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The document discusses requirements for generators and standby power systems according to the 2014 National Electrical Code. It provides an overview of relevant articles and rules regarding sizing, wiring, and installation of optional standby systems.

The book is an illustrated guide to understanding the National Electrical Code volumes 1 and 2. It focuses on the requirements for generators and standby power systems based on the 2014 NEC, including articles 445, 700, 701, and 702.

Generators and standby power systems must be properly sized according to load calculations in Article 220 or alternate methods. They require transfer equipment for connection to optional standby systems. Outdoor generator sets may require additional disconnecting means depending on their rating and connection type.

Mike Holts Illustrated Guide to



Based on the 2014 NEC

Rule 220.87, Articles 445, 700, 701, and 702

Extracted from Mike Holts Illustrated Guides to Understanding

the National Electrical Code Volumes 1 and 2

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Date: March 16, 2015

The publisher does not warrant or guarantee any of the
Mike Holt worked his way up
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through the electrical trade. He
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contained herein. The publisher does not assume, and began as an apprentice electrician
expressly disclaims, any obligation to obtain and include and became one of the most
information other than that provided to it by the manu- recognized experts in the world
facturer. as it relates to electrical power
installations. Hes worked as
The reader is expressly warned to consider and adopt all
a journeyman electrician,
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herein and to avoid all potential hazards. By following the master electrician, and elec-
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all risks in connection with such instructions. rience in the real world gives
him a unique understanding of
The publisher makes no representation or warranties of
how the NEC relates to electri-
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such representations implied with respect to the material standpoint. Youll find his writing style to be direct,
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let it get you down. However, realizing that success
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depends on ones continuing pursuit of education,
Author: Mike Holt Mike immediately attained his GED, and ultimately
Technical Illustrator: Mike Culbreath attended the University of Miamis Graduate School
for a Masters degree in Business Administration.
COPYRIGHT 2015 Charles Michael Holt
Mike resides in Central Florida, is the father of seven
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NEC , NFPA 70, NFPA 70E and National Electrical I dedicate this book to the
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Proverbs 16:3
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Introduction to Article 220Branch-Circuit, Feeder, and Service Calculations
This five-part article focuses on the requirements for calculating the minimum size of branch circuit, feeder, and service
Part I describes the layout of Article 220 and provides a table of where other types of load calculations can be found in the
NEC. Part II provides requirements for branch-circuit calculations and for specific types of branch circuits. Part III covers the
requirements for feeder and service calculations, using whats commonly called the standard method of calculation. Part
IV provides optional calculations that can be used in place of the standard calculations provided in Parts II and IIIif your
installation meets certain requirements. Farm Load Calculations are discussed in Part V of the article.
In many cases, either the standard method (Part III) or the optional method (Part IV) can be used; however, these two meth-
ods dont yield identical results. In fact, sometimes these two answers may be diverse enough to call for different service
sizes. Theres nothing to say that either answer is right or wrong. If taking an exam, read the instructions carefully to be sure
which method the test wants you to use. As you work through Article 220, be sure to study the illustrations to help you fully
understand it. Also be sure to review the examples in Annex D of the NEC to provide more practice with these calculations.

220.87 Determining Existing Loads

The calculation of a feeder or service load for existing installations can

be based on 125 percent of the maximum demand data for one year.

Ex: If the maximum demand data for one year isnt available, the max-
imum power demand over a 15-minute period continuously recorded
over a minimum 30-day period using a recording ammeter or power
meter connected to the highest loaded phase, based on the initial load-
ing at the start of the recording is permitted. The recording must be
taken when the building or space is occupied based on the larger of
the heating or cooling equipment load. Figure 22036

Figure 22036

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Introduction to Article 445Generators
This article contains the electrical installation, and other requirements, for generators. These requirements include such
things as where generators can be installed, nameplate markings, conductor ampacity, and disconnecting means.
Generators are basically motors that operate in reversethey produce electricity when rotated, instead of rotating when
supplied with electricity. Article 430, which covers motors, is the longest article in the NEC. Article 445, which covers genera-
tors, is one of the shortest. At first, this might not seem to make sense. But you dont need to size and protect conductors to
a generator. You do need to size and protect them to a motor.
Generators need overload protection, and its necessary to size the conductors that come from the generator. But these con-
siderations are much more straightforward than the equivalent considerations for motors. Before you study Article 445, take
a moment to read the definition of Separately Derived System in Article 100.

