Acte CC Paper Final
Acte CC Paper Final
Acte CC Paper Final
Setting Students on
the Path to Success
Setting Students on the Path to Success
Executive Summary
Research has identified middle school
Research has identified middle school as a time when students
can benefit the most from career exploration, a process of as a time when students can benefit
building self-awareness, learning about potential careers, and the most from career exploration.
developing a plan for reaching future goals. Career exploration
engages middle school students at a time when they are at
a higher risk for disengaging from learning due to challenges
in forming identity, coping with puberty and navigating new Middle-grades students have further opportunities to explore
environments. It also capitalizes on their developing abilities to future options through career and technical student organiza-
think abstractly, and their preferences for teamwork and active tions (CTSOs) and work-based learning activities. An intracur-
learning through relevant real-life scenarios. These preferences ricular element of many CTE programs, CTSOs help students
make middle school a natural time for students to learn about develop leadership skills and connect with business leaders
careers and develop skills such as problem solving, critical through service activities and industry-based competitions.
thinking and teamwork through career exploration activities. Students can also interact with employers though workplace
tours, job shadowing and other work-based learning activities.
While career exploration has proven benefits for middle-grades
students, programs and activities can be difficult to implement To help teachers, counselors and administrators implement
due to a lack of funding, a focus on core academic courses and improve these practices at the program, school and
and overburdened school counselors. Educators, adminis- district levels, ACTE recommends the following:
trators and counselors have developed a variety of flexible
practices to overcome these barriers. 1. Incorporate career-related project-based learning
in the classroom.
A key way career exploration is provided to middle school 2. D
esign projects and activities to develop employability skills.
students is through exploratory and introductory CTE cours-
3. Be flexible when offering exploratory and introductory
es. These courses help students identify careers of interest CTE courses.
and develop employability skills that will serve them in fur-
ther education and the workplace. They can be delivered in 4. Facilitate academic and career planning with scalable
online tools.
various ways, from yearlong classes that address all 16 Career
Clusters to semester-length courses in one broad career area, 5. Enable short-term interactions with business and
with the common goal to provide opportunities for students community leaders.
to learn about career and education pathways and to build 6. Provide opportunities for CTSO participation, including
employability skills. financial support when needed.
Middle school students can also craft personalized education While these recommendations focus on strategies at the local
and career plans, in collaboration with parents, counselors level, states play a major role in ensuring access to career
and teachers, to help guide decisions about future course-tak- exploration in the middle grades, as evidenced by recent state
ing and potential careers. Scalable technology like Career legislation. Policymakers at all levels should work to ensure
Cruising can support and enhance this planning while keeping their states recognize the critical importance of middle-grades
students options open. career exploration and embrace supportive policies.
Setting Students on the Path to Success
Setting Students on the Path to Success
T he more that students participate in career and technical Historically, the education system has struggled with how to
student organizations (CTSOs)an integral intracurricular educate early adolescents moving from childhood to young
component of many CTE programs that features compet- adulthood. In the latter half of the last century, the U.S. edu-
itive events, business and community partnerships, and cation system transitioned from junior high schools teaching a
leadership experiencesthe higher their academic moti- curriculum that mirrored a high school curriculum, to middle
vation and engagement, grades, employability skills, career schools, which focused on an interdisciplinary curriculum,
self-efficacy and college aspirations.15 exploration and supportive relationships.21 There were almost
Work-based learning has been found to help students gain 12,000 middle schools in the nation at the beginning of the
an understanding of the work environment, increase moti- 21st century.22
vation, support work readiness, enhance job-related skills
and knowledge, improve school attendance and reduce However, the philosophy of middle school as a developmental
dropout rates.16 space for early adolescents has increasingly conflicted with
Students who participate in career guidance, career cours- pressure to improve test scores. Some middle schools have
es and computer-based guidance systems demonstrate responded by reducing time for electives and guidance activ-
greater knowledge of jobs, higher self-esteem and better ities, including career exploration.23 And while CTE is gaining
