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Sc:t:tio.n 3 1

31 ThcrJC1i:cofX is {o.l.2.....1000f

3-3 ThcrJC1i:cofX is {0.1.2.. .99999}

3-S. Tho rooac ol' X i> {I. 2.....491}. llccolu>C 4!)0 JlWU ""'canlbnning. o. ncnoonlonnin!!- pori m1.t<t be ""locto;l m
~~ SCl:tl<liL~.

J .7 The r~c of X iHlOo\'<:rtiently nlOdclod os nll r~armesori'-.: itl(e~m. Thnr is.. tbe mn~te ofX is {0.1.2....}

3-9. Thtl\ll1liCOfX i~ (0.1.'2, ...,15}

311. Thc~c oi'X i> {0.1. 2..... 10000)

3-13. Thcl\lllScofX is {0.1.2.. ...-10000}

Section 32

3 15. All probabilitid 011\!' grc:ttr r than or equal to ttm tsntl sum to on.:.
al l'(X S2)- I/8 +218 -2J8 t- 218 + 1/8 1
b) =
P(X >- 2) 218 + 2/S 2.1'8- 118 111! =
c) P(-ISXS'I)-218 2/R nn;6R 3f4
d) I'(X S - l or X - 2)- II'S- :!ll~ + 118 418 lf2

\-17. Pm~nbilities on: ncnl1cl!"'h'C nnd "'"" to IJC1C,

~~ r(X - 4)- 9/2$
b) I'(X S I) - 1/2S + 3!2S 4f.!S
c) 1'(2 s X< 4) = Y2~ + 112S = 1212.5
d) l'(X " IO) I

319. X- numbcrofsu('{'c>siulsu~eries.
P(X = 0) = 0.1(0.3:1) = 0 033
I'(X - I)-0.9(0J3) + 0.1(0.67)-0.364
I'(X - 1}- 0.9(0.671 0.603

...:u. X - number ar w~too tlut p:~<;(

P(X 0) (0.2)1 O.OOS
P(X - I ) 3(0.2)1(0.8) -IJ.()%
= =
P(X 2) = 3(0.2)(0.81' 0.384
P<X - Jl (0.$)' o..m

.32l. P(X - SO nrillicn) - 0.5. I'~X - 2S mlllioo) - 0.3. 1' (X - 10 million) - 0.2

.12~. I'(X IS null ion) - 0.6. 1'(X- S millkln) -OJ. I'(X- -o..s million)- 0. 1

~-27. X numb<r af C(>lllf)Otla\1< that ITlC'Ct spccif>:.>ti.'!n$

I'(X OJ (O.OS)(O.O'.!)(O.OI) 0.00001
PI;X II tO 95)(0.02)(001) (0 05)1098)(0.01) (0.05)(0 02)(0.991 =0 00167
PI;X 21 (09SI(0.98)(0.01) + (0 95)1002)(0.99) (0.05)10.9'8)10.991 =- 0.07663
1'\X 1) (095)(0.9R)I0.99J o.?l1<>9

329. X wailing 1imc: (hoW\)

PI;X I) 19 500 0038
PIX ~~ Sl ~ 0 .102
PIX ) ) StdOO 0 11'2
I'\ X 4) 102 soo 0.2A}.I
PIX S) s;,~ 0. 174
I'( X 6) 6MOO 0.124
I'( X 71 -10~ 008
I'(X 31 Ul<(K) ()016
I\X 9) 14500 0.028
I'(X 10) 111500 0.022
P(X IS) 10\SOO 0.020

0.038. .t I
(). 11)2, T 2
017'2. ,Y 3
0 174.
' 4s

f(.r) 0.114. Y - (1
008(1. T 7
0.036. t g
0028. 9
0.(122. t 10
0020. y 15

1.)1. X Non-f-liiC'd ~~odl dtpch

1'\X 2SSJ tiS IS I\<H)on26 O.HO
I'(X 2181 267126 0.003
P\X J 111 329()7726 0 426
I\X 2I II l49n72(; 0 ~5
I'(X llo7J (280 887)7 716 O.IS I
1\X - 2171 36:7126 O.OOS

0005. y ll7
0.00\ t liM
0045. y 231
0.370. T 255
0.1S I, y 261
0 426. .. 317

u. :c <-2 f.,( 2) - 1/ R
1/ 8 - 2 $.t <-1
fx(- 1) = 218
3/S - 1<.< < 0
F (.<) - wb."'tc fx<0> = 218
518 osx< l
fx(l)- 2/ S
718 l !>.t<2
l 1 (2) = 1/ 8
I 25.
~~ P(X s 1.25)- 7/8
b) P(X :52 2) = I
~) P(-1. 1 < X s 1) - 718- I IN -J.I~

d) P(X >0)- 1 - I'(X S0) - 1 -SISJJ~

0. x< O
0.008. OS:r< l
F(.<) 0.101. 1< .< < 2
().~R, 2s;x< 3
I. 3 ->.<

/CO) = 0.1J = O.OIJS.

/(1)- J(0.2:(0.2X0.8) - O.Cl% ,
/12> = 3(0.2XO.SX0.8) = 0.384,
f<Jl = = o.s12.

