Cesarean Section Under Spinal Anesthesia in A Patient With Ankylosing Spondylitis
Cesarean Section Under Spinal Anesthesia in A Patient With Ankylosing Spondylitis
Cesarean Section Under Spinal Anesthesia in A Patient With Ankylosing Spondylitis
- A Case Report -
Introduction: It is generally accepted that neuraxial anesthesia is difficult to establish in
patients with ankylosing spondylitis. General anesthesia also has some disadvantages, especially
with respect to airway control in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. We present herein a gravida
with ankylosing spondylitis who had a cesarean delivery performed under spinal anesthesia.
Case: A 30-yr-old gravida at 38 weeks gestation with a 9 yr history of ankylosing spondylitis
was admitted to our hospital in labor. She was scheduled for an elective repeat cesarean delivery.
Spinal anesthesia was induced using a 22-gauge Quincke spinal needle with 1.8 mL of 0.5% heavy
bupivacaine + 0.2 mL (10g) of fentanyl at the L3-4 interspace in the left lateral position by the
median approach. Adequate sensory and motor blockade were achieved. The postoperative period
was uneventful and she was discharged home on postoperative day 3.
Conclusion: We suggest that spinal anesthesia can be safely and effectively used as an
alternative to general anesthesia in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Neuraxial techniques
should not be regarded as unachievable in such patients; however, all necessary precautions should
be taken to avoid complications of spinal anesthesia, and facilities to secure the airway should be
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a seronegative spondyloarthropathy; it is a chronic and usually
progressive inflammatory disease. The primary sites of involvement are the sacroiliac joints and
the spine1,2. The disease prevalence varies ranging between 0.1 and 1.1% in different populations3,4.
Patients with AS may require surgery of any type and these patients present specific challenges
to the anesthesiologist. Both airway management and neuraxial access may prove to be difficult1,5.
Pregnancy may also occur in patients with AS. Although most pregnant patients with AS have a
normal spontaneous vaginal delivery, the manifestations of the disease may interfere with labor
and delivery as well as the administration of general and regional anesthesia6. There are but a few
reports on the use of anesthesia in gravidas with AS6-9.
Herein, we present a case of a gravida with AS cerebrospinal fluid was obtained using the midline
who had a cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. technique at the same level on the first attempt in
this position and 1.8 mL of 0.5% heavy bupivacaine
Case Report and 0.2 mL (10 g) of fentanyl were injected into
this space. The patient was then returned to the
A 30-yr-old gravida 3 para 2, at 38 weeks
supine position with pillow support and the operating
gestation with a weight of 66 kg and a height of 164
table rotated toward the left in order to avoid supine
cm, was admitted to our hospital in labor. She had a 9
hypotensive syndrome. Spinal anesthesia resulted in a
yr history of AS. The history and physical examination
complete sensory and motor block from T6 caudally.
were consistent with moderate cervical AS involving
The APGAR scores were 9 and 10 for the 1. and 5.
the thoraco-lumbar vertebral column with kyphosis,
min respectively. Surgery was performed successfully
but without lower limb neurologic involvement. She
within 45 minutes. The patient recovered without any
required two pillows to support her head and four
complications and was discharged home following a
pillows to support her back due to the disease process
good recovery on the 3rd postoperative day.
and curvature of the cervical and thoraco lumbar
spines. An elective repeat cesarean section had been
planned. She had undergone two cesarean deliveries Discussion
12 and 11 years previously under general anesthesia. AS is often a self-limiting disease with unknown
Since AS had not been diagnosed at the time of her etiology. It is a chronic and usually progressive
prior cesarean deliveries, the two general anesthesia inflammatory disease involving the articulations of
experiences were uneventful. the spine and adjacent soft tissues. It begins in the
Her medical history was benign other than sacroiliac joints and moves cranially. The degree of the
the AS. Her current medications were infliximab, disease ranges from involvement of the sacroiliac joint
indomethacin, and salicylazosulfapyridine. She could alone to complete ankylosis of the spine1,2,10.
open her mouth 5 cm; physical examination revealed a The traditional anesthetic approach to patients
Grade III Mallampati score. The problems of general with AS is to secure the airway using awake intubation
anesthesia, with particular reference to difficult because fusion of the vertebral column renders
intubation, were explained to the patient and she opted neuraxial anesthesia difficult or impossible2. In patients
for a regional anesthesia technique. with a fixed cervical spine, it has been reported that it
Preoperative laboratory data were within normal is usually not possible to see any part of the laryngeal
limits. The patient was premedicated with ranitidine inlet, emphasizing the difficulty with intubation3.