grades, and are engaged more in career and academic popularity, some parents and educators still think that building
planning.17 students career skills relegates them to a separate track for
the non-college-bound.24
Making (or makerspaces) is a related concept to
CTE that prioritizes hands-on learning to build creativity, A lack of school counselors also impairs career exploration in
open-mindedness, persistence, social responsibility and middle school and across the education pipeline. Counselors
teamwork.18 and other guidance and career development professionals as-
sist students with self-exploration and future planning, and are
CTE is also a key strategy identified by the National Dropout instrumental in supporting career exploration in the classroom
Prevention Center/Network at Clemson University. Research and through extended learning experiences like work-based
shows that CTE and career guidance help keep students in learning and CTSOs. Yet the national average for the ratio of
school and positively impact student persistence.19 In fact, 81 counselors to students is 1:491, almost double that recom-
percent of students who left high school without a diploma mended by the American School Counselor Association.25
reported that relevant, real-world learning opportunities would
have kept them in schoola particularly relevant number Middle schools also have financial challenges, receiving just 8
given the research that suggests many students begin disen- percent of the federal funding that postsecondary education
gaging in middle school.20 received in Fiscal Year 2015.26 Federal funds apportioned
to states through the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical
Barriers to Middle School Career Exploration Education Act support career exploration in middle school;
however, Perkins funding for states has been maintained at
Career exploration has proven benefits for middle-grades or near $1.1 billion for several years, about $150 million less
students, but educators, counselors and administrators face than Fiscal Year 2010 levels. Perkins funding is also more
challenges in providing exploration activities. likely to be distributed to high school CTE programs.
Setting Students on the Path to Success
These funding struggles translate to barriers for career explo- Students in Indiana take the Exploring College and Careers
ration, including costs associated with technology and other course in middle school, investigating their interests, strengths
resources.27 Extended learning experiences can also be ham- and goals in relationship to the Career Clusters and Indianas
pered by a lack of funds, as well as policies that discourage College and Career Pathways. Activities typically include com-
off-site activities due to safety and liability concerns. pleting interest inventories, meeting in-person and virtually
with business and military representatives, creating resumes
To overcome these barriers, educators and administrators and cover letters, discussing postsecondary options and
have developed a variety of flexible practices for middle school setting goals. Students may also create and compare budgets
career exploration, including exploratory and introductory based on the average income they can expect to earn with
CTE courses, career and academic planning through scalable different levels of education.30
technology, CTSOs and work-based learning experiences.
Fairfax County in Virginia offers middle school courses in three
broad career areas: business and IT, family and consumer
Exploratory and Introductory CTE Courses sciences (FACS) and technology and engineering. In tech-
CTE courses in middle school help students explore within the nology and engineering courses, students explore careers in
16 Career Clusters of the National Career Clusters Frame- these fields while beginning to learn the design process and
work, which encompasses more than 79 education and how to solve problems with technology. Students work individ-
career pathways.28 This learning engages students in identify- ually and in groups on activities such as building bridges and
ing careers of interest and developing employability skills for racing dragsters.31
further education and the workplace.
Project-based learning, a fundamental CTE instructional
Middle school CTE courses can be delivered in a variety of strategy, is often used in middle school career exploration.
ways to meet student needs while taking into account school Students develop their knowledge and skills by working on
resources and capacity. Some middle schools may offer a a project, problem or question with real-world relevance. In
course that explores all 16 Career Clusters, while others may West County Middle School in Missouri, eighth-graders spend
provide courses that introduce students to one, two or three the year investigating a career that interests them and prepar-
broad career areas. Introductory courses may also lead direct- ing related materials like resumes.32 The Career Town program
ly into specific CTE programs of study in nearby high schools. culminates in an event where students present their career of
In addition, career development lessons can be split up and choice in front of parents and representatives from local job
integrated across the curriculum. centers and colleges.