0, <I() ,T

F(.T) = 0.2.
10 $.V<2$
o.s. 25 <.r< SO
I. 50 s; x
when: P(X SO milli:m} - 0..5, PIX 25 n>illion) 0.}. P{X - 10 million) 0.2

139. Tile sum oflhc p<~>b:Jbilhld I> I :u>il all probotnlilk s ore 1"'4lct rlnn 01 <>qUll ur :..:nr: prnl:jl l) - O.S.j(3) - O.S
a} P(X S 3) = I
b) P(X S 2) O.S
~) P(l S X <:2) P(X I) 0.5
d) I'(X > 2) - 1 - I~ X S2) - 0.S

34 1, Tile sum of rbc proll<1bi l ir ie$ i~ I nnd IllI rroNt>~ilk11 nn: ~rcr r~n or oqwl l(l?cro:
prn(: 11-10) - 0.25. 1130) - 0.5. QSO) - 0.25
ol P(X ~ $0) = I
b) P(X :i 40) 0.75
c) P(IO S X S W)- rrx - 50) 0.25
d) P(X < 0) - 0.2~
c) P(O s X < 10) - 0
f) P(- 10 -.: X -.: I()) P O
f), ... < 26a
0.2~. 266 $ .< < 2?1
F (.Y ) :
O.S4. 2il $ . < 274
I. 274 $.<
when: P(X - 266 K) - 1).24, P(X - 271 K) - 1).30. P(X - 174 Kl - I)A6

0, A< I.S
005 J, , ...
. . I .) .oo.< ,'
F(x) = 0.30. 3 $ ' < 4.S
0.65. 4.5 $- < S
0.85, S $ :t< 7
7 <:t
= == =
wh<'l1: P(X = I .5) O.OS, P(X J) 0.25. P{X = 4.5)=0..>5. P(X=S) =0.20. P(X 7) = O.IS

Sa:tion ;w

3-47. Mcnn nnd vnt'Pncc

1' - F.(,\')- Oj'(O) 1/(1) 2/(2) + 3/(3) -! f(-1 )
= 0(0.2) + 1(0.2) - 2(0.1) .,. 3(0.2) + 4(().2) = 2
1'(.1'1 = 01f(0) - 1 ~ /(11 + 21/!2) + 31/t3l + 4 2/<4>- s:
- 0(().2) 1(0.2) I 4(0.2) 9(0.2) t I (i(D.2) 21 - 2

3-49. Dcrcnnio:: E()() nnd V(X) (Qr r.Jndom vro~lt inc:<crcisc 31 S

Jl = (,\') = - 2 {(- 2) - 1/(- 1) + 0/(0) - 1/(1)- 2/(2)
- 2(118) 1(2/ K) 0(21 8) t-1(2/ R)+ 2(1/l\) -0
I '( X) -2:/(-2) - 1~ j'(- 1) + 0~/(0) + 11/( I H 21Jm - 1'~
= 4(1 / 8) + 1(2/8) + 0(2 / 8)+ 1(218} + 4(118) - 01 = I.S

.1.5 I. M~Jll Md umncc liltc.(ereisc 3-1?

1' = I:( X ) = 0/(0) - 1/ll) - 2j'(2) - 3/13) - 4J'(4)
=0(0.1);) - 1(0.12) - 2(0.2) - 3(0.28J - -!(036) = 2.8
1'(,\')- (1 1 /(0) I' {(I) 2 1 ((2) + J 1 /(3} + 4 1 /(4) Jll

- 0(0.04) ... 1(0.12) .,. 1(0.2) 9(0.28) - 16(0.36) 2.8' - 1.36

353. Mc:m nnd vurimcc ~ r.on~m vuri:>blc in cxcrci.<c: 3-IIJ

,, = E(X) - 0,{(0) - 1((1)- 2/(2)
- 0(0.033) + 1(0.36-1) + 2(0.603)
- 1.57
I'( X) -Ol/(0) I ' /(I) 2 1 {(2) 1o1
- 0(0.033} "' I(OJ6<1) t4(0.603) - 1.57'
= 0.3 111
355. Oetcmoinc ' wlwn: roU1< i>(O. 1.2. 3. x);:md m..-.on IS 6.
11 = <X) = 6 = 0/lOi - 1/(1)- 2/(2)-'- 3/(3l+ 4(x)
6 - ()(0.2) + 11(1.2) - 2(0.2) - 3(0.2) .,. .r(0.2)
6= 1.2 +0.2.<
4.K - 0.2.<
X= 24

3Si. X - numbcrarcDmj)utcrs tloat vulc lor, kn roll wl:.:n o risht rull i>"''I"""P<i:r!c.
I' E(X) otlO) + I Qt) + 2!l2) + 3 Q:l)HO ~l
=o 0.0003999 * zs9991o~ 33.99961 ou + -tao= o.oo().:
VI X) = :[ f(x1).x1 1)' - 0 000399!16
i I

359. (a)

Tr3u5o:rhon Fn:qucn<)' Sde-:1>: X (\X)

Ncwardcr 43 ,.
_, 0.43
Plyment 4. 4,l 1).44
Ordc1 status 4 II.~ 0.04
E(XJ =
llei i\'<IY s 130 o.os
Stock IC\-cl 4 0 0.01
TO(., I 100
0,.;3 + 4.20.# - IIAO.().I + 1~"0.05 + 0<0.(); = 18 694
VfX) = :[f<c,X.<- ttl 2 - ?JS.%4 u = ,(V(Xl = 27.1287

