Motor Current Signature Analysis and Fuzzy Logic Applied To The Diagnosis of Short-Circuit Faults in Induction Motors
Motor Current Signature Analysis and Fuzzy Logic Applied To The Diagnosis of Short-Circuit Faults in Induction Motors
Motor Current Signature Analysis and Fuzzy Logic Applied To The Diagnosis of Short-Circuit Faults in Induction Motors
Abstract The paper presents the development and the practical reported the successfully application of Artificial Intelligence
implementation of a system for detection and diagnosis of techniques (AI) for fault diagnosis. There are some
interturn short-circuits in the stator windings of induction commercial diagnosis systems based on AI. In addition,
motors. Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA) and Fuzzy much published work has reported the advantages and results
Logic techniques are utilized in order to achieve that. After a
obtained with the application of ANN (Artificial Neural
brief description of the MCSA, the causes of short circuits are
discussed and characterized with frequency relationships and Network), Fuzzy Logic and Neuro-Fuzzy concepts to the
frequency spectra. Subsequently, failure diagnosis techniques fault diagnosis of electrical machines [6][11]. Application of
based on Fuzzy Logic are presented. Afterwards, the results of AI to monitoring and fault detection of induction machine
the practical implementation of fault detection and diagnosis can in fact make the fault detection less dependent on the
system are shown and commented. MATLAB 6.0 and built-in human experience, given that it permit to integrate the human
toolboxes (DSP Blockset, Fuzzy Logic and Real-Time knowledge and experience into the diagnosis system.
Workshop) are used as a development tool. The implemented
and tested method showed efficiency as the practical results II. FAULT DETECTION USING MCSA
corresponded to the predicted with the developed system. The
results obtained present a great degree of reliability, which
enables them to be used as a monitoring tool for similar motors. The condition monitoring, fault diagnosis and detection of
electrical machines can be performed using simple voltage
I. INTRODUCTION and current sensors [7][12]. In the MCSA method the current
frequency spectrum is obtained and analyzed aiming to find
As new data processing techniques and new technologies out specific frequency components which indicate an
for electrical drives emerge, monitoring, fault detection and incipient fault or a possible degradation in the machine
diagnosis of electrical machines are becoming more and condition. As stated in several published papers, these
more important issues in the field of electrical machines. frequencies are related to well-known machine faults.
Induction machines can be found in almost all types of Therefore, after the stator current has been processed, it is
applications, from small single phase machines for home possible to infer about the machine condition. Yet another
appliances up to large triphase motors for industrial plants. important feature of this method is that the current can be
Machine monitoring plays a crucial role in detecting sampled while the machine is under operation. Therefore, the
incipient faults and, in this way, preventing unscheduled fault detection and diagnosis can be made online without
downtime and the associated outage costs of disconnecting the machine from the mains.
electromechanical systems and components. In past decades
a number of different incipient fault detection methods and III. LOW VOLTAGE STATOR WINDING FAULTS
schemes have been presented and tested [2][4][5][6][9]][10].
Special attention has been devoted to non-invasive methods, The most common kind of faults related to stator winding
which are capable to detect faults using measured data of induction motors are: phase-to-ground, phase-to-phase and
without disassembling the machine or its structural parts. The short-circuit of coils of the same or different phase. The last
MCSA (Motor Current Signature Analysis) is considered the kind of fault is also called turn to turn fault. All these faults
most promising fault detection methods, as it permits to are classified as isolation faults and have several causes: hot
detect several common machine faults. This method is based spots in the stator winding (or stator core) resulting in high
on the spectral decomposition of the steady state stator temperatures, loosening of structural parts, oil contamination,
current which can be acquired with simple measurement moisture and dirt, electrical discharges (in case of high
equipments and under normal operation of the machine. This voltage windings), slack core lamination, abnormal operation
is an important advantage when compared to other invasive of the cooling system.
methods. In general the use of invasive methods makes Short-circuit related faults have specific components in the
necessary to install some kind of sensor in the machine, as stator current frequency spectrum. Incipient faults can be
for the case of vibrations analysis or temperature analysis. In detected sampling the stator current and analysing its
this way, considering the advantages and reduced costs non- spectrum [8][9]. This procedure is on the base of MCSA
invasive methods have been preferred for practical purposes. Method. The frequencies which appear in the spectrum
In the last decade a great number of papers have also showing the presence of a short-circuit fault are given by the
IV. ECCENTRICITY RELATED FREQUENCIES task to establish the actual condition of a machine in terms of
the existence or not of a defect. However, it makes more
As stated in [7] the frequency components related to the sense to classify a fault in terms of its degree of severity.
eccentricity can be determined from the following equation: Fuzzy logic permits to infer about the machine state and to
f e = (f f k f r ) establish its condition in different degrees of faulty condition.