Minimal data is available on how many students participate in Employability skills are often incorporated into these courses
these types of courses; however, a Cornell University Center as well. At Morrison High School, a rural school for grades
for Advanced Human Resource Studies report estimates that, seven to twelve in Oklahoma, students can explore FACS,
on average, a middle school student at the beginning of the business and agriculture. These courses emphasize career
21st century participated in around one year of introductory awareness, motivating students to develop strong work habits
CTE coursework.29 to help them transition to more in-depth CTE programs in
Setting Students on the Path to Success
higher grades. Interpersonal, communication and social Tennessee has developed a middle school STEM sequence
skills are key, and students are evaluated on their work ethic, of three courses that foster technical, academic and employ-
behavior and accountability. Alumni report that this approach ability skills through career exploration. The introductory
has contributed to their success in the workplace.33 course, STEM Explorers, teaches sixth-grade students how
workers in STEM fields define and solve problems to benefit
While exploratory and introductory CTE courses can be society. Students also research a wide variety of Career
structured in different ways, they should all incorporate Clusters and participate in activities like creating models
academic and technical content with real-world relevance, of manufacturing processes or collecting, graphing and
supported by project-based learning, technology, and oppor- analyzing health care data. STEM Explorers emphasizes
tunities to learn about various careers and education path- the importance of problem-solving skills and gives students
ways.34 These courses should also be integrated with strong practice in reading, interpreting and applying workplace
career guidance systems. safety rules.
Career and Academic Planning In the next course in the sequence, STEM Innovators,
seventh-graders research how famous innovators have
Students often begin crafting personalized education and used STEM to advance industry and society, as well as how
career plans in middle school to help guide decisions about technology has advanced within specific Career Clusters.
future course-taking and career exploration. The plans are They examine innovation processes and propose improve-
known by many names, including individualized graduation ments to existing products such as wind turbines. Students
and learning plans, and are typically developed in collabora- finish the course with projects like creating 3D printing
tion with counselors, educators and parents. Career develop- models or developing proposals to host makerspace
ment technology can enhance this planning, offering tools that events.
can be flexibly configured and scaled to meet local, state and
regional needs. The final middle school course, STEM Designers, rein-
forces the problem-solving skills that the STEM Explorers
According to research from the National Collaborative on course introduced, with a greater focus on using compu-
Workforce and Disability for Youth, individualized learning tational thinking and evidence-based arguments. Eighth-
plans are a promising strategy for all students when they are grade students evaluate and improve existing engineering
implemented starting in middle school; incorporate a web- design processes, and address engineering challenges
based career information system with an e-portfolio; and related to specific objectsbridges, for exampleby
include opportunities for self and career exploration, work- developing sketches and models.
based learning and the development of employability skills.36
The National Association of Secondary School Principals also The latter two courses in the middle school STEM se-
recommends that middle school students start developing quence maintain the focus on employability skills while
individualized graduation plans in middle school.37 delving deeper into STEM content. Austin Christian, an
eighth-grader at Christiana Middle School, says the STEM
Starting in the 2017-2018 school year, students in Wisconsin program teaches life skills, while teacher Dawn Powell
must have access to the states academic and career planning shares how students have been inspired by seeing a
project, such as building and launching a rocket, through
to its outcome.35
Setting Students on the Path to Success
Students in Virginia are required by a 2009 regulation to (ACP) services by grade six.38 ACP is a collaborative process
develop an Academic and Career Plan beginning in the that helps students make choices that align with high school
seventh grade.40 Seventh-graders select a Career Cluster graduation requirements, personal interests and career goals.
that will guide their high school course selection and make It also incorporates an online portfolio that documents the stu-
preliminary plans regarding postsecondary education and dents plan and relevant activities. ACP is a holistic approach
credentials, including industry certifications. This planning to education and career development, with implementation
is based on interest inventories, self-exploration activities options at the local level.
and conversations with parents, counselors and teachers.
In Wisconsins DeForest Area School District, students start
Through the planning process, the Virginia Department of participating in ACP as early as the fifth grade, reflecting on
Education (VDOE) hopes to promote students understand- their skills, hobbies, interests and role models. This early plan-
ing of how their education choices impact their long-term ning builds upon engagement with business representatives
career choices, as well as how behaviors such as punc- during elementary school through the Adopt-a-Class program.
