Internet Interventions: Martin Kraepelien, Per Svenningsson, Nils Lindefors, Viktor Kaldo

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Internet Interventions 2 (2015) 16

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Internet Interventions
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Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for depression and anxiety

in Parkinson's disease A pilot study
Martin Kraepelien a,, Per Svenningsson b, Nils Lindefors a, Viktor Kaldo a
Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Division of Psychiatry, Stockholm, Sweden
Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Division of Neurology, Stockholm, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is often associated with depression and anxiety. The availability of
Received 28 October 2014 evidence-based psychological interventions is low.
Received in revised form 21 November 2014 Objective: This pilot study investigates the feasibility and preliminary effect of internet-based cognitive behavior-
Accepted 21 November 2014 al therapy (ICBT) for depression and anxiety in PD.
Available online 2 December 2014
Methods: 9 patients with PD with comorbid symptoms on the relevant subscale of Hospital Anxiety and Depres-
sion Scale (HADS), of either depression (HADS-D N 7) or anxiety (HADS-A N 7) received 12 weeks of ICBT, spe-
cially adapted for depression and anxiety in PD. Primary outcome was change in depression and anxiety
Anxiety symptoms, measured with HADS total score. Effects on non-motor symptoms, PD specic health and quality of
Parkinson's disease life and insomnia were explored, plus the participant's involvement, satisfaction, and subjective evaluation of
Internet-based treatment the treatment.
Cognitive behavioral therapy Results: Participants reported lower symptoms on HADS after ICBT (Cohen's d = 0.79, p b 0.05). However, levels
of inactivity were rather high and questionnaires and comments from participants suggested that the treatment
can be improved, for example by adding more therapist support.
Conclusions: The results suggest that ICBT could be a feasible way to alleviate depression and anxiety in PD. How-
ever, a somewhat simplied treatment and different ways to provide support to enhance adherence and outcome
are warranted.
2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction symptoms compared with the group receiving the usual clinical moni-
toring (Cohen's d = 1.59) (Dobkin et al., 2011a).
Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegener- The availability of CBT is unfortunately low, mostly because of lack of
ative disease, often associated with motor symptoms such as rigidity CBT-trained therapists (Larsson et al., 2009). New ways to administer
and resting tremor. PD is also often associated with comorbid depres- CBT as self-help via books, telephone and internet, can increase access
sion, anxiety and sleep problems which impair the quality of life. A re- to treatment and reduce costs. Self-help with therapist support has
cent systematic review is suggesting that the prevalence of clinically proven to be as effective as traditional CBT in a range of conditions
relevant depression in patients with PD is 3035% (Aarsland et al., (Cuijpers et al., 2010).
2012). Even more patients have symptoms of depression and anxiety Besides the lack of CBT trained therapists, PD patients may have dif-
but do not meet all criteria for a diagnosis (Aarsland et al., 2012). culty getting to weekly sessions at the clinic. In a survey, 31% of PD pa-
Most patients with PD also have some form of sleep disorder (Larsen tients reported transportation as a barrier to mental health care
and Tandberg, 2001). utilization and 52% said that mental health services were not available
There are only a few studies examining psychological interventions locally (Dobkin et al., 2013). The same survey reported that a majority
for depression and anxiety in Parkinson's disease (Yang et al., 2012). had access to phone, cell phone and internet, and felt comfortable
These studies suggest that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be ef- using both phone and computer.
fective. One randomized trial (n = 80) has been made where the group A small case study (n = 10) evaluated telephone-administered CBT
receiving CBT experienced a clearly signicant reduction in depressive for PD patients with comorbid depressive or anxiety disorders with
promising results (Veazey et al., 2009). These study participants report-
ed that they preferred to manage their CBT treatment from home com-
Corresponding author at: M46, Internet Psychiatry Clinic, Karolinska University
pared to having to travel to the clinic once a week. Another uncontrolled,
Hospital, SE-141 86 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel.:+46 707 37 38 59. but larger study (n = 21) of telephone CBT for depression in PD found
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Kraepelien). promising improvements in depression score (Cohen's d = 1.21)
2214-7829/ 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2 M. Kraepelien et al. / Internet Interventions 2 (2015) 16

