PD-IT-PR-2901 - Manual API Mondial Relay

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Version Date Comment

V-1 July 2006 Document creation

V-2.8 August 2011 List revision and added chapter
V-2.8.1 October 2011 Table of returns code correction
V-3 June 2012 WSI3 method update
V-3.1 August 2012 Available methods update
V- 4 November 2012 Points Relais segmentation
V-5 September 2015 Update
V-5.1 June 2016 Update WSI3_GetEtiquette : 10x15
Terminology............................................................................................................................................. 4
Web Service ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Web Service method ........................................................................................................................... 4
Regular expression .............................................................................................................................. 4
Modes of collection and delivery ........................................................................................................ 4
ISO standard ........................................................................................................................................ 4
MD5 Hash ............................................................................................................................................ 5
XML transfert....................................................................................................................................... 5
Web Service ............................................................................................................................................. 6
General specifications for exchanges .................................................................................................. 6
General description ......................................................................................................................... 6
Normal functionality and debugging ............................................................................................... 6
Regularity of calls ............................................................................................................................ 6
Information about Web Service methods ....................................................................................... 6
Generating the security key ............................................................................................................ 7
Label print........................................................................................................................................ 8
Delivery modes ................................................................................................................................ 8
The methods of the Mondial Relay Web Service ................................................................................ 9
Point Relais search......................................................................................................................... 9
Zip code search .............................................................................................................................. 16
Shipment creation ......................................................................................................................... 18
Label Creation................................................................................................................................ 27
Parcel tracking ............................................................................................................................... 35
Concatenated labels retrieval ....................................................................................................... 37
Status codes list ............................................................................................................................. 38
Status codes .......................................................................................................................................... 39
Codes examples ..................................................................................................................................... 45
C# language ....................................................................................................................................... 45
Hash MD5 generation function (Message Digest 5)...................................................................... 45
Hash SHA1 generation function (Secure Hash Algorithm) ............................................................ 45
Method request WSI3_PointRelais_Recherche to the WebService with Visual Studio .......... 45
PHP language ..................................................................................................................................... 47
Method request WSI3_RecherchePointRelais to the Web Service with nuSOAP ................... 47
ASP3 language ................................................................................................................................... 49
Methode request WSI3_RecherchePointRelais to the WebService with Msxml2 .................. 49

Web Service
The term Web Service represents a computer program enabling the communication and the
exchange of information between heterogeneous applications and systems in distributed
environments. They are thus a set of functionalities presented on Internet or an Intranet, by and for
applications or machines, without human intervention, and in real time. Web Service is called via a
URL and bears a file name.

The software are written up in various program languages and on various platforms can use web
services to exchange data via IT networks like internet.

This interoperability is due to the use of open norms grouped in the SOA generic term (Service
Oriented Architecture).

The main advantage of the Web Service usage is the automatic information flow exchange in real
time with the Mondial Relay servers as opposed to files exchanges (via ftp) which take place at
regular intervals during the day.

The Web Services use standards and open protocols. All the exchange data are formatted in XML.
This coding can be carried out by SOAP or XML-RPC. Based on the HTTP protocol, the Web Services
can operate through numerous firewalls without filter modifications.

For further information, please consult: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_Web

Mondial Relay is not responsible for contents of the above page and cannot guarantee the

Web Service method

The term Web Service method represents functionality among a whole in Web Service. A method
of Web Service is called via a parameter sent to Web Service which contains it.

Regular expression
A regular expression is a character strings.

The regular expressions are used today by IT people in publishing and text control as well as in formal
language usage which are part of the IT languages.

Modes of collection and delivery

Please to consider the document The IT solutions that meets your needs

ISO standard
The document refers to two ISO standards in order to identify the countries and languages.

The reference standard for the country codes is ISO 3166-1. Only the code alpha-2 from this
standard is used by Mondial Relay.

For further information, please consult the following : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1

The reference standard for the language codes is ISO 639-1.

For further information, please consult the following: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1

Mondial Relay is not responsible for the content of the above pages and cannot guarantee the
information in them.

The Mondial Relay website doesn't include all countries and language codes present in the ISO
standards mentioned above.

To obtain the list of allowed countries and languages, please inquire at Mondial Relay.

NB : We manage Monaco with the FR ISO Country Code

MD5 Hash
The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm is a widely used cryptographic hash function that produces a
128-bit (16-byte) hash value. Specified in RFC 1321, MD5 has been employed in a wide variety of
security applications, and is also commonly used to check data integrity. An MD5 hash is typically
expressed as a 32-digit hexadecimal number.

For further information, please consult the following page : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5

Mondial Relay is not liable for the content of this page and cannot guarantee the page information.

XML transfert
XML is a meta-language. It is a tool which generalizes the principle of logical tagging and makes it
possible to build tagging languages to represent the documents in terms of logical structures,
independently of their mode of processing. The logical tagging takes place in the following order :

Identification of the formal structure of the document. The essence of the document is
described by identifying the various elements which constitute it,
Tagging of the document in accordance with the formal structure defined.
Web Service

General specifications for exchanges

General description
This section of the documentation describes the principal functionalities for the interconnection of
the Website of Mondial Relay with external merchant Websites.

The principle of communication is based on Web Service.

The Web Service provided to you by Mondial Relay is:


All the calls to the Web Service method will be secured with a control key. The algorithm for the
calculation of this control key is detailed further in this document.

