Workshop On Multilateral and Extended Reach Wells

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Workshop on Multilateral and Extended Reach Wells


Jerome J. Schubert

Department of Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University

Final Workshop Report

Prepared for the Minerals Management Service

Under the MMS/OTRC Cooperative Research Agreement


Task Order 85221

MMS Project Number 439

September 2003
OTRC Library Number: MLWS-09/03

The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should
not be interpreted as representing the opinions or policies of the U. S. Government.
Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute their endorsement by
the U. S. Government.

For more information contact:

Offshore Technology Research Center

Texas A&M University

1200 Mariner Drive

College Station, Texas 77845-3400

(979) 845-6000


Offshore Technology Research Center

The University of Texas at Austin

1 University Station C3700

Austin, Texas 78712-0318

(512) 471-6989

A National Science Foundation Graduated Engineering Research Center

Workshop on Multilateral and Extended Reach Wells
MMS Project 439
Jerome J. Schubert

Executive Summary
OTRC is conducting a multi-year (2002 2004) research project entitled Development and
Assessment of Well Control Procedures for Extended Reach and Multilateral Wells Utilizing
Computer Simulation (MMS Project 440). Additionally, the MMS requested that OTRC provide
a Workshop for MMS engineers to familiarize them with the current state of the art and practice for
Multilateral and Extended Reach Wells.

Workshop materials were prepared that described

state of the art and practice for drilling and completing multilateral and extended reach
applications and economic benefits of multilateral and extended reach wells
limitations for multilateral and extended reach wells
Steve Walls, Cherokee Offshore Engineering, Bjorn Gjorv, TAMU, and Jerome Schubert, TAMU
prepared and presented the workshop materials.

Two one-day workshops were held at the

Pacific Region Office for engineers and geologists from the Pacific and Alaska regions
on November 21, 2002
Gulf of Mexico Region Office for engineers from the Gulf regions on December 5, 2002
Agendas for the two Workshops are presented in the Appendix.

In the workshop held in the Pacific Region, there was more discussion on the topics presented in the
morning session (definition of extended reach and multilateral wells, torque and drag, dual gradient
drilling, and expandable tubulars) than was anticipated. The session on drilling fluids was also
longer than expected. The additional time spent on these subjects resulted in a somewhat
abbreviated discussion of some of the state of the art for ERD and ML wells.

Based on the experience and feedback from the Pacific Region workshop, the topics were rearrange
for the Gulf of Mexico Region workshop. The discussion on torque and drag, dual gradient drilling,
and high lubricity muds was shortened. Further, since representatives of Shell Oil Company and
Enventure (the developers of Expandable Tubulars) were at the MMS offices on the same day, we
decided to omit the presentation on expandable tubulars. These changes allowed us to spend more
time on the state of the art and practice in multilateral and extended reach wells.

Based on the feedback from both workshops, the MMS engineers were well satisfied with the

The Workshop presentation materials are attached.

Extended Reach and Multilateral Workshop
MMS Pacific Offices, Camarillo, CA
Presented by
Jerome J. Schubert, TAMU
Steve Walls, Cherokee Offshore Engineering
Bjorn Gjorv TAMU

8:30 am Welcome and Introductions

9:00 am Introduction to Extended Reach and Multilateral Wells
Define ERD and ML levels
How ML and ERD wells are drilled
Economic benefits
Technical difficulties
Lost circulation and other well control problems
Casing wear
Torque and drag
10:30 am Break
10:45 am New drilling technologies that could enhance ML/ERD
Dual Gradient Drilling
Expandable tubulars
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm New drilling technologies, continued
High lubricity muds
Hole cleaning
State of the art in ERD
State of the art in MLD
2:30 pm Break
2:45 pm Completion, workover, and fishing concepts
Horizontal gravel-packed sand control completions
Downhole completion tools for ER and ML wells
3:45 pm Questions and discussion
4:40 pm Adjourn
Extended Reach and Multilateral Workshop
MMS Gulf of Mexico Region Offices, New Orleans, LA
Presented by
Jerome J. Schubert, TAMU
Steve Walls, Cherokee Offshore Engineering
Bjorn Gjorv TAMU

8:30 am Welcome and Introductions

9:00 am Introduction to Extended Reach and Multilateral Wells
Define ERD and ML levels
How ML and ERD wells are drilled
Economic benefits
10:00 am Break
10:15 am New drilling technologies that could enhance ML/ERD
Dual Gradient Drilling
Expandable tubulars
High lubricity muds
Hole cleaning
State of the art in ERD
State of the art in MLD
1:30 pm Completion, workover, and fishing concepts
Horizontal gravel-packed sand control completions
Downhole completion tools for ER and ML wells

2:30 pm Technical difficulties

Lost circulation and other well control problems
Casing wear
Torque and drag
3:30 pm Questions and discussion
4:00 pm Adjourn
Workshop on
Multilateral and
Extended Reach Wells
Sponsored by:
Workshop on Multilateral Minerals Management Service

and Extended Reach Wells Offshore

Technology Research

December 5, 2002
Jerome J. Schubert, TAMU
New Orleans, Louisiana
Bjorn Gjorv, TAMU
Steve Walls, Cherokee Offshore

Introductions Outline
Bjorn Gjorv, TAMU GAR Introduction to Extended Reach
Steve Walls, Cherokee Offshore and Multilateral Wells
Engineering Describe ERD and ML levels
Jerome Schubert, TAMU, PI Application

Economic benefits

Outline, cont. Outline, cont.

