLAY => array('onEmailGenerate', 0)

* Register the tokens and a custom A/B test winner
* @param EmailBuilderEvent $event
public function onEmailBuild(EmailBuilderEvent $event)
// Add email tokens
$content = $this->templating->render('HelloWorldBundle:SubscribedEvents\EmailToken:token.html.php');
$event->addTokenSection('helloworld.token', 'plugin.helloworld.header', $content);

// Add AB Test Winner Criteria

// Label to group by
'group' => 'plugin.helloworld.header',

// Label for this specific a/b test winning criteria

'label' => 'plugin.helloworld.emailtokens.',

// Static callback function that will be used to determine the winner

'callback' => '\MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Helper\AbTestHelper::determinePlanetVisitWinner'

* Search and replace tokens with content
* @param EmailSendEvent $event
public function onEmailGenerate(EmailSendEvent $event)
// Get content
$content = $event->getContent();

// Search and replace tokens

$content = str_replace('{hello}', 'world!', $content); 56/222
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// Set updated content


There are two way to extend emails: email tokens used to insert dynamic content into an email and a/b test winning criteria . Both leverage
the \Mautic\EmailBundle\EmailEvents::EMAIL_ON_BUILD event. Read more about listeners and subscribers.


Email tokens are placeholders that are inserted into an email that can be replaced by dynamic content when the email is sent or viewed in
the browser.

$event->addTokenSection($uniqueId, $headerTranslationKey, $htmlContent) is used to generate the section for drag and drop tokens in
the email builder.

$uniqueId must be unique.

$headerTranslationKey is the translation key that will be used to create the sections header.

$htmlContent is the HTML that will be inserted into the builders token list for this tokens section. $this->templating->render() can be
used to render a specic views content (using view notation. There is free reign as to what the HTML will look like but the important part is
that the elements representing the tokens must have the attribute data-token="{token_text}" in order for the builder to recognize them.

For example, <a href="#" data-token="{hello}" class="btn btn-default btn-block">Translated Token Text</a>


To convert the token into a link while requesting what the links text should be, use the attributes data-token='<a href="%url=
{hello}%">%text%</a>' data-drop="showBuilderLinkModal" (replacing hello with the plugins custom token).

To request simple feedback from the user and inject it into the token, use the attributes data-token='{hello=%world%}' data-drop="show
BuilderFeedbackModal" . A modal will appear with a simple input box. Whatever the user inputs will replace %world% .

If you need more control or more customization, create and dene a custom JS function within the Mautic namespace (i.e. Mautic.custom
Function and use the attribute data-drop="customFunction" . When a user drops the token, Mautic.customFunction() passing the
arguments event (jQuery Event), ui (jQuery UI object with draggable, helper, etc), editorId (ID of the inline CkEditor).

Mautic.customFunction = function (event, ui, editorId) {

var token = mQuery(ui.draggable).data('token');

// Do something fancy then insert token

Mautic.insertBuilderEditorToken(editorId, token);


To add a custom an a/b test winner criteria, i.e. a test to compare specic aspects of an email to determine what made it more successful
over its variants, use $event->addAbTestWinnerCriteria($uniqueId, $parameters) .

$parameters can have the following elements:

Key Required Type Description

group REQUIRED string Translation string to group criteria by in the dropdown select list

label OPTIONAL string Label for this option in the drop down list 57/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Key Required Type Description

Static callback function that will be called to determine the winner when the email
callback REQUIRED mixed
detail page is viewed

formType OPTIONAL string The alias of a custom form type used to set cong options for the decision

formTypeOptions OPTIONAL array Array of options to include into the formTypes $options argument

formTypeCleanMasks OPTIONAL array Array of input masks to clean a values from formType

formTypeTheme OPTIONAL string Theme to customize elements for formType

The callback can accept the following variables (determined via ReectionMethod::invokeArgs()):

Variable Type Description

Array of elements saved from the congured formType; keyed by email

$properties array
ID in the case of multiple variants

$factory Mautic\CoreBundle\Factory\MauticFactory Mautics factory service

$email Mautic\EmailBundle\Entity\Email Email entity for the displayed email

$parent Mautic\EmailBundle\Entity\Email Email entity for the parent of the email entity

$children Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection All variants of the parent email

The callback function should return an array keyed with the following elements:

Key Type Description

winners array Array of IDs of the winners (array in case of a tie)

Passed to the view dened by supportTemplate below in order to render visual support for the winners
support mixed
(such as a graph, etc)

View notation to render content for the A/B stats modal. For example,
supportTemplate string

return array(
'winners' => $winners,
'support' => $support,
'supportTemplate' => 'HelloWorldBundle:SubscribedEvents\AbTest:graph.html.php'


// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/EventListener/MonitoredInboxSubscriber.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener;

use Mautic\CoreBundle\EventListener\CommonSubscriber;
use Mautic\EmailBundle\EmailEvents;
use Mautic\EmailBundle\Event\MonitoredEmailEvent;
use Mautic\EmailBundle\Event\ParseEmailEvent;
use Mautic\EmailBundle\MonitoredEmail\Mailbox;

* Class MonitoredInboxSubscriber 58/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
class MonitoredInboxSubscriber extends CommonSubscriber
private $bundle = 'HelloWorldBundle';
private $monitor = 'deep_space_emails';

* @return array
static public function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
EmailEvents::MONITORED_EMAIL_CONFIG => ['onConfig', 0],
EmailEvents::EMAIL_PRE_FETCH => ['onPreFetch', 0],
EmailEvents::EMAIL_PARSE => ['onParse', 0],

* Inject the IMAP folder settings into the Configuration
* @param MonitoredEmailEvent $event
public function onConfig(MonitoredEmailEvent $event)
* The first argument is something unique to recognize this plugin.
* The second argument should be something unique to identify this monitored inbox.
* The third argument is the label for this monitored inbox.
$event->addFolder($this->bundle, $this->monitor, '');

* Inject search criteria for which messages to fetch from the configured folder.
* @param ParseEmailEvent $event
public function onPreFetch(ParseEmailEvent $event)
$event->setCriteriaRequest($this->bundle, $this->monitor, Mailbox::CRITERIA_UNSEEN. " " . Mailbox::CRITERIA_FROM ." aliens@andromeda");

* Parse the messages
* @param ParseEmailEvent $event
public function onParse(ParseEmailEvent $event)
if ($event->isApplicable($this->bundle, $this->monitor)) {
$messages = $event->getMessages();

/** @var \Mautic\EmailBundle\MonitoredEmail\Message $message */

foreach ($messages as $message) {
// Do something

Plugins have access to hook into the mautic:email:fetch command to fetch email from a specic inbox/folder and process the content of
the message. Starting in 2.1.1, the plugin also has access to inject specic search criteria for the messages to be processed.

To do this, the plugin needs to add an event listener for three events:

1. EmailEvents::MONITORED_EMAIL_CONFIG This event is dispatched to inject the elds into Mautics Conguration to congure the IMAP
inbox and folder that should be monitored. 59/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
2. EmailEvents::EMAIL_PRE_FETCH This event is dispatched during the execution of the mautic:email:fetch command. Its used to
inject search criteria for the messages desired.
3. EmailEvents::EMAIL_PARSE This event parses the messages fetched by the command.


// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/EventListener/FormSubscriber.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener;

use MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\HelloWorldEvents;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\EventListener\CommonSubscriber;
use Mautic\FormBundle\Event as Events;
use Mautic\FormBundle\FormEvents;

* Class FormSubscriber
class FormSubscriber extends CommonSubscriber

* {@inheritdoc}
static public function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
FormEvents::FORM_ON_BUILD => array('onFormBuilder', 0)

* Add a simple email form
* @param FormBuilderEvent $event
public function onFormBuilder(Events\FormBuilderEvent $event)
// Register a form submit actions
// Label to group by in the dropdown
'group' => 'plugin.helloworld.header',

// Label to list by in the dropdown

'label' => 'plugin.helloworld.formaction.send_email',
'description' => 'plugin.helloworld.formaction.send_email_descr',

// Form service for custom config options

'formType' => 'helloworld_worlds',
'formTheme' => 'HelloWorldBundle:FormTheme\SubmitAction',

// Callback method to be executed after the submission

'eventName' => HelloWorldEvents::FORM_SUBMIT_ACTION

// Register a custom validation service

'eventName' => HelloWorldEvents::FORM_VALIDATION,
'fieldType' => 'helloworld.customfield' // Optional - otherwise all fields will be sent through this listener for validation

// Register a custom form field 60/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
// Field label
'label' => 'plugin.helloworld.formfield.customfield',

// Form service for the field's configuration

'formType' => 'helloworld_worlds',

// Template to use to render the formType

'template' => 'HelloWorldBundle:SubscribedEvents\FormField:customfield.html.php'

Forms can be extended by listening to the \Mautic\FormBundle\FormEvents::FORM_ON_BUILD event. Read more about listeners and


To add a custom form eld, use the $event->addFormField($identifier, $parameters) method. $identifier must be something unique.
The $parameters array can contain the following elements:

Key Required Type Description

label REQUIRED string The language string for the option in the dropdown

formType REQUIRED string The alias of a custom form type used to set cong options

formTypeOptions OPTIONAL array Array of options to include into the formTypes $options argument

formTypeCleanMasks OPTIONAL array Array of input masks to clean a values from formType

formTypeTheme OPTIONAL string Theme to customize elements for formType

template REQUIRED string View template used to render the formType

Filter to use to clean the submitted value as supported by InputHelper or a callback

valueFilter OPTIONAL mixed function that accepts the arguments \Mautic\FormBundle\Entity\Field $field and
$value .

Callback function to use to validate the value; the function should accept the
valueConstraints OPTIONAL mixed
arguments \Mautic\FormBundle\Entity\Field $field and $filteredValue .

Array of boolean options for the form builder:

addHelpMessage = true/false
addShowLabel = true/false
builderOptions OPTIONAL array addDefaultValue = true/false
addLabelAttributes = true/false
addInputAttributes = true/false
addIsRequired = true/false


To add an action, use the $event->addSubmitAction($identifier, $parameters) method. $identifier must be something unique. The
$parameters array can contain the following elements:

Key Required Type Description

label REQUIRED string The language string for the option in the dropdown

description OPTIONAL string The language string to use for the options tooltip 61/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Key Required Type Description

This is the custom event name that will be dispatched to handle this action ( call
eventName REQUIRED string
back has been deprecated)

formType OPTIONAL string The alias of a custom form type used to set cong options

formTypeOptions OPTIONAL array Array of options to include into the formTypes $options argument

formTypeCleanMasks OPTIONAL array Array of input masks to clean a values from formType

formTypeTheme OPTIONAL string Theme to customize elements for formType

template OPTIONAL string View template used to render the formType

Static callback function called to validate the form submission. Deprecated -

validator DEPRECATED mixed
Register a validator using the $event->addValidator() .

Static callback function called after a submission (submit action logic goes here).
callback DEPRECATED mixed
Deprecated - use eventName instead.

The subscriber registered to listen to the eventName will be passed an instance of Mautic\FormBundle\Events\SubmissionEvent with the
details about the post.

Sometimes, it is necessary to handle something after all the other submit actions have done their thing - like redirect to another page. This
is done by registering a post submit callback through the subscriber that processes the action. You can either inject the Symfony\Com
ponent\HttpFoundation\Response at that time with $event->setPostSubmitCallbackResponse($response); or register another custom event
to be dispatched after all submit actions have been processed using $event->setPostSubmitCallback($key, ['eventName' =>


To add a custom validation, use the $event->addValidator($identifier, $parameters) method. $identifier must be something unique.
The $parameters array can contain the following elements:

Key Required Type Description

eventName REQUIRED string The name of the custom event that will be dispatched to validate the form or specic eld

The key to a custom form type (for example something registered by addFormField() ) to limit this
eldType optional string
listener to. Otherwise every eld will be sent to listener.

The listener for the form event will receive a Mautic\FormBundle\Event\ValidationEvent object. Obtain the eld with $event->getField();
do the logic then to fail a validation, execute $event->failedValidation('I said so.'); .


// plugins\HelloWorldBundle\Integration\MarsIntegration

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Integration;

use Mautic\PluginBundle\Entity\Integration;
use Mautic\PluginBundle\Integration\AbstractIntegration;
use Mautic\PluginBundle\Helper\oAuthHelper;

* Class MarsIntegration
class MarsIntegration extends AbstractIntegration
{ 62/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
* Returns the name of the social integration that must match the name of the file
* For example, IcontactIntegration would need Icontact here
* @return string
public function getName()
return 'Mars';

* Display name for the integration which defaults to getName() unless defined here
public function getDisplayName()
return 'Red Mars'

* Get the type of authentication required for this API. Values can be none, key, oauth2 or callback
* (will call $this->authenticationTypeCallback)
* @return string
public function getAuthenticationType()
return 'oauth2';

* OAuth2 authentication URL
public function getAuthenticationUrl()
return '';

* OAuth2 access token URL
public function getAccessTokenUrl()
return '';

* Get a list of supported features for this integration
* @return array
public function getSupportedFeatures()
return array(

Integrating 3rd party services in Mautic can be done by dening an Integration class for the service. For example, the MauticSocialBundle
has several social media service classes dened in \Plugins\MauticSocialBundle\Integration. Each integration class handles the
authorization process, integration conguration, etc.


Each plugin can have multiple integrations by dening each as its own Integration class in the bundles Integration folder. The class should
extend \Mautic\PluginBundle\Integration\AbstractIntegration . It denes the integration and provides a number of helper functions 63/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
including OAuth authorization/request signing functions.


Each integration is displayed on a card in the Manage Plugins area. To set an image for the integration, include an image in the bundles
Assets\img. It should be 128x128px, be in a png, and have the same name as returned by getName() as lower case. For example, \Mau
ticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Integration\MarsIntegration should have an image plugins\HelloWorldBundle\Assets\img\mars.png .


Out of the box, the AbstractIntegration class can handle standard key, OAuth1a, and OAuth2 specications. The authorization type is
dened by the getAuthenticationType() function. Each input required by the user (i.e username, password, etc) are dened by an array of
keyName => label elements returned by getRequiredKeyFields() . This function is not required if using standard specs of key, OAuth1a, or


Some of the main functions used are described below. Review the AbstractIntegration class and the functions docblocks for more details.

Keys saved by the integration are encrypted. To access the unencrypted versions in the Integration class, use the array $this->keys .

Any of the functions dened in AbstractIntegration can be overridden per special needs of the specic Integration being implemented.

Area Function Description

Returns an array of keyName => label elements for settings required from the user, i.e.
Auth getRequiredKeyFields username, password, client id, client secret, key, etc. Each element will be displayed as an
input in the integrations settings.

Any keyName returned by getRequiredKeyFields that is considered secret or a password

Auth getSecretKeys
should be returned in an array by this function so that its properly masked in the form.

Auth & Used to dene the username for the integration. It defaults to client_id for authentication
Request type oauth2 and 'keyName for the keyName authentication type.

Auth & Used to dene the password for the integration. By default, only oauth2 uses this and
Request returns 'client_secret.

Auth getAuthLoginUrl Denes the login URL for the oauth1a spec

Auth getRequestToken Used by the oauth1a spec to retrieve a request token during authorization

Auth getRequestTokenUrl Used by the oauth1a spec to dene the request token URL

Auth getAuthenticationUrl Denes the login URL for the oauth2 spec

Auth getAccessTokenUrl Denes the access token URL for the oauth2 spec

Auth getAuthScope Denes the scope for the oauth2 spec

Used to dene the callback URL for oauth1a or oauth2 specs. This defaults to the
Auth getAuthCallbackUrl
mautic_integration_auth_callback route.

Called by extractAuthKeys() to manipulate the data prior to checking validating the

Auth prepareResponseForExtraction response by checking that the keyName returned by getAuthTokenKey() is part of the
response. If not, it calls getErrorsFromResponse().

Auth getErrorsFromResponse Called by extractAuthKeys() to extract errors from the response into a string.

Auth & Called by makeRequest() to manipulate or prepare parameters, settings, headers, etc
Request before sending to the URL

Auth &
parseCallbackResponse Called by makeRequest() to parse the response for the request into an array.
Request 64/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Area Function Description

Auth & Returns the keyName thats used to sign a request. Used by oauth1a (oauth_token) and
Request oauth2 (access_token) specs.

Request getBearerToken Generate a bearer token if required by the oauth2 spec

General isCongured Called to determine if the integration has been correctly congured.

Called to determine if the integration is authorized (or peforms a reauth if an oauth2 spec
General isAuthorized
has refresh tokens stored)

Can be used to make API requests. It automatically handles standard key, oauth1a and
Request makeRequest
oauth2 specs.

Returns an array of options of what to display in integrations conguration form. The two
options used at this time is requires_callback (true to show a readonly input with the
Form getFormSettings
callback returned by getAuthCallbackUrl()) and requires_authorization (true to display
the authorization button).

Form getFormNotes Returns an array of helper notes to display in the various areas of the form.


makeRequest() can be used to automatically sign outgoing requests and/or authentication processes. Of course, any integration can inherit
and override this class to suit the integrations needs. It accepts the following parameters:

Name Type Description

$url string The url to make the request to

An array of parameters to submit with the request. If $method is GET, these will be appended to the query
$parameters array
string. Otherwise, they will be part of the POST body.

$method string The request method i.e. get, post, put, patch, delete

$settings array Congures the behavior of the makeRequest function. Built in optional settings are below.


Key Type Description

auth_type string Overrides the authentication type for the request. If not set, getAuthenticationType() is used.

query array Append parameters to the query of the request URL.

content_type string Sets the content type header for the request.

encode_parameters string If set to json, parameters in the POST will be json encoded prior to making the request.

headers array Array of custom headers to append to the request.

ssl_verifypeer bool Set the CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER to true.

curl_options array Custom set of curl options to apply to the request.

return_raw bool If true, return the response rather than running it through parseCallbackResponse rst.

Used by prepareRequest() and parseCallbackResponse() to change the behavior based on whether the
authorize_session bool
if the request is obtaining authorization or just making an API call. 65/222
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// plugins\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener\MaintenanceSubscriber

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\CoreEvents;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Event\MaintenanceEvent;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Factory\MauticFactory;

* Class MaintenanceSubscriber
class MaintenanceSubscriber extends CommonSubscriber
* @var Connection
protected $db;

* MaintenanceSubscriber constructor.
* @param MauticFactory $factory
* @param Connection $db
public function __construct(MauticFactory $factory, Connection $db)

$this->db = $db;

* {@inheritdoc}
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
CoreEvents::MAINTENANCE_CLEANUP_DATA => ['onDataCleanup', -50]

* @param $isDryRun
* @param $date
* @return int
public function onDataCleanup (MaintenanceEvent $event)
$qb = $this->db->createQueryBuilder()
->setParameter('date', $event->getDate()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));

if ($event->isDryRun()) {
$rows = (int) $qb->select('count(*) as records')
->from(MAUTIC_TABLE_PREFIX.'worlds', 'w')
$qb->expr()->gte('w.date_added', ':date')
} else {
$rows = (int) $qb->delete(MAUTIC_TABLE_PREFIX.'worlds')
$qb->expr()->lte('date_added', ':date')
) 66/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

$event->setStat($this->translator->trans('mautic.maintenance.hello_world'), $rows, $qb->getSQL(), $qb->getParameters());


To hook into the mautic:maintenance:cleanup command, create a listening for the \Mautic\CoreBundle\CoreEvents::MAINTENANCE_CLEA
NUP_DATA event. The event listener should check if data should be deleted or a counted. Use $event->setStat($key, $affectedRows, $sql,
$sqlParameters) to give feedback to the CLI command. Note that $sql and $sqlParameters are only used for debugging and shown only
in the dev environment.