An important feature of Fuzzy based systems is that the
p - pole pairs human knowledge and experience can be integrated into the
s - rotor slip systems in a systematic way. This can be done when the
fe- eccentricity related frequency(Hz) Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy rules are being defined. This feature is
fr - rotor mechanical frequency (Hz) even more important because the fault detection is in practice
k=1,2,3... order of the frequency harmonic based on the human knowledge and experience, at least up to
Comparing the frequency components given by (1) with some degree.
n=1,2,3 and k=1 with those given by (2) with k=1,2,3 it can
be seen that these components are the same for a given load VI. SYSTEM FOR FAULT DETECTION
condition. Therefore, it is very difficult to distinguish a short-
circuit fault frequency component from the ones related to Based on the MCSA a system for fault detection was
eccentricity. The practical consequences of this fact will be developed and implemented as shown in Fig. 1. The stator
discussed in section VIII. A possible approach to solve this current is first sampled in the time domain and in the
problem would be the determination of short-circuit sequence the frequency spectrum is calculated and analyzed
frequencies for k>1 in equation (1) and in this way obtaining aiming to detect specific frequency components related to
a different spectrum for each fault condition. The problem incipient faults. For each rotor faults there is an associated
with this approach is the fact that the magnitude of the frequency that can be identified in the spectrum, as given by
frequency components for k>1 are very low, making their (1). Faults are detected comparing the harmonic amplitude of
detection difficult. This is so because the frequency for k>1 specific frequencies with the harmonic amplitude of the same
are in general very high and their magnitude decay with machine considered as healthy. Based on the amplitude in dB
increasing frequency. Besides, they can be confused with it is also possible to determine the degree of faulty condition.
frequencies related to other kind of faults at higher In the described system current sensors connected to a data
frequencies. acquisition board are used to acquire the current samples
from the motor under load. The current signals are then
V. FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND FUZZY LOGIC transformed to the frequency domain using a Fast Fourier
Transform algorithm (FFT). The frequency spectrum are
Fuzzy logic can systematically translate linguistic concepts transferred to a Fuzzy based system which then infer about
to numbers and associate elements from a number set to the actual condition of the machine.
concepts [13]. This capability provides a simple method to
analyze and interpret the frequency spectrum obtained for the
stator current of induction machines. Fuzzy based algorithms
and Fuzzy logic are well adapted to situations where no clear
distinction between the concepts of true and false exists.
Fuzzy logic can handle situations where the answer lies
somewhere in-between. This is the typical case of machine
fault diagnosis [1][3][6]. In fact, in general it is a difficult
Fig. 2 Blocks for the determination of the current spectrum
A. Frequency Spectrum
Fig. 6 - Frequency spectrum, 4% shortened, load uncoupled
Using the system described in Fig. 2 the prototype three phases. The test results for one of the phases are
machine was tested for healthy working conditions and for presented in what follows. The results for the remaining
winding short-circuits of 2%, 4% and 32 % of two from the phase are very similar and for reasons of shortness they are
not presented here. During the test the motor was initially
Table I. : Magnitude of short-circuit related frequency components coupled to an electromagnetic brake.
MagR MagR MagN MagN
Figs. 3 and 4 shows the frequency spectrum for the healthy
healthy -0.801 -0.882 0.199 0.118
condition and for a short-circuit of 32% of the winding and
under no-load condition. Even for the healthy condition and
4% SC -0.721 -0.686 0.279 0.314
with no short-circuit in the stator winding these spectra show
16% SC -0.403 -0.425 0.597 0.575
some components that are in fact linked to eccentricity as
32% SC -0.139 -0.173 0.861 0.827
discussed in section IV (these components are named -F1, -
SC - short-circuit, MagR - absolute magnitude, MagN- normalized
F2, -F3, +F1, +F2, +F3). The same components appear in the
presence of some kind of short-circuit in the winding, as in
Fig 4, given that both frequencies are the same, accordingly
to (2). The eccentricity components appearing in Figs. 3 and
4 come from the (small) misalignment between the machine
shaft and the electromagnetic brake shaft. Analysing only the
frequency spectra it is not possible to distinguish one defect
from the other. One alternative to circumvent the problem is
to take an initial measurement for the uncoupled motor
operating at no load. Unfortunately, this is not always
possible in most of the practical cases.