New drilling technologies that Completion, workover, and
can enhance ML/ERD fishing concepts
Dual Gradient Drilling Horizontalgravel-packed sand
Expandable tubulars control completions
High lubricity muds Downhole completion tools for

Hole cleaning
ER and ML wells
State of the art in ERD
State of the art in MLD

Introduction to Extended
Outline, cont. Reach and Multilateral
Technical difficulties Describe ERD and ML wells
Lost circulation and other well
control problems
Torque, drag, and buckling
Casing wear

Questions and discussion


Wytch Farm

O&GJ, Jan. 19, 1998, p.24

SPE 28293 (1994)

REF: O&GJ, Jan. 19, 1998, p.24

Wytch Farm M11 Well
Stepout (Horiz. Depart.) = 33,181 ft
Exceeded previous record by 6,729 ft
Measured Depth = 34,967 ft
True Vertical Depth (at TD) = 5,266 ft
Time to drill and case = 173 days
M11 is the 14th ERD well at Wytch Farm

REF: Anadrill Press Release 1 -23-98

Overview contd
One third of reserves are offshore under Poole

ERD project began in place of an artificial
island in 1991
Saved 150 million in development costs
Development time saved - 3 years
Scheduled with reach of 6.2 km
Prod. before ERD project = 68,000 BOPD
Prod. with 3 ERD wells = 90,000 BOPD

Figs. 3-6 Advertisements, PE Int.
Figs. 7-9, OGJ, Dec. 11, 1995 p.44
Figs. 10, 11, OGJ, March 16, 1998 p.76
Figs. 12-17, OGJ, Dec. 1997, p.73
Figs. 18-24, OGJ, March 23, 1998 p.70
Oil & Gas Journal, Feb. 28, 2000, p.44

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d pf'od1aetio11 ..rwr 11llow1 ,,.,..,,._1 r..-.ntry ~I dwil bo,..

O pposin g la terals

Multilateral Completions Multilateral Completions

Levels 1 & 2 Levels 3 & 4

Multilateral Completions
Levels 5, 6 & 6B

-...u. RUN llNfR AND CIMElllT

S11r s S1ep I
S11p7 .!!!!..!
Rllft hc>ok l\11nand R7111 . Pump aacolld
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111ntral tool I SllHOll.. 13% duom lM....,IEt
to putt iollf Whlp$folt lato11Jlsier
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' M hotlow

flUI lfll CINHIU l ll. .

Slip 16 Flnal well

I status an er
Runa~gh 1nill through
111 access 1attral 6.07 In. ID
6 .1 B4 In . 10
lateral liner

ERD/ML Applications
Attempt to reduce the cost per barrel
of oil produced.
Same or increased reservoir
exposure with fewer wellbores
Substantial increase in drainage
Increased production per platform

ERD/ML Applications ERD/ML Applications

More reserves Improving thin oil zone reservoirs
Production from natural fracture production performance
systems Increase ROI
Efficient Reservoir drainage Reduce well cost
Exploiting reservoirs with vertical Reduce time
permeability barriers Reduce capital cost

ERD/ML Limitations
Modeling of multilaterals
Economic benefits

Problems during production phase

Increased cost compared to one
conventional well
Higher risk
Technology still in development

Wytch Farm Complex well geometries boost
Orinoco heavy oil producing
Oil & Gas Journal, Feb. 28, 2000

Single horizontal lateral

Gull-wing well
Stacked multilateral
Fishbone well
Gull-wing, fishbone well
Stacked fishbone well
o 12 9
~9 API oil. ~1.2 * 10 bbls in place. ~250 * 10 recoverable

Dos Cuadras field California
Cost of a trilateral well - $2 million
Cost of 3 conventional horizontals
$3 million

Texaco UPRC
Brookeland field Austin chalk Austin Chalk quadralateral
Estimated savings of $500,000 Total cost for re-entry was
$700,000 per well as compared to $605,000 which is 20% less than
two conventional horizontal wells the cost of two new dual lateral
of equivalent length horizontals

Austin Chalk North Sea
Changes from vertical to horizontal Reduced development costs by
to ML led to reductions in 23% and 44% respectively when
development costs from $12/BOE horizontal and ML approaches are
to $5.75/BOE to $4.65/BOE compared to vertical well

Saih Rawl Shuaiba Venezuela

Dual lateral wells were drilled for Level 3 Hook Hanger systems
water injection. Five wells have yielded up to 900 bopd
completed successfully at 30% increase in production per well.
cost savings per dual well relative Cost 1.58 times that of a single
to two single laterals well
But, Per-day increase in revenue,
based on $20/bbl oil, is as much as

TFE - Argentina
Deepwater Brazil
ML costs an average of 1.43 times
that of a single well
While increased production,
revenues and savings have
amounted to as much as $10
million over conventional
technology applied in the region