445.1 Scope 445.11 Marking

Article 445 contains the installation and other requirements for Each generator must be provided with a nameplate indicating the
generators. manufacturers name, rated frequency, number of phases, rating in
kilowatts or kilovolt amperes, volts and amperes corresponding to the
Authors Comment: rating, RPM, insulation class and rated ambient temperature or rated
n Generators, associated wiring, and equipment must be temperature rise, and time rating.
installed in accordance with the following requirements Nameplates for portable generators rated more than 15 kW and for all
depending on their use: stationary generators must also give the power factor, the subtransient
Article 695, Fire Pumps and transient impedances, insulation system class, and time rating.
Article 700, Emergency Systems All generators must be marked by the manufacturer indicating whether
Article 701, Legally Required Standby Systems or not the generator neutral is bonded to the generator frame. Where
Article 702, Optional Standby Systems the bonding of a generator is modified in the field, additional marking
must be provided to indicate whether or not the generator neutral is
bonded to the generator frame. Figure 4451

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Article 445|Generators

Figure 4451 Figure 4452

445.12 Overcurrent Protection Example: What size conductor is required from a 100A over-
current protection device on 20 kW 120/240V single-phase
generator to a 200A service rated transfer switch? Figure 4453
(A) Generators. Generators must be protected from overload by inher-
ent design, circuit breakers, fuses, or other identified overcurrent (a) 4 AWG (b) 3 AWG (c) 2 AWG (d) 1 AWG
protective means. Answer: (b) 3 AWG, Table 310.15(B)(16), rated 100A at 75C

445.13 Ampacity of Conductors

Scan this QR code for a video of this Code rule. See page xix
for information on how to use the QR codes.

The ampacity of the conductors from the generator winding

to the line-side of the generator overcurrent protection device must not
be less than 115 percent of the nameplate current rating of the gener-
ator. Figure 4452

Authors Comment:
n Since the overcurrent protection device is typically part of the
generator, this rule applies to the generator manufacturer, not
the installer.
n Conductors from the load-side of the generator overcurrent
protection device to the transfer switch are sized in accor- Figure 4453
dance with 240.4.

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Article 445|Generators

Generators that arent a separately derived system must have the neu-
tral conductor sized to carry the maximum unbalanced current as 445.20 Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupter
determined by 220.61 and serve as part of the effective ground-fault Protection for Receptacles on 15 kW
current path and be not smaller than required by 250.30. Figure 4454 or Smaller Portable Generators

Portable generators rated 15 kW or smaller manufactured or reman-

ufactured after January 1, 2015 containing a 125/250V locking
receptacle must have 15A, 20A, and 30A, 125V receptacles GFCI pro-
tected, or have a feature that will disable the 125V receptacle when
the 125/250V locking receptacle is in use. Figure 4455

Figure 4454

445.18 Disconnecting Means

Generators must have one or more lockable disconnecting means that

disconnects all power, except where: Figure 4455
(1) The generator is portable with a cord-and-plug connection, or

(2) Where both of the following apply:

Authors Comment:
(a) The driving means for the generator can be readily shut down, ren- n This rule was revised via a Tentative Interim Amendment
dered unable to start, and is lockable in accordance with 110.25,
14-2 effective November 11, 2013.

(b) The generator isnt arranged to operate in parallel with another

generator or other source of voltage.

CAUTION: If one generator is used to supply emer-

gency, legally required, as well as optional standby
power, then there must be at least two transfer switches; one
for emergency power, another for legally required, and one for
optional stand-by power [700.5(D)].

