Acknowledgement: RD TH
Acknowledgement: RD TH
Acknowledgement: RD TH
In the mechanism, each part has been provided with certain degree of
freedom to move in a constrained way to guide other parts and also to pick up
small weight items and to place them wherever required. The complete
mechanism consists of a fixed vertical link. To its free end is connected or better
to say hinged, another horizontal link which is free to oscillate about that hinge in
an up-down way of motion. Tothis link is connected a slotted type mechanism
which consists of a slotted box which itself can oscillate about its hinge and in it
is a sliding link which can come out of the slot to have the slider like motion. To
this slider is connected a surface, underneath which are attached 4 spoons
acting as arm to pick up the items. The entire mechanism is fixed on a rack and
pinion type mechanism to allow degree of freedom of the mechanism as a whole
to rotate by 130degrees.
Pascal's law is the basis of hydraulic drive systems. As the pressure in the
system is the same, the force that the fluid gives to the surroundings is
therefore equal to pressure area. In such a way, a small piston feels a
small force and a large piston feels a large force. The same principle applies
for a hydraulic pump with a small swept volume that asks for a small torque,
combined with a hydraulic motor with a large swept volume that gives a
large torque. In such a way a transmission with a certain ratio can be built.
Most hydraulic drive systems make use of hydraulic cylinders. Here the
same principle is used a small torque can be transmitted into a large force.
By throttling the fluid between the generator part and the motor part, or by
using hydraulic pumps and/or motors with adjustable swept volume, the
ratio of the transmission can be changed easily. In case throttling is used,
the efficiency of the transmission is limited. In case adjustable pumps and
motors are used, the efficiency, however, is very large. In fact, up to around
1980, a hydraulic drive system had hardly any competition from other
adjustable drive systems.
Nowadays, electric drive systems using electric servo-motors can be
controlled in an excellent way and can easily compete with rotating hydraulic
drive systems. Hydraulic cylinders are, in fact, without competition for linear
forces. For these cylinders, hydraulic systems will remain of interest and if such
a system is available, it is easy and logical to use this system for the rotating
drives of the cooling systems, also. An important advantage of a hydraulic drive
is its high power density: the mass of a hydraulic drive is several times smaller
than the mass of an electric drive of the same power.
Earlier, weights were lifted using pulleys, levers, block and tackles, etc.
Movements for a ships rudder or steering a vehicle where achieved by
mechanical linkages like cams, levers, couplings, and gears which made
the system complicated. These manual or mechanical methods of operation
had several limitations. They also involved huge man power and long
working hours for a particular job. As the population and technology
increased exponentially, the demand for quicker and easier to operate
equipment increased. To cater to this need, hydraulic machines were
Pascal's Principle
Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist and religious
philosopher who lived in the mid-seventeenth century. He made some
significant observations about fluid and pressure. He noticed that the shape
of a container had no effect on pressure. He also noticed that pressure
applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to every part of the
fluid, as well as to the walls of the container. When it says "enclosed fluid,"
that means that in order for Pascal's Law to be true, you have to be looking
at a liquid in a closed container.
Hydraulics in practice
You can see hydraulics at work in this digger. When the driver pulls a
handle, the digger's engine pumps fluid into the narrow pipes and cables
(shown in blue), forcing the hydraulic rams (shown in red) to extend. The
rams look a bit like bicycle pumps working in reverse. If you put several
rams together, you can make a digger's arm extend and move much like a
person'sonly with far greater force. The hydraulic rams are effectively the
digger's muscles.
Here's another example: a hydraulic hedge-cutter on the back of a tractor.
The cutting head needs to be sturdy and heavy to slash through hedges and
trees and there's no way the driver could lift or position it by hand.
Fortunately, the hydraulic controls do all that automatically: with several
hydraulic joints, a bit like a shoulder, elbow, and wrist, the cutter moves with
as much flexibility as a human arm.
Robot Power
-The power for a robotic arm can either be electric, hydraulic, or pneumatic.
-Hydraulics is putting liquids under pressure
-Pneumatic is putting gases under pressure.
-The power supply acts like the robot's heart and muscles. It provides the
energy for pushing, pulling, turning and lifting.
The basic concept used behind the operation is PASCALs LAW. This
law states that when a pressure is applied at one point of a fluid contained in
a constrained volume, then the pressure due to that force is equally
transmitted to all the points of the fluid, which are acted upon by the same
pressure. Using the same principle, we applied pressure to fluid in syringe
which is transmitted to other end of tube which is connected to a
syringe. This motion of the syringe is used to move the links or
parts of the mechanism which are attached to respective
1.) The slotted mechanism used in the design, increases its complexity but
at the same time increases its efficiency, ability, area of coverage.
2.) Rack and pinion mechanism used to provide rotatory motion
does its work smoothly without any jerks or shocks and giving more
degree of rotation and thereby increasing the area of effect.
3.) To increase overall stability and to avoid roll over or unbalancing due to
torque or extra weight in the front part, suitable counter weight is used in the
rear portion of the mechanism.
4.) Soap water having least compressibility and high efficiency is used as a
fluid in syringes.
All the dimensions of the parts including their weights, their required
job, are decided effectively to obtain overall dimensions of the mechanism
and allow required degree of freedom and to obtain required motion and do
the required task.
