Ideas: Integrated Drillbit Design Platform

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IDEAS Integrated drillbit design platform

Formation lithology, BHA configuration, and drillstring response can all

affect the performance of a drill bit. Taking these drilling parameters into
consideration when designing a drill bit ensures that the bit you receive
is optimally configured for your specific drilling application, so you can
achieve your desired ROP and footage in time to meet your objectives.
Every new Smith Bits drill bit is designed and certified using the
IDEAS* integrated drillbit design platform, which our engineers use to
simulate and model your entire drillstring and wellbore geometry in 4D.
Seeing bit-to-rock and mill-to-metal interactions in a virtual environment
allows you to customize material design and qualify the prediction of
bit and mill performance in real time. This eliminates trial-and-error field
tests, helping you achieve desired results on the first run.

IDEAS Integrated drillbit design platform

■■ Delivers time-based 4D dynamic modeling
■■ Provides a suite of solid mechanics and programs in one platform
■■ Gives realistic representation of the entire wellbore construction
■■ Ensures accurate modeling of cutting interface designs

■■ Eliminates costly trial-and-error field tests with real-time modeling
■■ Achieves desired results in the first run
■■ Customizes bits, mills, and cutters for specific applications

Overview Drillbit modeling Mill and cutter design

IDEAS integrated drillbit design platform

Achieve results on the first run Capture full wellbore construction with detailed simulations
The IDEAS integrated design platform provides 4D, time-based The IDEAS platform simulation can incorporate modeling from a full suite
simulations that capture the entire drillstring and wellbore of tools, including RSSs, motors, turbodrills, mills, and pipe cutters. This
geometry, ensuring accurate modeling of cutting interface integrated modeling considers the geometry and weight of each drillstring
designs for drilling rock and milling metal applications. By component—from bit to surface. Every change in geometry represents
integrating a suite of solid mechanics and programs that an individual node, allowing us to evaluate dynamics at thousands of
simulate bit-to-rock and mill-to-metal interaction, you can locations within the drillstring.
quickly customize your material design in real time, eliminating
costly trial-and-error field tests so you can achieve the desired Well survey and casing information provides you with a realistic
results on the first run. representation of the entire wellbore construction. Models are
extensively verified and validated using theoretical calculations,
commercial finite-element packages, in-house and full-scale rig
tests, and field tests using MWD or downhole drilling sensors.

3 Overview Drillbit modeling Mill and cutter design

Maximize production anywhere in the world
By combining advanced technology and 4D dynamic modeling capabilities, the IDEAS platform performs
more than 50,000 simulations each month for customers worldwide. This combination ensures you will
receive optimized bits, reamers, mills, pipe cutters, and drilling parameters that enhance your production,
regardless of location.



Overview Drillbit modeling Mill and cutter design

Drillbit modeling

Simulate any bit type using bit-to-rock interaction modeling

Our rock library comprises a broad catalog of rock samples collected from customers’ fields, including
shale, sandstone, carbonates, evaporates, metamorphic granite, and basalt rock types. By constantly
expanding our collection, we can identify the best rock model and provide you with the optimal match
to the field rocks’ compressive strength, ROP, and surface parameters. In addition, our rock mechanics
lab provides scrape and insert indentation tests that allow the IDEAS platform to simulate any bit
type, ensuring accurate modeling of bit/rock interaction.

The scrape tests, performed with PDC cutters on rock samples, replicate the shearing mechanism
on PDC bits. On each test, the exhibited forces on the cutters and various depth-of-cut take into
account WOB, back rake, and side rake angles. The tests are conducted with forces up to 9,000 psi
to simulate overburden pressures that might be encountered in the reservoir. These experiments
can also be performed on reamers and eccentric bit cutting structure configurations.

To capture the bit/rock interaction of TCI roller-cone bits, insert indentation tests are used to
measure the loads required to penetrate the rock at different depths. Then, we produce a 3D
image so that the volume of rock removed is accurately measured and integrated into your bit
designs. The realistic model shows how the bits destroy rock, giving you a better understanding
of unconventional roller-cone designs, such as one-cone, two-cone, and high-shear bits.