HCl (50 mg iv) and metoclopramide HCl (10 mg iv) Since the number of patients with AS are not
30 minutes before the planned surgery. In the operating adequate to perform a controlled study regarding the
room, an ECG, non-invasive blood pressure, and best method of anesthesia, case reports concerning the
peripheral oxygen saturation were monitored and an care of these patients have provided diverse anecdotal
intravenous infusion of Lactated Ringers solution experiences.
was started. Spinal anesthesia was planned, but since The largest series of patients with AS who
the patient was a candidate for difficult endotracheal underwent anesthetic procedures was reported by
intubation, airway management devices for emergent Schelew and Vaghadia2 as a retrospective analysis of
use, including a percutaneous tracheostomy set, were 82 patients over 10 years. They reviewed the approach
kept ready. to patients with AS having surgical procedures at one
With the patient in the sitting position, two institution to investigate the utilization of neuraxial
unsuccessful attempts were made to insert a 22-gauge anesthesia and to determine whether the success rate
Quincke spinal needle between the L3-4 intervertebral was acceptable, in an effort to make this a viable
space using a median technique. The patient was alternative to general anesthesia. Neuraxial anesthesia
then turned to the left lateral position. Free flow of was planned in 19.5% (n=16) of the patients and
successful spinal anesthesia was achieved in 76.2% difficulties are not anticipated. On the other hand, even
(n=10) of those in whom it was planned. Their results in the cases in which regional anesthesia is planned,
indicate that spinal anesthesia may be relatively emergent securing of the airway can be required, such
underutilized in patients with AS presenting for surgery. as reported by Batra et al15. In the literature, total
In our review of the current literature, we found a spinal anesthesia was achieved following an epidural
few reports on epidural or combined spinal-epidural test dose in a patient with AS undergoing total hip
anesthesia11-13. In our patient, we preferred spinal replacement and after an unsuccessful attempt to
anesthesia after consideration of the consequences and intubate the trachea with direct laryngoscopy, positive
our anecdotal experience favored spinal anesthesia in pressure ventilation was restored by placing a size 4
patients with AS undergoing cesarean section. laryngeal mask airway. Intubation could hardly be
The presence of ossification in the interspinous achieved using a McCoys laryngoscope and a bougie
ligament would suggest better success with a in the patient. These are the important reasons for
paramedian approach1. Kumar and Mehta14 reported having intubating equipment ready for immediate use
three cases in which patients with AS were successfully in patients with AS3. Therefore full consideration of
administered spinal anesthesia using a paramedian airway control was included in our plan for anesthesia
approach after failed attempts with a median approach. in this patient.
Nevertheless, Schelew et al2. suggest that both In conclusion, patient anesthetic preference,
midline and paramedian methods may be attempted potential airway maintanence problems, and specific
with success. In our patient, spinal anesthesia was requirements of the surgical intervention should all
successfully administered by the median approach in be considered for the anesthetic approach in patients
the lateral position on the first attempt, but preceded with AS. If a central neuraxial blockade is chosen as
by two failed attempts by the median approach in the the anesthetic technique, the likelihood of successful
sitting position. spinal anesthesia seems higher than other neuraxial
From the anesthetic point of view, preoperative interventions. Airway intervention and equipment and
assessment, including indirect laryngoscopy and aids to secure the airway must be available.
preparation to overcome anticipated problems, should
enable those patients with AS to be managed safely. Acknowledgements
But, as in the two cases described in detail by Wittmann
Informed consent and approval were taken from
et al3, the greatest danger occurs when patients present
the patient for this case report.
for surgery which is unrelated to their condition and
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