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Introduction to Article 700Emergency Systems
Emergency systems are legally required, often as a condition of an operating permit for a given facility. The authority having
jurisdiction makes the determination as to whether such a system is necessary for a given facility and what it must entail.
Sometimes, it simply provides power for exit lighting and exit signs upon loss of the main power or in the case of fire.
Its purpose isnt to provide power for normal business operations, but rather to provide lighting and controls essential for
human life safety.
The general goal is to keep the emergency operation as reliable as possible. The emergency system must be able to supply
all emergency loads simultaneously. When the emergency supply also supplies power for other nonemergency loads, the
emergency loads take priority over the others, and those other loads must be subject to automatic load pickup and load
shedding to support the emergency loads if the emergency system doesnt have adequate capacity and rating for all loads
As you study Article 700, keep in mind that emergency systems are essentially lifelines for people. The entire article is based
on keeping those lifelines from breaking.

Part I. General

700.1 Scope

Article 700 applies to the installation, operation, and maintenance of

emergency power systems. These consist of circuits and equipment
intended to supply illumination or power within 10 seconds [700.12]
when the normal electrical supply is interrupted. Figure 7001

Note 3: For specific locations where emergency lighting is required, see

NFPA 101, Life Safety Code.

Figure 7001

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Article 700| Emergency Systems

Authors Comment:
700.3 Tests and Maintenance
n Emergency power systems are generally installed where arti-
ficial illumination is required for safe exiting and for panic
Authors Comment:
control in buildings subject to occupancy by large numbers of
persons, such as hotels, theaters, sports arenas, health care n Emergency power system testing consists of acceptance
facilities, and similar institutions. testing and operational testing.

(A) Conduct or Witness Test. To ensure that the emergency power

system meets or exceeds the original installation specifications, the
700.2 Definitions authority having jurisdiction must conduct or witness an acceptance
test of the emergency power system upon completion.

Emergency Systems. Emergency power systems are those sys- (B) Periodic Testing. Emergency power systems must be periodically
tems legally required and classed as emergency by a governmental tested to ensure that adequate maintenance has been performed and
agency having jurisdiction. These systems are intended to automati- that the systems are in proper operating condition.
cally supply illumination and/or power essential for safety to human
life. Figure 7002 Authors Comment:
n Running the emergency power system under load is often
considered an acceptable method of operational testing.

(C) Battery Systems Maintenance. If batteries are used, the authority

having jurisdiction is to require periodic maintenance.

(D) Written Record. A written record must be kept of all required tests
[700.4(A) and (B)] and maintenance [700.4(C)].

Authors Comment:
n The NEC doesnt specify the required record retention period.

700.4 Capacity

(A) Capacity and Rating. An emergency power system must have

Figure 7002
adequate capacity to carry all emergency loads expected to operate
Note: Emergency power systems may also provide power to maintain (B) Load Shedding. If an alternate power supply has adequate capac-
life, fire detection and alarm systems, elevators, fire pumps, public safety ity, its permitted to supply emergency loads [Article 700], legally
communications systems, industrial processes where current interrup- required standby loads [Article 701], and optional standby system
tion would produce serious life safety or health hazards, and similar loads [Article 702]. If the alternate power supply doesnt have adequate
capacity to carry the entire load, it must have automatic selective load
pickup and load shedding to ensure adequate power in the following
order of priority:

(1) The emergency circuits,

(2) The legally required standby circuits, and

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Article 700| Emergency Systems

(3) The optional standby circuits.

A temporary alternate source of power must be available whenever the

emergency generator is out of service for more than a few hours for
maintenance or repair.

700.5 Transfer Equipment

(A) General. Transfer equipment must be automatic, identified for

emergency use, and approved by the authority having jurisdiction.