Trnnsocaioo f'n:quc1~ All O(X'f'JtiC41: X jp()
Nc~> otdcr 43 23 - 11 + 12 = 46 OAJ
l'.l)'ll)CRl 41 4.2 t 3 -t I - 0.6 - 8.8 0.4-1 $1::t1Js 4 IIA I 0.6 - 12 0.01
Oc:livcry s I~ + 12(1 + I() '21Yl 1).05
~'klc\'CI 4 oq = 1 0.04
Toanl 100
11 = E(X) =460.43+ 8.8"0.44 + 12"0.04 + 2000.05 - t O.().I =31 .I 72

Vf X) - L' f(x, X. - tl)~ = 2947.9%

t I

'61 . )J - 11(:\" )- I (0.038) ' 2(11. 102) 3(0.17!) I 4(0.204) I 5(0. 174) < 6(0.124) I 7(0.1A';) I 8(0.036) I 9(0.028)
10(0.022) " I 5(0.020)
= 4-SI)S b:lln
V(X) = L fi9.X
' I

3-63. I' - t;(X)- 2.SS(0.370) + 2 18(0.003) ~ 3 17(0.426) + 23 1(0.045} ~ 267{0.1.SI) + 21i(0..00.S)- 28 1.S3
V( X) - L:l<x,X. - tl~ 976.2~
t I
3~)1). a= 67.;. h = 7bO

a) p = f.(X) = {a ~b)/~= f>!q..;

V(X) =I(b-al) -tlft~=.;6.:t;
b) a= 7.;.b= tOO
~= F.(X) = {a> bltj = 87~
V(X)=I(b-a .a. t) -tVt~=.;6.~
The f"ilngeohalncs is tlt.e ssme,soiltc mean shifts by t~ di ffereooe: in the "~-o minimums{or maximums) wlt.ereas tlbevariancedoes oot cJ!.ange.

3-71. TJ!.ern.ngeof\' isb . .;, 10 . .... 45, E{X) = {O ... 9)/~ = 4-5
E.(\') = O{l/ tO) .;{l/ tO) + ... + 45{1/ 10)
= .;IO(O.lh I(O.lh ... .... 9(0.1)1
= sE!Xl
= .;(4S)
= ~2..; ~
V{X) = 8.2._;., V(\') = 5 { 82.5) = ~062..;.<7>r = 14,36

375 A binomial distribt:tion is based on indepe:rrlent trials '\ith 1'\.,.o ot:toomt'SaDda oonstant probabilityofSll.OC('S.Soneaeh trial
a) reasonable

b) iodependmoeassu.mption not reasonable

e) Tlt.e proba biJityt~.s t thesooond:oompoocnt failsdi:pendson the failure timeoft~.e first oompon.."'nt. The binomial distribution is not
d) not independent trials withoonstant probability
e) probabilityofa oorrtttsnswcr notoonstant

0 reasonable
g) probabilityoffinding a defect not oonstant
1\) lff.l!.e fiiJsare independent with: a oonstant proOObilityofan und-erfill. then the bioomial distrib1:tion for the m:mbcr packages u:nderfi!IOO
is reasonable.
i) Becauscoft.J!.e hursts.eaebtrial (that ooosistsofsending a bit) is not iOOependent.

j) not i ndependent triaJs withoomtant probabilit)

$n . { a) P{X ;) = 0.9298
{b) P(X > 8) = o

{e) f'(X = 4) = o.<m~

{d) P(s :: X s 7) = 1- o .~ = 0.0016

m l P(X= 5) =[ 1~]0.01 5 (0.99/ = 2.40x lo- s

b) P(X ~ 2) = [10 Jo.OI0(0.99)10 +[1 ~ ]o.o 11(0.99)9 +[1; Jo.o 12(0.99)8 = 0.9999
cl P( X > 9) = [I; ]0.0 19 (0.99) 1 + [~ ~]0.0 110(0.99)0 = 9.9 1x Io- 18
dl P(3 ~X< 5) = [ 13 ]o.Oi\0.99) 1
+[1: ]0.0 1 (0.99) = 1.1 38x Io-
4 6

Binomal (10.0.01)
0 .&
~ 0.6
.Q 0.5
Q. 0.4
0.0 D
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 9 10

P{X = O) = 0 .()04. P(X = 1) = 0 .091, F(X = 2) = 0 .004. f'(X = 3) = o . P(X = 4) = o aOOsoforth.

Oistribt:tion i ss.kt!'\~ro,,;th /';.(X)= np = lO(O.Ol) = 0 .1
a) TJ!..emost-!ikely\'alceofXiso.
b) n.c H).
3[~]4 = ~

f(O) =
0 x<O
0.4219 O~x< l
F(x) = 0.8438 l <x<2 where
/(1)= 3l~Jl~r =~:

0.9844 2<x<3
3 :s; x f(2)=3l~H~l= :4
/(3) = [~]3
= -'
385. lcl X ll>."f)(lt<: 111< munb.:1ut"liu>t:S the I~ isoccupi.oJ.
Thro. X h"s " hinomiol dis1ribU1~n whh n- 10 and p = 0.4

~) 1
P(X - J) -( ; 10..11(0.6)1 -D.liS

b) Lei Z &:nocc 1hc: n11mbcr ofl inlC 1hc: line i<t'OT oc:cupioOO. Then Z ha<n binomi.:ol di&1ril1111ion with n = I0
nnd p 0.1). P(7. 2 1)- I P(7. -0) - I ~~~D.f,!\1..1 10 -().999!).
Cj &{X) = 1(1(0.4\ = 4

3-87. Le1 X lknote tbc n11mbcr of toomings the light is {tl'(ell

a) /~X = I)= [~r.2'o.8' = 0.410

bl P<X =4l =[~0]o.2~.S.. = 0.218
c) P(X > J ) - I P(X < 4) - I 0-630 - 0.370

3-89. ::.) n - ~0. p - 0.6122.