Test credentials:

Enseigne (brand): BDTEST13

Private key: PrivateK

Normal functionality and debugging

In normal mode, the Web Service should always return the 0 code (successful operation) or the
codes 80 to 83 (Tracking codes). The other codes are used for debugging during the programming
phase and the debugging phase. It is necessary to set up all the filters in order to correct the errors in
the parameters. During the production phase, you should not use the error codes given by the Web
Service for a manual correction of the requests.

You should contact the IT Dept of Mondial Relay if help is needed for setting up the filters.

Regularity of calls
In normal mode, the Web Service method of Mondial Relay must not be called in batch , that
means that the calls must not be grouped in a big lot of calls, during the night for example. The calls
must be spread during the entire day and night, in relation to the needs of final users (search of PUP
/ orders / and so on.). This kind of organization is necessary in order not to cause problems to other
users of the Web Service due to a too big monopolization of the resources of our servers.

Information about Web Service methods

The Web Service of Mondial Relay may have other methods than the one shown in the present
documentation; generally they are older versions or versions we are currently developing. Please do
not try to use them.

Please find the available methods:

WSI2_CreationExpedition WSI3_PointRelais_Recherche WSI3_GetEtiquettes

WSI2_CreationEtiquette WSI2_TracingColisDetaille WSI2_STAT_Label


Generating the security key

The algorithm for the calculation of the security key is the same for all the available methods of the
Web Service from Mondial Relay. The method consists in the concatenation of all the input
parameters, in the order of the present documentation, taking in account the optional parameters
(except if mentioned). The result of the first concatenation is then grouped with the private key of
the brand (usually on 8 digits). Next step this result is encrypted in a non reversible way through the
Hash MD5 algorithm. This MD5 algorithm returns a 32 digits key. For the use of this key into a Web
Service, it has to be inserted in UPPER CASE (unless the contrary is specified).

Calculation of the method WSI3_GetEtiquettes with the following parameters:

Enseigne = BDTEST13
Expeditions = 12345678
Langue = FR

And the following private key: PrivateK .

The result of the concatenation gives the following chain of characters:

BDTEST1312345678FRPrivateK .

One can notice the presence of all parameters mentioned in the correct order in the document, the
optional parameters being empty, they do not appear in the concatenation, but in case they are
specified, it must be taken into consideration.

Next, the MD5 algorithm is applied to this string, the algorithm is well known in the field of
programming, this method of generation is not given here.

The result of the MD5 algorithm is: 33da5f122daa40241087cc7845bea4b1

As the result must be in upper case, the Security parameter is :


Online calculation


Mondial Relay is not responsible for the content of these pages and cannot give any guarantee on
the information it contains.

Label print
Labels must be printed on white paper without any resizing.

Delivery modes
Here is a non-exhaustive list of delivery modes.

24R : Point Relais delivery

24L : Point Relais XL delivery

24X : Point Relais XXL delivery

DRI :Colis drive delivery

LD1 : Home delivery (1delivery man)

LDS : Home delivery (2 delivery men)

HOM : Home delivery <30Kg

LCC : Reverse
The methods of the Mondial Relay Web Service
Point Relais search
This method permits to search the 10 nearest Points Relais from a given location (from a GPS
address or by both Zip code/Country). The results can be sorted by Points Relais trade type.

By using the filter on the Point Relais number, this method permits to obtain information about one
particular Point Relais.

Instructions and advices on usage

Usage of location criteria
The location search can be carried out in 2 different ways :

Via the city zip code + the country code

Via GPS (Latitude + Longitude)

Usage of filter Typeactivite (Trade Type)

The results of the method can be defined to certain Point Relais trade types (i.e. flower shops, etc.).
To use it, inform the optional parameter TypeActivite. If you want to use several trade types in
parameters, please separate them with the comas , . If the parameter is left blank, you will obtain
all Point Relais trade types. The available trade types list can be sent to you on request.

Usage of filter Rayonrecherche (Search radius)

The method results can be limited from the point of search origin. For that, mention the optional
parameter RayonRecherche with a value in KM. If the parameter is left blank, the search radius by
default will be 50 Km. If you dont want to use this filter, mention 0 as parameter value. Please note
this method will never post more than 10 Point Relais.

A maximum search radius is applied according to the action type parameter:

Action = REL , Maximum radius = 75 Km

Action = 24R, Maximum radius = 100 Km
Action = 24L, Maximum radius = 100 Km
Action = 24X, Maximum radius = 100 Km
Action = DRI, , Maximum radius = 200 Km

Usage of filter Action

The method results can be limited according to the delivery mode or collection. For that, mention the
parameter Action. If the parameter is left blank, the value 24R by default will be used.

The possible values are:

24R : Search the Points Relais which suggest the delivery to Point Relais L
24L : Search the Points Relais which suggest the delivery to Point Relais XL
24X : Search the Points Relais which suggest the delivery to Point Relais XXL
DRI : Search the Points Relais wich suggest the delivery to Colisdrive
REL : Search the Points Relais which suggest the collection from Point Relais
Usage of filter Dlais denvoi (lead time)
The method results can be adapted according to the time needed to send the shipments to Mondial
Relay. Please just specify the number of days in the parameter DelaisEnvoi .