(C) Automatic Transfer Switches. Automatic transfer switches must

be electrically operated, mechanically held, and listed for emergency
power system use. Figure 7003
Figure 7004

700.7 Signs

(A) Emergency Sources. A sign must be placed at the service-

entrance equipment indicating the type and location of on-site emer-
gency power sources. Figure 7005

Figure 7003

(D) Use. Transfer equipment must supply only emergency loads. Figure

Authors Comment:
n Multiple transfer switches are required where a single gener-
ator is used to supply both emergency loads and other loads. Figure 7005

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Article 700| Emergency Systems

700.8 Surge Protection

A listed SPD must be installed for all emergency system panelboards

and switchboards. Figure 7006

Figure 7007

Figure 7006

Part II. Circuit Wiring

700.10 Wiring

(A) Identification. Boxes and enclosures, including transfer switches,

generators, and power panels for emergency circuits must be perma-
nently marked as components of an emergency power system. Figure
Figure 7008

(B) Wiring. To ensure that a fault on the normal wiring circuits wont
(5) Wiring from an emergency source is permitted to supply emer-
affect the performance of emergency wiring or equipment, all wiring to
gency and other loads, in accordance with a., b., and c.
emergency loads must be kept entirely independent of all other wiring,
except: a. Separate vertical switchboard or switchgear sections or from
individual disconnects mounted in separate enclosures must
(1) Wiring in transfer equipment. Figure 7008
be used to separate emergency circuits from all other circuits.
(2) Luminaires supplied from two sources of power.
b. By single or multiple feeders without overcurrent protection at
(3) A junction box attached to luminaires supplied from two sources the source.
of power.
Ex to (5)(b): Overcurrent protection is permitted at the source or for the
(4) Wiring within a common junction box attached to unit equipment, equipment, provided the overcurrent protection is selectively coordi-
containing only the branch circuit supplying the unit equipment nated with the downstream overcurrent protection in accordance with
and the emergency circuit supplied by the unit equipment. 700.28.

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Article 700| Emergency Systems

c. Emergency circuits must not originate from the same vertical

switchboard or switchgear section, panelboard enclosure, or
individual disconnect enclosure as other circuits.

Authors Comment:
n Separation of the circuits served by a generator source for
emergency, legally required, and optional standby circuits
may be accomplished by running feeders from a single gen-
erator to individual overcurrent devices or to a distribution
switchboard that separates emergency circuits in different
vertical sections from other loads.

(C) Wiring Design and Location. Emergency wiring circuits must be

designed and located to minimize the hazards that might cause failure
due to flooding, fire, icing, vandalism, and other adverse conditions. Figure 7009

(6) Outdoor Generator Sets. If a generator located outdoors is

Part III. Sources of Power equipped with a readily accessible disconnecting means located
within sight of the building in accordance with 445.18, an additional
700.12 General Requirements disconnecting means isnt required on or at the building for the gener-
ator feeder conductors that serve or pass through the building. Figure
In the event of failure of the normal supply to the building, emergency 70010
power must be available within 10 seconds. Emergency equipment
must be designed and located so as to minimize the hazards that
might cause complete failure due to flooding, fires, icing, and vandal-
ism. The emergency power supply must be one of the following:

Scan the QR code for a video clip of Mike explaining this

topic; this is a sample from the DVDs that accompany this

(A) Storage Battery. Storage batteries must be of suitable rating and

capacity to supply and maintain the total load for a period of at least
1 hours, without the voltage applied to the load falling below 87
percent of normal.

(B) Generator Set.

(1) Prime Mover-Driven. A generator approved by the author-

ity having jurisdiction and sized in accordance with 700.4 must have
Figure 70010
means to automatically start the prime mover when the normal ser-
vice fails.

(2) Internal Combustion Engines as Prime Movers. If internal com- Authors Comment:
bustion engines are used as the prime mover, an on-site fuel supply n According to Article 100, within sight means that its visible
must be provided for not less than 2 hours of full-demand operation of and not more than 50 ft from one to the other.
the system. Figure 7009

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Article 700| Emergency Systems

Ex: Where conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only

qualified persons will monitor and service the installation and where
documented safe switching procedures are established and main-
tained for disconnection, the generator disconnecting means isnt
required to be located within sight of the building or structure served.