(Dobkin et al., 2011b). Both treatments used in these two studies of tele- 2.2. Sample and recruitment
phone CBT mirrored standard face-to-face CBT in both content and ses-
sion length and where not based on guided self-help where the main Table 1 presents the characteristics of the participants included in
content of the treatment is delivered via text or other media and the this study. Participants were recruited by a neurologist (PS) at the PD
therapist is mainly giving additional support and feedback. unit at the Neurology Department at the Karolinska University Hospital,
Internet-based CBT (ICBT) usually consists of self-help texts, home- Stockholm, Sweden between December 2011 and March 2013. After PD
work assignments, queries and guidance by an online therapist assessment with Unied Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, UPDRS (Fahn
(Andersson et al., 2008). The evidence of guided ICBT's effectiveness et al., 1987), the participant completed questionnaires through a secure
and cost-benet is rapidly growing (Hedman et al., 2012). ICBT has pre- web page.
viously been used to treat both psychiatric conditions such as panic dis- Inclusion criteria were: (a) a previously diagnosed PD and (b) mild
order (Hedman et al., 2013) and distress related to somatic problems to moderate depression or anxiety problems dened as Hospital Anxi-
such as tinnitus (Kaldo et al., 2008). Internet-based interventions have ety and Depression Scale (Zigmond and Snaith, 1983) subscale for anx-
also been used successfully with other neurology patients in two small- iety (HADS-A), or subscale for depression (HADS-D), greater than 7
er studies, one treating depression in epilepsy (n = 40) (Thompson (Bjelland et al., 2002). Exclusion criteria were: (c) current drug abuse,
et al., 2010) and one managing fatigue in multiple sclerosis (n = 40) (d) psychosis or bipolar disorder, (e) problems that prevent the use of
(Moss-Morris et al., 2012). To our knowledge, studies of ICBT for depres- computer or internet, (f) lack of time or ability to perform the exercises
sion and anxiety in Parkinson's disease are lacking. in ICBT, (g) cognitive function less than 24 on Montreal Cognitive As-
sessment (MoCA) (Gill et al., 2008), (h) severe depression dened as
1.1. Aim of this study over 30 on Montgomery sberg Depression Rating Scale Self rating
version, MADRS-S (Mattila-Evenden et al., 1996), high suicide risk de-
The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility and prelimi- ned as (i) 5 or 6 points on the MADRS-S question on suicidal thoughts
nary effect of ICBT for depression and anxiety in Parkinson's disease. or (j) a high suicide risk identied by the neurologist or the psychologist
We hypothesized that participants would improve on measures of interviewing the participant. Participants were not excluded on the
symptoms of depression and anxiety. We also explored effects on PD basis of any concurrent medical, physiological or psychological
non-motor symptoms, PD specic health and quality of life, and insom- treatment.
nia as well as involvement in treatment, the participant's satisfaction In the next step, the participant was interviewed face-to-face by a
and subjective evaluation of the treatment. psychologist (MK) which served as the start of the internet-based treat-
ment phase. Once every treatment week, the participants completed
2. Methods the MADRS-S over the internet. If the MADRS-S question on suicidality
was above 3, the psychologist contacted the participant to perform a
2.1. Design structured evaluation for suicidal ideation. In treatment week 12 the
participant again completed internet questionnaires and was then
This was an uncontrolled study to evaluate the effect ICBT had on interviewed again face-to-face by the psychologist. All treatment was
depression and anxiety symptoms in PD patients (n = 9). A within- an adjunct to standard medical treatment in PD. After treatment the
group design with repeated measurements was used. The study was participant was assessed again by a neurologist at the PD unit.
approved by the Regional Ethics Review Board in Stockholm, Sweden
(2011/1844-31/4). The study was also registered at
2.3. Outcome measures
2.3.1. Primary outcome
Table 1
The primary outcome measure was anxiety and depression symp-
Baseline characteristics of participants. toms measured with the HADS scale (Zigmond and Snaith, 1983). The
HADS measures the degree of anxiety and depression both as indepen-
Characteristic n=9
dent subscales with 7 items each, HADS-A and HADS-D, and as a 14 item
Age, years, m (sd) 66.0 (11.6) total score. The score range is 021 for each subscale and 042 for the
Age span, youngestoldest, years 3774
total score. HADS has shown internal consistency with a Cronbach's
Gender, n (%)
Women 3 (33%) of 0.83 for HADS-A and 0.82 for HADS-D (Bjelland et al., 2002). Internet
Men 6 (67%) administration of the HADS has also shown to be valid (Andersson et al.,
Marital status, n (%) 2003).
Married/living with partner 8 (89%)
Separated/divorced/widowed 1 (11%)
Single/other 2.3.2. Secondary outcomes
Educational level, n (%)
A secondary outcome measure was degree of depression measured
Compulsary school/other 0
Upper secondary school 4 (44%) with MADRS-S which is a psychometrically sound measure and highly
College/university 5 (56%) correlated to other measures of depression (Mattila-Evenden et al.,
Current occupation, n (%) 1996). The score range for MADRS-S is 054. Degree of insomnia was
Work/studies full time 0 measured with Insomnia Severity Index, ISI which has shown adequate
Work/studies part time 2 (22%)
psychometric properties (Bastien et al., 2001). The score range for ISI is
Retired/sick leave/unemployed/other 7 (78%)
Quality of life in PD (PDQ-39SI), m (sd) 35.5 (12.8) 028. The Parkinson Disease Questionnaire, PDQ-39 was used at screen-
PD severity (UPDRS), m (sd) 41.2 (16.0) ing to assess PD specic health and quality of life in 8 dimensions
Cognitive functioning (MoCA), n = 8, m (sd) 26.4 (1.6) (Jenkinson et al., 1997a). The PDQ-8 is a shorter form measure of the
Years since PD diagnosis, m (sd) 8.1 (3.9)
same dimensions as in PDQ-39 and highly correlated to the 39 item ver-
Uses antidepressants, n (%) 2 (22%)
Levodopa equivalent doses medication, m (sd)a 835 (322) mg sion (Jenkinson et al., 1997b). The PDQ-8 was used at pre- and post-
treatment to measure change in PD related health and quality of life
Abbrevations: PD, Parkinson's disease; PDQ-39SI, The Parkinson Disease Questionnaire-39
Single Index; UPDRS, Unied Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale; MoCA, Montreal Cognitive
by calculating the PDQ-8 Single Index, PDQ-8SI. Level of non-motor
Assessment. symptoms was measured with the Non-motor Symptoms Question-
See Tomlinson et al. (2010). naire, NMSQuest (Chaudhuri et al., 2006).
M. Kraepelien et al. / Internet Interventions 2 (2015) 16 3