TFE U.K. New drilling technologies
that can enhance ML/ERD
Dual Gradient Drilling
Expandable Liners
High Lubricity Muds
Hole Cleaning
SOA in ERD and MLD

Conventional Casing Seat Selection

Dual Gradient Drilling
Frac Pressure

Max Mud Wt

Min Mud Wt

Pore Pressure

Equivalent Mud Wt, lb/gal

Solution: Static Wellbore Pressures Wellbore Pressures

8.6 lb/gal
15.1 lb/gal 13.9 lb/gal HYDROSTATIC
HYDROSTATIC Conventional



4,472 psi 21,000 psi PRESSURE


Wellbore Pressures Casing Requirements - Conventional
SMD Conventional Conventional





Casing Requirements - SMD

MUD Expandable Tubulars




Expandable Tubulars
Expandable Tubulars

High lubricity muds Hole cleaning

State of the art in ERD State of the art in MLD

Completion, workover, Horizontal gravel-packed

and fishing concepts sand control completions

Downhole completion Technical difficulties
tools for ER and ML wells
Lost Circulation
Well Control Problems
Torque, Drag, and Buckling
Casing Wear

Lost circulation and other

well control problems
Steve Walls

Torque and Drag

Sliding Motion Torque

F =?N T=F*d
Drag (friction)
F = ??N = ? ?W sin I

Force to move pipe, F = ? W sin I

Torque, T = ? W sin I d/(24 )

An approximate equation, with W in lbf and d in inches

Effect of Doglegs Effect of Doglegs
(1) Dropoff Wellbore ? ? dogleg angle A. Neglecting Axial Friction (e.g.
pipe rotating)

N ? Wsin I ? 2T sin (10)

Effect of Doglegs


?d? ?d ? ?
Torque ? ? N? ? ? ? ? ?(Wsin I ? 2Tsin )
? ?
2 ? ?
2 2

Sinusoidal Buckling in a Horizontal
Wellbore Sinusoidal Buckling Load
A more general Sinusoidal Buckling Load equation for highly
When the axial compressive load along the coiled tubing
inclined wellbores (including the horizontal wellbore) is:
reaches the following sinusoidal buckling load Fcr, the intial
(sinusoidal or critical) buckling of the coiled tube will occur in
the horizontal wellbore.

EIW e sin ?
r Fcr ? 2
Fcr ? 2 (EIWe / r) 0. 5
r ?

Helical Buckling in a Horizontal Wellbore

When the axial compressive load reaches the following helical buckling
load Fhel in the horizontal wellbore, the helical buckling of coiled tubing
then occurs:

Fhel ? 2 2 2 ? 1 ? E I We

General Equation
A more general helical buckling load equation for
highly inclined wellbores (including the horizontal
wellbore) is:

Fhel ? 2 2 2 ? 1 ? EIW e sin ?

Buckling in Vertical Wellbores: Helical Buckling in Vertical Wellbores:

In a vertical wellbore, the buckling will occur if the tubulars becomes A helical buckling load for weighty tubulars in vertical

axially compressed and the axial compressive load exceeds the wellbores was also derived recently through an energy

buckling load in the vertical section. analysis to predict the occurrence of the helical buckling:

This could happen when we slack-off weight at the surface to apply bit
weight for drilling and pushing the coiled tubing through the build
section and into the horizontal section.

Fhel ,b ? 5.55 (EIW e )1 / 3


? 461 lbf

Helical Buckling in Vertical Wellbores: Helical Buckling in Vertical Wellbores:

The upper portion of the tubular in the vertical wellbore will

This helical buckling load predicts the first occurrence of

be in tension and remain straight.

helical buckling of the weighty tubulars in the vertical

When more tubular weight is slacked-off at the surface, and

the helical buckling becomes more than one helical pitch,

the above helical buckling load equation may be used for

The first occurrence of helical buckling in the vertical the top helical pitch of the helically buckled tubular.

wellbore will be a one-pitch helical buckle at the bottom

portion of the tubular, immediately above the KOP.

Helical Buckling in Vertical Wellbores: Helical Buckling in Vertical Wellbores:
The top helical buckling load Fhel,t is calculated by simply subtracting
the tubular weight of the initial one-pitch of helically buckled pipe from From Table 1, it is also amazing to find out that the top helical
the helical buckling load Fhel,b, which is defined at the bottom of the buckling load, Fhel,t, is very close to zero.
one-pitch helically buckled tubular: This indicates that the neutral point, which is defined as the
place of zero axial load (effective axial load exclusive from th e
hydrostatic pressure force), could be approximately used to
define the top of the helical buckling for these coiled tubings .

Fhel,t ? 5.55(EIWe )1/ 3 ? We L hel


? 0.14(EIW e )1/ 3

Conclusions Continue ...

1.When conducting drilling, well completion and 2.The CT may buckle helically in the
wireline logging in horizontal wells using CT, horizontal section when conducting
helical buckling of the tubing in the vertical section the above operations, but it is
of the horizontal wells will usually happen. How to seldom for the CT to buckle in the
reduce this buckling will be a significant challenge build section of a horizontal well.
in developing and extending CT technology for
horizontal wells.