Usage of filter Numro de Point Relais (Point Relais number)

You can obtain information on a particular Point Relais by specify the parameters Pays (Country)
and NumPointRelais (Point Relais number)

WSI3_PointRelais_Recherche method
In parameters
(F) Facultative /
Parameters Comment
(O) Obligatory

Enseigne (Merchant) O 8 Alphanumerical

Your merchant code provided by Mondial Relay in your security parameters ^[0-9A-Z]{2}[0-9A-Z
document ]{6}$

Pays (Country) O 2 Alphanumerical

ISO country code from which the search must be made ^[A-Za-z]{2}$

NumPointRelais F/O 6 Alphanumerical

Point Relais I D to be used in combination with the country parameter if you ^[0-9]{6}$
want to obtain particular Point Relais information.

Ville (City) F/O 25 Alphanumerical

NON APPLICABLE ^[A-Za-z_\-' ]{2,25}$

CP (Zipcode) F/O Depends on the

Zipcode to be used as search origin. The results will be sorted by the nearest
distance from the search zipcode in descending order. This parameter is
optional if the city is given but we advise to use the zipcode.

Latitude F/O 11 Characters

Latitude to be used as search origin. If this parameter is given, the zipcode
(F) Facultative /
Parameters Comment
(O) Obligatory

will not be taken into account.

Longitude F/O 11 Characters

Longitude to be used as search origin. If this parameter is given, the zipcode
will not be taken into account.

Taille (Size) F List of values

Do not use unless specified by Mondial Relay. XL)$

Poids (Weight) F 6 Numerical characters

Shipment weight in grams.

Action F List of values

Collection or delivery mode. RI)$

DelaiEnvoi F 6 Numerical characters

Optional parameter which permit to specify the lead time : the time
necessary between order and shipment sent to Mondial Relay.

When the webservice is used on the D day with a given number of days
before the parcel shipment (ie. 28 days), the webservice gives just the Points
Relais which are open on D+28 days and will remain open for an extra 14
days beyond, in order to give the end user enough time to pick up the parcel.

A Points Relais is considered open when it is not on vacation or closed


We dont differenciate between open working days and weekends.

RayonRecherche F 4 Numerical characters

Search radius in Km from a point of search origin. If not given or blank, the
value by default is 50Km. In order not to use this filter RayonRecherche
(F) Facultative /
Parameters Comment
(O) Obligatory

please mention 0.

TypeActivite F ^(\d{3},|\d{3})*$

Specify trade type for Point Relais. Several trade types can be specified, they
have to be seperated by ,

SECURITY O 32 Alphanumerical
MD5 hash in capital letters for the following string : ^[0-9A-Z]{32}$
s][Action][DelaiEnvoi][RayonRecherche] [TypeActivite][CLE PRIVEE]

The [CLE PRIVEE] (private key) is mentioned on the security parameters

document given by Mondial Relay

Out parameters
(F) Optional / (O)
Parameters Comment

STAT O 3 Numerical characters

The return code of the request is 0 per default (0 if all is correct). For the
others codes, please consult the return codes list.

Points Relais Data table

>Num O 6 Numerical characters

Point Relais ID

>Lgdr1 O 36 Alphanumerical
Point Relais name (Line 1)

>LgAdr2 O 36 Alphanumerical
Point Relais name (Line 2)
(F) Optional / (O)
Parameters Comment

>LgAdr3 O 36 Alphanumerical
Point Relais address (Line 1)

>LgAdr4 O 36 Alphanumerical
Point Relais address (Line 2)

>CP O Depends on the

Point Relais zipcode

>Ville O 32 Alphanumerical
Point Relais city

>Pays O 2 Alphanumerical
Point Relais ISO country code

>Latitude O 11 Characters

Point Relais Latitude

>Longitude O 11 Characters

Point Relais Longitude

>TypeActivite O

Point Relais trade type

>Distance O

Distance in meters from the search origin.

(F) Optional / (O)
Parameters Comment

>Localisation1 O

Extra information regarding the Point Relais situation (Line 1)

>Localisation2 O

Extra information regarding the Point Relais situation (Line 2)

>Horaire_ Lundi O String array [4]

Monday opening hours (Data 1 : Opening hours slot 1), (Data 2 : Closing time
slot 1), (Data 3 : Opening hours slot 2), (Data 4 : Closing time slot 2).

>Horaire_ Mardi O String array [4]

Tuesday opening hours

>Horaire_ Mercredi O String array [4]

Wednesday opening hours

>Horaire_ Jeudi O String array [4]

Thursday opening hours

>Horaire_ Vendredi O String array [4]

Friday opening hours

>Horaire_ Samedi O String array [4]

Satursday opening hours

>Horaire_ Dimanche O String array [4]

Sunday opening hours

(F) Optional / (O)
Parameters Comment

>Informations_Dispo O Object array

Information for future Point Relais vacation period

>Debut O

Start of closing date Date

>Fin O

End of closing date

>URL_Plan O

URL of Point Relais google map location

>URL_Photo O

URL of Point Relais picture

Zip code search
This function permits to have a list of communities and zip codes with the towns name.

WSI2_RechercheCP method
In parameters
Facultative /
Parameter Comment

Enseigne (Merchant) O 8 fix characters

This parameter is the merchant id code given in the document of parameters. ]{6}$

Pays (Country) O 2 fix characters

ISO code, for France :

ISO country code from which the search must be made FR


Ville (City) O 3 to 26 characters

[A-Z_\-' ]{3,26}
The starting letters of the city for the search.