2.4. Other measures specic problems with the appropriate traditional CBT methods. During
treatment, the therapist contacted the participant via the treatment
2.4.1. Participant involvement in treatment platform after each nished module and by phone in case of inactiv-
Participant involvement in treatment was measured with the num- ity, technical problems, or indications of suicidality. The therapist
ber of messages each participant sent to the therapist, the number of (MK) had training and experience in CBT and ICBT for depression
treatment modules accessed per participant and the number of home- and anxiety with adults but no earlier experience of working with
work assignment reports completed per participant. These measures PD patients. The therapist was supervised by the neurologist (PS)
were automatically registered in the treatment platform. in PD specic questions.

2.4.2. Therapist activity 2.6. Data analysis

Therapist activity per participant was measured with the number of
messages sent to each participant, the total time spent on writing mes- Descriptive statistics were calculated to summarize demographics
sages to each participant, the number of phone calls per participant and and characteristics at baseline. Outcome measures were evaluated
the total time spent on phone calls per participant. from baseline to end of ICBT with T-tests and Cohen's d was then calcu-
lated as a measure of within group effect size. In case of missing data at
2.4.3. Satisfaction and subjective evaluation post treatment, the last available observation was used as post data in
Satisfaction with treatment was assessed at post-treatment with the accordance with an intent-to-treat analysis with last observation car-
eight item Client Satisfaction Questionnaire, CSQ-8 (Attkisson and ried forward. All participants were included in the description of partic-
Zwick, 1982). This questionnaire includes both numerically rated prop- ipant adherence and activity and therapist activity while only
ositions and the possibility to provide written comments to each prop- participants who completed the client satisfaction questionnaires
osition (see Table 4). These written comments constituted an important were used in the client satisfaction analysis.
basis for the qualitative evaluation of the treatment program. This
established questionnaire was complemented with self-rated questions 3. Results
about the amount of interaction with the treatment and a semi-
structured interview about the experience of ICBT done by the 3.1. Recruitment and attrition
Thirteen participants were screened for inclusion in the pilot study.
2.5. Treatment The participants' ow throughout the study can be seen in Fig. 1.
Three participants dropped out from treatment. Interviews gave that
The initial psychologist interview provided the psychologist with in two cases this was because of problems in managing the technologi-
clinical information relevant to the ICBT intervention including choice cal aspects of the treatment, and in one case the reason was difculties
of optional treatment modules and a rst denition of the participant's in concentrating on the treatment. Two post treatment questionnaires
treatment goals. The ICBT program was then accessible to the partici- were lost and one post treatment questionnaire did not include the pa-
pant later the same day. Table 2 presents the content of the 12 week tient satisfaction forms.
ICBT protocol. It consisted of mandatory and optional treatment mod-
ules which were accessed by the participant one at a time. A module
3.2. Primary outcome depression and anxiety
consisted of educative texts, interactive forms and practical exercises.
The maximum possible number of different modules for a partici-
Change in anxiety and depression symptoms, measured with the
pant was 11. Each module was designed to be used a exible number
total score of the HADS scale, can be seen in Table 3. The change in
of weeks to perform the amount of practical exercise needed to facilitate
HADS mean score was moderate and was statistically signicant
change. Modules were altered compared to the modules used in the
(t(8) = 3.09; p b .05). The change in depression symptoms (HADS-D)
regular ICBT-program for depression used at the Internet Psychiatry
was also signicant (t(8) = 2.44; p b .05). The change in anxiety symp-