The plugin should check if a dry run is requested using `$event->isDryRun()` before deleting records!


// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/EventListener/PageSubscriber.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener;

use Mautic\CoreBundle\EventListener\CommonSubscriber;
use Mautic\PageBundle\PageEvents;
use Mautic\PageBundle\Event\PageBuilderEvent;
use Mautic\PageBundle\Event\PageSendEvent;

* Class PageSubscriber
class PageSubscriber extends CommonSubscriber

* @return array
static public function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
PageEvents::PAGE_ON_BUILD => array('onPageBuild', 0),
PageEvents::PAGE_ON_DISPLAY => array('onPageDisplay', 0)

* Register the tokens and a custom A/B test winner
* @param PageBuilderEvent $event
public function onPageBuild(PageBuilderEvent $event)
// Add page tokens
$content = $this->templating->render('HelloWorldBundle:SubscribedEvents\PageToken:token.html.php');
$event->addTokenSection('helloworld.token', 'plugin.helloworld.header', $content);

// Add AB Test Winner Criteria

// Label to group by
'group' => 'plugin.helloworld.header',

// Label for this specific a/b test winning criteria

'label' => 'plugin.helloworld.pagetokens.', 67/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
// Static callback function that will be used to determine the winner
'callback' => '\MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Helper\AbTestHelper::determinePlanetVisitWinner'

* Search and replace tokens with content
* @param PageSendEvent $event
public function onPageDisplay(PageSendEvent $event)
// Get content
$content = $event->getContent();

// Search and replace tokens

$content = str_replace('{hello}', 'world!', $content);

// Set updated content


There are two way to extend pages: page tokens used to insert dynamic content into a page and a/b test winning criteria . Both leverage the
\Mautic\PageBundle\PageEvents::PAGE_ON_BUILD event. Read more about listeners and subscribers.


Page tokens are handled exactly the same as Email Tokens.


Custom landing page A/B test winner criteria is handled exactly the same as page A/B test winner criteria with the only differences being
that the callback function is passed Mautic\PageBundle\Entity\Page $page and Mautic\PageBundle\Entity\Page $parent instead. Of
course $children is an ArrayCollection of Page entities as well.


Custom point actions and triggers can be added by listening to their respective on build events. Read more about listeners and subscribers.


To add a custom point action used to give a lead x points for doing a certain action, add a listener to the \Mautic\PointBundle\PointE
vents::POINT_ON_BUILD event then congure the custom point action with $event->addAction($identifier, $parameters) method. $iden
tifier must be something unique. The $parameters array can contain the following elements:

Key Required Type Description

label REQUIRED string The language string for the option in the dropdown

formType OPTIONAL string The alias of a custom form type used to set cong options.

formTypeOptions OPTIONAL array Array of options to include into the formTypes $options argument

formTypeCleanMasks OPTIONAL array Array of input masks to clean a values from formType

formTypeTheme OPTIONAL string Theme to customize elements for formType

template OPTIONAL string View template used to render the formType

Static callback function used to validate the action. Return true to add the points to
callback OPTIONAL mixed
the lead.

In order for the custom point action to work, add something like the following in the code logic when the lead executes the custom action: 68/222
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$this->getModel('point')->triggerAction('page.hit', $event->getHit());


To add a custom point trigger used to execute a specic action once a lead hits X number of points, add a listener to the \Mautic\Point
Bundle\PointEvents::TRIGGER_ON_BUILDevent then congure the custom point trigger with $event->addEvent($identifier, $parameters)
method. $identifier must be something unique. The $parameters array can contain the following elements:

Key Required Type Description

label REQUIRED string The language string for the option in the dropdown

formType OPTIONAL string The alias of a custom form type used to set cong options.

formTypeOptions OPTIONAL array Array of options to include into the formTypes $options argument

formTypeCleanMasks OPTIONAL array Array of input masks to clean a values from formType

formTypeTheme OPTIONAL string Theme to customize elements for formType

template OPTIONAL string View template used to render the formType

callback OPTIONAL mixed Static callback function used to execute the custom action.


// plugins\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener\ReportSubscriber

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener;

use Mautic\CoreBundle\EventListener\CommonSubscriber;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Helper\GraphHelper;
use Mautic\ReportBundle\Event\ReportBuilderEvent;
use Mautic\ReportBundle\Event\ReportGeneratorEvent;
use Mautic\ReportBundle\Event\ReportGraphEvent;
use Mautic\ReportBundle\ReportEvents;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Helper\Chart\ChartQuery;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Helper\Chart\LineChart;

* Class ReportSubscriber
class ReportSubscriber extends CommonSubscriber

* @return array
static public function getSubscribedEvents ()
return array(
ReportEvents::REPORT_ON_BUILD => array('onReportBuilder', 0),
ReportEvents::REPORT_ON_GENERATE => array('onReportGenerate', 0),
ReportEvents::REPORT_ON_GRAPH_GENERATE => array('onReportGraphGenerate', 0)

* Add available tables, columns, and graphs to the report builder lookup
* @param ReportBuilderEvent $event
* @return void
public function onReportBuilder (ReportBuilderEvent $event) 69/222
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// Use checkContext() to determine if the report being requested is this report
if ($event->checkContext(array('worlds'))) {
// Define the columns that are available to the report.
$prefix = 'w.';
$columns = array(
$prefix . 'visit_count' => array(
'label' => '',
'type' => 'int'
$prefix . 'world' => array(
'label' => '',
'type' => 'text'

// Several helper functions are available to append common columns such as categories, publish state fields, lead, etc. Refer to the Report
BuilderEvent class for more details.
$columns = $filters = array_merge($columns, $event->getStandardColumns($prefix), $event->getCategoryColumns());

// Optional to override and update filters, i.e. change it to a select list for the UI
$filters[$prefix.'world']['type'] = 'select';
$filters[$prefix.'world']['list'] = array(
'earth' => 'Earth',
'mars' => 'Mars'

// Add the table to the list

'display_name' => 'mautic.helloworld.worlds',
'columns' => $columns,
'filters' => $filters // Defaults to columns if not set

// Register available graphs; can use line, pie, or table

$event->addGraph('worlds', 'line', 'mautic.hellobundle.graph.line.visits');

* Initialize the QueryBuilder object used to generate the report's data.
* This should use Doctrine's DBAL layer, not the ORM so be sure to use
* the real schema column names (not the ORM property names) and the
* @param ReportGeneratorEvent $event
* @return void
public function onReportGenerate (ReportGeneratorEvent $event)
$context = $event->getContext();
if ($context == 'worlds') {
$qb = $event->getQueryBuilder();

$qb->from(MAUTIC_TABLE_PREFIX . 'worlds', 'w');

$event->addCategoryLeftJoin($qb, 'w');


* Generate the graphs
* @param ReportGraphEvent $event
* @return void 70/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
public function onReportGraphGenerate (ReportGraphEvent $event)
if (!$event->checkContext('worlds')) {

$graphs = $event->getRequestedGraphs();
$qb = $event->getQueryBuilder();

foreach ($graphs as $graph) {

$queryBuilder = clone $qb;
$options = $event->getOptions($graph);
/** @var ChartQuery $chartQuery */
$chartQuery = clone $options['chartQuery'];
$chartQuery->applyDateFilters($queryBuilder, 'date_added', 'v');

switch ($graph) {
case 'mautic.hellobundle.graph.line.visits':
$chart = new LineChart(null, $options['dateFrom'], $options['dateTo']);
$chartQuery->modifyTimeDataQuery($queryBuilder, 'date_added', 'v');
$visits = $chartQuery->loadAndBuildTimeData($queryBuilder);
$chart->setDataset($options['translator']->trans('mautic.hellobundle.graph.line.visits'), $visits);
$data = $chart->render();
$data['name'] = $graph;
$data['iconClass'] = 'fa-tachometer';
$event->setGraph($graph, $data);


Adding and rendering custom reports are done by listening to the \Mautic\ReportBundle\ReportEvents::REPORT_ON_BUILD ,
ReportEvents::REPORT_ON_GENERATE and ReportEvents::REPORT_ON_GRAPH_GENERATE events.


Dening the report is done through the ReportEvents::REPORT_ON_BUILD event. This is where the plugin will dene the context of the report,
available columns for table data, available lters for the table data (defaults to columns) and available graphs. See the code examples on
ReportBuilder for details.


Each column array can include the following properties:

Key Required Type Description

label REQUIRED string The language string for the column

type REQUIRED string Column type

alias OPTIONAL string An alias for the returned value. Useful in conjuction with formula

formula OPTIONAL string SQL formula instead of a column. e.g. SUBSTRING_INDEX(e.type, \'.\', 1)

Route name to convert the value into a hyperlink. Used usually with an ID of an Entity. The route
link OPTIONAL string
must accept objectAction and objectId parameters.


Filter denitions are optional as Mautic will default to the column list. But sometimes its useful to replace lter values with a select list. Filter
denitions can accept the same properties as columns but can also accept the following: 71/222
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Key Required Type Description

Used when type is select for a lter. Provides the dropdown options for a select input. Format
list OPTIONAL array
should be value => label

Custom list of operators to allow for this lter. See Mautic\ReportBundle\Builder\MauticReport

operators OPTIONAL array
Builder::OPERATORS for a examples.


The ReportEvents::REPORT_ON_GENERATE event is dispatched when a report is to be generated and displayed. In this function, the plugin
should dene the QueryBuilder object used to generate the table data.

Use $event->checkContext() to determine if the report requested is the subscribers report.

Note that the ReportEvents::REPORT_ON_GENERATE event should use Doctrines DBAL layer QueryBuilder obtained via $qb =
$event->getQueryBuilder(); .

There are a number of helper functions to append joins for commonly used relationships such as category, leads, ip address, etc. Refer to
the ReportGeneratorEvent class for more details.


Graphs are generated using ReportEvents::REPORT_ON_GRAPH_GENERATE event. The listener should check the context then generate and set
the graph data. There are several classes to assist with generating classes. See


Webhooks allow for Mautic to send data to external services via an endpoint url.

Webhooks work by using event listeners for two main purposes:

1. An event listener to add webhook types to the webhook user interface.

2. An event listener to whichever action you want to trigger a webhook payload to be queued.


Additional steps that you must take in your own bundle are:

1. Create your own event dispatching for your bundles custom event and payload
2. Register your custom event listeners in your bundles conguration le as a service.
3. Refer to receiving webhooks section to receive payloads in your application.


Use the WebhookEvents::WebhookBuilderEvent to add a webhook type to the webhook interface.

namespace Mautic\YourBundle\EventListener;

use Mautic\WebhookBundle\WebhookEvents;
use Mautic\WebhookBundle\Event\WebhookBuilderEvent;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\EventListener\CommonSubscriber;
use Mautic\YourBundle\YourBundleEvents;

* Class WebhookSubscriber
* @package Mautic\YourBundle\EventListener
*/ 72/222
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class WebhookSubscriber extends CommonSubscriber

* @return array
static public function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
WebhookEvents::WEBHOOK_ON_BUILD => array('onWebhookBuild', 0)

* Add event triggers and actions
* @param WebhookBuilderEvent $event
public function onWebhookBuild(WebhookBuilderEvent $event)
// add checkbox to the webhook form for new leads
$type = array(
'label' => '',
'description' => 'mautic.bundlename.webhook.event.type.new_desc', // note: we don't currently use a description, but may in the future so we
have supported it here

// add it to the list

$event->addEvent(YourBundle::ACTION_TO_TRIGGER, $type);

// Note: you may create multiple arrays and call the $event->addEvent method multiple times
// in this function to add several types all at once.

Add an event listener for the WebhookEvents::WEBHOOK_ON_BUILD event, call the addEvent method and pass it an argument for your payload
event constant, and an array of a label and a description to be added to the Webhook user interface.

YourBundle::ACTION_TO_TRIGGER is a constant that should be an event registered in your bundle. We use the constant to save the type in
the database and query for later. You will use the same constant later, so its important to be consistent.


Add an event listener which extends the WebhookSubscriberBase class. This event should be dispatched in your bundle when you
wish to create a payload.


namespace Mautic\YourBundle\EventListener;

// its important to use the WebhookSubscriberBase event listener

// as it does a lot of heavy lifting for you.

use Mautic\WebhookBundle\EventListener\WebhookSubscriberBase;

// you should change this to your bundle's event class

use Mautic\LeadBundle\LeadEvents;

// you should change this to the event type that you are going to use.
// in our case it will be a lead event.
use Mautic\LeadBundle\Event\LeadEvent;

use JMS\Serializer\Serializer; 73/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Factory\MauticFactory;
use Doctrine\ORM\NoResultException;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\EventListener\CommonSubscriber;
use Mautic\LeadBundle\Event\PointsChangeEvent;
use Mautic\ApiBundle\Serializer\Exclusion\PublishDetailsExclusionStrategy;

* Class LeadSubscriber
* @package Mautic\Webhook\EventListener
class LeadSubscriber extends WebhookSubscriberBase
* @return array
static public function getSubscribedEvents ()
return array(
// note this is the same constant we would have used in the addEvent() listener!
LeadEvents::LEAD_POST_SAVE => array('onLeadNewUpdate', 0)

* Generic method to execute when a lead does something
public function onLeadNewUpdate(LeadEvent $event)
// serializer groups are defined and optionally used in your bundle's entity.
// Use these format your payload in JSON formats.
$serializerGroups = array("leadDetails", "userList", "publishDetails", "ipAddress");

// the beginning part of building our webhook payload of a lead entity

$entity = $event->getLead();

// our payload goes into an array

$payload = array(
'lead' => $entity,

// we want to only trigger a payload if the lead is new

if ($event->isNew()) {

// again please note the use of the constant here - this should be consistent with the constant we register to the webhook form
$webhookEvents = $this->getEventWebooksByType(LeadEvents::LEAD_POST_SAVE);

// The webhook model is made available because we've extended the WebhookSubscriberBase class.
$this->webhookModel->QueueWebhooks($webhookEvents, $payload, $serializerGroups);


The next step is to add an event listener for the action you want to actually use for creating payloads. This could be anything you want, your
bundle will have to have an event type and use the event dispatcher to execute the event.

Here is an example listener to create a lead payload whenever a new lead is added to Mautic.

You can add the listener to any bundle. Be sure to register it in your bundles cong.php le.

The event constant that you return in the getSubscriberEvents() method should match the event type from the previous listener.
This is used in a database query, so it must match exactly for the payload to be included in the hook POST to the endpoint URL. 74/222
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You can refer to the model for more documentation on the QueueWebhooks method. In short you want to pass the event entities that this
payload is being queued against The payload, which is an array, and nally the serializer groups for formatting the JSON.

This should complete the set up, registering and executing custom webhook events and payloads.


A sample new lead post payload

Click the JSON tab to see a sample lead JSON payload.

Webhooks enable Mautic to send data for leads, points, and email opens to outside applications. It does this by taking an outside
applications endpoint url, and sending an HTTP post request to that location. In that post we include the relevant data the the event that
has been red.

To listen to the webhook posts, developers should create a publicly accessible endpoint location in their application. That endpoint should
be available to receive a POST request from Mautic. The contents of the payload will vary based on the events that the user wishes to
include in the payload.

An excellent way of testing to see the data that will be included is using allows users to view the full contents of
the hook payload. Developers can refer to a post to the bin to see the contents and craft the way their application receives that input



// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Event/ButtonSubscriber.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener;

use Mautic\CoreBundle\CoreEvents;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Event\CustomButtonEvent;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\EventListener\CommonSubscriber;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Templating\Helper\ButtonHelper;
use Mautic\LeadBundle\Entity\Lead;

class ButtonSubscriber extends CommonSubscriber

public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
CoreEvents::VIEW_INJECT_CUSTOM_BUTTONS => ['injectViewButtons', 0]

* @param CustomButtonEvent $event
public function injectViewButtons(CustomButtonEvent $event)
// Injects a button into the toolbar area for any page with a high priority (displays closer to first)
'attr' => [
'class' => 'btn btn-default btn-sm btn-nospin',
'data-toggle' => 'ajaxmodal',
'data-target' => '#MauticSharedModal',
'href' => $this->router->generate('mautic_world_action', ['objectAction' => 'doSomething']),
'data-header' => 'Extra Button',
'tooltip' => $this->translator->trans(''), 75/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
'iconClass' => 'fa fa-star',
'priority' => 255,

if ($lead = $event->getItem()) {
if ($lead instanceof Lead) {
$sendEmailButton = [
'attr' => [
'data-toggle' => 'ajaxmodal',
'data-target' => '#MauticSharedModal',
'data-header' => $this->translator->trans(
['%email%' => $event->getItem()->getEmail()]
'href' => $this->router->generate(
['objectId' => $event->getItem()->getId(), 'objectAction' => 'doSomething']
'btnText' => 'Extra Button',
'iconClass' => 'fa fa-star',
'primary' => true,
'priority' => 255,

// Inject a button into the page actions for the specified route (in this case /s/contacts/view/{contactId})
// Location of where to inject the button; this can be an array of multiple locations
['mautic_contact_action', ['objectAction' => 'view']]
// Inject a button into the list actions for each contact on the /s/contacts page

As of Mautic 2.3.0, support for plugins to inject buttons throughout Mautics UI has been added by listening to the CoreEvents::VIEW_IN

There are ve places in Mautics UI that buttons can be injected into:

Location Description

Drop down actions per each item in list


Top right above list view tables to the right of

\Mautic\CoreBundle\Templating\Helper\ButtonHelper::LOCATION_TOOLBAR_ACTIONS the table lter. Preferably buttons with icons

Main page buttons to the right of the page

title (New, Edit, etc). Primary buttons will be
displayed as buttons while the rest will be
displayed in a drop down. 76/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Location Description

Top of the page to the left of the

\Mautic\CoreBundle\Templating\Helper\ButtonHelper::LOCATION_NAVBAR account/prole menu. Buttons with text
and/or icons.

Buttons inside the bulk dropdown (around

the checkall checkbox of lists).

Buttons use a priority system to determine order. The higher the priority, the closer to rst the button is displayed. The lower the priority, the
closer to last. For a button dropdown, setting a button as primary will display the button in the button group rather than the dropdown.


The array dening the button can include the following keys:

Key Type Description

attr array Array of attributes to be appended to the button (data attributes, href, etc)

btnText string Text to display for the button

iconClass string Font Awesome class to use as the icon within the button

tooltip string Text to display as a tooltip

primary boolean For button dropdown formats, this will display the button in the group rather than in the dropdown

Determines the order of buttons. Higher the priority, closer to the rst the button will be placed. Buttons with the
priority int
same priority wil be ordered alphabetically.

If a button is to display a conrmation modal, the key confirm can be used. A confirm array can have the following keys:

Key Type Description

message string Translated message to display in the conrmation window

conrmText string Text to display as the conrm button

conrmAction string HREF of the button

cancelText string Text to display as the cancel button

cancelCallback string Mautic namespaced Javascript method to be executed when the cancel button is clicked

conrmCallback string Mautic namespaced Javascript method to be executed when the conrm button is clicked

precheck string Mautic namespaced Javascript method to be executed prior to displaying the conrmation modal

btnClass string Class for the button

iconClass string Font Awesome class to use as the icon

btnTextAttr string string of attributes to append to the buttons inner text

attr array Array of attributes to append to the buttons outer tag

tooltip string Translated string to display as a tooltip

tag string Tag to use as the button. Defaults to an a tag. 77/222
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Key Type Description

wrapOpeningTag string Tag/html to wrap button in. Defaults to nothing.

wrapClosingTag string Tag/thml to close wrapOpeningTag. Defaults to nothing.