CP (Zip code) F Depends on the

country, for France :
Zip code of the city for the search. 5 fix numerical


NbResult O 1 to 2 numerical
Quantity of results required Maximum : 15

Security O 32 fix characters

Security code.
Out parameters
Facultative /
Parameters Comment

STAT O 3 numerical characters

Call status

Liste (List) Data table

Table of communities

> CP (Zip code) O Depends on the

country, for France :
Zip code of City 5 fix numerical


> Ville (City) O 32 characters

City name

> Pays (Country) O 2 fix characters

ISO code, for France :

Country code of the city FR

Shipment creation
This method creates shipment in Mondial Relays system and returns the data to build customized

WSI2_CreationExpedition method
In parameters
Parameters Facultative / Comment

Enseigne (Merchant) O 8 fix characters

This parameter is the merchant id code given in the document of parameters. ]{6}$

ModeCol O List of predefined

Collection mode ^(CCC|CDR|CDS|REL)$

ModeLiv O List of predefined

Mode of delivery ^(LCC|LD1|LDS|24R|2

NDossier F 15 characters

^(|[0-9A-Z_ -]{0,15})$
Merchant shipment reference, e.g invoice number.

NClient F 9 characters

Consignee reference (n)

Expe_Langage O 2 fix characters

ISO code ISO, for the

Language of the shipper french : FR


Expe_Ad1 O 32 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{2,32}$
Shipper (Particulars Name First name)
Particulars :
Accepted particulars = 'MR', 'M.', 'MME', 'MLE' et 'MLLE' ^((MR|M.|M|MME|M
Parameters Facultative / Comment

Expe_Ad2 F 32 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{0,32}$
Shipper (address extra information)

Expe_Ad3 O 32 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{2,32}$
Shipper (Street)

Expe_Ad4 F 32 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{0,32}$
Shipper (address extra information)

Expe_Ville O Depends on the

country, for France :
Shipper (City) 26 characters

^[A-Z_\-' ]{2,26}$

Expe_CP O Depends on the

country, for France :
Shipper (Zipcode) 5 fix numerical


Expe_Pays O 2 fix characters

ISO code for France :

Shipper (Country code) (ISO code : FR, BE...) FR


Expe_Tel1 O Depends on the

country, for France :
Shipper (Phone number) 13 numerical

Parameters Facultative / Comment

Expe_Tel2 F Depends on the

country, for France :
Shipper (Cell n) 13 numerical


Expe_Mail F 70 characters

E-mail format RFC2822

Shipper (E-mail)

Dest_Langage O 2 fix characters

ISO code, for the

Language of the consignee french : FR


Dest_Ad1 O 32 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{2,32}$
Consignee (Particulars Name First name)
Particulars :
Accepted particulars = 'MR', 'M.', 'MME', 'MLE' et 'MLLE' ^((MR|M.|M|MME|M

Dest_Ad2 F 32 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{0,32}$
Consignee (address extra information)

Dest_Ad3 O 32 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{2,32}$
Consignee (Street)

Dest_Ad4 F 32 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{0,32}$
Consignee (address extra information)
Parameters Facultative / Comment

Dest_Ville O Depends on the

country, for France :
Consignee (City) 26 characters

^[A-Z_\-' ]{2,26}$

Dest_CP O Depends on the

country, for France :
Consignee (Zipcode) 5 fix numerical


Dest_Pays O 2 fix characters

ISO,code for France :

Consignee (Country code) (ISO code : FR, BE...) FR


Dest_Tel1 O/F Depends on the

country, for France :
Consignee (Phone number), Obligatory for home delivery 13 numerical


Dest_Tel2 F Depends on the

country, for France :
Consignee (Cell number) 13 numerical


Dest_Mail F 70 characters

E-mail format RFC2822

Consignee (E-mail)
Parameters Facultative / Comment

Poids (Weight) O 7 numerical characters

Weight in grams

Longueur (Length) F 3 numerical characters

Developped length in cm.

Taille (Size) F List of predefined

Unless notified by Mondial Relay, please leave this zone blank. ^(XS|S|M|L|XL|XXL|3

NbColis O 2 numerical characters

Quantity of parcels in the shipment

CRT_Valeur (COD value) O 7 numerical characters

COD shipment value in cents

CRT_Devise (COD currency) F List of predefined

EUR by default. ^(|EUR)$

Exp_Valeur (shipment value) F 7 numerical characters

Shipment value in cents

Exp_Devise (shipment currency) F List of predefined

EUR by default. ^(|EUR)$

COL_Rel_Pays O/F 2 fix characters

ISO code, for France :

Obligatory if collected in Point Relais FR

Parameters Facultative / Comment

COL_Rel O/F 6 numerical fix

Obligatory if collected in Point Relais ^(|[0-9]{6})$

LIV_Rel_Pays O/F 2 fix characters

ISO code, for France :

Obligatory if delivered in Point Relais FR


LIV_Rel O/F 6 numerical fix

Obligatory if delivered in Point Relais ^(|[0-9]{6})$

Tavisage (notification) F List of predefined

Notification request for shipment. ^(|O|N)$
O for Yes

N for No

Warning : the Mondial Relay notification process can go beyond a simple

request. Please contact Mondial Relay to know standard notification process.
If you have no use for the notification process, please leave this zone empty.

TReprise F List of predefined

O for Yes ^(|O|N)$
N for No

N by default.

Montage F 3 numerical characters

Assembly time

0 by default.
Parameters Facultative / Comment

TRDV F List of predefined

Request for delivery appointment : ^(|O|N)$
O for Yes

N for No

N by default

Warning : Please leave this zone empty. We don't use this information.