Clinic, Stockholm Sweden (Hedman et al., 2014). To meet the needs
toms (HADS-A) encompassed a small and non-signicant change.
of the PD patient group, who may suffer from lowered executive func-
tioning (Lees et al., 2009), the paragraphs and total amount of text
were shorter, there were more pictures and illustrations, and all exam- 3.3. Secondary outcomes
ples were PD specic. A typical module contained around 3000 words
compared to 60009000 words per module used in the regular depres- No signicant effects were observed in degree of depression mea-
sion treatment for non-PD patients. The mandatory modules were sured with MADRS-S, insomnia measured with ISI, PD related health
based on behavioral activation to alleviate depressive symptoms and and quality of life measured with PDQ-8SI or non-motor symptoms
management of avoidance behaviors. The optional modules targeted measured with NMSQuest (Table 3).

Table 2
Content of the treatment modules.

Treatment module Mandatory/optionala Homework assignment

1. Introduction Mandatory Identifying values and setting long term goals

2. Behavioral activation Mandatory Activity scheduling
3. Avoidance and mastery Mandatory Activity scheduling
Sleep and circadian rhythm Optional Sleep diary and sleep restriction
Social anxiety Optional Anxiety hierarchy and graded exposure
Cognitive distortions Optional Cognitive reappraisal
Mindfulness Optional Mindfulness and acceptance exercises
Physical exercise Optional Scheduling of physical exercise
Relaxation Optional Progressive relaxation training with audio les
Last module Mandatory Summary and future
An optional module for panic disorder was not used in this study, since none of the participants received it in their personalization of treatment.
4 M. Kraepelien et al. / Internet Interventions 2 (2015) 16

Fig. 1. Participants' ow through the study.

3.4. Participant involvement in treatment 3.6. Satisfaction and involvement

The participants sent on average 8.3 (SD = 7.5) messages, ranging 3.6.1. Quantitative analysis
from 0 to 24 messages per participant. Each participant accessed on av- The participants who completed the CSQ-8 (n = 6) scored an aver-
erage 3.4 (SD = 2.1) treatment modules, ranging from 1 to 7 treatment age of 19.67 (SD = 4.03) out of a possible 32 indicating a moderate de-
modules per participant. The most used optional treatment modules gree of patient satisfaction. Degree of satisfaction measured with CSQ-8
where relaxation, social anxiety and sleep and circadian rhythm. Each did not correlate with change in depression and anxiety symptoms
participant submitted on average 3.0 (SD = 3.9) homework assignment measured with HADS.
report forms, ranging from 0 to 11 reports per participant. The participants who completed the CSQ-8 (n = 6) also rated their
degree of involvement in treatment on a number of questions which in-
cluded the questions seen in Table 4. These self-ratings reveal that al-
3.5. Therapist activity though many participants considered the amount of text to be too
much, they often found it interesting and relevant and, on average,
The therapist sent on average 8.8 (SD = 7.4) messages to each par- they read most of it. Many participants admitted to not working very ac-
ticipant, ranging from 1 to 24 messages per participant. The total time tively with the homework assignments, and another potential problem
spent on writing messages to each participant was on average 118.2 was that many participants did not contact the therapist every time
(SD = 98.3) minutes ranging from 4.6 to 275.2 min per participant, they encountered a problem, or had a question.
this equals an average of 10 min per participant and week. The therapist
called the participant on average 2.8 (SD = 3.3) times, ranging from 0 to
8 phone calls per participant. The total time spent on phone calls with 3.6.2. Comments and interview
each participant was on average 31.8 (SD = 41.5) minutes, ranging The participants' written comments about treatment satisfaction
from 0 to 111 min, this equals less than 3 min per participant and and semi-structured interviews showed high satisfaction with the
week on average. telephone-based parts of treatment, example quote: The contact over

Table 3
Observed mean (SD), change values and effect sizes (n = 9).