On the same nested level as the confirm key can include primary and/or priority .


$dropdownOpenHtml = '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-nospin dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false"><i class="fa
$dropdownOpenHtml .= '<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" role="menu">'."\n";

echo $view['buttons']->reset($app->getRequest(), 'custom_location')->renderButtons($dropdownOpenHtml, '</ul>');

A plugin can dene its own locations that other plugins can leverage by using the template buttons helper.

There are three types of button groups supported:

Type Description

Primary buttons are displayed in a button group

while others in a dropdown menu.

\Mautic\CoreBundle\Templating\Helper\ButtonHelper::TYPE_DROPDOWN Buttons displayed in a dropdown menu.

\Mautic\CoreBundle\Templating\Helper\ButtonHelper::TYPE_GROUP A group of buttons side by side.

Dropdowns require the wrapping HTML to be passed to the renderButtons method.



// From within a controller

array('%placeholder%' => 'some text'),
'notice', // Notification type
'flashes', // Translation domain
$addNotification // Add a notification entry


// From within a model or other service with access to the translator and session services

$translatedString = $this->translator->trans(,
'%placeholder%' => 'some text'
'flashes' 78/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
$this->session->getFlashBag()->add('notice', $translatedString);

To create an alert, aka ash message, you can use the ash bag in the session.

If your controller extends one of Mautics common controllers, you can simply use the helper function addFlash() .

From a model, or any service, you can use the session to obtain the ash bag.

$flashBag = $this->get('session')->getFlashBag();


// From within a controller

$this->addNotification($message, $type, $isRead, $header, $iconClass, new \DateTime());


// From within a model or other service that has access to the mautic.core.model.notification service

$notificationModel->addNotification($message, $type, $isRead, $header, $iconClass, $datetime );

Mautic also has a notication center. By default, addFlash() will also add a notication to the center. But, a message can be manually added
as well.

Controllers can use the helper function while models and other services can obtain the NoticationModel.


Mautic has many helper classes available. A few of the most commonly used ones are highlighted below.


The input helper can be used to ensure clean strings from user input.


use \Mautic\CoreBundle\Helper\InputHelper;

// ...

$clean = InputHelper::clean($input);
$clean = InputHelper::int($input);
$clean = InputHelper::alphanum($input);
$clean = InputHelper::html($input);

// and others; refer to the class for more options


The date/time helper can be used to convert between UTC and the local timezone.


$dtHelper = new \Mautic\CoreBundle\Helper\DateTimeHelper('2015-07-20 21:39:00', 'Y-m-d H:i:m', 'local');

$utcString = $dtHelper->toUtcString();

// refer to the class for other functions 79/222
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There are several classes available to assist with generating chart data.

use Mautic\CoreBundle\Helper\Chart\LineChart;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Helper\Chart\ChartQuery;

$chart = new LineChart($unit, $dateFrom, $dateTo, $dateFormat);

$query = new ChartQuery($this->em->getConnection(), $dateFrom, $dateTo);
$q = $query->prepareTimeDataQuery('lead_points_change_log', 'date_added', $filter);
$data = $query->loadAndBuildTimeData($q);
$chart->setDataset($this->translator->trans('mautic.point.changes'), $data);
$data = $chart->render();


ChartQuery is a helper class to get the chart data from the database. Instantiate it with the Doctrine connection object, date from and date
to. Those dates must be instances of the DateTime class. ChartQuery will automatically guess the time unit (hours, days, weeks, months or
years) based on the items between the date range. However, if you want to receive the data from a specic time unit, pass it as the fourth
parameter (H, d, W, m, Y).

ChartQuery also lls in the missing items (if any) which is required to display the data properly in the line chart generated by the ChartJS.


LineChart is used in Mautic to display a date/time related data where the time is on the horizontal axis and the values are in the vertical
axis. ChartJS line charts can display multiple datasets in one chart. Instantiate the LineChart with a unit (null for unit guessing), from date,
to date (the same as for the ChartQuery) and a date format (null for automatically generated date format).

All the params you need to instantiate the LineChart are used to generate the labels of the horizontal axis. To add the dataset to the
LineChart object, use the setDataset($label, $data) method where the label is string and data is an array generated by the ChartQuery.
The color of each dataset will be generated automatically.

Call the render() method to get the data prepared for ChartJS.


A PieChart can be instantiated simply by new PieChart() . To add a dataset, use again the setDataset($label, $value) method where the
label is a string and value is integer.

Call the render() method to get the data prepared for ChartJS.


BarChart is used to display different variants of the same value where the variants are in the horizontal axis and the value is in vertical axis.
To create a bar chart, use new BarChart($labels) where labels is an array of all the variants. Each variant can have multiple datasets. To
add a dataset, use the setDataset($label, $data, $order) method where the label is string, data is array of values for each variant. Order
can be used to move the dataset before already created dataset.

Call the render() method to get the data prepared for ChartJS.

<?php echo $view->render('MauticCoreBundle:Helper:chart.html.php', array('chartData' => $data, 'chartType' => 'line', 'chartHeight' => 300)); ?>


At the frontend, simply use the prepared chart template, pass in the chart data, the chart type (line/bar/pie) and the chart height. The width
is responsive.

17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Support for new CLI commands can be added using Symfonys console component.


// plugins\HelloWorldBundle\Command\WorldCommand.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Command;

use Mautic\CoreBundle\Command\ModeratedCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

* CLI Command to send a scheduled broadcast.
class WorldCommand extends ModeratedCommand
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function configure()
// ...

// Important to append options used by ModeratedCommand


* @param InputInterface $input
* @param OutputInterface $output
* @return int
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
// Validate if the command is already has an instance running
// A third argument can be passed here if this command is running something unique such as an ID
if (!$this->checkRunStatus($input, $output)) {
return 0;

// Execute some stuff

// Complete this execution


return 0;

Mautic provide an method for moderating commands meaning it will only allow one instance to run at a time. To utilize this method, extend
the Mautic\CoreBundle\Command\ModeratedCommand class.


Mautic leverages Symfonys Form component and form classes. Refer to Symfonys documentation for more information.


As stated in Symfonys documentation referenced above, form type classes are the best way to go. Mautic makes it easy to register form
type services through the bundles cong le. Refer to the Services section.

17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Form/Type/WorldType.php

// ...
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Form\EventListener\CleanFormSubscriber;

// ...
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
new CleanFormSubscriber(
'content' => 'html',
'customHtml' => 'html'

// ...
// ...

Form data is not automatically sanitized. Mautic provides a form event subscriber to handle this.

In your form type class, register the Mautic\CoreBundle\Form\EventListener\CleanFormSubscriber event subscriber.

The array provided to CleanFormSubscriber should contain the names of the form elds as keys and the values the masks to use to sanitize
the data. Any un-specied form eld will use the clean mask by default.


A form event listener must be used if a form needs to be manipulated based on submitted data such as changing dened elds, adjust
constraints, or changing select choices based on submitted values. Refer to Symfonys documentation on this.


Review Symfonys form validation documentation for a general overview.

There are two common means of validating form data.


// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Entity/World.php

// ...
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Form;

// ...
* @param ClassMetadata $metadata
public static function loadValidatorMetadata (ClassMetadata $metadata)
new NotBlank(
'message' => ''

$metadata->addPropertyConstraint( 82/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
new NotBlank(
'message' => 'mautic.core.value.required',
'groups' => array('VisitedWorld')


* @param Form $form
* @return array
public static function determineValidationGroups (Form $form)
$data = $form->getData();
$groups = array('AllWorlds');

if (!$data->getId() || ($data->getId() && $data->getVisitCount() > 0)) {

$groups[] = 'VisitedWorld';

return $groups;
// ...

If the underlying data of a form is an Entity object, a static method loadValidatorMetadata can be dened in the Entity class. This will
automatically be called when Symfony is processing form data.

A form can also use validation_groups to change the order of data to be validated or only validate if certain criteria is true. For example,
only validate a password conrmation eld if the rst password eld passes validation. When registering a validation group in the form type
class, one can use static callback that can be used to determine what validation group(s) should be used.

// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Form/Type/WorldType.php

* {@inheritdoc}
public function setDefaultOptions (OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
'data_class' => 'MauticPlugin\HelloWorld\Entity\World',
'validation_groups' => array(
// ...


A form type service can also register constraints when dening the form elds.

// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Form/Type/WorldType.php

// ... 83/222
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use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank;

// ...

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)

'label' => '',
'label_attr' => array('class' => 'control-label'),
'attr' => array(
'class' => 'form-control'
'constraints' => array(
new NotBlank(
'message' => 'mautic.core.value.required'

// ...


// plugins\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener\LeadSubscriber

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener;

use Mautic\LeadBundle\Event as Events;

use Mautic\LeadBundle\LeadEvents;

* Class LeadSubscriber
* @package Mautic\LeadBundle\EventListener
class LeadSubscriber extends CommonSubscriber

* @return array
static public function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
LeadEvents::LEAD_POST_SAVE => array('onLeadPostSave', 0),
LeadEvents::LEAD_POST_DELETE => array('onLeadDelete', 0)

public function onLeadPostSave(LeadEvent $event)

$lead = $event->getLead();

// do something

public function onLeadDelete(LeadEvent $event)

$lead = $event->getLead(); 84/222
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$deletedId = $lead->deletedId;

// do something

Mautic leverages Symfonys EventDispatcher to execute and communicate various actions through Mautic. Plugins can hook into these to
extend the functionality of Mautic. Refer to Extending Mautic for some of the ways to do this.


The easiest way to listen to various events is to use an event subscriber. Read more about subscribers in Symfonys documentation.

Plugin event subscribers can extend \Mautic\CoreBundle\EventListener\CommonSubscriber which gives access to commonly used
dependencies and also allows registering the subscriber service through the bundless cong le. But, it does not have to and instead See
Services for more information on registering event services.


There are many events available throughout Mautic. Depending on the desired functionality, look at the core bundles *Event.php le in the
root of the bundle. For example, Lead related events are dened and described in app\bundles\LeadBundle\LeadEvents.php . These nal
classes provide the names of the events to listen to. Always use the event constants to ensure future changes to event names will not break
the plugin.


A plugin can create and dispatch its own events.

Custom events require three things:

// plugins\HelloWorldBundle\HelloWorldEvents.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle;

* Class HelloWorldEvents
final class HelloWorldEvents
* The helloworld.armageddon event is dispatched when a world is doomed by a giant meteor
* The event listener receives a MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Event\ArmageddonEvent instance.
* @var string
const ARMAGEDDON = 'helloworld.armageddon';

1) Class dening the available events for the plugin using a final class with constants

// plugins\HelloWorldBundle\Event\ArmageddonEvent.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Event;

use MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\Entity\World;

class ArmageddonEvent
/** @var World */
protected $world; 85/222
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/** @var bool */
protected $falseAlarm = false;

public function __construct(World $world)

$this->world = $world;

public function shouldPanic()

return ('earth' == $this->world->getName());

public function setIsFalseAlarm()

$this->falseAlarm = true;

public function getIsFalseAlarm()

return $this->falseAlarm;

2) The Event class that is received by the listeners. This class should extend Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event . It will be created
when the event is dispatched and should have any information listeners need to act on it.


$dispatcher = $this->get('event_dispatcher');
if ($dispatcher->hasListeners(HelloWorldEvents::ARMAGEDDON)) {
$event = $dispatcher->dispatch(HelloWorldEvents::ARMAGEDDON, new ArmageddonEvent($world));

if ($event->shouldPanic()) {
throw new \Exception("Run for the hills!");

3) The code that dispatches the event where appropriate using the event_dispatcher service.


Mautic has some helper methods with adding support for translated content to an entity.


This Entity interface ensures that everything is needed in order for Mautic to handle translations correctly for an entity.


This trait provides properties needed to dene an Entitys language and relationships to other items. In the Entitys loadMetadata() method,
be sure to call $this->addTranslationMetadata() .


This trait provides the method getTranslatedEntity() that will determine the entity to use as the translation based on the $lead and/or the
HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header. It also has a postTranslationEntitySave() that should be called at the end of the Entitys saveEntity()


To ease the generation of schema to match the Entity, use this trait then execute $this->addTranslationSchema() .


Add a locale and translatedParent form elds like the code example. 86/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

// plugins/HelloWorldPlugin/Form/Type/WorldType.php

$transformer = new \Mautic\CoreBundle\Form\Transformer\IdToEntityModelTransformer($this->em, 'HelloWorldBundle:World');

'label' => 'mautic.core.form.translation_parent',
'label_attr' => array('class' => 'control-label'),
'attr' => array(
'class' => 'form-control',
'tooltip' => ''
'required' => false,
'multiple' => false,
'empty_value' => 'mautic.core.form.translation_parent.empty',
'top_level' => 'translation',
'ignore_ids' => array((int) $options['data']->getId())

'label' => 'mautic.core.language',
'label_attr' => array('class' => 'control-label'),
'attr' => array(
'class' => 'form-control',
'tooltip' => '',
'required' => false,
'empty_data' => 'en'


Mautic has some helper methods with adding support for creating variants of a given entity. This becomes particularly useful for A/B testing.


This Entity interface ensures that everything is needed in order for Mautic to handle the variants correctly for an entity.


This trait provides properties needed to dene an Entitys relationship to other items. In the Entitys loadMetadata() method, be sure to call
$this->addVariantMetadata() .


This trait provides the methods preVariantSaveEntity() , postVariantSaveEntity() and convertVariant() . preVariantSaveEntity()
should be executed prior to saveEntity then postVariantSaveEntity() . See example.

// plugins/HelloWorldBundle/Model/WorldModel.php

// Reset a/b test if applicable

$variantStartDate = new \DateTime();
// setVariantHits is the stat tracker properties for this variant
$resetVariants = $this->preVariantSaveEntity($entity, ['setVariantHits'], $variantStartDate);

parent::saveEntity($entity, $unlock); 87/222
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$this->postVariantSaveEntity($entity, $resetVariants, $entity->getRelatedEntityIds(), $variantStartDate);


To ease the generation of schema to match the Entity, use this trait then execute $this->addVariantSchema() .


Add variantParent elds like the code example. In the example, the variantParent value is set in the controller due to a Add A/B Test
button is clicked. The specic use for the plugin may require a select list rather than a hidden eld. Change this to meet the codes needs.

// plugins/HelloWorldPlugin/Form/Type/WorldType.php

$transformer = new \Mautic\CoreBundle\Form\Transformer\IdToEntityModelTransformer($this->em, 'HelloWorldBundle:World');


Custom themes for public facing areas of Mautic can be generated but require a bit of Twig experience.

The themes use the same templating formats as Symfonys twig templates.

Theme Directory Structure

Each theme directory must have at least a cong.json le and a html directory with the public facing templates for the features it supports.
All themes should have a html/message.html.twig le. See below for a typical directory structure:

- - - cong.json
- - - thumbnail.png
- - - html/
- - - - - - base.html.twig
- - - - - - email.html.twig
- - - - - - form.html.twig
- - - - - - message.html.twig
- - - - - - page.html.twig

Theme zip package

If you want to make your theme installable via the Theme Manager, make a zip package from it. The zip package name must be the same
as the nal folder name of the theme in the /themes folder. The contents of the zip folder must contain the theme les directly, not in a 88/222
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subfolder. You can download an existing theme via the Theme Manager to see an example ZIP le.

Theme Cong File

The cong le denes the name of the theme and the features it supports.

The cong le should return an array with the following keys:

Key Type Description

name string Name of the theme

author string Name of the theme author

authorUrl string URL to the authors website

features array Array of features the theme supports. Options currently are email, form, and/or page

Theme Thumbnail
The thumbnail should be a screenshot of the theme with demo content. The width x height should be 575 x 600 px. This thumbnail will be
available for Mautic users for quick theme preview in the Email edit form, Landing Page edit form and the Theme Manager.

Mautic will be look for thumbnail.png for default but if you want a specic image for your [email, page, form] template you can add a


Feature thumbnail name

email thumbnail_email.png

form thumbnail_form.png

page thumbnail_page.png


The slot can be dened by a single HTML attribute data-slot="{slot type here}" . For example, the text slot can be dened even with the
demo content.

When the theme is opened in the builder, the div with attribute data-slot="text" will make the text inside the div editable within the inline
Froala editor.

Example: 89/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

<div data-slot=text>
<a>@JaneDoe</a> has invited you to join Awesome inc!

The slot types currently built:


Inserts a single image into the div. User can click on it and edit it with options which provides Froala editor (link, change image source, alt
text, )


Inserts a HTML button. User can dene text, URL as well as padding, size and position.


Inserts a new text slot which you can edit with a HTML editor, so you can insert even media like images and videos in it.


Inserts a horizontal line to separate content.


As stated before, users can drag & drop the new slots into the theme. So as a theme developer, you have to dene where the user can drop
the slots. You can do it again with a single HTML attribute data-slot-container="1" .


<div data-slot-container="1">
<div data-slot=text>
<a>@JaneDoe</a> has invited you to join Awesome inc!

This way the builder will let users drop the new slots into this container. In the example above there is already one predened slot which
user can move to another container, remove or edit.

This functionality will provide you with lots of creative freedom for designing and developing your own unique email and landing pages.
Have a unique design? Share it with the community! We would love to see how youre using Mautic to engage your audience.

Sections are full width parts of the theme which can let user to change the background color in the section wrapper (full monitor width) and
in the section content itself. Since Mautic 2.7.0 its possible to move the sections up or down, delete the sections and even create a new
ones with layout of 1,2 or 3 columns.


The section holds the content. It should be centered and should have xed width. This xed width should be consistent with all other
sections. Section also wraps the content. The section can be any block HTML element with attribute data-section="1" .


<div data-section="1">
<div data-slot-container="1">
<div data-slot=text> 90/222
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<a>@JaneDoe</a> has invited you to join Awesome inc!


Section wrapper must have 100% width of the browser window. You thus have to split your theme into several rows if you want to enable
the users to change the background of each section. The section wrapper can be any block HTML element with attribute data-section-
wrapper .


<div data-slot-container="1">
<div data-section="1">
<div data-slot-container="1">
<div data-slot=text>
<a>@JaneDoe</a> has invited you to join Awesome inc!

Theme HTML Files

Notice that in the directory structure above, there is a base.html.twig le. This is not necessary but used in the example to dene the base
HTML document which each some of the following les extend.


{# themes/HelloBundle/html/email.html.twig #}
<body style="margin:0">
<div data-section-wrapper="1">
<table data-section="1" style="width: 600;" width="600" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<div data-slot-container="1" style="min-height: 30px">
<div data-slot="text">
<h2>Hello there!</h2>
We haven't heard from you for a while...
{unsubscribe_text} | {webview_text}
</body> 91/222
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This le denes the document for building an email template. Of course this le should follow html based email etiquette. Throughout the
document should be output for the slots dened as data attributes.


{# themes/thellotheme/html/form.html.twig #}

{% extends ":"~template~":base.html.twig" %}

{% block content %}
{% if message is defined %}
<h2>{{ message|raw }}</h2>
{% endif %}

{% if header is defined %}
<h4>{{ header }}</h4>
{% endif %}
{{ content|raw }}
{% endblock %}

This le generates the html document for a form when viewed via its public URL. This does not style the elds of a form. That will be
described below.

Each form.html.twig le should output a message , header , and content variables.


To provide custom form eld templates or to manipulate the form body, create the following directory structure:

- - - html/
- - - - - - MauticFormBundle
- - - - - - - - - Builder < for customizing the form structure itself
- - - - - - - - - Field < for customizing form eld types

Copy from app/bundles/FormBundle/Views/Builder/form.html.php in the themes Builder directory or one or more of the elds templates in
app/bundles/FormBundle/Views/Field/*.html.php into the themes Field directory. Then customize to the desired layout. Note that these
must be PHP templates.


