Susan G
Susan G
Susan G
RWS 1301
In English we have conclude that there can be multiple definitions to a certain word, and
this can vary depending on how a person understand it. This is the example with the
definition of discourse community that in the dictionary states that is A group of people
particular domain of intellectual or social activity. Which basically say that is a certain
group that joined together and communicate in order to achieve a common goal of their
same interest. The discourse community that I found more interesting was the Susan G.
Komen for the Cure that is an organization that fight against the breast cancer by doing
research to cure and prevent about the breast cancer. This discourse community captured
my attention because one of my career goals is to become into a doctor, because I like to
save lives and give hope to the people and that is the same goal of this discourse
community they give hope to the women that is suffering by an illness that have had coast a
Within this paper this discourse community will be analyze by using Swales and Porter
test to determine if the community fulfill all the requirements based on the thoughts of
Swales and Porter to be a successful community. Also another thing that will be analyze is
how they communicate in order to achieve their goal, because almost all the groups or
organizations share an specific lexis which is a unique vocabulary that only the ones that
Literature Review
The author John Swale that was a professor of linguistics at the University of
Michigan was interested on showing the difference between discourse community and
speech community and also how discourse community relates to every group and their way
of communicate. Swales did a lot of research on what both terms mean to give a better
understanding of both concepts also he studied groups to determine whether they are using
discourse community or speech community providing with examples both of them. The
limitation that Swales faced was that a lot of people had a misunderstanding of both
concepts which make it harder at the moment of sharing his ideas. Swales provided with a
definition and examples for each one of this concepts, learning more about the differences
of both but also how they relate to each other. The audience after reading this article would
be able to identify these two terms and also change the definition they had of this two terms
The ideas the stick out to me were that discourse community is the way of how the
members of groups communicate to each other using words that only they will understand,
the methods they use to communicate and what is their common interest. Also that speech
community is only a group that have the same language and is a group to socialize. I am
agree with what he said about the definitions of both terms because he used clear
information and examples and also he differentiated both terms and specify what the
differences were. I follow what he said because in this course we have discussed how there
are groups that share the common interests no matter if they dont share the same language
such as the Harry Potter group that used that common interest to help others. This will help
me in how investigate groups and what specifically I should write about the group.
The author James E. Porter was interested in showing what the meaning of
intertextuality was and how it relates to discourse community, also what the definition of
discourse community was based on his research. James based his research on theories that
were made by other researchers, he also used examples which made easier to understand
the meaning of both terms also he used books as references to do his research. The only
limitation that he faced was the in the culture of writing there was one assumption that
writing is a simple linear a one way-movement which meant that writing was the same no
matter what. Base on this document the author learned what the two terms meant and also
how they relate to each other at the moment of composing any writing.
The ideas that stick out for me were what intertextuality mean and how it divide into
two definitions that were iterability and presupposition, because before reading this article I
didnt know about this terms and their meaning. In this case I am also agree with the author
because he showed how this two concepts relate and also because he used examples that
helped me understand his ideas. Based on what I already know about discourse community
I think the author ideas are right, this relate to what we have already covered in the class
because it involves analyzing groups and that is what we are talking in the recent classes. I
consider this will help me to be a better writer because it helped me by showing what do I
have to examine in a group when I am doing a research about that specific group.