Pre Postb Change pre to post

Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean difference (95% CI) Effect size d (95% CI)a T-test

Main outcome: anxiety and depression

HADS 20.1 (6.2) 15.3 (6.0) 4.8 (8.3 to 1.2) 0.79 (1.36 to 0.20) t(8) = 3.09; p b .05
HADS-A, anxiety 9.6 (5.7) 7.6 (4.1) 2.0 (4.6 to +0.6) 0.40 (0.94 to 0.12) t(8) = 1.75; p = .118
HADS-D, depression 10.6 (2.7) 7.8 (2.5) 2.8 (5.4 to 0.1) 1.08 (2.08 to 0.04) t(8) = 2.44; p b .05
Secondary outcomes
MADRS-S, depression 16.7 (6.0) 14.2 (8.5) 2.4 (7.9 to +3.1) 0.34 (1.09 to 0.43) t(8) = 1.02; p = .336
ISI, insomnia 11.8 (5.4) 10.9 (5.3) 0.9 (3.8 to +2.0) 0.17 (0.71 to 0.37) t(8) = 0.71; p = .498
PDQ-8SI, PD related health 37.2 (14.6) 37.2 (20.0) 0.0 (6.5 to +6.5) 0.00 (0.38 to 0.38) t(8) = 0.00; p = 1.00
NMSQuest, non-motor symptoms 12.6 (5.9) 12.1 (5.8) 0.4 (2.0 to +1.1) 0.08 (0.34 to 0.19) t(8) = 0.66; p = .525

Abbreviations: Pre, Pre-treatment assessment; Post, Post-treatment assessment; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; MADRS-S, Montgomery sberg Depression Rating Scale
Self rating; ISI, Insomnia Severity Index; PDQ-8SI, The Parkinson Disease Questionnaire-8 Single Index; PD, Parkinson's disease; NMSQuest, Non-motor Symptoms Questionnaire.
Effect sizes calculated within groups, pre-post, with pooled standard deviation.
Last observation carried forward, in case of missing data at post.
M. Kraepelien et al. / Internet Interventions 2 (2015) 16 5