Material used:
1. Cardboard 90*110 sq. cm
2. Hard cardboard for arms (links) 3*50 sq. cm
3. Syringes (10 ml) 8 Pcs.
4. Wires (Aluminium) 50 cm long
5. Wood sticks for joints and connections 10 sticks
6. Tie 16
7. Vinyl tubes 100 cm
8. Paper tape
9. Glue gun with refills
10. Fevi-quick
11.Old battery
a.Hydraulic Cylinder
By here in this project we used the syringe for substitute of the cylinder
because of the cost of the project and its a model and in future its
elaborate and use for industrial purpose or reality then in this model the
hydraulic cylinder are used. Syringe as shown in fig 2.
Three types of lines is used in this system are pipe (rigid), tubing (semi
rigid) and hose(flexible).
The material, ID, and wall thickness are the three primary considerations in
the selection of lines for a particular fluid power system. Since it determines
how much fluid can pass through the line in a given time period (rate of flow)
without loss of power due to excessive friction and heat. The velocity of a
given flow is less through a large opening than through a small opening. If
the ID of the line is too small for the amount of flow, excessive turbulence
and friction heat cause unnecessary power loss and overheated fluid.
In our project we have used two sections of clear 1/8 I.D. Vinyl tubing
of different lengths. Vinyl tubing as shown in fig 3.
Fig. 3
c. Arms
Arms is the vital part of this vehicle one is base arm in which the whole
structure of the arms are steady and second is the vertical arm in which the
gripper and all small arms are fixed.
It is the base arm in which the whole structure are attached or fixed and
by this arm the whole structure are stable. Base arm as shown in fig 4.
It is the vertical arm or the gripper joining arm in this arm the gripper are
joint by the screw and in for this arm the gripper is steady and the load
carrying capacity is defined by this arm. Vertical arm as shown in fig 5.
Fig. 4
d. Grippers
Grippers are used to grasp and hold objects. The objects are generally work
parts that are to be moved by the hydraulic arm. These part handling
applications include machine loading and unloading, picking parts from a
conveyor, and arranging parts into a pallet.
Depending on the mechanism used for the purpose of gripping they can
be classified as:
1. Mechanical Grippers.
2. Adhesive Grippers.
3. Hooks, Scoops etc.
4. Vacuum Cups.
5. Magnetic Grippers.
This is the base or a chassis for which the two arms and whole body are
fixed in this base. The base is made of steel and the lower hole the motor
are fixed and in the motor shaft the wheels are fixed for this reason the
vehicle or the hydraulic arm are move in anywhere and the motor are
operated by manually so in anywhere the we used this.
Powder coated Metal chassis for robots. Easy to mount the motors on place
by using normal motor mount nut. It can be used in skid steel configuration
or differential configuration (2rear wheels + 1 front castor wheel). The body
contains perforated holes for easy mounting of various size circuit boards
and other mechanical components. Chassis as shown in fig 8.
Fig. 8
f. Lever
A lever is a machine consisting of a beam or rigid rod pivoted at a fixed
hinge, or fulcrum. A lever is a rigid body capable of rotating on a point
on itself. On the basis of the location of fulcrum, load and effort, the lever is
divided into three types. It is one of the six simple machines identified by
Renaissance scientists. A lever amplifies an input force to provide a greater
output force, which is said to provide leverage. The ratio of the
output force to the input force is the mechanical
advantage of the lever.
Fig. 9
Firstly we take the some hard cardboard links and cut it for the arms.
Then take a cardboard base and the first arm fixed on the base for screw.
After that make holes on the arm for fixed the arms. Then the arms are
fixed by hard wooden sticks and also used washer for free movement of
There after take hard cardboard sheet for the small arms of the vehicle
and cut the arms by measurement of and hole of this arm for both poles
to fixed of the arms in the base structure. The holes are measured by the
screw measurement.
After that take two syringes and joint the syringes by a pipe and the pipe
is fixed by the glue in the syringe nozzle. And leave it for one hour to
permanently fix the glue.
After that in this joint syringes feel up by the water to follow the Pascals
law. And its essential that the water in the syringe without any vacuum or
without any bubbles.
Last the water fell up syringes are fixed in the arms to move the arms by
the pressure of the water or hydraulic.
At last to check the all joints and check the all movements of the robotic
hydraulic arm and ready the robotic hydraulic arm is ready to use. In this way
the robotic hydraulic arm is made.
When pressing on the syringe system, be sure to press only the input
plunger with your thumb and hold the output syringe with your other hand
to prevent the syringe from separation
-Do not use syringe as a squirt gun.
-Wear safety glasses.
-Follow all normal laboratory rules.
-Check each component before you set upyour hydraulic system. Do not
use damaged or worn components. Turn them in for repair or
-Lift slowly and check the load often
-Avoid standing in the line of force
-Anticipate possible problems and take steps to avoid them.
So, we are confident that the people will understand and join us on the
quest to make our planet a pollution free place to live in.
If more time and more efforts would have been put into the model, more
complexities could have been brought out. Moreover instead of manual
operation of syringes could have been replaced by pre-defined computer
programs or merely by pressing the switch operated. Further, more varieties
and more flexibility to add or replace any part according to requirements can
be done to improve its use and increase field of usage and to make it more
universal or flexible. As we know that the natural source of fuel is
decreasing day by day, we need to remove our dependency on these
sources with an alternative resource. We have to use some of alternative
Energies like Solar Energy, in our vehicle.
s- equipment/hydraulic.htm
cal- arm?next_slideshow=1
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A text book of Fluid Mechanics by R.K. Bansal