Assurance F 1 character

Insurance coverage.

0 by default.

Please contact Mondial Relay to know the different insurance coverage


Instructions F 31 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{0,31}
Extra information

Security O 32 fix characters

Security code

Out parameters
Parameters Facultative / Comment

STAT O 3 numerical characters

Call status

ExpeditionNum O 8 fix numerical

Mondial Relay shipment number ^[0-9]{8}$
Parameters Facultative / Comment

TRI_AgenceCode O 4 fix numerical

Agency code ^[0-9]{4}$

TRI_Groupe O 3 fix characters

Sorting group number

TRI_Navette O 6 fix numerical

Shuttle run number ^[0-9]{6}$

TRI_Agence O 30 characters

Agency name

TRI_TourneeCode O 5 fix numerical

Delivery run ^[0-9]{5}$

TRI_LivraisonMode O List of predefined

Mode of delivery ^(LCC|LD1|LDS|24R|2

CodesBarres O Table of string

Table of barcodes Format of each
element :

26 fix numerical



Labels specifications are available in the EDI specifications. Please refer to this document to
implement labels. Note that Mondial Relay has to validate your labels before any Go Live.
Phone number format :

"((" + "\\+33" + "[1-9][0-9]{8}" + ")" // France

+ "|(" + "\\+32" + "[0-9]{8}" + ")" // Belgium
+ "|(" + "\\+32" + "[4][0-9]{8}" + ")" // Belgium
+ "|(" + "\\+352" + "[0-9]{6,10}" + ")" // Luxembourg
+ "|(" + "\\+351" + "[0-9]{9}" + ")" // Portugal
+ "|(" + "\\+34" + "9[0-9]{8}" + ")" // Spain
+ "|(" + "\\+34" + "6[0-9]{8}" + ")" // Spain
+ "|(" + "\\+49" + "[0-9]{10,11}" + ")" // Germany
+ "|(" + "\\+39" + "[0-9]{10}" + ")" // Italy
+ "|(" + "\\+377" + "[0-9]{5}" + ")" // Monaco
Label Creation
WSI2_CreationEtiquette method
This method expects exactly the same in-parameters than WSI2_CreationExpedition but returns
directly a PDL label.

In parameters
Facultative /
Parameters Comment

Enseigne O 8 fix characters

This parameter is the merchant id code given in the document of parameters. ]{6}$

ModeCol O List of predefined

Collection mode ^(CCC|CDR|CDS|REL)$

ModeLiv O List of predefined

Mode of delivery ^(LCC|LD1|LDS|24R|2

NDossier F 15 characters

^(|[0-9A-Z_ -]{0,15})$
Merchant shipment reference.e;g invoice number

NClient F 9 characters

Consignee reference

Expe_Langage O 2 fix characters

ISO code, for french :

Sender's language FR


Expe_Ad1 O 32 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{2,32}$
Sender (Particulars Name First name)
Particulars :
Accepted particulars = 'MR', 'M.', 'MME', 'MLE' et 'MLLE' ^((MR|M.|M|MME|M
Facultative /
Parameters Comment

Expe_Ad2 F 32 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{0,32}$
Sender (Other name information)

Expe_Ad3 O 32 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{2,32}$
Sender (Street)

Expe_Ad4 F 32 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{0,32}$
Sender (Extra address information)

Expe_Ville O Depends on the

country, for France :
Sender (City) 26 characters

^[A-Z_\-' ]{2,26}$

Expe_CP O Depends on the

country, for France :
Sender (Zipcode) 5 fix numerical


Expe_Pays O 2 fix characters

ISO code, for France :

Sender (Country code) (ISO code : FR, BE...) FR


Expe_Tel1 O Depends on the

country, for France :
Sender (Phone number) 13 numerical

Facultative /
Parameters Comment

Expe_Tel2 F Format depends on

the country, for France
Sender (Cell number)
13 numerical


Expe_Mail F 70 characters

Format e-mail
Sender (E-mail) RFC2822


Dest_Langage O 2 fix characters

ISO code, for french :

Sender language FR


Dest_Ad1 O 32 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{2,32}$
Consignee (Particulars Name First name)
Particulars :
Accepted particulars = 'MR', 'M.', 'MME', 'MLE' et 'MLLE' ^((MR|M.|M|MME|M

Dest_Ad2 F 32 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{0,32}$
Consignee (Other name information)

Dest_Ad3 O 32 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{2,32}$
Consignee (Street)

Dest_Ad4 F 32 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{0,32}$
Consignee (Extra address information)
Facultative /
Parameters Comment

Dest_Ville O Depends on the

country, for France :
Consignee (City) 26 characters

^[A-Z_\-' ]{2,26}$

Dest_CP O Depends on the

country, for France :
Consignee (Zipcode) 5 fix numerical


Dest_Pays O 2 fix characters

ISO code, for France :

Consignee (Country code) (ISO code : FR, BE...) FR


Dest_Tel1 O/F Depends on the

country, for France :
Consignee (Phone number), Obligatory for home delivery 13 numerical


Dest_Tel2 F Depends on the

country, for France :
Consignee (Cell phone) 13 numerical


Dest_Mail F 70 characters

RFC2822 e-mail format

Consignee (E-mail)
Facultative /
Parameters Comment

Poids O 7 numerical characters

Weight in grams

Longueur F 3 numerical characters

Developped lenght in cm

Taille F List of predefined

Unless otherwise mentioned by Mondial Relay, please leave this field empty. ^(XS|S|M|L|XL|XXL|3