The embedded forms can be styled by the themes/{your theme name}/html/MauticFormBundle/Builder/style.html.twig le. The best way
is to copy the content of the default form styles and modify them to your needs.


{# themes/hellotheme/html/message.html.twig #}

{% extends ":"~template~":base.html.twig" %}

{% block content %}
<h2>{{ message|raw }}</h2>
{% if content is defined %}
<div>{{ content|raw }}</div>
{% endif %} 92/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
{% endblock %}

This le is a simple message le mainly used as the landing page for when a lead unsubscribes or resubscribes to the systems emails. But
may be used by other areas so should be included in all themes.

It requires echo'ing two variables: message and content . message houses the string message such as You have been unsubscribed
content will either be empty or house the HTML of a form thats been associated with the email as an unsubscribe form.


{# themes/hellotheme/html/message.html.twig #}
{% extends ":"~template~":base.html.twig" %}

{% block content %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
{% if page is defined %}
<meta name="description" content="{pagemetadescription}">
{% endif %}
{{ outputHeadDeclarations() }}
{{ outputScripts('bodyOpen') }}
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
{{ outputScripts('bodyClose') }}
{% endblock %}

page.html.twig is exactly the same as email.html.twig except that itll be used for landing pages instead. Thus, it can be more robust with the
HTML document.

Mautic provides a REST API to manipulate leads and/or obtain information for various entities of Mautic.

All Mautic API endpoints require an OAuth1a signtature or OAuth2 access token.

Error Handling
If an OAuth error is encountered, itll be a JSON encoded array similar to:

"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "The access token provided has expired."

If a system error encountered, itll be a JSON encoded array similar to: 93/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

"error": {
"message": "You do not have access to the requested area/action.",
"code": 403

Mautic version check

In case your API service wants to support several Mautic versions with different features, you might need to check the version of Mautic you
communicate with. Since Mautic 2.4.0 the version number is added to all API response headers. The header name is Mautic-Version . With
Mautic PHP API library you can get the Mautic version like this:

// Make any API request:

$api = $this->getContext('contacts');
$response = $api->getList('', 0, 1);

// Get the version number from the response header:

$version = $api->getMauticVersion();

$version will be in a semantic versioning format: [major].[minor].[patch] . For example: 2.4.0 . If youll try it on the latest GitHub
version, the version will have -dev at the end. Like 2.5.1-dev .

Mautic uses OAuth or Basic Authentication (as of Mautic 2.3.0) for API authorization. It supports both OAuth 1a and OAuth 2; however, as
of 1.1.2, the administrator of the Mautic instance must choose one or the other. Of course OAuth 2 is only recommended for servers
secured behind SSL. Basic authentication must be enabled in Conguration -> API Settings.

The Mautic administrator should enable the API in the Conguration -> API Settings. This will add the API Credentials to the admin menu.
A client/consumer ID and secret should then be generated which will be used in the following processes.

All authorization requests should be made to the specic Mautic instances URL, i.e. .

The OAuth processes can be a pain. If possible, its best to use an OAuth library for the language being used. If PHP, it is
recommended that Mautics PHP library be used.


use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// $initAuth->newAuth() will accept an array of OAuth settings

$settings = array(
'baseUrl' => '',
'version' => 'OAuth1a',
'clientKey' => '5ad6fa7asfs8fa7sdfa6sfas5fas6asdf8',
'clientSecret' => 'adf8asf7sf54asf3as4f5sf6asfasf97dd',
'callback' => ''
); 94/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
// Initiate the auth object
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);

// Initiate process for obtaining an access token; this will redirect the user to the authorize endpoint and/or set the tokens when the user is redirected
back after granting authorization

if ($auth->validateAccessToken()) {
if ($auth->accessTokenUpdated()) {
$accessTokenData = $auth->getAccessTokenData();

//store access token data however you want


The OAuth 1a method is recommended for servers that are not behind https. Note that OAuth 1a access tokens do not expire.

OAuth 1a can be a complicated method due to the need to generate a signature for the request. If anything is off with the signature, the
request will not be validated.



The rst step is to obtain a request token that will be used when directing the user to the authorization page.

Make a POST to the request token endpoint /oauth/v1/request_token :

POST /oauth/v1/request_token
OAuth oauth_callback="",

(note that the header has been wrapped for legibility)

Review Generating the Authorization Header on the specics of generating the OAuth header.

The response will be a query string:


Parse the string and use the parameters in the next step as indicated.

These must be preserved in some kind of persistent storage as they will be used when obtaining the access token.

Note that the refresh token is only good for the number of seconds specied in oauth_expires_in .


Now redirect the user to the authorization endpoint oauth/v1/authorize with the request token as part of the URLs query.

If the callback is something different than what is congured in Mautic, url encode it and include in the query as oauth_callback .

/oauth/v1/authorize?oauth_token=REQUEST_TOKEN& 95/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

The user will login and Mautic will redirect back to the either the consumers congured callback or to the oauth_callback included in the

The callback will include oauth_token and oauth_verifier in the URLs query.

Compare the oauth_token in the query with that obtained in step two to ensure they are the same and prevent cross-site request forgery.

oauth_verifier will need to be part of the header generated in step three.


Generate the Authorization header and make a POST to the access token endpoint /oauth/v1/access_token .

When generating the header, the oauth_token_secret returned in step two should be used as the TOKEN_SECRET in the composite key.

oauth_verifier from step two should be part of the Authorization header generated.

POST /oauth/v1/access_token
OAuth oauth_callback="",

(note that the header has been wrapped for legibility)

The response should include a query string with the access token:


Mautics OAuth 1a access tokens do not expire but the user can deauthorize them. If the access token is invalid, a `401` response
will be returned.

The oauth_token can be included in the authorize header and the oauth_token_secret should be used as the TOKEN_SECRET in the
composite key when signing API requests.


The OAuth header may include the following parameters:

Key Description

Optional, URL encoded callback to redirect the user to after authorization. If the callback URL is set in
Mautic, this must match.

oauth_consumer_key The consumer key obtained from Mautics API Credentials

oauth_nonce Uniquely generated string that should be used only once

oauth_signature Signature generated from all applicable data for the request

oauth_signature_method Method for creating the signature. Currently, only HMAC-SHA1 is supported. 96/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Key Description

oauth_timestamp Current unix timestamp

oauth_token The access token

oauth_verier Returned after authorization and used when requesting an access token

oauth_version Should always be 1.0

When making a GET or POST request with parameters, all parameters should be included in the header as well.


The base string is used to generate the oauth_signature.

The structure of the base string is as follows:


METHOD should be the request method and should always be capitalized.

URL_ENCODED_URI should be the base URI the request is made to. It should not include any query parameters (query parameters should be

NORMALIZED_PARAMETERS should be a url encoded, alphabetically sorted query string of the above oauth parameters (except oauth_signa
ture ) plus the parameters of the request (query/post body).

Each key and each value of the parameters must be url encoded individually as well.

PHP should use rawurlencode() instead of urlencode() .

Then each url encoded key/value pair should be concatenated into a single string with an ampersand (&) as the glue character.

For example, lets say a request includes a query of title=Mr&firstname=Joe&lastname=Smith . The process would look something like the
following (replacing urlencode() with whatever function is appropriate for the language being used). Of course realistically, natural sort and
loop functions would be used.


Multidimensional arrays should use foo=baz&foo=bar rather than foo[bar]=baz&foo[baz]=bar when generating the normalized
parameters string. 97/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Notice that oauth_callback , if included, is DOUBLE url encoded.

Put all together, a base string might look like:



The composite key is used to encrypt the base string. It is composed of the consumer secret and the token secret if available (post
authorization) combined with an ampersand (&).


If the token secret is not available, i.e. during the request token process, then an ampersand (&) should still be used.


For /oauth/v1/request_token , TOKEN_SECRET is empty.

For /oauth/v1/access_token , TOKEN_SECRET will be the oauth_token_secret returned by the request to /oauth/v1/request_token

For all other API endpoints, TOKEN_SECRET will be the oauth_token_secret returned by the request to /oauth/v1/access_token


Now, using the base string and the composite key, the signature can be generated using the appropriate HMAC function available to the
language used. The signature generated should then be base64 encoded prior to being used in the Authorization header.


The resulting string should then be used included in the header as oauth_signature .


To sign the API request, generate the Authorization header using the obtained access token.

POST /api/leads/new
OAuth oauth_callback="",
oauth_version="1.0" 98/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation


(note that the header has been wrapped for legibility)


use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// $initAuth->newAuth() will accept an array of OAuth settings

$settings = array(
'baseUrl' => '',
'version' => 'OAuth2',
'clientKey' => '5ad6fa7asfs8fa7sdfa6sfas5fas6asdf8',
'clientSecret' => 'adf8asf7sf54asf3as4f5sf6asfasf97dd',
'callback' => ''

// Initiate the auth object

$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);

// Initiate process for obtaining an access token; this will redirect the user to the authorize endpoint and/or set the tokens when the user is redirected
back after granting authorization

if ($auth->validateAccessToken()) {
if ($auth->accessTokenUpdated()) {
$accessTokenData = $auth->getAccessTokenData();

//store access token data however you want




Mautic supports only the authorization_code and refresh_token grant types.

Redirect the user to the authorize endpoint oauth/v2/authorize :

GET /oauth/v2/authorize?

(note that the query has been wrapped for legibility)

The state is optional but recommended to prevent CSRF attacks. It should be a uniquely generated string and stored locally in
session, cookie, etc. to be compared with the returned value.

Note that the redirect_uri should be URL encoded. 99/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

As of 1.1.2, Mautic does not leverage OAuth2 scopes.

The user will be prompted to login. Once they do, Mautic will redirect back to the URL specied in redirect_uri with a code appended to the

It may look something like:

The state returned should be compared against the original to ensure nothing has been tampered with.


Obtain the value of the code from Step One then immediately POST it back to the access token endpoint oauth/v2/token with:

POST /oauth/v2/token


(note that the post body has been wrapped for legibility)

The response returned should be a JSON encoded string:

access_token: "ACCESS_TOKEN",
expires_in: 3600,
token_type: "bearer",
scope: "",
refresh_token: "REFRESH_TOKEN"

This data should be stored in a secure location and used to authenticate API requests.


The responses expires_in is the number of seconds the access token is good for and may differ based on what is congured in Mautic.
The code handling the authorization process should generate an expiration timestamp based on that value. For example <?php $expira
tion = time() + $response['expires_in']; ?> . If the access token has expired, the refresh_token should be used to obtain a new access

The refresh token is by default good for 14 days in which the user will need to reauthorize the application with Mautic. However, the refresh
tokens expiration time is congurable through Mautics Conguration.

The application should monitor for a 400 Bad Response response when requesting a new access token and redirect the user back
through the authorization process.

To obtain a new access token, a POST should be made to the access tokens endpoint oauth/v2/token using the refresh_token grant

POST /oauth/v2/token

&grant_type=refresh_token 100/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

(note that the post body has been wrapped for legibility)

The response returned should be a JSON encoded string:

access_token: "NEW_ACCESS_TOKEN",
expires_in: 3600,
token_type: "bearer",
scope: "",
refresh_token: "REFRESH_TOKEN"


Authenticating the API request with OAuth2 is easy. Choose one of the following methods that is appropriate for the applications needs.


By using an authorization header, any request method can be authenticated.

However, note that this method requires that the server Mautic is installed on passes headers to PHP or has access to the apache_re
quest_headers() function. apache_request_headers() is not available to PHP running under fcgi.

Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN


The access token can also be appended to the query or included in the body of a POST.





As of Mautic 2.3.0, support for basic authentication can be enabled through Mautics Conguration -> API Settings. As with OAuth2, it is
only recommended to use basic authentication over HTTPS.

To authorize a request for basic authentication, set an Authorization header.

1. Combine the username and password of a Mautic user with a colon : . For example, user:password .
2. Base64 encode the string from above. dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA== .
3. Add an Authorization header to each API request as Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==


Mautic provides a PHP library on Github. It is recommended that it be used in PHP projects. Other languages will need to use custom
means and/or a 3rd party library to handle the OAuth/request processes. 101/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

To install using composer, simply run composer require mautic/api-library .


Download the package from Github. Extract then include the following code in your project (of course change the le path if needed):

require_once __DIR__ . '/lib/Mautic/MauticApi.php';

Refer to the README in the Github repository for further instructions on how to use the library or review the code examples
included throughout this section.


All responses are JSON encoded.

Base API Endpoint:

Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics assets.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$assetApi = $api->newApi("assets", $auth, $apiUrl);



$asset = $assetApi->get($id);

Get an individual asset by ID.


GET /assets/ID 102/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Asset Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the asset

title string Title/name of the asset

description string/null Description of the asset

alias string Used to generate the URL for the asset

language string Locale of the asset

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the asset should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the asset should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time asset was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the asset

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the asset

dateModied datetime/null Date/time asset was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the asset

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the asset

downloadCount int Total number of downloads

uniqueDownloadCount int Unique number of downloads

revision int Revision version

category string/null Name of the category

extension string Extension of the asset

mime string Mime type of the asset

size int Filesize of the asset in bytes

downloadUrl string Public download URL for the asset


// ...

$assets = $assetApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);

17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
GET /assets

Query Parameters

Name Description

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30).

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

publishedOnly Only return currently published entities.

minimal Return only array of entities without additional lists in it.


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.


Same as Get Asset.



* Local asset example
// Upload a local file first
$apiContextFiles = $this->getContext('files');
$fileRequest = array(
'file' => dirname(__DIR__).'/'.'mauticlogo.png'
$response = $apiContextFiles->create($fileRequest);

$data = array(
'title' => 'Mautic Logo sent as a API request',
'storageLocation' => 'local',
'file' => $response['file']['name']

$asset = $assetApi->create($data);

* Remote asset example
$data = array(
'title' => 'PDF sent as a API request',
'storageLocation' => 'remote',
'file' => ''

$asset = $assetApi->create($data); 104/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Create a new asset. There are 2 options: local or remote asset.


POST /assets/new

Post Parameters

Name Description

title string

storageLocation string

le string


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Asset.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'type' => 'general',

// Create new a asset of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$asset = $assetApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new asset. Asset that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a asset if the given ID does not exist and clears all the asset information, adds the information from the request. PATCH fails if
the asset with the given ID does not exist and updates the asset eld values with the values form the request.


To edit a asset and return a 404 if the asset is not found:

PATCH /assets/ID/edit

To edit a asset and create a new one if the asset is not found:

PUT /assets/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Name Description

title string

storageLocation string

le string 105/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the asset was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Asset.



$asset = $assetApi->delete($id);

Delete a asset. In case of local storage location, the local le will be deleted as well.


DELETE /assets/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Asset.

Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics campaigns.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$campaignApi = $api->newApi("campaigns", $auth, $apiUrl);



$campaign = $campaignApi->get($id);

Get an individual campaign by ID.


GET /campaigns/ID

RESPONSE 106/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Campaign Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the campaign

name string Name of the campaign

description string/null Description of the campaign

alias string Used to generate the URL for the campaign

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the campaign should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the campaign should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time campaign was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the campaign

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the campaign

dateModied datetime/null Date/time campaign was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the campaign

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the campaign

events array Array of Event entities for the campaign. See below.

Event Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the event

name string Name of the event

description string Optional description for the event

type string Type of event

eventType string action or decision

order int Order in relation to the other events (used for levels)

properties object Congured properties for the event

triggerMode string immediate, interval or date

triggerDate datetime/null Date/time of when the event should trigger if triggerMode is date

triggerInterval int/null Interval for when the event should trigger 107/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

Interval unit for when the event should trigger. Options are i = minutes, h = hours, d = days, m =
triggerIntervalUnit string
months, y = years

children array Array of this events children ,

parent object/null This events parent

If the event is connected into an action, this will be no for the non-decision path or yes for the
decisionPath string/null
actively followed path.


// ...

$campaigns = $campaignApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /campaigns

Query Parameters

Name Description

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30).

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

published Only return currently published entities.

minimal Return only array of entities without additional lists in it.


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.


Same as Get Campaign.


This endpoint is basically an alias for the stats endpoint with campaign_leads table and campaign_id specied. Other parameters are the
same as in the stats endpoint.

// ...

$response = $campaignApi->getContacts($campaignId, $start, $limit, $order, $where); 108/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

GET /campaigns/ID/contacts

Query Parameters


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.



$data = array(
'name' => 'Campaign A',
'description' => 'This is my first campaign created via API.',
'isPublished' => 1

$campaign = $campaignApi->create($data);

Create a new campaign. To see more advanced example with campaing events and so on, see the unit tests.


POST /campaigns/new

Post Parameters

Name Description

name Campaign name is the only required eld

alias string

description A description of the campaign.

isPublished A value of 0 or 1


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Campaign.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'name' => 'New campaign name',
'isPublished' => 0

// Create new a campaign of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$campaign = $campaignApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound); 109/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Edit a new campaign. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a campaign if the given ID does not exist and clears all the campaign information, adds the information from the request.
PATCH fails if the campaign with the given ID does not exist and updates the campaign eld values with the values form the request.


To edit a campaign and return a 404 if the campaign is not found:

PATCH /campaigns/ID/edit

To edit a campaign and create a new one if the campaign is not found:

PUT /campaigns/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Name Description

name Campaign name is the only required eld

alias Name alias generated automatically if not set

description A description of the campaign.

isPublished A value of 0 or 1


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the campaign was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Campaign.



$campaign = $campaignApi->delete($id);

Delete a campaign.


DELETE /campaigns/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Campaign.



$response = $campaignApi->addContact($campaignId, $contactId);
if (!isset($response['success'])) { 110/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
// handle error

Manually add a contact to a specic campaign.


POST /campaigns/CAMPAIGN_ID/contact/CONTACT_ID/add


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.



$response = $listApi->removeContact($contactId, $listId);
if (!isset($response['success'])) {
// handle error

Manually remove a contact from a specic campaign.


POST /campaigns/CAMPAIGN_ID/contact/CONTACT_ID/remove


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics categories or to manipulate category memberships.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$categoryApi = $api->newApi("categories", $auth, $apiUrl);



$category = $categoryApi->get($id); 111/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Get an individual category by ID.


GET /categories/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Category Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the category

isPublished boolean Whether the category is published

dateAdded datetime Date/time category was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the category

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the category

dateModied datetime/null Date/time category was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the category

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the category

title string The category title

alias string The category alias

description string The category description

color string The category color

bundle string The bundle where the category will be available



$categories = $categoryApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);

Returns a list of contact categories available to the user. This list is not lterable.


GET /categories


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Category Properties 112/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

id int ID of the category

isPublished boolean Whether the category is published

dateAdded datetime Date/time category was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the category

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the category

dateModied datetime/null Date/time category was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the category

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the category

title string The category title

alias string The category alias

description string The category description

color string The category color

bundle string The bundle where the category will be available



$data = array(
'categoryname' => 'test',
'categoryemail' => '[email protected]',
'categorycity' => 'Raleigh',

$category = $categoryApi->create($data);

Create a new category.


POST /categories/new

Post Parameters

Name Description

title string

bundle string


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Category. 113/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation


$id = 1;
$data = array(
'title' => 'test',
'bundle' => 'asset'

// Create new a category of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$category = $categoryApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new category. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a category if the given ID does not exist and clears all the category information, adds the information from the request. PATCH
fails if the category with the given ID does not exist and updates the category eld values with the values form the request.


To edit a category and return a 404 if the category is not found:

PATCH /categories/ID/edit

To edit a category and create a new one if the category is not found:

PUT /categories/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Name Description

title string

bundle string


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the category was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Category.