The two authors share the common meaning of discourse community which is a specific
group that share a common interest, also they are agree that there are different types of
genre depending on the thing that is being written and the way how they analyze the groups
is almost the same because both examine the common interest, the methods they use to
communicate and in both all the members can participate. However, there also exist
differences which are that in Swale method they also analyze the lexis which is the specific
language they use to describe certain things, also they differentiate the levels of expertise
which mean that there are specific positions to everyone and he also analyze the genre. In
comparison with Porter that he does not study the lexis, but in comparison he think that
there is no clear leader and also the participation of any member is acceptable if they add
knowledge. They both have almost the same things to analyze but I will totally prefer the
Swale method because in my opinion his analysis gives a better understanding of the group
in it goes more deep when researching information of the group rather than Porter because
The Susan G. Komen for the Cure is a secondary research that started when in 1980 Nancy
G Brinker promised her dying sister Susan that she would do everything in her power to
end with the breast cancer forever, after two years the Susan G. Komen organization
started. This was the beginning of this organization however at that moment she didnt
realized that the organization would have a lot of success, but in order to accomplish her
goal she also faced some problems that was to found someone who would invest in the
organization. Although the organization started with $200 nowadays has a lot of investors
and has invested about $2.9 billion in groundbreaking research. Their efforts to reduce the
deaths from breast cancer has been successfully accomplish because it has been reduce by
38 percent between 1989-2014, but this hasnt been enough to this organization and they
This organization have help not only by doing research they also use community health,
global outreach and policy initiatives in order to acknowledge and cause a better impact in
the world. The webpage that this organization uses in order to let the people know about
what they are doing, how are they doing it, and why are they doing this, is really organized
and answer all the question that a person might have. I analyzed all the data that they had
on their webpage to determine if they have enough information and can explain with
precise data what they have done, what is their goal, and what the organization is doing to
In this case the organization show how the media becomes important in order to
acknowledge the people that they exist. Nowadays the people spend more time watching
the television, or in their electronic devices such as cellphone, tablets, laptops, and
computers; making the newspaper obsolete because the people will find the same
information in their electronic devices. This is the reason why making a webpage works
better for this organization because makes the acknowledgement for people more broad.
The organization Susan G. Komen for the Cure is an organization that their same goal is to
end with the deaths of breast cancer, I think this is a really good goal because there are
many women that are suffering from this type of cancer and now they will have someone
that will help them to overcome with this tough illness. One of my goals is to become into a
doctor that is the reason why I wanted to research more about this community, the
organization has a webpage were the convey all the information in order to let the people
know about the breast cancer and how they are lowering the amount of deaths by doing
research and investing in new technologies to treat cancer. The primary reason why the
group was developed was because in 1980 Nancy G Brinker promised to her sister Susan
that was fighting against cancer that she wouldnt stop until there is world without breast
The community used some mechanism in order to achieve their goal which is end with
breast cancer. The organization takes really serious making connections with their members
because the community want to be view as the professional organization that is. The things
that makes this organization a good discourse community is that everyone can participate as
the Swales test, they can participate through email, internships, volunteering opportunities
they also use races and walks to integrate the community and using the mail. The primarily
purpose for this mechanisms is to communicate with their members, also to show to
The organization uses advertisements, media, emails, mail, phone calls and face to face
meetings. The connection that this organization makes with their members is really
important because most of the members are the ones that make the donations and that is
what makes this organization really successful. The importance to let their investors know
where the money they are investing is going is also another thing that should be primordial
because if the organization do not show this to the members they will lose some trust. This
is the reason why I consider this organization would be a successful discourse community
and if this is not enough to prove that they are a great group, they also have the years that
The organization does not counts with a specific lexis or vocabulary that in my personal
opinion I dont consider this will affect the success of the community. I think the lack of
this specialized vocabulary make a little bit easier to everyone who is interested on the
organization find information about the organization. The benefit of this organization is that
counts with several expertise such as Ellen Willmott and Connie ONeill that are key leader
from the organization however as I mentioned before anyone can participate. The
newcomers can be anyone who is willing to help no matter if is not monetary but doing
research, making advertisements, or also managing the accounts. In order to participate the
one who is interest in participate has to interviewed in order to determine in what aspects
they can help after being interviewed the get a capacitation where all the information of th
organization is mentioned.
I really enjoyed investigating about this discourse community because the organization has
a goal that is to end with breast cancer and that is a good purpose of doing this community.
Breast cancer coast a lot of female lives, but with this type of organization that invest their
money to find a cure or to acknowledge the females to take care from this situation the rates
from deaths in females caused by breast cancer will reduce. To me this organization is
successful discourse community because it fulfil the requirements from Porter test and
Swale test, however, this discourse community lack a point from the two test I will consider
as a successful discourse community. In Porters test he mentioned that only those who has
something to offer to the group can give arguments, and in this community everyone can
have a specific vocabulary, but in this case the community does not follow this rule. Even
though the group does not follow some rules for both test I can consider it as a successful
discourse community.