I'( X a: I ) = I -I'(X = 0) = I
b) I'(X ~ J) - I - P(X < 3) - 0.999997
c) J.l l:(:\') - np - 200.6122 - 12.244
V(X) =np( l - p)" 4.7-IS
a= Jvc:<t = 2 179
391. u) Dtnombl d i:lt."''blll>On. p - I0'1.16- 4.59394E - 06, n - I EOO

b) P<X ~ O) = [~1'09 k0 (1 -pl'"~ - o

c) p ll(X) - np - IEW'OAS9391l- 06 - 4593.9
V(X) = np( I - p) = 4$9'3.9

393. Let X dwocc tbc J!O.SS<I'S<:I'S with ticket~ thottlo not show up fll<' the lliafu.
Thro, X i$ binontinl with n - 12S and p- 0.1.
a1 P{X > S) = I - P (.\' < 4)

=1-[[I~S r.l0(0.9)1l! -r ('~S r.l 1 {o.9)1 ~ .,.li~S Jo.I! (0.9)tll - [ I~SJO.I 1 (0.9)t!! - [I ~5 ~0.1' f0.9)1! 1
= 0.996
395. P(kngllrtf '")" < 4) - 0.516
al Let A' denote d~e tlll<ltber o l'pooplc (out offh cl Utili w:~illels tb:ln or equsl l<l4 hours.

P = (oV = IJ = [ Ho.s 16) (0..184)' = o. t42


b) Let Ndcoote tbc ntnbcro fpooplc (out of lil'l:) thot wnn more than 4 1wu~.
P (N - 21 ~
[ ](0.4S4)1(0.S 1(1) 1 - (l.J22

c) let N d<noto ""' number o f p'<IJ'Ic (out ofliw) thttt '"'" mu"' th:m 4 houn..

I'(N ;> I) = 1- /'(.V = 0) =1- [~](0.516)J(0.48~)0 = 0.963

J-<)7. /'(chon[;>'< .;,lays) = 0.3. Let ,'( - ntlll1bcr ofdte IOcltnn~ mode in less thnn 4 dnys.

31 P<X = 7) = [ ~~~(0.3) 7(0.7)) =0.009

b) /'(X< 21 = /'(X = 0) ...)(10 = mmtber <lf clrong~J rm:rdi!i11~SS 11Htll 4 tf/l,t$.
~ 0 1
_ [ Jco.J)o(0.7l'o ... [ \ Jco.JJ'co.TJ + ( : )<o.3>1(0.7J'
= 0.028 +0. 121 - 0.2~3 =0.382
d 1
P<X ?. ll = 1- P<X =OI = 1- [;jco.3l0(0.7l 10 =1 oms = O.?n
d) E<Xl = rp =10(0..3) = 3

399. 3) /'(X = 1)= (1 - 0.5)00..5 : 0.5

bl /'(.\' = -t) = 11- 0..SI)O..s = os' = 0.06!.5

c) P(X =81 = (I- 0..51'o.s =o.s' =0.0039
d) I'( X ~ 2) = P(X = I) + P(X = 2) = (I - 0.S) 00.H(I - 0.S) 10.S

- 0.) 0.~ 1 - 0.7'

el I '( X > 2) - 1- P(X < 2) - 1- 0.15 - 025

310 1. Ut X ~:nc~~e lh<! nuntbct of IJ'i)1s II> obtain the iitst JUC\.'\.'SS.
3) E<Xl - 111:1.2 ... S
b) Occm~ of the 131:k (Ifmemory proll<fly,thc C<Jl<Cicd ''~luc isstill S.
31 0.>. l.e1 X denote the number of ni.Jis It> cbmin the f~1 ~sli l lllignmem.
T111:n X is:. ~<<>n~tric r.uxlom vurilbl..: wltb p - O.K
3) I'( X = 4) = ti - O.s1>o.s = 0.2'<l.s = 0.01)64
b) P(X S 4) = I'(X = I) + PiX = 2) + P(X = ll - PIX = 4)
- ( I II.H)0 0.l! ... {I 0.8)10.8 + ( I 0.8) 10.8 + (I 0 .8)'0.8
= o.s - 0.2(0.SJ - o.2~<0.S> - o.2'o.s = o.99S4
c) /'(X ~ 41 = 1- /'(X S J) = 1- [/'IX = 1) - I'(X = 2) - I'(X = 3))
= 1- [(1- 0.8)0 0.8 .1. (1 - 0.81 10.8 - (1 - 0.8)?0.8)
= 1- [0.8 - 0.2(0.8) + 0.2(0.81)= 1- 0.992 = 0.008

