In this course you will obtain a wealth of knowledge in Chemistry and engage in scientific
thinking. Chemistry is known as The Central Science because it includes elements of other
sciences such as Biology and Physics. You will find this class to be very different and more
challenging than other courses you have taken. Therefore, it will require strong dedication
from you. This is an extremely rewarding and interesting class. I look forward to a productive,
positive, and meaningful year!
Class Rules:
J Be Prepared: Please bring the following items to class each day: pen or pencil, a
scientific or 4-function calculator (NOT a graphing calculator), a 1.5 inch three-ring
loose-leaf binder dedicated to Chemistry (no other subject) with paper and chemistry
reference table (this will be given to you). When the bell rings you must take out your
homework from the night before and you must complete the Do Now s that are posted.
J Be Prompt: Lateness will not be tolerated as it is extremely distracting in the classroom
environment. If you are late for class you MUST sign the late book with your name,
date, period and time. Multiple unexcused tardies will result in a phone call home and
J Be Productive: Inside class you must complete all assignments and work with
classmates if assigned to a group. Outside of class it is recommended that you review
your notes on a daily basis.
J Be Polite: Be respectful to your fellow students and your teachers. Our classroom is a
learning environment and disrespect distracts from this environment and will not be
J Any disruptive or inappropriate behavior in the classroom will result in a phone call
J Cutting will result in a phone call home and a detention.
Grading Policy:
Quarter Grades will be based on the following:
Exams 55%
Quizzes 15%
Labs 20%
HW/Classwork/Participation 10%
Exams & Quizzes: Quizzes and tests are based on information covered during class
discussion, homework assignments, readings, and laboratory activities. Tests consist of
Regents multiple-choice questions and short answer questions. All exams are cumulative in
Labs/Lab Reports: Labs will require a written lab report consisting of a data page,
graphs/tables, a conclusion and question/answers. There will be lab quizzes periodically that
will count towards your lab grade. All completed lab reports will remain in a folder in the
classroom, and MAY NOT be taken home. This is to ensure completion of the 1200-minute lab
requirement for the Regens Exam.
Class Participation: Most classes will begin with a DO-NOW. You must ask and answer
questions in class, as well as participate in class discussions and activities. You will be graded
on preparedness, participation, and tardies/absences.
Homework Assignments: Homework will frequently be assigned and will be due at the
beginning of the period the next day. Late HW will not be accepted! Homework assignments
will be a mix of Castle Learning online assignments and written assignments. Even when
homework is not assigned, it is recommended you spend 15-20 minutes reviewing class notes
and practice problems to identify topics that may be confusing to you.
If you are absent, YOU are responsible for getting notes and making up any class work or
homework assignments. You must arrange to make up any labs as soon as you return to
school. Any missed exams and quizzes will be given the day you return to class, so be
prepared! If your absence is unexcused, you will receive a 0 on any tests, quizzes, or lab
assignments given on the day of your absence. If a student misses a lab due to an excused
absence, he/she will have one week to makeup the lab after school or a zero will be averaged
into the grade. Being absent severely limits your academic success. If you are not in class,
you are not learning; so please make every effort to be in class every day on time.
Extra Help:
I will be available for extra help Tuesday after school from 2:15-3:00PM and Wednesday
before school from 6:30-7:10 AM. I will also be available by appointment and by email:
[email protected]. Extra help is for you to correct mistakes/problems you are having,
not for me to re-teach a lesson. Come with questions, NOT expectations!
Academic Integrity:
Students are expected to abide by the school s Code of Academic Integrity:
All academic work will be done by the individual to whom it is assigned without unauthorized
aid of any kind. Using the words or ideas of another as one s own in any academic activity,
without proper acknowledgement, is plagiarism.
Although students will frequently work together on laboratory assignments and classwork, all
submitted work is expected to be unique and not copies or reproduced from a classmates
work. Cheating/plagiarism/academic dishonesty is a SERIOUS offense that will hold SERIOUS
results. Do not take these warnings lightly. An apology will NOT correct this mistake. Ask
questions if you are unsure about any of these policies.
Classroom Expectations & Procedures Agreement
Ms. Talleur
I have read the following syllabus and my parent(s)/guardian(s) have also read it. I understand
the syllabus and agree to abide by the requirements and recommendations outlined.