Figs. 5 to 8 show the test results obtained with no load
coupled to the shaft and for short-circuit in the phase winding
ranging form 4% to 32%. Comparing with the healthy
Fig.9.- - Membership Function for the inputs CC1e CC2 machine (Fig. 5) with the short-circuit cases (Fig. 6 to 8) it
can be seen that the magnitude of short-circuit related
Tabela II. Output Relationship between CC and winding condition
frequencies increases with the severity of the short-circuit.
Output Range Winding Condition Short Circuit (%) During this test eccentricity was not observed, given that the
machine had no load on the shaft.
0 CC 1 Healthy (HT) 0%
The magnitudes of the short-circuit frequencies are termed
1 < CC < 3 Incipient Defect (ID) 4% Fcc1 and +Fcc1 and will be used as input for the Fuzzy
based system described in the next subsection.
3 CC 6 Defect (DF) 16%
6 < CC 10 Severe Defect (SD) 32% B. Fault Diagnosis Using Fuzzy Logic
Table III Input and Output Variables for the Fuzzy Diagnosis System
The magnitude of the short-circuit frequencies Fcc1 e
for some values of the input obtained by measurements +Fcc1 (see Fig. 6 to 8) were defined as input variables in the
Fuzzy based diagnosis system. They were first of all
input output
"fuzzified" accordingly to Table I. In order to make them
condition CC1 CC2 CC condition easier to interpret, the current amplitude of the components
healthy 0.199 0.118 0.752 ND related to faults has been normalized using the magnitude of
4% CC 0.279 0.314 2.49 PD the fundamental frequency as the base value. Therefore, the
16% CC 0.597 0.575 5.5 D values of the input variables were translated in the interval
32% CC 0.861 0.827 8.06 SD [0,1], as shown in Table I. The input variables were assigned
the names CC1 (first short-circuit indicator) and CC2
(second short-circuit indicator). They correspond to the 4th
and 5th columns of Table I. Trapezoidal and triangular Fuzzy
membership functions have been defined to handle the input
variables as illustrated in Fig. 9 and 10. The limits of each
function have been adjusted based on the behavior of the
input variables CC1 and CC2 determined experimentally by
stator current harmonic measurements. The linguistic values
defined for the input set are defined as being: very low (VL),
low (LO), moderate (MO), high (HI).
and CC2 are the antecedent and the phase winding state (CC) the load from the machine, as performed in this paper.
is the consequent. The latter is associated to 4 membership However, this can not be undertaken in all practical cases.
functions which map the output to the following Fuzzy set The system presented was tested in a 1/3 HP machine, but
(linguistic values): healthy (HT), incipient defect (ID), defect it could be extended to other types of machine, following the
(DF), severe defect (SD). The rules for the Fuzzy based methodology presented in this paper and fitting new values
inference are described as follows: for Fuzzy sets. Special care must be devoted to the sampling
rate of the measurements and to saturation effects in current
Rule 1: if CC1 VL and CC2 VL then CC is HT measurements instruments, besides the referred problem with
Rule 2: if CC1 LO and CC2 VL then CC is ID eccentricities.
Rule 3: if CC1 LO and CC2 LO then CC is ID The Fuzzy based system developed for short-circuit
Rule 4: if CC1 MO and CC2 LO then CC is DF detection was tested and adjusted based on a number
Rule 5: if CC1 MO and CC2 HI then CC is DF different measured data. The results obtained with this
Rule 6: if CC1 HI and CC2 MO then CC is SD system are in good agreement with the practice, as it is
Rule 7: if CC1 HI and CC2 HI then CC is SD capable to detect the correct winding condition under the
conditions described.
The implemented inference system is of Mamdani type
and the Centroid method has been used for the X. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
defuzzification process. Although other methods of
deffuzification have been tried, the Centroid method was the The authors wish to thank AES-SUL and EBERLE S. A.
one that produced the best results. Trapezoidal and for their financial support for the development of this work.
triangular-shape membership functions were also defined for
the output variable CC, as can be seen in Fig. 10. The output IX. REFERENCES
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