NbColis O 2 numerical characters

Number of parcels in the shipment

CRT_Valeur O 7 numerical characters

COD shipment value in cents

CRT_Devise F List of predefined

Currency of COD value, EUR by default ^(|EUR)$

Exp_Valeur F 7 numerical characters

Shipment value in cents

Exp_Devise F List of predefined

Currency of shipment value, EUR by default ^(|EUR)$

COL_Rel_Pays O/F 2 fix caracters

ISO code, for France :

Obligatory if collected at Point Relais FR

Facultative /
Parameters Comment

COL_Rel O/F 6 fix numerical

Obligatory if collected at Point Relais ^(|[0-9]{6})$

LIV_Rel_Pays O/F 2 fix characters

ISO code, for France :

Obligatory if delivered at Point Relais FR


LIV_Rel O/F 6 fix numerical

Obligatory if delivered at Point Relais ^(|[0-9]{6})$

TAvisage F List of predefined

Notification request for this shipment. ^(|O|N)$
O for Yes

N for No

Warning : the Mondial Relay notification process can go beyond a simple

request. Please contact Mondial Relay to know standard notification process.
If you are not concerned by the notification process, please leave this zone

TReprise F List of predefined

O for Yes ^(|O|N)$
N for No

N by default.

Montage F 3 numerical characters

Assembly time

0 by default.
Facultative /
Parameters Comment

TRDV F List of predefined

Request for delivery appointment : ^(|O|N)$
O for Yes

N for No

N by default

Warning : Please leave this zone empty. We don't use this information.

Assurance F 1 character

Insurance coverage.

0 by default.

Please contact Mondial Relay to know the different insurance coverage


Instructions F 31 characters

^[0-9A-Z_\-'., /]{0,31}
Extra information

Security O 32 fix characters

Security code

Texte F 336 characters

10 x 30 characters separated by (cr) ^<>&']{0,30}){0,9}$
WARNING: Please do not take into consideration for the security key

The Texte field corresponds to the items which make up the shipment, this field will be present in
the second part of the label. This field cannot have the following characters '' & " < and >.

This field can have a maximum of 10 lines of up to 30 characters.

Each line corresponds to an item.

Each end of line will be translated in the text field by the string characters (cr) .
This string of characters will permit the back to margin during print out.

In case the text field has more than 10 lines, these would be deleted during print out.

Phone number format :

"((" + "\\+33" + "[1-9][0-9]{8}" + ")" // France

+ "|(" + "\\+32" + "[0-9]{8}" + ")" // Belgium
+ "|(" + "\\+32" + "[4][0-9]{8}" + ")" // Belgium
+ "|(" + "\\+352" + "[0-9]{6,10}" + ")" // Luxembourg
+ "|(" + "\\+351" + "[0-9]{9}" + ")" // Portugal
+ "|(" + "\\+34" + "9[0-9]{8}" + ")" // Spain
+ "|(" + "\\+34" + "6[0-9]{8}" + ")" // Spain
+ "|(" + "\\+49" + "[0-9]{10,11}" + ")" // Germany
+ "|(" + "\\+39" + "[0-9]{10}" + ")" // Italy
+ "|(" + "\\+377" + "[0-9]{5}" + ")" // Monaco
+ ")"

Out parameters
Facultative /
Parameters Comment

STAT O 3 numerical characters

Call status

ExpeditionNum O 8 fix numerical

Mondial Relay shipment number ^[0-9]{8}$

URL_Etiquette O


The value given by URL_Etiquette does not include the domain name and the protocol.

After reconstitution of the complete link, the PDF URL must look like the following :

You can choose the label format by mentioning the value A5 or 10x15 instead of A4 in the format
URL parameter.
Parcel tracking
WSI2_TracingColisDetaille method
In parameters
Parameters Facultative / Comment

Enseigne O 8 fix characters

This parameter is the merchant id code given in the document of parameters. ]{6}$

Expedition O 8 fix numerical

Shipment number ^[0-9]{8}$

Langue O 2 fix characters

ISO code, for French :

Language requested for tracking FR


Security O 32 fix characters

Security code.

Out parameters
Facultative /
Parameters Comment

STAT O 3 numerical characters

Call status

Libelle01 O

Relais_Libelle F

Point Relais name (if needed)

Relais_Num F 6 fix numerical

Facultative /
Parameters Comment

Point Relais number (if needed) characters


Libelle02 O

Tracing O Array

Tracking table

> Tracing_Libelle F

Tracking name

> Tracing_Date F

Tracking date

> Tracing_Heure F

Tracking hour

> Tracing_Lieu F

Tracking location (City)

> Tracing_Relais F 6 fix numerical

Point Relais number of tracking (if needed)

> Tracing_Pays F 2 fix characters

Point Relais country of tracking (if needed)
Concatenated labels retrieval
WSI3_GetEtiquettes method
This method allows to retrieve several labels with a unique Web Service call.

In Parameters
Facultative /
Parameters Comment

Enseigne O 8 cfix characters

^[0-9A-Z]{2}[0-9A-Z ]{6}$
This parameter is the merchant id code given in the document of

Expeditions O 8 fix numerical

Shipments numbers to be given into the PDF document. ^[0-9]{8}(;[0-9]{8})*$

Langue O 2 fix characters

ISO code, for French : FR

Requested language on the labels.