(C) Uninterruptible Power Supplies. Uninterruptible power supplies

serving as the emergency power source must comply with the appli-
cable requirements of 700.12(A) and (B).

(D) Separate Service. An additional service is permitted where

approved by the authority and the following:

(2) The service conductors must be sufficiently remote electrically and

physically from any other service conductors to minimize the pos-
sibility of simultaneous interruption of supply. Figure 70011
Figure 70012

(2) Installation Requirements for Unit Equipment. The installation of

unit equipment must meet the following:

(2) Emergency lighting battery pack equipment must be perma-

nently fixed in place. Flexible cord-and-plug connection (a locking
receptacle isnt required) is permitted for emergency lighting bat-
tery pack equipment designed for this purpose, provided the cord
doesnt exceed 3 ft in length.

(3) The branch-circuit wiring that supplies emergency lighting bat-

tery pack equipment must be the same branch-circuit wiring that
supplies the normal lighting in the area, but the emergency light-
ing battery pack equipment must be connected ahead of any local
switches. Figure 70013

Ex: In a separate and uninterrupted area supplied by at least three

Figure 70011
normal lighting circuits that arent part of a multiwire branch circuit,
a separate branch circuit for unit equipment is allowed if it originates
from the same panelboard as the normal lighting circuits and is pro-
(F) Unit Equipment.
vided with a lock-on feature.
(1) Components of Unit Equipment. Individual unit equipment (an
emergency lighting battery pack) must consist of the following: Authors Comment:
Figure 70012
n There are two reasons why the emergency lighting battery
(1) A rechargeable battery, packs must be connected ahead of the switch controlling the
normal area lighting: (1) in the event of a power loss to the
(2) A battery charging means,
lighting circuit, the emergency battery lighting packs will acti-
(3) Provisions for one or more lamps mounted on the equipment, or vate and provide emergency lighting for people to exit the
terminals for remote lamps (or both), and building, and (2) the emergency lighting battery packs wont
(4) A relaying device arranged to energize the lamps automatically turn on when the switch controlling normal lighting is turned
upon failure of the supply to the unit equipment. off.

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Article 700| Emergency Systems

Authors Comment:
n Identification and marking must be in accordance with
110.22(A) and 408.4.

(6) Power for remote heads providing the exterior lighting of an exit
door can be supplied by the unit equipment serving the area
immediately inside the exit door.

Part IV. Circuits for Lighting and Power

700.15 Loads on Emergency

Branch Circuits

Figure 70013 Emergency circuits must supply only emergency loads.

700.16 Emergency Illumination

Emergency lighting systems must be designed and installed so that

the failure of any individual lighting element, such as the burning out
of a lamp, wont leave in total darkness any space that requires emer-
gency illumination.

Authors Comment:
n This means that a single remote head is never sufficient for
an area. A minimum of two lighting heads is always required.
This is why individual unit equipment (sometimes called
lunchboxes in the field) always has two lighting heads.
Figure 70014
When an emergency system is installed, emergency illumination must
be provided to illuminate the service or building disconnecting means,
if the disconnect is located indoors. Figure 70014
CAUTION: Individual unit equipment must not be
connected to the emergency circuit, because it wont
operate when normal power is lost, since the equipment is
being supplied by the emergency power system. 700.19 Multiwire Branch Circuits

(4) The branch circuit that feeds the emergency lighting battery pack Multiwire branch circuits arent allowed for emergency systems. Figure
equipment must be clearly identified at the distribution panel. 70015

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Article 700| Emergency Systems

700.27 Ground-Fault
Protection of Equipment

The alternate power supply for emergency systems isnt required to

have ground-fault protection of equipment, but 700.6(D) requires
ground-fault indication of the emergency power supply if ground-fault
protection of equipment with automatic disconnecting means isnt

700.28 Selective Coordination

Overcurrent devices for emergency power systems must be selectively

Figure 70014
coordinated with all supply-side overcurrent devices. The design must
be made by an engineer or similarly qualified person and it must be
documented and made available to those authorized to design, install,
inspect, maintain, and operate the system.