$category = $categoryApi->delete($id);

Delete a category.


DELETE /categories/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200 114/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Same as Get Category.

Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics companies or to manipulate contact-company memberships.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$companyApi = $api->newApi("companies", $auth, $apiUrl);



$company = $companyApi->get($id);

Get an individual company by ID.


GET /companies/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Company Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the company

isPublished boolean Whether the company is published

dateAdded datetime Date/time company was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the company

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the company

dateModied datetime/null Date/time company was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the company

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the company 115/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

elds array Custom elds for the company



$companies = $companyApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);

Returns a list of contact companies available to the user. This list is not lterable.


GET /companies


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Company Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the company

isPublished boolean Whether the company is published

dateAdded datetime Date/time company was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the company

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the company

dateModied datetime/null Date/time company was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the company

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the company

elds array Custom elds for the company



$data = array(
'companyname' => 'test',
'companyemail' => '[email protected]',
'companycity' => 'Raleigh',

$company = $companyApi->create($data);

Create a new company.


POST /companies/new 116/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Post Parameters

Name Description

companyname Company name is the only required eld. Other company elds can be sent with a value

isPublished A value of 0 or 1


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Company.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'companyname' => 'test',
'companyemail' => '[email protected]',
'companycity' => 'Raleigh',

// Create new a company of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$company = $companyApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new company. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a company if the given ID does not exist and clears all the company information, adds the information from the request.
PATCH fails if the company with the given ID does not exist and updates the company eld values with the values form the request.


To edit a company and return a 404 if the company is not found:

PATCH /companies/ID/edit

To edit a company and create a new one if the company is not found:

PUT /companies/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Name Description

companyname Company name is the only required eld. Other company elds can be sent with a value

isPublished A value of 0 or 1


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the company was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .

Properties 117/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Same as Get Company.



$company = $companyApi->delete($id);

Delete a company.


DELETE /companies/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Company.



$response = $companyApi->addContact($companyId, $contactId);
if (!isset($response['success'])) {
// handle error

Manually add a contact to a specic company.


POST /companies/COMPANY_ID/contact/CONTACT_ID/add


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.



$response = $companyApi->removeContact($contactId, $companyId);
if (empty($response['success'])) {
// handle error

Manually remove a contact to a specic company.


POST /companies/COMPANY_ID/contact/CONTACT_ID/remove


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example. 118/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Use this endpoint to manipulate and obtain details on Mautics contacts.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$contactApi = $api->newApi("contacts", $auth, $apiUrl);



$contact = $contactApi->get($id);

Get an individual contact by ID.


GET /contacts/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

** Contact Properties **

Name Type Description

id int ID of the contact

dateAdded datetime Date/time contact was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the contact

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the contact

dateModied datetime/null Date/time contact was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the contact

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the contact

owner object User object that owns the contact.

points int Contacts current number of points

lastActive datetime/null Date/time for when the contact was last recorded as active

dateIdentied datetime/null Date/time when the contact identied themselves 119/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

Hex value given to contact from Point Trigger denitions based on the number of points the contact
color string
has been awarded

ipAddresses array Array of IPs currently associated with this contact

Array of all contact elds with data grouped by eld group. See JSON code example for format. This
elds array
array includes an all key that includes an single level array of eldAlias => contactValue pairs.



$contacts = $contactApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);

Get a list of contacts.


GET /contacts

** Query Parameters **

Name Description

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30).

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

publishedOnly Only return currently published entities.

minimal Return only array of entities without additional lists in it.


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

** Properties **

Same as Get Contact.



$data = array(
'firstname' => 'Jim',
'lastname' => 'Contact',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'ipAddress' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']

$contact = $contactApi->create($data); 120/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Create a new contact.


POST /contacts/new

** Post Parameters **

Name Description

* Any contact eld alias can be posted as a parameter. For example, rstname, lastname, email, etc.

ipAddress IP address to associate with the contact

Date/time in UTC; preferablly in the format of Y-m-d H:m:i but if that format fails, the string will be sent through PHPs
strtotime then formatted

owner ID of a Mautic user to assign this contact to


Expected Response Code: 201

** Properties **

Same as Get Contact.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'email' => '[email protected]',
'ipAddress' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']

// Create new a contact of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$contact = $contactApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new contact. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

** PUT ** creates a contact if the given ID does not exist and clears all the contact information, adds the information from the request.
PATCH fails if the contact with the given ID does not exist and updates the contact eld values with the values form the request.


To edit a contact and return a 404 if the contact is not found:

PATCH /contacts/ID/edit

To edit a contact and create a new one if the contact is not found:

PUT /contacts/ID/edit

** Post Parameters **

Name Description

* Any contact eld alias can be posted as a parameter. For example, rstname, lastname, email, etc. 121/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Description

ipAddress IP address to associate with the contact

Date/time in UTC; preferably in the format of Y-m-d H:m:i but if that format fails, the string will be sent through PHPs
strtotime then formatted

owner ID of a Mautic user to assign this contact to


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the contact was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .

** Properties **

Same as Get Contact.



$contact = $contactApi->delete($id);

Delete a contact.


DELETE /contacts/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200

** Properties **

Same as Get Contact.



$data = array(
'eventName' => 'Score via api',
'actionName' => 'Adding',
$contactApi->addDnc($contactId, $channel, $reason, $channelId, $comments);

Add a contact to DNC list


To add Do Not Contact entry to a contact:

PATCH /contacts/ID/dnc/add/CHANNEL

** Data Parameters (optional) **

Name Description

channel Channel of DNC. For example email, 'sms Default is email. 122/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Description

Int value of the reason. Use Contacts constants: Contacts::UNSUBSCRIBED, Contacts::BOUNCED, Contacts::MANUAL.
Default is Manual

channelId ID of the entity which was the reason for unsubscription

comments A text describing details of DNC entry


Same as Get Contact.


$contactApi->addDnc($contactId, $channel);

Remove a contact from DNC list


To remove Do Not Contact entry from a contact:

PATCH /contacts/ID/dnc/remove/CHANNEL

** Data Parameters (optional) **

Name Description

channel Channel of DNC. For example 'email, 'sms Default is email.


Same as Get Contact.



$data = array(
'eventName' => 'Score via api',
'actionName' => 'Adding',
$contactApi->addPoints($contactId, $pointDelta, $data);

Add contact points


To add points to a contact and return a 404 if the lead is not found:

POST /contacts/ID/points/plus/POINTS

** Data Parameters (optional) **

Name Description

eventName Name of the event

actionName Name of the action 123/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Expected Response Code: 200 json { "success": true }



$data = array(
'eventname' => 'Score via api',
'actionname' => 'Subtracting',
$contactApi->subtractPoints($contactId, $pointDelta, $data);

Subtract contact points


To subtract points from a contact and return a 404 if the contact is not found:

POST /contacts/ID/points/minus/POINTS

** Data Parameters (optional) **

Name Description

eventname Name of the event

actionname Name of the action


Expected Response Code: 200 json { "success": true }



$owners = $contactApi->getOwners();

Get a list of owners that can be used to assign contacts to when creating/editing.


GET /contacts/list/owners


Expected Response Code: 200

** Owner Properties **

Name Type Description

id int ID of the Mautic user

rstName string First name of the Mautic user

lastName string Last name of the Mautic user

17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation


$fields = $contactApi->getFieldList();

Get a list of available contact elds including custom ones.


GET /contacts/list/fields


Expected Response Code: 200

** Field Properties **

Name Type Description

id int ID of the eld

label string Field label

alias string Field alias used as the column name in the database

type string Type of eld. I.e. text, lookup, etc

group string Group the eld belongs to

order int Field order



$notes = $contactApi->getContactNotes($id, $searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);

Get a list of notes for a specic contact.


GET /contacts/ID/notes

** Query Parameters **

Name Description

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30).

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.


Expected response code: 200

** Note Properties ** 125/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

id int ID of the note

text string Body of the note

type string Type of note. Options are general, email, call, meeting

dateTime datetime Date/time string of when the note was created.



$segments = $contactApi->getContactSegments($id);

Get a list of contact segments the contact is a member of.


GET /contacts/ID/segments


Expected response code: 200

** List Properties **

Name Type Description

id int ID of the list

name string Name of the list

alias string Alias of the list used with search commands.

dateAdded datetime Date/time string for when the contact was added to the list

manuallyAdded bool True if the contact was manually added to the list versus being added by a lter

manuallyRemoved bool True if the contact was manually removed from the list even though the lists lter is a match


See Segements.



$campaigns = $contactApi->getContactCampaigns($id);

Get a list of campaigns the contact is a member of.


GET /contacts/ID/campaigns


Expected response code: 200 126/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
** List Properties **

Name Type Description

id int ID of the campaign

name string Name of the campaign

dateAdded datetime Date/time string for when the contact was added to the campaign

manuallyAdded bool True if the contact was manually added to the campaign versus being added by a contact list

True if the contact was manually removed from the campaign when the contacts list is assigned to the
manuallyRemoved bool

listMembership array Array of contact list IDs this contact belongs to that is also associated with this campaign


See Campaigns.



$events = $contactApi->getEvents($id, $search, $includeEvents, $excludeEvents, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $page);

Warining: Deprecated. Use getActivityForContact instead.

** Query Parameters **

Name Description

id Contact ID

lters[search] String or search command to lter events by.

lters[includeEvents][] Array of event types to include.

lters[excludeEvents][] Array of event types to exclude.

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

page What page number to load

Get a list of contact events the contact created.


GET /contacts/ID/events

Warining: Deprecated. Use GET /contacts/ID/activity instead.


Expected response code: 200

** List Properties ** 127/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

events array List of events

event string ID of the event type

icon string Icon class from FontAwesome

eventType string Human name of the event

eventPriority string Priority of the event

timestamp timestamp Date and time when the event was created

featured bool Flag whether the event is featured

lters array Filters used in the query

order array Ordering used in the query

types array Array of available event types

total int Total number of events in the request

page int Current page number

limit int Limit of events per page

maxPages int How many pages of events are there



$events = $contactApi->getActivityForContact($id, $search, $includeEvents, $excludeEvents, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $page, $dateFrom, $dateTo);

** Query Parameters **

Name Description

id Contact ID

lters[search] String or search command to lter events by.

lters[includeEvents][] Array of event types to include.

lters[excludeEvents][] Array of event types to exclude.

lters[dateFrom] Date from lter. Must be type of \DateTime for the PHP API libary and in format Y-m-d H:i:s for HTTP param

lters[dateTo] Date to lter. Must be type of \DateTime for the PHP API libary and in format Y-m-d H:i:s for HTTP param

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

page What page number to load

Get a list of contact events the contact had created.

17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
GET /contacts/ID/activity


Expected response code: 200

** List Properties **

Name Type Description

events array List of events

event string ID of the event type

icon string Icon class from FontAwesome

eventType string Human name of the event

eventPriority string Priority of the event

timestamp timestamp Date and time when the event was created

featured bool Flag whether the event is featured

lters array Filters used in the query

order array Ordering used in the query

types array Array of available event types

total int Total number of events in the request

page int Current page number

limit int Limit of events per page

maxPages int How many pages of events are there



$events = $contactApi->getActivity($search, $includeEvents, $excludeEvents, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $page, $dateFrom, $dateTo);

** Query Parameters **

Name Description

lters[search] String or search command to lter events by.

lters[includeEvents][] Array of event types to include.

lters[excludeEvents][] Array of event types to exclude.

lters[dateFrom] Date from lter. Must be type of \DateTime for the PHP API libary and in format Y-m-d H:i:s for HTTP param

lters[dateTo] Date to lter. Must be type of \DateTime for the PHP API libary and in format Y-m-d H:i:s for HTTP param

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc. 129/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Description

page What page number to load


GET /contacts/events


Expected response code: 200

** List Properties **

Name Type Description

events array List of events

event string ID of the event type

icon string Icon class from FontAwesome

eventType string Human name of the event

eventPriority string Priority of the event

contactId ID of the contact who created the event

timestamp timestamp Date and time when the event was created

featured bool Flag whether the event is featured

lters array Filters used in the query

order array Ordering used in the query

types array Array of available event types

total int Total number of events in the request

page int Current page number

limit int Limit of events per page

maxPages int How many pages of events are there



$companies = $contactApi->getContactCompanies($contactId);

"date_associated":"2016-12-27 15:03:43",
"companyemail":"[email protected]",
"companycity":"Raleigh", 130/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
"date_added":"2016-12-27 15:03:42"

Get a list of contacts companies the contact belongs to.


GET /contacts/ID/companies


Expected response code: 200

List Properties

Name Type Description

company_id int Company ID

date_associated datetime Date and time when the contact was associated to the company

date_added datetime Date and time when the company was created

is_primary bool Flag whether the company association is primary (current)

companyname string Name of the company

companyemail string Email of the company

companycity string City of the company

score int Score of the company



$devices = $contactApi->getContactDevices($contactId);


Get a list of contacts devices the contact has used.


GET /contacts/ID/devices

RESPONSE 131/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Expected response code: 200

List Properties

Name Type Description

id int Device ID

clientInfo array Array with various information about the client (browser)

device string Device type; desktop, mobile..

deviceOsName string Full device OS name

deviceOsShortName string Short device OS name

deviceOsPlatform string OS platform

Data - Dashboard widget data

Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics dashboard statistical data.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$contactApi = $api->newApi("data", $auth, $apiUrl);


$data = $dataApi->getList();


GET /data

Expected Response Code: 200


$data = $dataApi->get($type, $options);


GET /data/{type}?dateFrom={YYYY-mm-dd}&dateTo={YYYY-mm-dd}&timeUnit={m}

Returns response which can be directly visualized byt the chartJS library.

RESPONSE 132/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Expected Response Code: 200


GET /data/{type}?dateFrom={YYYY-mm-dd}&dateTo={YYYY-mm-dd}&timeUnit={m}&dataFormat={raw}

Returns raw format which can be more easily processed.


Expected Response Code: 200

Available data URL query params

Name|Type|Example|Description -|-| timezone|string|America/New_York|PHP timezone dateFrom|string|2016-28-03|Date from

in the YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss format dateTo|string|2016-28-04|Date to in the YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss format timeUnit|string|m|Date/Time unit.
Available options: Y, m, W, d, H limit|int|10|Limit of the table widget items lter|array|[lead_id => 23]|lters which should be applied to the
SQL query

Dynamic Content
Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics web dynamic content.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$dynamicContentApi = $api->newApi("dynamicContents", $auth, $apiUrl);



$dynamicContent = $dynamicContentApi->get($id);

Get an individual dynamicContent by ID.


GET /dynamiccontents/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Dynamic Content Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the dynamic content 133/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

name string Name of the dynamic content

description string/null Description of the dynamic content

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the dynamic content should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the dynamic content should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time dynamic content was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the dynamic content

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the dynamic content

dateModied datetime/null Date/time dynamic content was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the dynamic content

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the dynamic content

variantChildren array Array of Dynamic Content entities for variants of this landing dynamic content

variantParent object The parent/main dynamic content if this is a variant (A/B test)

sentCount int Count of how many times the dynamic content was sent


// ...

$dynamicContents = $dynamicContentApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /dynamiccontents

Query Parameters

Name Description

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30).

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

publishedOnly Only return currently published entities.

minimal Return only array of entities without additional lists in it.

RESPONSE 134/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.


Same as Get Dynamic Content.



$data = array(
'name' => 'Dynamic Content A',
'isPublished' => 1

$dynamicContent = $dynamicContentApi->create($data);

Create a new dynamicContent.


POST /dynamiccontents/new

Post Parameters

Name Type Description

id int ID of the dynamic content

name string Name of the dynamic content

description string/null Description of the dynamic content

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the dynamic content should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the dynamic content should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time dynamic content was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the dynamic content

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the dynamic content

dateModied datetime/null Date/time dynamic content was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the dynamic content

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the dynamic content

variantChildren array Array of Dynamic Content entities for variants of this landing dynamic content

variantParent object The parent/main dynamic content if this is a variant (A/B test)

sentCount int Count of how many times the dynamic content was sent


Expected Response Code: 201 135/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Same as Get Dynamic Content.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'name' => 'New dynamicContent name',
'isPublished' => 0

// Create new a dynamicContent of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$dynamicContent = $dynamicContentApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new dynamicContent. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a dynamicContent if the given ID does not exist and clears all the dynamic content information, adds the information from the
request. PATCH fails if the dynamic content with the given ID does not exist and updates the dynamic content eld values with the values
form the request.


To edit a dynamicContent and return a 404 if the dynamic content is not found:

PATCH /dynamiccontents/ID/edit

To edit a dynamicContent and create a new one if the dynamic content is not found:

PUT /dynamiccontents/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Name Type Description

id int ID of the dynamic content

name string Name of the dynamic content

description string/null Description of the dynamic content

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the dynamic content should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the dynamic content should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time dynamic content was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the dynamic content

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the dynamic content

dateModied datetime/null Date/time dynamic content was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the dynamic content

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the dynamic content 136/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

variantChildren array Array of Dynamic Content entities for variants of this landing dynamic content

variantParent object The parent/main dynamic content if this is a variant (A/B test)

sentCount int Count of how many times the dynamic content was sent


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the dynamic content was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Dynamic Content.



$dynamicContent = $dynamicContentApi->delete($id);

Delete a dynamicContent.


DELETE /dynamiccontents/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Dynamic Content.

Use this endpoint to obtain details, create, update or delete Mautics emails.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$emailApi = $api->newApi("emails", $auth, $apiUrl);



$email = $emailApi->get($id); 137/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Get an individual email by ID.


GET /emails/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Email Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the email

name string Internal name of the email

subject stringl Subject of the email

fromAddress string The from email address if its different than the one in the Mautic conguration

fromName string The from name if its different than the one in the Mautic conguration

replyToAddress string The reply to email address if its different than the one in the Mautic conguration

bccAddress string The BCC email address if its different than the one in the Mautic conguration

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the email should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the email should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time email was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the email

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the email

dateModied datetime/null Date/time email was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the email

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the email

language string Language locale of the email

readCount int Total email read count

sentCount int Total email sent count

revision int Email revision

customHtml string The HTML content of the email

plainText string The plain text content of the email

template string The name of the template used as the base for the email 138/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

emailType string If it is a segment (former list) email or template email. Possible values are list and 'template

translationChildren array Array of Page entities for translations of this landing page

translationParent object The parent/main page if this is a translation

variantSentCount int Sent count since variantStartDate

variantReadCount int Read count since variantStartDate

variantChildren array Array of Email entities for variants of this landing email

variantParent object The parent/main email if this is a variant (A/B test)

variantSettings array The properties of the A/B test

variantStartDate datetime/null The date/time the A/B test began

category object/null Category information

unsubscribeForm int Id of the form displayed in the unsubscribe page

dynamicContent object Dynamic content conguration

lists array Array of segment IDs which should be added to the segment email


// ...

$emails = $emailApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /emails

Query Parameters

Name Description

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30).

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

publishedOnly Only return currently published entities.

minimal Return only array of entities without additional lists in it.


Expected Response Code: 200 139/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
See JSON code example.


Same as Get Email.



$data = array(
'title' => 'Email A',
'description' => 'This is my first email created via API.',
'isPublished' => 1

$email = $emailApi->create($data);

Create a new email.