.l-105. let X &:note the nurnbcr uf <:.>lll r=ltl tuabtaio conn<'l:tion.

il~t'fl. X is~ ~,'\)nlC:Iric 13ndom urilblc w~h p 0.02.

a) /'(.\" = 10) = (1 - 0.02)9 0.02 = 0.98'>o.02 = 0.0167

h) P(.Y > 5> l PIX s > l [!'(.\' ll1f'fX 2)+ I'{ X 3h Pt.\' 41 PrX ; >)
- l- [0.02 + 0.98(0.0!1- 0.98' t0.02) - 0.98 110.02) - 0.981(0.0!1- 0.98' {0.02)) I 0 00}61 0,9039
Mnr nlso usc: the r...:t thnt I'( X > 5) is the probobilirr or no oonnoctioBS in S tri.lls. Thnr is.

P(X > S) - [~ Jo.D20o.9ll' O.!XH9

e) Et X)- 1/(1.02 - S()

3-1 07. p 0.13

(a) P(X - I ) - ( I -0. 13),. 1"0.13 - 0.13.
(b) P(X - 3) - ( I - 0.13)"' "0.13 - 0.098
(~) 11 E(X1 - lip - 7.69 .:8

.!109. p - 0.005 . r - 8
u) !'(X - 8) - 0.00.S 1 - J .91.YIO ~

b) 1 - (.\') - l - 200 dn~

e) Mcnn nurnbcrol'dn~ until oilS compuiC!l lilil. NQw we usc- p 3.91xl0'"

p - Etl') - I - 2..5{i:c10 1" d3)'S or 7.01 xiO" ) ~GB

3.91.<10 .,

.l I I I. Lc1 X denote the numhcrof tmn;nctilliU until oil oompnlrn< ""'"' foiled.
Then. X is ucg;stnc binomial ~n.Wm '""inble wsth p - II) and t - 3.
al E<XJ = h 10
b) V(X) - [3( 1-10"0)1( 10' 1' ) - 3.0 X 10 10

3113. 1\'tl;olit- binomia.l l':lndOOl \':iti;Jbio:: 0~: p. f) - [; - : l(l - pt ' p' .

When t - l.lhis tcdttl'e>IO 1\x) - (1- l>l'''p. "llO.'h is lhe pd(ofs g'"'"IC:I' ~ t.111d0111 v:lriloblc.
Also, E(X) = rfpand V(X') = Jrt I - p) Jip' reduce 10 EIX) = 1/p noo VO() = (I - p)'p', respectively.

3- I IS. ul Pmbnbilit~ th>t color jl<'intc> will he di.ooUOlt< - 1/ 10 - 0.()1

1 = (.1') =.!.. = _!_ = 10 cbys

p 0.10
b) /'(.\' = I0) = 0.90. I = 0.039
cl l:M'k of tncnlOt}' pn>pcrty implk:s lito answ1.-r '"~"als /'(.\" - 10) - 0.90.1 - 0.039
d) /'(.\' :;3) - /'(.\' ,. J) ~ /'(.1' - 2) + 1'(.\' 1) - 0.9 10.1 + 0.9'0.1+0. 1 - 0.171

H23. N-300
(u) K - 243, n = ~. I'(X = I) - M S7
th> l'(:n I ) - 0.9934
(c) K - 26 + 13 - 39. I'(X - I) - 0.297
(d) K = 300 - IS = 2S2
l'(X 2: I ) 0.999$

31:!5. Lei X &:no: lhc uumb.:r uf bblcs in 11>.: .!ample LimI '"'' dull.
~) 1"(.\';::: I) = 1- P<.I' = 0)

P(X - 0) - 1TsfJ
0 k 5 -
Wij - 38!43! - 0.29Jl
IS! 48!33!
[sj s r4J!
I'( X ;::: I) = I - I"( X = 0) = 0.70

b) I.e I Y dcnoec lhc numbcr of I}Q~-. necxlcd to rcpbc-c rho .U>C'mbly .

P(Y - 3)- 0.29:0 I'(O.i'<l69l - 0.0607

c) On the fir>1d:.y. J"(X - 0) = [~]~~~ ~ = = 46 1431 = OSOO$

~3] ~K ! 4K!4l!

0 5
2) 42 '
On 1hesocood d;ly, /'{.\' = 0) = = 5!;\i ! = .tli 4J! = 0.49&S

[$ 4~1 4~

On the third''")'. P(X - 0)- 0.2?31 fmm p>:1n). Thc:n:fol<'.

P(Y ~) 0.8005(0.4%8)(1 - 0.2931) - 0..281 1.

3-127. 3)


31 2
4 ! = (1.19.54
e- 4 48
d) 1\:X = 8) = 8! = 0 .0><)8

~-l~l. P(X=O)=e =O.o.;.Tit.ereforc,i.= -ln(o.o.;) = a.9!)6.
Cons-equ-ently. F..(X) = V(X) = 2.'%.

31l3. i. = 1. Poissondistribntion. flx) = e

-x,A xf X!
{a ) P(X ~ :H = cU64
{b) [nordtr that P(X ~ 1) = 1-F(X = 0) = 1- e f:Xettd0 .95. we D00). = J .
Tlt..."l'dore 316 = 48Cii.bic light )l'-Stsofspace mll:St besmdied.