Continue ... Continue ...

3.The axial load distribution of helically buckled CT 4.The equations on tubular buckling and axial load
will be largely affected by the frictional drag distributions presented here make it possible to
generated by the helical buckling. predict the actual bit weight/packer load, and the
The CT may be "locked-up" in a horizontal well when maximum horizontal section length, for drilling,
a large portion of CT is helically buckled, to the well completion, CT wire logging, CT stimulation,
point where you can hardly increase the bottom and other CT operations in horizontal wells.
load, such as the bit weight, by "slacking-off" Generally, larger size of CT will reduce the risk of
weight at the surface, nor push the CT further into helical buckling and the amount of resulting
the wellbore. frictional drag.

Excess torque and drag
Threaten the success of
Casing wear

completion if it exceeds the

capacity of the Drive system or
Can result in casing wear

Excess torque and drag Catenary wellbore

Can be prevented or reduced.
Wellbore profile.
Low doglegs
Catenary profile

High lubricity muds

Non-rotating drillpipe protectors
Rotary steerable systems

Non-rotating drillpipe Non-rotating drillpipe

protectors protectors

Rotary Steerable Remediation for Casing
Systems Wear
Retrieve and replace
Scab liners (tie back)
Plastic liners
Expandable cased-hole liners

Plastic Liners Plastic Liners

Plastic Liners Solid Expandable


Cementing Cementing
Variables that affect liner cementing Displacement flow rate
performance in deviated wellbores Cement slurry rheology
Turbulators placement

Displacement flow rate Cement slurry rheology

Prodhoe Bay wells Field results show more success
8-1/2 x 7 liner with thinner cement slurries.
Circulate at a velocity of 420-540 This allow turbulent flow
ft/min PV of 30-40
6-6/4 x 5-1/2 liner
YP of 3-5
Circulate at 600 ft/min
Cement slurry was displaced at 12
Results in a maximum swirl and

Turbulators placement Centralization

Short 5 inch cylinders with spiral Must have enough centralizers to
rigid vanes welded and positioned support the casing to centralize
at approximately 30-45 deg. properly
Forces the fluid to flow in a spiral
pattern around the casing and
Two per joint is usually good
Point in same direction

SPE 28293 (1994)

Critical Technologies for Success

in Extended Reach Drilling (ERD)
by Payne, M.L., Cocking, D.A., and
Critical ERD Technologies Hatch, A.J.

Presented at the SPE ATCE, 1994, NO

Outline Outline - contd

Casing considerations
This paper discusses critical
Directionaldrilling optimization
technologies for ERD.
Rig sizing
Wellbore stability This paper is based on knowledge and
Hole cleaning . . . experience gained from Wytch ERD project

Torque/Drag Optimization of
directional profile
Optimization of directional profile
Simple build and hold profile is not
Mud lubricity successful
Torque reduction tools
High torque and drag
Modeling considerations
BUR = 4 deg./30 m from near

Directional profile - contd Mud lubricity

Pseudo-catenary profile is used It is important but complex.

BUR = 1.0 - 1.5 deg./30 m It affect torque and drag.
Maximum BUR = 2.5 deg./30 m WBM is used in the beginning
BUR increase = 0.5 deg./400 m OBM is used after setting 13-3/8
Target angle = 80 - 82 deg. in. casing
Torque reduction Oil-water ratio has a significant
Easy to run or slide drilling assemblies impact on lubricity - more oil =>
less friction

Torque reduction tools Modeling considerations

No torque/drag model is adequate for
Non-rotating DP protectors dynamic drilling conditions
Typically one on every other joint Use MWD sub to measure downhole torque
Reduced torque ~ 25% on bit and WOB
Using MWD data, estimate friction
Lubricating beads coefficients to monitor and to predict
Expensive for OBM downhole conditions such as torque/drag,
Reduced torque ~ 15% wellbore stability, and hole cleaning

Drillstring design Drillstring design for

high torsional capacity
Top-drive rotary system capacity Grade S-135 is conventional
= 45 - 60 kips-ft Grades up to 165 ksi are
Useful only if the drillstring provides matching considered non-conventional and
strength high strength
High torque thread compounds
High torque connections
Double-shoulder tool-joints
Wedge thread tool-joints

Hole stability for high Hole cleaning
hole inclination
Use correct mud weight Flowrate is the primary hole cleaning tool -
up to 1,100 gpm in the 12 1/4 hole
Stress data from:
Pipe Rotation
4-arm calipers Circulate cuttings out - prior to trip
Chemical interactions between mud and Monitoring of hole cleaning
formation also affect stability

Casing consideration
Solids control
Solids control in mud is essential Casing wear avoidance
Tungsten carbide protects the drillpipe well,
for long MD holes where hole
but is hard in casing
cleaning efficiency may tend to be
Use of new generation of hard-metal,
e.g. chromium -based metals
May need extra processes or Use of alternative hard-facing materials
equipments Several casing running options