tuality, courtesy, language and hard work are essential to Students continue to explore throughout middle school, and
success in the job market. Students are also encouraged in eighth grade, they meet with counselors and parents to
to demonstrate initiative, teamwork, problem-solving, choose a preferred Career Cluster and discuss high school
organization and communication competencies. and postsecondary options.39
The VDOE provides resources to teachers, counselors and Career Cruising, an online exploration and planning program
administrators on how middle schools can incorporate that supports future readiness, is Wisconsins preferred
academic and career planning into daily instruction. The third-party technology provider to support ACP. Students learn
Department has partnered with the Southern Regional Ed- about themselves and potential careers through interest, skills
ucation Board to provide middle and high school staff with and learning styles inventories; an ability profiler; in-depth
professional development workshops through the Counsel- information on education, careers and job outlook; and an
ing for Careers program. Counseling for Careers strategies online portfolio.
help educators and counselors better personalize students
Academic and Career Plan learning experiences to make Flexibility is key to education and career planning in middle
developing these plans more meaningful.41 According to and high school, and learning plans should be revisited reg-
Jason Suhr of Roanoke County Public Schools, Virginias ularly in light of new experiences. Online tools can help guide
academic and career planning encourages a high level of decision-making about future options while keeping students
student involvement, which is key to encouraging buy-in for open to multiple pathways.
the student.42
Extended Learning: CTSOs and
Work-based Learning
Middle school students have further opportunities to explore
careers and develop employability skills through CTSOs and
work-based learning experiences.
Setting Students on the Path to Success
An intracurricular element of many CTE programs, CTSOs The Inspire Sheboygan County program has been connect-
support and expand on what students learn in their CTE ing Wisconsin middle school students, employers and the
courses through community service and industry-based com- community to mutual benefit since 2013, powered by Inspire
petitive events at the local, state and national levels. CTSOs by Career Cruising. Through this cloud-based platform, com-
help students build their skills in creativity, problem solving panies can share information about themselves and their
and teamwork and set goals based on an understanding of work-based learning opportunities; students can learn from
their career values, interests and strengths. More than 2 mil- volunteer career coaches using discussion boards and mes-
lion middle, high school and postsecondary students partic- saging tools; and employers and students can connect for
ipate nationwide in 11 CTSOs that each map to one or more interviews, job shadowing, workplace tours and internships.
Career Clusters.43
Inspire Sheboygan County now has 71 participating busi-
Students in CTSOs cultivate their knowledge about the work- nesses, almost 400 volunteer career coaches and more
place by interacting with local employers, who act as men- than 10,000 active student portfolios, spanning middle
tors and judges for competitions, and with CTSO teacher-ad- school, high school and postsecondary education.47 This
visers. CTSOs also offer activities to build the confidence and growth is supported by a committee that shares metrics
leadership skills of middle-grades students specifically. For and resources for member businesses, who pay an annual
instance, in Future Business Leaders of Americas (FBLAs) fee based on size.
Middle Level division, the Middle Level Achievement Pro-
gram rewards junior high and middle school members when Through Inspire Sheboygan County more students are
they complete activities in the areas of service, education asking professionals for career advice and participating in
and leadership. work-based learning, according to school administrators.
Frequently, career fairs and guest speakers lead to job
In addition to working with industry representatives through shadowing experiences. With students exploring career
CTSO activities, middle school students can connect with options and employers identifying their future workforce,
employers both in and out of the classroom though introduc- it is a win-win situation. According to Colleen Vollbrecht
tory work-based learning experiences like workplace tours, of Rockline Industries, [Inspire Sheboygan County] drives
guest speakers and job shadowing.44 These typically short- collaboration between school systems and businesses to
term interactions build a base of knowledge and experience ensure we are meeting the needs of the students in our
for more intensive secondary and postsecondary work-based community and the future needs of our businesses.48
learning experiences.
