10 Proven Tips
10 Proven Tips
10 Proven Tips
successful season
10 Proven Tips For A More Successful Football Season
The art of coaching football to kids requires one thing in abundance ... enthusiasm. Its your most important
quality. Kids will respond to you if youre an eager, hard working leader. Some kids find learning boring,
some dont care about winning, and some cant remember which goal they are kicking towards. But what
unites them, what they all want is to have fun and play a game. And thats your job, making learning fun.
This is the Better Football Coaching blueprint for you to get the mix right as a coach.
l A warm up to raise the heart rate, stretch DONT persevere with a plan that isnt working. Have
muscles and get players focused on the session. a couple of tried and tested alternatives up your
sleeve and work out what went wrong afterwards.
l A quick and simple demonstration of the skill
or technique that you want them to learn. DONT use drills that involve children standing in lines
(Important. Dont forget to ask them what they for more than a few seconds theyll soon get bored
think is the best way to pass or shoot or keep and bored players are trouble!
the ball, rather than tell them why you think they
DONT train children on your own. Always have at
should do it that way).
least one assistant, even if all they do is tie laces
l Some fun games that will allow them to practice and fetch balls. There is also an important health and
what youve just shown them. safety consideration here: who will look after your
players if you have to take one of them to hospital?
l A small sided game to finish.
DO treat your players with respect. They like you to
You should always consider an individual session
listen and take notice of their feelings and opinions.
as part of a larger training schedule. How do your
Find out what they want from you and agree some
sessions progress from week-to-week? Variety is
clear ground rules.
important in order to keep your sessions fresh and
The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have
the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they dont play
together, the club wont be worth a dime
Babe Ruth, Major League Baseball player
10 Proven Tips For A More Successful Football Season
If certain players do not carry out their tasks properly on the pitch
then their colleagues will suffer
Louis van Gaal former manager of Ajax, Barcelona and The Netherlands
10 Proven Tips For A More Successful Football Season
intelligence. 9 2
Failure happens to me all the time. It happens every day in practise. What makes you
better is how you react to it
Mia Hamm, former football player, US Womens Team
10 Proven Tips For A More Successful Football Season
Football is not about justice. Its a drama and criminally wrong decisions
against you are part and parcel of that
Pete Davies, football writer
10 Proven Tips For A More Successful Football Season
a record).
The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal,
you can get there if youre willing to work
Oprah Winfrey
10 Proven Tips For A More Successful Football Season
7 Make a Difference on
Match Days
You CAN make a difference on match day. Whilst DO watch first, worry later. Keep your emotions under
every coach has a different style, they all share a control keep panic, anger, frustration and fear out
common goal to get the best out of their team of the equation. Players depend on the coach to be
when it really counts. Follow these simple dos the coolest head on the pitch.
and donts, and you WILL make a difference once
DO watch from as many different angles as possible.
the game is underway.
This will enhance your perspective on the game. For
DONT micro-manage the game. It is easy to talk example, the shape of a team is more discernible
particular players through every move, but this is from a distance, speed easier to gauge from the side
potentially destructive because it stifles their instinct and physical fitness more apparent when standing
for the game. Positive encouragement gives players close up.
confidence. Psychologists tell us that it is better to
DONT argue with the referee. It distracts the players.
say hit the target than dont miss.
It is also unlikely to have a positive influence on the
DO find the right moment. Information needs to be outcome of the game and is not in the spirit of the
given when players are most receptive i.e. when they game anyway. Referees will rarely change a decision
can concentrate on what YOU are saying NOT in once its been made and your intervention may turn
the middle of a play. them against you.
DONT get distracted. Talk to spectators and the When the whistle blows for the start of the match, it
other coaches afterwards. Your players need your should start a concentrated period of thought, action
full attention. Create a bubble for you and your team. and reaction for the coach. Having spent significant
Make sure at half time the bubble continues. Youth time preparing a team for this moment, the coach
teams suffer the most from a babble of comment also needs to be prepared, mentally and emotionally.
from parents, confusing the main message you Whether you can find glory in defeat, humility in
want to deliver. Your team needs to avoid conflicting victory, can you say you made a difference on
messages. the day?
l To let them recover whilst taking on water. l Be in the best possible position to deliver a clear
and logical viewpoint.
Get ready for half time
As soon as the first half is over, move to your players.
PLAYERS TACTICS Dont make them move to you. Make sure you stay a
good distance from the opposition.
Motivate - Substitutions -
remember your Is it time to make l Know that you have everyones attention.
body language a change?
Re-hydrate - Strategy - l Provide two or three major points.
water not Defence or attack
fizzy drinks need strengthening?
Re-organise - Planning - l Be clear, positive and constructive.
remind them Plan ahead so you
of positions COACH are ready with two l Dont talk until everyone is listening.
or three main points
The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break
John Madden, American football coach and commentator
10 Proven Tips For A More Successful Football Season
10 30 Minute Warm-Up
Sometimes, due to poor directions, or traffic, or 20 minutes
just plain bad timing, teams stagger onto the pitch Get your captain to lead dynamic stretching. All at an
just before the whistle blows. And boy does it tell. easy jog pace. Jog. Jog backwards, shuffle side-to-
Within a few minutes of kick-off because your team side to the left, and then to the right. Hit outstretched
wasnt ready to play, physically or mentally, youre on hands with knees. Kick open hands behind your back
the back foot, the coaches are cross and shouting and with your heels. Bend down, touch the ground with
youre picking the ball out the back of the net just as left hand, then right hand, then both hands.
the last boot lace is being tied. 15 minutes
Encourage punctuality by preparing a routine and Everyone get a drink of water. Introduce calm static
making sure that every player and parent understands stretching. Sort out the starting line-up. Dont change
its purpose. If a player is late he doesnt start the it if players show up a few minutes before kick-off
match. Match day information should include a time even if they are the best ones! Make a mental note to
for warm-up, so parents know what time to arrive. bring them on during the half.
Make sure directions are correct and include parking Give encouragement to your keeper, backs,
arrangements. A routine that takes 20 - 30 minutes midfielders, and strikers. Try to keep your remarks to
should be adequate. Teams playing at an unfamiliar under two minutes.
field should allow extra time for traffic and vague 10 minutes
directions. Step up a gear. Get the team into game mode.
The countdown Organise shooting practice with the players lined up
30 minutes outside the penalty area. Serve the ball to the first in
Make sure the players are properly dressed the line. The player should control, then shoot. Limit
shinguards, boot laces tied, an extra layer or two in the shooting distance and number of touches before
cold weather, and so on. the shot according to age and skill. Encourage low
shots on target, put away rebounds. Parents can help
25 minutes
collect missed shots or kids have to chase their own
Loosen up. As players arrive, take the time to have
high and wide ones. Keep the line moving.
a word with each of them. Is your ankle still sore?
Going to add to your goal tally today? Did you enjoy 5 minutes
the match last week? Talk to your keeper about how Captain to the fore. Captains are called out for the
well he is playing. Take the team to an area where coin toss. When they return, bring the team together
they can pass a ball around in groups of threes. Get for a very brief pep talk. A big cheer, and starters
them working on one, twos and dribble and turn. Keep take their positions on the field. Now youre ready to
them moving. Get them to focus on what they are here kick-off.
for, to play football! Get out there and have fun!