Casing running options Directional well planning

Anti-collision considerations
Three primary considerations Itis necessary when well
Maximum available running weight separation is small.
Frictional losses of running weight Target sizing (ex. 200 m by 350
Mechanical losses of running weight m)
Profile planning ( ex. pseudo
catenary profile)

Hydraulic consideration BHA philosophy
Proper selection of PDM rotor Change of one primary BHA
nozzles component at a time.
Bit nozzle selection Use of steerable PDMs.
Maximum bit pressure drop of 500 Development of solid relationships
psi with bit manufacturers and
advancement of bit designs with
those of the BHA.

considerations Emerging technologies
(dog-leg severity)
Need to minimize slide interval Rotary-steerable system
and frequency Azimuth control tool
Slideon 5-7 m increments to
maintain low angular change

Surveying Drilling dynamics

Torsional stick/slip vibrations cause chaotic
MWD bit and drillstring motion and adversely affect
Gyro surveys for specific bit life, ROP, and rotary drilling capacity
objectives: Rotary feedback system to reduce torsional
Anti-collisionrequirements vibrations
To reduce lateral errors at target Bit/BHA induced lateral vibrations
Hole Spiral
Definitive survey at target entry

Rig sizing
Requirements depend on ERD project size.
Proper rig and drilling equipment is critical. Special rig configurations and
It is necessary to determine maximum drilling equipments are necessary
anticipated drilling torques and margins. to successfully pursue extreme
ERD objectives.
Rig power efficiency must be analyzed.

Conclusions contd
ERD operations require intense Questions and
engineering focus on monitoring
and analysis of field data and
forecasting on future wells.
High levels of team-based
performance can be critical to ERD


Definitions of ERD
Extended Reach Drilling
Throw ratio > 2:1
Discussion of the State of the Art,
Present Limitations, Completion, ER Projects typically break into
Fishing and Workover Tools & four groups:
Techniques and Critical Safety Ultra
Long ERD
Issues VeryShallow ERD
Deepwater ERD
Small Rig ERD
Steve Walls

General Limitations ERD Performance

Traditional Challenges have been ERD: Just reaching the objective
mostly overcome Time & Cost Performance
Remaining Ones are Toughest New Benchmarks
ECD Fit-for-Purpose Solutions
UltraDeep Casing Runs ERD Solutions: Alternatives
Practices Subsea Tiebacks
Another Platform
Increased Footprint

Ultra-Long ERD Wells Ultra-ERD Characterization

Where are these wells being Throw Ratios up to 6:1
drilled? Build/hold to 80
US: GoM, California, ANS
West Africa, Canada, North Sea
Negative weight: of the HD
China, Australia, New Zealand Special techniques: logs, casing
SE Asia: Thailand, Malaysia, Nuclear drilling
Indonesia TDS-4 minimum, XT conn
Russia 3 or 4 1600-hp pumps
Argentina, Venezuela
5.5, 5.875 drill strings


What Does It Take? Available Technologies

Extensive Planning: 9-12 mo/well Casing Flotation
Lead Times (Drill Pipe 1 year) Downhole Adjustable Stabilizers
Rig Availability & Modifications Rotary Steerable Systems
HP, HT, space, setback loads Walking PDC bits
Training for THAT well Mechanical torque/drag reducers
Office & Operations teams Wireline tractors
Hole condition monitoring systems
HT top drives and tubulars

ERD Performance CH 2: Best Performance

Case History: Real Learnings Pre-1993
1992: 15980 MD 16,000 MD: 70 days
Drlg: 400 hrs NPT: 175 hrs
1994: 16018 MD
Drlg: 250 hrs NPT: 50 hrs
1996: 16400 MD
Drlg: 260 hrs NPT: <10 hrs

CH 2: Best Performance CH 2: Best Performance

Pre-1993 Pre-1993
16,000 MD: 70 days 16,000 MD: 70 days
1993-1994 1993-1994
16,500 MD: 50 days 16,500 MD: 50 days
16,500 MD: 35 days
20,500 MD: 55 days


Operational Training Deepwater ERD

Before Training Same considerations as Shallow
14,500 MD: 60 days ECD is primary limit
16,000 MD: 95 days Present wells
17,800 MD: 108 days Comfortably within 2.5:1 ratio
Project-Specific Training 15,000 step-outs, 6000 TVD
21,000 MD: 110 days Primarily from SPARs
22,000 MD: 108 days Deepest WD to date: 5400
25,000 MD: 140 days Record: 6000 TVD, 21,000 step-
24,000 MD: 93 days out (WD was 1200)

Small Rig ERD Finesse Drilling

Typical: ERD Rig Small Rig Offshore California: 1999
DW: 2000 hp <1500 hp Small workover rig
MP: 4000+ hp 2-3000 hp 5 drill pipe
Circ: 7500psi 4000 psi Portable top drive
TD: 60k ft.lbs 28k ft.lbs 2 850-hp mud pumps
Mud: >3000 bbl 1000 bbl 750-bbl active mud system
Setback: Plenty Not Enough Not enough setback or casing