Setting Students on the Path to Success
solve problems for people and communities. Volunteers from 1. Incorporate career-related project-based learning
local or national corporate partners speak in classrooms; in the classroom.
host site visits; and work as coaches, mentors and judges Project-based learning is a fundamental CTE instructional
for NFTEs Business Expo, at which students present their approach that can engage middle-grades students in learn-
business concepts.45 ing about careers. To make projects relevant for middle
schoolers, teachers should start with a topic that is person-
Job shadowing is another option for middle school career ally meaningful to students and grounded in their choices,
exploration, in which students spend the day with an adult such as developing a product or process used in a career
on the job, observing and participating in daily activities. that interests them.49 High-quality projects also generate
This short-term activity brings students together with busi- questions for students to investigate, incorporate feedback
ness leaders to cultivate interest in occupations and increase and revision, result in presentations that build oral commu-
knowledge of the work inherent in these jobs. Since passage nication skills and pave the way for further exploration.50
of the Education and Economic Development Act in South
Carolina in 2005, a landmark piece of state legislation ad- 2. D
esign projects and activities to develop
dressing CTE and career guidance, employers in that state employability skills.
have hosted more than 125,000 students per year during Projects and other activities should foster employability
CTE Month and Groundhog Job Shadow Days, supported by skills, as students assess the skills and knowledge needed
resources that emphasize preparation, effective communica- for a project, collaborate with others and solve any issues
tion, workplace safety and behavior, and reflection after the that occur. Students also learn proper workplace behavior
fact.46 And, when job shadowing is more difficult to access when classrooms and laboratories mimic the rules and cul-
for instance, in rural areas or for careers that raise safety and ture of the related work environment. In addition, students
liability concernsstudents can take advantage of virtual job can learn to be conscious about career decision-making
shadowing experiences. another skill with lifelong valuewhen counselors and
educators help them think critically about their interests,
Recommendations for Practitioners abilities and goals.
Setting Students on the Path to Success
4. Facilitate academic and career planning finances are an issue, administrators may turn to the Per-
with scalable online tools. kins Act, which can permit state and local funds to be used
Online planning and exploration programs support for CTSOs. Some states also have specific funding for CTSO
middle school career exploration with a trove of up-to- activities, and other opportunities may be available through
date information on education, careers and employment grants and partner investments.53
and wage projections. These programs also incorporate
online inventories and assessments to help students
learn about their skills, strengths and interests and
Supportive State Policies
match them with potential occupations. Incorporating While the above recommendations focus on strategies at the
web-based planning systems across a districts K-12 local level, states have a major role to play in ensuring ac-
programs can make it easier for counselors, teachers, cess to career exploration in the middle grades. Many states
students and parents to get the information they need, in recent years have focused on strengthening middle school
while deepening the planning process through interactiv- CTE and career guidance. For example, Ohio requires all dis-
ity, personalization and immediate feedback that engag- tricts to provide career guidance throughout middle school
es participants.51 Parents particularly benefit from being and CTE courses during seventh and eighth grade, while
informed and engaged in planning, and their support legislation in Washington directs middle schools to offer CTE
for this process can help their students see the value in and funds middle school CTE programs in STEM fields of
academic and career plans. study at the same rate as high school CTE programs.54 A
number of states have also expanded access to career guid-
5. Enable short-term interactions with business ance and planning into the middle grades, including Florida,
and community leaders. Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, North Dakota, South Carolina,
Short-term interactions with employers, such as guest Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin.55
speakers, site visits and job shadowing, can introduce
middle school students to a variety of careers and the Teachers, counselors, administrators and CTE advocates can
demands of the workplace in a low-stakes way, setting the have a voice in this process by:
stage for more demanding activities like internships and staying abreast of the middle-grades CTE policy develop-
apprenticeships. In addition, multiple, shorter experiences ments in their states
can show students that all careers have value, while being learning how funding from the Perkins Act and the federal
easier for administrators, teachers and business represen- Every Student Succeeds Act, as well as relevant state pro-
tatives to coordinate. grams, can be used at the middle grades
advocating for the continued support and expansion of mid-
6. Provide opportunities for CTSO participation, dle-grades CTE and career guidance, including the award-
including financial support when needed. ing of high school credit for middle school CTE coursework,
CTSOs help students build employability skills and interact where appropriate
with business and community leaders through competitive
events and service activities. However, students can strug- Policymakers at all levels should work to ensure their states
gle to participate due to financial or transportation issues, recognize the critical importance of middle-grades career
and schools may have trouble funding CTSO activities.52 If exploration and embrace supportive policies.
Setting Students on the Path to Success
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