POST /emails/new

Post Parameters

Name Type Description

id int ID of the email

name string Internal name of the email

subject stringl Subject of the email

fromAddress string The from email address if its different than the one in the Mautic conguration

fromName string The from name if its different than the one in the Mautic conguration

replyToAddress string The reply to email address if its different than the one in the Mautic conguration

bccAddress string The BCC email address if its different than the one in the Mautic conguration

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the email should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the email should be un published

language string Language locale of the email

readCount int Total email read count

sentCount int Total email sent count

revision int Email revision

customHtml string The HTML content of the email

plainText string The plain text content of the email

template string The name of the template used as the base for the email

emailType string If it is a segment (former list) email or template email. Possible values are 'list and 'template 140/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

translationChildren array Array of Page entities for translations of this landing page

translationParent object The parent/main page if this is a translation

variantSentCount int Sent count since variantStartDate

variantReadCount int Read count since variantStartDate

variantChildren array Array of Email entities for variants of this landing email

variantParent object The parent/main email if this is a variant (A/B test)

variantSettings array The properties of the A/B test

variantStartDate datetime/null The date/time the A/B test began

category object/null Category information

unsubscribeForm int Id of the form displayed in the unsubscribe page

dynamicContent object Dynamic content conguration

lists array Array of segment IDs which should be added to the segment email


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Email.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'title' => 'New email title',
'isPublished' => 0

// Create new a email of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$email = $emailApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new email. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a email if the given ID does not exist and clears all the email information, adds the information from the request. PATCH fails if
the email with the given ID does not exist and updates the email eld values with the values form the request.


To edit a email and return a 404 if the email is not found:

PATCH /emails/ID/edit

To edit a email and create a new one if the email is not found:

PUT /emails/ID/edit 141/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Post Parameters

Name Type Description

id int ID of the email

name string Internal name of the email

subject stringl Subject of the email

fromAddress string The from email address if its different than the one in the Mautic conguration

fromName string The from name if its different than the one in the Mautic conguration

replyToAddress string The reply to email address if its different than the one in the Mautic conguration

bccAddress string The BCC email address if its different than the one in the Mautic conguration

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the email should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the email should be un published

language string Language locale of the email

readCount int Total email read count

sentCount int Total email sent count

revision int Email revision

customHtml string The HTML content of the email

plainText string The plain text content of the email

template string The name of the template used as the base for the email

emailType string If it is a segment (former list) email or template email. Possible values are 'list and 'template

translationChildren array Array of Page entities for translations of this landing page

translationParent object The parent/main page if this is a translation

variantSentCount int Sent count since variantStartDate

variantReadCount int Read count since variantStartDate

variantChildren array Array of Email entities for variants of this landing email

variantParent object The parent/main email if this is a variant (A/B test)

variantSettings array The properties of the A/B test

variantStartDate datetime/null The date/time the A/B test began

category object/null Category information

unsubscribeForm int Id of the form displayed in the unsubscribe page

dynamicContent object Dynamic content conguration 142/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

lists array Array of segment IDs which should be added to the segment email


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the email was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Email.



$email = $emailApi->delete($id);

Delete a email.


DELETE /emails/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Email.



$email = $emailApi->sendToContact($emailId, $contactId);

Send a predened email to existing contact.


POST /emails/ID/contact/CONTACT_ID/send

Post Parameters

Name Type Description

tokens array Array of tokens in email


Expected Response Code: 200

Properties json { "success": 1 }



$email = $emailApi->send($id); 143/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Send a segment email to linked segment(s).


POST /emails/ID/send


Expected Response Code: 200

Properties json { "success": 1, "sentCount": 1, "failedCount": 0 }

Use this endpoint to work with Mautics contact/company elds.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$assetApi = $api->newApi("assets", $auth, $apiUrl);

// Get contact field context:

$fieldApi = $api->newApi("contactFields", $auth, $apiUrl);

// Or use 'companyFields' for company fields:

$fieldApi = $api->newApi("companyFields", $auth, $apiUrl);



$field = $fieldApi->get($id);

Get an individual eld by ID.


GET /fields/contact/ID or GET /fields/company/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Field Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the eld 144/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the eld should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the eld should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time eld was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the eld

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the eld

dateModied datetime/null Date/time eld was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the eld

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the eld

label string Name of the eld

alias string Unique alias of the eld used in the form eld name attributes

description string/null Description of the eld

type string Field type

group string Groupd of the elds where the eld belongs

order int Order number of the eld

object string Which object use the eld. Contact (lead) or Company.

defaultValue string Default value of the eld.

isRequired boolean True if the eld is required.

isPubliclyUpdatable boolean True if the eld value can be changed from public requests. The tracking pixel query for example.

True if the eld is unique identier and so the contacts should merge if the value of this eld is the
isUniqueIdentier boolean

properties array Field options if the eld type needs some.



$fields = $fieldApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);

Query Parameters

Name Description

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30). 145/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Description

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

publishedOnly Only return currently published entities.

minimal Return only array of entities without additional lists in it.


GET /fields/contact or GET /fields/company


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Field Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the eld

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the eld should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the eld should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time eld was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the eld

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the eld

dateModied datetime/null Date/time eld was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the eld

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the eld

label string Name of the eld

alias string Unique alias of the eld used in the form eld name attributes

description string/null Description of the eld

type string Field type

group string Groupd of the elds where the eld belongs

order int Order number of the eld

object string Which object use the eld. Contact (lead) or Company.

defaultValue string Default value of the eld.

isRequired boolean True if the eld is required. 146/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

isPubliclyUpdatable boolean True if the eld value can be changed from public requests. The tracking pixel query for example.

True if the eld is unique identier and so the contacts should merge if the value of this eld is the
isUniqueIdentier boolean

properties array Field options if the eld type needs some.



$data = array(
'label' => 'API test field',
'type' => 'text',

$field = $fieldApi->create($data);

Create a new eld.


POST /fields/contact/new or POST /fields/company/new

Post Parameters

Name Description

label string

alias string

description string/null

type string

group string

order int

object string

defaultValue string

isRequired boolean

isPubliclyUpdatable boolean

isUniqueIdentier boolean

properties array


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Field. 147/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation


$id = 1;
$data = array(
'label' => 'API test field',
'type' => 'text',

// Create new a field of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$field = $fieldApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new eld. Field that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a eld if the given ID does not exist and clears all the eld ineldation, adds the ineldation from the request. PATCH fails if the
eld with the given ID does not exist and updates the eld eld values with the values eld the request.


To edit a eld and return a 404 if the eld is not found:

PATCH /fields/contact/ID/edit or PATCH /fields/company/ID/edit

To edit a eld and create a new one if the eld is not found:

PUT /fields/contact/ID/edit or PUT /fields/company/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Name Description

label string

alias string

description string/null

type string

group string

order int

object string

defaultValue string

isRequired boolean

isPubliclyUpdatable boolean

isUniqueIdentier boolean

properties array


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the eld was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 . 148/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Same as Get Field.



$field = $fieldApi->delete($id);

Delete a eld.


DELETE /fields/contact/ID/delete or DELETE /fields/company/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Field.

This endpoint is useful for working with les of images and assets.

Note: Assets doesnt have nor support subdirectories.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

$initAuth = new ApiAuth();

$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$filesApi = $api->newApi("files", $auth, $apiUrl);



// Get list of root media/images directory:

$files = $filesApi->getList();

// Get list of some sub-directory (flags in this case) of media/images:

$files = $filesApi->getList();

// Get list of root media/files directory where the asset files are stored:
$files = $filesApi->setFolder('assets');
$files = $filesApi->getList();


GET /files/images to get root images directory GET /files/images?subdir=flags to get images/ags directory GET /files/assets to get
root assets directory 149/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Response Properties

Name Type Description

les array List of requested les and directories


$data = array(
'file' => dirname(__DIR__).'/'.'mauticlogo.png' // Must be a path to an existing file

// Create a file in root media/images directory:

$response = $fileApi->create($data);

// Create a file in some sub-directory (flags in this case) of media/images:

$response = $fileApi->create($data);

// Create a file in media/files directory where the asset files are stored:
$files = $filesApi->setFolder('assets');
$response = $fileApi->create($data);

Creates a le. The le is sent via regular POST les array like a browser sends it during le upload.


POST /files/DIR/new


Expected Response Code: 200 json { "file":{ "link":"http:\/\/yourmautic\/media\/images\/2b912b934dd2a4da49a226d0bf68bfea.png",

"name":"2b912b934dd2a4da49a226d0bf68bfea.png" } }

Response Properties

Name Type Description

link string Appears only for les in image directory, not for assets

name string File name of newly created le


// Delete a file from root media/images directory:
$response = $fileApi->delete($fileName);

// Delete a file from some sub-directory (flags in this case) of media/images:

$response = $fileApi->delete($fileName);

// Delete a file from media/files directory where the asset files are stored:
$files = $filesApi->setFolder('assets');
$response = $fileApi->delete($fileName); 150/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Delete a le.


DELETE /files/DIR/FILE/delete


Expected Response Code: 200 json { "success": true }

Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics forms.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$formApi = $api->newApi("forms", $auth, $apiUrl);



$form = $formApi->get($id);

Get an individual form by ID.


GET /forms/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Form Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the form

name string Name of the form

description string/null Description of the form

alias string Used to generate the URL for the form

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the form should be published 151/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the form should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time form was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the form

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the form

dateModied datetime/null Date/time form was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the form

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the form

cachedHtml string Cached HTML for the form

template string/null Name of the template used to generate the HTML

elds array Array of Field entities for the form. See below.

actions array Array of Action entities for the form. See below.

Field Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the eld

label string Label of the eld

showLabel bool Display the label of the eld

alias string Alias of the eld (used as the database column)

type string Field type

defaultValue string Default value

isRequired bool Field is required

validationMessage string Validation message if required eld is left empty

helpMessage string Help message for the eld

order int Order of the eld

properties array Congured properties for the eld

labelAttributes string/null Custom HTML attributes for the label

inputAttributes Custom HTML attributes for the input

containerAttributes Custom HTML attributes for the container

Action Properties

Name Type Description 152/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

id int ID of the action

type string Action type

name string Name of the action

description string/null Description of the action

order int Action order

properties array Congured properties for the action


// ...

$forms = $formApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /forms

Query Parameters

Name Description

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30).

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

publishedOnly Only return currently published entities.

minimal Return only array of entities without additional lists in it.


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.


Same as Get Form.



$data = array(
'name' => 'test',
'formType' => 'standalone',
'description' => 'API test',
'fields' => array( 153/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
'label' => 'field name',
'type' => 'text'
'actions' => array(
'name' => 'action name',
'description' => 'action desc',
'type' => 'lead.pointschange',
'properties' => array(
'operator' => 'plus',
'points' => 2

$form = $formApi->create($data);

Create a new form.


POST /forms/new

Post Parameters

Same as Get Form. Form elds and actions can be created/edited via the forms/actions arrays in the form array.


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Form.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'name' => 'test',
'formType' => 'standalone',
'description' => 'API test',
'fields' => array(
'label' => 'field name',
'type' => 'text'
'actions' => array(
'name' => 'action name',
'description' => 'action desc',
'type' => 'lead.pointschange',
'properties' => array(
'operator' => 'plus',
'points' => 2

// Create new a form of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true; 154/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

$form = $formApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new form. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a form if the given ID does not exist and clears all the form information, adds the information from the request. Form elds and
actions will be also deleted if not present in the request. PATCH fails if the form with the given ID does not exist and updates the form eld
values with the values form the request.


To edit a form and return a 404 if the form is not found:

PATCH /forms/ID/edit

To edit a form and create a new one if the form is not found:

PUT /forms/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Same as Get Form. Form elds and actions can be created/edited via the forms/actions arrays in the form array.


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the form was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Form.



$form = $formApi->delete($id);

Delete a form.


DELETE /forms/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Form.


The following examples will show how to delete elds with ID 56 and 59.


$form = $formApi->deleteFields($formId, array(56, 59));

Delete a form elds.

17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
DELETE /forms/ID/fields/delete?fields[]=56&fields[]=59


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Form.


The following examples will show how to delete actions with ID 56 and 59.


$form = $formApi->deleteActions($formId, array(56, 59));

Delete a form actions.


DELETE /forms/ID/actions/delete?actions[]=56&actions[]=59


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Form.



$submissions = $formApi->getSubmissions($formId, $searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /forms/FORM_ID/submissions

Query Parameters

Name Description

formId ID of the form you want to get submissions for

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30).

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

publishedOnly Only return currently published entities.

minimal Return only array of entities without additional lists in it.

RESPONSE 156/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.


Name Type Description

id int ID of the submission

ipAddress array Associative array containing IP address of the client who made the submission

form array Simplied associative array of the form containing id, name, alias and category

lead array Associative array of the lead containing the core values as well as custom elds

dateSubmitted string Date time string holding the UTC date and time when the submission was made

referer string HTTP referer info

results array Associative array of the form elds as the keys and submission values



$submissions = $formApi->getSubmissionsForContact($formId, $contactId, $searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /forms/FORM_ID/submissions/contact/CONTACT_ID

Response and properties same as Get Form Submissions. Parameters too except the ContactId was added.



$form = $formApi->getSubmission($formId, $submissionId);

Get an individual form submission by ID.


GET /forms/FORM_ID/submissions/SUBMISSION_ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Form Properties

Same as Get Form Submissions.

Marketing Messages 157/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Use this endpoint to obtain details, create, update or delete Mautics messages.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$messageApi = $api->newApi("messages", $auth, $apiUrl);



$message = $messageApi->get($id);

Get an individual marketing message by ID.


GET /messages/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Marketing Message Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the message

name string Internal name of the message

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the message should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the message should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time message was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the message

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the message

dateModied datetime/null Date/time message was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the message

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the message

channels array Array of channels congured for the marketing message

17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

// ...

$messages = $messageApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /messages

Query Parameters

Name Description

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30).

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

publishedOnly Only return currently published entities.

minimal Return only array of entities without additional lists in it.


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.


Same as Get Marketing Message.



$data = array(
'name' => 'Marketing Message A',
'description' => 'This is my first message created via API.',
'isPublished' => 1,
'channels' => array(
'email' => array(
'channel' => 'email',
'channelId' => 44,
'isEnabled' => true,
'sms' => array(
'channel' => 'sms',
'channelId' => 1,
'isEnabled' => true,
'notification' => array(
'channel' => 'notification',
'channelId' => 75,
'isEnabled' => false,
); 159/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

$message = $messageApi->create($data);

Create a new message.


POST /messages/new

Post Parameters

Name Type Description

id int ID of the message

name string Internal name of the message

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the message should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the message should be un published

channels array Array of channels


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Marketing Message.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'name' => 'New message title',
'isPublished' => 0

// Create new a message of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$message = $messageApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new message. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a message if the given ID does not exist and clears all the message information, adds the information from the request.
PATCH fails if the message with the given ID does not exist and updates the message eld values with the values form the request.


To edit a message and return a 404 if the message is not found:

PATCH /messages/ID/edit

To edit a message and create a new one if the message is not found:

PUT /messages/ID/edit 160/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Post Parameters

Name Type Description

id int ID of the message

name string Internal name of the message

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the message should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the message should be un published

channels array Array of channels


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the message was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Marketing Message.



$message = $messageApi->delete($id);

Delete a message.


DELETE /messages/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Marketing Message.

Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics contact notes.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = ""; 161/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
$api = new MauticApi();
$noteApi = $api->newApi("notes", $auth, $apiUrl);



$note = $noteApi->get($id);

Get an individual note by ID.


GET /notes/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Note Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the note

lead array data of the contact

text string Note text

type string Note type

datetime datetime Date and time related to the note.



$notes = $noteApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /notes


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Note Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the note

lead array data of the contact

text string Note text 162/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

type string Note type

datetime datetime Date and time related to the note.



$data = array(
'text' => 'Note A',
'type' => 'general',

$note = $noteApi->create($data);

Create a new note.


POST /notes/new

Post Parameters

Name Description

text string

type string

datetime datetime


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Note.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'text' => 'Note B',
'type' => 'general',

// Create new a note of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$note = $noteApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new note. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a note if the given ID does not exist and clears all the note information, adds the information from the request. PATCH fails if
the note with the given ID does not exist and updates the note eld values with the values form the request.

17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
To edit a note and return a 404 if the note is not found:

PATCH /notes/ID/edit

To edit a note and create a new one if the note is not found:

PUT /notes/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Name Description

text string

type string

datetime datetime


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the note was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Note.



$note = $noteApi->delete($id);

Delete a note.


DELETE /notes/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Note.

Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics notications.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings); 164/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$notificationApi = $api->newApi("notifications", $auth, $apiUrl);



$notification = $notificationApi->get($id);

Get an individual notication by ID.


GET /notifications/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Notication Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the notication

name string Title of the notication

heading string Heading of the notication

message string Message of the notication

url string URL to go to when the notication is clicked

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the notication should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the notication should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time notication was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the notication

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the notication

dateModied datetime/null Date/time notication was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the notication

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the notication

language string Language locale of the notication

readCount int Total notication read count

sentCount int Unique notication sent count

category null/object Category 165/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

// ...

$notifications = $notificationApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /notifications

Query Parameters

Name Description

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30).

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

publishedOnly Only return currently published entities.

minimal Return only array of entities without additional lists in it.


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.


Same as Get Notication.



$data = array(
'name' => 'Notification A',
'heading' => 'Hello World!'
'message' => 'This is my first notification created via API.',

$notification = $notificationApi->create($data);

Create a new notication.


POST /notifications/new

Post Parameters

Name Type Description

id int ID of the notication 166/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

name string Title of the notication

heading string Heading of the notication

message string Message of the notication

url string URL to go to when the notication is clicked

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the notication should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the notication should be un published

language string Language locale of the notication


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Notication.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'name' => 'Notification A',
'heading' => 'Hello World!'
'message' => 'This is my first notification created via API.',

// Create new a notification of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$notification = $notificationApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new notication. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a notication if the given ID does not exist and clears all the notication information, adds the information from the request.
PATCH fails if the notication with the given ID does not exist and updates the notication eld values with the values form the request.


To edit a notication and return a 404 if the notication is not found:

PATCH /notifications/ID/edit

To edit a notication and create a new one if the notication is not found:

PUT /notifications/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Name Type Description

id int ID of the notication 167/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

name string Title of the notication

heading string Heading of the notication

message string Message of the notication

url string URL to go to when the notication is clicked

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the notication should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the notication should be un published

language string Language locale of the notication


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the notication was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Notication.



$notification = $notificationApi->delete($id);

Delete a notication.


DELETE /notifications/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Notication.

Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics landing pages.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings); 168/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$pageApi = $api->newApi("pages", $auth, $apiUrl);



$page = $pageApi->get($id);

Get an individual page by ID.


GET /pages/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Page Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the page

title string Title of the page

description string/null Description of the page

alias string Used to generate the URL for the page

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the page should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the page should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time page was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the page

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the page

dateModied datetime/null Date/time page was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the page

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the page

language string Language locale of the page

hits int Total page hit count

uniqueHits int Unique page hit count

revision int Page revision

metaDescription Meta description for the pages 169/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

redirectType int If unpublished, redirect with 301 or 302

redirectUrl string If unpublished, the URL to redirect to if redirectType is set

translationChildren array Array of Page entities for translations of this landing page

translationParent object The parent/main page if this is a translation

variantHits Hit count since variantStartDate

variantChildren array Array of Page entities for variants of this landing page

variantParent object The parent/main page if this is a variant (A/B test)

variantSettings array The properties of the A/B test

variantStartDate datetime/null The date/time the A/B test began


// ...

$pages = $pageApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /pages

Query Parameters

Name Description

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30).

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

publishedOnly Only return currently published entities.

minimal Return only array of entities without additional lists in it.


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.


Same as Get Page.

17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation


$data = array(
'title' => 'Page A',
'description' => 'This is my first page created via API.',
'isPublished' => 1

$page = $pageApi->create($data);

Create a new page.