Project Concerns Operational Limits

Setback Limits Catheads, Iron Roughnecks (HT)
Space and fingerboard size Rig Power
Weight on sub and jacket Impossible tobackream at TD
Pipe stretch exceeded head room Max: Pumps, Top drive, Lifting
Pipe Rack Storage Design Limits: Overpulls gone
Casing run off the boat Mud systems: shipped whole mud
Managing multiple strings Solids handling, small volume
Simultaneous setback limits Circ: Flowrate, pressure limits


Project Results Completion Techniques

Record California Well Pre-Drilling Consideration
19,555 MD Well:designed for the completion
79 Tangent section, drop @ TD AND future interventions
3/100 build Tubular logging, perforations
16,000+ HD 8500 slotted horizontal liner
8,000+ TVD Wireline, CT tractors
Intelligent completions, particularly
for multiple pay sections

Interventions Fishing Considerations

Three Main Technologies Wellbore friction constraints due to
Jointed Tubing tortuosity, wellbore stability
Live Workovers (Snubbing) Jar placement is of prime
Coiled Tubing Units importance in ERD wells
Wireline Options typically limited Computer program placement
Wheeled Tools, Tractors instead of rules of thumb
Primarily are System Failures Required at the start: Risk
Management Analysis
Corrosion,Sand Control, failed
packers (Annular pressure) Sidetrack Planning Team
Are the Take Points Firm?

Jar Placement General Fishing Rules

Longitudinal Stress Wave Theory DLS>15/100: dont operate jars in
Foundation of Jarring Programs this environment due to stresses
Impact and Impulse Jars below build/turn section: As
much as 50% of the axial load can
Stress Wave Reflection be lost due to wellbore contact
Jars need to be optimized for both Jars above build/turn section:
down-hits and up-hits, depending Stress wave reflections are less,
on the anticipated problems resulting in lower impulse.
Two-piece jars can be useful Anticipate (experience)


Intelligent Wells Converging Technology

Fundamental: downhole process Smart wells Just In Time
control ERD-ML, Horiz Drlg achievements
Realtime (or near-RT) surveillance,
Fewer but larger tubulars
interpretation and actuation
Sand control & stim improvements
Accomplished through downhole
measurement and remotely 50 bpm @ 15000 psi frac-pacs
controlled zones (versus surface) Pre-completion of multiple pays
Dumb wells: provide no data or Draining multiple reservoirs
control except through CT, wireline Co-mingled production
or jointed tubing interventions

ABB Smart Well Concept



Project Optimization


Future Intelligence Critical Safety Issues

ADMARC system being tested Consider the Operations
HP Circulating Systems
Multiple handling of Tubulars
Exposures to exotic fluids
SBM BMP: compliance systems
Storm planning, ops disruptions
Rushed planning implications

Viable ERD projects are now being
undertaken from small rigs, in
deepwater & with very long HDs.
Current technologies answer most
of the limitations of ERD. Those
limitations which remain are very
significant challenges.
ERD through specific design and
implementation practices is an
absolute must.


Whats the Problem?

LOC Control Techniques
Producing formations depleted
from virgin pressures
Techniques to Control Lost Wellbore stability, casing string
Circulation in Drilling Through designs may cause problem
Under-Saturated, High- Trapped pressures in source rock
Permeability Formations require high MWs; lead to very
high overbalances & Delta P
Weakened rock matrices
Synthetic Oil Based Muds
Steve Walls

Problem Magnitude Response Strategies

Losses may be almost inevitable Systematic, Rigorous, Progressive
Once begun, LOC very difficult to Ramping-Up Approach
cure when drilling with SBM Avoid the Problem
Typically, losses > 25 bbl/hr Watch Indicators, React to
require a response from rig team Seepage Losses
@ $300/bbl, this could lead to a Manage ECD, Hydraulics, ROP
$180,000 mud loss in 24 hours Hole Cleaning Cycles
Sen. Dirksen from Illinois Kick Tolerance Consideration?

Progressive Response Working the Problem

Sweeps: CaCO3, G-Seal, Master- Early on, the loss zone(s) must be
seal, 50-70 bbls @ 50-80 #/bbl identified. Area knowledge?
(Lower end to maintain drilling)
Resistivity Info (Invasion)
High Fluid Loss Squeezes: Frac
Attack, Gunk Squeezes can be Sand/Shale Interfaces
placed through drill string usually At the Bit
Dia-SealM & Cement Squeeze: Casing Shoe or 1 st Sand
POOH required, TIH OH
Rubble Zones (Sub-salt wells)
Contingency string or live with the
losses if youre at a casing point Primary Cementing Considerations


Moving On Continue to Monitor

After spotting pills, pull up, circ to When LOC is healed, its usually a
ensure drill string is unplugged and temporary fix, except in the case of
free and monitor losses for 3-4 Dia-SealM & cement squeezes
hours while well heals (and LCM Monitor returns at all times and be
migrates into position) aware of positions of drill string
If squeezing, use a 5-minute tools such as stabilizers and bit
hesitation squeeze technique with If LOC occurs again, determine
no more than 50 psi increase per immediately if its a new zone or
squeeze increment. Max 250-300 the problem you just fixed