Authors Comment:
n Selective coordination means the overcurrent protection
scheme confines the interruption to a particular area rather
than to the whole system. For example, if a short circuit or
ground fault occurs with selective coordination, the only
breaker/fuse that will open is the one protecting just the
branch circuit involved. Without selective coordination, an
entire floor of a building can go dark. See Article 100 for the
definition of the term Coordination, Selective.

Figure 70015

Part VI. Overcurrent Protection

700.26 Accessibility

The branch-circuit overcurrent devices for emergency circuits must be

accessible to authorized persons only.

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Introduction to Article 701Legally Required Standby Systems
In the hierarchy of electrical systems, Article 700 Emergency Systems receives first priority. Taking the number two spot
is Legally Required Standby Systems, which fall under Article 701. Legally required standby systems must supply standby
power in 60 seconds or less after a power loss, instead of the 10 seconds or less required for emergency power systems.
Article 700 basically applies to systems or equipment required to protect people who are in an emergency and trying to get
out, while Article 701 basically applies to systems or equipment needed to aid the people responding to the emergency. For
example, Article 700 lighting provides an exit path. But, Article 701 might control the elevator used by fire fighters to reach
the applicable floor.

Part I. General

701.1 Scope

The provisions of Article 701 apply to the installation, operation, and

maintenance of legally required standby systems consisting of cir-
cuits and equipment intended to supply illumination or power when
the normal electrical supply or system is interrupted.

Authors Comment:
n Legally required standby systems provide electric power to
aid in firefighting, rescue operations, control of health haz-
ards, and similar operations.
Figure 7011

701.2 Definitions
Note: Legally required standby systems typically supply loads such as
heating and refrigeration systems, communications systems, ventila-
Legally Required Standby Systems. Legally required standby systems tion and smoke removal systems, sewage disposal, lighting systems,
are those systems classified as legally required by any governmental and industrial processes that, when stopped, could create hazards, or
agency having jurisdiction. These systems are intended to automatically hamper rescue or firefighting operations.
supply power to selected loads (other than those classed as emergency
loads) in the event of failure of the normal power source. Figure 7011

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Article 701| Legally Required Standby Systems

701.3 Tests and Maintenance 701.5 Transfer Equipment

(A) General. Transfer equipment must be listed for emergency use.

Authors Comment:
n Legally required standby system testing consists of accep- Authors Comment:
tance testing and operational testing. Written records of both n Legally required standby systems and optional standby sys-
types of testing and maintenance must be maintained.
tems can be on the same transfer switch, but emergency
(A) Conduct or Witness Test. To ensure that the legally required power systems must have their own [700.6(D)].
standby system meets or exceeds the original installation specifica-
tions, the authority having jurisdiction must conduct or witness an (C) Automatic Transfer Switch. Automatic transfer switches must be
acceptance test of the legally required system upon completion of the electrically operated, mechanically held, and listed for emergency use.
installation. Figure 7012

(B) Periodic Testing. Legally required standby systems must be

periodically tested to ensure that adequate maintenance has been per-
formed and that the systems are in proper operating condition.

Authors Comment:
n Running the legally required standby system to power the
loads of the facility is often considered an acceptable method
of operational testing.

(C) Battery Systems Maintenance. If batteries are used, the authority

having jurisdiction must require periodic maintenance.

(D) Written Record. A written record must be kept of all required tests
and maintenance.

Authors Comment:
Figure 7012
n The NEC doesnt specify the required record retention period.

