Failure Reduction 2013
Failure Reduction 2013
Failure Reduction 2013
INTERVENE: Create a Failure Reduction Plan
1. Identify a short-term goal (5-10 days). 2. Determine indicators of success (Look fors)
Subject area/class Consistent and on-time attendance
Successful completion of in-class and homework
What improvement(s) is desired/needed? Grades of C and above on assessments
Consistent participation in intervention services
Demonstration of learning-to-learning skills and
responsible behaviors
3. Identify Obstacles and What is Needed to 4. What positive results might occur if the plan
Overcome Obstacles works?
Create and Use Scaffolds Activities, Strategies, and Tasks for Learning Success
Correctives . . . Differentiate the Differentiate the
Content Process
1. teach the same material in a different way than the original Vary what students Vary the activities
method. will learn and the through which
2. involve students in a different way than the original
materials that students make sense
3. provide students with successful experiences represent the content. of key ideas using
essential skills.
Examples of Correctives Differentiate the
re-teaching Learning Differentiate the
alternative textbooks and materials Environment Product
workbooks Vary the classroom Vary how students
academic games and simulations conditions that set the demonstrate and
small group study sessions climate, expectations extend what they
individual tutoring for learning, and understand and can
learning centers and laboratories
physical conditions do as a result of a
computer-assisted instruction
audio and video productions span of learning.
slide shows from lectures and demonstrations