Security O 32 fix characters

Security code.

Out parameters
Facultative /
Parameters Comment

STAT O 3 numerical characters

Call status


URL of PDF, labels in A4 format


URL of PDF, labels in A5 format

Facultative /
Parameters Comment

URL_PDF_10x15 O

URL of PDF, labels in 10x15 format

Status codes list

WSI2_STAT_Label method
In parameters
Facultative /
Parameters Comment

Enseigne O 8 fix characters

^[0-9A-Z]{2}[0-9A-Z ]{6}$
This parameter is the merchant id code given in the document of

STAT_ID O 3 numerical characters

Status number

Langue O 2 fix characters

ISO code, for French : FR

Requested language for the name
Only in french for the time being.

Security O 32 fice characters

Security code.

Out parameters
Facultative /
Parameters Comment

Chane texte O 150 characters

Status codes
Each answer to a web service request gives a status code for this request.

These status codes are numerical and usually in 2 digits.

The following list gives the link between the code and the error name for the dysfunction correction.

Please note that the answer code 0 indicates the request is correct and was received successfully.

However some requests like tracking requests don't give 0 but other codes for status of the
shipment are posted.

Status code Description

0 Successfull operation

1 Incorrect merchant

2 Merchant number empty

3 Incorrect merchant account number

5 Incorrect Merchant shipment reference

7 Incorrect Consignee reference

8 Incorrect password or hash

9 Unknown or not unique city

10 Incorrect type of collection

11 Point Relais collection number incorrect

12 Point Relais collection country.incorrect

13 Incorrect type of delivery

14 Incorrect delivery Point Relais number

Status code Description

15 Point Relais delivery country.incorrect





20 Incorrect parcel weight

21 Incorrect developped lenght (length + height)

22 Incorrect parcel size


24 Incorrect shipment number


26 Incorrect assembly time

27 Incorrect mode of collection or delivery

28 Incorrect mode of collection

29 Incorrect mode of delivery

30 Incorrect address (L1)

31 Incorrect address (L2)


33 Incorrect address (L3)

34 Incorrect address (L4)

Status code Description

35 Incorrect city

36 Incorrect zipcode

37 Incorrect country

38 Incorrect phone number

39 Incorrect e-mail

40 Missing parameters


42 Incorrect COD value

43 Incorrect COD currency

44 Incorrect shipment value

45 Incorrect shipment value currency

46 End of shipments number range reached

47 Incorrect number of parcels

48 Multi-Parcel not permitted at Point Relais

49 Incorrect action





Status code Description






60 Incorrect text field (this error code has no impact)

61 Incorrect notification request

62 Incorrect extra delivery information

63 Incorrect insurance

64 Incorrect assembly time

65 Incorrect appointement

66 Incorrect take back

67 Incorrect latitude

68 Incorrect longitude

69 Incorrect merchant code

70 Incorrect Point Relais number

71 Incorrect Nature de point de vente non valide



74 Incorrect language
Status code Description




78 Incorrect country of collection

79 Incorrect country of delivery

80 Tracking code : Recorded parcel

81 Tracking code : Parcel in process at Mondial Relay

82 Tracking code : Delivered parcel

83 Tracking code : Anomaly

84 (Reserved tracking code)

85 (Reserved tracking code)

86 (Reserved tracking code)

87 (Reserved tracking code)

88 (Reserved tracking code)

89 (Reserved tracking code)



92 The Point Relais country code and the consignees country code are different.

93 No information given by the sorting plan.

If you want to do a collection or delivery at Point Relais, please check it is avalaible.

Status code Description

If you want to do a home delivery, please check if the zipcode exists.

94 Unknown parcel

95 Merchant account not activated


97 Incorrect security key

Cf. : Generating the security key

98 Generic error (Incorrect parameters)

This error hides another error from the list and can only happen in production mode.

Cf. : Normal functionality and debugging

99 Generic error of service system

This error can happen due to a technical service problem.

Please notify this error to Mondial Relay with the date and time of the request as well
as the parameters sent in order to verify

Status code 97 debug process :

As MD5 hash follows a string concatenation, we will gradually increase the size of the chain by
feeding it one field after another.

So in the first query just fill both fields Enseigne and Security
If the status of the request is different from 97, all is well.
Add the next field and send the new request.
If the status of the request is different from 97, all is well.
And we start again until the query status is 97.
In this case, we found the field with the error.
Maybe the value of the field is misinterpreted for the MD5 hash (greater than 126 characters
in the code page).
Maybe the field name is misspelled. It may miss a letter for example.

N.B.: The exact order of parameters must be respected

Codes examples
The following examples of codes can be used as examples and can used freely. If you want to
contribute to the available language list and the different ways of contacting the Mondial Relay web
services, please send your source code examples to : [email protected]

C# language
Hash MD5 generation function (Message Digest 5)
public static string GetMd5(string Args)
string resultat = "";
System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider MD5_Provider
= new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] buffer = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Args);
buffer = MD5_Provider.ComputeHash(buffer);
foreach (byte b in buffer) { resultat += b.ToString("X2"); }
return resultat;

Hash SHA1 generation function (Secure Hash Algorithm)

public static string GetSHA1(string Args)
string resultat = "";
System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider SHA1_Provider =
new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] buffer = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Args);
buffer = SHA1_Provider.ComputeHash(buffer);
foreach (byte b in buffer) { resultat += b.ToString("X2"); }
return resultat;

Method request WSI3_PointRelais_Recherche to the WebService with Visual Studio

In the solution explorer, clic with the right button on the project name. Select References , Add
a reference or Add a web reference

When you obtain the dialogbox Add a web reference , mention the Mondial Relay service URL into
the address zone, validate.

