Website Green Channel Counter New PDF
Website Green Channel Counter New PDF
Website Green Channel Counter New PDF
The Bank had launched 'Green C hannel C ounter'(GCC) facility on State Bank Day
( 01.07.2010), at 57 select branches of the Bank spread across the country. This was an
innovative step taken by the Bank towards changing the traditional way of paper based
banking in a limited way, to card based Green Banking focusing on reduction in paper
usage as well as saving transaction time. This is a pioneering concept which would save
both paper and time resources.
At the dawn of State Bank Day 2011 (01.07.2011), and on the First Anniversary of the
launch of GCC , this facility has been made available at 5000+ branches across the
Country. During this journey of one year the Green C hannel C ounter facility has earned
many accolades. At the IBA Banking Technology Awards 2010, SBI won the Best
C ustomer Initiative Award for the Green C hannel C ounter. In addition, this has lead to
the saving of enough papers to avoid felling of approximately 5 Trees.
As such, the GCC aims at providing our C ustomers with a simple, secure and quick way of
executing daily Banking transactions. It enhances C ustomer ease as there is no need to
remember the 11 digit account number or carry passbook, fill in pay in slips / withdrawal
forms, etc. Only the ATM cum Debit Card and PIN is needed to identify a C ustomer and
his / her Bank Account.
Three types of transactions have been enabled through this facility viz C ash Deposits,
Cash Withdrawals and Funds Transfer. The transaction amount has been fixed as Rs
C ustomers can use the Green Channel C ounter without queues and without taking the
token. They may simply walk up to the C ounter, Swipe their card and execute the
transaction. Also it has been observed that while normal branch banking transactions take
2 to 4 minutes for completion, a transaction routed through the GCC takes less than a
Thus the Green C hannel C ounter in not only an endeavour to offer ease of transactions to
all C ustomers especially senior citizens, but also an environment friendly initiative.
We welcome you to use this state-of-the-art facility and be part of our 'Green Banking'