Table 4 prematurely. This rate of drop-out was not seen in the studies of face-
Participant involvement in treatment (n = 6). to-face- or telephone-CBT done by Dobkin and colleagues (Dobkin
n (%) et al., 2011a; Dobkin et al., 2011b). Besides the different ways of admin-
How often was the text interesting and relevant?
istering treatment, the studies by Dobkin and colleagues also included
Never 0 active caregiver support. Parkinson severity, dened as mean UPDRS-
Seldom 0 score, in this sample was similar to what was seen in the randomized
Sometimes 3 (50%) trial by Dobkin and colleagues (Dobkin et al., 2011a). The caregivers' en-
Often 1 (17%)
gagement in treatment was a signicant predictor of response to CBT
Always 2 (33%)
Was the amount of text too much or too little? (Dobkin et al., 2012). In the current study, high initial problem severity
Way too little 0 could also be a partial explanation to the rather inactive participants. PD
Too little 1 (17%) severity in this sample was similar to the PD severity seen in the ran-
Just right 2 (33%) domized trial by Dobkin and colleagues. On the other hand the levels
Too much 3 (50%)
Way too much 0
of non-motor symptoms, measured with NMSQuest, were in the range
How much of all text did you read in total? of severe PD (Chaudhuri et al., 2006). Though participants on average
None 0 found the text mostly interesting and relevant, they were less satised
25% 1 (17%) with treatment than participants in a comparable ICBT-treatment for
50% 0
depression who in a large (n = 1203) effectiveness study (Hedman
75% 1 (17%)
100% 4 (67%) et al., 2014), had a mean sum score of 24.51 (4.75). This is a signicantly
How actively did you work with the homework assignments? higher degree of self-reported treatment satisfaction than in the present
I did not do any homework assignments at all 0 study (t(1207) = 2.49; p b .05). Written comments, interview data and
I did not work very actively with the homework assignments 3 (50%) the reasons for drop out suggest that some participants thought the
I worked quite actively with the homework assignments 2 (33%)
internet platform was hard to use and would have gained from either
I worked actively with most homework assignments 1 (17%)
I did all the homework assignments 0 a simpler system or more practical help with the current internet plat-
When you had a problem or questions, how often did you form. Many phone calls with participants were used for technical
contact the therapist? counseling and these could perhaps be preventable with a more sim-
Never 1 (17%)
plistic technical solution. This is also supported by the participants'
Occasionally 2 (33%)
Every other time 1 (17%)
comments and the reasons the three participants out of nine gave for ac-
Almost every time 2 (33%) tively leaving treatment. The involvement of a caregiver could be anoth-
Every time 0 er way to increase engagement in treatment and prevent inactivity and
drop out in future studies. A more active therapist may be a way to
counter that the participants were inactive in contacting the therapist
the phone with [the psychologist] was good!. There were also exam- when they had a problem or a question.
ples of specic gains in function, example quote: I cannot determine Strengths of this study include the novelty of using an internet based
what has inuenced my behavior, but the fact is that I sleep substantial- treatment on PD patients which is an often neglected group when it
ly better now compared to a month ago. Some comments showed dis- comes to psychological treatments, the large number of questionnaire
satisfaction with the treatment method, example quote: My and interview data measuring the participant's interaction and satisfac-
depression depends on Parkinson, and I believe it can only be alleviated tion with treatment, and the signicant effect on the main outcome. In-
by medications. Other comments showed dissatisfaction with the ternet based treatments have earlier rarely been used with patient
internet-based parts of treatment, example quote: To hard to get in groups with a high degree of functional impairment. The preliminary re-
contact. [I needed] more practical help and demonstration of the com- sults indicating comparably low degrees of participant satisfaction and
puter system. In summary, the participants' views of the treatment involvement could be used as a warning not to assume that the adapta-
were mixed, but it is clear that some participants wished for more active tions made in this treatment program were sufcient.
input from the therapist. This study also displays limitations. First, since this was a pilot study
without a control condition, any detected effect could be caused by non-
4. Discussion specic treatment factors such as time and the attention of a therapist.
Thus, the ndings in this feasibility study need to be replicated in a ran-
This study investigated the feasibility and effect of ICBT for depression domized controlled trial. Second, the small sample size makes the study
and anxiety in PD. The ICBT tested in the study was based on behavioral underpowered, leading to difculty detecting treatment effects. Howev-
activation for depression and optional symptom specic modules were er, despite low statistical power there were signicant treatment effects
matched to each participant's needs. The results suggest that this form on the primary outcome measure. Third, there was no signicant drop
of ICBT can be effective in the treatment of depressive symptoms in PD. in depressive symptoms measured with MADRS-S similar to the drop
ICBT was associated with a signicant drop in HADS with a medium to in HADS-D. However, HADS-D is more adapted to measure depression
large within group effect, especially in the depressive symptoms sub- in somatic patients than MADRS-S because of HADS-D's exclusion of
scale HADS-D. No signicant effects were seen on anxiety symptoms items affected by the physical illness of the patient (Zigmond and
measured with the sub-scale HADS-A, or the secondary outcomes of in- Snaith, 1983). Fourth, only one psychologist (MK) treated the partici-
somnia, PD related health and quality of life, depressive symptoms mea- pants leading to difculties generalizing the results to other therapists.
sured with MADRS-S, or non-motor symptoms. The treatment might be However, the therapeutic role of the psychologist was limited since
a cost effective treatment alternative since the therapist spent less than the treatment was delivered as guided self-help via the internet. Fifth,
15 min per participant and week, which is less than seen in previous the participants were recruited by a single neurologist (PS) and may
face-to-face or telephone-CBT (Dobkin et al., 2011a; Dobkin et al., 2011b). not be generalizable to the whole population of people with depression
Many participants were quite inactive in working with the home- and anxiety in PD. The high degree of non-motor symptoms may for ex-
work assignments with an average of just three completed assignments ample be an indication that the participants were unusually symptom-
per person. The average number of messages sent to the therapist was atic in this sample. Finally, since assessors were not blinded to time
just above eight and the treatment evaluation form suggested that few point, there could be a bias towards describing improvements in the
participants contacted the therapist every time they encountered a participants. However, the primary outcome measure and most other
problem. Three out of nine participants decided to end treatment measures were self-administered by the participant.
6 M. Kraepelien et al. / Internet Interventions 2 (2015) 16

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