POST /pages/new

Post Parameters

Name Description

title Page title is the only required eld

alias string

description A description of the page.

isPublished A value of 0 or 1

language string

metaDescription Meta description for the pages

redirectType int

redirectUrl string


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Page.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'title' => 'New page title',
'isPublished' => 0

// Create new a page of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$page = $pageApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new page. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a page if the given ID does not exist and clears all the page information, adds the information from the request. PATCH fails if
the page with the given ID does not exist and updates the page eld values with the values form the request. 171/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

To edit a page and return a 404 if the page is not found:

PATCH /pages/ID/edit

To edit a page and create a new one if the page is not found:

PUT /pages/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Name Description

title Page title is the only required eld

alias Name alias generated automatically if not set

description A description of the page.

isPublished A value of 0 or 1

language string

metaDescription Meta description for the pages

redirectType int

redirectUrl string


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the page was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Page.



$page = $pageApi->delete($id);

Delete a page.


DELETE /pages/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Page. 172/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Point Actions
Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics point actions.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$pointApi = $api->newApi("points", $auth, $apiUrl);



$point = $pointApi->get($id);

Get an individual point action by ID.


GET /points/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Point Action Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the point

name string Name of the point

description string/null Description of the point

category string Category name

type string Point action type

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the point should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the point should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time point was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the point

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the point 173/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

dateModied datetime/null Date/time point was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the point

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the point

delta int The number of points to give the lead when executing this action

properties array Congured properties for this point action


// ...

$points = $pointApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /points

Query Parameters

Name Description

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30).

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

publishedOnly Only return currently published entities.

minimal Return only array of entities without additional lists in it.


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.


Same as Get Point Action.



$data = array(
'name' => 'test',
'delta' => 5,
'type' => 'page.hit',
'description' => 'created as a API test'
); 174/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

$point = $pointApi->create($data);

Create a new point action.


POST /points/new

Post Parameters

Same as Get Point Action. Point Action elds and actions can be created/edited via the point actions/actions arrays in the point action array.


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Point Action.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'name' => 'test',
'delta' => 5,
'type' => 'page.hit',
'description' => 'created as a API test'

// Create new a point action of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$point = $pointApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new point action. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a point action if the given ID does not exist and clears all the point action inpoint actionation, adds the inpoint actionation from
the request. Point Action elds and actions will be also deleted if not present in the request. PATCH fails if the point action with the given ID
does not exist and updates the point action eld values with the values point action the request.


To edit a point action and return a 404 if the point action is not found:

PATCH /points/ID/edit

To edit a point action and create a new one if the point action is not found:

PUT /points/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Same as Get Point Action. Point Action elds and actions can be created/edited via the point actions/actions arrays in the point action array.


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the point action was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .

Properties 175/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Same as Get Point Action.



$point = $pointApi->delete($id);

Delete a point action.


DELETE /points/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Point Action.



$point = $pointApi->getPointActionTypes();

Get array of available Point Action Types


GET /points/actions/types


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Point Triggers
Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics point triggers.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$triggerApi = $api->newApi("pointTriggers", $auth, $apiUrl);


<?php 176/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
$trigger = $triggerApi->get($id);

Get an individual point trigger by ID.


GET /points/triggers/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Point Trigger Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the point

name string Name of the point

description string/null Description of the point

category string Category name

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the point should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the point should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time point was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the point

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the point

dateModied datetime/null Date/time point was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the point

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the point

points int The minimum number of points before the trigger events are executed

color string Color hex to highlight the lead with. This value does NOT include the pound sign (#)

events array Array of TriggerEvent entities for this trigger. See below.

Trigger Event Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the event

type string Event type

name string Name of the event

description string Description of the event 177/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

order int Event order

properties array Congured properties for the event


// ...

$triggers = $triggerApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /points/triggers

Query Parameters

Name Description

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30).

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

publishedOnly Only return currently published entities.

minimal Return only array of entities without additional lists in it.


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.


Same as Get Point Trigger.



$data = array(
'name' => 'test',
'description' => 'created as a API test',
'points' => 5,
'color' => '4e5d9d',
'trigger_existing_leads' => false,
'events' => array(
'name' => 'tag test event',
'description' => 'created as a API test',
'type' => 'lead.changetags',
'order' => 1,
'properties' => array(
'add_tags' => array('tag-a'), 178/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
'remove_tags' => array()
'name' => 'send email test event',
'description' => 'created as a API test',
'type' => 'email.send',
'order' => 2,
'properties' => array(
'email' => 1

$trigger = $triggerApi->create($data);

Create a new point trigger.


POST /points/triggers/new

Post Parameters

Same as Get Point Trigger. Point Trigger events can be created/edited via the point trigger event arrays placed in the point trigger array.


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Point Trigger.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'name' => 'test',
'description' => 'created as a API test',
'points' => 5,
'color' => '4e5d9d',
'trigger_existing_leads' => false,
'events' => array(
'name' => 'tag test event',
'description' => 'created as a API test',
'type' => 'lead.changetags',
'order' => 1,
'properties' => array(
'add_tags' => array('tag-a'),
'remove_tags' => array()
'name' => 'send email test event',
'description' => 'created as a API test',
'type' => 'email.send',
'order' => 2,
'properties' => array(
'email' => 1
); 179/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

// Create new a point trigger of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$trigger = $triggerApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new point trigger. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a point trigger if the given ID does not exist and clears all the point trigger information, adds the information from the request.
Point Trigger events will be also deleted if not present in the request. PATCH fails if the point trigger with the given ID does not exist and
updates the point trigger eld values with the values point trigger the request.


To edit a point trigger and return a 404 if the point trigger is not found:

PATCH /points/triggers/ID/edit

To edit a point trigger and create a new one if the point trigger is not found:

PUT /points/triggers/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Same as Get Point Trigger. Point Trigger events can be created/edited via the point triggers event arrays placed in the point trigger array.


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the point trigger was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Point Trigger.



$trigger = $triggerApi->delete($id);

Delete a point trigger.


DELETE /points/triggers/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Point Trigger.


The following examples will show how to delete events with ID 56 and 59.


$trigger = $triggerApi->deleteFields($triggerId, array(56, 59)); 180/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Delete a point trigger events.


DELETE /points/triggers/ID/events/delete?events[]=56&events[]=59


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Point Trigger.



$point = $pointApi->getEventTypes();

Get array of available Point Trigger Event Types


GET /points/triggers/events/types


Expected Response Code: 200

Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics roles (administrators).

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$roleApi = $api->newApi("roles", $auth, $apiUrl);



$role = $roleApi->get($id);

Get an individual role by ID.


GET /roles/ID

RESPONSE 181/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Role Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the contact

dateAdded datetime Date/time contact was created

createdBy int ID of the role that created the contact

createdByRole string Name of the role that created the contact

dateModied datetime/null Date/time contact was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the role that last modied the contact

modiedByRole string Name of the role that last modied the contact

name string Name of the role

description string Description of the role

isAdmin boolean Whether the role has full access or only some

rawPermissions array List of roles



$roles = $roleApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /roles


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Role Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the contact

dateAdded datetime Date/time contact was created

createdBy int ID of the role that created the contact

createdByRole string Name of the role that created the contact

dateModied datetime/null Date/time contact was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the role that last modied the contact 182/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

modiedByRole string Name of the role that last modied the contact

name string Name of the role

description string Description of the role

isAdmin boolean Whether the role has full access or only some

rawPermissions array List of roles



$data = array(
'name' => 'API test role',
'description' => 'created via AIP',
'rawPermissions' => array (
'email:emails' =>
array (

$role = $roleApi->create($data);

Create a new role.


POST /roles/new

Post Parameters

Name Description

name string

description string

isAdmin boolean

rawPermissions array


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Role.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'name' => 'API test role', 183/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
'description' => 'created via AIP',
'rawPermissions' => array (
'email:emails' =>
array (

// Create new a role of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$role = $roleApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new role. Role that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a role if the given ID does not exist and clears all the role information, adds the information from the request. PATCH fails if the
role with the given ID does not exist and updates the role eld values with the values form the request.


To edit a role and return a 404 if the role is not found:

PATCH /roles/ID/edit

To edit a role and create a new one if the role is not found:

PUT /roles/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Name Description

name string

description string

isAdmin boolean

rawPermissions array


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the role was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Role.



$role = $roleApi->delete($id);

Delete a role.


DELETE /roles/ID/delete 184/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Role.

Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics contact segments or to manipulate contact memberships.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$segmentApi = $api->newApi("segments", $auth, $apiUrl);



$segment = $segmentApi->get($id);

Get an individual segment by ID.


GET /segments/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Segment Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the segment

isPublished boolean Whether the segment is published

dateAdded datetime Date/time segment was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the segment

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the segment

dateModied datetime/null Date/time segment was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the segment 185/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the segment

name string Segment name

alias string Segment alias

description string Segment description

lters array Smart lters for the segment. See lter properties bellow

isGlobal boolean Whether the segment is global. 0 means only the author will see it.

Segment Filter Properties

Name Type Description

glue string How to glue the lters to others. Possible values: and , or

eld string Alias of the contact or company eld to based the lter on

object string Object which have the eld. Possible values: lead (for contacts), company

Type of the eld. Possible values: 'boolean, date (format Y-m-d ), datetime (format Y-m-d H:i:s ), email , coun
type string
try , locale , lookup , number , tel , region , select , multiselect , text , textarea , time , timezone , url

Operator used for matching the values. Possible values: =, != , empty , !empty , like , !like , regexp , !regexp ,
operator string
startsWith , endsWith , contains



$segments = $segmentApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);

Returns a list of contact segments available to the user. This list is not lterable.


GET /segments


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Segment Properties

Name Type Description

total int Count of all segments

id int ID of the segment

isPublished boolean Whether the segment is published

dateAdded datetime Date/time segment was created 186/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

createdBy int ID of the user that created the segment

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the segment

dateModied datetime/null Date/time segment was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the segment

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the segment

name string Segment name

alias string Segment alias

description string Segment description

lters array Smart lters for the segment. See lter properties bellow

isGlobal boolean Whether the segment is global. 0 means only the author will see it.

Segment Filter Properties

Name Type Description

glue string How to glue the lters to others. Possible values: and , or

eld string Alias of the contact or company eld to based the lter on

object string Object which have the eld. Possible values: 'lead (for contacts), company

Type of the eld. Possible values: 'boolean, date (format Y-m-d ), datetime (format Y-m-d H:i:s ), email , coun
type string
try , locale , lookup , number , tel , region , select , multiselect , text , textarea , time , timezone , url

Operator used for matching the values. Possible values: =, != , empty , !empty , like , !like , regexp , !regexp ,
operator string
startsWith , endsWith , contains



$data = array(
'name' => 'Segment A',
'alias' => 'segment-a',
'description' => 'This is my first segment created via API.',
'isPublished' => 1,
'filters' => array(
'glue' => 'and',
'field' => 'email',
'object' => 'lead',
'type' => 'email',
'filter' => '*',
'operator' => 'like',

$segment = $segmentApi->create($data);

Create a new segment. 187/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

POST /segments/new

Post Parameters

Name Description

name Segment name is the only required eld

alias Name alias generated automatically if not set

description A description of the segment.

isPublished A value of 0 or 1

isGlobal boolean

lters array

Segment Filter Properties

Name Type Description

glue string How to glue the lters to others. Possible values: and , or

eld string Alias of the contact or company eld to based the lter on

object string Object which have the eld. Possible values: 'lead (for contacts), company

Type of the eld. Possible values: 'boolean, date (format Y-m-d ), datetime (format Y-m-d H:i:s ), email , coun
type string
try , locale , lookup , number , tel , region , select , multiselect , text , textarea , time , timezone , url

Operator used for matching the values. Possible values: =, != , empty , !empty , like , !like , regexp , !regexp ,
operator string
startsWith , endsWith , contains


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Segment.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'name' => 'New segment name',
'isPublished' => 0

// Create new a segment of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$segment = $segmentApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new segment. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior. 188/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
PUT creates a segment if the given ID does not exist and clears all the segment information, adds the information from the request. PATCH
fails if the segment with the given ID does not exist and updates the segment eld values with the values form the request.


To edit a segment and return a 404 if the segment is not found:

PATCH /segments/ID/edit

To edit a segment and create a new one if the segment is not found:

PUT /segments/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Name Description

name Segment name is the only required eld

alias Name alias generated automatically if not set

description A description of the segment.

isPublished A value of 0 or 1

isGlobal boolean

lters array

Segment Filter Properties

Name Type Description

glue string How to glue the lters to others. Possible values: and , or

eld string Alias of the contact or company eld to based the lter on

object string Object which have the eld. Possible values: 'lead (for contacts), company

Type of the eld. Possible values: 'boolean, date (format Y-m-d ), datetime (format Y-m-d H:i:s ), email , coun
type string
try , locale , lookup , number , tel , region , select , multiselect , text , textarea , time , timezone , url

Operator used for matching the values. Possible values: =, != , empty , !empty , like , !like , regexp , !regexp ,
operator string
startsWith , endsWith , contains


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the segment was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Segment.



$segment = $segmentApi->delete($id);

Delete a segment. 189/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

DELETE /segments/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Segment.



$response = $segmentApi->addContact($segmentId, $contactId);
if (!isset($response['success'])) {
// handle error

Manually add a contact to a specic segment.


POST /segments/SEGMENT_ID/contact/CONTACT_ID/add


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.



$response = $segmentApi->removeContact($segmentId, $contactId);
if (!isset($response['success'])) {
// handle error

Manually remove a contact to a specic segment.


POST /segments/SEGMENT_ID/contact/CONTACT_ID/remove


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Text messages
Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics Text Messages (SMSes). 190/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$smsApi = $api->newApi("smses", $auth, $apiUrl);



$sms = $smsApi->get($id);

Get an individual sms by ID.


GET /smses/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Text message Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the sms

name string Title of the sms

message string Message of the sms

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the sms should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the sms should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time sms was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the sms

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the sms

dateModied datetime/null Date/time sms was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the sms

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the sms

language string Language locale of the sms

sentCount int How many times the SMS was sent 191/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

// ...

$smses = $smsApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /smses

Query Parameters

Name Description

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30).

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

publishedOnly Only return currently published entities.

minimal Return only array of entities without additional lists in it.


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.


Same as Get Text message.



$data = array(
'name' => 'Text message A',
'message' => 'This is my first sms created via API.',
'isPublished' => 1

$sms = $smsApi->create($data);

Create a new sms.


POST /smses/new

Post Parameters

Name Type Description

id int ID of the sms 192/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

name string Title of the sms

message string Message of the sms

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the sms should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the sms should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time sms was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the sms

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the sms

dateModied datetime/null Date/time sms was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the sms

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the sms

language string Language locale of the sms

sentCount int How many times the SMS was sent


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Text message.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'name' => 'New sms name',
'isPublished' => 0

// Create new a sms of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$sms = $smsApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new sms. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a sms if the given ID does not exist and clears all the sms information, adds the information from the request. PATCH fails if
the sms with the given ID does not exist and updates the sms eld values with the values form the request.


To edit a sms and return a 404 if the sms is not found:

PATCH /smses/ID/edit

To edit a sms and create a new one if the sms is not found: 193/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
PUT /smses/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Name Type Description

id int ID of the sms

name string Title of the sms

message string Message of the sms

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the sms should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the sms should be un published

language string Language locale of the sms


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the sms was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Text message.



$sms = $smsApi->delete($id);

Delete a sms.


DELETE /smses/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Text message.

Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics contact stages.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ... 194/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$stageApi = $api->newApi("stages", $auth, $apiUrl);



$stage = $stageApi->get($id);

Get an individual stage by ID.


GET /stages/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Stage Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the stage

isPublished boolean Whether the stage is published

dateAdded datetime Date/time stage was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the stage

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the stage

dateModied datetime/null Date/time stage was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the stage

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the stage

name string Stage name

category int Stage category ID

description string Stage description

weight int Stages weight

publishUp datetime Date/time stage should be published

publishDown datetime Date/time stage should be unpublished



$stages = $stageApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal); 195/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation


GET /stages


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Stage Properties

Name Type Description

total int Count of all stages

id int ID of the stage

isPublished boolean Whether the stage is published

dateAdded datetime Date/time stage was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the stage

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the stage

dateModied datetime/null Date/time stage was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the stage

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the stage

name string Stage name

category int Stage category ID

description string Stage description

weight int Stages weight

publishUp datetime Date/time stage should be published

publishDown datetime Date/time stage should be unpublished



$data = array(
'name' => 'Stage A',
'weight' => 5,
'description' => 'This is my first stage created via API.',
'isPublished' => 1

$stage = $stageApi->create($data);

Create a new stage.


POST /stages/new 196/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Post Parameters

Name Description

name Stage name is the only required eld

weight int

description A description of the stage.

isPublished A value of 0 or 1


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Stage.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'name' => 'New stage name',
'isPublished' => 0

// Create new a stage of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$stage = $stageApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new stage. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a stage if the given ID does not exist and clears all the stage information, adds the information from the request. PATCH fails if
the stage with the given ID does not exist and updates the stage eld values with the values form the request.


To edit a stage and return a 404 if the stage is not found:

PATCH /stages/ID/edit

To edit a stage and create a new one if the stage is not found:

PUT /stages/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Name Description

name Stage name is the only required eld

alias Name alias generated automatically if not set

description A description of the stage.

isPublished A value of 0 or 1

weight int 197/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the stage was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Stage.



$stage = $stageApi->delete($id);

Delete a stage.


DELETE /stages/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Stage.



$response = $stageApi->addContact($contactId, $stageId);
if (!isset($response['success'])) {
// handle error

Manually add a contact to a specic stage.


POST /stages/STAGE_ID/contact/CONTACT_ID/add


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.



$response = $stageApi->removeContact($contactId, $stageId);
if (!isset($response['success'])) {
// handle error

Manually remove a contact from a specic stage.

17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
POST /stages/STAGE_ID/contact/CONTACT_ID/remove


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

This endpoint is useful for downloading a full statistical table.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$statsApi = $api->newApi("stats", $auth, $apiUrl);



$tables = $statsApi->get();


GET /stats


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Stats Properties

Name Type Description

availableTables array List of available tables which can be used in this endpoint

stats array An empty array of stats, because no table was dened


// Example setup variables:
$table = 'asset_downloads';
$start = 0;
$limit = 50;
$order = array(
'col' => 'id',
'dir' => 'asc' 199/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
$where = array(
'col' => 'id',
'expr' => 'gt',
'val' => 3,

$stats = $statsApi->get($table, $start, $limit, $order, $where);


GET /stats/TABLE

Request Properties

Name Type Description

start int Which row to start on

limit int How many rows to return

order array An array of arrays which contain ordering (example above)

An array of arrays which contain where conditions (example above). As the expr param can be used most of the
where array
methods from DBAL Doctrine where methods.

If using cURL, a query parameter may look something like

where%5B0%5D%5Bcol%5D=id&where%5B0%5D%5Bexpr%5D=eq&where%5B0%5D%5Bval%5D=3 which is the equivalent to the following:

'col' => 'id',
'expr' => 'eq',
'val' => 3,


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Stats Properties

Different for every table. It simply returns rows or requested table.

This endpoint is useful for working with Mautic themes.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth; 200/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$themesApi = $api->newApi("themes", $auth, $apiUrl);


Returns directly the zip le in the response with the application/zip header on success or a JSON response body with error messages on
fail. The PHP API library will save the zip le to the system temporary directory and provides you with the path.

$response = $themesApi->get($themeName);




Expected Response Code: 200


Changes the default temporary directory where the zip le is created. The directory is created if it does not exist.

$response = $themesApi->get($themeName);


Lists all installed themes with the detailes stored in their cong.json les.