313,5. {a) i.= 0 .61. P{X ~ 1) = 0 4566

(b) i.= 0 .61.; = 3.0.;, P(X = 0 ) = 0 .047.

3137 a ) E(X)= A =O.~errorsper testar-ea

- 0?0' - 0.2(0 ?)2
bl P(X<2) = e- 02 + e ; , - +e - = 0.9989
99.89%oftest areas

31;3'!). a) let Xdcootc tf.e nu.mber of fla ws in 10 square fed ofplastic_panel.

Tttn.Xisa Pfii~nl'ilndom vatiah!ewithA= o .:;.
. ~o..,
R.X = O) = e = o .f>06.;
b) l.etY denote tt.enumber ofcats with no flaws,

10} 10 0
1\Y = 101=
(10 o.GoG;l <o.:m.;l = o.ooG?

c) let W dcoote the number ofcars '~itbsu:rfaoe fl aws. &::a use tJt.e number offlaws has a Poissondistribt:tion, ilie()()tl!rrcnce.;ofs-u.rface
fla,,-s iocarsare i.ndependent ~ts withoomtant probability. From part (a). the probabilitya car cootaimsurface fJa,~-s is 1 - O.fJ06.; =
0,39j,.;. Conseqnently, Wis bioomial ,,;thn = 10 a.ndp = 0,393..;.

1Q0] 0 10
Jl:W = ()) =
[ (O.J935) {0.606.;) ::0.0067

IOJ 1 9
/{IV= 1) =
[ I (0:)935) {O.f>06;) = 0.0437
~tv:; 1) = 0 .006] -0.0437 = 0 .0.;04

e-0250.250 + , - 0.250.25'
3-141. a) RX ~ 2)= 1-IJ\X=O).a. RX= 1))::1- = 0 :0~6
0! I!
b) A=o.~~= 1!!5 p;."'l' fhedays
It\'=())= e = 0 .~87
c) IU's::!)=lt\'=0)"-1\X=l)-lt\'=::!)
-1.25 25 -1.25 252
= , -1 25 +e 1. +" I. = 0.868
I! 2!

E( X) =-- +-- +--

1[1]1[1] 3[ 1] =-I ,
83 4 3 83 4

:):145. a) n = .;o. p = .;j .;o = O.!.since E.(X) =.; = op

bl P(X s; 2) = [ ~)0. 1(0.9) 50 5


+[ 1 Jo.l1(0.9)49 + [ 2 Jo.12 (0.9) 48 = o. 112

c) P(X > 49) = [ !~ ]0. 14\0.9)1 +[~~]0.150(0.9)0 = 4.5 1X 10-48

3147. (al (O.S)1l -0.0002H
Cbl c~lco.s>cos) 0.2256 =
(c) c; 2(0.S))(tMl 1 ~ c;_:(o,<)~CO.~)~ = I)A 1&>

31-19. l<:t X t!.mutc lhc numbt:t ol'n"IOmir~s nL..,.I<il toobt:un. s rec:n ligln.
1 hro X i>a jlcOOu.'lric r.tlldorn oroble with p - 0.20.
a) PCX = 4)=(1 0.2)"0.2 =Q, IOZ4
b) Oy in~epcntkn.-c. (O.S)"'- 0.1074. (,\I so. P(X ,. 10) - 0.1074)

,;.1 5 1. Let X llroote the nwnber of rills ncc&.-d to detect thn:e tmcltl\\c~ht iX!clc~~ScS.
Then, X i rtqyrth'C birl(lmial mndom \'orinhlc with p -0.001 nnd r 3.
3) E(X) .1,-0.00 I 3000
b) V{X) =(3(0.999)11).001' 1= 29'>1000. TherefOre, a, =1131.18

\ .I S3. (a) ). - 6"U.5 3.

P(X - 0}- 0.0~9~
Cb) I'(X <! Jl - 0..5768
(c) P(X :;x) ~ 0.9.x = 5
{d) a' - I. - 6. Nut appruojui:lle.

3-1 SS. Let X llroote lht: number of c.'lls thot ~rc nnswcrcd in 30 sct'Oflds or lc!S.
Then, Xi, binomiol r~<>m ' .ui:>hlc w~h p - 0.75.

~) PCX - 9)-[';](0.75) (0.25) 0 1

- 0.1877

b) r(X ~ 1 6) - r(X - 16) t P(X - 17) P(X - ll!) I'(X - 19) 1 P(X - 20)

=[ ~ J(0.7s)'co.2s>' - [~~)<o.m'7(0.25)1 + ( ~~~(0.7s>" (0.2s1 2

+(20]c0.7S)t (0.25)
9 1
... (
](0.75)!0 (1).25)0 = 0.4148
c) J;(X) - 20(0./S) 15

3157. Lct w d..>noW 1he nwnbcr of calls noedcd to ol>toit1 two answers in le;s tllsn 3() seconds.
Then. \II h11s ncp:h-e bill<" ni:tl di<trib<lli(Jn wi1h p 0.75.

