Stories include: - Magno by Harry Lucey featuring Magno; Davey Landis - Magno the Magnetic Man: "I wish you hadn't tagged along, Davey." by Harry Lucey featuring Magno; Davey [Davey Landis](Magno's aide, introduction, origin, appears in all stories hereafter); Carole Landis (Davey's sister, introduction) - Vulcan: "This forest fire is spreading." by George Appel featuring Vulcan - Sky Smith: "Sky Smith, flying adventurer, has been called to the wilds of Alaska..." by Ed Smalle - Q-13: "Matching wits with spies, anarchists, and killers..." - Black Spider: "Lawyer John Garrick, friend of D. A. Ralph Nelson..." by Will Rowland - Captain Gallant: "Captain Gallant, in special diving equipment..." featuring Captain Gallant (not a super-hero; Intro) - The Mustang Men - The Worm Turns featuring "Softy" Jones; "Bull" Dugan (villain) - The Claw: The Claw Returns! by Jack Cole - Lastest Weapons of Science In The Battle Against Crime