Full-Sentence Speech Final

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Informative Speech Outline Instructions

Specific Goal: My audience will learn will learn what Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is and how to manage the

Application: The information will help those already diagnosed, help those who family members have been
diagnosed, or help those who have not yet been diagnosed.

Ethos: Primary Ethos: I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 2 years ago, I know how some of
the symptoms can affect you every day.
Secondary Ethos: I will cite __5__ references out loud in my speech. NOTE: A minimum of three
scholarly (expert) references are required.

Pathos: As someone diagnosed with the disease, I can show emotion on how it affects me as a person and
what it means for me health wise in the future.

Logos: I will use medical data to explain what it is, symptoms, how to get diagnosed and treatment options.

Audience Assessment: Some may be already diagnosed or have a family member that has been diagnosed
with the disease.

Adaptation to Audience: I will explain the ramification of the disease and how it affects someone who has
been diagnosed.

Pattern of Organization: I will use Chronological Pattern and Topical Pattern.


I. Hook: How many of you know someone diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

II. Thesis: Today, I will be discussing with you what Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is and how
important it is to be aware of the symptoms and health issue it causes.

III. Preview: I will share with you what I have learned about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
A. First, I will define what Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
B. Second, I will go over some factors that may contribute to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
C. Third, I will explain what symptoms are caused by the disease.

Transition: Now that I have gave you a preview of what we will talk about let start with what is
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

IV. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a when a woman has an imbalance of hormones.
(Weiss, 2017)

Transition: Now that we have discussed what polycystic ovary syndrome is lets she what cause it.

V. Many doctors are not a 100% sure what causes it but have suggested some factors.
A. PCOS can be caused by excess insulin. (Mayo Clinic, 2017)
B. Also can be caused by Low grade inflammation. (Mayo Clinic, 2017)
C. Heredity may also be a factor. (Mayo Clinic, 2017)
D. The ovaries produce abnormally high levels of androgen. (Mayo Clinic, 2017)
Transition: Now that we understand what could possibly cause PCOS, lets look at what
symptoms are related to the disease.

VI. These symptoms could mean that you could have PCOS.
A. Occurrence of Symptoms in Women with PCOS. (Elsheikh & Murphy, 2008)
1. Irregular or absent period 80%.
2. Difficulty becoming pregnant 41%.
3. Increased facial and body hair 70%.
4. Acne and oily skin 20%.
5.Thinning of scalp hair 15%.
6. Weight gain or difficulty losing weight 50%.
B. Other symptoms of PCOS include. (Elsheikh & Murphy, 2008)
1. Pelvic pain, skin tags, darking of skin, mood swings and unexplained fatigue.

Transition: We have discussed symptoms that can be related to PCOS, let discuss the more
serious complications due to PCOS.

VII. PCOS can lead to more serious complications if not treated.

A. Because of the link between PCOS, insulin resistance and hyperlipidemia, both
cardiovascular disease and diabetes are a risk factor. (Elspeth, 2009)
B. PCOS presents a risk to the endometrium causing endometrial cancer
1. Endometrial cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the uterus. (Mayo Clinic)


VIII. Today, I discussed with you what PCOS is, what symptoms to watch for and how important it is
to be tested.
A. 50% of women dont know that they have PCOS. (Wahlgren, 2016)
B. If you get tested early, you can start being treated right away

IX. PCOS affects friends, family and spouses. Knowing it exists is not enough, get informed, pass
it on (Teals the Deals Foundation).


Elsheikh, M., & Murphy, C. (2008). The Facts : Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. New York: Oxford University
Press Inc.
Elspeth, R. (2009). Understanding polycystic ovary syndrome. Nurse Prescribing, 390-396.
Staff, B. M. (2017, August 29). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from Mayoclinic.org:
Wahlgren, K. (2016, April 11). Pervention. Retrieved from Pervention.com:
Weiss, R. E. (2017, November 15). Health Central. Retrieved from HealtCentral.com:

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