~) P(W - 6) - ~~1(0.25)'(0.75)1- 0.0 11 0

h) E(W)- rip - 2.'0.75 - 813

31 .S9. X is o l'k~ oti1e binomill wilh r - 4 aud p MOO I

6<1() r l t> 4 /Q.aOO I 4001)0 n.'quelti

31 61. l..ct X llroote the number of iOOiviJ:luals that rero1-cr in coe 11eek. Assume tbe itX!ividuals 31"< ind::pcndem.
Tl"'tl X is 11 binomial random ari:oblc with n - 20 Md p- 0.1.
P(X <: 4)- I - I'( X:; 1)- I -0.~70-1). 1 3 '1).
316.'. Let X ~:note !hi: nurnbi:r llf:dS<:mblk:i ne<xlcd hH btain S dcfcctivi.'S.
Thm, X i~ ,, no:gMi\'C birl'.'minl mnoom W(f"inblc ,vjth p - (),0 I ru>d r ~ S.
a) E(X) - rip - 500.
b) Vi X) (S 0.99)"0.0 1' - -19500 ao:J a,- 222.49
316.'i. Rcquiretll) f\2)H(J) + ti4J = I. Tha:reforc.c( l +2 + 3 + 4) = 1. Thm:f~, c = O. I.

l -1 67. fvlO) (O. IXO. i) - (0.3)(0.3) - 0.16

fv!ll - (0.1;(0. 7) + (0..1)(0.3) - 0. 19
1.\ (2) =(0.2):0. 7) + (0.2)'0.3) =0.20
}~(3) = <0AX0.7) + (0. 1)(0 3 ) = O.JI
l ,v<4l =(0.2X0.7)-r (0)(0.31 =0.14

31 ~.

X 2 5.1 t>-5 s.s

f(x) 0.2 0.3 ().l 0.~

3171. let X ~note the number of <ITO~ in a ,.,.;terr. lhcn. X is Poisson r:ul4lom \":uiablc with >. - 0 .32768.
al P(X > 1) - 1- l'(XSII - 1- """",..-e_,..,,...I0.32768) - 0.()433
b) Let Y d<oor.c the number of =tors tullil on cm~r is fo111td.
Then. Y i!'.~mctr"' mndom v:uuhle and P - P(X l! I) I - P(X - 0) - I - c 4 .,..,._ 0.!1',14
EtY) - lip- 3.58

3113. o) llypc~ctric =
rnndom l'nrioblc with N 500. n S, ond K = =125
I ~s~.;;s]
. 6.0164/110 - 0 2''7
J,y - ['~)J 2.SS24El l . --~

l ][ns)
m I .! _ 1 25t8. 1~5SES) - 0-'?

115 [37S

!,.(2) -
' _ nSOt$71 88751 _ .
2.5s24cl l
0 2647

12S 1375
l (JJ _ J 2 _ J I7750<10I25l - o.osn
.v e~ 2.SS2~ EI I
.\ (I) = 4 I = %913iS(;liS) :
rs~l 2.55241 1
O.J1 4 Z4

I ISl = s o = 2.3.4538 =<n
.v f~ J 2..m.w 1

() 2 J s 6 7 10
11~) 0.0546 0.1866 0.2837 0.2S28 0.1 463 0.15N 0.0 155 0.0028 0.0003 0.0000 0.1000

3-1 75. Lc11 dcno<c nn in.tcrval ofcimc in hours God Icc X denote the number of mes~ thai nrrh'C in tinlC t
Then. X i~ n Poi!SOn r.>noom v.vioblc w~h ~. - IOt.
Tl~en. P(X - 0) - 0.9 nnd c 11' - 0.9. n:>uhll'l!; in 1- 0.010.$ hour.l - 37.8 ><eondi

~-1 77. The binotni:!.l disu ibutiM

P(X - x)- { n! p'(l- p)""

r! n- r)!
Tltc pt~ility oflttt <''1.'111 c-.ltlllc ~fl'I\'SScd 3.1 p /Jn 30d chc prolldbilicy mass function cnn be \\Tiucn 35:
I'(X = x) = (" ) li.ln J'II - Ihlnlr
r!JJ - r!

P(X _ x) n ><.(n - l)x( n - 1)x( n - 3)...... x(n - ~ I) ,L (I - (i./ll)y-

11' x!
Now we can n:-<:.~pl'I.'SS a5:
(1 - (Un)I~' - (1 - (:Vn)rii - (:Vn)l"
In the limicns n -+""
n x(n l}x(n 2}x(n J}...... x(n x 1) "I.
As n -+ me limit of( I - (:Vn)t': I
;\I~. we know tho1t o.s n .-.

Thu~, P(X X} '

-A .: ~ .

Tlte Jistnbulion ofllle pruiXLbility a5SO<'Ioted with this IM'IXC!S Is kn<l\\n a> II>? l'oill'(Jn disttibuti.m :md we can
.::<pn:ss chc prob<lbilil)l mnss 1\lnccion ns.
e ">.'
nx) - :......:.:._


3-li'J. E(X) = I( + tu - 1)-. . - b)b - u + II

_ ot I I _
l l>(h + l) _ (n - l )ax.
2 2
n 4 1) - 0 a IJ
(b' - u + h- al
> '
2 =l (b+ n;(l> - a .. IJ I ~b-a- 1)
(b a + l) 2 V'
(b - a)
b I (II - a - lXII - a)
l:!;-;1 I
(b I n)1_j I
V( X) = -"'."---- ' , 4
h- a- l 1> - u - l
= b(b + 1)(2b + I) _ (a - l)o(2<t - I) - (f> - a)l b(b - 1)- (a -1)ol- (b - o - l}(b - a)