The Mondial Relay methods are posted on the left side of the dialogbox.

Choose a name for the web reference, e.g : WS_MondialRelay then clic on Add the reference .

WS_MondialRelay.Web_Services WS_MR = new WS_MondialRelay.Web_Services();

string Clef_Securite = GetMd5(
"BDTEST12" // Enseigne
+ "FR"
+ ""
+ ""
+ "59000"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ "Mot_de_passe" // Cl prive
WS_MondialRelay.ret_WSI3_PointRelais_Recherche WS_Retour =
"BDTEST12", // Enseigne
Clef_Securite // Hash MD5
if (WS_Retour.STAT == "0") { /* Traitement normal */ } else { /* Traitement des erreurs */ }
PHP language
Method request WSI3_RecherchePointRelais to the Web Service with nuSOAP
One of the simplest methods to use a web service in PHP is the usage of the nuSOAP library:
nuSOAP is a free PHP library

This code example does a Points Relais search (mode of delivery 24R) in a radius of 20Km in France,
around the 75010 zip code in which the trade type can be defined


// Global Settings definition

// Dfinition des paramtres globaux
$MR_WebSiteId = "BDTEST12";
$MR_WebSiteKey = "MRT_2012";

$client = new nusoap_client("http://api.mondialrelay.com/Web_Services.asmx?WSDL", true);

$client->soap_defencoding = 'utf-8';

// We define the parameters as a string array. Each Key/Val represents a parameter of the
soap call
// On dfini les paramtres dans un tableau de chanes. Chaque paire Cl/Valeur est un
paramtre de l'appel SOAP
$params = array(
'Enseigne' => $MR_ WebSiteId,
'Pays' => "FR",
//'NumPointRelais' => "",
'Ville' => "",
'CP' => "75010",
'Latitude' => "",
'Longitude' => "",
'Taille' => "",
'Poids' => "",
'Action' => "",
'DelaiEnvoi' => "0",
'RayonRecherche' => "20",
//'TypeActivite' => "",
//'NACE' => "",

// We generate the request's security code

// On gnre la cl de scurit de l'appel
$code = implode("", $params);
$code .= $MR_WebSiteKey;
$params["Security"] = strtoupper(md5($code));
// We make the call and load it in the $result var
// On ralise l'appel et stocke le rsultat dans la variable $result
$result = $client->call(

// We check their is no error during the process

// On vrifie qu'il n'y a pas eu d'erreur
if ($client->fault)
echo '<h2>Fault (Expect - The request contains an invalid SOAP body)</h2><pre>';
echo '</pre>';
$err = $client->getError();
if ($err) { echo '<h2>Error</h2><pre>' . $err . '</pre>'; }
echo '<h2>Result</h2><pre>';
echo '</pre>';
echo '<h2>Request</h2><pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->request, ENT_QUOTES) . '</pre>';
echo '<h2>Response</h2><pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->response, ENT_QUOTES) .
echo '<h2>Debug</h2><pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->getDebug(), ENT_QUOTES) .
ASP3 language
Methode request WSI3_RecherchePointRelais to the WebService with Msxml2
<!--#include virtual = "/md5.asp"-->
dim requestXML
dim sParams
dim security

set requestXML = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")

requestXML.Open "post","http://api.mondialrelay.com/Web_Services.asmx" ,false

' Dfinition de l'entte SOAP/ XML standard

requestXML.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
requestXML.setRequestHeader "MessageType", "CALL"

' Gnration du hachage de scurit

security = Ucase(md5("BDTEST12FR75010MRT_2012 "))

sParams = _
"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?><soap12:Envelope
xmlns:soap12=""http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"">" &_
"<soap12:Body>" &_
"<WSI3_PointRelais_Recherche xmlns=""http://api.mondialrelay.com/"">" & _
"<Enseigne xsi:type=""xsd:string"">BDTEST12</Enseigne>" & _
"<Pays xsi:type=""xsd:string"">FR</Pays>" & _
"<NumPointRelais xsi:type=""xsd:string""></NumPointRelais>" & _
"<Ville xsi:type=""xsd:string""></Ville>" &_
"<CP xsi:type=""xsd:string"">75010</CP>" & _
"<Latitude xsi:type=""xsd:string""></Latitude>" & _
"< Longitude xsi:type=""xsd:string""></Longitude>" & _
"<Taille xsi:type=""xsd:string""></Taille>" &_
"<Poids xsi:type=""xsd:string""></Poids>" &_
"<Action xsi:type=""xsd:string""></Action>" &_
"<DelaiEnvoi xsi:type=""xsd:string""></DelaiEnvoi>" &_
"<RayonRecharche xsi:type=""xsd:string""></RayonRecharche>" &_
"<TypeActivite xsi:type=""xsd:string""></TypeActivite>" &_
"<Security xsi:type=""xsd:string"">" & security & "</Security> &_
"</WSI3_PointRelais_Recherche>" &_
requestXML.send sParams

if (requestXML.Status = 200) then

Response.Write "Requete SOAP OK<br/>"
Response.Write "Rsultat = " & requestXML.responseText & "<br/>"
Response.Write "Erreur requete SOAP : " & requestXML.Status & "<br/>"
end if


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