701.7 Signs
701.4 Capacity and Rating
(A) Mandated Standby. A sign must be placed at the service-entrance
A legally required standby system must have adequate capacity to equipment indicating type and location of on-site legally required
carry all loads expected to operate simultaneously. The legally required standby power sources. Figure 7013
standby alternate power supply is permitted to supply legally required
standby and optional standby system loads if:

(1) The alternate power supply has adequate capacity to handle all
Part II. Circuit Wiring
connected loads
701.10 Wiring
(2) Theres automatic selective load pickup and load shedding to
ensure adequate power to the legally required standby circuits
Legally required standby system wiring is permitted to occupy the
same raceways, cables, boxes, and cabinets with other general wiring.

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Article 701| Legally Required Standby Systems

Figure 7013 Figure 7014

Part III. Sources of Power (C) Uninterruptible Power Supplies. Uninterruptible power supplies
serving as the legally required standby power source must comply
with 701.12(A) and (B).
701.12 General Requirements
(D) Separate Service. If approved by the authority having jurisdiction,
If the normal supply fails, legally required standby power must be an additional service installed in accordance with Article 230 is per-
available within 60 seconds. The supply system for the legally required
standby power supply must be one of the following:

(B) Generator Set.

(1) Prime Mover-Driven. A generator approved by the authority

having jurisdiction and sized in accordance with 701.4 must have the
means to automatically start the prime mover on failure of the normal

(2) Internal Combustion Engines as Prime Movers. If internal com-

bustion engines are used as the prime mover, an on-site fuel supply
must be provided for not less than 2 hours of full-demand operation of
the system. Figure 7014

(5) Outdoor Generator Sets. If a generator located outdoors is

equipped with a readily accessible disconnecting means located
within sight of the building, in accordance with 445.18, an additional
disconnecting means isnt required on or at the building for the gener- Figure 7015
ator feeder conductors that serve or pass through the building. Figure
mitted to serve as a legally required source of power. Figure 7016
Authors Comment:
n According to Article 100, within sight means that its visible
and not more than 50 ft from one to the other.

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Article 701| Legally Required Standby Systems

To prevent simultaneous interruption of supply, the legally required

standby service disconnecting means must be sufficiently separated
from the normal service disconnection means.

Note: See 230.82 for equipment permitted on the supply side of a ser-
vice disconnecting means.

Part IV. Overcurrent Protection

701.25 Accessibility

The branch-circuit overcurrent devices for legally required standby cir-

cuits must be accessible to authorized persons only.
Figure 7016

To minimize the possibility of simultaneous interruption of the legally 701.26 Ground-Fault

required standby supply, a separate service drop, service lateral, or a Protection of Equipment
separate set of overhead or underground service conductors must be
electrically and physically separated from all other service conductors. The alternate source for legally required standby systems isnt required
(E) Connection Ahead of Service Disconnecting Means. If approved to have ground-fault protection of equipment but 701.6(D) requires
by the authority having jurisdiction, connection ahead of, but not ground-fault indication. If ground-fault protection of equipment is pro-
within, the same cabinet, enclosure, or vertical switchboard or switch- vided, and the equipment automatically disconnects during the fault,
gear section as the service disconnecting means is permitted. Figure the indication isnt required.

701.27 Selective Coordination

Overcurrent devices for legally required standby systems must be

selectively coordinated with all supply-side overcurrent devices. The
design must be made by an engineer or similarly qualified person
and it must be documented and made available to those authorized to
design, install, inspect, maintain, and operate the system.

Authors Comment:
n See the definition of Coordination, Selective in Article 100.

Figure 7017

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Introduction to Article 702Optional Standby Systems
Taking third priority after Emergency and Legally Required Systems, Optional Standby Systems protect public or private
facilities or property where life safety doesnt depend on the performance of the system. These systems arent required for
rescue operations.
Suppose a glass plant loses power. Once glass hardens in the equipmentwhich it will do when process heat is lostthe
plant is going to suffer a great deal of downtime and expense before it can resume operations. An optional standby system
can prevent this loss.
Youll see these systems in facilities where loss of power can cause economic loss or business interruptions. Data centers
can lose millions of dollars from a single minute of lost power. A chemical or pharmaceutical plant can lose an entire batch
from a single momentary power glitch. In many cases, the lost revenue cant be recouped.
This article also applies to the installation of optional standby generators in homes, farms, small businesses, and many other
applications where standby power isnt legally required.