6 6 2 . 4
b- a+ l
= (/> - o - 1)'' - I

3-181. Let X - Mrtlbo' of~SCOS''fS with tJ n:s..-n'-"<1 seat "'ho arriw til !he Oi~t.
11 = num~ of sc-..u m<:f''nti<tM. p = probability thO! a tickctro ~~cr oni"~ fort he flight
l In lhi pgrt wedctcnninc n >u:h th:u P(X ~ 120} <: 0.9. lly tc~inl\ lorn in Minibb the minimum v:tluc i<
II - 131.

b) In Ibis jlQlt "cdet,rminc nso<h that I' (X> 120) S 0.10 whi~h i><-quha~tlll(>
l - l'(X!: 1201 sO.IO Qr0.91)s P(X!: 120).
ll)' tcstin~ f<1r 11 in Millitob the :K}hll ion is n - 12J.
c) One po;:iibk '''"""'' ~llows. lfthc airlmc il ml>it ~'<lnc'\.-mtxl with losin;g cu;uorn<r.l Juc toowr-bool:i'lf!.
thcysb:lu1dotii)' Scll1 23 tO:-kctS for dtis Oight. The probOOility o>fo,~r-bookins is lhcn31 rn051 10%. Ifthe
~itlinc i~ m<J<~t ~~>."eJl'led " 'ith "'"'in
!I~ lill flight, tl>ey soorrld ~11 IJ I tickots for this flisht. The chnl).'(:
the tltght is full i~ tl:cn :11 h::1)1.90~\. ~t c:dC1Jl:.tticans ;,U,.umc custonrrs: ::~ni\.c intkpc:nl.kntly on:.t group~
ot' 1"-"'Ple INI ani\ e (Of d~ no>l :liTh e) tO{; tb r lr3\'l!l make the On:ll}'Sis more cocnplbtl'<l.

3-18'. lfll.,lr>t >i7e i< sm.>l~ tmufthc lnl mi!!fll he in>Unicic.'nt rodetoxt oonconfonn ing pn>duo::t. For exumplc. if the
lot ,.ir.c ES 10. lhcn n );,Ullpli: cat' >-izc one has~~ probability or cmly<t2 of dclccling ~ nnnoont(nmins prot,luct in ~
lot lh:11 is 2~ u.c.ln..-onfb:rning..
If the 11)1 si~eC i:s wgc. 10% of the lol migll4 be a IOfl.!CI' 511<nple ~zc th<ln is pmctic-~1 or nc:!Snry For tlUIIllrk.
if the 1<11$Ux: i> 5000, then u $nmplc: ofSOO i:s rcqlliml. FI.W1hcnnOCX', lh: l>in<>minl "'J[X'I>imation to tile
lryperscoorcuk disuibutiun,..n b.: used lo >lrw the IOll"wmg. lfS% oftl"' loe o!'sw.> SOOt> is rwnCl'011IOtnung.
then th: probability ofuw oonconfi)Rl1 in~ [X'I)du..'ls in th: Mmple i:s (lf)proximntely 7 x 10 r: . U$int; a somple of
1<10. the """"' pmbobility is ~ill only 0.0059. The >.>mplc of s ir.c 5()() might be mucl> IUIJ~c:r lh>n is ncxxJciJ,
3185. Ltl X &.-oote the nurnbcr l)f rolls 1H\XIU<'I:d.

lti:\'C'lruc :tl c"ch demand

!.! .1.00!! 2@1 'l(lf.O

0< ~ ::; 1000 O.OSx 0.3x O.h 0.3x

rn..'31l profit - 0.0Sx(0.3) + 0.3x(O.7)- O.h
IOOO ~ x ~ ~00 ().OS. O.J( I(XI(I} "- O.OS(x - l(l(lO) I 0.~.. 0.3x
me<~~~ J)fofit - 0.05(0. ,) + ((1.3( 1000) + O.flS(x - 1000)1(0.2) + 0 3x(0.5)- O.lx

2000 :S: X $ ;1000 0.05x 0.3(1000) .. 0.05(~ - I000) .I 0.3(2000) + O.OS(x - 2000) 0.3x
mean profit - 0.0Sx(0.3} [0..1( 1000)+0.0S(x- I000)~0.2) + [0.3(2000)
+ Q,QS(x - 2000))(0.3} + 1)3x(0.l) - O.lx
3000 sx O.OSx 0.3(1000) .. 0J(2000) + 0..1(3000) ~
(I.OS(x - I(l(lO) O.OS(x - 2000) 0.05(:< - 3000)
"''""' prolit - O!ISx(O.J) + (0.3( IOIXI) 0 .05(x - IOOO)K0.2) + (0.3(2000) I O.OS(x - 2000)}(1.3
+ [0.31.1000) + O.OS(x- 3000))().2- O.b

Pmfd M:tx. pn>lir

0 :;:: ~ :;:: I000 0.12S x S 125 nt" - 1000
JOOO < s ~oo O.o?Sx + SO S200 ot x 2000
2000 $ X $ 3000 200 .Sl()l) fit X = J000
3000 $ X -O.Oh + 350 S...'l()O mx - 3000
Tire b>k<rye:m malt.: ;:mywh<n: frum 2000 II> 3000 :md e:rm the !l:lmc pruliL


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