Important Summary Points

Care and feeding of the reservoir Lost Circulation, particularly in
Rock matrix is under-strength, in SBM, can quickly add up to the
the case of prior depletion loss of hundreds of thousands of
dollars + severe reservoir damage
Use Risk Management matrix to
systematically determine the Anticipate the problem (logistics)
proper response level Systematic Response
DO NOT PRE-TREAT! Intelligent Drilling with all the
Causes the problem youre relevant data points, ECDs, a
trying to avoid patient approach to solutions


Towards Better Hole Many Types of Systems

But Still 3 Foundations
Water-Based (WBM)
High lubricity mud and the Use of Oil-Based (Diesel) (OBM)
Sweeps for Hole Cleaning; Synthetic-Based (SBM)
Understanding the Hole Cleaning Progressively higher costs and
Mechanisms applicability as drilling severity
increases, whether its HP, HT,
ERD, Hole Stability or, as is
most common, a combination of
Steve Walls

Water-Based Systems Diesel Oil Muds (OBM)

Benefit the most from lubricants Expensive, but very tolerant of
Combinations of surfactants, contaminants and high temps
mineral oil, snake oil Very stable, minor barite swap
Most successfully used in fit-for tendencies, Compressive
purpose approaches, MLD Very good lubricity
Milne Point cocktail, ANS Serious Issues
Highest Friction Factors of any Exposures
system with the lowest $/bbl cost Discharges
Drill-In Systems (Flo-Pro) Disposal, Housekeeping

Synthetic Based (SBM) SBM Characteristics

Most predominant usage in ERD, Compressible like OBM
Deepwater & areas with hole Lose density as temp rises
stability problems
Very subject to barite swap
Very expensive, high lubricity
Need to be very careful to stabilize
Two main types, esther & I-o density in well before drilling after a
EPA discharges & LC50 issues trip
Require the use of a BMP & Cuttings dryers, oil retention and
compliance engineer monitoring with compliance
Problems with LOC engineer


Hole Cleaning Hole Cleaning Model

Hole Sweeps Lore is full of references to chip
Hole Angles <30 velocity, annular velocity, hole
Improve as well goes vertical cleaning profiles (plug to laminar to
Very low benefit >30
All explained in vertical wellbores
Mainly contaminate mud system
with concentric annuli
and drive up rheologies, causing
other wellbore problems Seen any of those around lately?
Satisfy the Office (or Field)

Real Wellbores Today Some Snapshots

Directional Wells, Eccentric Annuli 0 30
Varying hole angles and turns More traditional hole cleaning
ECD problems lead to controlled 30 50
ROPs, minimum rheologies
Cuttings dune, Avalanching
Cuttings fall to bottom of wellbore
around drill string, particularly in 50 90 (and beyond)
angle building sections when Cuttings dunes slowly working
theres a high proportion of sliding up the wellbore
vs. rotary drilling Picture a sweep in each annulus

How Does Hole get String Rotation

The real answer is that many times This is the real key to hole cleaning
it doesnt, resulting in stuck pipe, Not just any rotation: low rpm is
wasted time on trips, lost wells insufficient
Drillers are Optimists ERD Specialists have noted step
ERD: Exactly Reverse Direction changes at 120 rpm and again and
Assume hole is NOT clean until it 150-180 rpm, depending on drill
proves otherwise string size
Torque, Drag, Circ Press, Cuttings Not a panacea if ECD is a problem


Patience Drilling while Cleaning

Holes with extended 70 and Its not impossible, but the
above tangent sections rarely even mechanisms need to be
begin to clean up until 2 bottoms understood as they apply to a
up are observed
given wellbore geometry
Dunes are moving up the well and
the hole will unload suddenly Great advantage of rotary drilling
vs. motor drilling is hole cleaning
4 bottoms up is typical, it can be
more (plus the lower tortuosity and
micro-doglegs from tool sets)
Torque/Drag analysis: condition
Weighing cuttings

Summary Points
Mud systems fit for purpose
Understand Hole Cleaning
mechanism through a given well
Dubious value (& wasted money
and time) of sweep combinations
Designing the well to be cleaned
Clean (Motor Housings)
TrippingClean (Hole Cleaning)
Casing Clean (Back Reaming)


Multilateral Introduction &

System & Definitions
Completions TAML : (Technology Advancement
of Multilaterals) is the result of a
group of operators with multilateral
experience who developed a
categorization system for
multilateral wells based on the
amount and type of support
provided at the junction.

Level definitions Level definitions

Level definitions Level definitions

The Downhole Splitter is regarded as a
TAML Level 6 multilateral is a unique
system and process that allows two distinct
wells to be drilled, cased, and completed
from a single surface conductor. When
completed, each well can be produced,
serviced, and worked over independently of
the other.


Example of completing a TAML Example of completing a TAML

Level 3 multilateral junctions. Level 3 multilateral junctions.
Step one: Drilling the Lateral Step Two: Installing the Deflector

Starts with drilling out of lateral

pre-milled window to create the The system deflector is then run
lateral well-bore. into the lower latch assembly.
Once the lateral has been drilled, This automatically orients the
the whipstock is removed in deflector towards the lateral
preparation of running the lateral window.