5 Overview Drillbit modeling Mill and cutter design

Overview Drillbit modeling Mill and cutter design
Drillbit modeling Standard

Achieve higher drilling performance In development wells that require minimal adjustments, we use proven
with a selection of design methods drillbit designs enhanced through selective feature changes.
The design process begins by establishing
the baseline performance and outlining
■■ Gauge pad geometry, length, or taper can be modified to alter bit stability.
your objectives in terms of drillbit durability, ■■ The managed depth of cut (MDOC) incorporated into the blade tops
vibration, steerability, and ROP. Once your of PDC bits can be customized to reduce torque variation.
drilling objectives are determined, we ■■ SHARC* high-abrasion-resistance PDC drill bit backup cutters, which
incorporate the simulations by conducting provide greater drillbit durability in reservoirs with high wear rates,
studies using one of three primary methods. can be applied to one or more blades.
■■ Stinger* conical diamond element can be inserted into the middle of PDC
bits or across the bit face for improved ROP and drillbit durability.
■■ The i-Design* interactive drillbit design customization allows
simulating multiple bit runs in real time for instant feedback, reducing
delivery time from bit conception to rig site.

7 Overview Drillbit modeling Mill and cutter design

Intermediate Complex

This method is used when the ideal bit type exists within our product In deepwater or exploration wells with minimal offset information,
lines and has performed in similar applications with exceptional drilling performance can be difficult to predict. To ensure that
results. Smith Bits, a Schlumberger company, has thousands of bit a new drillbit design meets your objectives, design changes are
designs across many product lines, which means that the ideal product made to the primary cutting structure, altering the position or shape
might already exist. Using the drilling record system, you can explore of the bit’s primary cutting elements.
millions of bit records from around the world and identify bits used in
similar applications. Together, we can analyze how other bits have We then create new cutting structure layouts and compare them to
performed in environments similar to yours. Once the ideal design is the baseline product’s performance by evaluating simulation outputs.
identified, additional studies are conducted using standard-tier methods.

0 110

1,000 100
2,000  90

3,000 86.9 80

4,000  70
 
 71.7
ROP, ft/h
Depth, ft

68.0  68.0
5,000 65.3 60
6,000 50
7,000 40
1,377 734
8,000 1,512 30
1,530 1,530
808 1,592
9,000 20
1,815 10
11,000 0

Overview Drillbit modeling Mill and cutter design

Case Study

StingBlade Bits Save More Than 5 Days in the

Browse Basin, Offshore Australia
Challenging section adds time Engineers used the IDEAS integrated drillbit
and cost to the well design platform to determine the optimal
An operator planned to drill a 12¼-in vertical placement of Stinger elements across the bit
section in the Browse basin offshore Australia face. The Stinger elements’ 3D conical shape is
through the challenging Dampier, Heywood, designed to fail high-compressive-strength rock
Baudin Marl, and Wollaston Formations. These with a concentrated point load. The elements
formations are composed of interbedded hard also have a thicker diamond layer for maximum
limestones and chert with high compressive strength and durability, enabling farther drilling
strengths, which induce heavy damage to in abrasive formations.
conventional PDC bits. Such damage slows ROP
and requires the operator to pull bits prematurely,
Improved ROP saves more than 5 days
The first StingBlade bit drilled 1,516 m at
requiring more time to drill the section.
11 m/h, equaling 97% more footage than the
Customized StingBlade bits optimize best run in the same section of the offset well.
drilling performance ROP also improved by 57% in this run. The
Smith Bits, a Schlumberger company, second StingBlade bit drilled the remaining
recommended using StingBlade* conical section to TD at an average ROP of 16 m/h.
diamond element bits, which include Altogether, the two StingBlade bits helped the
Stinger elements across the bit face. operator save more than 5 days of drilling time.

2,300 – 18

 – 16
– 14

– 12
3,300 767 
Footage, m

ROP, m/h
11 – 10
1,516 –8
 727 –6
4,300 6
 –4


ROP Offset StingBlade bit

Drilling the 1,516-m interval at 11-m/h ROP and the remaining section at 16-m/h
ROP enabled the operator to save 5 days of drilling time.