Part I. General

702.1 Scope

The systems covered by Article 702 consist of those permanently

installed, including prime movers, and those arranged for a connection
to a premises wiring system from a portable alternate power supply.
Figure 7021

Authors Comment:
n A portable generator that provides temporary power, like
those used on construction sites, doesnt fall within the
scope of Article 702 unless the generator is permanently
connected to the premises wiring. Figure 7022 Figure 7021

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Article 702| Optional Standby Systems

Note: Optional standby systems are typically installed to provide an

alternate source of electric power for such facilities as industrial and
commercial buildings, farms and residences, and to serve loads such as
heating and refrigeration systems, data processing and communications
systems, and industrial processes that, when stopped during any power
outage, can cause discomfort, economic loss, serious interruption of the
process, damage to the product or process, or the like.

702.4 Capacity and Rating

(B) System Capacity. The calculated load on the standby source must
be in accordance with Article 220 or by another method approved by
the authority having jurisdiction.
Figure 7022
(1) Manual Transfer Equipment. The optional standby power source
must have adequate capacity for all equipment intended to operate at
one time as determined by the user.
702.2 Definition
Authors Comment:
Optional Standby Systems. Optional standby systems are intended to n When a manual transfer switch is used, the user of the
supply power to public or private facilities or property where life safety
optional standby system selects the loads to be connected to
doesnt depend on the performance of the system. These systems are
the system, which determines the system kVA/kW rating.
intended to supply on-site generated power to selected loads either
automatically or manually. Figure 7023 (2) Automatic Transfer Equipment.

(a) Full Load. The optional standby power source must have adequate
capacity to supply the full load transferred. Figure 7024

Figure 7023

Figure 7024

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Article 702| Optional Standby Systems

Authors Comment:
n For a new installation, the load is determined by Article 220
or an alternate method approved by the AHJ. For exist-
ing facilities, the maximum demand data for one year or the
average power demand of a 15-minute period over a min-
imum of 30 days can be used to size the power source
[220.87]. Figure 7025

Figure 7026

702.7 Signs

(A) Standby Power Sources. A sign that indicates the type and loca-
tion of on-site optional standby power sources must be placed at the
service-entrance equipment. Figure 7027
Figure 7025

702.5 Transfer Equipment

Transfer equipment is required for all fixed or portable optional standby

systems. Figure 7026

Ex: Temporary connection of a portable generator without transfer

equipment is permitted where conditions of maintenance and super-
vision ensure that only qualified persons will service the installation,
and where the normal supply is physically isolated by a lockable dis-
connecting means or by the disconnection of the normal supply

Figure 7027

(C) Power Inlet. Where a power inlet is used for a temporary connec-
tion to a portable generator, a warning sign must be placed near the
inlet to indicate the type of derived system permitted to be connected
to the inlet stating:

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Article 702| Optional Standby Systems






Figure 7028

Figure 7029

Authors Comment:
n According to Article 100, within sight means that its visible
and not more than 50 ft from one to the other.

(B) Portable Generators 15 KW or Less. Where a portable gener-

ator, rated 15 kW or less, is installed using a flanged inlet or other
cord-and-plug type connection, an additional disconnecting means
Figure 7028 isnt required for the building. Figure 70210

Part II. Circuit Wiring

702.10 Wiring

Optional standby system wiring can occupy the same raceways,

cables, boxes, and cabinets with other general wiring.

702.12 Outdoor Generator Sets

(A) Permanent Generators and Portable Generators Larger than

15kW. If a generator located outdoors is equipped with a readily
accessible disconnecting means located within sight of the building,
in accordance with 445.18, an additional disconnecting means isnt Figure 70210
required on or at the building for the generator feeder conductors that
serve or pass through the building. Figure 7029

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