Solenoid Pupose/colours

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The document discusses the purpose and resistance values of different solenoids used on a vehicle, along with diagrams of how the solenoids are connected.

The document discusses fuel pressure regulator solenoid, secondary relief solenoid, port air control solenoid, charge control solenoid, double throttle control solenoid, and turbo control solenoid.

The ports on the solenoid box are connected to components like the charge control actuator, charge relief valve, turbo pressure side Y-pipe, turbo control actuator, and more.

Solenoid pupose/colours:

1.Fuel pressure regulator

2.secondary relief solenoid
3.port air control solenoid
4.charge control solenoid
5.double throttle control
6.Turbo control solenoid (1 of
7. Charge relief solenoid
(8. Bolted to ACV= turbo
control 2of2)

These solenoids should test

with 37-41 ohms of resistance
when cold and reach up to 45
ohms of resistance when
warmed/hot. Higher than 50
when hot or 41 when cold
5 to Charge Control Actuator /CCA (routes to green metal pipe on next diagram)
(see appendix A: CCA)
4 to Charge Relief Valve /CRV (routes to red metal pipe on next diagram) (see
appendix A: CRV)
9 to ‘manifold’ (which is 2ndry Turbo pressure side Y pipe, routes to blue metal pipe
on next diagram)

6 to turbo control actuator via solid piping (1 of 2) (see appendix D for JDM diagram
in full)

8 to turbo control solenoid bottom port (2 of 2)

2 to air control valve

1 to pressure regulator valve (hard to see this one, up against firewall/down a bit),
hard to see on diagrams too, looks like little hat from above, miniature actuator-look
3 to nipple nearest turbo solenoid valve by intake ports (‘switching’)

10 to pressure chamber/innermost nipple (closest to L body extension) of pressure


Note: other nipple of pressure

chamber is connected via one-
way check valve to second
nipple on Y-pipe, feeding
boost pressure from Y-pipe
11 to vacuum chamber/only nipple
7 ?? TODO – Where does number 7 go and the line and also below, check common
vac rail line

** note ** I also need to check the common vacuum rail that the bottom ports of
WG and Precontrol solenoids connect to and check how the line connects to the
turbo comp and ensure its all OK since both wastegate and precontrol use this for
Vacuum box ports 12 and 13:

12 to double throttle control actuator

13 to UIM main vacuum feed (check valve is internal to box)

Appendix A:
1. CRV connection:

2. CCA connection:
3. Y-Pipe/secondary turbo pressure side/manifold connection

Appendix B: Part Numbers

Solenoid housing (box)

Solenoid housing is 20-4B0, according to the factory parts manual.

Series 8 RX7 Charge Control solenoid (genuine, solenoid only):

Part no. is: B6AT-18-741

Australian-available individual solenoids:

KL01 18741 <--- this is the Mazda 323 1.8L solenoid, works perfectly in-place on
FD05 18741 <--- this is the genuine part number for individual solenoids, seems to
charge control solenoid part number (18741) but that had B6AT at
front vs. FD05
if any trouble ordering just quote one or the other or the 323 ones

Appendix C: Wastegate solenoid and turbo precontrol solenoid notes:

Bottom ports are both connected to common vacuum rail
Top ports are connected to hard lines that run down to turbo precontrol &
wastegate actuators

Appendix D: JDM Diagrams

1. Diagrams of vacuum hoses. This diagram is accurate for series 8 apart from
the 3 metal hoses responsible for CCA, CRV and connection to y-pipe
manifold/secondary turbo compressor. For these connections use the main
document sections above OR JDM diagram 2, which have these 3 metal pipes
correctly displayed. This is a known error /statement and well-proven on
running series 8 twin turbos so trust me. The error area is circled so you know
which lines are wrong.
2. Diagram of series 6 vacuum lines. Has old rats nest and is therefore
inaccurate for series 8. This HOWEVER has been updated with (in red) the
numbers that match the diagram earlier in this document of the black
solenoid box. Therefore if the mini break-out diagrams for each port don’t
explain well enough, you can consult this one to help you locate what goes
3. Dodgy diagram that I had to correct on several points, but is useful for top-
down view and I have relabeled most things so I don’t expect any errors here.
BUT you shouldn’t even try and use this – that’s what the rest of the
document is for!! This is just in case you might need that ‘extra’ viewpoint
that sometimes helps you click on routing etc.

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