Example of completing a TAML Example of completing a TAML

Level 3 multilateral junctions. Level 3 multilateral junctions.
Step Three: Running the Lateral Liner Step Four: Orienting the Liner Running Tool

A bullnose on the lateral liner The liner running tool engages the
deflects off of the deflector upper orienting latch coupling.
assembly and into the lateral Drill pipe is rotated to engage the
well bore orienting latch assembly

Example of completing a TAML Example of completing a TAML

Level 3 multilateral junctions. Level 3 multilateral junctions.
Step Five: Setting the Transition Joint Assembly Step Six: Removal of the Liner Running Tool

The liner running tool strokes through the

orienting latch assembly as the The liner running tool is removed
Transition Joint locks into a profile in the
main casing


Example of completing a TAML Example of Artificial Lift in

Level 3 multilateral junctions.
Multilateral Wells
Step Seven: Retrieval of the Deflection Tool

The liner deflector can be

retrieved, or it can be left in the

Using Coiled Tubing for

Limitations and drawbacks Multilateral Work-Overs

Higher initial costs A new bottom hole assembly

Complicated drilling, completion and (BHA) enables a new method to
production technologies workover multilateral wells using
Sensitive to poor vertical permeability coiled tubing.
Complicated and expensive stimulation
This BHA combined with a lateral
Often slower and less effective cleanup
entry guidance system (LEGS)
Cumbersome wellbore management
makes it possible to perform
during production
workover treatment in wellbores
Technology still in development stage
that were previously impossible

LEGS BHA Function Kick-off Assembly

Two modes of operation;

circulating and navigating
Can switch the mode of
operation by pumping at a
given flow rate through
the BHA
Circulating mode is used The Kick-Off Assembly
to deliver treatment fluids pivots the wand about the
base of the wand, radially


Sweep Assembly
The Sweep Assembly
rotates the wand and the
Kick-Off Assembly
about its center axis,
through a maximum of
360 degrees.

This figure shows a

design of the LEGS
BHA that will not permit
the tool to be misguided
by the entrance geometry
of the junction.



Circulating path in a standard gravel
Gravel Some history
Project planning and execution

Packs Limitations of horizontal gravel packs in

ERD wells
Future challenges

Introduction A basic gravel pack circulating path

Gravel packing is a commonly applied
technique to control formation sand
production from open-hole oil and gas wells.
In a gravel pack completion, a screen is
placed in the well across the productive
interval and specially sized, high permeability
gravel pack sand is mixed in a carrier fluid
and circulated into the well to fill the annular
space between the screen and formation.

Openhole horizontal gravel packing Some history

OHHGP has gained acceptance as a mainstay
completion technique.
Projected reliability and the potential to achieve
significantly higher sustainable production rates
have been the major drivers for pursuing this type
of completion.
Interval lengths in excess of 2500 feet are now
fairly common, with the current record being
6,938 feet in a well completed in the North Sea
by the Texaco North Sea UK Company.


The demand of new technology: Key issues in project planning and execution
openhole horizontal gravel packs:
Deepwater completions of high volume
producers (>15,000 BOPD or >70 MMscf/D) in Reservoir study
the GOM with a well life up to 15 years became Shale stability study
a major challenge for the industry. Formation integrity test
Increased reliability was needed for the Gravel pack sand sizing
openhole screened completions, and OHHGP
Gravel pack screen
was the answer to the problems experienced.
Workstring design
Some of the difficulties that were encountered
will be discussed here Well displacement
Fluid loss control

Issues that can jeopardize performance of Limitations of Extended-Reach

successful OHHGP Horizontal Gravel Packs

The Beta-wave (return gravel

Excessive fluid loss
wave) placement pressure is the
Varying hole geometry that could lead to main factor in determining the
premature pack termination maximum length of a horizontal
Hole stability issues leading to hole collapse gravel pack.
A narrow pressure spread between This pressure is limited by the
bottomhole pressure and fracture gradient requirement to install the gravel
pack without exceeding formation
fraction pressure.

Beta-wave Pressure Control

High Rate Well displacement to
remove fluff
Circulating brine at high
velocity provides optimum
hole cleaning.
Ensures that drill solids and
dynamic filter cake material
(fluff) is circulated out.
The remaining filter cake
should be thin and
extremely durable.


Future challenges Contd

New invert gravel pack fluid that has Advancements in tool technology
the potential to save rig time by that allow multiple functions during
reducing costly OB to WB fluid swaps,
and also eliminates the need for acid a single trip of the workstring.
treatment after pack placement. Advances in screen systems that
Advancement in tool technology that provide the capability to isolate and
reduce bottomhole circulating pack around shale sections as well
pressure during placement of the sand as the capability to place the gravel
pack using the Alpha/Beta placement pack while encountering fluid loss.

Final comments

In the future, the newly developed expandable

screen systems may also provide an alternative
to horizontal openhole gravel packing.
In a demanding environment such as
deepwater, technology must continue to evolve
to meet the need for long term reliability and
high productivity.
It is difficult to say whether one of these
technologies will emerge as the dominant

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