$response = $themesApi->getList();


GET /themes


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Response Properties

Name Type Description

themes array List of installed themes and their congs


Creates a new theme or updates an existing one (based on the le name) from provided zip le.

$data = array(
'file' => dirname(__DIR__).'/'.'' // Must be a path to an existing file
); 201/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

$response = $themeApi->create($data);

The le is sent via regular POST les array like a browser sends it during le upload.


POST /themes/new


Expected Response Code: 200 json { "success": true }


$response = $themeApi->delete($themeName);

Delete a theme. The stock themes cannot be deleted


DELETE /themes/THEME_NAME/delete


Expected Response Code: 200 json { "success": true }

Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics tweets. Implemented in Mautic 2.8.0.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$tweetApi = $api->newApi("tweets", $auth, $apiUrl);



$tweet = $tweetApi->get($id);

Get an individual tweet by ID.


GET /tweets/ID


Expected Response Code: 200 202/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
See JSON code example.

Tweet Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the tweet

name string Title of the tweet

text string Message of the tweet

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the tweet should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the tweet should be un published

dateAdded datetime Date/time tweet was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the tweet

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the tweet

dateModied datetime/null Date/time tweet was last modied

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the tweet

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the tweet

language string Language locale of the tweet

category null/object Category


// ...

$tweets = $tweetApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /tweets

Query Parameters

Name Description

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30).

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

publishedOnly Only return currently published entities. 203/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Description

minimal Return only array of entities without additional lists in it.


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.


Same as Get Tweet.



$data = array(
'name' => 'Tweet A',
'heading' => 'Hello World!'
'message' => 'This is my first tweet created via API.',

$tweet = $tweetApi->create($data);

Create a new tweet.


POST /tweets/new

Post Parameters

Name Type Description

id int ID of the tweet

name string Title of the tweet

text string Message of the tweet

url string URL to go to when the tweet is clicked

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the tweet should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the tweet should be un published

language string Language locale of the tweet


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Tweet.

EDIT TWEET 204/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation


$id = 1;
$data = array(
'name' => 'Tweet A',
'text' => 'This is my first tweet created via API.',

// Create new a tweet of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$tweet = $tweetApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new tweet. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a tweet if the given ID does not exist and clears all the tweet information, adds the information from the request. PATCH fails if
the tweet with the given ID does not exist and updates the tweet eld values with the values form the request.


To edit a tweet and return a 404 if the tweet is not found:

PATCH /tweets/ID/edit

To edit a tweet and create a new one if the tweet is not found:

PUT /tweets/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Name Type Description

id int ID of the tweet

name string Title of the tweet

text string Message of the tweet

url string URL to go to when the tweet is clicked

isPublished bool Published state

publishUp datetime/null Date/time when the tweet should be published

publishDown datetime/null Date/time the tweet should be un published

language string Language locale of the tweet


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the tweet was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Tweet.



$tweet = $tweetApi->delete($id); 205/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Delete a tweet.


DELETE /tweets/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get Tweet.

Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics users (administrators).

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$userApi = $api->newApi("users", $auth, $apiUrl);



$user = $userApi->get($id);

Get an individual user by ID.


GET /users/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

User Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the contact

dateAdded datetime Date/time contact was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the contact 206/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the contact

dateModied datetime/null Date/time contact was last modied

lastActive datetime/null Date/time when the user last active

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the contact

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the contact

username string Username which can be used for log in to Mautic.

rstName string First Name of the user

lastName string Last Name of the user

email string Email of the user

position string Users position title

role array List of roles of the user

timezone string Timezone of the user

onlineStatus string Online status of the user

signature string Signature of the user which can be used in the emails



$users = $userApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /users


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

User Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the contact

dateAdded datetime Date/time contact was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the contact

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the contact

dateModied datetime/null Date/time contact was last modied 207/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

lastActive datetime/null Date/time when the user last active

modiedBy int ID of the user that last modied the contact

modiedByUser string Name of the user that last modied the contact

username string Username which can be used for log in to Mautic.

rstName string First Name of the user

lastName string Last Name of the user

email string Email of the user

position string Users position title

role array List of roles of the user

timezone string Timezone of the user

onlineStatus string Online status of the user

signature string Signature of the user which can be used in the emails



$data = array(
'username' => 'apitest',
'firstName' => 'John',
'lastName' => 'Doe',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'plainPassword' => array(
'password' => 'topSecret007',
'confirm' => 'topSecret007',
'role' => 1,

$user = $userApi->create($data);

Create a new user.


POST /users/new

Post Parameters

Name Description

username string

rstName string

lastName string

email string 208/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Description

position string

role array

timezone string

onlineStatus string

signature string

plainPassword array


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get User.



$id = 1;
$data = array(
'lastName' => 'Doeboe',

// Create new a user of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$user = $userApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new user. User that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a user if the given ID does not exist and clears all the user information, adds the information from the request. PATCH fails if
the user with the given ID does not exist and updates the user eld values with the values form the request.


To edit a user and return a 404 if the user is not found:

PATCH /users/ID/edit

To edit a user and create a new one if the user is not found:

PUT /users/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Name Description

username string

rstName string

lastName string

email string 209/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Description

position string

role array

timezone string

signature string


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the user was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get User.



$user = $userApi->delete($id);

Delete a user.


DELETE /users/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get User.



$user = $userApi->getSelf();

Get a self user.


GET /users/self


Expected Response Code: 200


Same as Get User.


$permission = array('user:users:create', 'user:users:edit'); 210/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
$user = $userApi->checkPermission($id, $permission);

Get a self user.


GET /users/ID/permissioncheck


Expected Response Code: 200 json { "user:users:create":true, "user:users:edit":true }


array of requested permissions of string in case of just one

Use this endpoint to obtain details on Mautics webhooks. Implemented in Mautic 2.8.0.

use Mautic\MauticApi;
use Mautic\Auth\ApiAuth;

// ...
$initAuth = new ApiAuth();
$auth = $initAuth->newAuth($settings);
$apiUrl = "";
$api = new MauticApi();
$webhookApi = $api->newApi("webhooks", $auth, $apiUrl);



$webhook = $webhookApi->get($id);

Get an individual webhook by ID.


GET /hooks/ID


Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.

Webhook Properties

Name Type Description

id int ID of the webhook

name string Title of the webhook

description string Description of the webhook 211/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Name Type Description

webhookUrl string Url to send the webhook payload to

Order direction for queued events in one webhook. Can be DESC

or ASC

isPublished bool Published state

Date/time when the webhook should be

publishUp datetime/null

Date/time the webhook should be un

publishDown datetime/null

dateAdded datetime Date/time webhook was created

createdBy int ID of the user that created the webhook

createdByUser string Name of the user that created the webhook

dateModied datetime/null Date/time webhook was last modied

ID of the user that last modied the

modiedBy int

Name of the user that last modied the

modiedByUser string

category null/object Category

triggers array List of triggers available in Mautic


// ...

$webhooks = $webhookApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal);


GET /webhooks

Query Parameters

Name Description

search String or search command to lter entities by.

start Starting row for the entities returned. Defaults to 0.

limit Limit number of entities to return. Defaults to the system conguration for pagination (30).

orderBy Column to sort by. Can use any column listed in the response.

orderByDir Sort direction: asc or desc.

publishedOnly Only return currently published entities.

minimal Return only array of entities without additional lists in it. 212/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation

Expected Response Code: 200

See JSON code example.


Same as Get Webhook.



$data = array(
'name' => 'test',
'description' => 'Created via API',
'webhookUrl' => 'http://some.url',
'eventsOrderbyDir' => "ASC",
'triggers' => array(

$webhook = $webhookApi->create($data);

Create a new webhook.


POST /hooks/new

Post Parameters

Name Type Description

id int ID of the webhook

name string Title of the webhook

description string Description of the webhook

URL to send the webhook payload

webhookUrl string

Order direction for queued events in one webhook. Can be DESC or


isPublished bool Published state


Expected Response Code: 201


Same as Get Webhook.



$id = 1;
$data = array( 213/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
'name' => 'Rename webhook 1 to this',

// Create new a webhook of ID 1 is not found?

$createIfNotFound = true;

$webhook = $webhookApi->edit($id, $data, $createIfNotFound);

Edit a new webhook. Note that this supports PUT or PATCH depending on the desired behavior.

PUT creates a webhook if the given ID does not exist and clears all the webhook information, adds the information from the request.
PATCH fails if the webhook with the given ID does not exist and updates the webhook eld values with the values form the request.


To edit a webhook and return a 404 if the webhook is not found:

PATCH /hooks/ID/edit

To edit a webhook and create a new one if the webhook is not found:

PUT /hooks/ID/edit

Post Parameters

Name Type Description

id int ID of the webhook

name string Title of the webhook

description string Description of the webhook

webhookUrl string Url to send the webhook payload to

eventsOrderbyDir Order direction for queued events in one webhook. Can be DESC or ASC

isPublished bool Published state


If PUT , the expected response code is 200 if the webhook was edited or 201 if created.

If PATCH , the expected response code is 200 .


Same as Get Webhook.



$webhook = $webhookApi->delete($id);

Delete a webhook.


DELETE /hooks/ID/delete


Expected Response Code: 200 214/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
Same as Get Webhook.



$webhook = $webhookApi->getTriggers();

List webhook triggers


GET /hooks/triggers


Expected Response Code: 200

Webhook is a universal way how to send data about leads, pages, forms and events. The data is sent in real-time when an action occurs so
the system which listens form Mautic webhook data can process them without the need for a periodic scanning if Mautic has some new

Available webhook actions

Mautic can send webhook payload on these actions:

Email open
Form submit
Lead delete
Lead point change
Lead update
Lead create
Page hit

The webhook workow

The example workow below describes a real-life workow to get an idea how the webhooks can be used. Lets imagine we have a project
management system (PMS) and we want to create a new issue when a lead submits a form.

1. A lead submits a Mautic form.

2. Mautic saves the form.
3. Mautic checks if there is a webhook with the Form submit event. If there is, Mautic sends the data to the URL address dened in the
4. PMS receives the data about the form submission and creates a new issue from it.

Create a webhook 215/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
It is possible to create multiple different webhooks. That will allow you to send different information to different apps/scripts.

1. Open the right hand side menu (click the cog icon in the top right corner) and select Webhooks.
2. Create a new webhook.
3. Fill in a Name, Webhook POST Url (see the next paragraph if you dont have one) and select which Webhook Events should trigger
this webhook.

Test a webhook
The easiest way how to test a webhook payload is to use a service like RequestBin. RequestBin lets you create a URL which you can set
as the Webhook POST Url in Mautic. Then click the Apply button to save it and then click the Send Test Payload button. That will send a test
payload data to RequestBin and you will be able to see it at your RequestBin.

When you have created your testing webhook, you can test the real data it sends when a dened action is triggered.

Immediate or queued webhooks

There is an option to queue webhooks for background execution. The reason behind it is that every time an action like contact update
happens which has the webhook listener attached to it, the action has to wait for the webhook response untill the webhook response returns
or when it times out after 10 senconds. So it is up to the webhook reciever how fast the contact update is.

This lag can be more visible when you do a CSV import. It may be slow when it is waiting a second or two for webhook response for every
imported contact.

If you want to avoid this lag, congure the webhook queue in the conguration and add this command to your cron tab: app/console mau
tic:webhooks:process . This way every time the webhook is triggered, the action is queued as a new row into database, so it is much faster
and then the command will make the requests which may take some time. The caveat to this optimisation is that the webhooks are not red
every time the action happens, but every time the command runs.

Queued event order

Mautic will send several events in one webhook if they happen before the queue trigger command runs. Mautics default order of those
events is chronological. But Zapier integration which use webhooks havily requires reverse chronological order. Thereofore the new option
to congure the order was added to webhooks as well as to the global conguration. Webhook conguration overwrites the global
conguration, but if not set, the global conguration order value is applied.

Example webhook script

If you need an idea about how to receive Mautic webhook data in your app, this script can be used as a starting point. The script will log the
request and return a PHP object of the payload. Place this script on a publicly accessible URL (i.e.
`, then ll in the Mautic Webhook POST Url to this script.

// webhookTest.php 216/222
17/12/2017 Mautic Developer Documentation
* A helper class to log and get the Mautic webhook request
class webhookTest {
* Log a message to a file
* @param mixed $message
* @param string $type [info|error|request]
public function log($message, $type = 'info')
$prefix = 'webhookLog_';
$file = $type . '.log';
$date = new DateTime();
error_log($date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' ' . $message . "\n\n", 3, $prefix . $file);
* Get the request JSON object and log the request
* @return object
public function getRequest()
$rawData = file_get_contents("php://input");
$this->log($rawData, 'request');
return json_decode($rawData);
$webhook = new webhookTest;
$requestData = $webhook->getRequest();
// @todo Process the $requestData as needed

If youd like to extend the webhook functionality with your plugin, read more in the plugin docs.

MauticJS API
Mautic provides a means for plugins to inject custom JavaScript into mtc.js, the PHP generated script that manages Mautics tracking pixel,
dynamic web content, etc. mtc.js is embedded in 3rd party websites to manage communication between those and Mautic.


// plugins/HelloWorldPlugin/Event/BuildJsSubscriber.php

namespace MauticPlugin\HelloWorldBundle\EventListener;

use Mautic\CoreBundle\CoreEvents;
use Mautic\CoreBundle\Event\BuildJsEvent;

* Class BuildJsSubscriber
class BuildJsSubscriber extends CommonSubscriber
* @return array 217/222
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public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
CoreEvents::BUILD_MAUTIC_JS => array('onBuildJs', 0)

* @param BuildJsEvent $event
* @return void
public function onBuildJs(BuildJsEvent $event)
$js = <<<JS
MauticJS.documentReady(function() {
// Determine what planet this is coming from
$event->appendJs($js, 'HelloWorld');

To inject custom Javascript into mtc.js, use an event listener for the CoreEvents::BUILD_MAUTIC_JS event. This event receives a Mautic\Co
reBundle\Event\BuildJsEvent object where $event->appendJs($js, $sectionName); can be used to inject the scripts code.

Only native Javascript or MauticJs API functions should be used since jQuery and other libraries are not guaranteed to be
available in 3rd party websites.

JS Form Processing Hooks

if (typeof MauticFormCallback == 'undefined') {

var MauticFormCallback = {};
MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
onValidateEnd: function (formValid) {
// before form submit
onResponse: function (response) {
// after form submit

If you wish execute additional code to execute as form is being processed create a MauticFormCallback object. In the example code
replace replaceWithFormName with the name of your form.

onValidateEnd and onResponse are actions called by Form.customCallbackHandler .


MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
onValidate: function () {
// before form validation
var formIsGood = True;
var dontUpdate = False;
if(dontUpdate){ 218/222
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return null;
}else if(formIsGood){
return True;
}else if(!formIsGood){
return False;

Called before default form validation and can be used to override default form validation.

Return True to skip the default form validation continue with form processing. Return False to skip the default form validation and prevent
the form submission. Return null to execute default form validation.


MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
onValidateStart: function () {
// before default validation

Called at the beginning of the default form validation. Receives no values and return value is not required and not processed.

onValidateStart may not be executed if the default form validation is handled during the `onValidate` callback


MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
onValidateEnd: function (formValid) {
// before form submit

Called after all form validation is complete (default and/or onValidate callback) and before the form is submitted. Receives formValid to
determine if form is valid. Return value is not required and not processed.


var callbackData = {
containerId: containerId,
valid: valid,
validationMessage: callbackValidationMessage

MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
onErrorMark: function (callbackData) {
// called during error marking

Called during error marking. Receives a callbackData object. Return True to skip the default error marking.


MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
onErrorClear: function (containerId) {
// called to clear an existing error
}; 219/222
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Called to clear an existing error. Receives containerId with the id of the element containing the error. Return True to skip the default error


MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
onResponse: function (response) {
// called to process the response to the form submission

Called prior to default form submission response processing. Receives response containing the form submission response. Return True to
skip the default form submission response processing.


MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
onResponseStart: function (response) {
// called to process the response to the form submission

Called at the beginning default form submission response processing. Receives response containing the form submission response.
Return value is not required and not processed.

onResponseStart may not be executed if the default response processing is handled during the `onResponse` callback


MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
onResponseEnd: function (response) {
// called to process the response to the form submission

Called at the end default form submission response processing. Receives response containing the form submission response. Return
value is not required and not processed.

onResponseEnd may not be executed if the default response processing is handled during the `onResponse` callback


var messageObject = {
message: message,
type: type

MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
onErrorMark: function (messageObject) {
// called prior to default message insertion

Called prior to default message insertion. Receives a messageObject containing the message and message type. Return True to skip the
default message insertion. 220/222
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MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
onErrorMark: function (messageObject) {
// called prior to default message insertion

Called prior to default disabling of the submit button. Receives no values. Return True to skip the default disabling of the submit button.


MauticFormCallback['replaceWithFormName'] = {
onErrorMark: function (messageObject) {
// called prior to default message insertion

Called prior to default enabling of the submit button. Receives no values. Return True to skip the default enabling of the submit button.

MauticJS API Functions


This method will transform an object properties into a key=value string, concatenating them with an ampersand. It is used when submitting
data via MauticJS.makeCORSRequest.

var obj = {firstname: "John", lastname: "Doe"};

var serialized = MauticJS.serialize(obj);

alert(serialized); // Shows "firstname=John&lastname=Doe"


This method will check if the document has nished rendering, then execute the given function. The function argument can be the name of
a function or an anonymous function.

function test() {



This method will iterate over the provided collection (array, object, HTMLCollection, etc) using the provided function argument. The function
argument can be the name of a function or an anonymous function. The function will receive the collection node and the iteration number as

var videos = document.getElementsByTagName('video');

// Add a custom data attribute to all videos

MauticJS.iterateCollection(videos)(function(node, i) {
node.dataset.customAttribute = 'test';
}); 221/222
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This method is a lightweight wrapper around console.log . It exists because some browsers do not provide this functionality. It takes any
number of arguments, logs them, then passes those same arguments to the console.log method if it exists.

MauticJS.log('Something happened');


This method creates an XMLHttpRequest , then checks to see if it supports the withCredentials property. If not, we are probably on
windows, so it then checks for the existence of XDomainRequest , then creates it if found. Finally, it opens then returns the xhr. It can be used
to send cross domain requests that include the cookies for the domain. It is used internally within the MauticJS.makeCORSRequest method.

MauticJS.createCORSRequest('GET', '');


This method uses MauticJS.createCORSRequest to open a cross domain request to the specied URL, then sets the callbackSuccess and
callbackError values appropriately. You may omit either of the callbacks. If you do, the callbacks are replaced with a basic function that uses
MauticJS.log(response) to log the response from the request. The callback methods receive the server response and the xhr object as
arguments. If the response is determined to be a JSON string, it is automatically parsed to a JSON object. The data argument will be
serialized using MauticJS.serialize(data) , then sent with the request to the server. All requests made this way have the X-Requested-
With header set to XMLHttpRequest .

MauticJS.makeCORSRequest('GET', '', [], function (response, xhr) {

if (response.success) {
document.getElementById('slot1').innerHTML = response.content;


This method will take a text string and check to see if it is a valid JSON string. If so, it parses it into a JSON object and returns. If not, then it
will simply return the argument passed to it.

var text = '{"firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe"}';

var json = MauticJS.parseTextToJSON(text);

alert(json); // Will show [object Object]

var text = 'not valid json';

var json = MauticJS.parseTextToJSON(text);

alert(json); // Will show 'not valid json'


This method will insert a script tag with the provided URL in the head of your document, before other scripts.

MauticJS.insertScript(''); 222/222

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