7.3. Obat Stimulan
7.3. Obat Stimulan
7.3. Obat Stimulan
- Obat a.l.
- pikrotoksin
- striknin
- metrazol
- etamiven
- metilfenidat
- Derivat Xantin.. Masih dipakai
- dll
Derivat Xantin
3 golongan:
- Kafein (1,3,7-trimetil xantin )
- Teofilin ( 1,3-dimetil xantin )
- Teobromin (3,7-dimetil xantin )
-Sintetis industri farmasi ( obat & minuman )
- Alami
Kopi Kafein
Teh mengandung kafein, teofilin&
teobromin ( kafein >> )
Coklat teobromin dan kafein
Farmakologi gol Xantin
Kekuatan: 1>2>3
SSP stimulasi
Ginjal Diuresis
Jantung stimulasi
Otot polos relaksasi
Xanthine Mechanisms of action
inhibit cellular calcium reuptake, which increases the
free calcium concentration and enhances cardiac and
skeletal muscle contractility
competing for benzodiazepine receptors within the
central nervous system
inhibiting phosphodiesterase, resulting in increased
intracellularcyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)
Adenosine receptor antagonists, which inhibit
sleepiness-inducing adenosine also leads to
induce acid and pepsin secretions in the GI tract
Pharmacokinetics of Xanthine
Xanthine derivatives are well absorbed orally,reaching
peak distribution within two hours, distributed to all body
tissues , crosses placenta barrier and BBB
T1/2 : -Teofilin dws 8-9 jam, anak2 3 jam
- Kafein 3 jam
The compounds are metabolized by the liver (the
cytochrome P-450 enzyme system).
Excreted mostly in urine ( 10% unchanged ),
small amounts excreted in feces, sweat, breast milk
However, in neonates approximately 85 % of a dose is
excreted unchanged in the urine. Decreased elimination
and a prolonged half-life may increase caffeine toxicity in
neonates and premature infants
1. SSP
Kafein: - ngantuk ( - )
- berpikir: lbh terang, cepat & jernih
- lelah
- panca indrafgs baik
Hasil kerja efisien ( 1-2 gelas kopi )
Dosis >> : gelisah, gugup, insomnia, tremor,
Dosis>>>: konvulsi ( terutama teofilin )
2. Kardiovaskular
* Jantung freq , kontr
takikardi aritmia
Teofilin : pernah dipakai utk terapi darurat
payah jantung tetapi Toksis
- kejang, insomnia, takikardia
Jarang tjd keracunan
Teofilin ; sering
- IV cepat
gjl: kejang terapi dgn diazepam
Xanthine intoxication
Acute Toxicity
In adults, ingestion of 5001000 mg of caffeine may result in nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and agitation. Most patients have sinus
tachycardia and a mild hypertension. The estimated lethal dose of caffeine in
an untreated adult is 510 g
Treatment in all cases is supportive with attention to airway, breathing, and
circulation. Oral activated charcoal, 12 g/kg of body weight is the primary
mode of gastrointestinal decontamination. Caffeine may produce
hypokalemia so Potassium and other electrolytes should be monitored and
replaced as needed. An antiemetic such as metoclopromide or ondansetron
may be considered if protracted vomiting occurs. Benzodiazepines such as
diazepam and lorazepam should be given to patients who are agitated,
hypertensive, or tachycardic.
Use of Caffeine in Pregnancy
1. Campuran analgetik/antipiretik nyaman
2. Migren
3. Meng (-) lelah
- Asma bronkial
- Apnea pada bayi prematur
Xantin pada Minuman
Thank you