Overview Drillbit modeling Mill and cutter design

Mill and cutter design

Ensure accurate modeling of cutter designs

The IDEAS platform is the only milling simulator that dynamically models the interaction of individual
cutting structure components and metal from an extensive catalog library that includes a broad
portfolio of common casing and tubular materials. In addition to the core metal samples, scrape and
insert indentation tests provided by the mechanics lab enable us to simulate any mill type, ensuring
accurate modeling of mill-to-metal interaction.

The scrape tests are done on metal casing samples to replicate the shearing mechanism from
milling. On each test, the exhibited forces on the casing and various depth-of-cut are performed to
account for WOB, back rake, and side rake angles. The tests are conducted with forces to simulate
overburden pressures that might be encountered in the reservoir. These experiments enable us to
build a full spectrum of shearing models that are used in actual mill designs.

11 Overview Drillbit modeling Mill and cutter design

To capture the mill-to-metal interaction, insert
indentation tests are performed to measure
the loads required to penetrate the metal at
various depths. A 3D image is then produced so
that the volume of metal removed is accurately
measured and integrated into the mill designs
to develop a realistic model of how the material
destroys metal.

Overview Drillbit modeling Mill and cutter design

Case Study

Customized Bit with ONYX 360 Cutters Increases

Run Footage 57% in Granite Wash Formation
Abrasive formation shortens cutter life Customized bit with rotating cutters
An operator was experiencing difficulty trying increases durability
to drill 6⅛-in, 5,000-ft lateral gas well sections In answer to the operator’s bit durability
through the abrasive reservoir sand that challenge, Smith Bits recommended using
characterizes the Texas Panhandle’s Granite ONYX 360* rolling PDC cutters and used the
Wash Formation. The PDC bits being used were IDEAS platform to position the rolling cutters
incurring worn, chipped, and broken cutters. in the areas of the bit’s cutting structure with
Beyond these dull characteristics, damage to the highest predicted wear.
the bit’s cutting structure quickly reduced ROP
to unacceptable levels. In some cases, these To integrate the rolling cutter into a PDC bit’s
conditions were forcing the operator to trip cutting structure, a robust housing is brazed
for a new bit after drilling less than 65 ft. into the bit blade that encloses and secures the
cutter while allowing it to rotate. The rolling
cutter’s orientation in the bit blade relative to
its contact with the formation, coupled with the
bit’s drilling force, drives efficient rotation of the
cutter. And because the entire diamond edge
of the cutter is used, wear is reduced to allow
more sustained rates of penetration and fewer

bit replacement trips.
MSiR613 MSi613 MSi713 MSi613 Other bit MSi611 Other bit Other bit
Significantly increased run footage 10,000 30
A 6⅛-in MSiR613 PDC bit fitted with seven
ONYX 360 rolling cutters drilled 1,562 ft of the 25
11,000 25
5,113-ft Granite Wash lateral at an approximate
inclination of 90° and at an ROP of 25 ft/h. The
average dull condition of the fixed-cutter-only 12,000 20
1,562 17
bits used to drill the same formation was graded 15

ROP, ft/h
Depth, ft

6-3, while the bit with ONYX 360 cutters graded 540 14
13,000 13 15
3-1. When compared with the best drilling
performance by a fixed-cutter-only bit in the 996 63
same lateral well, the PDC bit with ONYX 360 14,000 10
10 495 115
rolling cutters had a 44% greater ROP and
drilled 57% more footage. 15,000 7 6 675 5

The 6 1⁄8-in MSiR613 PDC bit drilled 1,562 ft in the 667

hard and abrasive Granite Wash Formation at an 16,000 0
approximate inclination of 90°. When compared with
the best drilling performance by a fixed-cutter-only bit Depth in ROP, ft/h ONYX 360 bit Smith Bits PDC bits Other bits
in the same lateral well, the PDC bit with ONYX 360
rolling cutters reported an average ROP increase of
44% and a run length increase of 57%.

Overview Drillbit Mill and cutter

To find out more about the IDEAS integrated design platform,

The IDEAS integrated design platform is a suite of solid i-DRILL

mechanics and programs that enables you to customize Engineered drilling
material design in real time. system design
Benefits ONYX 360
■■ Eliminates costly trial-and-error field tests Rolling PDC cutter
with real-time modeling
■■ Achieves desired results on the first run
Conical diamond element
■■ Customizes bits, mills, and cutters for specific applications

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 13-BT-0071

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